x3d.h File Reference

#include "X3DDefs.h"
#include <X11/Xlib.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  XSEGMENT
struct  OINFO
struct  GINFO


#define RClipWithRight   6
#define RClipWithLeft   5
#define PointBehind   4
#define BClipWithRight   3
#define BClipWithLeft   2
#define ClipWithRight   3
#define ClipWithLeft   2
#define ClipWithBottom   1
#define ClipWithTop   0
#define RRight   (1 << RClipWithRight)
#define RLeft   (1 << RClipWithLeft)
#define Behind   (1 << PointBehind)
#define BRight   (1 << BClipWithRight)
#define BLeft   (1 << BClipWithLeft)
#define Right   (1 << ClipWithRight)
#define Left   (1 << ClipWithLeft)
#define Bottom   (1 << ClipWithBottom)
#define Top   (1 << ClipWithTop)
#define Bmask   (~BRight & ~BLeft)
#define Rmask   (~RRight & ~RLeft)
#define RBmask   (Rmask & Bmask)
#define RLeftRight   (RRight | RLeft)
#define ALLmask   (RRight | RLeft | Behind | BRight | BLeft | Bottom | Top )
#define NUMBOUNDS   8
#define NUMSTIPPLES   17
#define MAXVALUE   6
#define VALUESCALE   51
#define MAXCOLORDIST   (443.40501)
#define STIPPLESIZE   4
#define BITSPERBYTE   8
#define MAXCOLORS   256
#define MAXLINE   8192
#define MAXOPTIONLEN   256
#define TMPSTRLEN   16
#define SMALLMOVEMENT   40000
#define POINTERRATIO   0.007
#define MARGIN   30
#define TWOPI   6.2831853
#define EIGHTBIT   8
#define POSTSCRIPT   1
#define HPGL   0
#define HELPLINES   40
#define MAXSTACK   100
#define STOP   10
#define EOK   0
#define ERROR   -1
#define FONT   "9x15"
#define TITLEFONT   "12x24"
#define BOLDFONT   "9x15bold"
#define FIXED   "fixed"
#define BW   1
#define STEREO   2
#define COLOR   3
#define WIREFRAME   1
#define HIDDENLINE   2
#define SOLID   3
#define ONE   1
#define EIGHT   8
#define MAX_COLORS   232
#define BUFFER_CMAP   11
#define BUFFER0   240
#define BUFFER1   15
#define ENDS_INTERSECT   3
#define SAME   2
#define ABOVE   1
#define INTERSECT   0
#define BELOW   -1
#define clipWithBottom(x, y, dx, dy, V)   { x -= ((dx * (V+y)) / dy); y = -V; }
#define clipWithTop(x, y, dx, dy, V)   { x += ((dx * (V-y)) / dy); y = V; }
#define clipWithLeftSide(x, y, dx, dy, H)   { y -= ((dy * (H+x)) / dx); x = -H; }
#define clipWithRightSide(x, y, dx, dy, H)   { y += ((dy * (H-x)) / dx); x = H; }
#define FONTHEIGHT(font)   (font->ascent + font->descent)
#define HelpPrint(g, x, y, string)
#define swapPtrs(ptr1, ptr2)
#define median5(v1, v2, v3, v4, v5)


typedef STACKELEMENT StackElement
typedef XSEGMENT xsegment
typedef ANGLEPOINT anglePoint
typedef OINFO Oinfo
typedef GINFO Ginfo

Define Documentation

#define ABOVE   1

Definition at line 131 of file x3d.h.

#define ALLmask   (RRight | RLeft | Behind | BRight | BLeft | Bottom | Top )

Definition at line 67 of file x3d.h.

#define BClipWithLeft   2

Definition at line 48 of file x3d.h.

#define BClipWithRight   3

Definition at line 47 of file x3d.h.

#define Behind   (1 << PointBehind)

Definition at line 56 of file x3d.h.

#define BELOW   -1

Definition at line 133 of file x3d.h.

#define BITSPERBYTE   8

Definition at line 75 of file x3d.h.

#define BLeft   (1 << BClipWithLeft)

Definition at line 58 of file x3d.h.

#define Bmask   (~BRight & ~BLeft)

Definition at line 63 of file x3d.h.

#define BOLDFONT   "9x15bold"

Definition at line 98 of file x3d.h.

#define Bottom   (1 << ClipWithBottom)

Definition at line 61 of file x3d.h.

#define BRight   (1 << BClipWithRight)

Definition at line 57 of file x3d.h.

#define BUFFER0   240

Definition at line 124 of file x3d.h.

#define BUFFER1   15

Definition at line 125 of file x3d.h.

#define BUFFER_CMAP   11

Definition at line 123 of file x3d.h.

#define BW   1

Definition at line 105 of file x3d.h.

#define clipWithBottom ( x,
 )     { x -= ((dx * (V+y)) / dy); y = -V; }

Definition at line 138 of file x3d.h.

#define ClipWithBottom   1

Definition at line 51 of file x3d.h.

#define ClipWithLeft   2

Definition at line 50 of file x3d.h.

#define clipWithLeftSide ( x,
 )     { y -= ((dy * (H+x)) / dx); x = -H; }

Definition at line 140 of file x3d.h.

#define ClipWithRight   3

Definition at line 49 of file x3d.h.

#define clipWithRightSide ( x,
 )     { y += ((dy * (H-x)) / dx); x = H; }

Definition at line 141 of file x3d.h.

#define clipWithTop ( x,
 )     { x += ((dx * (V-y)) / dy); y = V; }

Definition at line 139 of file x3d.h.

#define ClipWithTop   0

Definition at line 52 of file x3d.h.

