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A Parallelogram-like Phase-Space Area

A parallelogram-like phase-space area is defined by the command: 6 P(ARALLELOGRAM-LIKE) X(-direction) <source half width x00 in meter> <half aperture $\tan \alpha_{00}$ or a00> <distance $\ell _x$ to the next angle-limiting aperture in meter> ; [example: P   X   0.01   0.01   1.0 ;] [P   X   0.01   0.01   0.0 ;]

Analogous definitions are necessary for the phase-space area in y-direction. 2 [example: P   Y   0.01   0.002   1.0 ;] [P   Y   0.01   0.01   0.0 ;]

Note that usually $\ell _x \neq \ell _y $ and that $\ell _x =0$ or $\ell _y =0$ are interpreted as $\ell _x =\infty$ or $\ell _y =\infty$.
