stressGeometry.cxx File Reference

#include "TStopwatch.h"
#include "TGeoManager.h"
#include "TGeoMatrix.h"
#include "TGeoNode.h"
#include "TGeoMedium.h"
#include "TGeoMaterial.h"
#include "TGeoBBox.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TRandom3.h"
#include "TVectorD.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TError.h"
#include "TApplication.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TSystem.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  p_t


void stressGeometry (const char *, Bool_t)
int main (int argc, char **argv)
void FindRad (Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Double_t theta, Double_t phi, Int_t &nbound, Float_t &length, Float_t &safe, Float_t &rad, Bool_t verbose=kFALSE)
void ReadRef (Int_t kexp)
void WriteRef (Int_t kexp)
void InspectRef (const char *exp="alice")
void InspectDiff (const char *exp="alice", Long64_t ientry=-1)


p_t p
const Int_t NG = 33
const char * exps [NG]
const Double_t cp_brun [NG]
Double_t boxes [NG][3]
Double_t tpstot = 0
Double_t tpsref = 112.1
Bool_t testfailed = kFALSE
Int_t iexp [NG]
Bool_t gen_ref = kFALSE

Function Documentation

void FindRad ( Double_t  x,
Double_t  y,
Double_t  z,
Double_t  theta,
Double_t  phi,
Int_t nbound,
Float_t length,
Float_t safe,
Float_t rad,
Bool_t  verbose = kFALSE 

Definition at line 400 of file stressGeometry.cxx.

References TGeoManager::CdTop(), TGeoManager::CdUp(), TObject::ClassName(), TGeoVolume::Contains(), TMath::Cos(), TString::Data(), dir(), E, TGeoManager::FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), TGeoManager::FindNode(), fprintf(), TGeoManager::GetCurrentDirection(), TGeoManager::GetCurrentMatrix(), TGeoManager::GetCurrentNode(), TGeoManager::GetCurrentPoint(), TGeoManager::GetCurrentVolume(), TGeoMaterial::GetDensity(), TGeoMedium::GetMaterial(), TGeoVolume::GetMedium(), TNamed::GetName(), TGeoManager::GetPath(), TGeoMaterial::GetRadLen(), TGeoVolume::GetShape(), TGeoManager::GetStep(), TGeoNode::GetVolume(), gGeoManager, i, TGeoManager::InitTrack(), TGeoManager::IsOutside(), TGeoMatrix::MasterToLocal(), TGeoManager::Safety(), and TMath::Sin().

Referenced by InspectDiff(), ReadRef(), and WriteRef().

void InspectDiff ( const char *  exp = "alice",
Long64_t  ientry = -1 

Definition at line 491 of file stressGeometry.cxx.

References TSystem::AccessPathName(), TString::Data(), exp(), FindRad(), Form(), TString::Format(), fprintf(), TTree::GetEntries(), TTree::GetEntry(), gSystem, i, TGeoManager::Import(), kTRUE, length, Long64_t, nentries, p, safe, and TTree::SetBranchAddress().

void InspectRef ( const char *  exp = "alice"  ) 

Definition at line 528 of file stressGeometry.cxx.

References TSystem::AccessPathName(), TList::At(), c, TString::Data(), TTree::Draw(), TString::Format(), fprintf(), TTree::GetEntries(), TTree::GetUserInfo(), gPad, gSystem, kYellow, Long64_t, nentries, and T.

int main ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

Definition at line 58 of file stressGeometry.cxx.

References kFALSE, and stressGeometry().

void ReadRef ( Int_t  kexp  ) 

Definition at line 265 of file stressGeometry.cxx.

References TMath::Abs(), TList::At(), TTree::AutoSave(), TTree::Branch(), cp_brun, TStopwatch::CpuTime(), TString::Data(), exps, TTree::Fill(), FindRad(), TString::Format(), fprintf(), gen_ref, TTree::GetEntries(), TTree::GetEntry(), TTree::GetUserInfo(), i, kTRUE, length, Long64_t, nentries, TFile::Open(), p, TTree::Print(), safe, TTree::SetBranchAddress(), T, testfailed, and tpstot.

Referenced by stressGeometry().

void stressGeometry ( const char *  ,

Definition at line 194 of file stressGeometry.cxx.

References TString::Contains(), TString::Data(), exp(), exps, Form(), TString::Format(), fprintf(), gen_ref, gErrorIgnoreLevel, TSystem::GetBuildNode(), TSystem::Getenv(), TSystem::GetFromPipe(), TNamed::GetName(), TROOT::GetVersion(), TROOT::GetVersionDate(), TROOT::GetVersionTime(), gGeoManager, gROOT, gSystem, i, iexp, TGeoManager::Import(), kFALSE, kTRUE, NG, TFile::Open(), ReadRef(), TString::Resize(), TFile::SetCacheFileDir(), testfailed, TString::ToLower(), tpsref, tpstot, and WriteRef().

Referenced by main().

void WriteRef ( Int_t  kexp  ) 

Definition at line 358 of file stressGeometry.cxx.

References TMath::ACos(), TList::Add(), TTree::AutoSave(), boxes, TTree::Branch(), exps, TTree::Fill(), FindRad(), TString::Format(), TGeoManager::GetMasterVolume(), TGeoVolume::GetShape(), TTree::GetUserInfo(), gGeoManager, i, Long64_t, p, TMath::Pi(), TList::Remove(), T, top(), xmax, and ymax.

Referenced by stressGeometry().

Variable Documentation

Double_t boxes[NG][3]

Definition at line 148 of file stressGeometry.cxx.

Referenced by TGeoShapeAssembly::Safety(), TGeoNavigator::Safety(), RooMCIntegrator::vegas(), and WriteRef().

const Double_t cp_brun[NG]

Definition at line 114 of file stressGeometry.cxx.

Referenced by ReadRef(), stress(), and stressShapes().

const char* exps[NG]

Definition at line 79 of file stressGeometry.cxx.

Referenced by ReadRef(), stressGeometry(), and WriteRef().

Bool_t gen_ref = kFALSE

Definition at line 188 of file stressGeometry.cxx.

Referenced by ReadRef(), and stressGeometry().

Int_t iexp[NG]

Definition at line 187 of file stressGeometry.cxx.

Referenced by stressGeometry().

const Int_t NG = 33

Definition at line 78 of file stressGeometry.cxx.

Referenced by stressGeometry().

p_t p

Definition at line 76 of file stressGeometry.cxx.

Bool_t testfailed = kFALSE

Definition at line 185 of file stressGeometry.cxx.

Referenced by ReadRef(), and stressGeometry().

Double_t tpsref = 112.1

Definition at line 184 of file stressGeometry.cxx.

Referenced by stressGeometry().

Double_t tpstot = 0

Definition at line 183 of file stressGeometry.cxx.

Referenced by ReadRef(), and stressGeometry().

Generated on Tue Jul 5 16:08:54 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1