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Anisotropy of -Ray Emission in Binary Fission os 252Cf

p-ray angular correlation measurement

Darmstadt Heidelberg Crystal Ball

Yu.N.Kopatch et al.; Phys.Rev.Lett.82(1999),303
K.Skarsvag; Phys.Rev.C22(1980),638

Figure: A schematic illustration of the alignment of fragment spins perpendicular to the fission direction.

     252Cf spin J=0

fragment spin J=<7-8>

Mean number of -rays emitted in 252Cf fission <Ntex2html_wrap_inline53>=9.4   K.Skarsvag,Phys.Rev.C22(1980),638
Fragment spin vectors are mainly oriented perpendicular to the fission direction. This alignment causes the emission of the yrast tex2html_wrap_inline53 -rays to proceed anisotropically with respect to the fission axis.

Figure: tex2html_wrap_inline53 -ray angular distributions with respect to the fragment motion for binary (left side) and tex2html_wrap_inline57 -accompanied (right side) fission of tex2html_wrap_inline59 , for different tex2html_wrap_inline53 -ray energy intervals.

Fragment Spin-Alignment in Ternary Fission

Figure: Anisotropy ratio A in binary (left side) and tex2html_wrap_inline57 -accompanied fission (right side) of tex2html_wrap_inline59 , as a function of tex2html_wrap_inline53 -ray energy.

Anisotropy Ratio:




Yu.N. Kopach et al.: "Angular anisotropy of prompt tex2html_wrap_inline53 -rays and fragment spin alignment in binary and light-charged-particle-accompanied spontanous fission of tex2html_wrap_inline59 "
Phys. Rev. Lett. 82 (1999), 303

last update: 16.08.2002 Hans-Juergen Wollersheim HJW