============================================================= This is the initialization routine for the 2D use of the library. It initialize the variable defined in the commons mml-lattice, 2Dsc-beam, 2Dsc-simulations. In order to work this routine needs two external files: a file which contain the lattice, and a parameter file called parameter-micromap where all the initialzation quantities for the 2D beam tracking are declared. The lattice file must be declared in the parameter-micromap file. XS is the position of injection of the beam nsimreg is a flag to number output files. Special cases: nsimreg=0: If nsimreg = 0 the pre-defined output file will have extension "1". nsimreg=1: If nsimreg = 1 the file micromap.numer-simulation.data will be read (or created in case it does not exists: with the initialization number -1 in it). This number will be used to define the new output extension. Afterwords the extension number will be increased of a unit and saved in micromap.numer-simulation.data. This option is useful to keep in the same directory many ouptut data files and save them in files with different extension. If nsimreg=1 the random number generator changes the random number initial seed everytime you run the same program Therefore at every new run the numbers generated with Ranudun1(), and RandGauss1() will have a different seed. (because the file number-simulation.data set the seed). nsimreg=-1:If nsimreg=-1 the initial seed of the random number generator is set by the envinronment variable SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID of "kronos" and the number in the file "ndata_kronos". This number is unique when you run in the "kronos" Therefore at every new run the numbers generated with Ranudun1(), and RandGauss1() will have a different seed. nsimreg=-2:If nsimreg=-2 the initial seed of the random number generator is set by urandom. That means that that initialization number will never be repeated again. Therefore at every new run the numbers generated with Ranudun1(), and RandGauss1() will have a different seed. nsimreg=-10:the option nout=-10 is set in the routine initimml.f ============================================================= ....................................................................... subroutine INITIPARAMETER(XS,nsimreg) COMMONS: common-initi.f common-2Dsc-beam.f common-2Dsc-simulation.f common-mml-lattice.f SUBROUTINES USED: parameter-micromap .f.html">ed parameter-micromap count_from_file get_index_kronos set_seed_random_number initimml TUNEMACHINE initi_kv_beta1 injection3D initi_current betanew rmsoutput initi_perveance betanew messages_n COMPACTION beta LINOP micromap-index Mon Jul 17 08:57:38 CEST 2017