v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)
_ * < A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


_enum_Go4EventServerTypes_h_26 - class Go4EventServer._enum_Go4EventServerTypes_h_26
_enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_145 - class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_145
_enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_153 - class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_153
_enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_157 - class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_157
_enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_159 - class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_159
_enum_wood_cpp_778 - class Go4QtBaseWidgets._enum_wood_cpp_778
_unnamed_f_evcli_c_188 - class MbsAPI._unnamed_f_evcli_c_188


*moc - Class Diagram in Go4FitGUI.*moc
*moc - Class Diagram in Go4GUI.*moc
*obj - Class Diagram in Go4FitGUI.*obj
*obj - Class Diagram in Go4GUI.*obj


<default> - Class Diagram


about() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4HelpWindow
aboutQt() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4HelpWindow
aboutQt() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
aboutROOT() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
aCanvas - Variable in class qtroot.interface.QTFrame
activate() - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4CompositeEvent
activate() - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
activateBranch(TBranch*,Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4ClonesElement
activateBranch(TBranch*,Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4CompositeEvent
activateBranch(TBranch*,Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
ActivateByFitter(TGo4Fitter*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
ActivateSelectedObject(TVirtualPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
Scan pad for selected object and activate it in
the corresponding list of markers,windows,latexes
ActivePad() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
ActivePad(TGo4PreviewPanel*,TPad*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4WorkSpace
ActivePadChanged(TGo4PreviewPanel*,TPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
ActivePadChanged(TGo4PreviewPanel*,TPad*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4WorkSpace
ActivePadSelected(TGo4PreviewPanel*,TPad*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
ActiveViewPanel() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
add(const char*,const char*,const char*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootDialog
Add(const TH1*,const TH1*,Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class TH1
Add(const TH1*,Double_t) - Method in class TH1
Add(TF1*,Double_t) - Method in class TH1
Add(TObject*) - Method in class Go4Queue.TGo4Queue
AddAction(TGo4FitterAction*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Add action to action list.
AddActionAt(TGo4FitterAction*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Add action to action list at specified index.
AddAmplEstimation(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Add amplitude estimation to actions list.
AddAnalysisBar() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
AddAnalysisCondition(TGo4Condition*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Puts a new analysis condition object in corresponding list.
AddAnalysisCondition(TGo4Condition*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Puts a new analysis condition object in corresponding list.
AddAnalysisCondition(TGo4Condition*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessor
Register condition to go4 framework.
AddAnalysisMenu() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
AddAnalysisStep(TGo4AnalysisStep*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Method for user analysis constructor to setup the list
of analyisis steps.
AddAnalysisStep(TGo4AnalysisStep*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
Method for user analysis constructor to setup the list
of analyisis steps.
AddArrow(TArrow*,TVirtualPad*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
register arrrow object of current pad into list of arrow labels.
AddAxisTrans(TGo4FitAxisTrans*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Add transformation object to data.
AddBinContent(Int_t,Stat_t) - Method in class TH1
AddBinContent(Int_t) - Method in class TH1
addBookmark() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4HelpWindow
AddBuffer(TBuffer*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Queue.TGo4BufferQueue
Add buffer pointer to queue.
AddBufferFromObject(TObject*) - Method in class Go4Queue.TGo4BufferQueue
Reconstruct a TObject queue entry from a given TBuffer pointer.
AddCanvas(TCanvas*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Puts a new TCanvas in corresponding folder.
AddCanvas(TCanvas*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Puts a new TCanvas in corresponding folder.
AddCanvas(TCanvas*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessor
Register TCanvas to go4 framework.
AddClient(const char*,const char*,Go4CommandMode_t) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskManager
adds client task of name to manager: create server task handler and try to connect to client
Command execution role depends on previous login passowrd
AddCommand(const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuit
Add Minuit command to command list.
AddCommand(TGo4Command*) - Method in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4CommandProtoList
Adds a Command to the list
AddCondition(Int_t,Int_t,TNamed*) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
AddCondition(TGo4Condition*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Add another condition to this one.
AddCondition(TNamed*) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
AddData(TGo4FitData*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Add data object to fitter.
AddDirectory(Bool_t) - Static method in class TH1
AddDirectoryStatus() - Static method in class TH1
AddDrawBar() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
AddDrawObj(TObject*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitSlotStatus
AddDynamicHistogram(const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
AddDynamicHistogram(const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Add (create) new dynamic histogram entry which connects an existing
histogram with existing condition and data.
AddDynamicHistogram(TGo4HistogramEntryStatus*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
AddDynamicHistogram(TGo4HistogramEntryStatus*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
AddDynamicList(TGo4DynamicList*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Adds reference to dynamic list object in dynamic list folder
AddEntry(TGo4DynamicEntry*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicList
An external dynamic entry object is added to the list.
addEventElement(TGo4EventElement*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4CompositeEvent
AddEventProcessor(TGo4EventProcessor*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Add reference to event processor object to Go4 Folder structure.
AddEventProcessor(TGo4EventProcessor*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Add reference to event processor object to Go4 Folder structure.
AddEventSource(TGo4EventSource*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Add reference to event source object to Go4 Folder structure.
AddEventSource(TGo4EventSource*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Add reference to event source object to Go4 Folder structure.
AddEventStore(TGo4EventStore*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Add reference to event store object to Go4 Folder structure.
AddEventStore(TGo4EventStore*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Add reference to event store object to Go4 Folder structure.
AddEventStructure(TGo4EventElement*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Add reference to event structure object to Go4 Folder structure.
AddEventStructure(TGo4EventElement*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Add reference to event structure object to Go4 Folder structure.
AddFileMenu() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
AddFileToolBar() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
AddFolder(TFolder*,QListViewItem*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4RemoteBrowserSlots
AddGauss1(const char*,const char*,Double_t,Double_t,Double_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Add 1-dim gaussian model to fitter.
AddGraph(const char*,TGraph*,Bool_t,Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Create TGo4FitDataGraph object and adds its to fitter.
AddGraph(Int_t,Int_t,TGraph*,Option_t*) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
AddGraph(TGraph*,Option_t*) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
AddH1(const char*,TH1*,Bool_t,Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Create TGo4FitDataHistogram object and adds its to fitter.
AddH1(Int_t,Int_t,TH1*,Option_t*) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
AddH1(TH1*,Option_t*) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
AddHistogram(TH1*,const Text_t*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Add external histogram to go4 histogram directory.
AddHistogram(TH1*,const Text_t*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Add external histogram to go4 histogram directory.
AddHistogram(TH1*,const Text_t*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessor
Register histogram to go4 framework.
AddHistosToMemBrowser(TPad*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QCanvasItem
Scan all histograms in this pad and register them to memory browser
AddHStack(Int_t,Int_t,THStack*,Option_t*) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
AddHStack(THStack*,Option_t*) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
AddLatex(TLatex*,TVirtualPad*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
register latex object of current pad into list of latex labels.
AddLocalCommand(TGo4Command*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ClientTask
Put command into the command queue for local execution in main thread
AddLocalObject(TNamed*,int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserStatus
AddLocalObject(TNamed*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserSlots
AddLogInfo(TGo4LogInfoObject*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4LogInfoStatus
AddMarker(TGo4Marker*,TVirtualPad*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
register marker object of current pad into list of crossmarkers.
AddModel(const char*,TGo4FitModel*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Add model component to fitter and assign it to specified data object.
AddModel(TGo4FitModel*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Add model component to fitter.
AddModelToDataResult(TGo4FitData*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Evaluate model values for all data point and add them to result buffer.
AddModelToPad(TGo4FitSlotStatus*,TObject*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
AddObject(Int_t,Int_t,TObject*,Option_t*) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
AddObject(TNamed*,const Text_t*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Add any external object to the user object folder.
AddObject(TNamed*,const Text_t*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Add any external object to the user object folder.
AddObject(TNamed*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessor
Register user object to go4 framework.
AddObject(TNamed*,TQRootCanvas*,TPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserSlots
AddObject(TNamed*,TQRootCanvas*,TPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
AddObject(TNamed*,TQRootCanvas*,TPad*) - Method in class Go4GUIBase.TGo4SlotsBaseClass
AddObject(TNamed*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
AddObject(TNamed*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserSlots
AddObject(TNamed*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ConditionInfoSlots
AddObject(TNamed*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntrySlots
AddObject(TNamed*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoSlots
AddObject(TNamed*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4HistogramInfoSlots
AddObject(TNamed*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredListSlots
AddObject(TNamed*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditSlots
AddObject(TNamed*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4RemoteBrowserSlots
AddObject(TNamed*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
AddObject(TNamed*) - Method in class Go4GUIBase.TGo4SlotsBaseClass
AddObject(TNamed*) - Method in class Go4UserGUI.TGo4AdvancedUserWidgetSlots
AddObject(TObject*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Queue.TGo4ObjectQueue
Add object pointer to queue.
AddObject(TObject*,Option_t*) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
AddObjectDirectly(Int_t,Int_t,TObject*,Option_t*) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
AddObjectDirectly(TObject*,Option_t*) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
AddObjectFromBuffer(TBuffer*) - Method in class Go4Queue.TGo4ObjectQueue
Reconstruct a TObject queue entry from a given TBuffer pointer.
AddObjectToFolder(TObject*,TFolder*,const Text_t*,Bool_t,Bool_t,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Add any named object to a folder.
AddObjectToLocalList(TNamed*,Bool_t,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserSlots
returns full name of added object in memory list
AddObjectToLocalList(TNamed*) - Method in class Go4GUIBase.TGo4SlotsBaseClass
AddObjectToLocalListStatus(TNamed*,Bool_t,int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserStatus
AddObjectToRemoteList(TNamed*) - Method in class Go4GUIBase.TGo4SlotsBaseClass
AddObjName(const char*,Option_t*) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
AddObjName(Int_t,Int_t,const char*,Option_t*) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
AddOutputAction(const char*,const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Creates and add TGo4FitterOutput action with given parameters to actions list.
AddPar(TGo4FitParameter*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
AddParameter(TGo4Parameter*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Puts a new parameter object in corresponding folder.
AddParameter(TGo4Parameter*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Puts a new parameter object in corresponding folder.
AddParameter(TGo4Parameter*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessor
Register paramter to go4 framework.
AddParNew(const char*,Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterConfig
Add new parameter with given name and initial value.
AddPicture(TGo4Picture*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Puts a new picture object in corresponding folder.
AddPicture(TGo4Picture*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Puts a new picture object in corresponding folder.
AddPicture(TGo4Picture*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessor
Register picture to go4 framework.
AddPolygon(TGo4PolyCond*,TVirtualPad*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
register polygon condition object of current pad into list of regions.
AddPolynoms(const char*,const char*,Int_t,Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Construct full polynom for specified data object.
AddPolynomX(const char*,const char*,Int_t,Int_t,Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Construct 1-dim polynom for specified data object for x scale.
AddPolynomX(const char*,const char*,TArrayD&,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Construct 1-dim polynom with specified polynom coefficients
NamePrefix sets prefix of model name for each polynom component.
AddPrimitive(TObject*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitSlotStatus
AddRangeCondition(Int_t,Int_t,Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Add new range condition.
AddRangeCut(TCutG*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Add TCutG object as range condition for two-dimensional case.
AddRegion(TGo4WinCond*,TVirtualPad*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
register window condition object of current pad into list of regions.
AddResult(const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterConfig
Add expression for calculating result value.
AddResult(Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterConfig
Add constant value as result value.
AddResult(TGo4FitMinuitResult*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuit
Add result object to results list.
AddScriptToolBar() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
AddSettingMenu() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
AddSimpleMinuit() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Creates and add TGo4FitMinuit object to actions list.
AddStandardActions() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Add list of standard actions to fitter.
AddStepStatus(TGo4AnalysisStepStatus*) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
Add new step status object to analysis status.
AddSubEvent(Short_t) - Method in class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleEvent
Add subevent ito clonesarray with new procid.
AddSubFrame(TGFrame*,TGLayoutHints*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootWindow
Add root subframe into this widget
AddSubPicture(TGo4Picture*) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
AddTaskHandler(TGo4TaskHandler*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskManager
adds external task handler to array
AddThread(TGo4Thread*) - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadHandler
Adds Reference to (externally created) thread
to Thread List
AddToFileListStatus(TNamed*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserStatus
AddToLabel(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4LabelPainter
AddToMemoryList() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
AddToMemoryList() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QPicItem
AddToMonitoredObjectList(TObject*,QWidget*,TCanvas*,TPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredListStatus
AddToMonitoredObjectList(TObject*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredListStatus
AddToMonitorList() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
AddToMonitorList() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QPicItem
AddToolsBar() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
AddToolsMenu() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
AddTree(TTree*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Add reference to a tree in the go4 folder structure.
AddTree(TTree*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Add reference to a tree in the go4 folder structure.
AddTreeHistogram(const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*,TCut) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Add Histogram into the dynamic list wich is linked to a tree.
AddTreeHistogram(const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*,TCut) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Add Histogram into the dynamic list wich is linked to a tree.
AddUserCommand(TGo4Command*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
Add a user command object to the existing command list.
AddUserCommandList(TGo4CommandProtoList*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
Add a user command list to the existing command list.
AfterEval() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Clear buffers, which were created by BeforeEval() method.
AfterEval() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFormula
AfterEval() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFromData
AfterEval() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFunction
AfterEval() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGaussN
AfterEval() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelPolynom
AllCreated() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadHandler
Returns true if all root threads in list are existing,
i.e. there is a pid and a valid thread pointer for them
in go4 thread
AllRunning() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadHandler
Returns true if all threads in list are running, i.e.
all workfunctions were started
AllWaiting() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadHandler
Returns true if all threads in list are waiting, i.e.
all workfunctions are in condition wait
Analysis - Object in Sequence Diagram gui2.6
Analysis(TMeshB12OutputEvent*) - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB12AnlProc
Analysis(TMeshB1OutputEvent*) - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB1AnlProc
Analysis(TMeshB2OutputEvent*) - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB2AnlProc
Analysis(TMeshB3OutputEvent*) - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB3AnlProc
Analysis(TMeshFinalEvent*) - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshFinalProc
AnalysisAutoSave(const char*,Int_t,Int_t,Bool_t,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
AnalysisConfigAppearance(int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
AnalysisConfigName(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
AnalysisConfigSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
AnalysisShell() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
AnalysisStatusSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
AppendHistStylesToString(TString*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
AppendToDir(TObject*,TDirectory*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Append object ob to directory dir.
ApplyConfig(TGo4FitterConfig*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Set active configuration object.
ApplyRangesForModelMask(TGo4FitComponent*,Char_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Exclude points from model according model range conditions.
ARCH_ANY - Variable in class RawAPI.ARCH_DEVICE
ARCH_DISK - Variable in class RawAPI.ARCH_DEVICE
ARCH_TAPE - Variable in class RawAPI.ARCH_DEVICE
ARCH_TAPE_MC - Variable in class RawAPI.ARCH_DEVICE
ARCH_TAPE_MC_2 - Variable in class RawAPI.ARCH_DEVICE
ARCHIVE - Variable in class RawAPI.ACTION
ARCHIVE_MGR - Variable in class RawAPI.ACTION
ARCHIVE_OVER - Variable in class RawAPI.ACTION
ARCHIVE_RECORD - Variable in class RawAPI.ACTION
ARCHIVE_TO_CACHE - Variable in class RawAPI.ACTION
ArrowChanged(TGo4FitGUIArrow*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
AssignDrawPanel(TGo4PreviewPanel*,TPad*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
Sets viewpanel, canvas and pad.
AssignmentName(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Returns name of data, to which model object is assigned.
AssignModelTo(const char*,const char*,Double_t,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Assign model to specified data object.
AssignRootColors() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
Assign pad background according to fiPadColor values in
root colormap.
AssignToData(const char*,Double_t,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Assign model to specified data object.
AssignUID(TObject*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelStatus
This helper function will check if uid of ob is already
referencend and will change it to a "free" number.
AssignWorkViewPanel(TGo4PreviewPanel*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
Conditions in the pad options of view will be set as working conditions.
at_none - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIArrow._enum_TGo4FitGUIArrow_h_31
at_pos - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIArrow._enum_TGo4FitGUIArrow_h_31
at_range - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIArrow._enum_TGo4FitGUIArrow_h_31
at_width - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIArrow._enum_TGo4FitGUIArrow_h_31
At(Int_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
Returns condition object i from object array.
AutoEnable(Bool_t) - Static method in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
set boolean for user action
AutoProcessIsEnabled() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntryStatus
AutoSave() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Perform autosave of all active stores, save existing calibration objects,
write known objects into user file.
AutoSave() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
Save step specific parts.
AutoSaveFile(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationSlots
AxisChoice(Option_t*) - Method in class TH1


b1_evtsev - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_opc1
b1_lnkf1 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_opc1
b1_lnkf2 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_opc1
b1_selflt - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_opc1
b1_selwrt - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_opc1
b3_opc - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_opc1
backwardId - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4HelpWindow
BeforeEval(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Prepares (if necesary) some intermediate variables to be able calculate values of model via EvalN() function.
BeforeEval(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFormula
BeforeEval(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFromData
BeforeEval(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFunction
Preapre object to evaluations.
BeforeEval(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGauss1
BeforeEval(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGauss2
BeforeEval(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGaussN
BeforeEval(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelPolynom
bh_acqui_running - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bh_acqui_started - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bh_anal - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_head
bh_cam_tab_loaded - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bh_col_mode - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bh_controller_id - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bh_crate_nr - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bh_daqst_initalized - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bh_ena_evt_copy - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bh_event_serv_ready - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bh_free2 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_head
bh_histo_enable - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bh_histo_ready - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bh_histogram - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_head
bh_lock - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_head
bh_meb_asy_flg - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bh_meb_trig_mode - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bh_pact - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bh_rd_flg - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bh_rd_typ - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bh_running - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bh_set_ml_loaded - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bh_set_mo_loaded - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bh_setup_loaded - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bh_special_meb_trig_type - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bh_sy_asy_flg - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bh_trig_master - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bh_trig_stat_nr - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bh_verbose_flg - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bi_evt_subtyp_asy - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bi_evt_subtyp_sy - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bi_evt_typ_asy - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bi_evt_typ_sy - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bi_init_tab_len - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bi_master - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bi_rd_tab_len - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bl_cvc_clb_off - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bl_cvc_crr_off - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bl_cvc_csr_off - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bl_cvc_irq_len - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bl_cvc_irq_mask_off - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bl_cvc_irq_source_off - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bl_esone_off - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bl_esosrv_maxcli - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bl_ev_buf_len - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bl_evtsrv_all - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bl_evtsrv_events - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bl_evtsrv_maxcli - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bl_evtsrv_scale - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bl_flush_time - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bl_histo_port - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bl_init_read_len - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bl_init_tab_off - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bl_loc_esone_base - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bl_loc_mem_len - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bl_max_se_len - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bl_ml_pipe_base_addr - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bl_ml_pipe_len - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bl_ml_pipe_seg_len - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bl_n_buffers - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bl_n_bufstream - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bl_n_col_retry - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bl_n_ev_buf - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bl_n_events - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bl_n_evserv_events - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bl_n_evserv_kbytes - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bl_n_evt - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bl_n_kbyte - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bl_n_kbyte_file - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bl_n_kbyte_tape - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bl_n_si - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bl_n_stream - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bl_n_strserv_bufs - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bl_n_strserv_kbytes - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bl_n_trig - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bl_no_crates - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bl_pipe_len - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bl_pipe_off - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bl_pipe_seg_len - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bl_r_buffers - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bl_r_bufstream - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bl_r_events - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bl_r_evserv_events - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bl_r_evserv_kbytes - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bl_r_kbyte - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bl_r_kbyte_tape - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bl_r_strserv_bufs - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bl_r_strserv_kbytes - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bl_rd_tab_off - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bl_rem_cam_len - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bl_rem_cam_off - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bl_rem_esone_base - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bl_rem_mem_len - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bl_rem_mem_off - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bl_run_time - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bl_sbs__n_cr - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bl_sbs__n_trg_typ - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bl_se_meb_asy_len - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bl_special_meb_trig_base - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bl_strsrv_keep - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bl_strsrv_nokeep - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bl_strsrv_nosync - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bl_strsrv_scale - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bl_strsrv_scaled - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bl_strsrv_sync - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
bl_struc_len - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bl_trig_cvt - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
bl_trig_fct - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
BlockApp() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadManager
Blocks gSystem by means of the blocking timer
bookm - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4HelpWindow
bookmarks - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4HelpWindow
bookmChosen(int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4HelpWindow
Browse(TBrowser*) - Method in class TH1
Browse(TBrowser*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
browser - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4HelpWindow
BrowserRefreshed() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4RemoteBrowserSlots
Buffer() - Method in class TBuffer
BufferEmpty(Bool_t) - Method in class TH1
BufferFill(Axis_t,Stat_t) - Method in class TH1
BuffersAllocated() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Checks, if buffers allocated for data.
BuffersAllocated() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Checks if model allocate buffers for calculations
BufferSize() - Method in class TBuffer
BuffersUsage() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
build - package build
build - Class Diagram in build
Build() - Method in class TH1
build(TCanvas*,const char*,Int_t,Int_t,UInt_t,UInt_t) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQCanvasImp
BuildCompositeEvent(TGo4CompositeEvent*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileSource
Use this method instead of BuildEvent
to correctly sync and read Go4 composite event
BuildEvent(TGo4EventElement*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileSource
Fill the destination event dest from the tree.
BuildEvent(TGo4EventElement*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeSource
Fill the destination event dest from the tree.
BuildMbsEvent(TGo4MbsEvent*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSource
This methods actually fills the target event class which is passed as pointer.
BuildPadEditor(TQRootWindow*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
build the root pad editor inside Qt parent frame
BuildParameterList() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
Setup list of all known TGo4Parameter subclasses from gROOT
BuildSimpleEvent(TGo4SimpleEvent*) - Method in class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleEventProcessor
BuildVarExp(const char*,const char*,const char*,TString&) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4TreeViewerSlots
construct tree draw expression from the strings X,Y,Z.
BuildYYYEvent(TYYYRawEvent*) - Method in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYEventSource
This methods actually fills the target event class which is passed as pointer.
Button_FitterDraw(TGo4FitData*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Button_PeakFinder() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Button_PerformFit() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Button_SimpleClear() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Button_SimpleFit(int) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Button_WorkWithPanel() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots


