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CsI/BGO Anti-Compton Shield


Preliminary time resolution results for the active CsI collimator and the BGO anti-Compton shield are presented in this chapter for a tex2html_wrap_inline669 source. The results were obtained by measuring the time response of the two detectors relative to that of a fast plastic scintillator. All measurements were performed using FL-8000 fast amplifiers with differention time off and integration time on int-2 (switch board: 1,3,4,8=on, 2,5,6,7=off). The constant fraction discriminator (CF-8000) had a delay of 24 ns for both detectors. The time spectrum was not energy-gated. The measured FWHM was 26 ns for the active CsI collimator and 9 ns for the BGO anti-Compton shield.

Hans-Juergen Wollersheim
Mon Aug 21 16:22:43 CED 2000