RooNDKeysPdf.h File Reference

#include "RooAbsPdf.h"
#include "RooRealProxy.h"
#include "RooSetProxy.h"
#include "RooRealConstant.h"
#include "TVectorD.h"
#include "TMatrixD.h"
#include "TMatrixDSym.h"
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  VecVecDouble
class  VecTVecDouble
class  RooNDKeysPdf
struct  RooNDKeysPdf::BoxInfo
struct  RooNDKeysPdf::SorterTV_L2H
 sorter function More...


typedef std::pair< Int_t,
VecVecDouble::iterator > 
typedef std::vector< iiPairiiVec
typedef std::pair< Int_t,
VecTVecDouble::iterator > 
typedef std::vector< itPairitVec

Typedef Documentation

typedef std::pair<Int_t, VecVecDouble::iterator > iiPair

Definition at line 38 of file RooNDKeysPdf.h.

typedef std::vector< iiPair > iiVec

Definition at line 39 of file RooNDKeysPdf.h.

typedef std::pair<Int_t, VecTVecDouble::iterator > itPair

Definition at line 40 of file RooNDKeysPdf.h.

typedef std::vector< itPair > itVec

Definition at line 41 of file RooNDKeysPdf.h.

Generated on Tue Jul 5 16:04:20 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1