c - Variable in class qtroot.interface.TQCanvasMenu
c_access - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_his_comm
c_anal_segm_name - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
c_base - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_his_comm
c_buffer - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_clntbuf
c_channel - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_evt_channel
c_clear_date - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_his_head
c_clear_date - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_spe
c_command - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_comm_portserv
c_data - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_comm_portserv
c_data_time_cre - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_his_head
c_data_time_cre - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_spe
c_date - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_comm_portserv
c_date - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
c_date - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_head
c_desc - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_pol
c_desc - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_win
c_devname - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
c_display - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
c_dtype - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_his_head
c_dtype - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_spe
c_exper - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
c_exprun - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
c_file_name - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
c_histo - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_his_comm
c_host - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
c_hostname - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_set_ml
c_ident - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_head
c_lettering_1 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_his_head
c_lettering_1 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_spe
c_lettering_2 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_his_head
c_lettering_2 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_spe
c_lettering_res - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_his_head
c_lettering_res - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_spe
c_message - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_clntbuf
c_message - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_comm_message
c_ml_setup_name - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
c_name - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_his_head
c_name - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_pol
c_name - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_spe
c_name - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_win
c_out_chan - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
c_pathstr - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
c_pname - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
c_port - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_comm_portserv
c_rd_hostname - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_set_ml
c_readout_name - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
c_remote - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
c_sbs_setup_path - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_set_ml
c_serv_name - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_comm_portserv
c_serv_node - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_comm_portserv
c_setup_name - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
c_shsegname - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_head
c_status - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_comm_message
c_tape_label - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
c_taskname - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_errstat
c_user - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
CalcPolynom(const TArrayD&,Double_t) - Static method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
CalculateFCN(Int_t,TGo4FitData*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
CalculateFitFunction(Double_t*,Int_t,const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Calculate value of fit function for given set of parameters and specified type of fit function (it can not correspond to minimized fit function type).
CalculateFitFunction(Double_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Calculates value of fit function.
CalculateNDF(const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Calculates number of degree of freedom (NDF).
CalculatesIntegral(const char*,const char*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Calculates integral for data or model (if ModelName is specified)
if OnlyCounts specified, only sum of values in bins position are calculated
CalculatesModelIntegral(const char*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Calculates integral of model (if ModelName is specified)
if OnlyCounts specified, only sum of values in bins position are calculated
CalculatesMomentums(const char*,Bool_t,Bool_t,Double_t&,Double_t&) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Calculates first and second momentum for specified data
Usage of ranges and substraction of model can be specified
CalculateWithBuffers(TGo4Fitter*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitAmplEstimation
CalculateWithIterators(TGo4Fitter*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitAmplEstimation
CallMNEMAT(TMinuit*,Int_t,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuitResult
CallMNERRS(TMinuit*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuitResult
CallMNPOUT(TMinuit*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuitResult
CallMNSTAT(TMinuit*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuitResult
CanAmplTouch() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Signals, if amplitude parameter can be removed from or introduced to object.
CanAmplTouch() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Always return kTRUE.
CanAmplTouch() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFormula
Signals that ampltide parameter can be removed from or introdeced to object.
CanAmplTouch() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFunction
Signals, that amplitude parameter can be removed from or introduced to object.
Cancel() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Thread
Cancels TThread
Cancel(const char*) - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadHandler
Cancels the ROOT Thread specified by the Go4 Thread of name 'name'.
CancelAll() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadHandler
Cancel all Threads in the thread list.
CanChangeFitter() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
CanChangeFitter() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAction
CanConnectToSlot(TGo4FitSlot*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
Checks, if slot can be connected to other
CanRollbackPars() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Return true if parameters can be safely restored from memorized values;
Canvas1 - Object in Sequence Diagram gui2.6
CanvasColorSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
cApplType - Variable in class RawAPI.srawComm
CapturePadData(TVirtualPad*,bool) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
cArchiveDate - Variable in class RawAPI.srawFileSystem
cArchiveDate - Variable in class RawAPI.srawRetrList
cArchiveUser - Variable in class RawAPI.srawFileSystem
cDate - Variable in class RawAPI.srawObjAttr
cFile - Variable in class RawAPI.srawArchList
cFileName - Variable in class RawAPI.srawTapeFileList
ChangeActivePage(int) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
ChangeDataNameInAssignments(const char*,const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Change name of data in assignments.
ChangeDataNameInAssignments(const char*,const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Change data name in model component assignments.
ChangeEpsilon(Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
Change epsilon value.
ChangeHisFillColor() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQCanvasMenu
ChangeHisLineColor() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQCanvasMenu
ChangeObjectName(QFitItem*,const char*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
ChangeProtectionsRemoteObj(const char*,const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4RemoteBrowserSlots
ChangeRangeMax(Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
Cahnge value of range maximum.
ChangeRangeMin(Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
Change value of range minimum.
ChangeSettings(int) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
CheckByteCount(UInt_t,UInt_t,const TClass*) - Method in class TBuffer
CheckCalibration(const char*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessor
Check if calibration class is valid.
CheckConnector() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4MarkerPainter
Check if connector is still existing.
CheckCount(UInt_t) - Method in class TBuffer
CheckDrawPad() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
True if current draw pad is still exisiting
CheckDuplicatesOnSlot() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlotList
Resolve situation, when same object assigned to several slots with ownership flag.
CheckDynListInterval() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
CheckDynListInterval() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
CheckEventSource(const char*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
Check if event source is valid.
CheckHistogram() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
True if current histogram is still exisiting
CheckHistogram(const char*,TH1*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
test histogram of name is in one of the browser lists
CheckIndex(Int_t&) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
CheckInputEvent(const char*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessor
Check if input event is valid.
CheckLabel() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4LabelPainter
Check if label is still existing.
CheckLogin() - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
Checks basename and passwd login of connected client
CheckObject(UInt_t,const TClass*,Bool_t) - Method in class TBuffer
CheckObjects(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlotList
Check, if all necessary objects are provided.
CheckOwnership() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
Sets up ownership relation between object and owner of slot.
CheckParsListChanging() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
If appropriate flag sets (via SetParsListChange() method), function recollect all parameters from all objects, associated to fitter.
CheckPointForRange() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
Check range conditions and amplitude threshold for current point.
CheckPosition(Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
CheckRangeConditions(const Double_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Check all range conditions for specified point.
CheckSlotsBeforeDelete(TGo4FitComponent*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
CheckStopBuffer(TBuffer*,Int_t*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerRunnable
Test if buffer contains a message to stop this
CheckSubPads(TPad*,TPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelStatus
Check if pad test is still existing in list of primitives
of pad container.
CheckTransportOpen() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerRunnable
Test if socket transport exists and is open.
CheckVersion(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Version
Returns true if Version number matches the
argument of the Method.
CheckViewpanel(TGo4PreviewPanel*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
test if viewpanel reference pan is still in workspace
CheckWorkHistogram() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Test if work histogram is still exisiting.
childRemoved(TGo4PreviewPanel*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4WorkSpace
Class_Name() - Static method in class TBuffer
Class_Name() - Static method in class TH1
Class_Version() - Static method in class TBuffer
Class_Version() - Static method in class TH1
Class() - Static method in class TBuffer
Class() - Static method in class TH1
CleanupCondition(TGo4Condition*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
If condition con matches the internal condition, the
reference to internal condition will be reset to 0.
CleanupCondition(TGo4Condition*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicList
Remove reference to condition con from all dynamic list entries.
CleanupDynamicLists(TObject*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Remove reference to object from all dynamic lists.Object type is noticed automatically.
CleanupEvent(TGo4EventElement*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
If event ev matches one internal event, the
reference to event will be reset to 0.
CleanupEvent(TGo4EventElement*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicList
If event ev matches one internal event, the
reference to event will be reset to 0.
CleanupEvent(TGo4EventElement*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntry
If event ev matches one internal event, the
reference to event will be reset to 0.
CleanupHistogram(TH1*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
If histogram his matches the internal histogram, the
reference to internal histogram will be reset to 0.
CleanupHistogram(TH1*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicList
Remove reference to histogram his from all dynamic list entries.
CleanupHistogram(TH1*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntry
If histogram his matches the internal histogram, the
reference to internal histogram will be reset to 0.
CleanupPadEditor() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
remove subeditors in root cache for this viewpanel.
CleanupPadLists(TCanvas*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelStatus
Check if all pads in our lists are still existing in our
viewpanel canvas.
CleanupSpecials() - Static method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCond
Remove all references to any TCutGs from ROOT list of specials.
Clear() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
Clear pointer on object in slot.
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicList
Removes all entries and deletes them.
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4ClonesElement
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4CompositeEvent
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessor
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventSource
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventStore
We overwrite the default TNamed::Clear that would
erase our name and title!
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4EventHeader10
Reset all members to zero.
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4GSIEventHeader
Reset all members to zero.
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEvent
Method called by the event owner (analysis step) to clear the event element.
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSubEvent
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4SubEventHeader10
Reset all members to zero.
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleEvent
Method called by the event owner (analysis step) to clear the
event element.
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleSubEvent
Method called by the event owner (analysis step) to clear the
event element.
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXEvent
Method called by the event owner (analysis step) to clear the
event element.
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnlEvent
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackEvent
Method called by the event owner (analysis step) to clear the
event element.
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB12OutputEvent
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB1InputEvent
Method called by the event owner (analysis step) to clear the
event element.
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB1OutputEvent
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB2InputEvent
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB2OutputEvent
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB3InputEvent
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB3OutputEvent
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshDummyEvent
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshFinalEvent
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshRawEvent
Method called by the event owner (analysis step) to clear the
event element.
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYRawEvent
Method called by the event owner (analysis step) to clear the
event element.
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackEvent
Method called by the event owner (analysis step) to clear the
event element.
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Remove all data, all models and all actions
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Clear fitter.
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Queue.TGo4BufferQueue
Empty the queue and give free buffers back
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Queue.TGo4Queue
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4FitterEnvelope
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Parameter
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
Clear(Option_t*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
ClearAll() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationSlots
clearAll(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4ClonesElement
clearAll(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4CompositeEvent
clearAll(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
ClearAllLabels(TVirtualPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
In case of pad clear, delete all
markers and region labels from viewpanel list
that are assigned to pad.
ClearAllOptions(Short_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
clearAnalysis() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
ClearAssigmentTo(const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
ClearAssignments() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Remove all assignments.
ClearAssignmentTo(const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Remove assignment to given data (if exists).
ClearBlocked() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
Release blocking of parameter.
ClearBrowser() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4RemoteBrowserSlots
ClearButton - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisWindow
ClearCommands() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuit
Clear Minuit commands list.
ClearConditions(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
Clear all condition related information from the working pad.
ClearConnectionToSlot() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
Clear connection to other slot
ClearCounters() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
Reset the counter of the condition under edit.
ClearDrawObjs() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitSlotStatus
ClearEpsilon() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
Set status, what epsilon is not specified.
ClearFillAtt(Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
ClearFolder(TFolder*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Clear (reset) all objects in folder fold, e.g. zero the histograms.
ClearHistStyles(Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
ClearLegend(TVirtualPad*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
Remove any Legend on pad.
ClearLineAtt(Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
clearLog() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
ClearLogInfo() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4LogInfoSlots
ClearLogInfo() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4LogInfoStatus
ClearLogScales() - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
ClearMarkerAtt(Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
ClearModelAssignmentTo(const char*,const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Remove assignment to given data (if exists).
ClearObject(TObject*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Clear (reset) the specified object.
ClearObjects(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
ClearObjects(const char*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlotList
Clear object from slot(s), which are defined by PlaceName condition.
ClearObjects(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Clear (reset) the specified objects.
ClearObjects(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Clear (reset) the specified objects.
ClearObjNames(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
ClearOption(Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
ClearOption(Short_t,Short_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
ClearOther() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIArrow
clearOutput() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisWindow
ClearPars() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Remove all parameters from list.
ClearParsBlocking() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
ClearPrimitives() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitSlotStatus
ClearQueues() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Clear all entries of queues.
ClearRange() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
Clear status, that range was psecified.
ClearRanges(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Clear all range conditions for given axis.
ClearRangeX() - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
ClearRangeY() - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
ClearRemoteList() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4RemoteBrowserStatus
ClearResults() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuit
Delete all results objects.
ClearSlot(TGo4FitSlot*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlotList
Clear object in specified slot.
ClearSlotsStatusList() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Click(TGo4PreviewPanel*,TPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
framework calls this method whenever mouse clicks on pad
ClientLogin() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskManager
Check account and password of the client that requests a
connection to this server.
cliNode - Variable in class RawAPI.srawComm
CloneCut(TGo4PolyCond*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCond
Returns pointer to a cloned cut from source.
CloneObject(const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
Clone object in slot and returns pointer on new object.
CLOSE - Variable in class RawAPI.ACTION
Close() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Closes the analysis step.
Close() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFile
Close the file or connection.
Close() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsRandom
Close the file or connection.
Close() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSource
Close the file or connection.
Close() - Method in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYEventSource
Close the file or connection.
Close() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QFileItem
Close() - Method in class Go4Socket.TGo4Socket
Close() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQCanvasImp
Close the dialog box
Close(Option_t*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
CloseAllFilesSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
CloseAllWindows() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
CloseAnalysis() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Finish the analysis run and close all event sources/storages.
CloseAnalysis() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Cleanups required when analysis is closed.
CloseAnalysis() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
Finish the analysis run and close all event sources/storages.
CloseAutoSaveFile() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Close the autosave file if existing.
CloseBrowsers() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
CloseChannels() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Close transport channels and clear queues.
CloseDrawPanel() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
closeEvent(QCloseEvent*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
closeEvent(QCloseEvent*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QDockWindow
closeEvent(QCloseEvent*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4WorkSpace
closeEvent(QCloseEvent*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.QTFrame
closeEvent(QCloseEvent*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
closeEvent(QCloseEvent*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootWindow
CloseEventProcessor() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Unregister and close eventprocessor, if existing.
CloseEventSource() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Unregister and close eventsource, if existing.
CloseEventStore() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Unregister and close eventstore, if existing.
CloseFile() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFile
Close current file/tagfile.
CloseFile(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
CloseFileSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
CloseFitPanel() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
CloseFormula() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFormula
CloseLibrary() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFunction
CloseLogfile() - Static method in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
Close logfile if existing
CloseWindow() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootFrame
Cmd_AddDependency(QFitItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_AddNewAction(QFitItem*,int) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_AddNewData(QFitItem*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_AddNewModel(QFitItem*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_AddNewPar(QFitItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_AddRangeCondition(QFitItem*,int) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_AssignModelToAllData(QFitItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_AssignModelToData(QFitItem*,int) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_ClearAssigment(QFitItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_ClearAssigments(QFitItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_ClearFitter() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_CreateAppropriateFitter() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_CreateFitter() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_DeleteAction(QFitItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_DeleteActions(QFitItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_DeleteAllData(QFitItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_DeleteAssosiatedModels(QFitItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_DeleteData(QFitItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_DeleteDependencies(QFitItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_DeleteDependency(QFitItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_DeleteFitter() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_DeleteMinuitResult(QFitItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_DeleteModel(QFitItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_DeleteModels(QFitItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_DeleteOutputActions(QFitItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_DeletePar(QFitItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_DeletePars(QFitItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_DrawData(QFitItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_ExecuteAction(QFitItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_ExecuteActions(QFitItem*,bool) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_ItemPrint(QFitItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_MemorizePar(QFitItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_MemorizePars(QFitItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_MoveAction(QFitItem*,int) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_RememberPar(QFitItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_RememberPars(QFitItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_RemoveModel(TGo4FitModel*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_RemoveRangeCondition(QFitItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_RemoveRangeConditions(QFitItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_SaveFitter(bool) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Cmd_UpdateAllSlots(QFitItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
cMgmtClass - Variable in class RawAPI.srawObjAttr
cMsg - Variable in class RawAPI.srawCliActionComm
cNamefs - Variable in class RawAPI.srawComm
cNamefs - Variable in class RawAPI.srawObjAttr
cNamehl - Variable in class RawAPI.srawComm
cNamehl - Variable in class RawAPI.srawObjAttr
cNamell - Variable in class RawAPI.srawComm
cNamell - Variable in class RawAPI.srawObjAttr
cNamell - Variable in class RawAPI.srawRetrList
cNode - Variable in class RawAPI.srawCliActionComm
cNode - Variable in class RawAPI.srawDataMoverAttr
cNode - Variable in class RawAPI.srawFileSystem
cNode - Variable in class RawAPI.srawObjAttr
cNodeMaster - Variable in class RawAPI.srawAPIFile
cNodeMover - Variable in class RawAPI.srawAPIFile
cNodeMover - Variable in class RawAPI.srawRetrList
cNodeName - Variable in class RawAPI.srawPoolStatusDMData
CollectAllPars() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
CollectAllPars() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Should collect parameters from all associated to fitter objects.
CollectParsTo(TGo4FitParsList&) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Collect all parameters to provided parameters list object.
CollectParsTo(TGo4FitParsList&) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Add all parameters to provided TGo4FitParsList object.
CommandAction1() - Method in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleApplication
CommandAction2() - Method in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleApplication
CommonOptions() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
CompileFormula() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFormula
ComputeIntegral() - Method in class TH1
ComputeTimes(TGo4ProfileTimer::TGo4ElapsedTime) - Method in class Go4ProfileTimer.TGo4ProfileTimer
CONCLASS - Variable in class Go4GUI.PropertyIndex
CONCOUNTS - Variable in class Go4GUI.PropertyIndex
condarr - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
The object array of conditions
CONDIM - Variable in class Go4GUI.PropertyIndex
ConditionEditSlot(const char*,TGo4PreviewPanel*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
ConditionInfoSlot(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
ConditionName() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditStatus
Return values for currently set condition:
ConditionSize(TGo4PolyCond*) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4ConditionStatus
Calculate real memory size for polly
ConfigStep(const char*,Bool_t,Bool_t,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
CONMODE - Variable in class Go4GUI.PropertyIndex
Connect(const char*,TGo4Socket*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
establishes the connections of all three transport channels and starts the service threads
ConnectAnalysis(const char*,Int_t,Int_t,const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
ConnectClient(const char*,const char*,Go4CommandMode_t) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskManager
used by connector runnable to wait for a client request to
connect to this server task.
ConnectClientChannel(const char*,TGo4Socket*,TGo4Socket*,const char*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
method defining the connection protocol of
one data transport channel (data, status, or command).
ConnectHost() - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
ConnectObjectClient() - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
Starts server socket waiting for the next client
ConnectorName() - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
ConnectorThreadIsStopped() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
Returns the waiting state fbIsWaiting of the Connector
ConnectServer() - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4ObjClient
ConnectServer(const char*,UInt_t,Go4CommandMode_t,const char*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ClientTask
Connect this client to a waiting server task on node with
negotiation channel negport.
ConnectServerChannel(const char*,TGo4Socket*,TGo4Socket*,const char*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Method defining the connection protocol of
one data transport channel (data, status, or command).
ConnectSlave(const char*,const char*,UInt_t,const char*,const char*,Int_t,Bool_t,Go4CommandMode_t,const char*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Master
Start connection to the slave.
ConnectSlots(const char*,const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlotList
Connects first slot to second.
ConnectSlots(TGo4FitSlot*,TGo4FitSlot*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlotList
Connects first slot to second.
ConnectToDataIfAssigned(TGo4FitData*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Check, if model assigned to such a data (via name) and store pointer on this data object.
ConnectToSlot(TGo4FitSlot*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
Connect this slot to provided slot.
CONRESULT - Variable in class Go4GUI.PropertyIndex
CONSIZE - Variable in class Go4GUI.PropertyIndex
Constructor(Bool_t,const char*,const char*) - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
CONTIME - Variable in class Go4GUI.PropertyIndex
CONTITLE - Variable in class Go4GUI.PropertyIndex
CONTOCH - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuitResult
CONTOX - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuitResult
CONTOY - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuitResult
CONX - Variable in class Go4GUI.PropertyIndex
CONY - Variable in class Go4GUI.PropertyIndex
Copy(TObject&) - Method in class TH1
CopyFrom(TGo4FitGUIOptions&,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIOptions
CopyParsValuesFrom(TGo4FitterAbstract*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
If provided fitter has a same list of parameters, their values will be copied to fitter.
cOS - Variable in class RawAPI.srawComm
cOS - Variable in class RawAPI.srawFileSystem
cOS - Variable in class RawAPI.srawObjAttr
CountPoints(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
Counts total number of points in data object.
Counts() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
Return number of calls of the Test method.
Counts() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Return number of calls of the Test method.
Counts() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditStatus
Return values for currently set condition:
cOwner - Variable in class RawAPI.srawComm
cOwner - Variable in class RawAPI.srawObjAttr
cOwner - Variable in class RawAPI.srawRetrList
cPoolName - Variable in class RawAPI.srawPoolStatusData
cPoolOS - Variable in class RawAPI.srawPoolStatusData
CREATE_ARCHIVE - Variable in class RawAPI.ACTION
Create() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Thread
creates the TThread if not yet existing
Create(const char*) - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadHandler
Launch the ROOT Thread specified by the Go4 Thread of name 'name'.
CreateAll() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadHandler
Launch all Threads in the thread list.
CreateAppropriateData(TGo4Fitter*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
CreateAppropriateFitter(const char*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
createArgumentTitle(TMethodArg*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQCanvasMenu
Create string describing argument (for use in dialog box).
CreateBranchFolder(TObjArray*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Create a folder with subfolders from a list of TBranchElements.
CreateCanvas() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4CanvasStatus
CreateCanvasImp(TCanvas*,const char*,Int_t,Int_t,UInt_t,UInt_t) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootGuiFactory
create a Qt native Gui of TCanvasImp
CreateCanvasImp(TCanvas*,const char*,UInt_t,UInt_t) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootGuiFactory
create a Qt native Gui of TCanvasImp
CreateCommandList() - Method in class Go4Display.TGo4Display
Factory method for command list; overrides base class implementation
CreateCommandList() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Master
factory method for command list; overridden by implementation
CreateCommandList() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
factory method for command list; overridden by implementation
CreateCommandList() - Method in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleServer
CreateCompositeBranchFolder(TObjArray*,TGo4CompositeEvent*,Int_t,Int_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Create a folder with subfolders from a list of TBranchElements
that belongs to a TGo4CompositeEvent.
CreateCurrentLabel(Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4LabelPainter
Create Label at the window coords.
CreateCut() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCondView
create plain cutg from this view.
CreateCutHistogram(TH1*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCond
Create clone of source histogram that only has
contents for bins inside the current TCutG.
CreateData(Int_t,const char*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
CreateDataFor(TGo4Fitter*,TObject*,bool,bool) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
createDialogTitle(TObject*,TMethod*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQCanvasMenu
Create a dialog title
CreatedInMake() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
CreateDrawObject(const char*,const char*,Bool_t,const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Create object (TH1 or TGraph), which can be drawn.
CreateDrawObject(const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Creates object, which can be drawn on canvas by ROOT.
CreateDrawObject(const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
Create either histogram or graph object.
CreateDrawOptions(TPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4QRootCanvas
CreateDynamicEntry() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntryStatus
Use status information to build a dynamic entry with this parameters.
CreateDynamicEntry() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicListStatus
Use status information to build a dynamic entry with this parameters.
CreateDynamicEntry() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntryStatus
Use status information to build a dynamic entry with this parameters.
CreateDynamicEntry() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntryStatus
Use status information to build a dynamic entry
with this parameters.
CreateEntryStatus(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicList
Creates an entry status object for entry of name and returns it.
CreateEventProcessor(TGo4EventProcessorParameter*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventFactory
CreateEventProcessor(TGo4EventProcessorParameter*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4EventServerFactory
CreateEventProcessor(TGo4EventProcessorParameter*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4StepFactory
CreateEventProcessor(TGo4EventProcessorParameter*) - Method in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnlFact
CreateEventProcessor(TGo4EventProcessorParameter*) - Method in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackFact
CreateEventProcessor(TGo4EventProcessorParameter*) - Method in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackFact
CreateEventSource(TGo4EventSourceParameter*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventFactory
CreateEventSource(TGo4EventSourceParameter*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4EventServerFactory
CreateEventSource(TGo4EventSourceParameter*) - Method in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackFact
CreateEventStore(TGo4EventStoreParameter*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventFactory
CreateEventStore(TGo4EventStoreParameter*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4EventServerFactory
CreateGraph(const char*,Bool_t,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
Create TGraph object with appropriate to data object size.
CreateGUIScriptSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
CreateHistogram(const char*,Bool_t,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
Create histogram (if possible) with appropriate to data object dimensions number and size.
CreateInputEvent() - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventFactory
CreateInputEvent() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4EventServerFactory
CreateInputEvent() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4StepFactory
CreateInputEvent() - Method in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnlFact
CreateInputEvent() - Method in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackFact
CreateLocalHist(int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4CreateNewHistogramSlots
CreateMarkerSetup(TVirtualPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
Create status of current viewpanel markers.
CreateMembersFolder(TClass*) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4EventStatus
Scans all members of class cl and create folder of
datamember status objects
CreateModel(Int_t,const char*,TGo4Fitter*,TGo4FitData*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
CreateNamesFolder(TFolder*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Conversion of the TFolder of objects into a TFolder containing
the object names as TObjectStrings.
CreateNamesList() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Creates a list of names (keys) of all objects in analysis directories.
CreateNamesList() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Creates a list of names (keys) of all objects in analysis
CreateNewCondition(const Text_t*,const Text_t*,Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
Create new condition name of class classname and put it into
current editor (central mode only).
CreateNewHist() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
CreateObject() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCreateObject
Create object of given classname using root TClass mechanism
CreateObjectList(const Text_t*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Create a list of objects which names are matching expression expr.
optionally, the search can be limited to given subfolder of
CreateObjectList(const Text_t*,TFolder*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
For recursive search for objects in folder fold that match expression.
CreateObjectStatus(const Text_t*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Find Object of name in the folder structure
and create a complete status object of it.
CreateObjectStatus(const Text_t*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Find Object of name in the folder structure and create a complete status object of it.
CreateObjectStatus(TObject*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Create status object for object ob.
CreateOrdersPars(const Double_t*,Int_t,Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelPolynom
CreateOutputEvent() - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventFactory
CreateOutputEvent() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4EventServerFactory
CreateOutputEvent() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4StepFactory
CreateOutputEvent() - Method in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnlFact
CreateOutputEvent() - Method in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackFact
CreateOutputEvent() - Method in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackFact
CreatePainter() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
Factory method to generate the subclass implementation for painter
CreatePainter() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Factory method to generate the subclass implentation for painter
CreatePainter() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
Factory method to generate (optional subclass) implementation for painter
CreatePainter() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCond
Factory method to generate the subclass implentation for painter
CreatePainter() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCond
Factory method to generate the subclass implentation for painter
CreatePar(const char*,const char*,Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Create new TGo4FitParameter object with given name, title and parameter value, and put this object to the list.
CreateRemoteHis(int,const char*,const char*,int,long,long,int,long,long,int,long,long) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4CreateNewHistogramSlots
CreateSampleScript() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptStatus
CreateSingleEventTree(const Text_t*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Create a tree that is filled with one single event sample.
CreateSingleEventTree(TGo4EventElement*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Create a tree that is filled with one single event sample.
CreateStatus() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Create a copy of the analysis internal state.
CreateStatus() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Create a copy of the analysis step internal state.
CreateStatus() - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
create a status object with information on the
current client state. this object may be sent to the
server or may be used to restore current status by
memento mechanism.
CreateStatus() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
Create a status object containing information such as the object names.
CreateStatus() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicList
Create a status object containing information such as the object names.
CreateStatus() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntry
Create a status object containing information such as the object names.
CreateStatus() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntry
Create a status object containing information such as the object names.
CreateStatus() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ClientTask
create a status object with information on the
current client state. this object may be sent to the
server or may be used to restore current status by
memento mechanism
CreateStatus() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Slave
create a status object with information on the
current (slave) task. this object may be sent to the
master or may be used to restore current status by
memento mechanism
CreateStatus() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
create a status object with information on the
current (slave) task. this object may be sent to the
master or may be used to restore current status by
memento mechanism
CreateStatus() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
create a status object with information on the
current taskhandler state. this object may be sent to the
server or may be used to restore current status by
memento mechanism
CreateStatus() - Method in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleClient
create a status object with information on the
current client state. this object may be sent to the
server or may be used to restore current status by
memento mechanism.
CreateSubPad(void*,int,Double_t,Double_t,Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
CreateTreeStructure(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Create a tree structure for a certain tree by name
CreateTreeStructure(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Create a tree structure for a certain tree by name
CreateTreeStructure(TTree*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Create a tree structure
object that maps the TBranchelements into a TFolder hierarchy
CreateValueBuffer(UInt_t) - Static method in class Go4Queue.TGo4BufferQueue
Create a root buffer that contains a single value val.
CrosshairSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
cStageUser - Variable in class RawAPI.srawObjAttr
cStatus - Variable in class RawAPI.srawStatus
cTapeLib - Variable in class RawAPI.srawComm
customized - Variable in class qtroot.interface.TQApplication
cut - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCond
Cut pointer.
cv_string - class MbsAPI.cv_string


d_contents - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_spe
Data(Int_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSubEvent
Returns the value at position i in the fiData field.
DataBuffersAllocated(TGo4FitData*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
deactivate() - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4CompositeEvent
deactivate() - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
Debug(const Text_t*,...) - Static method in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
User shortcut for message with prio 0
DeclFileLine() - Static method in class TBuffer
DeclFileLine() - Static method in class TH1
DeclFileName() - Static method in class TBuffer
DeclFileName() - Static method in class TH1
DecodeValueBuffer(TBuffer*) - Static method in class Go4Queue.TGo4BufferQueue
Extract value from buffer that was created by
CreateValueBuffer method.
DefEventProcessor(const char*,const char*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4StepFactory
DefineBinsSize() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Define number of selected bins in data
Create iterator and secuantially checks all points
DefineDimensions() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Define dimension number of data
Create iterator and checks number of dimension
DefineGraphItem() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.QFitItem
DefineIndexesLimits(TArrayI&) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
Iterate over all data points and returns maximum value for indexes.
DefineModelWidgetType(TObject*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
DefinePolynom(Int_t,Double_t*,Double_t*,TArrayD&,Double_t*,Double_t*,Char_t*) - Static method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
DefinePolynomEx(Int_t,Double_t*,Double_t*,Double_t*,Double_t*,Int_t,Int_t,TArrayD&) - Static method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
DefineScaleMinMax(Int_t,Double_t&,Double_t&) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Return scales minimum and maximum for specified axis.
DefineWidgetItem() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.QFitItem
DefInputEvent(const char*,const char*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4StepFactory
DefOutputEvent(const char*,const char*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4StepFactory
DeleteAction(TGo4FitterAction*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Remove action from actions list and destroy it.
DeleteActions() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Remove and delete all actions from actions list.
DeleteAllData() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Delete all data objects from fitter.
DeleteAllModels() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Delete all model objects from fitter.
DeleteAnaylsisStatus() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationStatus
DeleteEntry(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicList
The list entry of name is removed from list; all heap objects are deleted
DeleteFolder(TFolder*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Delete all objects in folder fold only if the kGo4CanDelete bit
is set.
DeleteInputEvent() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Delete input event object
DeleteItem() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredListSlots
DeleteMarker() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
DeleteModel() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIArrow
DeleteModelsAssosiatedTo(const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Remove models assosiated with specific data.
DeleteModelWithPrimit(TGo4FitGUIArrow*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
DeleteObject(TObject*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Delete the specified object if the kGo4CanDelete bit
is set.
DeleteObjects(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Delete object of name, or all objects in folder name, respectively.
DeleteObjects(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Delete object of name, or all objects in folder name, respectively.
DeleteOutputActions() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Remove and delete all output actions from actions list.
DeleteOutputEvent() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Delete input event object
DeletePadFitOptions(TGo4PreviewPanel*,TPad*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
DeleteRegion() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCondView
Delete condition instead of view:
DeleteRegion() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCondView
Delete condition instead of view:
DelViewPanel(TGo4PreviewPanel*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4WorkSpace
DependenceList - Variable in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
DetachBuffer() - Method in class TBuffer
dialog(TObject*,TMethod*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQCanvasMenu
Create a dialog object with OK and Cancel
Dictionary() - Static method in class TBuffer
Dictionary() - Static method in class TH1
Disable(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
Calls Disable for all conditions (multi edit mode) or for currently selected (single edit mode)
Disable(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Freeze condition, on Test() return result.
DisConnect(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Closes the connections of all three transport channels.
DisconnectAnalysis() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
DisConnectClient(const char*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskManager
disonnect an existing client by name, wait for negotiation OK
if clientwait is true
DisConnectClient(TGo4TaskHandler*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskManager
disonnect an existing client by name, wait for negotiation OK
if clientwait is true
DisconnectObjectClient() - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
Terminate connection to current object client, keep waiting for the next one
DisconnectServer() - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4ObjClient
DisconnectServer(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ClientTask
Disconnect the current server task, but do not terminate the client.
DisconnectSlave(const char*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Display.TGo4Display
Add functionality to reset gui appereance here:
DisconnectSlave(const char*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Master
Disconnect slave process.
DisplayData(TNamed*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
DisplayData(TObject*) - Method in class Go4Display.TGo4Display
DisplayData(TObject*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleController
DisplayFileObject(const char*,void*,int,bool) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
DisplayLog(TGo4Status*) - Method in class Go4Display.TGo4Display
DisplayLog(TGo4Status*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
DisplayLog(TGo4Status*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleController
DisplayLogInfo(const char*,const char*,const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4LogInfoSlots
DisplayMonitorObject(const char*,void*,int,bool) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
DisplayObj(int,const char*,void*,int,bool) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
DisplayObject(const char*,void*,int,bool) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class TH1
Divide(const TH1*,const TH1*,Double_t,Double_t,Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
Divide(const TH1*) - Method in class TH1
Divide(TF1*,Double_t) - Method in class TH1
DivideCanvas(int,int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
DivideCanvasSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
DoAction(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Executes specified action from actions list.
DoAction(TGo4FitterAbstract*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitAmplEstimation
Perform amplitude estimations.
DoAction(TGo4FitterAbstract*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuit
Execute all Minuit commands.
DoAction(TGo4FitterAbstract*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
DoAction(TGo4FitterAbstract*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAction
DoAction(TGo4FitterAbstract*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterConfig
Do configuration action.
DoAction(TGo4FitterAbstract*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterOutput
Execute proper output of fitter, Print() or Draw(), with specified options.
DoAction(TGo4FitterAction*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Executes specified action.
DoActions(Bool_t,TObjArray*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Executes actions list.
DoCalculation() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
DoCalculation() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Calculates value of fit function according current values of parameters.
DockBrowsers() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
DoNDFCalculation() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
DoNDFCalculation() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Calculates number of dimensions of freedom;
Should be implemented in inherited classes.
doOutput(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
DragAddOption() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
DragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4QRootCanvas
dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QLineEdit
dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
DragMoveEvent(TObject*,int,QDragMoveEvent*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Draw(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredObject
Draw(Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
Draw(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
Reimplement Draw to set painted flag for all array conditions
Draw(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Draw this condition on current pad
Draw(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
Draw this marker on current pad
Draw(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Draw fitter on current canvas.
Draw(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
Draw(Option_t*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
DrawBackground() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
DrawClone(Option_t*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
DrawClonePad() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
drawComplexControl(ComplexControl,QPainter*,const QWidget*,const QRect&,const QColorGroup&,SFlags,SCFlags,SCFlags,const QStyleOption&) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.MetalStyle
drawComplexControl(ComplexControl,QPainter*,const QWidget*,const QRect&,const QColorGroup&,SFlags,SCFlags,SCFlags,const QStyleOption&) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.NorwegianWoodStyle
drawComplexControlMask(ComplexControl,QPainter*,const QWidget*,const QRect&,const QStyleOption&) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.NorwegianWoodStyle
DrawComponents() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
DrawConditions() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
Draw conditions to the working pad.
drawControl(ControlElement,QPainter*,const QWidget*,const QRect&,const QColorGroup&,SFlags,const QStyleOption&) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.MetalStyle
drawControl(ControlElement,QPainter*,const QWidget*,const QRect&,const QColorGroup&,SFlags,const QStyleOption&) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.NorwegianWoodStyle
drawControlMask(ControlElement,QPainter*,const QWidget*,const QRect&,const QStyleOption&) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.NorwegianWoodStyle
DrawCopy(Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
DrawHeader(TVirtualPad*) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
DrawInfoOnPad() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
DrawLegend(TVirtualPad*,TObject*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
Draw a new Legend for object ob on pad.
DrawMarkers() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
Draw all visible information to the working pad.
drawMetalButton(QPainter*,int,int,int,int,bool,bool,bool) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.MetalStyle
drawMetalFrame(QPainter*,int,int,int,int) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.MetalStyle
drawMetalGradient(QPainter*,int,int,int,int,bool,bool,bool) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.MetalStyle
DrawModels() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
DrawNormalized(Option_t*,Double_t) - Method in class TH1
DrawObj(TGo4PreviewPanel*,TPad*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QCanvasItem
DrawObj(TGo4PreviewPanel*,TPad*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QGraphItem
DrawObj(TGo4PreviewPanel*,TPad*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
Draw current object on the specified panel.
DrawObj(TGo4PreviewPanel*,TPad*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QMultiGraphItem
DrawObj(TGo4PreviewPanel*,TPad*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QPicItem
DrawObj(TGo4PreviewPanel*,TPad*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QTHItem
DrawObj(TGo4PreviewPanel*,TPad*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QTHStackItem
DrawOptionsSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
DrawPanel() - Method in class TH1
DrawPic(TVirtualPad*) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
DrawPictureObjects(TVirtualPad*) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
drawPrimitive(PrimitiveElement,QPainter*,const QRect&,const QColorGroup&,SFlags,const QStyleOption&) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.MetalStyle
drawPrimitive(PrimitiveElement,QPainter*,const QRect&,const QColorGroup&,SFlags,const QStyleOption&) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.NorwegianWoodStyle
drawSemicircleButton(QPainter*,const QRect&,int,bool,const QColorGroup&) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.NorwegianWoodStyle
DrawSubPic(TGo4PreviewPanel*,TPad*,TGo4Picture*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QPicItem
DropAction(QWidget*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QCanvasItem
DropAction(QWidget*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QDragDrop
DropAction(QWidget*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QFitterItem
DropAction(QWidget*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QLeafItem
DropAction(QWidget*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QTHItem
DropedString - Variable in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QLineEdit
dropEvent(QDropEvent*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4QRootCanvas
dropEvent(QDropEvent*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QLineEdit
dropEvent(QDropEvent*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
DropEvent(TObject*,int,QDropEvent*,QFitItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
dtGraph - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData._enum_TGo4FitData_h_35
dtHistogram - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData._enum_TGo4FitData_h_35
Dump() - Method in class Go4ProfileTimer.TGo4ProfileTimer
DumpSettingsLocation() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4QSettings
Printout where the settings are saved
DumpThreads(Int_t) - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadHandler
dumps thread process information to logging output
i.e. file or anything


EditCopySlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
EditorBar() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
EditSelected() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserSlots
ElapsedRusage(TGo4ProfileTimer::Rusage&) - Method in class Go4ProfileTimer.TGo4ProfileTimer
ElapsedTime(TGo4ProfileTimer::TGo4ElapsedTime) - Method in class Go4ProfileTimer.TGo4ProfileTimer
EMINUS - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuitResult
Enable() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
Calls Enable for all conditions (multi edit mode) or for currently selected (single edit mode)
Enable() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Enable (unfreeze) Test execution
EnableProcessing(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
Switch the autoprocessing state of this entry.
EnableProcessing(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntryStatus
Switch the autoprocessing state of this entry.
END_SESSION - Variable in class RawAPI.ACTION
Energy(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXCalibPar
EnterEvent() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
Called when mouse event resizes box
EnterLeave(TPad*,TObject*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
EnterPressed() - Method in class Go4GUI.QComandsHistory
EPARAB - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuitResult
EPLUS - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuitResult
ERRDEF - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuitResult
Error(const Text_t*,...) - Static method in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
User shortcut for message with prio 3
ERRORMATRIX - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuitResult
EstimateAmplitudes(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Estimate amplitude of all model components.
Eval(Int_t,Double_t*,Double_t&,Double_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TMinuitEx
Eval(TF1*,Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
EvalMembers(TClass*,Long_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
Add member info of (base-) class cl to the list
In case of baseclass, the offset relative to thispointer
of inherited class is passed
EvalN(const Double_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Calculates value of model according current parameters values and provided axes values.
EvalN(const Double_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFormula
EvalN(const Double_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFromData
EvalN(const Double_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGauss1
EvalN(const Double_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGauss2
EvalN(const Double_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGaussN
EvalN(const Double_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelPolynom
Evaluate(Double_t,Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Calculates value of model for given x,y,z values.
Evaluate(Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Calculates value of model for given x,y values.
Evaluate(Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Calculates value of model for given x value.
Evaluate(Double_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Calculates value of model for given axis values.
EvaluateAndIntegrate(Int_t,const Double_t*,const Double_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Make integration of model inside given point, if integration specified.
EvaluateAtPoint(TGo4FitData*,Int_t,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Evaluate model value for specified data point.
EvaluateAtPoint(TGo4FitData*,Int_t,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFromData
EvaluateAtPoint(TGo4FitDataIter*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Evaluate model value for point, specified by current values of iterator.
EvaluateAtPoint(TGo4FitDataIter*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFromData
Event(TXXXEvent*) - Method in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXProc
EventDisplay() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoSlots
eventFilter(QObject*,QEvent*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4QRootCanvas
eventFilter(QObject*,QEvent*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4WorkSpace
eventFilter(QObject*,QEvent*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
EventInfoSlot(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
ExcludeRange(Int_t,Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Exclude axis range from consideration.
execGUICommands() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComAddTreeHistogram
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComAutosave
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComClearObject
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCloseAnalysis
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCopyObject
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCreateCondition
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCreateHistogram
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCreateObject
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComDeleteObject
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetAnalysisStatus
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetCanvas
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetCondition
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetCurrentEvent
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetDynamicEntryStatus
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetEnvelope
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetNamesList
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetObject
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetObjectStatus
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetParameter
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetPicture
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetTreeStructure
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComInitAnalysis
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComLoadAnalysisStatus
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComPrintConditions
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComPrintDynList
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComPrintHistograms
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComRemoveDynamicEntry
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSaveAnalysisStatus
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetAnalysisStatus
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetCanvas
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetCondition
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetDynamicEntry
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetFirstStep
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetLastStep
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetParameter
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetPicture
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetPrintEvent
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetProcessor
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetProtections
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetSource
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetStore
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComStartHistoServ
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComStopHistoServ
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
Do the command action
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComConnectSlave
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComDisconnectSlave
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComExecLine
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComFlush
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComGetStatus
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComLaunchClient
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComMasterQuit
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComQuit
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComRelaunch
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComRemoveClient
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComServerQuit
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComStart
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComStop
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ComAction1
ExeCom() - Method in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ComAction2
ExecPopupForItem(QFitItem*,int) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Execute(Double_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDependency
ExecuteDependencies(Double_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Execute dependenices in currently associated configuration (if exist).
ExecuteEvent(Int_t,Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class TH1
ExecuteEvent(Int_t,Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCondView
ExecuteEvent(Int_t,Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCondView
ExecuteEvent(Int_t,Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIArrow
ExecutePopupForSlot(QFitItem*,TGo4FitSlot*,int) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
ExecuteString(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
Execute string command.
ExecuteString(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Slave
Execute string command.
ExecuteString(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
Execute string command.
Exists() - Static method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Exists() - Static method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MainTree
True if instance of tree already exists.
ExitSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
Expand(Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
ExploreAllPads(TPad*,TObjArray*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
Export(TCollection*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4ExportManager
Recursive conversion of all objects in collection into ascii files.
folder structure will be represented by subdirs on file system.
Export(TDirectory*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4ExportManager
Recursive conversion of all objects in directory into filter format.
folder structure will be represented by subdirs on file system.
Export(TFolder*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4ExportManager
Recursive conversion of all objects in fold specified filter files.
folder structure will be represented by subdirs on file system.
Export(TGraph*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4ExportManager
Conversion of graph into filter file
Export(TH1*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4ExportManager
Conversion of histogram into filter format file
Export(TObject*,Go4Export_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4ExportManager
Conversion of object into selected file format in working dir.
Export(TObject*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4ExportManager
Treat all general objects.
ExportASCII(TGraph*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4ExportManager
Conversion of graph into ascii file
ExportASCII(TH1*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4ExportManager
Conversion of histogram into ascii file.
ExportRadware(TGraph*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4ExportManager
Conversion of graph into radware file
ExportRadware(TH1*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4ExportManager
Conversion of histogram into radware file
ExportRadware(TH2*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4ExportManager
Conversion of 2d histogram into radware file
ExportRoot(TObject*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4ExportManager
Store object into root file.
ExportSelectedItems(const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserSlots
Export selected objects of memory list into filedir.
ExportSelectedObjectsSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
ExtendedWidgetSelected() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
ExtendOptPos(Short_t,Short_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture


FalseValue() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditStatus
Return values for currently set condition:
fbAbsoluteEps - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
States, if integration precision absolute or relative.
fbActivated - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileSource
This flag is used for lazy init of tree in Eventbuilding methods.
fbActive - Variable in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4InterruptHandler
fbAnalysisReady - Variable in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
This flag indicates if analysis client is connected and ready.
fbAnaSettingsReady - Variable in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
This flag indicates if analysis settings were initialized.
fbAppBlocking - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskStatus
fbAppBlocking - Variable in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadManager
true if threadmanager shall block root gSystem using
the AppControlTimer; false if gSystem shall never be
blocked (necessary for gui)
fbApplicationRun - Variable in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4AppControlTimer
fBarOffset - Variable in class TH1
fBarWidth - Variable in class TH1
fbAutoConnect - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ClientTask
fbAutoCreate - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskStatus
fbAutoCreate - Variable in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadManager
If true, TThreads of all go4threads in list shall be created automatically
on calling Launch().
fbAutoSaveFileChange - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
True if autosave name shall be changed when input file of multiple file input has changed.
fbAutoSaveOn - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
True if Autosaving is enabled (default).
fbAutoSaveOn - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
True if Autosaving is enabled (default).
fbAutoSaveOverwrite - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
True if autosave file is in overwrite mode
fbAutoSaveOverwrite - Variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComAutosave
overwrite mode for autosave (true) or append mode (false).
fbAutoSaveOverwrite - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
overwrite mode for autosave yes or no.
fbAutoStart - Variable in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
If true, this slave will initialize and start analysis
immediately without waiting for a submit/start command.
fbAutoStart - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskStatus
fbAutoStart - Variable in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadManager
If true, workfunctions (runnable Run()) of all go4threads in list shall be
started automatically on Initialization.
fbBlocked - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
fbBranchExists - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4BackStore
True if branch already exists.
fbBranchExists - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStore
True if branch already exists.
fbBrowserRefreshed - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4RemoteBrowserSlots
fbCanRollbackPars - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
If true, parameters can be safely rollback
fbCentralMode - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditStatus
true if condition editor works in central mode, otherwise false
fbCintMode - Variable in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
If true, this slave runs to control CINT macro.
fbClearModels - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
fbClientIsRemoved - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskManager
True if the last specified client is removed from server.
flag is set by connector thread who performs the DisconnectClient
of TaskManager; is reset by WaitForClientRemoved method.
fbClientMode - Variable in class Go4Socket.TGo4Socket
True if instance runs in as client
fbClientMode - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
True if taskhandler runs in client mode
fbCMaxDraw - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
If true, draw corresponding value as label on working pad
fbCollectorOn - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshParameter
fbCommandMaster - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
This flag indicates the main state of the task: either master
(sends commands, receives data and status), or slave
(receives commands and may send date and status)
fbConnectIsClose - Variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
True if fxConnectTransport has returned from Close(),
i.e. connection was closed
fbConnectIsClose - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
True if fxConnectTransport has returned from Close(),
i.e. connection was established
fbConnectIsDone - Variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
True if fxConnectTransport has returned from Open(),
i.e. connection was established
fbConnectIsDone - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
True if fxConnectTransport has returned from Open(),
i.e. connection was established
fbConnectIsOpen - Variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
True if fxConnectTransport waits in server Open() call
fbConnectIsOpen - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
True if fxConnectTransport waits in server Open() call
fbConnectRequest - Variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
True if fxConnectTransport shall be Open() by Timer
fbConnectRequest - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
True if fxConnectTransport shall be Open() by AppControlTimer
fbContDraw - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
If true, draw corresponding value as label on working pad
fbCreatedinMake - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Boolean flag indicates, if object was created
in last calls of one of Make* functions
fbCreateNewMarker - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
if true, each mouse pick will create new marker (window, respectively).
otherwise move last marker to new pick location
fbCrosshair - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
fbCrosshairMode - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
fbData - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoStatus
true for mbs printevent in data (decimal) format
fbDataCopyMode - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSource
switches buildmbs event mode: if true, data buffer is copied
to own buffer of subevent.
fbDeleteProtect - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4ObjectStatus
If true, described object is protected against deletion from gui.
fbDisConnectRequest - Variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
True if fxConnectTransport shall be Close() by Timer
fbDisConnectRequest - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
True if fxConnectTransport shall be Close() by AppControlTimer
fbDrawBackground - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
fbDrawComponents - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
fbDrawInfoOnPad - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
fbDrawLegend - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
fbDrawModels - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
fbDrawPanelCreation - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
fbEnab - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXParam
fbEnabled - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Flag to enable/disable this condition.
fbEpsilon - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
fbErrorStopEnabled - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Operation mode switch.
fbErrorStopEnabled - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepStatus
Operation mode switch.
fbErrorStopped - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
True if the analysis step has been stopped after input error.
fbErrorStopped - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepStatus
True if the analysis step has been stopped
after input error.
fbExec12On - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshParameter
fbExec1On - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshParameter
fbExec2On - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshParameter
fbExec3On - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshParameter
fbExists - Static variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
This is used to check from outsid if an analysis is
already there.
fbFalse - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
These are inverted by Invert(true), and restored by Invert(false).
fbFileOpen - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFile
This indicates if the current file is open or not
fbFirstEvent - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFile
fbFirstStart - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationSlots
Only show help messages concerning conf editor on first start:
fbFixed - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
fbFixedByDefault - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterConfig
Determine, if all parameters should be fixed by default.
fbFreezeMode - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
fbHasConnector - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
Switch connectionline between marker and label on or off.
fbHasControllerConnection - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskManager
true if this server already has one connection to a
master client that has the controller role.
fbHasHistogram - Variable in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QConItem
true if a histogram is linked to this condition
fbHasLabel - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
Switch marker label on or off.
fbHaveLock - Variable in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4CintLockTimer
True if this timer has locked the main mutex
fbHex - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoStatus
true for mbs printevent in hex format
fbHideAll - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
If true, all visible conditions are not shown
fbHisStats - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
fbHisTitle - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
fbHistogramLink - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
is true if this condition has link to a histogram name
fbInitDone - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
If true, dynamic arrays have been initialized
fbInitDone - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskStatus
fbInitDone - Variable in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadManager
is set kTRUE after first Initialize is done
fbInitializationDone - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Flag showing, that initialization was complete.
fbInitIsDone - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
True if analysis framework has been initialized and
the event classes are created.
fbIntDraw - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
If true, draw corresponding value as label on working pad
fbIntegrScaling - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Scale integral to integration volume.
fbIsAborting - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
True if taskhandler is being aborted e.g. by remove exception
fbIsAborting - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerStatus
true if taskhandler is being aborted e.g. by
remove exception
fbIsChanged - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Flag to indicate that condition has been changed from graphical view
fbIsConStreamed - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4MarkerPainter
Flag to handle streamed connector from file correctly
fbIsCreated - Variable in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Thread
kTRUE if TThread instance exists and pthread is
fbIsDataOwner - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSubEvent
True if subevent owns data field.
fbIsEnabled - Variable in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
fbIsExclusive - Variable in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
fbIsFilled - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSubEvent
True if this subevent has already been filled in this event cycle.
fbIsHistogram - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4ConditionStatus
true if there is a histogram linked to this condition
fbIsInternal - Variable in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Thread
specifes whether thread is internal thread of handlerr
(true) or is owned by external class (false).
fbIsLabStreamed - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4LabelPainter
Flag to handle streamed label from file correctly
fbIsLocal - Variable in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
fbIsLocked - Variable in class Go4LockGuard.TGo4LockGuard
We need this flag if first TThread starts in between ctor and dtor.
fbIsMainMutex - Variable in class Go4LockGuard.TGo4LockGuard
True if the mutex of this lockguard instance is the global
go4 main mutex.
fbIsOpen - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSource
fbIsOpen - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYEventSource
fbIsOperating - Variable in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadHandler
kTRUE, if threadhandler performs any action that
requires gSystem support.
fbIsPainted - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Flag to prevent Paint() method to redraw condition views after UnDraw.
fbIsPainted - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
Flag to prevent Paint() method to redraw marker views after UnDraw.
fbIsRunning - Variable in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Thread
Flag that controls Workfunc loop within Threadfunc
fbIsSynchron - Variable in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
fbIsValid - Variable in class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
Indicates if this event is valid or not.
fbIsWaiting - Variable in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Thread
true if Threadfunc is suspended to condition wait
fbKeepServerSocket - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
True if open in server mode shall keep the server socket instance
fbLabelDraw - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
If true, draw corresponding value as label on working pad
fbLastResult - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
This can be used to store the last result by SetLast(bool).
fbLimitsDraw - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
If true, draw corresponding value as label on working pad
fbLocalClient - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisWindow
state of client: true if on same node, false if on remote
fbLocalMode - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
fbLong - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoStatus
true for mbs printevent in longwords
fbMainIsRunning - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Slave
True if analysis main loop is running.
fbMarkReset - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
fbMasterMode - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
True if taskhandler runs in master mode (sends commands, receives data and status).
fbMemberVisible - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
this flag defines whether the member should be displayed
fbMonitorDone - Variable in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
true if this object was already received and displayed after request
fbMonitored - Variable in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4RecieverInfo
fbMultiEdit - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Flag to indicate that properties of all conditions in array are edited/used.
for use in TGo4CondArray or other multi-condition implementations
fbMultipleMode - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFile
kTRUE if multiple input mode is active
fbNeedConfirmation - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
fbNeeded - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
Flag, is this object should always be set.
fbNeedsUpdate - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
true ifcondition values have been changed since last refresh.
fbNeedToFinalize - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Flag, showing, that finalize method should be called before fitter will be destroyed.
fbNeedToRebuild - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Internal flag.
fbNewHistogram - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntry
True before Process is called the first time.
fbNewInputFile - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
True if input file of multiple file input has changed.
fbOpen - Variable in class Go4Socket.TGo4Socket
True if connection is open
fbOutputEvent - Variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetCurrentEvent
If true output event is searched, otherwise input event of step
fbOverwrite - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStoreParameter
True if old filestore of same name shall be overwritten.
fbOwned - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
Ownership flag of object.
fbOwnedByEditor - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Flag to suppress interactive deletion of condition.
fbOwner - Variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ObjEnvelope
this flag true when envelope created via default constructor
in this case object, included in envelope should be destroyed in
envelope itself
fbParsAsResults - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
fbParsChange - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Boolean variable, showing that number of parameters is changed.
fbParsWidgetShown - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
fbPickAgain - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
if true, continue with previous mouse mode. otherwise reset to root mode
fbPickArray - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
Sets condition limits pick mode to record whole array
fbPointerInitDone - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
True if pointers to external objects have already been
fbPointerInitDone - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntryStatus
True if dynamic entry has initialized pointers to external objects.
fbPrintoutOnly - Variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetCurrentEvent
If true, the event will not be sent but content is shown on analysis terminal
fbProcessEnabled - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Enables processing of the input event.
fbProcessEnabled - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepStatus
Enables processing of the input event.
fbProcessEntry - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
True if object shall be processed by main event loop automatically.
fbProcessEntry - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntryStatus
True if object shall be processed.
fbRange - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
fbReachEnd - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
fbReadDatabase - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXCalibPar
Set to kTRUE to re-read energies from external ascii file
fbRecalculateGaussWidth - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
fbRecalibrate - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXCalibPar
Set to kTRUE to make calibration fit in update from
fbReceiverMode - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerRunnable
flag indicating operation mode of runnable, depending on client or server mode
of task handler
fbRemotePrint - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoStatus
true for print event sample in analysis terminal
fbResetProtect - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4ObjectStatus
If true, described object is protected against reset (Clear()) from gui.
fbResult - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
If fbEnabled is false, return this as result.
fbSaveWithReferences - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
fbServerConnected - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ClientTask
true if connection to server is established, otherwise false
fbServerMode - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskOwner
Flag if master uses servertask or client task connection.
fbShowPrimitives - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
fbSourceEnabled - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Enables event source.If true,
the event source is used to get the input event; otherwise
we use the output of the previous step.
fbSourceEnabled - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepStatus
Enables event source.If true,
the event source is used to get the input event; otherwise
we use the output of the previous step.
fbSourceImplemented - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Flag for the previous analysis step.
fbStartServer - Variable in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComConnectSlave
If this is true, master will launch a slave server itself
before trying to connect to it (master as client).
fbStartServer - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientStatus
fbStepCheckingMode - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
True if chain of steps is checked for consistency of input and output events.
fbStepCheckingMode - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
True if chain of steps is checked for consistency of input and output events.
fbStopWatingFlag - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
used for exit from WaitForStart() routine by interrupt
fbStoreEnabled - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Enables event store.
fbStoreEnabled - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepStatus
Enables event store.
fbStoreImplemented - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Flag for the subsequent analysis step.
fbStreamedCondition - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
This allows to treat conditions streamed into pad
fbSubmitsCommand - Variable in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4RecieverInfo
fbSuppressLoadHistograms - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
If this is set to true, any found histogram
will not be loaded from the file current TDirectory.
fbTerminateApplication - Variable in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadManager
If true, terminate complete application.
fbTerminating - Variable in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4WorkSpace
terminating mode: do not send signals anymore
fbTerminating - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskStatus
fbTerminating - Variable in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadManager
flag showing termination status
fbTreeMode - Variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetCurrentEvent
If true, event will be put into tree before showing; otherwise use
PrintEvent method or send event directly
fbTreeMode - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoStatus
true for using a TTree for the event sample
fbTrue - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
These are inverted by Invert(true), and restored by Invert(false)
fbTwoDimRegion - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
true if next window region to create is 2 dimensional
fBufCur - Variable in class TBuffer
fBuffer - Variable in class TBuffer
fBuffer - Variable in class TH1
fBufferSize - Variable in class TH1
fBufMax - Variable in class TBuffer
fBufSize - Variable in class TBuffer
fbUnpackOn - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshParameter
fbUpdateDone - Variable in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4Ratemeter
True if update has been performed since last TestZero call.
fbUpdateSlotList - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlotList
fbUseAmplEstim - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIOptions
fbUseBinScale - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Use binary numbers as scale values.
if this flag set, bin numbers are used as scale values
fbUseBuffers - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Specify usage of buffers after initialization
fbUseCurrentRange - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
fbUsePolynom - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
fbUseSamePanelForDraw - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
fbVisible - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Property to store visibility of condition on display
fbVisible - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
Visibility of this marker on pad.
fbWaitForClient - Variable in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComRemoveClient
fbWaitForSlave - Variable in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComDisconnectSlave
fbWakeUpCall - Variable in class Go4Queue.TGo4Queue
fbWildcardMode - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFile
kTRUE if wildcard input mode is active
fbWizShowAllModels - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIOptions
fbWorkingWithPanel - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
fbWorkIsStopped - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
True if user work threads
are stopped for connection change
fbXbinDraw - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
If true, draw corresponding value as label on working pad
fbXDraw - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
If true, draw corresponding value as label on working pad
fbXMaxDraw - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
If true, draw corresponding value as label on working pad
fbXMeanDraw - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
If true, draw corresponding value as label on working pad
fbXRMSDraw - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
If true, draw corresponding value as label on working pad
fbYbinDraw - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
If true, draw corresponding value as label on working pad
fbYDraw - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
If true, draw corresponding value as label on working pad
fbYMaxDraw - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
If true, draw corresponding value as label on working pad
fbYMeanDraw - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
If true, draw corresponding value as label on working pad
fbYRMSDraw - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
If true, draw corresponding value as label on working pad
fCalEvent - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnalysis
fCaligraph - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnlProc
fCalipar - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnlProc
fCaliSum1 - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnlProc
fCanvas - Variable in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
fcBuffer - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Buffer string for text output
fcConnectHost - Variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
hostname for timer connect
fcControl - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4SubEventHeader10
Processor type code.
fcControlName - Variable in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleServer
remember name of controller thread
fcEventClass - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeStore
Class name of the event associated with this store.
fClassName - Variable in class Go4Event.TGo4ClonesElement
class name
fcLoggingName - Variable in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleServer
remember name of logging thread
fcMainName - Variable in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
remember name of main thread
fcMainName - Variable in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleClient
Remember name of main thread
fConArr - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXProc
fConArr1 - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackProc
fConArr2 - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackProc
fcondSet - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXProc
fcondSet - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackProc
fconHis1 - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXProc
fconHis1 - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackProc
fconHis2 - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXProc
fconHis2 - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackProc
fContextMenu - Variable in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
fContour - Variable in class TH1
fControl - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXProc
fcPasswd - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientStatus
For gui as client only
fCr1Ch - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXProc
fCr1Ch - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackProc
fCr1Ch1x2 - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXProc
fCr1Ch1x2 - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackProc
fCr2Ch - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXProc
fCr2Ch - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackProc
fCrate1 - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXEvent
fCrate2 - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXEvent
fcSlaveDir - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientStatus
fcSlaveExec - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientStatus
fcSlaveName - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientStatus
fcSlaveNode - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientStatus
fcStatusMessage - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Most recent status message.
fcSubcrate - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4SubEventHeader10
Subcrate number
fcTest - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXParam
fcTestCharArr - Variable in class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleEvent
fcTextBuffer - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
general textbuffer for passing strings to qt
fCtl - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXAnalysis
fCurrObj - Variable in class qtroot.interface.TQCanvasMenu
fCustom - Variable in class qtroot.interface.TQRootGuiFactory
fcWatchName - Variable in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
remember name of watch thread
fcWatchName - Variable in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleClient
Remember name of watch thread
fd0MaxAmplFactor - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
fd0MaxWidth - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
fd0MinWidth - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
fd1LineWidth - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
fd2NoiseFactor - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
fd2NoiseMinimum - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
fdA - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXCalibPar
Calibration polynom coeff
fData - Variable in class Go4Event.TGo4ClonesElement
clones array
fdAveRate - Variable in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4Ratemeter
Average eventrate since last reset (events/sec).
fdAveRate - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisClientStatus
Average eventrate since last reset (events/sec).
fdBufferUpdateTime - Variable in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
absoulute time of the last status buffer update.
fdCoefB - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitLinearTrans
fdCoefK - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitLinearTrans
fdData - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYRawEvent
fdDeltaTime - Variable in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4Ratemeter
Time interval since last Rate Calculation.
fDebug - Variable in class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
fDebug - Static variable in class qtroot.interface.QRootApplication
fdEmitt4d - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackEvent
fdEmittX - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackEvent
fdEmittY - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackEvent
fdEntries - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
Number of filled entries.
fdEpsilon - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
fdError - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
fdExcludeLessThen - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Sets limit for exclude bins, which less then this limit
fdGam - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackEvent
fdHeight - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4LabelPainter
initial height relative to whole pad
fdialbox - Variable in class qtroot.interface.TQCanvasImp
fDialog - Variable in class qtroot.interface.TQCanvasMenu
fDimension - Variable in class TH1
fdInitValue - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDependency
fdIntegrEps - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Integration precision.
fDirectory - Variable in class TH1
fDisplacement - Variable in class TBuffer
fdLastTime - Variable in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4Ratemeter
Time sum at last ratemeter update. in s.
fdLineAmpl - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIArrow
fdMeV - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXParam
fdR - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackEvent
fdRangeMax - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
fdRangeMin - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
fdRangeY - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIArrow
fdRate - Variable in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4Ratemeter
Current eventrate (events/sec).
fdRate - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisClientStatus
Current eventrate (events/sec).
fdRealTime - Variable in class Go4ProfileTimer.TGo4ProfileTimer.TGo4ElapsedTime
fdRememberedValue - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
fdShiftX - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIArrow
fdSigmaValue - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Value of sigma when fiTakeSigmasFrom = 2
fdStandardDeviation - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
fdSystemTime - Variable in class Go4ProfileTimer.TGo4ProfileTimer.TGo4ElapsedTime
fdTest - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXParam
fdTestarr - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXParam
fdTime - Variable in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4Ratemeter
Time sum since last ratemeter reset. in s.
fdTime - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisClientStatus
Time sum since last reset. in s.
fdUpdateEpsilon - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Precision for the check if graphical representation change requires update
fdUserTime - Variable in class Go4ProfileTimer.TGo4ProfileTimer.TGo4ElapsedTime
fdV - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackEvent
fdValue - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
fdValue - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
fdWidth - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4LabelPainter
initial width relative to whole pad
fdX0 - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4LabelPainter
initial reference coordinates x
fdXmax - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
Upper edge of x axis.
fdXmean - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
Mean value in x projection.
fdXmin - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
Lower edge of x axis.
fdXrms - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
Root mean square value in x projection.
fdY0 - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4LabelPainter
initial reference coordinates y
fdYmax - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
Upper edge of y axis.
fdYmean - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
Mean value in y projection.
fdYmin - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
Lower edge of y axis.
fdYrms - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
Root mean square value in y projection.
fdZmax - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
Upper edge of z axis.
fdZmean - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
Mean value in z projection.
fdZmin - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
Lower edge of z axis.
fdZrms - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
Root mean square value in z projection.
FEDM - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuitResult
FeedbackMode(Bool_t) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
fEmitDist - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackProc
fEmitX - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackProc
fEmitY - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackProc
fEntries - Variable in class TH1
fEventElements - Variable in class Go4Event.TGo4CompositeEvent
Sub-Events list for this event
fEvents - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXAnalysis
fEvents - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnalysis
fEvents - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshAnalysis
fEvents - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYAnalysis
ff_chi_gamma - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter._enum_TGo4Fitter_h_43
ff_chi_Neyman - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter._enum_TGo4Fitter_h_43
ff_chi_Pearson - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter._enum_TGo4Fitter_h_43
ff_chi_square - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter._enum_TGo4Fitter_h_43
ff_least_squares - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter._enum_TGo4Fitter_h_43
ff_ML_Poisson - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter._enum_TGo4Fitter_h_43
ff_user - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter._enum_TGo4Fitter_h_43
fFitEnvSize - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnalysis
fFitEnvSpectrum - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnalysis
ffLinesEnergy - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXCalibPar
Database energies of calibration lines
fFunctions - Variable in class TH1
fgAddDirectory - Static variable in class TH1
fgbAutoMode - Static variable in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
User boolean to write log on demand or not
fgbCMAXDRAW - Static variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
default setting for all conditions for label draw cmax flag.
fgbCONTDRAW - Static variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
default setting for all markers of bin content flag.
fgbHASCONNECTOR - Static variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
default setting for all markers of connector line flag.
fgbHASLABEL - Static variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
default setting for all markers of label on/off flag.
fgbINTDRAW - Static variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
default setting for all conditions for label draw integral flag.
fgbLABELDRAW - Static variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
default setting for all conditions for label draw on/off flag.
fgbLIMITSDRAW - Static variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
default setting for all conditions for label draw limits flag.
fgbLogfileEnabled - Static variable in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
General switch on/off log file output
fgbOutputEnabled - Static variable in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
General switch on/off log output
fgBufferSize - Static variable in class TH1
fgbUSEMYLOCATION - Static variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4QSettings
if true, settings will be put to location specified in mypath string and read there.
fgbXBINDRAW - Static variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
default setting for all markers of xbindraw flag.
fgbXDRAW - Static variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
default setting for all markers of xdraw flag.
fgbXMAXDRAW - Static variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
default setting for all conditions for label draw xmax flag.
fgbXMEANDRAW - Static variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
default setting for all conditions for label draw xmean flag.
fgbXRMSDRAW - Static variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
default setting for all conditions for label draw xrms flag.
fgbYBINDRAW - Static variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
default setting for all markers of ybindraw flag.
fgbYDRAW - Static variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
default setting for all markers of ydraw flag.
fgbYMAXDRAW - Static variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
default setting for all conditions for label draw ymax flag.
fgbYMEANDRAW - Static variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
default setting for all conditions for label draw ymean flag.
fgbYRMSDRAW - Static variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
default setting for all conditions for label draw yrms flag.
fgcANALYSISFOLDER - Static variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
top analysis objects reference folder name
fgcCANVFOLDER - Static variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
TCanvas folder name
fgcCOMGETLIST - Static variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
command string for object server nameslist request
fgcCOMMANDTHREAD - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Suffix for command thread name
fgcCONDFOLDER - Static variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Analysis conditions folder name
fgcCONNECT - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Initial string for connect request (raw transport)
fgcCONTHREADNAME - Static variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
histogram server connector thread name
fgcCONTROLTHREAD - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleServer
suffix for controller thread name
fgcDATATHREAD - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Suffix for data thread name
fgcDEBUG - Static variable in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
System debug message indicator
fgcDEFAULTFILENAME - Static variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
standard file name
fgcDEFAULTFILESUF - Static variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
filename suffix for object file
fgcDEFAULTLOG - Static variable in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
Name of default logfile
fgcDEFAULTSTATUSFILENAME - Static variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
standard file name for analysis settings
fgcDEFAULTSTEP - Static variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepCommand
default name to specify default behaviour of setter commands
fgcDISCONNECT - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Initial string for disconnect request (raw transport)
fgcDYNFOLDER - Static variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Dynamic lists folder name
fgcENTRYSUF - Static variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntry
suffix for entryname to differ from histogram name
fgcERR - Static variable in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
Error message indicator
fgcERROR - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Error string for client connect negotiations (raw transport)
fgcEVBRANCHNAME - Static variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4BackStore
Standard go4 name of the branch used in all treestore
and treesource implementations.
fgcEVBRANCHNAME - Static variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStore
Standard go4 name of the branch used in all treestore
and treesource implementations.
fgcEVENTFOLDER - Static variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Event references folder name
fgcFILELISTSUF - Static variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFile
standard suffix for list of listmode files
fgcFILENAME - Static variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MainTree
Standard suffix for file name
fgcFILESUF - Static variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStore
Standard suffix for file name
fgcFILESUF - Static variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeStore
Standard suffix for file name
fgcGOON - Static variable in class Go4Socket.TGo4Socket
First connection string, we are told to go on...
fgcHISTFOLDER - Static variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Histograms folder name
fgcINFO - Static variable in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
Info message indicator
fgcLAUNCHPREFSFILE - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
Name of the Preferences file for the client startup
fgcLEFT - Static variable in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
Prompt character left side
fgcLMDSUF - Static variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFile
standard suffix for listmode data files
fgcLOGGINGTHREAD - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleServer
suffix for logging thread name
fgcMAINTHREAD - Static variable in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
suffix for main thread name
fgcMAINTHREAD - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleClient
Suffix for main thread name
fgcMASTER - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Task identifier for client connect negotiations (raw transport)
fgcMessagetext - Static variable in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
Keeps latest message with all format indicators
fgcMODEDESCRIPTION - Static variable in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
resolve description of command modes here
fgcNOCONDITION - Static variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
Text to indicate that no condition is used
fgcNODATA - Static variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
Text to indicate that no condition is used
fgcNOEVENT - Static variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
Text to indicate that no condition is used
fgcNOTAGFILE - Static variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFile
string to indicate that no lmd tagfile is chosen
fgcOBJTHREADNAME - Static variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
object server connector thread name
fgcOK - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Ok string for client connect negotiations (raw transport)
fgcPARAFOLDER - Static variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Analysis user parameters folder name
fgcPICTFOLDER - Static variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Picture objects folder name
fgcPROCFOLDER - Static variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Event processor reference folder name
fgcRIGHT - Static variable in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
Prompt character right side
fgcSHUTDOWNNAME - Static variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
This string is send as histogram name for termination connection
fgcSLAVE - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Task identifier for client connect negotiations (raw transport)
fgcSRCFOLDER - Static variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Event source reference folder name
fgcSTATUSTHREAD - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Suffix for status thread name
fgcSTOREFOLDER - Static variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Event store reference folder name
fgcTMPFOLDER - Static variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Temporary dummy folder name
fgcTOPDYNAMICLIST - Static variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Default name of the default (toplevel) dynamic list
fgcTOPDYNAMICLIST - Static variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Default name of the default (toplevel) dynamic list
fgcTOPFOLDER - Static variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Top level folder name
fgcTREEFOLDER - Static variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Tree reference folder name
fgcTREENAME - Static variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MainTree
Standard go4 name of the main tree
fgcTREESUF - Static variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4BackStore
Standard go4 suffix for tree name
fgcTREESUF - Static variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStore
Standard go4 suffix for tree name
fgcUSRFOLDER - Static variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
User objects folder name
fgcWARN - Static variable in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
Warning message indicator
fgcWATCHTHREAD - Static variable in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
suffix for watch thread name
fgcWATCHTHREAD - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleClient
Suffix for watch thread name
fgcWILDFILE - Static variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFile
Filename of default multi input file from wildcard evaluation
fgdPeak - Static variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsRandom
fgdPeak2 - Static variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsRandom
fgdSigma - Static variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsRandom
fgdSigma2 - Static variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsRandom
fgdSTATUSTIMEOUT - Static variable in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
Maximum time (in s) between two updates of the client status object.
fgdUPDATEEPSILON - Static variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
default value for graphical update tolerance.
fgdUPDATEINTERVAL - Static variable in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4Ratemeter
fgiAUTOSAVECOUNTS - Static variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Definition of default autosave interval.
fgiAUTOSAVESIZE - Static variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MainTree
Default tree autosave size
fgiBUFEXTRASPACE - Static variable in class Go4Socket.TGo4Socket
ROOT internal constant: extra space for reallocating object receive buffer (TBuffer)
fgiBUFINITSIZE - Static variable in class Go4Socket.TGo4Socket
Initial size for object receive buffer (TBuffer)
fgiBUFLENGTH - Static variable in class Go4Socket.TGo4Socket
Raw transport buffer size
fgiCLOSEWAITCYCLES - Static variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
Maximum cycles to wait until transport is closed
fgiCLOSEWAITCYCLES - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
maximum cycles to wait until transport is closed
fgiCOMPRESS - Static variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MainTree
Default compression level
fgiCONNECTWAITCYCLES - Static variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
Maximum cycles to wait until transport is connected
fgiCONNECTWAITCYCLES - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
maximum cycles to wait until transport is connected
fgiDEFAULTPORT - Static variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4RevServ
default remote eventserver portnumber
fgiDISCONCYCLES - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskManager
cycles to wait for client disconnection
fgiDYNLISTINTERVAL - Static variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
This value is the number of events in between subsequent dynamic list processing
fgiFILESPLITSIZE - Static variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStore
size in bytes for root tree-filesplit mechanism.
fgiGO4VERSION - Static variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Version Number of the Go4 build.
fgiGO4VERSION - Static variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Version
Version Number of the Go4 build.
fgiIgnoreLevel - Static variable in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
all Messages with lower level are suppressed
fgiISOWNER - Static variable in class Go4Queue.TGo4BufferQueue
.we emulate the protected owner flag of the TBuffer class, needed for reallocation!
fgiISOWNER - Static variable in class Go4Socket.TGo4Socket
We emulate the protected owner flag of the TBuffer class, needed for reallocation!
fgiLastSignal - Static variable in class Go4Socket.TGo4SocketSignalHandler
fgiLISTLEN - Static variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4MbsHist
Default buffer length for list of histograms
fgiLockCount - Static variable in class Go4LockGuard.TGo4LockGuard
Counts the numbers of locks of the recursive main mutex.
fgiMACROSTARTPOLL - Static variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Time in ms to sleep in the polling loop of the WaitForStart
fgiMAXAUTOBYTES - Static variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4BackStore
Number of bytes for autosave attempt of tree.
fgiOPENCYCLES - Static variable in class Go4Socket.TGo4Socket
Number of retries for client open
fgiOPENWAITCYCLES - Static variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
Maximum cycles to wait until transport is open
fgiOPENWAITCYCLES - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
maximum cycles to wait until transport is open
fgiPORTWAITCYCLES - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Cycles to wait for a nonzero portnumber
fgIsA - Static variable in class TBuffer
fgIsA - Static variable in class TH1
fgiTERMID - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
Id number of dummy command that wakes the command queue on termination
fgiTERMWAITCYCLES - Static variable in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4AppControlTimer
On Termination, Notify will test fgiTERMWAITCYCLES
times if Runnables are stopped, i.e. all TGo4Threads
are in TCondition wait (safe cancelling point);
threads are deleted anyway
fgiTHREADSTOPCYCLES - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
cycles to wait for taskhandler thread stop on disconnection
fgiTIMEOUTDEFAULT - Static variable in class Go4Event.TGo4EventSource
Default timeout in seconds for event input.
fgiZeroField - Static variable in class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleSubEvent
fglDRAWTIMERPERIOD - Static variable in class Go4Display.TGo4Display
Period im ms of drawing timer
fglLOGTIMERPERIOD - Static variable in class Go4Display.TGo4Display
Period im ms of logging timer
fglTIMERPERIOD - Static variable in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadManager
Period in ms for the application control timer
fgMapSize - Static variable in class TBuffer
fguCINTTIMERPERIOD - Static variable in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
Timer period (in ms) for cint locking timer
fguCLOSEWAITCYCLETIME - Static variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
Time for each close wait cycle, in ms
fguCLOSEWAITCYCLETIME - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
time for each close wait cycle
fguCOMMANDINTERVAL - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ControllerRunnable
frequency in ms to acquire new command from controller instance
fguCOMMANDQUEUESIZE - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Maximum entries allowed for command queue
fguCONNECTORPORT - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Default port number of negotiation connection (raw transport)
fguCONNECTTIMERPERIOD - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
period of task connector timer
fguCONNECTWAITCYCLETIME - Static variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
Time for each connect wait cycle, in ms
fguCONNECTWAITCYCLETIME - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
time for each connect wait cycle
fguDATAQUEUESIZE - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Maximum entries allowed for data queue
fguDISCONTIME - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskManager
time for each disonnection wait cycle
fguEVHEBYCHAR - Static variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSource
ratio sizeof(s_evhe) by sizeof(char).
fguInstanceCounter - Static variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
use this counter for automatic naming and coloring
fguLONGBYCHAR - Static variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSource
ratio sizeof(long) by sizeof(char).
fguLONGBYSHORT - Static variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSource
ratio sizeof(long) by sizeof(short).
fguMAXCONDIMENSION - Static variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
maximum dimension for condition variable array
fguMAXHISDIMENSION - Static variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntry
maximum dimension for histogram variable array
fguMESLEN - Static variable in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
Maximum message length allowd
fguOPENWAIT - Static variable in class Go4Socket.TGo4Socket
Time to sleep between client open retries
fguOPENWAITCYCLETIME - Static variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
Time for each open wait cycle, in ms
fguOPENWAITCYCLETIME - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
time for each open wait cycle
fguPOLLINTERVAL - Static variable in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisMainRunnable
frequency in ms for polling the run flag
(server mode without command queue)
fguPORTWAITTIME - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Time for each waitgetport cycle
fguSHORTBYCHAR - Static variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSource
ratio sizeof(short) by sizeof(char).
fguSTATUSQUEUESIZE - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Maximum entries allowed for status queue
fguSTATUSUPDATE - Static variable in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
Number of mainloop runs between two updates of the client status object.
fguSUBFOLDERMAXLEN - Static variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Maximum length of subfolder name.
fguTERMWAIT - Static variable in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4AppControlTimer
time in ms to wait for all Runnables being stopped
before Termination; after this time, the AllWaiting()
of TGo4ThreadHandler is tested again, until the
max number of testing cycles (fgiTERMWAITCYCLES) is
reached; then Termination is done anyway
fguTEXTLENGTH - Static variable in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadManager
Default textlength for char arrays
fguTHREADSTOPTIME - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
time for each threadstop wait cycle
fguTHREADTIME - Static variable in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4CintLockTimer
Time window in ms between unlock of mutex and
the next request in this timer notify.
fguTIMERPERIOD - Static variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
Period of connector timer, in ms
fguTRANSPORTCHECKDELAY - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Delay time (ms) to wait between two checks of transport connection
fguTXTLEN - Static variable in class Go4Event.TGo4EventSource
text length
fguTXTLEN - Static variable in class Go4Event.TGo4EventStore
text length
fguWATCHINTERVAL - Static variable in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisWatchRunnable
frequency in ms for the watcher runnable to check the application
fguWATCHINTERVAL - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4WatchRunnable
frequency in ms for the watcher runnable to check the application
fgxADMINISTRATORACCOUNT - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
This keeps account for admin connection.
fgxCONTROLLERACCOUNT - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
This keeps account for controller connection.
fgxHOMESETTINGSNAME - Static variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4QSettings
This defines the name of the default settings file
in $HOME/.qt Default is "/Go4", yielding a file go4rc.
fgxInstance - Static variable in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
fgxLogfile - Static variable in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
optional logfile to store messages with time
fgxLogName - Static variable in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
Name of last logfile set
fgxMainMutex - Static variable in class Go4LockGuard.TGo4LockGuard
Main Mutex of the go4 system.
fgxMutex - Static variable in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
we use own mutex to protect the logging instance
fgxOBSERVERACCOUNT - Static variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
This keeps account for observer connection.
fgxSETTINGSLOCATION - Static variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4QSettings
The actual path to the settings
fgxSETTINGSNAME - Static variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4QSettings
This is the name of the currently activated settings prepath
fHis1 - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXProc
fHis1 - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackProc
fHis1gate - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXProc
fHis1gate - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackProc
fHis2 - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXProc
fHis2 - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackProc
fHis2gate - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXProc
fHis2gate - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackProc
fi2ChannelSum - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
fiAllocLen - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSubEvent
Length of the allocated data field.
fiAmplIndex - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Index of amplitude parameter (-1 if none)
fiArrayType - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4ConditionStatus
type of the condition inside condition array. zero if condition is no array.
fiArrLen - Variable in class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleEvent
fiAutoSaveCompression - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
compression level for autosave file
fiAutoSaveCompression - Variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComAutosave
compression level for autosave file
fiAutoSaveCompression - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
compression level for autosave file
fiAutoSaveCount - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Event counter for autosave mechanism.
fiAutoSaveInterval - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Implicit Loop cycles in between two autosave actions.
fiAutoSaveInterval - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
Implicit Loop cycles in between two autosave actions.
fiAutosavesize - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStoreParameter
Autosave interval for the Tree.
fiAxis - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitLinearTrans
fiBinsSize - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Number of entries in buffers.
fiBuffer - Variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4MbsHist
fiBuffersUsage - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
fiBufLen - Variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4MbsHist
fiBufsize - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4BackStore
buffer size for tree branch.
fiBufsize - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4BackStoreParameter
Size of the root io buffer.
fiBufsize - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStore
buffer size for tree branch.
fiBufsize - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStoreParameter
Size of the root io buffer.
fiBufsize - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeStore
buffer size for tree branch.
fiBufsize - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeStoreParameter
fiClientRole - Variable in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
Set the role of last login.
fiColumns - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYRawEvent
fiCommandID - Variable in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
fiComPort - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Command connection port number
fiComPort - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerStatus
Command connection port number
fiCompression - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStoreParameter
Compression level of the root file.
fiCompression - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeStoreParameter
fiCondArrayType - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ConditionInfoSlots
remember array type of last received condition array. for
correct start of the condition editor.
fiCondArrayType - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntrySlots
remember array type of last received condition array. for
correct start of the condition editor.
fiCondArrayType - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4HistogramInfoSlots
remember array type of last received condition array. for
correct start of the condition editor.
fiCount - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4EventHeader10
fiCount - Variable in class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleEvent
fiCounts - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Counts the number of calls of the Test method.
fiCrate1 - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackEvent
fiCrate1 - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB1InputEvent
fiCrate2 - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackEvent
fiCrate2 - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB2InputEvent
fiCrate3 - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackEvent
fiCrate3 - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB3InputEvent
fiCrate4 - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackEvent
fiCreateStatus - Variable in class Go4Event.TGo4EventSource
Contains return value of eventsource open (e.g. f_evt_get_open) call.
fiCreateStatus - Variable in class Go4Event.TGo4EventSourceException
Contains return value of eventsource open (e.g. f_evt_get_open) call.
fiCrosshairId - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
fiCurrentEvent - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileSource
Number of events stored in the Tree.
fiCurrentIndex - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MainTree
Index number of the current event.
fiCurrentPad - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
index of currently used working pad
fiCurrentStepIndex - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
Index describing the current analysis step.
fiD0 - Variable in class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleSubEvent
Data longword
fiD1 - Variable in class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleSubEvent
Data longword
fiD10 - Variable in class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleSubEvent
Data longword
fiD11 - Variable in class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleSubEvent
Data longword
fiD12 - Variable in class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleSubEvent
Data longword
fiD2 - Variable in class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleSubEvent
Data longword
fiD3 - Variable in class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleSubEvent
Data longword
fiD4 - Variable in class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleSubEvent
Data longword
fiD5 - Variable in class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleSubEvent
Data longword
fiD6 - Variable in class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleSubEvent
Data longword
fiD7 - Variable in class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleSubEvent
Data longword
fiD8 - Variable in class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleSubEvent
Data longword
fiD9 - Variable in class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleSubEvent
Data longword
fiData - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSourcePrintPar
output data
fiData - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSubEvent
Pointer to external integer field containing the
subevent data.
fiDataArray - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXParam
fiDataType - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Specified type of data:
0 - Histogram, 1 - graphics, 2 and so on - user defined
fiDatatypeSize - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
sizeof the current data type in byte.
fiDatPort - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Data connection port number
fiDatPort - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerStatus
Data connection port number
fIdentifier - Variable in class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
fiDim - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Dimension (1 or 2).
fiDim - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
Histogram dimension (1,2,3).
fiDlen - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4GSIEventHeader
Length (16 bit words) of the data field following this header.
fiDLen - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsRandom
total length of current random event in words (Short_t)
fiDynListCount - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Event counter for dynamic list processing.
fiDynListInterval - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Interval for dynamic list processing
fiDynListInterval - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntryStatus
The general dynamic list interval for the tree draw frequency.
fiEnterPressed - Variable in class Go4GUI.QComandsHistory
fiEntries - Variable in class Go4Queue.TGo4Queue
fiEntryType - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus
this id is used to switch the type of the dynamic entry
fiEventNum - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoStatus
Number of events for pringout
fiEventStatus - Variable in class Go4Event.TGo4EventSource
Contains return value of eventsource getevent (e.g. f_evt_get_event) call.
fiEventStatus - Variable in class Go4Event.TGo4EventSourceException
Contains return value of eventsource getevent (e.g. f_evt_get_event) call.
fiEventType - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4EventProcStatus
type of the condition inside condition array. zero if condition is no array.
fiFieldLen - Variable in class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleSubEvent
Length of the used data field (number of longwords).
fiFillCount - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4BackStore
counter of filled events.
fiFillCount - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStore
counter of filled events.
fiFilter - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4ExportManager
Active filter format.
fiFirstStepIndex - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
Index describing the first analysis step from the steplist
to be processed.
fiFirstStepIndex - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
Index describing the first analysis step from the steplist
to be processed.
fiFitFunctionType - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Defines type of fitted function.
fiGraphType - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.QFitItem
fiGroupIndex - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Store group index of specified model.
fiHex - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSourcePrintPar
output hex longwords
fiHisNum - Variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4MbsHist
Number of histogram headers (1 in case of single his)
fiID - Variable in class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessorParameter
Identity number to specify the kind.
fiID - Variable in class Go4Event.TGo4EventSourceParameter
Identity number to specify the kind.
fiID - Variable in class Go4Event.TGo4EventStoreParameter
Identity number to specify the kind.
fiIndexesSize - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Number of indexes for each point.
fiIntegralMode - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
fiLastEvent - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntry
index of last tree entry of the previous Process() call
fiLastIndex - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
fiLastSlot - Variable in class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleEvent
Index of last used slot in the clonesarray.
fiLastStepIndex - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
Index describing the last analysis step from the steplist
to be processed.
fiLastStepIndex - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
Index describing the last analysis step from the steplist
to be processed.
FILE_CHECK - Variable in class RawAPI.ACTION
FileDialog_Macro() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisWindow
FileItemDoubleClicked(QListViewItem*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserSlots
FileListStatus - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserStatus
filhe_buf - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_filhe
filhe_current_i - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_filhe
filhe_dlen - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_filhe
filhe_evt - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_filhe
filhe_exp - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_filhe
filhe_exp_l - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_filhe
filhe_file - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_filhe
filhe_file_l - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_filhe
filhe_frag - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_filhe
filhe_free - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_filhe
filhe_label - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_filhe
filhe_label_l - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_filhe
filhe_lines - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_filhe
filhe_run - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_filhe
filhe_run_l - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_filhe
filhe_stime - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_filhe
filhe_subtype - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_filhe
filhe_time - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_filhe
filhe_type - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_filhe
filhe_used - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_filhe
filhe_user - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_filhe
filhe_user_l - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_filhe
fiLinesChannel - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXCalibPar
Centroid channel numbers for fitted lines
fill - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXControl
fill - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXParam
Fill() - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
Method called by the event owner (analysis step) to fill the
event element from the set event source.
Fill() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEvent
Method called by the event owner (analysis step) to fill the
event element from the set event source.
Fill() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSubEvent
Fill() - Method in class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleEvent
Method called by the event owner (analysis step) to fill the
event element from the set event source.
Fill() - Method in class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleSubEvent
Method called by the event owner (analysis step) to fill the
event element from the set event source.
Fill() - Method in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXEvent
Method called by the event owner (analysis step) to fill the
event element from the set event source.
Fill() - Method in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnlEvent
Fill() - Method in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackEvent
Method called by the event owner (analysis step) to fill the
event element from the set event source.
Fill() - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB12OutputEvent
Fill() - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB1InputEvent
Method called by the event owner (analysis step) to fill the
event element from the set event source.
Fill() - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB1OutputEvent
Fill() - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB2InputEvent
Fill() - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB2OutputEvent
Fill() - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB3InputEvent
Fill() - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB3OutputEvent
Fill() - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshDummyEvent
Fill() - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshFinalEvent
Fill() - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshRawEvent
Method called by the event owner (analysis step) to fill the
event element from the set event source.
Fill() - Method in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYRawEvent
Method called by the event owner (analysis step) to fill the
event element from the set event source.
Fill() - Method in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackEvent
Method called by the event owner (analysis step) to fill the
event element from the set event source.
Fill(Axis_t,Stat_t) - Method in class TH1
Fill(Axis_t) - Method in class TH1
Fill(const char*,Stat_t) - Method in class TH1
FillDataTypesList(QPopupMenu*,int) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
FillDependencyList(QFitItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
FillHistograms() - Method in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleApplication
FillModelTypesList(QPopupMenu*,int,bool) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
FillMuVector(TVectorD&) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGaussN
Fills vector of gaussian position from parameters values.
FillN(Int_t,const Axis_t*,const Axis_t*,const Double_t*,Int_t) - Method in class TH1
FillN(Int_t,const Axis_t*,const Double_t*,Int_t) - Method in class TH1
FillPadsList(TObjArray&,TPad*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
FillParsList(QFitItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
FillPopupForItem(QFitItem*,QPopupMenu*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
FillPopupForSlot(TGo4FitSlot*,QPopupMenu*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
FillRandom(const char*,Int_t) - Method in class TH1
FillRandom(TH1*,Int_t) - Method in class TH1
FillSigmaMatrix(TMatrixD&) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGaussN
Fill covariance matrix from parameters values.
FillSlotList(TSeqCollection*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Copy pointers on all slots of data object to list.
FillSlotList(TSeqCollection*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataGraph
Add pointer on slot, which should contain TGraph object, to slots list.
FillSlotList(TSeqCollection*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataHistogram
Add pointer on slot, which should contains histogram, to list.
FillSlotList(TSeqCollection*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataProfile
Add pointer on slot, which should contain TProfile object, to list of slots.
FillSlotList(TSeqCollection*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataRidge
Add pointer on slot, which should contain TGo4FitData object, to list of slots.
FillSlotList(TSeqCollection*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFromData
Add ponter on slot, which should contain TGo4FitData object, to a slots list.
FillSlotList(TSeqCollection*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlotList
Fill list of TGo4FitSlot objects to provided collection.
FillSlotList(TSeqCollection*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Collect all TGo4FitSlot objects, situated in fitter, data and models to givven TObjArray.
FillSlotsList(QFitItem*,const TObjArray*,TObject*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
fiLogin - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientStatus
For gui as client only
fiLoginMode - Variable in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComConnectSlave
specify login mode
fiLong - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSourcePrintPar
output longwords
filter - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_clnt_filter
fiMasterMode - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
fiMaxBuffers - Variable in class Go4Queue.TGo4BufferQueue
Number of preallocated buffer TBuffers
(maximum entries in fxBufferList).
fiMaxEntries - Variable in class Go4Queue.TGo4Queue
fiMaxEvents - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileSource
Number of events stored in the Tree.
fiMaxIndex - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MainTree
Number of events stored in the Tree.
fiMaxIntegrDepth - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Maximum intergration depth.
fiMaxOuputSize - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisWindow
fiMaxSlot - Variable in class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleEvent
Index of last existing slot in the clonesarray.
fiMemNum - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
Number of members in parameter class
fiMemoryUsage - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Defines use of memory during actions executions.
fiMinIntegrDepth - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Minimum depth of integration.
fiMode - Variable in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
mode value for execution rights of sending task
fiMode - Variable in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComConnectSlave
slave start mode (master as server only)
fiMode - Variable in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComLaunchClient
fiMode - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSource
Mode of operation
fiMode - Variable in class Go4ThreadManagerExample.TGo4TestRunnable
mode number which can be used to create runnables
with different actions in Workfunc; useful for testing
without creating new subclasses of runnable...
fiMouseMode - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
This switches mouse modes:
see Go4MouseModes.h
fiMouseMode - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
This switches mouse modes:
0: normal (root) mode
1: pick mode for cursor
2: pick mode for condition limits (integration)
see Go4MouseModes.h
Finalize() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Removes all buffers, created in initialize() routine.
Finalize() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDependency
Finalize() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Deletes all buffers, created during initialization.
Finalize() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFormula
Finalize() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFunction
Finalize object.
Finalize() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Remove all buffer, created in Initialize() routine.
FinalizeDependencies(TObjArray&) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Relese memory, allocated for dependency executions.
FinalizeFitterData() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
FinalizeFitterData() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Finalize fitter data.
fiNaxis - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGauss1
Number of selected axis, where gaussian wil be build.
fiNaxis1 - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGauss2
Number of first selected axis.
fiNaxis2 - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGauss2
Number of second selected axis.
fiNbinX - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
Number of bins in x axis.
fiNbinY - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
Number of bins in y axis.
fiNbinZ - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
Number of bins in z axis.
Find(const char*,const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Find(const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Find(TGo4FitParameter*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
FindAssigment(const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Find assignment to given data.
FindAxis(TVirtualPad*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
FindBin(Axis_t,Axis_t,Axis_t) - Method in class TH1
FindCmdEntry(const char*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
FindData(const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Return data object with given name. if no corresponding objects, return 0.
FindDataMember(TClass*,const Text_t*,Long_t*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
Find out address totaloffset of datamember memname relative to "this" pointer
of eventclass object.
FindDataPoint(Int_t,const Int_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFromData
FindDepen(const char*,TObjArray*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterConfig
fiNDimension - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFormula
temporary variable for formula calculation in EvalN() method.
FindInParents(QFitItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.QFitItem
FindItem(TObject*,int,QFitItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
fiNDivX - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
fiNDivY - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
FindModel(const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Return model component with given name.
FindNextName(const char*,Int_t,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
FindObject(const char*) - Method in class TH1
FindObject(const char*) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
FindObject(const TObject*) - Method in class TH1
FindObjectInFolder(TFolder*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Serachs in folder for object with specified name
Uses fxDirMutex until search is working
FindObjectSubpad(TObject*,TPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
Find the subpad of parent which really contains object obj.
used to locate the draw panel in a picture
FindOptPos(Short_t,Short_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
FindPad(TGo4PreviewPanel*,int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
FindPadWhereData(TGo4FitData*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
FindPar(const char*,const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Find parameter with given owner full name and parameter name.
FindPar(const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Find parameter object with given name.
FindPar(TGo4FitParameter*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Find parameter in list.
FindPic(Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
FindResult(const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuit
Find result object with provided name.
FindSlot(const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlotList
Find slot in list with given full name;
FindSlotStatusForData(TGo4FitData*,bool) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
FindSlotStatusForDraw(TGo4FitData*,bool) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
FindSlotStatusForModel(TGo4Fitter*,TGo4FitModel*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
FindSlotStatusForSlot(TGo4FitSlot*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
FindStyle(Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
FindSubFolder(TFolder*,const Text_t*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Get pointer to subfolder of parent specified by name.
fInput - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXProc
fInput - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnlProc
fInput - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackProc
fInput - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshUnpackProc
fInput - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackProc
fInputEventClass - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4StepFactory
fInputEventName - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4StepFactory
fIntegral - Variable in class TH1
fiNum - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSourcePrintPar
Counter for events to be printed
fiNum - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXParam
fiNumCond - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
Number of conditions in array.
fiNumDat - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsRandom
Number of data longwords per subevent
fiNumIters - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitAmplEstimation
Number of iterations, used for amplitude estimation.
fiNumMigradIter - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIOptions
fiNumPads - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
maximum number of working pads at the moment
fiNumPar - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDependency
fiNumPoint - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
fiNumPoints - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataGraphIter
fiNumPoints - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataProfileIter
fiNumScatt - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackEvent
fiNumSub - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsRandom
Number of subevents per event
fiObjectSize - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4ObjectStatus
Size of the described object in byte.
fiObjectType - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.QFitItem
fiOptSize - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
fiOverflowcount - Variable in class Go4Queue.TGo4BufferQueue
fiPadcolorB - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
fiPadcolorG - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
fiPadcolorR - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
fiPeakFinderType - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
fiPoints - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCond
Number of points.
fiPolynomOrder - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
fiPopupMenuType - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.QFitItem
fiPort - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4RevServ
Port number for remote event server only.
fiPort - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4RevServParameter
Port number .
fiPort - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4UserSourceParameter
(Port) number.
fiPort - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYEventSource
Optional port number
fiPort - Variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4ObjClient
serversocket port number
fiPort - Variable in class Go4Socket.TGo4Socket
Connected port number (of server socket which opened with portnumberscan)
fiPosX - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
fiPosY - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
fiPriority - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4UserException
Priority of message. 1=info, 2= warning, 3=error.
fiPriority - Variable in class Go4Event.TGo4EventErrorException
fiProcessStatus - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Contains current analysis step status value.
fiProcessStatus - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepException
Contains current analysis step status value.
fiProcessStatus - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepStatus
Contains current analysis step status value.
fiProtection - Variable in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
Execute protection of this command.
fiRangeNum - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIArrow
fiRole - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
For server connection to client: This indicates role of
connected client, if client is master.
fiSaveFlag - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
Describe saving of object in slot.
fiSaveOwnership - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
fiSaveSlot - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
fiSaveXMax - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCond
Saved maximum x-axis bin number for active histogram range.
fiSaveXMin - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCond
Saved minimum x-axis bin number for active histogram range.
fiSaveYMax - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCond
Saved maximum y-axis bin number for active histogram range.
fiSaveYMin - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCond
Saved minimum y-axis bin number for active histogram range.
fiScalesSize - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Number of scales values for each point.
fiSelectedAxis - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataRidge
Number of selected as ridge axis.
fiSelectedCond - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
Index of selected condition
fiSelectedWidgetID - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
fiServerPort - Variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
port number for server socket
fiSid - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSourcePrintPar
subevent id (-1 is all)
fiSlaveMode - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientStatus
Slave Mode = 1 rsh
Slave Mode = 2 ssh
fiSlaveShell - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientStatus
Shell =1 Qt
Shell =2 Xterm
fiSource - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitSlotStatus
fiSplit - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4BackStore
TBranch splitlevel.
fiSplit - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4BackStoreParameter
Splitlevel for Tree.
fiSplit - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStore
TBranch splitlevel.
fiSplit - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStoreParameter
Splitlevel for Tree.
fiSplit - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeStore
TBranch splitlevel.
fiSplit - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeStoreParameter
fiStatPort - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Status connection port number
fiStatPort - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerStatus
Status connection port number
fiSubId - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoStatus
Mbs subevent id
Fit(const char*,Option_t*,Option_t*,Axis_t,Axis_t) - Method in class TH1
Fit(TF1*,Option_t*,Option_t*,Axis_t,Axis_t) - Method in class TH1
fiTag - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.QFitItem
fiTakeSigmasFrom - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Specify sigma source.
0 - no sigmas, 1 - try take from data, 2 - const value (fdSigmaValue)
fiTestArray - Variable in class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleEvent
FitHelpSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
fiThreadPID - Variable in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Thread
linux process id associated with the pthread
fiThreadSelfID - Variable in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Thread
self id of the current thread
fiTimeout - Variable in class Go4Event.TGo4EventSourceParameter
Timeout in seconds.
fiTimeout - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSource
Timeout in seconds for mbs getevent.
FitItemDeleted(QFitItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
FitOptions() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
FitOptionsMake(Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
FitPanel() - Method in class TH1
FitPanelSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
fiTrueCounts - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Counts the number of calls of the Test method with true result.
Fitter_Delete() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Fitter_DropToPanel(TGo4Fitter*,TGo4PreviewPanel*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Fitter_MoveCopy(bool,bool) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Fitter_New() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Fitter_NewForActivePad(bool) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Fitter_PrintParameters() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Fitter_RollbackParameters() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Fitter_SaveToBrowser() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Fitter_SaveToFile() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Fitter_UpdateReferences() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Fitter_UseWorkspace() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
fiType - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
Condition type ID (kWINDOW or kPOLYGON)
fiVersion - Variable in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
fiWaitCounter - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
fiWaitForGUIReaction - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
fiWidgetType - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.QFitItem
fiWinid - Variable in class qtroot.interface.TQRootWindow
fiWizPageIndex - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIOptions
FIXED_INTS4 - Variable in class RawAPI.FILETYPE
FixedResult() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Returns the value set by Disable(value).
fLastEvent - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXAnalysis
fLastEvent - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnalysis
fLastEvent - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshAnalysis
fLastEvent - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYAnalysis
fLow1 - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCond
inclusive lower limit
fLow2 - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCond
inclusive lower limit
flt_descr - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_clnt_filter
flTest - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXParam
Flush() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
fMap - Variable in class TBuffer
fMapCount - Variable in class TBuffer
fMapSize - Variable in class TBuffer
fMaximum - Variable in class TH1
fMbsEvent - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXAnalysis
fMbsEvent - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnalysis
fMbsEvent - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshAnalysis
fMethods - Variable in class qtroot.interface.TQCanvasMenu
FMIN - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuitResult
fMinimum - Variable in class TH1
fMode - Variable in class TBuffer
fNcells - Variable in class TH1
fNDataObjs - Variable in class Go4Event.TGo4ClonesElement
fNElements - Variable in class Go4Event.TGo4CompositeEvent
Number of Elements in composite
fnewInputEvent - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4StepFactory
fnewOutputEvent - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4StepFactory
fnewProcessor - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4StepFactory
fNormFactor - Variable in class TH1
fNumScatt - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackProc
fOption - Variable in class TH1
fOption - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
ForceUpdate() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQCanvasImp
Force an update of the dialog box
ForceUpdate() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
forwardId - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4HelpWindow
fOutputEventClass - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4StepFactory
fOutputEventName - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4StepFactory
fPainter - Variable in class TH1
fPar - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXAnalysis
fPar - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnalysis
fPar - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshAnalysis
fPar - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYAnalysis
fParam - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXProc
fParam1 - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnlProc
fParam1 - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackProc
fParam1 - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackProc
fParam2 - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnlProc
fParam2 - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackProc
fParam2 - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackProc
fParent - Variable in class TBuffer
fParent - Variable in class qtroot.interface.TQCanvasMenu
fParent - Variable in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
fPicture - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXProc
fPolyCon - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXProc
fPolyCon1 - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackProc
fPolyConEmit - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackProc
fPopup - Variable in class qtroot.interface.TQCanvasMenu
fProcessorClass - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4StepFactory
fProcessorName - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4StepFactory
fQCanvas - Variable in class qtroot.interface.TQCanvasImp
fRawEvent - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnalysis
fRawEvent - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYAnalysis
frData - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnlEvent
frData - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB12OutputEvent
frData - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB1OutputEvent
frData - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB2OutputEvent
frData - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB3OutputEvent
FreeBuffer(TBuffer*) - Method in class Go4Queue.TGo4BufferQueue
Free internal buffer to be re-used by the AddBuffer as clone
FreezeMode() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
frP1 - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXParam
frP2 - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXParam
fs - Variable in class RawAPI.S_dsmObjName
fsDummy - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4EventHeader10
not used yet.
fSize - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnalysis
fSize - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshAnalysis
fSize - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYAnalysis
fsProcid - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4SubEventHeader10
Processor ID [from setup]
fsProcid - Variable in class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleSubEvent
Processor ID [from setup]
fss_none - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitSlotStatus._enum_TGo4FitPanelStatus_h_31_2
fss_owned - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitSlotStatus._enum_TGo4FitPanelStatus_h_31_2
fss_pad - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitSlotStatus._enum_TGo4FitPanelStatus_h_31_2
fss_reference - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitSlotStatus._enum_TGo4FitPanelStatus_h_31_2
fsSubtype - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4GSIEventHeader
fsTest - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXParam
fStrBuf - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
fsTrigger - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4EventHeader10
Trigger number
fsType - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4GSIEventHeader
Type number
fSum1 - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnlProc
fSum2 - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnlProc
fSum3 - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnlProc
fSumw2 - Variable in class TH1
fTabWin - Variable in class qtroot.interface.TQCanvasMenu
fTabWin - Variable in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
fTsumw - Variable in class TH1
fTsumw2 - Variable in class TH1
fTsumwx - Variable in class TH1
fTsumwx2 - Variable in class TH1
fuChar - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXParam
fuConnectPort - Variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
port number for timer connect
fuConnectPort - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
port number for timer connect
fuCurrentCount - Variable in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4Ratemeter
Number of events processed since last start.
fuCurrentCount - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisClientStatus
Number of events processed since last start.
fuEventCounter - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSource
Current event index counter
fuEventInterval - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFileParameter
Number of events to skip from file in between two read events
fuEventInterval - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSource
Number of events to skip from file in between two read events
fuLastCount - Variable in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4Ratemeter
Number of events processed at last ratemeter update.
fuLong - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXParam
fuNegotiationPort - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskManager
port number for the server client negotiation connections
fuNegPort - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Actual port number of negotiation connection (raw transport)
fuNegPort - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerStatus
Actual port number of negotiation connection (raw transport)
fUnpackEvent - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYAnalysis
fuNum - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXParam
fuObjectPort - Variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
port number for the object server connections
fUp1 - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCond
exclusive upper limit
fUp2 - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCond
exclusive upper limit
fuPickCounter - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
number of clicks for multipick (regions)
fuPickCounter - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
Used to count number of clicks for recording condition limits
fuPort - Variable in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComConnectSlave
Port for negotiation connection (master as client only)
fuSeed - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsRandom
fUserFile - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXAnalysis
fUserFile - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnalysis
fUserFile - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYAnalysis
fuServerPort - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientStatus
fuShort - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXParam
fuStartEvent - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFileParameter
Index of first event to process.
fuStartEvent - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSource
Index of first event to process.
fuStopEvent - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFileParameter
Index of last event to process.
fuStopEvent - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSource
Index of last event to process.
fuTaskCount - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskManager
fVersion - Variable in class TBuffer
fVX - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackProc
fVXVY - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackProc
fVXVYCond - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackProc
fVY - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackProc
fVZ - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackProc
fWarning - Static variable in class qtroot.interface.QRootApplication
fWinCon - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnlProc
fWinCon1 - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackProc
fWinCon2 - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackProc
fWinConR - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackProc
fWinConV - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackProc
fX - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackProc
fxActions - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Array of actions onkects (inherited from TGo4FitterAction).
fxActiveFile - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserStatus
fxActivePad - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
fxActivePanel - Variable in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4WorkSpace
fxActiveTree - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserStatus
fxActiveViewPanel - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
fxAddedItemName - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserSlots
Stores the item name of the added object after setting cycle
fxAddress - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
This holds the complete address pointer of member i
fxAllOrders - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelPolynom
Temporary variable for EvalN() function.
fxAllPars - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
List of all parameters, associated not only with component directly but also with incapsulated objects.
fxAllParsValues - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
fxAnalysis - Variable in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
The analysis the client is working on.
fxAnalysis - Variable in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisMainRunnable
fxAnalysis - Variable in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisWatchRunnable
fxAnalysis - Variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
fxAnalysisClient - Variable in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisMainRunnable
fxAnalysisClient - Variable in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisWatchRunnable
fxAnalysisClient - Variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
fxAnalysisDir - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Top Directory for all references to event classes.
fxAnalysisShell - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
fxAnalysisSlave - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Optional backpointer to analysis client if running in gui mode.
fxAnalysisStatus - Variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetAnalysisStatus
fxAnlProc - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXEvent
fxApplication - Variable in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleClient
fxApplication - Variable in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4MainRunnable
fxApplication - Variable in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4WatchRunnable
fxArgs - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYEventSource
Optional argument string
fxArray - Static variable in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4CommandInvoker
fxArray - Variable in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadHandler
Array of Go4Threads
fxArrayIndex - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
If datamember i is part of an array, this keeps the index.
fxArrayIndey - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
If datamember i is part of a 2d array, this keeps the y-index.
fxArrowCleanups - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
cleanup list of arrow objects
fxArrowList - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MarkerSetup
list of temporary arrow objects
fxArrowList - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
list of temporary arrow objects
fxAssigments - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
List of TGo4FitAssignment objects.
fxAutoFile - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Optional file for autosave of the important objects.
fxAutoFileName - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Name of the autosave file.
fxAutoFileName - Variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComAutosave
Name of the autosave file.
fxAutoFileName - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
Name of the autosave file.
fxAutoSaveClock - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Clock for autosave by time mechanism.
fxAutoSaveMutex - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Mutex protecting the autosave file access.
fxAutoSavePath - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationStatus
remember file path for autosave file
fxAutoScale - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
fXaxis - Variable in class TH1
fxAxisTrans - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Array of slots for scale transformation objects.
fxB1 - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshFinalEvent
in this example, we include just copies of our sources here:
fxB12 - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshFinalEvent
fxB2 - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshFinalEvent
fxB3 - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshFinalEvent
fxBeginTime - Variable in class Go4ProfileTimer.TGo4ProfileTimer
fxBeginUsage - Variable in class Go4ProfileTimer.TGo4ProfileTimer
fxBinsResult - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Buffer for complete model of bins values.
fxBlocker - Variable in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadManager
Composition of Application control timer.
fxBox - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCondPainter
Window marker box.
fxBranch - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeSource
The branch representing our source.
fxBranch - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeStore
The branch representing our store.
fxBranchFile - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeStoreParameter
Filename for branch file.
fxBranchName - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileSource
name of tree branch to be activated
fxBuffer - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSource
Points to the current gsi buffer structure filled by the event source.
fxBuffer - Variable in class Go4Socket.TGo4Socket
fxBufferIterator - Variable in class Go4Queue.TGo4BufferQueue
Iterator for fxBufferList.
fxBufferList - Variable in class Go4Queue.TGo4BufferQueue
List of preallocated buffer TBuffers which
are used when TBuffer added to queue should
be "cloned".
fxBufferMutex - Variable in class Go4Queue.TGo4BufferQueue
fxBufferQueue - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerRunnable
Link to external buffer queue.
fxCalibCurve - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXCalibPar
Reference to graph containing the calibration points
fxCalibration - Variable in class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessor
fxCalibration - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeStore
Points to calibration structure to be filled into branch.
fxCalibrator - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXCalibPar
Fitter for calibration of channel/energies with polynom
fxCalibSpectrum - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXCalibPar
Reference to histogram containing the calibration spectrum
fxCaller - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerException
fxCan - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4CanvasWrapper
fxCanvas - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredObject
fxCanvas - Variable in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4RecieverInfo
fxCanvas - Variable in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleController
fxCanvas - Variable in class Go4ThreadManagerExample.TGo4TestRunnable
fxCanvas - Variable in class Go4ThreadManagerExample.TGo4TestThreadManager
fxCanvasDir - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Directory containing TCanvases.
fxCaption - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4LabelPainter
Headline for the label
fxCentralWindow - Variable in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
fxCintLockTimer - Variable in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
For cintmode, we only allow to release the main
lock within a certain time window, triggered by this
fxClass - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
Class of object, which should be assigned to slot.
fxClientDir - Variable in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComLaunchClient
working directory of the client
fxClientExecutable - Variable in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComLaunchClient
executable to start on the client side
fxClientHost - Variable in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComLaunchClient
client machine host name
fxClientHost - Variable in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
remember nodename of the started analysis client
fxClientName - Variable in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComLaunchClient
name of the client to be launched
fxClientName - Variable in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComRemoveClient
name of the client to be removed
fxClientPassword - Variable in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
remember password of last login to nalysis client
fxClientProgram - Variable in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
remember program name of analysis client
fxClientShell - Variable in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
remember shell command used for starting analysis client
fxClock - Variable in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4Ratemeter
fxCmdHist - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisWindow
fxCommand - Variable in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4CommandInvoker
fxCommand - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterOutput
Command name.
fxCommandCounter - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptStatus
fxCommanderName - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
remember name of localcommand thread
fxCommandList - Variable in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4CommandProtoList
fxCommandPrototype - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
the command list which holds all command prototypes
fxCommandQ - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ClientTask
fxCommandQueue - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Buffers (queues) for the three transport channels:
fxCommandRun - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
link to command runnable which is managed by thread handler
fxCommands - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuit
List of minuit commands, presented by array of TObjString.
fxCommands - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptStatus
fxCommandTransport - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Transport channels (e.g. sockets) for command, status, data
fxComments - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
Array with comments to member field
fxCommonOptions - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
fxComName - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Remember name of command thread
fxComName - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerStatus
Remember name of command thread
fxComp - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIArrow
fxConDataBool - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
Array of pointers to the data that is tested against condition.
fxConDataChar - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
Array of pointers to the data that is tested against condition.
fxConDataDouble - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
Array of pointers to the data that is tested against condition.
fxConDataFloat - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
Array of pointers to the data that is tested against condition.
fxConDataInt - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
Array of pointers to the data that is tested against condition.
fxConDataLong - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
Array of pointers to the data that is tested against condition.
fxConDataShort - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
Array of pointers to the data that is tested against condition.
fxConDataUChar - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
Array of pointers to the data that is tested against condition.
fxConDataUInt - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
Array of pointers to the data that is tested against condition.
fxConDataULong - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
Array of pointers to the data that is tested against condition.
fxConDataUShort - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
Array of pointers to the data that is tested against condition.
fxCondition - Variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetCondition
Condition containing the properties which shall be set.
fxCondition - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4ConditionPainter
Condition to be painted.
fxCondition - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
Condition to be checked on processing this entry.
fxCondition - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
fxCondition - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditStatus
owner pointer on condition under edit
fxCondition - Variable in class Go4Queue.TGo4Queue
fxCondition - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4ConditionStatus
fxCondition - Variable in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4AppControlTimer
fxCondition - Variable in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Thread
fxConditionClass - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntryStatus
Name of the analysis object, for example a histogram.
fxConditionClass - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ConditionInfoSlots
remember name of real condition
fxConditionClass - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntrySlots
remember name of real condition
fxConditionClass - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4HistogramInfoSlots
remember name of real condition
fxConditionDir - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Directory containing all condition objects to be used by dynamic list
and by user analysis.
fxConditionName - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
Name of the condition to be applied for this entry.
fxConditionName - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntryStatus
Name of the condition associated with the processing of the contained entry.
fxConEvent - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
Array of pointers to the event structure that
contains the data for the condition test.
fxConEventName - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
Array of names of the events which contain
the data members to be tested with the x,y
coordinates of the condition.
fxConEventName - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntryStatus
Array of names of the events which contain
the data members to be tested with the x,y
coordinates of the condition.
fxConfigFilename - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
name of configuration file used for this setup
fxConfigFileName - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
Name of the last configuration file.
fxConfigPath - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationStatus
remember file path for configuration file
fxConnectHost - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
hostname for timer connect
fxConnector - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4MarkerPainter
Connection line between marker and label
fxConnectorName - Variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
Name of connector thread
fxConnectorName - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
remember name of connector thread
fxConnectorTimer - Variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
timer responsible for the connection/disconnection of clients;
independent of application control timer
fxConnectorTimer - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
timer responsible for the connection/disconnection of clients;
independent of application control timer
fxConnectTransport - Variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
link to the next TaskHandler transport instance that shall be connected
by the Object connector Timer with the client
fxConnectTransport - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
link to the next TaskHandler transport instance that shall be connected
by the Application Control Timer with the client
fxController - Variable in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ControllerRunnable
fxController - Variable in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleServer
fxController - Variable in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4LoggingRunnable
fxControlRunnable - Variable in class Go4ThreadManagerExample.TGo4TestThreadManager
fxConVarName - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
Name of the eventstructure datamembers that shall be
tested with the condition.
fxConVarName - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntryStatus
Name of the eventstructure datamembers that shall be
tested with the condition.
fxCurrentConfig - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Pointer on currently activated config object.
fxCurrentDir - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4ExportManager
name of the current working directory.
fxCurrentFile - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFile
Currently processed file (for multiple input mode)
fxCurrentItem - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
fxCurrentPars - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Array of values of parameters.
fxCurrentParsArray - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Pointer on array of parameters values.
fxCurrentStep - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
Points to the currently active analysis step.
fxCurrentTag - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFile
Currently processed tagfile (for multiple input mode)
fxCurrentTaskHandler - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
fxCursor - Variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4MbsHist
fxCut - Variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComAddTreeHistogram
String with cut expression.
fxCutHis - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
temporary histogram used to calculate statistics on
polygon cuts.
fxCuts - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Array of TCutG objects, used for range selection.
fxCutView - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCondPainter
Cut used for polygon display.
fxData - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitAssignment
Pointer on assigned data.
fxData - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataGraphIter
fxData - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataHistogramIter
fxData - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataProfileIter
fxData - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataRidge
Slot for TGo4FitData object.
fxData - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataRidgeIter
fxData - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFromData
Slot for TGo4FitData object, which is used as model component.
fxDatabase - Variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComStartHistoServ
Name of the database.
fxDatabase - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXCalibPar
Filename for ascii file with linesname - energy
fxDataBool - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
fxDataChar - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
fxDataDouble - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
fxDataFloat - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
Pointers to current member if matching the type.
fxDataInt - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
fxDataLong - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
fxDatamembers - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
reference to TClass list of datamembers
fxDataName - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
fxDataQ - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ClientTask
fxDataQ - Variable in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleApplication
fxDataQueue - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
fxDataRun - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
link to data runnable which is managed by thread handler
fxDatas - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Container for data objects.
fxDataShort - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
fxDataString - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
fxDataTransport - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
fxDataUChar - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
fxDataUInt - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
fxDataULong - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
fxDataUShort - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
fxDate - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4LogInfoObject
fxDateString - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisClientStatus
Time and date of the last update of this status as sql string.
fxDatName - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Remember name of data thread
fxDatName - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerStatus
Remember name of data thread
fxDemoHistogram - Variable in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleApplication
fxDescription - Variable in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
fxDescription - Variable in class Go4Exceptions.TGo4Exception
fxDirMutex - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Mutex protecting the object directories.
fxDisConnectTransport - Variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
link to the next TaskHandler transport instance that shall be disconnected
by the connector Timer with the client
fxDisConnectTransport - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
link to the next TaskHandler transport instance that shall be disconnected
by the Application Control Timer with the client
fxDisplay - Variable in class Go4Display.TGo4DisplayDrawerTimer
fxDisplay - Variable in class Go4Display.TGo4DisplayLoggerTimer
fxDisplayAnalysisConfig - Variable in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
fxDisplayStatusMonitor - Variable in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
fxDragAddOption - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
fxDrawCanvas - Variable in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
fxDrawexp - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntry
The complete TTree:Draw() expression, i.e. varexp>>+histogram
fxDrawObjs - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
fxDrawObjs - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitSlotStatus
fxDrawPad - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Remember last pad used for Draw.
fxDrawPad - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
Remember last pad used for Draw.
fxDrawPad - Variable in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
fxDrawPanel - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
fxDrawPanel - Variable in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
fxDrawTimer - Variable in class Go4Display.TGo4Display
Timer for drawing job
fxDynamicList - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
The current dynamic list which is processed
by the analysis
fxDynamicListStatus - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Status object representing the dynamic list (names of
the entries).
fxDynListDir - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Directory containing all action objects to be used by dynamic list
and by user analysis.
fxEndTime - Variable in class Go4ProfileTimer.TGo4ProfileTimer
fxEndUsage - Variable in class Go4ProfileTimer.TGo4ProfileTimer
fxEntry - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicListException
fxEntryClass - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicListException
fxEntryName - Variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4DynamicListCommand
Name of dynamic entry to be removed.
fxEntryName - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicListException
fxEntryStatus - Variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetDynamicEntry
fxEntryStatus - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus
local copy of the edited entry status
fxErrMess - Variable in class Go4Event.TGo4EventSource
Most recent error message.
fxErrMess - Variable in class Go4Event.TGo4EventSourceException
Error message at exception throw time
fxEvent - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4BackStore
Points to event structure to be filled into branch.
fxEvent - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4EventServerFactory
remember pointer to output event for tree store ctor
fxEvent - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStore
Points to event structure to be filled into branch.
fxEvent - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSource
fxEvent - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeStore
Points to event structure to be filled into branch.
fxEvent - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoStatus
Event sample without a tree
fxEventDir - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Directory containing references to event structures.
fxEventFactory - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
The abstract factory implementation which provides the event classes.
fxEventMem - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsRandom
Memory allocated for the current random event
fxEventName - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoStatus
name of the event to be processed
fxEventPrintout - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoStatus
Text buffer containing the printout of current event sample
fxEventProcessor - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
The processing class which works on the input event and
fills the output event.
fxEventSource - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
The source of the input events.
fxEventSource - Variable in class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
The external event source instance which is used to fill this event structure
from the raw event.
fxEventSource - Variable in class Go4Event.TGo4EventSourceException
fxEventSourcePath - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationStatus
remember file path for event source
fxEventStore - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
The storage instance for the unpacked events (detector) structures.
fxEventStorePath - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationStatus
remember file path for event store
fxEventTree - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoStatus
tree containing one sample event
fxEvt - Variable in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QFileItem
fxExpression - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4UserSourceParameter
Any user defined expression as string
fxExpression - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4UserStoreParameter
Any user defined expression as string
fxExpression - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDependency
fxExpression - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFormula
String, containig formula expression.
fxFile - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileSource
fxFile - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStore
fxFile - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MainTree
fxFile - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeStore
Optional file where our branches are located.
fxFile - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB12OutputEvent
fxFile - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB1InputEvent
fxFile - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB1OutputEvent
fxFile - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB2InputEvent
fxFile - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB2OutputEvent
fxFile - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB3InputEvent
fxFile - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB3OutputEvent
fxFile - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshFinalEvent
fxFile - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshRawEvent
fxFile - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYEventSource
file that contains the data in ascii format.
fxFileName - Variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComLoadAnalysisStatus
Name of the settings file.
fxFileName - Variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSaveAnalysisStatus
Name of the settings file.
fxFilename - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserSlots
fxFileSource - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEvent
points to filesource if exists
fxFileSource - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYRawEvent
points to filesource if exists
fxFinalProc - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshFinalEvent
fXFirstBin - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
fxFitOptions - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
fxFitPointer - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
If parameter contains fitter aggregates, this points to the last active
fxFitter - Variable in class Go4Fit.TMinuitEx
fxFitter - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIOptions
fxFitter - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4FitterEnvelope
fxFlags - Variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetProtections
fxFolder - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicListStatus
Folder containing the dynamic list status objects
fxFolder - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4EventStatus
Folder containing the datamember status objects
fxFolderName - Variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectCommand
Optional subfolder name where the object is located.
fxFormula - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDependency
fxFormula - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFormula
formula for evaluation expression in EvalN() method.
fxFreeList - Variable in class Go4Queue.TGo4BufferQueue
List of buffers which are free for the next add.
fxFullIndex - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Store combination of indexes for each data bins.
fxFullName - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitNamed
String, containing full name of object.
fxFullScale - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Array of axis values for each bins.
fxFullWidth - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Array of width values for each bin.
fxFunctionName - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFunction
Function name.
fxGo4Dir - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Top level Go4 Directory (root folder)
fxGo4Thread - Variable in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Runnable
Backlink to thread which runs this.
fxGraph - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataGraph
Slot to for TGraph object.
fxGraph1 - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnlProc
fxGraph2 - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnlProc
fxGraphName - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXCalibPar
Name of the graph to contain the calibration points
fxGSIHeader - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4EventHeader10
fxGSIHeader - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4SubEventHeader10
fxGUI - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4CreateNewHistogramSlots
fxGUI - Variable in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4RegisteredSlotsList
fxHeader - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEvent
fxHeader - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSubEvent
fxHisDataBool - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntry
Array of pointers to the data that is filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram.
fxHisDataChar - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntry
Array of pointers to the data that is filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram.
fxHisDataDouble - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntry
Array of pointers to the data that is filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram.
fxHisDataFloat - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntry
Array of pointers to the data that is filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram.
fxHisDataInt - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntry
Array of pointers to the data that is filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram.
fxHisDataLong - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntry
Array of pointers to the data that is filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram.
fxHisDataShort - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntry
Array of pointers to the data that is filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram.
fxHisDataUChar - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntry
Array of pointers to the data that is filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram.
fxHisDataUInt - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntry
Array of pointers to the data that is filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram.
fxHisDataULong - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntry
Array of pointers to the data that is filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram.
fxHisDataUShort - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntry
Array of pointers to the data that is filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram.
fxHisEvent - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntry
Array of pointers to the events containing the data to be filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram.
fxHisEventName - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntry
Array of names of the events which contain
the data members to be filled into the x,y,z,.. coordinates.
fxHisEventName - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntryStatus
Array of names of the events which contain
the data members to be filled into the x,y,z,..
fxHisto - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Reference to currently used histogram (for statistics boxes).
fxHisto - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
Reference to currently used histogram (for bin contents).
fxHisto - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
reference to currently used histogram
fxHisto - Variable in class Go4ThreadManagerExample.TGo4TestRunnable
fxHistogram - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntry
The (histogram) object kept by this entry.
fxHistogram - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataHistogram
Slot for storing pointer on TH1 object
fxHistogram - Variable in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QConItem
This holds the name of a histogram connected to this condition
fxHistogram - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4ConditionStatus
Reference to linked histogram
fxHistogramClass - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntryStatus
The analysis object class name.
fxHistogramDir - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Directory containing all histogram objects to be used by dynamic list
and user analysis.
fxHistogramName - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntry
Title of the analysis object, for example a histogram.
fxHistogramName - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntryStatus
Title of the analysis object, for example a histogram.
fxHistogramName - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntry
The target histogram name to be filled
fxHistogramName - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntryStatus
Name of the histogram.
fxHistogramName - Variable in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleClientStatus
Remember name of histogram
fxHistogramServer - Variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HisConnectorRunnable
fxHistogramServer - Variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4ObjConnectorRunnable
fxHistoHead - Variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4MbsHist
fxHistoName - Variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComAddTreeHistogram
Name of the histogram for dynamic list.
fxHistoName - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
contains associatied histogram name
fxHistoServer - Variable in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
fxHistoStatus - Variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCreateHistogram
fxHisVarName - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntry
Array of names of the x,y,z,.. coordinate data members.
fxHisVarName - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntryStatus
Array of names of the x,y,z,..
coordinate data members.
fxHostname - Variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4ObjClient
hostname of the server to connect to
fxHostName - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Remember name of remote task handler
fxHostName - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerStatus
Remember name of remote task handler
fxIndexes - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
fxIndexes - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGaussN
Array of axis indexes, where n-dim gaussian will be build.
fxInfo - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitSlotStatus
fxInfoHeader - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSource
Reference to header info delivered by source.
fxInput - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB1AnlProc
fxInput - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB2AnlProc
fxInput - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB3AnlProc
fxInput1 - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB12AnlProc
fxInput1 - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshFinalProc
fxInput12 - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshFinalProc
fxInput2 - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB12AnlProc
fxInput2 - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshFinalProc
fxInput3 - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshFinalProc
fxInputChannel - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSource
Event channel structure used by event source.
fxInputEvent - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
points to the last input event delivered from the event source
fxInputEvent - Variable in class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessor
fxInputfile - Variable in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXParam
fxInstance - Static variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Static Pointer to the analysis singleton instance.
fxInstance - Static variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Version
fxInstance - Static variable in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4CommandInvoker
fxInstance - Static variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MainTree
fxInstance - Static variable in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
fxInterruptHandler - Variable in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
use to treat Ctrl-C interrupts in CINT mode
fxInvoker - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4CommandRunnable
client mode: link to external (static) invoker singleton, that is
used to execute the async commands before the command queue
server mode: not used
fxInvoker - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Link to external command invoker instance used for direct command in client mode:
fxItem - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIArrow
fxItemObject - Variable in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
fxIter - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFromData
fxIterator - Variable in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4CommandProtoList
fxIterator - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEvent
Iterator for array.
fxIterator - Variable in class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleEvent
Iterator for array.
fxIterator - Variable in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadHandler
Iterator for Thread Array
fxKey - Variable in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
fxLabel - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4LabelPainter
the label
fXLastBin - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
fxLastTime - Variable in class Go4ProfileTimer.TGo4ProfileTimer
fxLastUsage - Variable in class Go4ProfileTimer.TGo4ProfileTimer
fxLateXCleanups - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
cleanup list of latex objects
fxLateXList - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MarkerSetup
list of temporary latex objects (text markers)
fxLateXList - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
list of temporary latex objects (text markers)
fxLegend - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
fxLegendCleanups - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
cleanup list of legend objects
fxLibrary - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFunction
Pointer on loaded library descriptor.
fxLibraryName - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFunction
String with library name, where function is situated.
fxLimits - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataHistogramIter
fxLine - Variable in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComExecLine
Contains text of macro.
fxLinesFinder - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXCalibPar
Fitter to search lines
fxLinesNames - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXCalibPar
Database names of calibration lines.
fxList - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicList
array to keep the list dynamic list entries
fxList - Variable in class Go4Queue.TGo4Queue
fxListIterator - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicList
fxListMutex - Variable in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4CommandProtoList
fxListMutex - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicList
mutex protecting the dynamic list
fxListMutex - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskManager
fxListMutex - Variable in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadHandler
Mutex protecting thread array
fxListName - Variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4DynamicListCommand
Name of dynamic list which contains entry to be removed.
fxLocalBuffer - Variable in class Go4Socket.TGo4Socket
fxLocalCommandQueue - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
queue for the server side local commands, submitted by the gui or cli
fxLocalTask - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4LocalCommandRunnable
fxLogInfo - Variable in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
fxLogTimer - Variable in class Go4Display.TGo4Display
Timer for status logging job
fxMainName - Variable in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleClientStatus
Remember name of main thread
fxMainWin - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserSlots
fxMainWin - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserSlots
fxMainWin - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredListSlots
fxMainWindow - Variable in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
fxManager - Variable in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4AppControlTimer
Backlink to threadmanager who owns this timer.
fxManager - Variable in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Runnable
The threadmanager which is responsible for our thread.
fxManager - Variable in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadHandler
Backlink to threadmanager who owns this thread handler.
fxMarker - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4MarkerPainter
Marker to be painted.
fxMarkerList - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MarkerSetup
list of temporary markers set
fxMarkerList - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
list of temporary markers set
fxMaster - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
fxMatchIterator - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Iterator for list of matching objects.
fxMatchList - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
List of matching objects for name expression.
fXmax - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCond
Maximum X coordinate.
fxMbsSource - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEvent
points to mbssource if exists
fxMemBrowser - Variable in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
fxMessage - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4UserException
User defined description of the exception reason
fXmin - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCond
Minimum X coordinate.
fxModel - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIArrow
fxModelBins - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitAssignment
Array of model bins for assigned data.
fxModelMask - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitAssignment
Array of boolean values, selected model bins.
fxModels - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Container for model components.
fxMonObjItem - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredObject
fxMultiFile - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFile
file that contains the list of mbs filenames.
format should be: "filename.lmd tagfilename" for each line.
fxMultiGraph - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnlProc
fxMultiName - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFile
Currently processed multiple input filename (for multiple input mode)
fxMutex - Static variable in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4CommandInvoker
fxMutex - Variable in class Go4LockGuard.TGo4LockGuard
Reference to Mutex associated with this lockguard (external or internal)
fxMutex - Variable in class Go4Queue.TGo4Queue
fxName - Variable in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Pair
fxName - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
since TMarker is not TNamed, we provide identifier string here:
fxNames - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
Array with strings of member names
fxNames - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
fxNested - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIDraw
fxNewRunnable - Variable in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ReplaceException
fxNextCondition - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
fxNextline - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYEventSource
contains the next line in your file
fxNextParaClass - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
iterator for list of parameter classes
fxObj - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.QFitItem
fxObj - Variable in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
fxObject - Variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ObjEnvelope
fxObject - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
Pointer on assigned object.
fxObject - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4GraphicEntry
base pointer reference to graphical primitive
fxObject - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredObject
fxObjectClass - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4ObjectStatus
Classname of the described object.
fxObjectClassName - Variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCreateObject
Classname of the object to be created.
fxObjectManager - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
fxObjectName - Variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectCommand
Name of the object under command.
fxObjectNames - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
fxObjects - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
fxObjectThreadName - Variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
Name of object server thread
fxObjFolder - Variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ObjEnvelope
fxObjName - Variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ObjEnvelope
fxOperMutex - Variable in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadHandler
Mutex to protect IsOperating flag, flag is set kTRUE to
indicate that AppControl timer must not block, since
thread launching or canceling operation is performed by
thread handler.
fxOptIndex - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
fxOptions - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterOutput
Command options.
fxOptObjects - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
fxOptValue - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
fxOther - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIArrow
fxOutFile - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4ExportManager
Name of the output file.
fxOutFileComment - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4ExportManager
Comment (title) of the output file.
fxOutput - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisWindow
fxOutput - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
fxOutputEvent - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
The unpacked event (detector) structure that has been filled by the
analysis step .
fxOutputEvent - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
Link to the last output event produced by the event analysis steps.
fxOwner - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Points back to the analysis wich keeps this step.
fxOwner - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Label
the owner of this label
fxOwner - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4LabelConnector
the owner of this connector line
fxOwner - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitNamed
Owner of object
fxOwner - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIArrow
fxOwner - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
fxOwnScales - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataHistogramIter
fxOwnScales - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataRidgeIter
fxOwnWidths - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataHistogramIter
fxPad - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterOutput
TPad, which can be used for output.
fxPad - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitSlotStatus
fxPad - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4GraphicEntry
pad where object was drawn
fxPad - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredObject
fxPad - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
fxPad - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
references to assigned working pads.
fxPad - Variable in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4RecieverInfo
fxPad - Variable in class Go4ThreadManagerExample.TGo4TestRunnable
fxPad1 - Variable in class Go4ThreadManagerExample.TGo4TestThreadManager
fxPad2 - Variable in class Go4ThreadManagerExample.TGo4TestThreadManager
fxPainter - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Painter instance to display the condition in root pad.
fxPainter - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
Painter instance to display the condition in root pad.
fxPanel - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
fxPanel - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitSlotStatus
fxPanel - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredObject
fxPara - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
fxParaClass - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
reference to parameter class
fxParaClassList - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
list of all available subclasses of TGo4Parameter
fxParameter - Variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetParameter
The parameter to be set.
fxParameter - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDependency
fxParameterDir - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Directory containing user parameter objects
fxParent - Variable in class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
The higher level event element that owns this instance
fxPars - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
fxParsCfg - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterConfig
List of parameters objects, used for alternative configuration of parameters, which should be fitted.
fxParsDepend - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterConfig
Array of dependencies (TGo4FitDependency) for introducing dependency between fitted parameters.
fxParsInit - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterConfig
Array of dependencies for parameters initialization.
fxParsNew - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterConfig
List of parameters object, which can be used in dependency calculations and minimization.
fxPasswd - Variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComStartHistoServ
Name of the password.
fxPasswd - Variable in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComConnectSlave
login password, must match to login mode
fxPeditor - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
root pad editor for this viewpanel
fxPicture - Variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetPicture
The picture to be set.
fxPictureDir - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Directory containing the pictures.
fxPointerEntryStatus - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus
downcasted reference to entry status in case of pointer entry
fxPolyCondition - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCondView
pointer to viewed condition for update after graphical action
fxPolygonList - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MarkerSetup
list of temporary regions (polygon conditions)
fxPolygonList - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
list of temporary polygons (poly conditions)
fxPosIndex - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFormula
fxPosIndex - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFunction
fxPrEventPar - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSource
This structure keeps parameters for printevent mode
fxPrevious - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Points to the previous analysis step.
fxPreviousData - Variable in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleController
fxPrimitives - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitSlotStatus
fxPrintPar - Variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetPrintEvent
fxProcessor - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB12OutputEvent
fxProcessor - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB1InputEvent
fxProcessor - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB1OutputEvent
fxProcessor - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB2InputEvent
fxProcessor - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB2OutputEvent
fxProcessor - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB3InputEvent
fxProcessor - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB3OutputEvent
fxProcessorDir - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Directory containing references to event processors.
fxProcessorPar - Variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetProcessor
fxProcessorType - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Parameter object of next event processor to be activated.
fxProcessorType - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepStatus
Parameter object of next event processor to be activated.
fxProfile - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataProfile
Slot for TProfile object.
fxProviderProc - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshDummyEvent
fxQueue - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4LocalCommandRunnable
Link to external command queue
fxQuitBuffer - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
this buffer is used for quit command
fxRangeAxis - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Array for range conditions storage (axis indexes)
fxRangeValue - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Array for range values storaging.
fxRatemeter - Variable in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
fxRatio - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitAssignment
Parameter for ratio value
fxReceiver - Variable in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Pair
fxReceiverBase - Variable in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
fxReceiverName - Variable in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
fxRecvSlot - Variable in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4RecieverInfo
fxRegionList - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MarkerSetup
list of temporary regions (window conditions)
fxRegionList - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
list of temporary regions (window conditions)
fxRegisteredSlotClass - Variable in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4DependentStatusList
fxRegisteredSlotClass - Variable in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4RegisteredSlotsList
fxRegisteredStatusClass - Variable in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4DependentStatusList
fxRegisteredStatusClass - Variable in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4RegisteredSlotsList
fxRegistry - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
fxRegistry - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
fxResults - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuit
List of Tgo4FitMinuitResult objects.
fxResults - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Array of result values.
fxResults - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterConfig
Array of TGo4FitDependency objects, which repersent equations to calculate result values in fitter.
fxRootFile - Variable in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
fxRootTree - Variable in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QBranchItem
fxRootTree - Variable in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QLeafItem
fxRootTree - Variable in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QTreeItem
fxRootwindow - Variable in class qtroot.interface.TQRootWindow
this is the pseudo root window embedded into this widget.
is used as parent for subwindows
fxRunnable - Variable in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Thread
External class providing the threaded workfunction
and exception routines for workfunction.
fxRunnable - Variable in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadException
Link to the runnable connected with the thread
(exception throwing runnable might simply pass its 'this' pointer as argument)
fxSampleEvent - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
this holds event sample for the SingleEventTree.
fxScales - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
fxScriptWidget - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
fxSelectedName - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
keep name of last selected object.
fxSelection - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntry
The selection string needed by TTree:Draw()
fxSelection - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntryStatus
Cut expression for tree draw.
fxServer - Variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4ObjConnectorTimer
the object server to which this timer belongs
fxServer - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskConnectorTimer
The servertask to which this timer belongs
fxServer - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskManager
fxServer - Variable in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ControllerRunnable
fxServer - Variable in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4LoggingRunnable
fxServerHostName - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ClientStatus
hostname of server machine
fxServerHostname - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ClientTask
hostname of server machine
fxServerName - Variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
contains api server name
fxServerName - Variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4ObjClient
contains api basename
fxServerPass - Variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
contains api server password
fxServerPass - Variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4ObjClient
contains api password
fxServerSocket - Variable in class Go4Socket.TGo4Socket
Server Socket (server mode only)
fxSettingsfolder - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
fxShowEventStatus - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4QRootCanvas
fxSignalHandler - Variable in class Go4Socket.TGo4Socket
fxSingletonTree - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeSource
Reference to external tree singleton wrapper instance.
fxSingletonTree - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeStore
Reference to external tree singleton wrapper instance.
fxSlave - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
fxSlaveDir - Variable in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComConnectSlave
working directory of the slave
fxSlaveExec - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Master
Name of the executable (command) that is running in the slave process.
fxSlaveExecutable - Variable in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComConnectSlave
executable to start on the slave side
fxSlaveHost - Variable in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComConnectSlave
slave machine host name
fxSlaveName - Variable in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComConnectSlave
name of the slave to be launched
fxSlaveName - Variable in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComDisconnectSlave
name of the client to be removed
fxSlaveNode - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Master
Name of the node where the slave is running.
fxSlaveShell - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Master
Name of the shell where the slave is running.
fxSlot - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitSlotStatus
fxSlotList - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlotList
fxSlots - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.QFitItem
fxSlots - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIArrow
fxSlots - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelStatus
Backpointer to slots.
fxSlots - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditStatus
We need this backpointer for the log functionality *
fxSlotStatusList - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
fxSocket - Variable in class Go4Socket.TGo4Socket
root TSocket class doing the work
fxSourceClass - Variable in class Go4Event.TGo4EventSourceException
Class of the throwing event source
fxSourceDir - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Directory containing references to event sources.
fxSourceName - Variable in class Go4Event.TGo4EventSourceException
Name of the throwing event source
fxSourcePar - Variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetSource
fxSourceType - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Parameter object of next event source to be activated.
fxSourceType - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepStatus
Parameter object of next event source to be activated.
fxSpectrumName - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXCalibPar
Name of the calibration spectrum histogram
fxStandDev - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Buffer for standard devations of bins values.
fxStartDir - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4ExportManager
name of the start (top level) directory.
fxStatName - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Remember name of status thread
fxStatName - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerStatus
Remember name of status thread
fxStatus - Variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetCanvas
Status containing the canvas infos
fxStatus - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
fxStatus - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
fxStatusBuffer - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
Buffer containing the analysis status which is
updated by the main thread
fxStatusMessage - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepException
fxStatusMessage - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicListException
fxStatusMutex - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
Mutex protecting status buffer between main and
watch thread.
fxStatusQ - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ClientTask
fxStatusQueue - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
fxStatusRun - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
link to status runnable which is managed by thread handler
fxStatusTime - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4ObjectStatus
creation time of status object
fxStatusTransport - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
fxStep - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepException
fxStepArray - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
Array containing all analysis steps.
fxStepIterator - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
Iterator used for analysis step list.
fxStepIterator - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
Iterator used for analysis step list.
fxStepList - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
Array containing all analysis steps.
fxStepManager - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
fxStepMutex - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
Mutex protecting the analysis step list.
fxStepMutex - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
Mutex protecting the analysis step list.
fxStepName - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepException
fxStepName - Variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepCommand
Name of the analysis step to be changed.
fxStopBuffer - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
this buffer is used for stop message for threads
fxStoreDir - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Directory containing references to event stores.
fxStorePar - Variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetStore
fxStoreType - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Parameter object of next event storage to be activated.
fxStoreType - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepStatus
Parameter object of next event storage to be activated.
fxSub1 - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshRawEvent
we compose data structure from subbranches:
fxSub2 - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshRawEvent
fxSub3 - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshRawEvent
fxSubEvArray - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEvent
dynamic array of subevents.
fxSubEventArray - Variable in class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleEvent
fxSubPictures - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
fxTagFile - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFile
Name of the tagfile associated with the listmode event file.
fxTagFile - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFileParameter
Name of the tagfile associated with the listmode event file.
fxTargetName - Variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCopyObject
Name of the copy target object
fxTask - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskOwner
fxTaskHandler - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ClientTask
fxTaskHandler - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerException
fxTaskHandler - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerRunnable
link to external task handler (for server mode)
fxTaskHandlerStatus - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskStatus
fxTaskIter - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskManager
Iterator over list of tasks.
fxTaskList - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskManager
fxTaskManager - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ConnectorRunnable
fxTaskManager - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
fxTaskName - Variable in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
fxTempFolder - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Temporary folder for nameslist objects.
fxTempFolder - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicList
temporary folder for status creation
fxTempFolder - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4EventStatus
Temporary folder for folder creation
(old root versions did not have public TFolder ctor)
fxTGo4AdvancedUserWidget - Variable in class Go4UserGUI.TGo4AdvancedUserWidgetSlots
fxTGo4AdvancedUserWidgetStatus - Variable in class Go4UserGUI.TGo4AdvancedUserWidgetSlots
fxTGo4AnalysisConfiguration - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationSlots
fxTGo4AnalysisConfigurationStatus - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationSlots
fxTGo4AnalysisStatus - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationStatus
fxTGo4AnalysisStatusMonitor - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisStatusMonitorSlots
fxTGo4AnalysisStatusMonitor - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
fxTGo4AnalysisStatusMonitorStatus - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisStatusMonitorSlots
fxTGo4Browser - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserSlots
fxTGo4BrowserStatus - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserSlots
fxTGo4ConditionInfo - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ConditionInfoSlots
fxTGo4ConditionInfoStatus - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ConditionInfoSlots
fxTGo4CreateHisDefaults - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4CreateNewHistogramStatus
fxTGo4CreateNewHistogramStatus - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4CreateNewHistogramSlots
fxTGo4DiskFileBrowser - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserSlots
fxTGo4DiskFileBrowserStatus - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserSlots
fxTGo4Display - Variable in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
fxTGo4DividePad - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
fxTGo4DockBrowsers - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserSlots
fxTGo4DockBrowsers - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserSlots
fxTGo4DockBrowsers - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
fxTGo4DockBrowsers - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredListSlots
fxTGo4DockBrowsers - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4RemoteBrowserSlots
fxTGo4EditDynEntry - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntrySlots
fxTGo4EditDynEntryStatus - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntrySlots
fxTGo4EventInfo - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoSlots
fxTGo4EventInfoStatus - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoSlots
fxTGo4FitPanel - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
fxTGo4GUIRegistry - Variable in class Go4Display.TGo4Display
fxTGo4GUIRegistry - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationSlots
fxTGo4GUIRegistry - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisStatusMonitorSlots
fxTGo4GUIRegistry - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisWindow
fxTGo4GUIRegistry - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserSlots
fxTGo4GUIRegistry - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ConditionInfoSlots
fxTGo4GUIRegistry - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4CreateNewHistogramSlots
fxTGo4GUIRegistry - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserSlots
fxTGo4GUIRegistry - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntrySlots
fxTGo4GUIRegistry - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoSlots
fxTGo4GUIRegistry - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4HistogramInfoSlots
fxTGo4GUIRegistry - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4LoadedLibrariesSlots
fxTGo4GUIRegistry - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4LogInfoSlots
fxTGo4GUIRegistry - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
fxTGo4GUIRegistry - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredListSlots
fxTGo4GUIRegistry - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditSlots
fxTGo4GUIRegistry - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
fxTGo4GUIRegistry - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4RemoteBrowserSlots
fxTGo4GUIRegistry - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientSlots
fxTGo4GUIRegistry - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4TreeViewerSlots
fxTGo4GUIRegistry - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
fxTGo4GUIRegistry - Variable in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
fxTGo4GUIRegistry - Variable in class Go4UserGUI.TGo4AdvancedUserWidgetSlots
fxTGo4HisDrawOptions - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
fxTGo4HistogramInfo - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4HistogramInfoSlots
fxTGo4HistogramInfoStatus - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4HistogramInfoSlots
fxTGo4LoadedLibraries - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4LoadedLibrariesSlots
fxTGo4LogInfo - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4LogInfoSlots
fxTGo4LogInfo - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
fxTGo4LogInfoObject - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4LogInfoStatus
fxTGo4LogInfoSlots - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4LogInfoStatus
fxTGo4LogInfoStatus - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4LogInfoSlots
fxTGo4MainUserPanel - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
fxTGo4MonitoredList - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredListSlots
fxTGo4MonitoredListStatus - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredListSlots
fxTGo4MonitoredObject - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredListStatus
fxTGo4PadOptions - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelStatus
fxTGo4ParaEdit - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditSlots
fxTGo4ParaEditStatus - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditSlots
fxTGo4PreviewPanel - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
fxTGo4PreviewPanel - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4QRootCanvas
fxTGo4PreviewPanelStatus - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
fxTGo4RemoteBrowser - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4RemoteBrowserSlots
fxTGo4RemoteBrowserStatus - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4RemoteBrowserSlots
fxTGo4ScaleOptions - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
fxTGo4Start - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientSlots
fxTGo4StartClient - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientSlots
fxTGo4StartClientStatus - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientSlots
fxTGo4Style - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
fxTGo4TreeViewer - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
fxTGo4TreeViewer - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4TreeViewerSlots
fxTGo4TreeViewerStatus - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4TreeViewerSlots
fxTGo4WindowEdit - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
fxTGo4WindowEditStatus - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
fxTGo4WorkSpace - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
fxThread - Variable in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Thread
fxThreadHandler - Variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
fxThreadHandler - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
link to external threadhandler which is used for the transport service threads (runnables);
these runnables are instantiated from the task handler ctor and passed to the thread handler who takes
over the responsibility for the runnables (threadhandler internal mode threads)
fxThreadHandler - Variable in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadException
Link to threadhandler associated with the runnable
fxThreadManager - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Link to threadmanager that owns the task handler, used for runnable ctors
fxThreadManager - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerException
fxThreadManager - Variable in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4TerminateException
fxThreadName - Variable in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadException
Name of the TGo4Thread that shall be
acted on
fxTime - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4LogInfoObject
fxToolsfile - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
fxTopEvent - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileSource
pointer to top branch event
fxTopFolder - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectNames
Top Level Go4 Folder with all subfolders and the analysis folder
contents as TObjString instances.
fxTopFolder - Variable in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4TreeStructure
Folder containing the tree structure
fxTransport - Variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
socket for object server *
fxTransport - Variable in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4ObjClient
transport socket for connection to server
fxTransport - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerRunnable
link to external inter-tasl transport channel
fxTransport - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskManager
fxTree - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntry
Tree which is used to fill this histogram.
fxTree - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4BackStore
fxTree - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileSource
fxTree - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStore
fxTree - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MainTree
fxTree - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeSource
Reference to external root tree singleton.
fxTree - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeStore
Reference to the external main tree.
fxTreeDir - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Directory containing references to trees.
fxTreeEntryStatus - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus
downcasted reference to entry status in case of treedraw entry
fxTreeName - Variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComAddTreeHistogram
Name of Tree linked to that histogram.
fxTreeName - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntry
The Treename to find the tree
fxTreeName - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntryStatus
Name of the tree.
fxTreeSource - Variable in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEvent
points to treesource if exists
fxTreeSource - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYRawEvent
points to treesource if exists
fxType - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIArrow
fxTypes - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
Array with strings of member types
fxUnpacker - Variable in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshRawEvent
fxUpdateWatch - Variable in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
Stopwatch controlling the buffer update time.
fxUserDir - Variable in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Directory containing all user objects.
fxUserFitFunction - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Pointer on user fit function.
fxUserFunction - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFunction
Direct pointer on function.
fxUserSource - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYRawEvent
points to mbssource if exists
fxUxmax - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
fxUxmin - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
fxUymax - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
fxUymin - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
fxUzmax - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
fxUzmin - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
fxVals - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
Array with member values in string representation
fxValues - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Buffer for bins values.
fxVarexp - Variable in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComAddTreeHistogram
Variable expression defining what to draw in the histogram.
fxVarexp - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntry
The varexp string needed by TTree:Draw()
fxVarexp - Variable in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntryStatus
Varexpression for tree draw.
fxView - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
reference to active viewpanel of main window
fxViewpanelSize - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
fxWatchName - Variable in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleClientStatus
Remember name of watch thread
fxWidthIndex - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFormula
fxWidthIndex - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFunction
fxWidths - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
fxWinCondition - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCondView
pointer to viewed condition for update after graphical action
fxWinConIterator - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
fxWinConSlotList - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
fxWizDataName - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIOptions
fxWizModelName - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIOptions
fxWorkHandler - Variable in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadManager
Thread handler aggregate (threadsafe list of go4 threads)
fxWorkView - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
reference to currently used viewpanel
fxXXXCP - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnlEvent
fxXXXEP - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackEvent
fxXXXFS - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnlEvent
fxXXXFS - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackEvent
fXY - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackProc
fXYCond - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackProc
fxYYYEP - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackEvent
fxYYYFS - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackEvent
fY - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackProc
fYaxis - Variable in class TH1
fYFirstBin - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
fYLastBin - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
fYmax - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCond
Maximum Y coordinate.
fYmin - Variable in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCond
Minimum Y coordinate.
fZ - Variable in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackProc
fZaxis - Variable in class TH1


