mmalloc.h File Reference

#include "mmconfig.h"
#include <stddef.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


#define MMALLOC_H   1
#define PTR   void *
#define PARAMS(paramlist)   paramlist


PTR mmalloc PARAMS ((PTR, size_t))
PTR mrealloc PARAMS ((PTR, PTR, size_t))
PTR mcalloc PARAMS ((PTR, size_t, size_t))
void mfree PARAMS ((PTR, PTR))
int mmcheck PARAMS ((PTR, void(*)(void)))
mstats mmstats PARAMS ((PTR))
PTR mmalloc_attach PARAMS ((int, PTR, int))
int mmalloc_setkey PARAMS ((PTR, int, PTR))
PTR mmalloc_getkey PARAMS ((PTR, int))
int mmtrace PARAMS ((void))

Define Documentation

#define MMALLOC_H   1

Definition at line 13 of file mmalloc.h.

#define PARAMS ( paramlist   )     paramlist

Definition at line 30 of file mmalloc.h.

#define PTR   void *

Definition at line 29 of file mmalloc.h.

Function Documentation

int mmtrace PARAMS ( (void)   ) 

PTR mmalloc_getkey PARAMS ( (PTR, int)   ) 

int mmalloc_setkey PARAMS ( (PTR, int, PTR)   ) 

PTR mmalloc_attach PARAMS ( (int, PTR, int)   ) 

struct mstats mmstats PARAMS ( (PTR)   ) 

int mmcheck PARAMS ( (PTR, void(*)(void))   ) 

void mfree PARAMS ( (PTR, PTR)   ) 

PTR mcalloc PARAMS ( (PTR, size_t, size_t  ) 

PTR mrealloc PARAMS ( (PTR, PTR, size_t  ) 

PTR mmalloc PARAMS ( (PTR, size_t  ) 

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