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An Elliptical Phase-Space Area

An elliptical phase-space area is defined by the command: 6 T(WISS_PARAMETER) X(-direction) $<\alpha_{Tx}>$ $<\beta_{Tx}$ in meter> $<\varepsilon_x = x_{00}a_{00}$ in meter> ; [example: T   X   0.500   0.001   0.000001 ;] [T   X   0.001   0.001   0.000001 ;]

Analogous definitions are necessary for the phase-space area in y-direction.
Note that this definition is independent from one made by the P X command. This command is used to set the Twiss parameters, which can be viewed by the use of the P T command.
Note that the P E command also outputs the values of Twiss parameters. These parameters are derived from the phasespace defined by the P X and P Y command and are not influenced by the T X or T Y command.

1 [example: T   Y   0.3   0.001   0.0000005 ;]