gauss_rnd(double,double) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsRandom
GenerateStartupScript(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
get_int(double,double) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsRandom
get_rand_seed() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsRandom
obtains seed for generator
Get(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Get(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Get(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Return pointer on parameter of given index.
Get0MaxAmplFactor() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
Get0MaxWidth() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
Get0MinWidth() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
Get1LineWidth() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
Get2ChannelSum() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
Get2NoiseFactor() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
Get2NoiseMinimum() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
GetAction(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Returns pointer on action with given index.
GetActiveCondition() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
Access to the currently selected condition.
GetActiveCondition() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
To be overwritten for condition array.
GetActiveConf() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationSlots
GetActiveFile() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserStatus
GetActiveLatex(TVirtualPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
Get latex object in list which is active for edit on the pad
GetActiveLatexName(TVirtualPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
Name of active latex for gui display
GetActiveMarker(TVirtualPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
Get marker in list which is active for edit
GetActiveMarkerName(TVirtualPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
Name of active marker for gui display
GetActivePolygon(TVirtualPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
Get polygon in list which is active for edit
GetActivePolygonName(TVirtualPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
Name of active polygon for gui display
GetActiveRegion(TVirtualPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
Get region in list which is active for edit
GetActiveRegionName(TVirtualPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
Name of active region for gui display
GetActiveTree() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserStatus
GetAddedItemName() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserSlots
Access to name of last recent added item.
GetAllMonitored() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredListStatus
GetAllMonitoredIter() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredListStatus
GetAllocatedLength() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSubEvent
Return length of allocated memory for data field.
GetAmplError() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Return error of amplitude parameter.
GetAmplFullName() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Returns full name of amplitude parameter.
GetAmplIndex() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Returns index of amplitude parameter.
GetAmplName() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Returns name of amplitude parameter.
GetAmplPar() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Return ampltide parameter object.
GetAmplValue() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Return value of amplitude parameter.
GetAnalysis() - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
GetAnalysis() - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
GetAnalysisClient() - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
GetAnalysisCondition(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Retrieves an analysis condition from list by name.
GetAnalysisCondition(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Retrieves an analysis condition from list by name.
GetAnalysisCondition(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessor
Get condition from go4 framework.
GetAnalysisStep(const char*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
Access to certain analysis step by name.
GetAnalysisStep(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Access to certain analysis step by name.
GetAnaylsisStatus() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationStatus
GetApplication() - Method in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleClient
GetApplicationRun() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4AppControlTimer
Status of the application run flag.
GetArgs() - Method in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYEventSource
GetArrayType() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4ConditionStatus
GetArrow() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ArrowEntry
reference to arrow
GetAssigment(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Return TGo4FitAssignment object with given index.
GetAssigment(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
GetAssignedConnection(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Return pointer on assigned data.
GetAsymmetry(TH1*,Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class TH1
GetAutoExec() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
GetAutoFileName() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComAutosave
GetAutoFileName() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
GetAutoSaveCompression() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
GetAutoSaveInterval() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
GetAutoSavePath() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationStatus
GetAutosaveSize() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStoreParameter
GetAutoScale() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
GetAvRate() - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4Ratemeter
GetAvRate() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisClientStatus
GetAxis() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitLinearTrans
GetAxisColor(Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
GetAxisForIndex(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGaussN
Gets axis number (0 - x-axis, 1 - y-axis) for specified dimension of gaussian.
GetAxisNumbers() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGaussN
Returns number of dimensions (number of axises), where gaussian will be build.
GetAxisTrans(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Return transformation object for given slot.
GetAxisTransSlot(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Return slot for transformation object.
GetBarOffset() - Method in class TH1
GetBarWidth() - Method in class TH1
GetBase() - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4ObjClient
GetBaseName() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComStartHistoServ
access to the database name
GetBin(Int_t,Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class TH1
GetBinCenter(Int_t) - Method in class TH1
GetBinContent(Int_t,Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class TH1
GetBinContent(Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class TH1
GetBinContent(Int_t) - Method in class TH1
GetBinError(Int_t,Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class TH1
GetBinError(Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class TH1
GetBinError(Int_t) - Method in class TH1
GetBinLowEdge(Int_t) - Method in class TH1
GetBinsDevs() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Returns pointer on buffer with standard deviations for each data bins.
GetBinsResult() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Returns pointer on buffer with complete model of data bins.
GetBinsSize() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Return number of data bins in buffers.
GetBinsValues() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Returns pointer on buffer with data bins values.
GetBinWidth(Int_t) - Method in class TH1
GetBrowserGUI() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserSlots
GetBuffer() - Method in class TH1
GetBuffer() - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4MbsHist
GetBuffer() - Method in class Go4Socket.TGo4Socket
Access the internal receiving buffer of this socket.
GetBufferDisplacement() - Method in class TBuffer
GetBufferHeader() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsRandom
User access to current event buffer header. dummy here!
GetBufferHeader() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSource
User access to current event buffer header.
GetBufferLength() - Method in class TH1
GetBufferSize() - Method in class TH1
GetBufLen() - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4MbsHist
GetBufsize() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4BackStoreParameter
GetBufsize() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStoreParameter
GetBuildVersion() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Version
Version number at build time of user analysis.
GetCalibration() - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessor
Access to external calibration object.
GetCanvas() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredObject
GetCanvas() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
GetCanvas() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4QRootCanvas
GetCanvas() - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4RecieverInfo
GetCanvas() - Method in class Go4ThreadManagerExample.TGo4TestThreadManager
getCanvas() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
GetCanvas(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4CanvasWrapper
GetCanvas(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Retrieves a TCanvas by name from the Canvases folder.
GetCanvas(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Retrieves a TCanvas by name from the Canvases folder.
GetCanvas(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessor
Get TCanvas from go4 framework.
GetCanvasID() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
getCanvasOwner() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
GetCanvasPar(Int_t&,Int_t&,UInt_t&,UInt_t&) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
GetCellContent(Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class TH1
GetCellError(Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class TH1
GetCenter(Axis_t*) - Method in class TH1
GetCentralWindow() - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
GetClass() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
Return pointer on class for desired object.
GetClass(const char*) - Static method in class TBuffer
GetClass(const type_info&) - Static method in class TBuffer
GetClearModels() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
GetClientNode() - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
GetClientPassword() - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
GetClientProgram() - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
GetClientRole() - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
GetClientShell() - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
GetCMax() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
Value of currently active Histogram.
GetCMax(TH1*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
GetCMax(TH1*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
GetCMax(TH1*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCond
Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
GetCMax(TH1*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCond
Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
GetCoefB() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitLinearTrans
GetCoefK() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitLinearTrans
GetColumns() - Method in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYRawEvent
GetCombinationName(TGo4PreviewPanel*,TPad*,QString*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
GetCommand() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterOutput
Returns command name.
GetCommand() - Method in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleController
GetCommand(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuit
Return command with given index.
GetCommanderName() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
GetCommandID() - Method in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
GetCommandQueue() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
GetCommandQueue(const char*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ClientTask
GetCommandQueue(const char*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
GetCommandQueue(const char*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
GetCommandTransport() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
GetComName() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
GetComName() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerStatus
GetComp() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIArrow
GetComp(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Return TGo4FitComponent object with given index.
GetComPort() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
GetComPort() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerStatus
GetComposit() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QFileItem
GetCompression() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStoreParameter
GetCondition() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCondView
GetCondition() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCondView
GetCondition() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
GetCondition() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditStatus
Direct access to condition.
GetCondition() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4AppControlTimer
Returns handle for internal condition which is
used to block the gSystem.
GetCondition() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Thread
GetCondition(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4ConditionStatus
Access to the condition wrapped in the status object.
GetCondition(const char*,void*,int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
GetConditionClass() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntryStatus
GetConditionName() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntryStatus
GetConditionName() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus
GetConEventName(UInt_t) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntryStatus
Access to the name of the condition variable
(member name of eventstructure class) for axis number ix.
GetConfigFileName() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
GetConfigPath() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationStatus
GetConnectedSlot() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
Returns pointer to connected slot or 0, if not connected
GetConnectHost() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
GetConnectorName() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
GetConnectTransport() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
GetCont() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
Deliver bin content of work histogram at marker position
GetContextMenu() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
GetContour(Double_t*) - Method in class TH1
GetContourLevel(Int_t) - Method in class TH1
GetContourPlot(TMinuit*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuitResult
GetControl() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSubEvent
GetController() - Method in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleServer
GetConVarName(UInt_t) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntryStatus
Access to the name of the condition variable
(member name of eventstructure class) for axis number ix.
GetCount() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEvent
GetCount() - Method in class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleEvent
GetCovarParName(Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGaussN
GetCreateHisDefaults() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4CreateNewHistogramStatus
GetCreateStatus() - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventSource
Status value of server/file open.
GetCreateStatus() - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventSourceException
Status value of server/file open.
GetCurrentCount() - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
Number of currently processed events since last start.
GetCurrentCount() - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4Ratemeter
GetCurrentCount() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisClientStatus
GetCurrentDynList() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Get the currently active dynamic list.
GetCurrentFileName() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFile
GetCurrentIndex() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
GetCurrentIndex() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
get index for array type subclasses
GetCurrentIndex() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MainTree
GetCurrentIndex() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditStatus
GetCurrentTagName() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFile
GetCurrentTaskHandler() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
Get task handler of the currently activated client connection
GetCut(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
GetCut(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCond
Used to return the cut pointer of a TGo4PolyCond.
getData() - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4ClonesElement
GetData() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataGraphIter
GetData() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataHistogramIter
GetData() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
Return pointer on correspondent TGo4FitData object, which create iterator.
GetData() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataProfileIter
GetData() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataRidge
Returns pointer on TGo4FitData object.
GetData() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataRidgeIter
GetData(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Return data object with given index.
GetDataAsModel() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFromData
Return pointer on TGo4FitData object, which is used as model component.
GetDataBinsDevs(TGo4FitData*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
GetDataBinsResult(TGo4FitData*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
GetDataBinsSize(TGo4FitData*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
GetDataBinsValues(TGo4FitData*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
GetDataChar(TGo4EventDataIndex*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
Get char (1 byte) data value by user specified index.
GetDataDouble(TGo4EventDataIndex*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
Get double data value by user specified index.
GetDataField() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSubEvent
Direct access to the fiData field pointer.
GetDataFloat(TGo4EventDataIndex*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
Get float data value by user specified index.
GetDataFullIndex(TGo4FitData*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
GetDataIndexesSize(TGo4FitData*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
GetDataInt(TGo4EventDataIndex*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
Get integer (4 byte) data value by user specified index.
GetDataLong(TGo4EventDataIndex*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
Get long (4 or 8 bytes) integer data value by user specified index.
GetDataName() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
GetDataName(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Return name of data object with given index.
GetDataQueue() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
GetDataQueue(const char*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ClientTask
GetDataQueue(const char*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
GetDataQueue(const char*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
GetDataShort(TGo4EventDataIndex*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
Get short (2 byte) data value by user specified index.
GetDataTransport() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
GetDataType() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Returns type of data source. 0 - histogramic, 1 - points (scale values have no width)
GetDateTime() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisClientStatus
GetDatName() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
GetDatName() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerStatus
GetDatPort() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
GetDatPort() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerStatus
GetDefaultBufferSize() - Static method in class TH1
GetDefaultsValues(int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4CreateNewHistogramSlots
GetDeviation() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
Calculates standard deviation from GetSigmaValue() of data object.
GetDimension() - Method in class TH1
GetDimension() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
GetDimension() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
GetDirectory() - Method in class TH1
GetDisplay() - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
GetDISPLAY() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
GetDivX() - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
GetDivY() - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
GetDlen() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEvent
GetDlen() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSubEvent
GetDoubleBuffer() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
GetDrawCanvas() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
GetDrawOption(Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
GetDrawPad() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
GetDrawPad() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
GetDrawPad() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
GetDrawPanel() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
GetDropedObject(const char*,const char*,TObject**,bool&,TString*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
GetDummy() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEvent
GetDynamicList(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
GetDynamicList(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Retrieves an dynamic list object from folder by name.
GetDynEditor() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QDynEntryItem
GetDynListInterval() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
GetDynListInterval() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
GetDynListInterval() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntryStatus
GetEditor() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QConItem
GetEditorBar() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
getElements() - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4CompositeEvent
GetEntries() - Method in class TH1
GetEntries() - Method in class Go4Queue.TGo4Queue
GetEntries() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
GetEntries() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadHandler
Number of threads in list
GetEntry(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicList
Returns the list entry instance of the name
GetEntryClass() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicListException
Classname of the throwing dynamic entry.
GetEntryName() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4DynamicListCommand
Access to the dynamic list name
GetEntryName() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicListException
Name of the throwing dynamic Entry.
GetEntryStatus() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetDynamicEntry
Access to the status object
GetEntryStatus() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus
GetEntryType() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus
GetEpsilon(Double_t&) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
Return value of parameter epsilon.
GetErrMess() - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventSource
Status/ error message of the last event.
GetErrMess() - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventSourceException
Status/ error message of the last event.
GetError() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
Get value of parameter error.
GetEvent() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
getEventElement(const char*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4CompositeEvent
getEventElement(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4CompositeEvent
GetEventInterval() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFileParameter
Returns event interval
GetEventName() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoStatus
GetEventNum() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoStatus
GetEventPrintout() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoStatus
GetEventProcessor() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Access to the event processor.
GetEventSource() - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
GetEventStatus() - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventSource
Status of the last event.
GetEventStatus() - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventSourceException
Status of the last event.
GetEventStoreName() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Access to name of currently active event store.
GetEventStructure(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Search reference to event stucture in folder.
GetEventStructure(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Search reference to event stucture in folder.
GetEventType() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4EventProcStatus
GetEventX() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
GetEventY() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
GetExcludeLessThen() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Returns limit, which uses to exclude bins, less then this limit.
GetExpression() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4UserSourceParameter
User expression as string
GetExpression() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4UserStoreParameter
User expression as string
GetExpression() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDependency
GetExpression() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFormula
Return formula expression.
GetExprPar(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFormula
GetExprParName(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFormula
GetFileKey() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
GetFileListStatus() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserStatus
GetFileName() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComLoadAnalysisStatus
Access to the object name under command.
GetFileName() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSaveAnalysisStatus
Access to the object name under command.
GetFileObj() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
GetFillAtt(TAttFill*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
GetFirstStepIndex() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
GetFitFunctionType() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Return type of fitted function.
GetFitPanel() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QFitterItem
GetFitter() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIOptions
GetFitter() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
GetFitter(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4FitterEnvelope
Access to the contained fitter object.
GetFitterItem() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
GetFixed() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
Return status, if parameter fixed or not.
GetFlags(Bool_t*,Bool_t*,Bool_t*,Bool_t*,Bool_t*,Bool_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
Sets values of internal boolean flags to external variables.
GetFlags(Bool_t*,Bool_t*,Bool_t*,Bool_t*,Bool_t*,Bool_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Sets values of internal boolean flags to external variables.
GetFolderList() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectNames
Access to the list of the names folder structure.
GetFolderList() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4TreeStructure
Access to the list of the names folder structure.
GetFolderName() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectCommand
GetFullIndex(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Return indexes values for specified data bin from buffer.
GetFullName() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitNamed
Returns full name of object.
GetFuncPar(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFunction
GetFuncParName(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFunction
GetFunction(const char*) - Method in class TH1
GetFunctionName() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFunction
Returns function name in library.
GetGlobalReadParam() - Static method in class TBuffer
GetGlobalWriteParam() - Static method in class TBuffer
GetGraph() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataGraph
Return pointer on TGraph object.
GetGroupIndex() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Returns group index of model.
GetGUI() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4CreateNewHistogramSlots
GetGUI() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserSlots
GetGUI() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4LogInfoSlots
GetGUI() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredListSlots
GetGUI() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4RemoteBrowserSlots
GetGUI() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
GetGUI() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4TreeViewerSlots
GetGUI() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
GetGUI() - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4RegisteredSlotsList
GetGUIClass(TGo4SlotsBaseClass*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
GetHead() - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4MbsHist
GetHighLightColor() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
GetHisCoordStyle() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
GetHisDefaults(int&,int&,int&,int&,long&,long&,long&,long&,long&,long&) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4CreateHisDefaults
GetHisDrawStyle() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
GetHisErrorStyle() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
GetHisEventName(UInt_t) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntryStatus
GetHisNum() - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4MbsHist
GetHistCoordStyle(Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
GetHistDrawStyle(Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
GetHistErrorStyle(Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
GetHistogram() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
GetHistogram() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataHistogram
Return pointer on assigned histogram.
GetHistogram() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QConItem
GetHistogram() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4ConditionStatus
GetHistogram() - Method in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleApplication
GetHistogram(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Search histogram in histogram list (directory).
GetHistogram(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Search histogram in histogram list (directory).
GetHistogram(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessor
Get histogram from go4 framework.
GetHistogramClass() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntryStatus
GetHistogramFullRange(Int_t&,Int_t&,Int_t&,Int_t&) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
GetHistogramName() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntryStatus
GetHistogramName() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntryStatus
GetHistogramName() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntryStatus
GetHistogramName() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus
GetHistogramName() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
Delivers name of currently active Histogram.
GetHisVarName(UInt_t) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntryStatus
GetHisXStyle() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
GetHisYStyle() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
GetHisZStyle() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
GetHost() - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4ObjClient
GetHostName() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
GetHostName() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerStatus
getId() - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4ClonesElement
getId() - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
GetID() - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessorParameter
GetID() - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventSourceParameter
GetID() - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventStoreParameter
GetIgnoreLevel() - Static method in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
Get threshold for output
GetIndexesSize() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Returns dimension of indexes arrays.
GetIndexOfSelectedItems() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserSlots
GetInfoHeader() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSource
User access to info header.
GetInitValue() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDependency
GetInputEvent() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Access to the input event of this step.
GetInputEvent() - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessor
Access to external raw event which is set as association member.
GetInputEvent(const char*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Returns the input event structure of analysis step.
GetInputEvent(const char*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
Returns the input event structure of analysis step.
GetInputEvent(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessor
Returns the input event structure of analysis step.
GetInputEvent(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Returns the input event structure of analysis step.
GetInputEvent(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
Returns the input event structure of analysis step.
GetInstances() - Static method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
GetIntegral() - Method in class TH1
GetIntegral() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
Value of currently active Histogram.
GetIntegral(TH1*,Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
GetIntegral(TH1*,Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
GetIntegral(TH1*,Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCond
Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
GetIntegral(TH1*,Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCond
Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
GetIntLen() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEvent
GetIntLen() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSubEvent
GetInvoker() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
returns pointer to copy of client invoker which may be used
by server to check the valid command clients
GetItem() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIArrow
GetItemObject() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
GetLabelColor(Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
GetLabelFont(Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
GetLabelOffset(Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
GetLabelSize(Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
GetLabelX() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
Calculate initial label coordinate from marker position
GetLabelXlo() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4LabelPainter
Reference coordinate x of label box (lower left corner)
GetLabelXup() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4LabelPainter
Reference coordinate x of label box (upper right corner)
GetLabelY() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
Calculate initial label coordinate from marker position
GetLabelYlo() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4LabelPainter
Reference coordinate y of label box (lower left corner)
GetLabelYup() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4LabelPainter
Reference coordinate y of label box (upper right corner)
GetLast() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Returns result of last Test.
GetLastActiveViewPanel() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4WorkSpace
GetLastFitter() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
GetLastStepIndex() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
GetLastTaskHandler() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskManager
returns last task handler in list
GetLateX() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4LateXEntry
reference to latex
GetLegend() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
GetLibraryName() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFunction
Returns libraray name.
GetLine() - Method in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComExecLine
access to the passwd.
GetLineAtt(TAttLine*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
GetLinkedHistogram() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Access name of the associated histogram.
GetLinkedHistogramName() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
Delivers name of linked histogram.
GetListName() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4DynamicListCommand
Access to the dynamic list name
getListOfComposites(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4CompositeEvent
GetListOfFunctions() - Method in class TH1
GetListOfPads() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelStatus
GetLocalCommandQueue() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
GetLocalListIter() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserStatus
GetLocalListStatus() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserStatus
GetLogDate() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4LogInfoObject
GetLogInfo() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4LogInfoStatus
GetLoginMode() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientStatus
GetLogname() - Static method in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
get name of last opened logfile
GetLogScale(Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
GetLogScales(TVirtualPad*) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
GetLogTime() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4LogInfoObject
GetLowEdge(Axis_t*) - Method in class TH1
GetMainWindow() - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
GetMarkerAtt(TAttMarker*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
GetMaster() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
GetMaximum() - Method in class TH1
GetMaximumBin() - Method in class TH1
GetMaximumBin(Int_t&,Int_t&,Int_t&) - Method in class TH1
GetMaximumStored() - Method in class TH1
GetMaxIndex() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MainTree
GetMaxNumAxis() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelPolynom
Returns maximum axis number (dimensions number) in polynom.
GetMbsBufferHeader() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEvent
Access to the buffer header of the current event
GetMbsSourceHeader() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEvent
Access to the info header of the current mbs source
GetMean(Int_t) - Method in class TH1
GetMean(Int_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
Value of currently active Histogram.
GetMean(TH1*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
GetMean(TH1*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
GetMean(TH1*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCond
Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
GetMean(TH1*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCond
Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
GetMemberAddress(Int_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
Access to the absolute address of datamember
GetMemNumber() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
GetMemoryUsage() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Retrurn value of memory usage parameter.
GetMessage() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4UserException
Status message of last Process() call.
GetMinimum() - Method in class TH1
GetMinimumBin() - Method in class TH1
GetMinimumBin(Int_t&,Int_t&,Int_t&) - Method in class TH1
GetMinimumStored() - Method in class TH1
GetMode() - Method in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
GetModeDescription(Go4CommandMode_t) - Static method in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
text description of current execution mode
GetModel() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIArrow
GetModel(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Return model component with given index.
GetModelBins(const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Get model bins for specified data (if exists)
GetModelBinsValues(TGo4FitModel*,const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
GetMonitoredObject() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredObject
GetMonitoredObject(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredListStatus
GetMonitoredObject(TObject*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredListStatus
GetMonObjItem() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredObject
GetMouseMode() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
GetMouseMode() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
GetMutex() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskManager
GetName() - Method in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Pair
GetName() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
TMarker is not TNamed, so we implement name ourself
GetName() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCondView
GetName() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCondView
GetName() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskOwner
GetNamesFolder(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectNames
Access to the folder containing the names objects.
GetNamesFolder(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4TreeStructure
Access to the folder containing the names objects.
GetNamesList() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Returns the nameslist of the go4 object directory structure.
GetNbinsX() - Method in class TH1
GetNbinsY() - Method in class TH1
GetNbinsZ() - Method in class TH1
GetNdivisions(Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
GetNeeded() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
Return requirement status for slot.
GetNegotiationPort() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskManager
returns the portnumber for client server
negotiation port which is actually used by
the running taskmanager
GetNegPort() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerStatus
getNElements() - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4CompositeEvent
GetNoOfPads() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelStatus
GetNoOfSteps() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationSlots
GetNormFactor() - Method in class TH1
GetNumActions() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Returns number of action in actions list.
GetNumAxis() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMatrixTrans
GetNumAxis() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGauss1
Return number of axis, where gauss will be build.
GetNumAxis1() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGauss2
Return number of first selected axis.
GetNumAxis2() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGauss2
Return number of second selcted axis.
GetNumber() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
Returns number of conditions in array.
GetNumberOfConditions() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
for condition aggregates: return total number of conditions,
i.e.size of condition array
GetNumberOfConditions() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
for condition aggregates: return total number of conditions,
i.e.size of condition array
GetNumberOfConditions() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditStatus
Number of conditions in case of array
GetNumberOfExprPar() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFormula
Get number of parameters, which can be used in exprssion.
GetNumberOfFuncPar() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFunction
Returns number of parameter, which can be used by function.
GetNumberOfPads() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
GetNumberOfTransSlots() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Return number of slots for scale transformation objects.
GetNumCommands() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuit
Returns number of commands in list.
GetNumComp() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Return total number of TGo4FitComponent (data and model) objects in fitter.
GetNumData() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Return number of data objects in fitter.
GetNumIterations() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitAmplEstimation
Returns number of iterations.
GetNumModel() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Return number of model component in fitter.
GetNumObjects() - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
GetNumObjNames() - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
GetNumPads() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
GetNumRangeCondition() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Returns number of range condition (exclude range cuts).
GetNumRangeCut() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Returns number of range cuts, assigned to object.
GetNumResults() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuit
Returns number of result objects.
GetNumResults() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Return number of result values.
GetObjAttIndex(TObject*) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
GetObject() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ObjEnvelope
GetObject() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
Return pointer on assigned object.
GetObject(const char*,void*,int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
GetObject(const Text_t*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Searches for object by name in all directories.
GetObject(const Text_t*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Searches for object by name in all go4 folders.
GetObject(const Text_t*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessor
Get any object from go4 framework.
GetObject(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicList
Get the object which is kept in the list entry by name.
getObject(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4ClonesElement
GetObject(Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
GetObjectAction(const char*) - Method in class Go4UserGUI.TGo4AdvancedUserWidgetSlots
GetObjectClass() - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4ObjectStatus
ClassName of the described object.
GetObjectClassName() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCreateObject
access to the object class name from subclasses
GetObjectFolder() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Access to top level go4 folder.
GetObjectFolder() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Access to top folder of all objects.
GetObjectfromFileList(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserStatus
GetObjectfromLocalList(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserStatus
GetObjectInfo(Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class TH1
GetObjectName() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectCommand
access to the object name under command.
GetObjectName() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
Return name of assigned object.
GetObjectSize() - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4ObjectStatus
Size of described object in byte.
GetObjFolder() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ObjEnvelope
GetObjName() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ObjEnvelope
GetObjName(Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
GetObjOption(Short_t,Short_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
GetObjPort() - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
returns the portnumber for object server connection
GetOnlineObj() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QCanvasItem
GetOnlineObj() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
GetOnlineObj() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QPicItem
GetOnlineObj() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QTHItem
GetOption() - Method in class TH1
GetOption(Short_t,Short_t,Long_t&) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
GetOptionD(Short_t,Short_t,Double_t&) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
GetOptionF(Short_t,Short_t,Float_t&) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
GetOptions() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterOutput
Returns command options.
GetOrderParName(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelPolynom
GetOutputEvent() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Returns the output event (detector) structure of analysis step.
GetOutputEvent() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Access to the output event which has been filled last.
GetOutputEvent() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
Returns the output event (detector) structure of analysis step.
GetOutputEvent(const char*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Returns the output event (detector) structure of analysis step.
GetOutputEvent(const char*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
Returns the output event (detector) structure of analysis step.
GetOutputEvent(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessor
Returns the output event structure of analysis step.
GetOutputEvent(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Returns the output event (detector) structure of analysis step.
GetOutputEvent(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
Returns the output event (detector) structure of analysis step.
GetOwned() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
Return ownership flag.
GetOwner() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitNamed
Return owner of object.
GetOwnerFullName() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitNamed
Return full name of owner.
GetPad() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterOutput
Returns assigned pad.
GetPad() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredObject
GetPad() - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4RecieverInfo
GetPad(int) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
GetPad1() - Method in class Go4ThreadManagerExample.TGo4TestThreadManager
GetPad2() - Method in class Go4ThreadManagerExample.TGo4TestThreadManager
GetPadCrosshair(TPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelStatus
GetPadDivision(Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
GetPadDragOption(TPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelStatus
GetPadFitOptions() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
GetPadFitOptions(TGo4PreviewPanel*,TPad*,bool) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
GetPadHistogramStats(TPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelStatus
GetPadHistogramTitle(TPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelStatus
GetPadLegend(TPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelStatus
GetPadObject(TGo4PreviewPanel*,TPad*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
GetPadOptions(TPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelStatus
GetPadSave() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
GetPadStringDrawOption(TPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelStatus
GetPainter() - Method in class TH1
GetPar(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Return parameter according given index.
GetParaClass() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
Deliver class of parameter object
GetParaEditor() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QParaItem
GetParaMemArrIndex(Int_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
If member is an array, this delivers the index of the
array entry which is at position i in our member list.
GetParaMemArrIndey(Int_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
Index in case of 2d array
GetParaMember(Int_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
Name of the parameter member at index i
GetParaMemComment(Int_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
Comments for parameter class member at index i
GetParaMemType(Int_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
Classname of the parameter member at index i
GetParaMemVal(Int_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
String expression of the member value at index i
GetParameter() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDependency
GetParameter() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
Save current parameter to root file filename.
saved parameter may have different name parname later
GetParameter(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Retrieves a parameter object by name from the object folder.
GetParameter(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Retrieves a parameter object by name from the object folder.
GetParameter(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessor
Get paramter from go4 framework.
GetParaName() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
Deliver name of parameter object
GetParent() - Method in class TBuffer
GetParent() - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
getParent() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
GetParEpsilon(const char*,Double_t&) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Get epsilon value for parameter with given name.
GetParEpsilon(const char*,Double_t&) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Return kTRUE, if epsilon value specified for parameter.
GetParEpsilon(const char*,Double_t&) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterConfig
Return kTRUE, if parameter ParName has explicit configuration for epsilon value in minimization.
GetParError(const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Get error value for parameter with given name.
GetParFixed(const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Return status for parameter with given name, is it fixed or not.
GetParFixed(const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Return kTRUE, if parameter should be fixed.
GetParFixed(const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterConfig
Return kTRUE, if parameter ParName should be fixed in minimization.
GetParFullName(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Return full name of parameter with given index.
GetParIndex(const TGo4FitParameter*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Return index of given parameter in list.
GetParName(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Return name of parameter with given index.
GetParRange(const char*,Double_t&,Double_t&) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Get range limits for parameter with given name.
GetParRange(const char*,Double_t&,Double_t&) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Return kTRUE, if range condition specified for parameter and range boundaries.
GetParRange(const char*,Double_t&,Double_t&) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterConfig
Return kTRUE, if parameter ParName has explicit configuration for valid range in minimization.
GetParsCfg() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterConfig
Get list of TGo4FitParameter objects, used as explicit configuration for minimizing.
GetParsDepend() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterConfig
Returns list of TGo4FitDependency objects, used for dependencies calculations.
GetParsInit() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterConfig
Returns list of TGo4FitDependency objects, used for parameters initialization.
GetParsNew() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterConfig
Get list of TGo4FitParameter objects, which can be used in minimization and dependency calculations.
GetParsValues(Double_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Copy values of all parameters in list to provided array.
GetParValue(const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Return value of parameter with given name.
GetPasswd() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComStartHistoServ
access to the passwd.
GetPasswd() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientStatus
GetPasswd() - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4ObjClient
GetPeakFinder(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIOptions
GetPeakFinderType() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
GetPic() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QPicItem
GetPicture(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Retrieves a picture object by name from the object folder.
GetPicture(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Retrieves a picture object by name from the object folder.
GetPicture(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessor
Get picture from go4 framework.
GetPID() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Thread
linux process id associated with the pthread
GetPolynomOrder() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
GetPolynomOrder(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelPolynom
Get polynom order for specified axis.
GetPort() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4RevServParameter
GetPort() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4UserSourceParameter
GetPort() - Method in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYEventSource
GetPort() - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4ObjClient
GetPort() - Method in class Go4Socket.TGo4Socket
GetPosition(Int_t,Double_t&) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Return position of model, if exists.
GetPosPar(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Return parameter (if exist), which represent position of model for given axis.
GetPosParIndex(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Return index of parameter (if exist), which represent position of model for given axis.
GetPosParIndex(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFormula
GetPosParIndex(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFunction
GetPosParIndex(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGauss1
GetPosParIndex(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGauss2
GetPosParIndex(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGaussN
GetPosParName(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGaussN
GetPreViewPanel() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredObject
GetPreviousStep() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Get previous analysis step.
GetPriority() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4UserException
Message priority
GetPriority() - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventErrorException
GetProcessorPar() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetProcessor
Access to the new event processor parameter
GetProcessorPar() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepStatus
Returns the event processor parameter which was
put into this status object.
GetProcessStatus() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Status of the last event.
GetProcessStatus() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepException
Status of the last event.
GetProcessStatus() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepStatus
Returns status value of processor.
GetProcid() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSubEvent
GetProfile() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataProfile
Returns pointer on TProfile object.
GetProtection() - Method in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
GetPrototype() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
get pointer to currently valid command list
GetQuantiles(Int_t,Double_t*,const Double_t*) - Method in class TH1
GetRandom() - Method in class TH1
GetRange(Double_t&,Double_t&) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
Return range left (minimum) and right (maximum) values.
GetRangeCondition(Int_t,Int_t&,Int_t&,Double_t&,Double_t&) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Return value for specified range condition.

