
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //Hint: Spherical waves
00002 //Author; Otto Schaile
00004 #include "TROOT.h"
00005 #include "TCanvas.h"
00006 #include "TColor.h"
00007 #include "TArc.h"
00008 #include "TGraph.h"
00009 #include "TF2.h"
00010 #include "TLine.h"
00011 #include "TLatex.h"
00012 #include "TMath.h"
00013 #include "TStyle.h"
00014 #include "Riostream.h"
00016 TF2 * finter;
00019 //______________________________________________________________
00020 Double_t interference( Double_t *x, Double_t *par)
00021 {
00022    Double_t x_p2 = x[0] * x[0];
00023    Double_t d_2 = 0.5 * par[2];
00024    Double_t ym_p2 = (x[1] - d_2) * (x[1] - d_2);
00025    Double_t yp_p2 = (x[1] + d_2) * (x[1] + d_2);
00026    Double_t  tpi_l = TMath::Pi() /  par[1];
00027    Double_t amplitude = par[0] * (cos(tpi_l  * sqrt(x_p2 + ym_p2))
00028                       + par[3] * cos(tpi_l  * sqrt(x_p2 + yp_p2)));
00029    return amplitude * amplitude;
00030 }
00033 //_____________________________________________________________
00034 Double_t result( Double_t *x, Double_t *par)
00035 {
00036    Double_t xint[2];
00037    Double_t  maxintens = 0, xcur = 14;
00038    Double_t dlambda = 0.1 * par[1];
00039    for(Int_t i=0; i<10; i++){
00040       xint[0] = xcur;
00041       xint[1] = x[1];
00042       Double_t  intens = interference(xint, par);
00043       if(intens > maxintens) maxintens = intens;
00044       xcur -= dlambda;
00045    }
00046    return maxintens;
00047 }
00050 //_________________________________________________________________
00051 void waves( Double_t d = 3, Double_t lambda = 1, Double_t amp = 10)
00052 {
00053    TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("waves", "A double slit experiment", 
00054       300,40, 1004, 759);
00055    c1->Range(0, -10,  30, 10);
00056    c1->SetFillColor(0);
00057    TPad *pad = new TPad("pr","pr",  0.5, 0 , 1., 1);
00058    pad->Range(0, -10,  15, 10);
00059    pad->Draw();
00061    const Int_t colNum = 30;
00062    Int_t palette[colNum];
00063    for (Int_t i=0;i<colNum;i++) {
00064       TColor *color = new TColor(1001+i
00065       ,    pow(i/((colNum)*1.0),0.3)
00066       ,    pow(i/((colNum)*1.0),0.3)
00067       ,0.5*(i/((colNum)*1.0)),"");
00068       palette[i] = 1001+i;
00069       if(color);
00070    }
00071    gStyle->SetPalette(colNum,palette);
00072    c1->cd();
00073    TF2 * f0 = new TF2("ray_source",interference, 0.02, 15, -8, 8, 4);
00075    f0->SetParameters(amp, lambda, 0, 0);
00076    f0->SetNpx(200);
00077    f0->SetNpy(200);
00078    f0->SetContour(colNum-2);
00079    f0->Draw("samecolz");
00081    TLatex title;
00082    title.DrawLatex(1.6, 8.5, "A double slit experiment");
00084    TGraph *graph = new TGraph(4);
00085    graph->SetFillColor(0);
00086    graph->SetFillStyle(1001);
00087    graph->SetLineWidth(0);
00088    graph->SetPoint(0, 0., 0.1);
00089    graph->SetPoint(1, 14.8, 8);
00090    graph->SetPoint(2, 0, 8);
00091    graph->SetPoint(3, 0, 0.1);
00092    graph->Draw("F");
00094    graph = new TGraph(4);
00095    graph->SetFillColor(0);
00096    graph->SetFillStyle(1001);
00097    graph->SetLineWidth(0);
00098    graph->SetPoint(0, 0, -0.1);
00099    graph->SetPoint(1, 14.8, -8);
00100    graph->SetPoint(2, 0, -8);
00101    graph->SetPoint(3, 0, -0.1);
00102    graph->Draw("F");
00104    TLine * line;
00105    line = new TLine(15,-10, 15, 0 - 0.5*d -0.2);
00106    line->SetLineWidth(10); line->Draw();
00107    line = new TLine(15, 0 - 0.5*d +0.2 ,15, 0 + 0.5*d -0.2);
00108    line->SetLineWidth(10); line->Draw();
00110    line = new TLine(15,0 + 0.5*d + 0.2,15, 10);
00111    line->SetLineWidth(10); line->Draw();
00113    pad ->cd();
00114    finter = new TF2("interference",interference, 0.01, 14, -10, 10, 4);
00116    finter->SetParameters(amp, lambda, d, 1);
00117    finter->SetNpx(200);
00118    finter->SetNpy(200);
00119    finter->SetContour(colNum-2);
00120    finter->Draw("samecolorz");
00122    TArc *arc = new TArc();;
00123    arc->SetFillStyle(0);
00124    arc->SetLineWidth(2);
00125    arc->SetLineColor(5);
00126    Float_t r = 0.5 * lambda, dr = lambda;
00127    for (Int_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
00128       arc->DrawArc(0,  0.5*d, r, 0., 360., "only");
00129       arc->DrawArc(0, -0.5*d, r, 0., 360., "only");
00130       r += dr;
00131    }
00133    pad ->cd();
00134    TF2 * fresult = new TF2("result",result, 14, 15, -10, 10, 4);
00136    fresult->SetParameters(amp, lambda, d, 1);
00137    fresult->SetNpx(300);
00138    fresult->SetNpy(300);
00139    fresult->SetContour(colNum-2);
00140    fresult->Draw("samecolor");
00141    line = new TLine(13.8,-10, 14, 10);
00142    line->SetLineWidth(10); line->SetLineColor(0); line->Draw();
00143    c1->Modified(kTRUE);
00144    c1->Update();
00145    c1->SetEditable(kTRUE);
00146 }

Generated on Tue Jul 5 15:44:22 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1