#define COLOR   3

Definition at line 107 of file x3d.h.

#define EIGHT   8

Definition at line 118 of file x3d.h.

#define EIGHTBIT   8

Definition at line 85 of file x3d.h.

#define ENDS_INTERSECT   3

Definition at line 129 of file x3d.h.

#define EOK   0

Definition at line 93 of file x3d.h.

#define ERROR   -1

Definition at line 94 of file x3d.h.

#define FIXED   "fixed"

Definition at line 99 of file x3d.h.

#define FONT   "9x15"

Definition at line 96 of file x3d.h.

#define FONTHEIGHT ( font   )     (font->ascent + font->descent)

Definition at line 143 of file x3d.h.

#define HELPLINES   40

Definition at line 88 of file x3d.h.

#define HelpPrint ( g,
string   ) 


{                                        \
   XDrawString(g->dpy, g->helpWin, g->helpGc, x, y, string, strlen(string)); \
   y += FONTHEIGHT(g->font);                                               \

Definition at line 145 of file x3d.h.

#define HIDDENLINE   2

Definition at line 112 of file x3d.h.

#define HPGL   0

Definition at line 87 of file x3d.h.

#define INTERSECT   0

Definition at line 132 of file x3d.h.

#define Left   (1 << ClipWithLeft)

Definition at line 60 of file x3d.h.


Definition at line 101 of file x3d.h.

#define MARGIN   30

Definition at line 82 of file x3d.h.

#define MAX_COLORS   232

Definition at line 122 of file x3d.h.

#define MAXCOLORDIST   (443.40501)

Definition at line 73 of file x3d.h.

#define MAXCOLORS   256

Definition at line 76 of file x3d.h.

#define MAXLINE   8192

Definition at line 77 of file x3d.h.

#define MAXOPTIONLEN   256

Definition at line 78 of file x3d.h.

#define MAXSTACK   100

Definition at line 90 of file x3d.h.

#define MAXVALUE   6

Definition at line 71 of file x3d.h.

#define median5 ( v1,
v5   ) 


if((*v1)->dist < (*v2)->dist){                                    \
      swapPtrs(v1,v2)                                                \
      }                                                              \
   if((*v3)->dist < (*v4)->dist){                                    \
      swapPtrs(v3,v4)                                                \
      }                                                              \
   if((*v1)->dist < (*v3)->dist){                                    \
      swapPtrs(v1,v3)                                                \
      swapPtrs(v2,v4)                                                \
      }                                                              \
   if((*v2)->dist < (*v5)->dist){                                    \
      swapPtrs(v2,v5)                                                \
      }                                                              \
   if((*v2)->dist < (*v3)->dist){                                    \
      swapPtrs(v2,v3)                                                \
      swapPtrs(v4,v5)                                                \
      }                                                              \
   if((*v3)->dist < (*v5)->dist){                                    \
      swapPtrs(v3,v5)                                                \

Definition at line 155 of file x3d.h.

#define NUMBOUNDS   8

Definition at line 69 of file x3d.h.

#define NUMSTIPPLES   17

Definition at line 70 of file x3d.h.

#define ONE   1

Definition at line 117 of file x3d.h.

#define PointBehind   4

Definition at line 46 of file x3d.h.

#define POINTERRATIO   0.007

Definition at line 81 of file x3d.h.

#define POSTSCRIPT   1

Definition at line 86 of file x3d.h.

#define RBmask   (Rmask & Bmask)

Definition at line 65 of file x3d.h.

#define RClipWithLeft   5

Definition at line 45 of file x3d.h.

#define RClipWithRight   6

Definition at line 44 of file x3d.h.


Definition at line 84 of file x3d.h.

#define Right   (1 << ClipWithRight)

Definition at line 59 of file x3d.h.

#define RLeft   (1 << RClipWithLeft)

Definition at line 55 of file x3d.h.

#define RLeftRight   (RRight | RLeft)

Definition at line 66 of file x3d.h.

#define Rmask   (~RRight & ~RLeft)

Definition at line 64 of file x3d.h.

#define RRight   (1 << RClipWithRight)

Definition at line 54 of file x3d.h.

#define SAME   2

Definition at line 130 of file x3d.h.

#define SMALLMOVEMENT   40000

Definition at line 80 of file x3d.h.

#define SOLID   3

Definition at line 113 of file x3d.h.

#define STEREO   2

Definition at line 106 of file x3d.h.

#define STIPPLESIZE   4

Definition at line 74 of file x3d.h.

#define STOP   10

Definition at line 91 of file x3d.h.

#define swapPtrs ( ptr1,
ptr2   ) 


ptr1 = (polygon **)((long)ptr1 ^ (long)ptr2);                 \
       ptr2 = (polygon **)((long)ptr2 ^ (long)ptr1);                 \
       ptr1 = (polygon **)((long)ptr1 ^ (long)ptr2);

Definition at line 150 of file x3d.h.

#define TITLEFONT   "12x24"

Definition at line 97 of file x3d.h.

#define TMPSTRLEN   16

Definition at line 79 of file x3d.h.

#define Top   (1 << ClipWithTop)

Definition at line 62 of file x3d.h.

#define TWOPI   6.2831853

Definition at line 83 of file x3d.h.

#define VALUESCALE   51

Definition at line 72 of file x3d.h.

#define WIREFRAME   1

Definition at line 111 of file x3d.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct ANGLEPOINT anglePoint

typedef struct GINFO Ginfo

typedef struct OINFO Oinfo

typedef struct STACKELEMENT StackElement

typedef struct XSEGMENT xsegment

Generated on Tue Jul 5 16:00:26 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1