GetRangeCut(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Returns specified range cut.
GetRangeMax() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
Return value of range maximum.
GetRangeMax(Int_t,Double_t&) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Defines maximum allowed value for given range.
GetRangeMin() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
Return value of range minimum.
GetRangeMin(Int_t,Double_t&) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Defines minimum allowed value for given range.
GetRangeX(Double_t&,Double_t&) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
GetRangeY(Double_t&,Double_t&) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
GetRate() - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4Ratemeter
GetRate() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisClientStatus
GetRatioName(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Set name of ratio parameter.
GetRatioValueFor(const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Returns ratio value for specified data object.
GetReceiver() - Method in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Pair
GetReceiverName() - Method in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
GetRecv(Int_t) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4SubmittedCommandsEntry
GetRecvSlot() - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4RecieverInfo
GetRemoteListStatus() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4RemoteBrowserStatus
GetRemoteObj() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QCanvasItem
GetRemoteObj() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
GetRemoteObj() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QPicItem
GetRemoteObj() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QTHItem
GetRemoteObj(QListViewItem*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4RemoteBrowserSlots
GetResult(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuit
Get TGo4FitMinuitResult object with given index.
GetResultFF() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Return result value of fit function.
GetResultNDF() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Return result value of number of degree of freedom.
GetResults() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Returns pointer on array of result values.
GetResults() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterConfig
Returns list of TGo4FitDependency objects, used for calculating result values for fitter.
GetResultValue(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Return value of result with given index.
GetRMS(Int_t) - Method in class TH1
GetRMS(Int_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
Value of currently active Histogram.
GetRMS(TH1*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
GetRMS(TH1*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
GetRMS(TH1*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCond
Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
GetRMS(TH1*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCond
Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
GetRole() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
GetRootBranchName() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QBranchItem
GetRootFile() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
GetRootFrame() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootWindow
GetRootLeafName() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QLeafItem
GetRootTree() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QBranchItem
GetRootTree() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QLeafItem
GetRootTree() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QTreeItem
getRootWid() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
GetRootWid() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootWindow
GetRunnable() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Thread
We need this to have access to instance runnable from static Threadfunc:
GetRusage(TGo4ProfileTimer::Rusage&) - Method in class Go4ProfileTimer.TGo4ProfileTimer
GetSampleEvent() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoStatus
GetSampleTree() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoStatus
GetSaveFlag() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
Returns save flag.
GetScalesSize() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Returns number of axis values for each point.
GetScaleValues(const Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Return scale values for specified index from buffer.
GetSelected() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
GetSelectedAxis() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataRidge
Returns number of selected axis.
GetSelectedName() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
Name of last mouse selected object.
GetSelectedOpt() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
GetSelectedPad() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
GetSelection() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntryStatus
GetSelfID() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Thread
self id of the current thread
GetServerHostName() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ClientTask
GetServerPort() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientStatus
GetSettingsName() - Static method in class Go4GUI.TGo4QSettings
GetShowEventStatus() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
GetSigmaSource() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Return source of sigma values.
GetSigmaValue() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Return constant sigma value.
GetSlave() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
GetSlaveDir() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientStatus
GetSlaveExec() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientStatus
GetSlaveExec() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Master
GetSlaveMode() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientStatus
GetSlaveName() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientStatus
GetSlaveNode() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientStatus
GetSlaveNode() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Master
GetSlaveShell() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientStatus
GetSlaveShell() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Master
getSlot() - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4ClonesElement
GetSlot(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlotList
Returns slots from list with specified index
GetSlotClass() - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4RegisteredSlotsList
GetSlotClass(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
GetSlotClass(TGo4SlotsBaseClass*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
GetSlotList(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlotList
Return pointer in TObjArray with list of all slots in list.
GetSourceClass() - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventSourceException
Name of the throwing event source.
GetSourceName() - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventSourceException
Name of the throwing event source.
GetSourcePar() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetSource
Access to the new event source parameter
GetSourcePar() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepStatus
Returns the event source parameter which was
put into this status object.
GetSourcePath() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationStatus
GetSplitlevel() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4BackStoreParameter
GetSplitlevel() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStoreParameter
GetStartEvent() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFileParameter
Returns the Start index for the NextEvent
GetStatName() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
GetStatName() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerStatus
GetStatPort() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
GetStatPort() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerStatus
GetStats(Stat_t*) - Method in class TH1
GetStatus() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
GetStatus() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationSlots
GetStatus() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisStatusMonitorSlots
GetStatus() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserSlots
GetStatus() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ConditionInfoSlots
GetStatus() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4CreateNewHistogramSlots
GetStatus() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserSlots
GetStatus() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntrySlots
GetStatus() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoSlots
GetStatus() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4HistogramInfoSlots
GetStatus() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4LogInfoSlots
GetStatus() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredListSlots
GetStatus() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditSlots
GetStatus() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
GetStatus() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4RemoteBrowserSlots
GetStatus() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
GetStatus() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientSlots
GetStatus() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4TreeViewerSlots
GetStatus() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
GetStatus() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
Send current status information of the task to the
master; may be re-implemented by application subclass
of TGo4Task
GetStatus() - Method in class Go4UserGUI.TGo4AdvancedUserWidgetSlots
GetStatus(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
GetStatusClass() - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4RegisteredSlotsList
GetStatusMessage() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Status message of last Process() call.
GetStatusMessage() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepException
Status message of last Process() call.
GetStatusMessage() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicListException
Status message of last Process() call.
GetStatusQueue() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
GetStatusQueue(const char*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ClientTask
GetStatusQueue(const char*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
GetStatusQueue(const char*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
GetStatusTransport() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
GetStepGUI(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
GetStepName() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepException
Name of the throwing analysis step.
GetStepName() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepCommand
Access to the analysis step name
GetStepStatus(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
Access to certain analysis step status by name.
GetStopEvent() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFileParameter
Returns the index of Stop event
GetStorePar() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetStore
Access to the new event source parameter
GetStorePar() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepStatus
Returns the event store parameter which was
put into this status object.
GetStorePath() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationStatus
GetStringDrawOption() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
GetStrOption(Short_t,Short_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
GetStyle(Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
GetSubcrate() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSubEvent
GetSubEvent(Char_t,Char_t,Short_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEvent
Access to subevent in list by procid, subcrate and ctrl identifiers.
GetSubEvent(Short_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEvent
Access to subevent in list by procid.
GetSubEvent(Short_t) - Method in class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleEvent
Access to subevent in list by procid.
getSubEventElement() - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
GetSubId() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoStatus
GetSubtype() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEvent
GetSubtype() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSubEvent
GetSumOfWeights() - Method in class TH1
GetSumw2N() - Method in class TH1
getTabWin() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
GetTagName() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFile
Name of the Tagfile
GetTagName() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFileParameter
Name of the Tagfile
GetTargetName() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCopyObject
Access to string with the target object name.
GetTask() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskOwner
GetTaskCount() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskManager
Number of entries in taskhandler list, i.e. number of connected clients
GetTaskHandler() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ClientTask
GetTaskHandler() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
Get task handler for client specified by name
GetTaskHandler() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
GetTaskHandler() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerRunnable
GetTaskHandler(const char*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
Get task handler for client specified by name
GetTaskHandler(const char*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskManager
returns certain task handler by name
GetTaskHandlerStatus() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskStatus
GetTaskManager() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
GetTaskName() - Method in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
GetThread() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Runnable
GetThread(const char*) - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadHandler
Access to Go4Thread by name.
GetThreadHandler() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Slave
GetThreadManager() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
GetThreadManager() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Runnable
GetThreadName() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadException
GetTickLength(Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
GetTime() - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4Ratemeter
GetTime() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisClientStatus
GetTimeout() - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventSourceParameter
GetTimeString() - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4ObjectStatus
Creation time string; sql format.
GetTitleOffset(Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
GetTitleSize(Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
GetTopFolder(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicListStatus
Access to the status list.
GetTopFolder(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4EventStatus
GetTree() - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventStore
Access to a tree that might belong to this storage implementation.
GetTree() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4BackStore
Access to the Tree structure, for framework
GetTree() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStore
Access to the Tree structure, for framework
GetTree() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MainTree
Access to the tree.
GetTree(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Search tree in tree folder.
GetTree(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Search tree in tree folder.
GetTreeName() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntryStatus
GetTrigger() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEvent
GetType() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
Returns class name of conditions.
GetType() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEvent
GetType() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSubEvent
GetType() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIArrow
GetType(Int_t&) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
Returns condition type ID (kWINDOW=1 or kPOLYGON=2).
GetUpdateEpsilon() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
GetUseBinScale() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Returns kTRUE, if binary numbers used as scale values.
GetUseBuffers() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Returns flag of usage of additional buffers.
GetUsePolynom() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
GetUserPath() - Static method in class Go4GUI.TGo4QSettings
GetUxRange(double&,double&) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
GetUyRange(double&,double&) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
GetUzRange(double&,double&) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
GetValue() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
Return parameter value.
GetValues() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
GetValues(Int_t&,Double_t&,Double_t&,Double_t&,Double_t&) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
GetValues(Int_t&,Double_t&,Double_t&,Double_t&,Double_t&) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCond
Returns limits.
GetVarexp() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntryStatus
GetWh() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
GetWidth(Int_t,Double_t&) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Returns with of model component, if exists.
GetWidthPar(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Return parameter (if exist), which represent width of model component for given axis.
GetWidthParIndex(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Return index of parameter (if exist), which represent width of model component for given axis.
GetWidthParIndex(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFormula
GetWidthParIndex(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFunction
GetWidthParIndex(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGauss1
GetWidthParIndex(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGauss2
GetWidthParIndex(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGaussN
GetWidthParName(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGaussN
GetWidthValues(const Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Return scales width values for specified index from buffer.
GetWindowHeight() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
GetWindowTopX() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
GetWindowTopY() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
GetWindowWidth() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
GetWizData() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIOptions
GetWizDataName() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIOptions
GetWizModel() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIOptions
GetWizModelName() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIOptions
GetWorkHandler() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadManager
Access to ThreadHandler for working threads
GetWorkHistogram() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
access work histogram reference
GetWorkObject() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
Retrieve the real object under work (item, file monitor)
GetWorkPadCondition(Int_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
access to condition stored in the padoptions of a working pad.
GetWw() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
GetXaxis() - Method in class TH1
GetXbin() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
Deliver x axis bin number of work histogram at marker position
GetXbins() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
GetXLow() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
GetXLow() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
GetXLow() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCond
minimum extension of polygon in x axis
GetXLow() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCond
GetXMax() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
Value of currently active Histogram.
GetXmax() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
GetXMax(TH1*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
GetXMax(TH1*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
GetXMax(TH1*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCond
Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
GetXMax(TH1*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCond
Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
GetXmean() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
GetXmin() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
GetXrms() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
GetXsizeReal() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
GetXsizeUser() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
GetXUp() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
GetXUp() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
GetXUp() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCond
maximum extension of polygon in x axis
GetXUp() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCond
GetYaxis() - Method in class TH1
GetYbin() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
Deliver y axis bin number of work histogram at marker position
GetYbins() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
GetYLow() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
GetYLow() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
GetYLow() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCond
minimum extension of polygon in y axis
GetYLow() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCond
GetYMax() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
Value of currently active Histogram.
GetYmax() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
GetYMax(TH1*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
GetYMax(TH1*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
GetYMax(TH1*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCond
Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
GetYMax(TH1*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCond
Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
GetYmean() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
GetYmin() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
GetYrms() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
GetYsizeReal() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
GetYsizeUser() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
GetYUp() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
GetYUp() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
GetYUp() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCond
maximum extension of polygon in y axis
GetYUp() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCond
GetZaxis() - Method in class TH1
GetZbins() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
GetZmax() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
GetZmean() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
GetZmin() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
GetZrms() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
GLOBCC - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuitResult
Go4Analysis - package Go4Analysis
Go4Analysis - Class Diagram in Go4Analysis
Resets internal step iterator to the first status element.
Go4AnalysisClient - package Go4AnalysisClient
Go4AnalysisClient - Class Diagram in Go4AnalysisClient
Go4BrowsersSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
Go4CommandMode_t - class Go4CommandsBase.Go4CommandMode_t
These values define command execution rights
Go4CommandsAnalysis - package Go4CommandsAnalysis
Go4CommandsAnalysis - Class Diagram in Go4CommandsAnalysis
Go4CommandsBase - package Go4CommandsBase
Go4CommandsBase - Class Diagram in Go4CommandsBase
Go4CommandsTaskHandler - package Go4CommandsTaskHandler
Go4CommandsTaskHandler - Class Diagram in Go4CommandsTaskHandler
Go4ConditionsBase - package Go4ConditionsBase
Go4ConditionsBase - Class Diagram in Go4ConditionsBase
Go4Display - package Go4Display
Go4Display - Class Diagram in Go4Display
Go4DynamicList - package Go4DynamicList
Go4DynamicList - Class Diagram in Go4DynamicList
Go4EmergencyCommand_t - class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.Go4EmergencyCommand_t
GO4EV_BACK - Variable in class Go4EventServer._enum_Go4EventServerTypes_h_26
GO4EV_FILE - Variable in class Go4EventServer._enum_Go4EventServerTypes_h_26
GO4EV_MBS_EVENTSERVER - Variable in class Go4EventServer._enum_Go4EventServerTypes_h_26
GO4EV_MBS_FILE - Variable in class Go4EventServer._enum_Go4EventServerTypes_h_26
GO4EV_MBS_RANDOM - Variable in class Go4EventServer._enum_Go4EventServerTypes_h_26
GO4EV_MBS_REVSERV - Variable in class Go4EventServer._enum_Go4EventServerTypes_h_26
GO4EV_MBS_STREAM - Variable in class Go4EventServer._enum_Go4EventServerTypes_h_26
GO4EV_MBS_TRANSPORT - Variable in class Go4EventServer._enum_Go4EventServerTypes_h_26
GO4EV_NULL - Variable in class Go4EventServer._enum_Go4EventServerTypes_h_26
GO4EV_TREE - Variable in class Go4EventServer._enum_Go4EventServerTypes_h_26
GO4EV_USER - Variable in class Go4EventServer._enum_Go4EventServerTypes_h_26
Go4Event - package Go4Event
Go4Event - Class Diagram in Go4Event
Go4EventServer - package Go4EventServer
Go4EventServer - Class Diagram in Go4EventServer
Wrapper for the standard gsi event structure as
deliverd from the mbs event sources.
Go4EventServerExample - package Go4EventServerExample
Go4EventServerExample - Class Diagram in Go4EventServerExample
GO4EX_ASCII - Variable in class Go4Analysis.Go4Export_t
GO4EX_ASCII_CHANNELS - Variable in class Go4Analysis.Go4Export_t
GO4EX_RADWARE - Variable in class Go4Analysis.Go4Export_t
GO4EX_ROOT - Variable in class Go4Analysis.Go4Export_t
Go4Example1Step - package Go4Example1Step
Go4Example1Step - Class Diagram in Go4Example1Step
Go4Example2Step - package Go4Example2Step
Go4Example2Step - Class Diagram in Go4Example2Step
Go4ExampleMesh - package Go4ExampleMesh
Go4ExampleMesh - Class Diagram in Go4ExampleMesh
Go4ExampleSimple - package Go4ExampleSimple
Go4ExampleSimple - Class Diagram in Go4ExampleSimple
Go4ExampleUserSource - package Go4ExampleUserSource
Go4ExampleUserSource - Class Diagram in Go4ExampleUserSource
Go4Exceptions - package Go4Exceptions
Go4Exceptions - Class Diagram in Go4Exceptions
Go4Export_t - class Go4Analysis.Go4Export_t
Go4Fit - package Go4Fit
Go4Fit - Class Diagram in Go4Fit
Go4FitExample - package Go4FitExample
Go4FitExample - Class Diagram in Go4FitExample
Go4FitGUI - package Go4FitGUI
Go4FitGUI - Class Diagram in Go4FitGUI
Go4FitGUI.*moc - package Go4FitGUI.*moc
Go4FitGUI.*obj - package Go4FitGUI.*obj
Go4GUI - package Go4GUI
Go4GUI - Class Diagram in Go4GUI
Go4GUI.*moc - package Go4GUI.*moc
Go4GUI.*obj - package Go4GUI.*obj
Go4GUI.images - package Go4GUI.images
Go4GUIBase - package Go4GUIBase
Go4GUIBase - Class Diagram in Go4GUIBase
Go4GUIRegistry - package Go4GUIRegistry
Go4GUIRegistry - Class Diagram in Go4GUIRegistry
Go4HistogramServer - package Go4HistogramServer
Go4HistogramServer - Class Diagram in Go4HistogramServer
Go4LockGuard - package Go4LockGuard
Go4LockGuard - Class Diagram in Go4LockGuard
Go4Log - package Go4Log
Go4Log - Class Diagram in Go4Log
Go4MouseMode_t - class Go4GUI.Go4MouseMode_t
Go4ProfileTimer - package Go4ProfileTimer
Go4ProfileTimer - Class Diagram in Go4ProfileTimer
Go4QtBaseWidgets - package Go4QtBaseWidgets
Go4QtBaseWidgets - Class Diagram in Go4QtBaseWidgets
Go4Queue - package Go4Queue
Go4Queue - Class Diagram in Go4Queue
Go4Socket - package Go4Socket
Go4Socket - Class Diagram in Go4Socket
Go4StatusAnalysis - package Go4StatusAnalysis
Go4StatusAnalysis - Class Diagram in Go4StatusAnalysis
Go4StatusBase - package Go4StatusBase
Go4StatusBase - Class Diagram in Go4StatusBase
Go4TaskHandler - package Go4TaskHandler
Go4TaskHandler - Class Diagram in Go4TaskHandler
Go4TaskHandlerExample - package Go4TaskHandlerExample
Go4TaskHandlerExample - Class Diagram in Go4TaskHandlerExample
Go4ThreadManager - package Go4ThreadManager
Go4ThreadManager - Class Diagram in Go4ThreadManager
Go4ThreadManagerExample - package Go4ThreadManagerExample
Go4ThreadManagerExample - Class Diagram in Go4ThreadManagerExample
Go4TreeViewerSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
Go4UserGUI - package Go4UserGUI
Go4UserGUI - Class Diagram in Go4UserGUI
GraphType() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.QFitItem
gROOT - Object in Sequence Diagram gui2.6
gt_ass - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_157
gt_data - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_157
gt_fitter - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_157
gt_model - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_157
gt_none - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_157
gt_range - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_157
gt_ranges - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_157
gui2.6 - Sequence Diagram
GuiIsChanged(TGo4SlotsBaseClass*,QWidget*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
GUIScriptExtension - Static variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots


