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Tsien San-Tsiang et al.;Phys.Rev.71(1947), 128
ternary fission Particle Accompanied 252Cf Fission:

Table 3: Ternary fission yields and the results of the kinetic energy measurements for ternary particles.
ternary particle $<E> [MeV]$ $FWHM [MeV]$ Yield Lifetime [s]
$^3H$  8.2±0.6  7.2±0.6  950±90  
$^4He+^5He$ 15.7±0.2 10.9±0.2 104  
$^4He$ 16.4±0.2 10.3±0.3 8264±341  
$^5He$ 12.4±0.3  8.9±0.5 1736±274 1.1*10-21
$^6He+^7He$ 12.3±0.5  9.0±0.5  270±30  
$^6He$ 12.6±0.5  8.9±0.5  223±26  
$^7He$ 11.0±1.5  8±2   47±9 4.1*10-21
$^8He$ 10.2±1.0 10.2±1.0   25±5  
$Li$ 14.3±1.0 14.3±1.0   60±10  
$Be$ 17.5±1.0 18±1  175±30  
$B$ 21.2±1.0 19.3±1.0   13.5±4.0  
$C$ 26±1 -   80±30  

last update: 16.08.2002 Hans-Juergen Wollersheim HJW