ElState_t Struct Reference

#include <el.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

int fInputMode
int fDoingArg
int fArgument
int fMetaNext
ElAction_t fLastCmd
int fReplayHist

Detailed Description

Definition at line 111 of file el.h.

Member Data Documentation

int ElState_t::fInputMode

Definition at line 112 of file el.h.

Referenced by ch_init(), ch_reset(), ed_digit(), ed_insert(), and em_toggle_overwrite().

int ElState_t::fDoingArg

Definition at line 113 of file el.h.

Referenced by ch_init(), ch_reset(), ed_argument_digit(), ed_digit(), ed_insert(), el_gets(), and em_universal_argument().

int ElState_t::fArgument

Definition at line 114 of file el.h.

Referenced by ch_init(), ch_reset(), ed_argument_digit(), ed_delete_next_char(), ed_delete_prev_char(), ed_delete_prev_word(), ed_digit(), ed_insert(), ed_next_char(), ed_next_history(), ed_next_line(), ed_prev_char(), ed_prev_history(), ed_prev_line(), ed_prev_word(), el_gets(), em_capitol_case(), em_copy_prev_word(), em_delete_next_word(), em_delete_or_list(), em_lower_case(), em_next_word(), em_universal_argument(), em_upper_case(), and em_yank().

int ElState_t::fMetaNext

Definition at line 115 of file el.h.

Referenced by ch_init(), ch_reset(), em_meta_next(), and read_getcmd().

ElAction_t ElState_t::fLastCmd

Definition at line 116 of file el.h.

Referenced by c_setpat(), ce_inc_search(), ch_init(), ch_reset(), cv_repeat_srch(), cv_search(), ed_digit(), el_gets(), and rl_complete().

int ElState_t::fReplayHist

Definition at line 117 of file el.h.

Referenced by ch_init(), ed_replay_hist(), el_gets(), and el_gets_newline().

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