h_begin - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_bufhe
h_control - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_pat2
h_control - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_ves10_1
h_dummy - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_flt_descr
h_end - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_bufhe
h_flt_len - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_opc1
h_fltblkbeg - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_flt_descr
h_fltblkend - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_flt_descr
h_fltspec - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_opc1
h_next_fltblk - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_opc1
h_nextdescr - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_flt_descr
h_rd_tab_flg - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
h_se_control - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
h_subcrate - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_pat2
h_subcrate - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_ves10_1
Handle() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepException
Handle() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4UserException
Handle() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicListException
Handle() - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventSourceException
Handle() - Method in class Go4Exceptions.TGo4ControlException
This is a default handler function for the respective
exception type
Handle() - Method in class Go4Exceptions.TGo4Exception
This is a default handler function for the respective
exception type *
Handle() - Method in class Go4Exceptions.TGo4LogicException
This is a default handler function for the respective
exception type *
Handle() - Method in class Go4Exceptions.TGo4RuntimeException
This is a default handler function for the respective
exception type *
Handle() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerAbortException
Handle() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerException
Handle() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4CancelException
This is a default handler function for the respective exception type.
Handle() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4CreateException
This is a default handler function for the respective exception type.
Handle() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4RemoveException
Handle() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ReplaceException
Handle() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4RestartException
Handle() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4StartException
Handle() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4TerminateException
Handle() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadException
This is a default handler function for the respective exception type.
Handle(Int_t) - Static method in class Go4Socket.TGo4SocketSignalHandler
HandleEvent(Event_t*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootFrame
HandleInput(EEventType,Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
HandleObjectRequest() - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
Ask for which object to send and give it to the client
HansEsselPeakFinder(TGo4Fitter*,TGo4FitData*,Int_t,Int_t,Double_t,Double_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
Hans Essel (c) peak finder.
HasComp - Variable in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QFileItem
HasConnector() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
HasControllerTask() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskManager
HasIndexes() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
Return kTRUE, if data object has indexes.
HasLabel() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
HasMenuBar() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
HasSaveSettings() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
HasWidths() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
Return kTRUE, if scale widths values exists.
Help() - Method in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
hf_fltdescr - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_flt_descr
hf_wrtdescr - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_flt_descr
HighlightCondition(Int_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
Highlight the active condition of index.
HisCoordStyle - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
HisDrawStyle - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
HisErrorStyle - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
hist - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4HelpWindow
HistActivated(const QString&) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisWindow
histChosen(int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4HelpWindow
Histogram - Object in Sequence Diagram gui2.6
Histogram - Object in Sequence Diagram gui2.6
HistogramInfoSlot(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
history - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4HelpWindow
HisXStyle - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
HisYStyle - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
HisZStyle - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
hl - Variable in class RawAPI.S_dsmObjName
hostentptr - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_tcpcomm
hostentstruct - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_tcpcomm
hostname - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_tcpcomm
HotStart(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow


