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Graphic Plot of top-view of System

The command is similar to the DB-command, but it gives a more realistic impression how to actual system looks: 10 D(RAW) S(YSTEM) <shown maximal x-width in meter> <scale factor x-direction/z-direction> <number of steps in z direction> <x0: number of trajectory starting points in the x-coordinate> <a0: number of trajectory starting points in the a-coordinate> <g0: number of trajectory starting points in the g-coordinate> <d0: number of trajectory starting points in the d-coordinate> ; [example: D   S   0.1   3   100   3   2   1   1 ;] [ D   S   0.1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1 ;]

The calculation is performed to the order given in the CO-command.

The total number of starting points of trajectories is distributed equally spaced within the initially defined phase-space areas x0,a0 or within the range of masses (g0) and energies (d0) as defined in the DP-command. Note that the total number of trajectories increases rapidly according to

n_{tot} = x_0 \ast a_0 \ast g_0 \ast d_0 .

This command may occur only once.
