jets.C File Reference

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void write (Int_t nev=100)
void read ()
void pileup (Int_t nev=200)
void jets (Int_t nev=100, Int_t npileup=200)

Function Documentation

void jets ( Int_t  nev = 100,
Int_t  npileup = 200 

Definition at line 67 of file jets.C.

References gROOT, gSystem, TSystem::Load(), pileup(), TROOT::ProcessLine(), read, and write.

Referenced by JetEvent::AddJet().

void pileup ( Int_t  nev = 200  ) 

Definition at line 46 of file jets.C.

References TTree::GetEntries(), TTree::GetEntry(), gRandom, nentries, TTree::SetBranchAddress(), T, and TRandom::Uniform().

Referenced by jets().

void read (  ) 

Definition at line 27 of file jets.C.

References TTree::GetEntries(), TTree::GetEntry(), JetEvent::GetNhitA(), JetEvent::GetNhitB(), JetEvent::GetNjet(), JetEvent::GetNtrack(), nentries, TTree::SetBranchAddress(), and T.

void write ( Int_t  nev = 100  ) 

Definition at line 11 of file jets.C.

References TTree::Branch(), JetEvent::Build(), TTree::Fill(), TTree::Print(), T, and TTree::Write().

Generated on Tue Jul 5 16:09:38 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1