i_descriptors - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_flt_descr
i_dummy - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_pat1
i_dummy - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_ve10_1
i_procid - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_pat2
i_procid - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_ves10_1
i_se_procid - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
i_se_subtyp - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
i_se_typ - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
i_sfree - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_head
i_signals - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_tcpcomm
i_slot - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_head
i_slotlef - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_spe
i_slotrig - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_spe
i_subtype - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_bufhe
i_subtype - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_evhe
i_subtype - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_pat3
i_subtype - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_ve10_1
i_subtype - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_ves10_1
i_topslot - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_head
i_trigger - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_pat1
i_trigger - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_ve10_1
i_type - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_bufhe
i_type - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_evhe
i_type - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_pat3
i_type - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_ve10_1
i_type - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_ves10_1
i_used - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_bufhe
iAction - Variable in class RawAPI.srawCliActionComm
iAction - Variable in class RawAPI.srawComm
iAltQuery - Variable in class RawAPI.srawCliActionComm
iArchDev - Variable in class RawAPI.srawComm
iArchiveFS - Variable in class RawAPI.srawRetrList
iAttrLen - Variable in class RawAPI.srawQueryResult
iBuffers - Variable in class RawAPI.srawCliActionComm
iBufferSize - Variable in class RawAPI.srawRequest
iBufferSize - Variable in class RawAPI.srawTapeFileList
iBufnoServ - Variable in class RawAPI.srawAPIFile
iBufsizeAct - Variable in class RawAPI.srawAPIFile
iBufsizeFile - Variable in class RawAPI.srawComm
iBufsizeFile - Variable in class RawAPI.srawObjAttr
iBufsizeFile - Variable in class RawAPI.srawRetrList
iBufsizeServ - Variable in class RawAPI.srawAPIFile
iBufsizeServD - Variable in class RawAPI.srawAPIFile
iCheckSize - Variable in class RawAPI.srawPoolStatusData
iCommLen - Variable in class RawAPI.srawComm
Iconify() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQCanvasImp
Iconify (not implemented yet)
Iconify() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
iDataMover - Variable in class RawAPI.srawPoolStatusData
iDataServ - Variable in class RawAPI.srawAPIFile
iExecStatus - Variable in class RawAPI.srawComm
iExecStatus - Variable in class RawAPI.srawDataMoverAttr
if_fltevt - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_clnt_filter
if_fltsev - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_clnt_filter
if_msglog - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_errstat
if_verbose - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_errstat
if_wrtevt - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_clnt_filter
if_wrtsev - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_clnt_filter
iFileAvail - Variable in class RawAPI.srawPoolStatusData
iFileId - Variable in class RawAPI.srawAPIFile
iFiles - Variable in class RawAPI.srawPoolStatusData
iFiles - Variable in class RawAPI.srawPoolStatusDMData
iFilesIgnore - Variable in class RawAPI.srawCliActionComm
iFileSize - Variable in class RawAPI.srawComm
iFileSize - Variable in class RawAPI.srawObjAttr
iFileSize - Variable in class RawAPI.srawRetrList
iFileSize - Variable in class RawAPI.srawTapeFileList
iFileSystem - Variable in class RawAPI.srawFileSystem
iFileSystems - Variable in class RawAPI.srawPoolStatusDMData
iFileType - Variable in class RawAPI.srawComm
iFileType - Variable in class RawAPI.srawObjAttr
iFileType - Variable in class RawAPI.srawRetrList
iFlags - Variable in class RawAPI.srawAPIFile
iFreeSize - Variable in class RawAPI.srawPoolStatusData
iFreeSize - Variable in class RawAPI.srawPoolStatusDMData
iFreeSizeHW - Variable in class RawAPI.srawPoolStatusData
iFreeSizeHW - Variable in class RawAPI.srawPoolStatusDMData
iFS - Variable in class RawAPI.srawObjAttr
iIdent - Variable in class RawAPI.srawComm
iIdent - Variable in class RawAPI.srawDataMover
iIdent - Variable in class RawAPI.srawPoolStatus
iIdent - Variable in class RawAPI.srawQueryResult
iIdent - Variable in class RawAPI.srawRequest
iIdent - Variable in class RawAPI.srawStatus
iIdent - Variable in class RawAPI.srawWorkSpace
images - Class Diagram in Go4GUI.images
iMaster - Variable in class RawAPI.srawRetrList
iMaxQuery - Variable in class RawAPI.srawCliActionComm
iMaxSize - Variable in class RawAPI.srawPoolStatusData
iMaxSizeHW - Variable in class RawAPI.srawPoolStatusData
iMaxSizeMover - Variable in class RawAPI.srawPoolStatusDMData
iMaxWorkSize - Variable in class RawAPI.srawPoolStatusData
iMediaClass - Variable in class RawAPI.srawObjAttr
iMode - Variable in class RawAPI.srawAPIFile
ImplFileLine() - Static method in class TBuffer
ImplFileLine() - Static method in class TH1
ImplFileName() - Static method in class TBuffer
ImplFileName() - Static method in class TH1
IncCounts() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Increment the test counter.
IncCurrentIndex() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MainTree
Increments current index in the main tree by one.
IncTrueCounts() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Increment the "test was true" counter.
Indexes() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
Return indexes for current data point.
IndexesSize() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
Return size (number of dimensions) of data indexes.
indx - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGaussN
Temporary variable for EvalN() function.
InFileBrowser() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
Info(const Text_t*,...) - Static method in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
User shortcut for message with prio 1
InformUpdatePad(TPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
Inform other widgets (like fitpanel)
that something change in the pad
InfoStr() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitSlotStatus
Init() - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
Method called on initialization of event classes.
Init() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEvent
Init() - Method in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXEvent
Init() - Method in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnlEvent
Init() - Method in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackEvent
Init() - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB12OutputEvent
Init() - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB1InputEvent
Init() - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB1OutputEvent
Init() - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB2InputEvent
Init() - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB2OutputEvent
Init() - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB3InputEvent
Init() - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB3OutputEvent
Init() - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshDummyEvent
Init() - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshFinalEvent
Init() - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshRawEvent
Init() - Method in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYRawEvent
Init() - Method in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackEvent
init() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
InitAttributes() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4LabelPainter
Initialize the label attributes
InitBuffers() - Method in class Go4Queue.TGo4BufferQueue
Initialization of internal queue buffer.
InitEventClasses() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Initialization of the event class plugins which are delivered from
the user defined event factory.
InitEventClasses() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Initialization of the event class plugins which are delivered from
the user defined event factory.
InitEventClasses() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
Initialization of the event class plugins which are delivered from
the user defined event factory.
InitFitterData() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
InitFitterData() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Initialize fitter data.
Initialization() - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
Override the ClientTask/ThreadManager Initialization used by AppControlTimer
to init event classes before the threads are started.
Initialization() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ClientTask
override the ThreadManager Initialization used by AppControlTimer
to let this thing initialize the client transport connection
Initialization() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Slave
Overrides the ThreadManager Initialization; is used to setup the
client connections on demand; checks for fbConnectRequest flag
Initialization() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
Overrides the ThreadManager Initialization; is used to setup the
client connections on demand; checks for fbConnectRequest flag
Initialization() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadManager
Initialize() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Initialize fitter.
Initialize(Int_t,const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDependency
Initialize(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Initialize data object.
Initialize(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Initialize model object.
Initialize(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFormula
Initialize(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFromData
Initialize object.
Initialize(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFunction
Initialize object.
InitializeDependencies(TObjArray&,Bool_t,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Initialize a list of dependencies (TGo4FitDependecy object), which used in configuration.
InitLabelStyle() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Initialize label setup from static default variables
InitLabelStyle() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
Initialize label setup from static default variables
InitMap() - Method in class TBuffer
InitPictures(TFolder*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Initialize histogram references of pictures after reload.
InitPointers() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
Initialize the pointers to external objects.
InitPointers() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntry
Initialize the pointers to external objects.
InitWindow() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQCanvasImp
InitWindow here do nothing else but giving
the ROOT internal window Id
InMemoryBrowser() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
InMonitoringList() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
InputTerminalParametersSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
InsertCanvas(TCanvas*,TPad*,bool) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4QRootCanvas
Insert dragedCanvas into pad. createdrawoptions is false if
this method is used to copy a canvas into memory JA
InsertPar(TGo4FitParameter*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Instance() - Static method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Instance() - Static method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Version
Instance() - Static method in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4CommandInvoker
Instance() - Static method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MainTree
Instance() - Static method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
Instance() - Static method in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
Integral() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Calculates intagral of model component
Integral() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGauss1
Integral(Int_t,Int_t,Int_t,Int_t,Int_t,Int_t,Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
Integral(Int_t,Int_t,Int_t,Int_t,Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
Integral(Int_t,Int_t,Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
Integral(Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
IntegralMode() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
interface - Class Diagram in qtroot.interface
IntroHelpSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
Invert(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
Calls Invert for all conditions (multi edit mode) or for currently selected (single edit mode)
Invert(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Inverts return values, when on is true, i.e. isTrue() will return false,
and isFalse() will return true.
Invoke() - Method in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4CommandInvoker
Invoke(TGo4Command*) - Method in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4CommandInvoker
iObjArchiveDB - Variable in class RawAPI.srawCliActionComm
iObjCount - Variable in class RawAPI.srawQueryResult
iObjHigh - Variable in class RawAPI.srawComm
iObjHigh - Variable in class RawAPI.srawObjAttr
iObjHigh - Variable in class RawAPI.srawRetrList
iObjLow - Variable in class RawAPI.srawComm
iObjLow - Variable in class RawAPI.srawObjAttr
iObjLow - Variable in class RawAPI.srawRetrList
iObjSelect - Variable in class RawAPI.srawCliActionComm
iObjStageDB - Variable in class RawAPI.srawCliActionComm
iOffset - Variable in class RawAPI.srawAPIFile
iOffset - Variable in class RawAPI.srawRequest
iPoolId - Variable in class RawAPI.srawPoolStatusData
iPoolNo - Variable in class RawAPI.srawPoolStatus
iPort - Variable in class RawAPI.srawCliActionComm
iPort - Variable in class RawAPI.srawDataMoverAttr
iPurge - Variable in class RawAPI.srawCliActionComm
iReqMaster - Variable in class RawAPI.srawCliActionComm
iRestoHigh - Variable in class RawAPI.srawObjAttr
iRestoHigh - Variable in class RawAPI.srawRetrList
iRestoLow - Variable in class RawAPI.srawObjAttr
iRestoLow - Variable in class RawAPI.srawRetrList
Is2D() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditStatus
IsA() - Method in class TBuffer
IsA() - Method in class TH1
IsAborting() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Check whether this instance is currently being aborted
IsAborting() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerStatus
isActivated - Variable in class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
IsActive - Variable in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QFileItem
IsActiveFile() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QFileItem
IsAllMonitorDone() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredListSlots
true if monitor list entries were received completely after last request
IsAllParsFixed() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Returns true, if all parameters in list fixed;
IsAnalysisReady() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
IsAnalysisReady() - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
IsAnaSettingsReady() - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
IsAnyDataTransform() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Return kTRUE, if either initial data axis or data bins are transformed by TGo4FitData object.
IsAnyRangeLimits() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Return kTRUE, if any range conditions were introduced.
IsAppBlocking() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskStatus
IsAppBlocking() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadManager
Returns true if threadmanager works in root system blocking mode
IsArray() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditStatus
IsArrayType() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
IsArrayType() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
IsAssignTo(const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Checks, if model assigned to given data.
IsAssignTo(TObject*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIArrow
IsAutoCreate() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskStatus
IsAutoEnabled() - Static method in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
get current user boolean
IsAutoSaveFileChange() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
True if autosave file is changed according to the current input file
of lmd file list.
IsAutoSaveOn() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
True if autosaving is enabled
IsAutoSaveOn() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
IsAutoSaveOverwrite() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
IsAutoStart() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskStatus
IsBatch() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
iScanTape - Variable in class RawAPI.srawCliActionComm
isCanvasOwned - Variable in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
IsCentralMode() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditStatus
IsChanged() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
we overwrite single condition changed property
IsChanged() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
IsCintMode() - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
IsClientMode() - Method in class Go4Socket.TGo4Socket
IsClientMode() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Check whether this instance is client or server taskhandler
IsCMaxDraw() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
IsCMaxDraw() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
IsCMaxDraw() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
IsCompatibleData(TGo4FitData*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Checks, if data has same dimensions number and size of each dimensions.
isComposed() - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
isComposite - Variable in class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
IsCompositeInside() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QFileItem
IsConnected() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ClientTask
IsConnected() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskOwner
IsConnectedToSlot() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
Returns kTRUE, if slot connected to another slot
IsContDraw() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
IsCreated() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Thread
kTRUE if TThread instance exists and pthread is
IsCreateNewMarker() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
IsCrosshair() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
IsCutChanged() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCondView
Check if cut on pad is changed compared with condition
IsData() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoStatus
IsDeleteProtect() - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4ObjectStatus
Object's delete protection state.
IsDivided() - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
IsDrawHeader() - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
iSeekMode - Variable in class RawAPI.srawAPIFile
iSeekMode - Variable in class RawAPI.srawRequest
IsEmpty() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicList
Check if there are any entries in the list
IsEmpty() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
Return kTRUE, if no object in slot.
IsEmpty() - Method in class Go4Queue.TGo4Queue
IsEmptySlots() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlotList
Return kTRUE, if there are empty slots in list.
IsEnabled() - Method in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
IsEnabled() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Returns true if condition is enabled
IsEnabled() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditStatus
Return values for currently set condition:
IsErrorStopEnabled() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
True if current analysis step allows stop on error
IsErrorStopEnabled() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
True if analsis step allows stop on error.
IsErrorStopEnabled() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
IsErrorStopEnabled() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepStatus
True if analysis step shall stop on error.
IsErrorStopped() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
True if analsis step has been stopped on error.
IsErrorStopped() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepStatus
True if analysis step has been stopped on error.
IsExclusive() - Method in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
IsExisting(TCanvas*,TPad*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
Check if canvas and pad are still there in root
IsFalse() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Use this as return, if test was false.
IsFilled() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSubEvent
true if this subevent was filled since the last Clear()
IsHex() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoStatus
IsHideMode() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
IsHisStats() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
IsHisTitle() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
IsHistogram() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4ConditionStatus
IsHistogramLink() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
True if the histogram of given name is linked to this
IsHistogramLink() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
True if currently edited condition is linked to a histogram
IsHistoLink() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QConItem
IsInitDone() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
True if the analysis steps are initialized
IsInitDone() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskStatus
IsInitDone() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadManager
IsInitialized() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Return kTRUE, if Initialize() was done.
IsInitValue() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDependency
IsIntDraw() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
IsIntDraw() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
IsIntDraw() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
IsInternal() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Thread
returns flag indicating if go4thread object is internal
to threadhandler or created externally
IsKeepScale() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
IsLabelDraw() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
IsLabelDraw() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
IsLabelDraw() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
IsLegendDraw() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
IsLimitsDraw() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
IsLimitsDraw() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
IsLimitsDraw() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
IsLocal() - Method in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
IsLogfileEnabled() - Static method in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
get current logfile state
IsLogYScale() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
IsLong() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoStatus
IsMaster() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
IsMasterMode() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Check whether this instance is client or server taskhandler
IsMatching(const Text_t*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Finds out if string is matching the expression
IsMatchingPrevious() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Check if an analysis step is matching as a previous step to this
IsMonitorDone() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
IsMonitored() - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4RecieverInfo
IsMultiEdit() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
IsMultiEdit() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditStatus
IsNewInputFile() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
True if input filelist has changed to a new lmd file.
IsObject() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
Return kTRUE, if object assigned to slot.
IsObjectInSlots(TObject*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlotList
Checks, if object assign to one of slots.
IsObjNames() - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
iSocket - Variable in class RawAPI.srawCliActionComm
iSocket - Variable in class RawAPI.srawDataMoverAttr
iSockMaster - Variable in class RawAPI.srawAPIFile
iSockMover - Variable in class RawAPI.srawAPIFile
IsOpen() - Method in class Go4Socket.TGo4Socket
IsOperating() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadHandler
Returns kTRUE if threadhandler performs any action that
requires gSystem support.
IsOutputEnabled() - Static method in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
get current output state
IsOutputEvent() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetCurrentEvent
IsOverwriteMode() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStoreParameter
IsOwnedByEditor() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
IsPainted() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
IsPainted() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
IsParaMemVisible(Int_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
is kTRUE if this member shall be visible to the editor
IsParsAsResults() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Return kTRUE, if parameters were taken as result values.
IsPickAgain() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
IsPickArray() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
IsPolygon() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditStatus
IsPolygonType() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
IsPolygonType() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
IsPolygonType() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCond
IsPolygonType() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCond
IsPrintoutOnly() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetCurrentEvent
IsProcessEnabled() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
IsProcessEnabled() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepStatus
IsRangeCutExcluding(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Return kTRUE if cut eclude range
IsReading() - Method in class TBuffer
IsRemoteDrop() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QLineEdit
IsRemoteMode() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoStatus
IsRequired() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
Returns kTRUE, if object required, but not yet set.
IsResetProtect() - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4ObjectStatus
Object's reset protection state.
IsResultDepend() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDependency
IsRetained() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
IsRunning() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
True if the analysis as controlled by slave process is running.
if no slave task (analysis client) is available, always true
(plain batch mode never stops)
Test: read by reference than copy value, faster?
IsRunning() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Thread
Flag that controls Workfunc loop within Threadfunc
IsServer() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskOwner
IsSourceEnabled() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
IsSourceEnabled() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepStatus
IsSourceImplemented() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
IsStartServer() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientStatus
IsStepChecking() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
IsStepChecking() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
IsStoreEnabled() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
IsStoreEnabled() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepStatus
IsStoreImplemented() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
IsSubmited() - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4RecieverInfo
IsSubPad(TPad*,TPad*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
Check recursively if subpad is contained in mother pad
IsSuitable(TObject*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
Checks, if object class corresponds to class, specified for slot
IsSuitableConfig(TGo4FitterConfig*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Checks, if config object corresponds to fitter parameters.
IsSynchron() - Method in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
iStageFS - Variable in class RawAPI.srawRetrList
iStageFSid - Variable in class RawAPI.srawComm
ISTAT - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuitResult
iStatus - Variable in class RawAPI.srawCliActionComm
iStatus - Variable in class RawAPI.srawDataMover
iStatus - Variable in class RawAPI.srawRequest
iStatus - Variable in class RawAPI.srawStatus
iStatus - Variable in class RawAPI.srawWorkSpace
iStatusLen - Variable in class RawAPI.srawDataMover
iStatusLen - Variable in class RawAPI.srawPoolStatus
iStatusLen - Variable in class RawAPI.srawRequest
iStatusLen - Variable in class RawAPI.srawStatus
iStatusLen - Variable in class RawAPI.srawWorkSpace
IsTerminateApp() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadManager
IsTerminating() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskStatus
IsTerminating() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadManager
returns termination status of Threadmanager
IsTreeMode() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetCurrentEvent
IsTreeMode() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoStatus
IsTrue() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Use this as return, if test was true.
IsValid() - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
Returns the valid state of this event.
IsVisible() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
we overwrite single condition visibility getter
IsVisible() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Visibility property for gui display in editor
IsVisible() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
IsVisible() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
True if currently edited condition is visible
IsVisible() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditStatus
Return values for currently set condition:
IsWaiting() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Thread
true if Threadfunc is suspended to condition wait
IsWorkStopped() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
IsWriting() - Method in class TBuffer
IsXbinDraw() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
IsXDraw() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
IsXMaxDraw() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
IsXMaxDraw() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
IsXMaxDraw() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
IsXMeanDraw() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
IsXMeanDraw() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
IsXMeanDraw() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
IsXRMSDraw() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
IsXRMSDraw() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
IsXRMSDraw() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
IsYbinDraw() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
IsYDraw() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
IsYMaxDraw() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
IsYMaxDraw() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
IsYMaxDraw() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
IsYMeanDraw() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
IsYMeanDraw() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
IsYMeanDraw() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
iSynchId - Variable in class RawAPI.srawComm
iSynchId - Variable in class RawAPI.srawDataMoverAttr
IsYRMSDraw() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
IsYRMSDraw() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
IsYRMSDraw() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
iTapeFile - Variable in class RawAPI.srawCliActionComm
ItemDBkLocal() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QCanvasItem
ItemDBkLocal() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QConItem
ItemDBkLocal() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QDynEntryItem
ItemDBkLocal() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QFitterItem
ItemDBkLocal() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
ItemDBkLocal() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QLeafItem
ItemDBkLocal() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QParaItem
ItemDBkLocal() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QTHItem
ItemDBkMem() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
ItemDBkMem() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QTHItem
ItemDBkRemote() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QCanvasItem
ItemDBkRemote() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QConItem
ItemDBkRemote() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QDynEntryItem
ItemDBkRemote() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
ItemDBkRemote() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QParaItem
ItemDBkRemote() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QPicItem
ItemDBkRemote() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QTHItem
ItemDoubleClicked(QListViewItem*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredListSlots
iter - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataRidgeIter
iVersion - Variable in class RawAPI.srawObjAttr
iWaitTime - Variable in class RawAPI.srawComm
iWaitTime - Variable in class RawAPI.srawDataMoverAttr
iWorkFilesAll - Variable in class RawAPI.srawWorkSpace
iWorkFilesEst - Variable in class RawAPI.srawWorkSpace
iWorkFilesSta - Variable in class RawAPI.srawWorkSpace
iWorkFilesStaTemp - Variable in class RawAPI.srawWorkSpace
iWorkId - Variable in class RawAPI.srawWorkSpace
iWorkSizeAll - Variable in class RawAPI.srawWorkSpace
iWorkSizeEst - Variable in class RawAPI.srawWorkSpace
iWorkSizeSta - Variable in class RawAPI.srawWorkSpace
iWorkSizeStaTemp - Variable in class RawAPI.srawWorkSpace


