TMemStatBacktrace.h File Reference

#include "Rtypes.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  memstat


#define _INIT_TOP_STACK   extern void *g_global_stack_end;
#define _GET_CALLER_FRAME_ADDR   g_global_stack_end = __builtin_frame_address(1);


size_t memstat::getBacktrace (void **_trace, size_t _size, Bool_t _bUseGNUBuiltinBacktrace=kFALSE)
int memstat::getSymbols (void *_pAddr, TString &_strInfo, TString &_strLib, TString &_strSymbol)
void memstat::getSymbolFullInfo (void *_pAddr, TString *_retInfo, const char *const _seporator=" | ")
void memstat::demangle (char *_codeInfo, TString &_str)

Define Documentation

#define _GET_CALLER_FRAME_ADDR   g_global_stack_end = __builtin_frame_address(1);

Definition at line 15 of file TMemStatBacktrace.h.

Referenced by TMemStat::TMemStat().

#define _INIT_TOP_STACK   extern void *g_global_stack_end;

Definition at line 14 of file TMemStatBacktrace.h.

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