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Parameters of the Fission Fragment Mass, Kinetic Energy, Total Kinetic Energy and Charge Distributions

Table 1: Parameters for primary fission fragment mass A, post-neutron fragment energy E and post-neutron total kinetic energy (TKE) distribution from the work of J. van Aarle et al. [Aar94]
parameter experimental value
$<A_L>$ $108.9 \pm 0.5 (amu)$
$<A_H>$ $143.1 \pm 0.5 (amu)$
$\sigma (A_L)$ $7.6 \pm 0.1 (amu)$
$\sigma (A_H)$ $7.6 \pm 0.1 (amu)$
$<E_L>$ $103.5 \pm 0.5 (MeV)$
$<E_H>$ $ 78.3 \pm 0.5 (MeV)$
$<TKE>$ $181.8 \pm 0.7 (MeV)$
$\sigma <E_L>$ $ 5.8 \pm 0.1 (MeV)$
$\sigma <E_H>$ $ 8.5 \pm 0.1 (MeV)$
$\sigma <TKE>$ $12.9 \pm 0.1 (MeV)$

Table 2: Average neutron to proton ratio $<N/Z>$ for postneutron light (L) and heavy (H) fission fragments ([Dur89], calculated mass to proton ratios $<A/Z>$ for light (L) and heavy (H) fragments and the average of the mass-width/charge-width ratio $\sigma (A) / \sigma (Z) $ determined for different fissioning actinides ([Goe93]).
parameter experimental value
$<N/Z>_L$-ratio 1.50
$<N/Z>_H$-ratio 1.56
N/Z-ratio of $^{252}_{ 98}$Cf 1.57
$<A/Z>_L$-ratio 2.50
$<A/Z>_H$-ratio 2.56
A/Z-ratio of $^{252}_{ 98}$Cf 2.57
average $\sigma (A) / \sigma (Z) $ 2.76

last update: 16.08.2002 Hans-Juergen Wollersheim HJW