v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Uses of Class

Packages that use TGo4AnalysisStep

Uses of TGo4AnalysisStep in Go4Analysis

Fields in Go4Analysis declared as TGo4AnalysisStep
private TGo4AnalysisStep*TGo4AnalysisStep.fxPrevious
          Points to the previous analysis step.
protected TGo4AnalysisStep*TGo4AnalysisStepException.fxStep
private TGo4AnalysisStep*TGo4AnalysisStepManager.fxCurrentStep
          Points to the currently active analysis step.

Constructors in Go4Analysis with parameters of type TGo4AnalysisStep
TGo4AnalysisStepException.TGo4AnalysisStepException(TGo4AnalysisStep* step)

Methods in Go4Analysis that return TGo4AnalysisStep
TGo4AnalysisStep*TGo4Analysis.GetAnalysisStep(const Text_t* name)
          Access to certain analysis step by name.
          Get previous analysis step.
TGo4AnalysisStep*TGo4AnalysisStepManager.GetAnalysisStep(const char * name)
          Access to certain analysis step by name.

Methods in Go4Analysis with parameters of type TGo4AnalysisStep
Bool_tTGo4Analysis.AddAnalysisStep(TGo4AnalysisStep* next)
          Method for user analysis constructor to setup the list
of analyisis steps.
voidTGo4AnalysisStep.SetPreviousStep(TGo4AnalysisStep* pre)
          Sets reference to previous analysis step.
Bool_tTGo4AnalysisStepManager.AddAnalysisStep(TGo4AnalysisStep* next)
          Method for user analysis constructor to setup the list
of analyisis steps.

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
