parallelcoord.C File Reference

#include "TFile.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TStyle.h"
#include "TRandom.h"
#include "TNtuple.h"
#include "TParallelCoord.h"
#include "TParallelCoordVar.h"
#include "TParallelCoordRange.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


void generate_random (Int_t i)
void parallelcoord ()


Double_t r1
Double_t r2
Double_t r3
Double_t r4
Double_t r5
Double_t r6
Double_t r7
Double_t r8
Double_t r9
Double_t dr = 3.5

Function Documentation

void generate_random ( Int_t  i  ) 

Definition at line 17 of file parallelcoord.C.

References dr, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, and r9.

Referenced by parallelcoord().

void parallelcoord (  ) 

Definition at line 29 of file parallelcoord.C.

References TParallelCoordVar::AddRange(), C, DoCcode(), TTree::Draw(), TNtuple::Fill(), generate_random(), TDirectoryFile::Get(), gLocalFile, gOptionR, gPad, gStyle, i, kOrange, kViolet, NULL, para(), r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, TStyle::SetPalette(), StartTest(), TestReport1(), and TestReport2().

Referenced by stressGraphics().

Variable Documentation

Double_t dr = 3.5

Definition at line 14 of file parallelcoord.C.

Referenced by TGColorPick::CreateDitheredImage(), TGraphPolargram::DistancetoPrimitive(), TEveCalo3DGL::DrawHighlight(), TEveCalo2DGL::DrawHighlight(), TEveDigitSetGL::DrawHighlight(), TEvePolygonSetProjectedGL::DrawHighlight(), TEveCaloLegoGL::DrawHighlight(), TGLLogicalShape::DrawHighlight(), TGHtml::DrawTableBgnd(), TPie::ExecuteEvent(), gdk_color_context_get_index_from_palette(), gdk_color_context_get_pixel_from_palette(), generate_random(), TASImage::GetPolygonSpans(), gtime(), myfcn(), TGraphPainter::PaintGraphPolar(), TColorWheel::PaintRectangles(), TGLCameraGuide::Render(), TGeoHype::SafetyToHype(), TColor::SetRGB(), slice_scanline(), and waves().

TRandom* r

Definition at line 15 of file parallelcoord.C.

Double_t r1

Definition at line 13 of file parallelcoord.C.

Double_t r2

Definition at line 13 of file parallelcoord.C.

Double_t r3

Definition at line 13 of file parallelcoord.C.

Double_t r4

Definition at line 13 of file parallelcoord.C.

Referenced by TSpectrum3::Background(), TSpectrumFit::Derderi0(), TSpectrumFit::Derdersigma(), TSpectrumFit::Deri0(), TSpectrumFit::Dersigma(), RooBukinPdf::evaluate(), generate_random(), gsl_poly_complex_solve_quartic(), main(), parallelcoord(), TUnfoldSys::PrepareUncorrEmat(), TSpectrum3::SearchFast(), TSpectrum3::SearchHighRes(), TestLorentzVector(), testRotation(), and TestVector3().

Double_t r5

Definition at line 13 of file parallelcoord.C.

Referenced by TSpectrum3::Background(), RooBukinPdf::evaluate(), generate_random(), main(), parallelcoord(), TUnfoldSys::PrepareUncorrEmat(), regexp(), rotate(), TSpectrum3::SearchFast(), TSpectrum3::SearchHighRes(), TestLorentzVector(), testRotation(), and TestVector3().

Double_t r6

Definition at line 13 of file parallelcoord.C.

Referenced by TSpectrum3::Background(), generate_random(), main(), parallelcoord(), TUnfoldSys::PrepareUncorrEmat(), rotate(), TSpectrum3::SearchFast(), TSpectrum3::SearchHighRes(), and testRotation().

Double_t r7

Definition at line 13 of file parallelcoord.C.

Referenced by generate_random(), main(), and rotate().

Double_t r8

Definition at line 13 of file parallelcoord.C.

Referenced by generate_random(), main(), rotate(), and ROOT::Math::sinint().

Double_t r9

Definition at line 13 of file parallelcoord.C.

Referenced by generate_random(), main(), and rotate().

Generated on Tue Jul 5 16:09:38 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1