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Maximal Energy- or Mass-Deviations from the Reference Particle

For some plot-commands and for the P(RINT) N(UMERICAL $\ldots$)-command one should define how large $\delta_K$, $\delta_m$ or $\delta_p$ are assumed to be. The corresponding command is: 5 D(EVIATION) P(ARAMETER) $<\delta_m$ in units, i.e. for 1 %: $\delta_m =$0.01> $<\delta_K$ in units, i.e. for 1 %: $\delta_K =$0.01> ; [example: D   P   0.02   0.01 ;] [D   P   0.   0. ;]

If using mass-momentum coordinates for the matrix (see command O(UTPUT) C(OORDINATES)), the second parameter should be interpreted as the momentum deviation.