kCanRebin - Variable in class TH1._enum_TH1_h_105
kComCloseInput - Variable in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.Go4EmergencyCommand_t
kComKillMain - Variable in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.Go4EmergencyCommand_t
kComQuit - Variable in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.Go4EmergencyCommand_t
kComRestartMain - Variable in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.Go4EmergencyCommand_t
kDataPointer - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus.EDynEntryTypes
keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent*) - Method in class Go4GUI.QComandsHistory
kGo4BackStoreReset - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Status._enum_TGo4Status_h_61
kGo4CanDelete - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Status._enum_TGo4Status_h_61
kGo4ComModeAdministrator - Variable in class Go4CommandsBase.Go4CommandMode_t
kGo4ComModeController - Variable in class Go4CommandsBase.Go4CommandMode_t
kGo4ComModeObserver - Variable in class Go4CommandsBase.Go4CommandMode_t
kGo4ComModeRefused - Variable in class Go4CommandsBase.Go4CommandMode_t
kGo4NoReset - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Status._enum_TGo4Status_h_61
kGuiEmbed - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask.ELaunchmodes
KillAnalysisSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
KillMain() - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
Kill the main thread; method to be called from
command, should be overridden in user implementation
KillMain() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Slave
Kill the main thread; method to be called from
command, should be overridden in user
KillMain() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
Kill the main thread; method to be called from
command, should be overridden in user
Killproc - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisWindow
KillProcess - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisWindow
kInitialSize - Variable in class TBuffer._enum_TBuffer_h_73
kIsOwner - Variable in class TBuffer._enum_TBuffer_h_49
kIsZoomed - Variable in class TH1._enum_TH1_h_105
kLogX - Variable in class TH1._enum_TH1_h_105
kMapSize - Variable in class TBuffer._enum_TBuffer_h_74
kMinimalSize - Variable in class TBuffer._enum_TBuffer_h_73
kMouseConditionEditor - Variable in class Go4GUI.Go4MouseMode_t
kMouseDraw - Variable in class Go4GUI.Go4MouseMode_t
kMousePickCursor - Variable in class Go4GUI.Go4MouseMode_t
kMousePickLatex - Variable in class Go4GUI.Go4MouseMode_t
kMousePickLimits - Variable in class Go4GUI.Go4MouseMode_t
kMousePickPolygon - Variable in class Go4GUI.Go4MouseMode_t
kMouseROOT - Variable in class Go4GUI.Go4MouseMode_t
kMouseSelectObject - Variable in class Go4GUI.Go4MouseMode_t
kNone - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus.EDynEntryTypes
kNoStats - Variable in class TH1._enum_TH1_h_105
kNoTitle - Variable in class TH1._enum_TH1_h_105
KolmogorovTest(TH1*,Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
kRead - Variable in class TBuffer.EMode
kSecureShell - Variable in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask.ELaunchmodes
kTreeDraw - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus.EDynEntryTypes
kUserContour - Variable in class TH1._enum_TH1_h_105
kWrite - Variable in class TBuffer.EMode


l_ack_buf - Variable in class MbsAPI._unnamed_f_evcli_c_188
l_ack_bytes - Variable in class MbsAPI._unnamed_f_evcli_c_188
l_auto_sec - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_head
l_bins_1 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_his_head
l_bins_1 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_spe
l_bins_2 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_his_head
l_bins_2 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_spe
l_block_count - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
l_block_length - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
l_block_size - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
l_buf - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_bufhe
l_buf_lmt - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_evt_channel
l_buf_no - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_evt_channel
l_buf_posi - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_evt_channel
l_buf_size - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_evt_channel
l_buf_subtype - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_evt_channel
l_buf_type - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_evt_channel
l_buffers - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_evt_channel
l_buffers - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_taghe
l_buffertype - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_clntbuf
l_bufs_in_stream - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_evt_channel
l_bufsize - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_taghe
l_bytestosnd - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_clntbuf
l_channel_no - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_evt_channel
l_client_con - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_clntbuf
l_clnt_sts - Variable in class MbsAPI._unnamed_f_evcli_c_188
l_clntoutbuf_fltm - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_clntbuf
l_clntoutbuf_prev - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_clntbuf
l_clntoutbuf_sdbf - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_clntbuf
l_clntoutbuf_sdby - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_clntbuf
l_clntoutbuf_sdev - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_clntbuf
l_comp_bytes - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_compress
l_cond_pol - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_head
l_cond_win - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_head
l_count - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_ve10_1
l_counts - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_spe
l_current_i - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_bufhe
l_daqst_lw - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
l_data - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_spe
l_dim - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_spe
l_dlen - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_bufhe
l_dlen - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_clntbuf
l_dlen - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_evhe
l_dlen - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_ve10_1
l_dlen - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_ves10_1
l_endian - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_clnt_filter
l_endian - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_clntbuf
l_endian - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_compress
l_endian - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
l_endian - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_head
l_endian - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_set_ml
l_endian - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
l_endian - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_taghe
l_ev_buf_len - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_set_ml
l_event - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_tag
l_event_r - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_head
l_events - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_clntbuf
l_events - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_evt_channel
l_events - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_head
l_events - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_taghe
l_evt - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_bufhe
l_evt_buf_posi - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_evt_channel
l_evt_buf_size - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_evt_channel
l_evt_size - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_evt_channel
l_file_auto - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
l_file_count - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
l_file_cur - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
l_file_size - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
l_filesize - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_taghe
l_first - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_taghe
l_first_buf - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_evt_channel
l_first_get - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_evt_channel
l_first_put - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_evt_channel
l_fix_lw - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
l_fix_lw - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_set_ml
l_fix_lw - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
l_flush_rate - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_clnt_filter
l_frag_len - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_evt_channel
l_free - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_bufhe
l_free - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_clntbuf
l_free - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_head
l_free_streams - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
l_freezed - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_pol
l_freezed - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_win
l_full_bytes - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_compress
l_inbuf_byrd_cnt - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_clntbuf
l_inbuf_prev_cnt - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_clntbuf
l_inbuf_proc_cnt - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_clntbuf
l_inbuf_rdok_cnt - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_clntbuf
l_inbuf_read_cnt - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_clntbuf
l_inbuf_skip_cnt - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_clntbuf
l_io_buf_posi - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_evt_channel
l_io_buf_size - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_evt_channel
l_irq_driv_id - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
l_irq_maj_dev_id - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
l_kbyte_r - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_head
l_kbytes - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_evt_channel
l_last - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_taghe
l_len - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_head
l_length - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_compress
l_linear - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_taghe
l_lmdswap - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_evt_channel
l_loc_pipe_type - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
l_long_len - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_set_ml
l_Lwords - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_head
l_masks - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_compress
l_max_tape_size - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
l_maxbufsiz - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_clntbuf
l_ml__n_rd_pipe - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_set_ml
l_msgtyp - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_clntbuf
l_n_ev_buf - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_set_ml
l_n_rd_pipe - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_set_ml
l_n_stream - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_set_ml
l_numb_of_evt - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_clnt_filter
l_numbuftosnd - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_clntbuf
l_offset - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_filter
l_offset - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_tag
l_opcode - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_filter
l_open_file - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
l_open_vol - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
l_out_evts - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_head
l_out_mode - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_set_ml
l_outlim_low_counts - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_his_head
l_outlim_low_counts - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_spe
l_outlim_low_counts_2 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_his_head
l_outlim_low_counts_2 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_spe
l_outlim_up_counts - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_his_head
l_outlim_up_counts - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_spe
l_outlim_up_counts_2 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_his_head
l_outlim_up_counts_2 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_spe
l_param_type - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_head
l_params - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_head
l_pathnum - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
l_pattern - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_compress
l_pattern - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_filter
l_pid - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
l_points - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_head
l_points - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_pol
l_pos_on_tape - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
l_pprio - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
l_procs_run - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
l_protected - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_spe
l_rate_on - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
l_rate_sec - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
l_rd_host_flg - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_set_ml
l_rd_pipe_base_addr - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_set_ml
l_rd_pipe_len - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_set_ml
l_rd_pipe_n_frag - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_set_ml
l_record_size - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
l_running - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_head
l_sample_rate - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_clnt_filter
l_sbs__n_trg_typ - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
l_sbs__str_len_64 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
l_segment - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_head
l_server_type - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_evt_channel
l_set_ml_lw - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_set_ml
l_short_len - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_set_ml
l_spare - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_head
l_spare1 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_spe
l_spare2 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_spe
l_spare3 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_spe
l_spare4 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_spe
l_spare5 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_spe
l_status - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_his_comm
l_stream_bufs - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_evt_channel
l_sys__n_max_procs - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
l_tagfile_no - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_evt_channel
l_tagswap - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_evt_channel
l_testbit - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_clnt_filter
l_testbit - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_clntbuf
l_time - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_bufhe
l_timeout - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_evt_channel
l_type - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
l_version - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_daqst
l_version - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_head
l_version - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_set_ml
l_version - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
l_version - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_spe
l_version - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_taghe
l_wr_pipe_base_addr - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_set_ml
l_wr_pipe_len - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_set_ml
l_wr_pipe_n_frag - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_set_ml
LabelCoords(Double_t&,Double_t&,Double_t&,Double_t&) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4LabelPainter
Evaluate coordinates for new label for given xmin, ymin with respect to pad size
LabelsDeflate(Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
LabelsInflate(Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
LabelsOption(Option_t*,Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
Launch() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadManager
This Method has to be called to create the startup threads and to
turn on the application control timer.
LaunchAnalysis() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
LaunchAnalysis(const char*,const char*,const char*,const char*,Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
LaunchClient(const char*,const char*,const char*,const char*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
method using a shell script to create
a new linux xterm with a client executable.
launchClientSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
LaunchSlaveServer(const char*,const char*,const char*,const char*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Master
method using a shell script to create
a new linux xterm with a slave executable as server.
leaveEvent(QEvent*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
Length() - Method in class TBuffer
ListItemClicked(QListViewItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
listiter - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelStatus
ListOfPads - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelStatus
ListStackId - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_159
ListViewLocal - Object in Sequence Diagram gui2.6
ListViewMonitor - Object in Sequence Diagram gui2.6
ll - Variable in class RawAPI.S_dsmObjName
LoadConfFile(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationSlots
LoadConfiguration() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationSlots
LoadFolder(TDirectory*,TFolder*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Update folder destination with the content of the directory source.
LoadFolder(TFolder*,TFolder*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Update folder destination with the content of the folder source.
LoadGraphicsLibs() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQApplication
Here we overload the LoadGraphicsLibs() function.
LoadLibrary(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFunction
LoadLibrary(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
LoadLibrarySlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
LoadMarkerSetup(const Text_t*,const Text_t*,TVirtualPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
Load status of current viewpanel markers from root file filename
and draw them into destination pad pad.
LoadNewLibrary() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4LoadedLibrariesSlots
LoadObject(TObject**,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserSlots
Retrieve object of name from a root file.
LoadObjects(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Load analysis objects from file.
LoadObjects(TFile*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Load objects from file.
LoadParameter(const Text_t*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
Exchange current parameter by object parname taken
from root file filename.
LoadStatus(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Load Analysis Status from file and set analysis
to these settings.
LocalItemDoubleClicked(QListViewItem*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserSlots
LocalListContent - Object in Sequence Diagram gui2.6
LocalListContent - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserStatus
LocalListDeleteSelection() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserSlots
LocalListIter - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserStatus
Locate() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIArrow
LocateModel(TGo4FitModel*,TGo4FitData*,bool) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
LocateObjectsFrom(TFolder*) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
LockAutoSave() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Lock the autosave mutex.
Log(Int_t) - Method in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
LogfileEnable(Bool_t) - Static method in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
switch writing to logfile on or off
LogInfoPanel - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
LogInfoStatus - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4LogInfoStatus
LogMarkers(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
Log values of all markers to terminal or logfile
LogPanelSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
LogSettingsSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
Lookup(const char*) - Static method in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4CommandInvoker
lp_cvc_irq - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
lp_loc_mem_base - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
lp_loc_pipe_base - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
lp_rem_cam_base - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
lp_rem_mem_base - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_setup
LPic(Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
ls(Option_t*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
lu_action - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_his_comm
lu_checked - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_pol
lu_checked - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_win
lu_endian - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_his_comm
lu_histos - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_his_comm
lu_size - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_his_comm
lu_true - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_pol
lu_true - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_win
lu_used - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_pol
lu_used - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_win


m_font - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
MacroSearch - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisWindow
MainCycle() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
The main analysis event cycle.
MainIsRunning() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Slave
MakeAmpl(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Create amplitude parameter and adds it to parameters list.
makeBranch(TBranch*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4ClonesElement
makeBranch(TBranch*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4CompositeEvent
makeBranch(TBranch*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
MakeCommand(const char*) - Method in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4CommandProtoList
Creates a Clone of the specified command by name
MakeCommand(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
Method using internal command prototype list to produce a clone
of the specified command
MakeCommand(const char*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
Method using internal command prototype list to produce a clone
of the specified command
MakeH1(const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*,Int_t,Axis_t,Axis_t,const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Create 1-dim histogram in histogram folder.
MakeH2(const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*,Int_t,Axis_t,Axis_t,Int_t,Axis_t,Axis_t,const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Create 2-dim histogram in histogram folder.
MakeIter() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Creates iterator for data object.
MakeIter() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataGraph
Create TGo4FitDataGraphIter iterator, assosiated with given data object..
MakeIter() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataHistogram
Create TGo4FitDataHistogramIter iterator, assosiated with given data object..
MakeIter() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataProfile
Create TGo4FitDataProfileIter iterator, assosiated with given data object..
MakeIter() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataRidge
Create TGo4FitDataRidgeIter iterator, assosiated with given data object..
MakeParForProperties(const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterConfig
MakePolyCond(const Text_t*,const Text_t*,Int_t,Float_t[2],const Text_t*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Create polygon 2-dim condition in conditions folder.
makeStyle(const QString&) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
MakeWindowCond(const Text_t*,const Text_t*,Double_t,Double_t,const Text_t*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Create 1-dim window condition in conditions folder.
MakeWindowCond(const Text_t*,const Text_t*,Double_t,Double_t,Double_t,Double_t,const Text_t*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Create 2-dim window condition in conditions folder.
MapBranch(QListViewItem*,TFile*,TTree*,TBranch*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserSlots
MapEvent(QListViewItem*,TFile*,TTree*,TGo4EventElement*,TObjArray*,TArrayC*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserSlots
MapObject(const TObject*,UInt_t) - Method in class TBuffer
MapObject(const void*,UInt_t) - Method in class TBuffer
MapObject(QListViewItem*,TFile*,TKey*,TObject*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserSlots
MapQMouseEvent(QMouseEvent*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootWindow
translate Qt mouse event into root event structure.
MarkReset(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
defines if condition counters shall be reset in UpdateFrom method
MarkReset(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
defines if condition counters shall be reset in UpdateFrom method
Matr_sig - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGaussN
Temporary variable for EvalN() function.
mBookmarks - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4HelpWindow
MbsAPI - package MbsAPI
MbsAPI - Class Diagram in MbsAPI
Membersize(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
find out size of type "name" on runtime for all supported types
MemorizePars() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Memorize values of all parameters.
MemorizeValue() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
Memorize value of parameter.
Memory() - Method in class Go4ProfileTimer.TGo4ProfileTimer
Merge(TCollection*) - Method in class TH1
Message(Int_t,const Text_t*,...) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Display a user message.
Message(Int_t,const Text_t*,...) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessor
Display a user message.
Message(Int_t,const Text_t*,...) - Static method in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
Display a message.
MetalStyle - class Go4QtBaseWidgets.MetalStyle
MetalStyle() - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.MetalStyle
MGR_TAPE - Variable in class RawAPI.ARCH_DEVICE
mHistory - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4HelpWindow
MinAllWindows() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
ModelBuffersAllocated(TGo4FitModel*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
MonitoredObjectList - Object in Sequence Diagram gui2.6
MonitoredObjectList - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredListStatus
MonitoredObjectListIterator - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredListStatus
MonitorObject(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
MonitorRemoteObj(QListViewItem*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4RemoteBrowserSlots
MonitorVisible() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredListSlots
MouseClick(TGo4PreviewPanel*,TPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
MouseClick(TPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
called when mouse clicks on pad (left button press)
mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4QRootCanvas
mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4QRootCanvas
mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
MousePosX - Variable in class qtroot.interface.TQCanvasMenu
MousePosY - Variable in class qtroot.interface.TQCanvasMenu
mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4QRootCanvas
mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
MoveDrawObjectsToROOT() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
MoveOpaque(Int_t) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
mt_action - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_145
mt_actlist - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_145
mt_allslots - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_145
mt_ass - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_145
mt_asslist - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_145
mt_data - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_145
mt_datalist - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_145
mt_depend - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_145
mt_deplist - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_145
mt_empty - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_145
mt_fitter - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_145
mt_minuitres - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_145
mt_model - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_145
mt_modellist - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_145
mt_newpars - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_145
mt_none - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_145
mt_par - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_145
mt_parcfg - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_145
mt_parslist - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_145
mt_range - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_145
mt_rangecut - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_145
mt_rangelist - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_145
mt_slot - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_145
mu1 - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGauss2
Temporary variable for EvalN() function.
mu2 - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGauss2
Temporary variable for EvalN() function.
mult - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGauss2
Temporary variable for EvalN() function.
Multiply(const TH1*,const TH1*,Double_t,Double_t,Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
Multiply(const TH1*) - Method in class TH1
Multiply(TF1*,Double_t) - Method in class TH1
myfile.root - Object in Sequence Diagram gui2.6


namelength - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_tcpcomm
ndim - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGaussN
Temporary variable for EvalN() function.
ndim - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelPolynom
Temporary variable for EvalN() function.
NeedBuffers() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitAmplEstimation
NeedBuffers() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuit
NeedBuffers() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAction
NeedConfirmation() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
NeedIntegration() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Returns kTRUE, if integration properties were specified.
needMinmaxResize - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4QRootCanvas
NeedPad() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterOutput
Return kTRUE, if pad required for output.
NeedPadsNumber() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Returns required number of TPad for actions output.
needResize - Variable in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
NeedsMinmaxResize() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4QRootCanvas
NeedsResize() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
NeedsUpdate() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
NewAmplitude(const char*,Double_t,Bool_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Create amplitude parameter with specified properties.
NewEntry() - Method in class Go4Queue.TGo4BufferQueue
Create dummy buffer for queue.
NewEventProcessor(TGo4EventProcessorParameter*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
For lazy initialization of event processor.
NewEventSource(TGo4EventSourceParameter*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
For lazy initialization of event source.
NewEventStore(TGo4EventStoreParameter*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
For lazy initialization of event store.
NewFileAction(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFile
Called whenever new file is opened in multiple mode.
NewInputEvent() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
create input event object
NewOutputEvent() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
create input event object
NewParameter(const char*,const char*,Double_t,Bool_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Create new parameter with provided properties and add to parameters list.
NewStepProcessor(const Text_t*,TGo4EventProcessorParameter*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Shuts down the old analysis step processor and creates a new
one specified by parameter par.
NewStepProcessor(const Text_t*,TGo4EventProcessorParameter*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
Shuts down the old analysis step processor and creates a new
one specified by parameter par.
NewStepSource(const Text_t*,TGo4EventSourceParameter*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Shuts down the old analysis step event source and creates a new
one specified by parameter par.
NewStepSource(const Text_t*,TGo4EventSourceParameter*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
Shuts down the old analysis step event source and creates a new
one specified by parameter par.
NewStepStore(const Text_t*,TGo4EventStoreParameter*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Shuts down the old analysis step storage and creates a new
one specified by parameter par.
NewStepStore(const Text_t*,TGo4EventStoreParameter*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
Shuts down the old analysis step storage and creates a new
one specified by parameter par.
NewTaskHandler(const char*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskManager
creates new task handler with given name and adds it into array
NewThread(const char*,TGo4Runnable*) - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadHandler
Creates new internal Go4 Thread with name and adds it to the List
External runnable is passed to specify the threaded actions
NewViewPanel(TGo4PreviewPanel*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4WorkSpace
newWindow() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4HelpWindow
Next() - Method in class Go4Queue.TGo4Queue
Next(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
Shift pointer to next data point.
NextCommand() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
Delivers next command.
NextCommand() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Slave
Delivers next command from command queue.
NextCommand() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
Delivers next command from command queue.
NextEntry() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicList
Delivers next entry in list. 0 if no more entry
NextEvent() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFile
Requests the next event from mbs source.
NextEvent() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsRandom
Requests the next event from mbs source.
NextEvent() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSource
Requests the next event from mbs source.
NextEvent() - Method in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYEventSource
Requests the next event from user event source.
NextFile() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFile
For multiple input mode: Open next file in list.
NextIndex(TArrayI&,TArrayI&) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
Producing next indexes set according limits values.
NextMatchingObject(const Text_t*,const Text_t*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Delivers pointer to next object of the Go4 folder structure
with a name matching the expression expr.
NextMatchingObject(const Text_t*,const Text_t*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Delivers pointer to next object of the Go4 folder structure
with a name matching the expression expr.
NextObject(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
Delivers next object from data queue.
NextParameterClass() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
Get next classname in TGo4Parameter subclass list.
NextStatus(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
Delivers next status object from status queue.
NextStepStatus() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
Gives next analysis step status.
NextSubEvent() - Method in class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleEvent
Iterator for subevent array.
NextSubEvent(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEvent
Iterator for subevent array.
NextTaskHandler(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskManager
For iteration over all connected task handlers.
NoOfAnalysisSteps - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationSlots
NoOfBinsX - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4CreateHisDefaults
NoOfBinsY - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4CreateHisDefaults
NoOfBinsZ - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4CreateHisDefaults
NoOfLocalSelectedObjects - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredListSlots
NoOfRecv() - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4SubmittedCommandsEntry
NorwegianWoodStyle - class Go4QtBaseWidgets.NorwegianWoodStyle
NorwegianWoodStyle() - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.NorwegianWoodStyle
Note1 - Note in Sequence Diagram gui2.6
Note1 - Note in Class Diagram Go4Example2Step
Note1 - Note in Class Diagram Go4ExampleUserSource
Note2 - Note in Sequence Diagram gui2.6
Note2 - Note in Class Diagram Go4Example2Step
Note2 - Note in Class Diagram Go4ExampleUserSource
Note3 - Note in Sequence Diagram gui2.6
Note4 - Note in Sequence Diagram gui2.6
Notify() - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4CintLockTimer
Routine called from TTimer on timeout
Notify() - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4InterruptHandler
Notify() - Method in class Go4Display.TGo4DisplayDrawerTimer
Notify() - Method in class Go4Display.TGo4DisplayLoggerTimer
Notify() - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4ObjConnectorTimer
Notify() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskConnectorTimer
Notify() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4AppControlTimer
Routine called from TTimer on timeout
NPARI - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuitResult
NPARX - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuitResult
NumAssigments() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Returns number of assignment for this model.
NumFixedPars() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Return number of fixed pars
NumFreePars() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Return number of free pars
NumMigradIter() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIOptions
NumModelsAssosiatedTo(const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Counts models assosiated with specific data.
NumPars() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
NumPars() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Return number of parameters in list.
NumPars() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Return total number of parameters, which should be fitted.
NumSlots() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlotList
Returns number of slots in list.


objAttr - Variable in class RawAPI.srawQueryResult
Object() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.QFitItem
ObjectManager() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Add (create) new dynamic histogram entry which connects an existing
histogram with existing condition and data.
ObjectThreadName() - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
ObjectType() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.QFitItem
objType - Variable in class RawAPI.S_dsmObjName
oldHandler - Variable in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4InterruptHandler
oldPalette - Variable in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.MetalStyle
oldPalette - Variable in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.NorwegianWoodStyle
op_Draw - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.OptionsIdentifiers
op_FillColor - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.OptionsIdentifiers
op_FillStyle - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.OptionsIdentifiers
op_HistCoord - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.OptionsIdentifiers
op_HistDraw - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.OptionsIdentifiers
op_HistError - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.OptionsIdentifiers
op_LineColor - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.OptionsIdentifiers
op_LineStyle - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.OptionsIdentifiers
op_LineWidth - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.OptionsIdentifiers
op_LogScaleX - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.OptionsIdentifiers
op_LogScaleY - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.OptionsIdentifiers
op_LogScaleZ - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.OptionsIdentifiers
op_MarkerColor - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.OptionsIdentifiers
op_MarkerSize - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.OptionsIdentifiers
op_MarkerStyle - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.OptionsIdentifiers
op_ObjsBound - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.OptionsIdentifiers
op_Padxlow - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.OptionsIdentifiers
op_Padxup - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.OptionsIdentifiers
op_Padylow - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.OptionsIdentifiers
op_Padyup - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.OptionsIdentifiers
op_PicHeader - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.OptionsIdentifiers
op_RangeXMax - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.OptionsIdentifiers
op_RangeXMin - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.OptionsIdentifiers
op_RangeYMax - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.OptionsIdentifiers
op_RangeYMin - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.OptionsIdentifiers
op_Style - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.OptionsIdentifiers
OpaqueMoving() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
OpaqueResizing() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
OPEN - Variable in class RawAPI.ACTION
Open() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileSource
Open file.
Open() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFile
Open the file or connection.
Open() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsRandom
Open the file or connection.
Open() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSource
Open the file or connection.
Open() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4RevServ
Open the file or connection.
Open() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeSource
Open() - Method in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYEventSource
Open the file or connection.
Open(const char*,Int_t,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Socket.TGo4Socket
OpenAutoSaveFile() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Open the autosave file with the current settings.
OpenFile() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFile
Open current file/tagfile.
openFile() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4HelpWindow
OpenFile(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
OpenFileSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
OpenLogfile(const Text_t*,const Text_t*,Bool_t) - Static method in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
Open file of name for logmessage output.
OpenRemoteFileSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
OpenSelectedMacro(const char*,const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserSlots
OpenSelectedRootFile(const char*,const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserSlots
operator()()(int,int) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
operator[](Int_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
Returns condition object i from object array.
operator[](Int_t) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4CompositeEvent
operator[](Int_t) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
operator+=(const TGo4CommandProtoList&) - Method in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4CommandProtoList
Adds second command list to this
operator<<(Bool_t) - Method in class TBuffer
operator<<(Char_t) - Method in class TBuffer
operator<<(const Char_t*) - Method in class TBuffer
operator<<(Double_t) - Method in class TBuffer
operator<<(Float_t) - Method in class TBuffer
operator<<(Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
operator<<(Long_t) - Method in class TBuffer
operator<<(Short_t) - Method in class TBuffer
operator<<(UChar_t) - Method in class TBuffer
operator<<(UInt_t) - Method in class TBuffer
operator<<(ULong_t) - Method in class TBuffer
operator<<(UShort_t) - Method in class TBuffer
operator=(const TBuffer&) - Method in class TBuffer
operator=(const TGo4AnalysisCommand&) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisCommand
operator=(const TGo4AnalysisStepException&) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepException
operator=(const TGo4AppControlTimer&) - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4AppControlTimer
operator=(const TGo4CancelException&) - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4CancelException
operator=(const TGo4ControlException&) - Method in class Go4Exceptions.TGo4ControlException
operator=(const TGo4CreateException&) - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4CreateException
operator=(const TGo4DynamicListException&) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicListException
operator=(const TGo4EventEndException&) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventEndException
operator=(const TGo4EventErrorException&) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventErrorException
operator=(const TGo4EventSourceException&) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventSourceException
operator=(const TGo4EventTimeoutException&) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventTimeoutException
operator=(const TGo4ExampleCommand&) - Method in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleCommand
operator=(const TGo4Exception&) - Method in class Go4Exceptions.TGo4Exception
operator=(const TGo4LogicException&) - Method in class Go4Exceptions.TGo4LogicException
operator=(const TGo4RemoveException&) - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4RemoveException
operator=(const TGo4ReplaceException&) - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ReplaceException
operator=(const TGo4RestartException&) - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4RestartException
operator=(const TGo4Runnable&) - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Runnable
operator=(const TGo4RuntimeException&) - Method in class Go4Exceptions.TGo4RuntimeException
operator=(const TGo4StartException&) - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4StartException
operator=(const TGo4TaskHandlerCommand&) - Method in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerCommand
operator=(const TGo4TaskManager&) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskManager
operator=(const TGo4TerminateException&) - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4TerminateException
operator=(const TGo4TestRunnable&) - Method in class Go4ThreadManagerExample.TGo4TestRunnable
operator=(const TGo4TestThreadManager&) - Method in class Go4ThreadManagerExample.TGo4TestThreadManager
operator=(const TGo4Thread&) - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Thread
operator=(const TGo4ThreadException&) - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadException
operator=(const TGo4ThreadManager&) - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadManager
operator=(const TGo4UserException&) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4UserException
operator>>(Bool_t&) - Method in class TBuffer
operator>>(Char_t*) - Method in class TBuffer
operator>>(Char_t&) - Method in class TBuffer
operator>>(Double_t&) - Method in class TBuffer
operator>>(Float_t&) - Method in class TBuffer
operator>>(Int_t&) - Method in class TBuffer
operator>>(Long_t&) - Method in class TBuffer
operator>>(Short_t&) - Method in class TBuffer
operator>>(UChar_t&) - Method in class TBuffer
operator>>(UInt_t&) - Method in class TBuffer
operator>>(ULong_t&) - Method in class TBuffer
operator>>(UShort_t&) - Method in class TBuffer
OptionsIdentifiers - class Go4StatusBase.OptionsIdentifiers
orders - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelPolynom
Temporary variable for EvalN() function.
ot_action - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62
ot_actlist - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62
ot_allslots - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62
ot_amplest - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62
ot_ass - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62
ot_asslist - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62
ot_config - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62
ot_data - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62
ot_datalist - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62
ot_depend - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62
ot_empty - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62
ot_fitter - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62
ot_lintrans - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62
ot_matrtrans - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62
ot_minuit - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62
ot_minuitres - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62
ot_model - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62
ot_modellist - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62
ot_newpars - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62
ot_none - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62
ot_output - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62
ot_par - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62
ot_parcfg - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62
ot_pardeplist - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62
ot_parinitlist - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62
ot_parscfg - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62
ot_parslist - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62
ot_peakfinder - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62
ot_range - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62
ot_rangecut - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62
ot_rangelist - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62
ot_reslist - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62
ot_results - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62
ot_slot - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62
ot_trans - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62
ot_wizdatalist - Variable in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62
outputBuffer - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisWindow
OutputEnable(Bool_t) - Static method in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
switch output on or off
OverWriteLocalObject(TNamed*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserStatus
OverWriteMode - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserSlots


Pad1 - Object in Sequence Diagram gui2.6
PadClicked(TGo4PreviewPanel*,TPad*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4WorkSpace
PadClicked(TPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4QRootCanvas
PadMouseClick(TGo4PreviewPanel*,TPad*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4WorkSpace
PadOptionList - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelStatus
Paint(Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
Paint(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Display condition with plain root canvas and in go4 viewpanel
Paint(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Label
Paint(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4LabelConnector
Paint(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
Display marker with plain root canvas and in go4 viewpanel
Paint(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCondView
Paint(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCondView
Paint(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIDraw
Paint(Option_t*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
PaintCondition(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArrayPainter
Display condition with plain root canvas and in go4 viewpanel
PaintCondition(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4ConditionPainter
Display condition with plain root canvas and in go4 viewpanel
PaintCondition(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCondPainter
Display condition with plain root canvas and in go4 viewpanel
PaintCondition(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCondPainter
Display condition with plain root canvas and in go4 viewpanel
PaintConnector(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4MarkerPainter
paintEvent(QPaintEvent*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4QRootCanvas
paintEvent(QPaintEvent*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
paintEvent(QPaintEvent*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootWindow
PaintFitter(TGo4Fitter*,QFitItem*,bool) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
PaintLabel(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArrayPainter
To suppress the label of the array, we overwrite method here.
PaintLabel(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4ConditionPainter
Display statistics label for this condition with respect to working histogram
PaintLabel(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4LabelPainter
Draw the label
PaintLabel(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4MarkerPainter
Display coordinate label for this marker.
PaintModel(TGo4FitModel*,TGo4FitSlotStatus*,QFitItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
PaintModelsFor(TGo4Fitter*,TGo4FitData*,QFitItem*,bool) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
PaintRange(TGo4FitComponent*,int,TGo4FitSlotStatus*,QFitItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Par_k - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGauss1
Temporary variable for EvalN() function.
Par_x0 - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGauss1
Temporary variable for EvalN() function.
Parent() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.QFitItem
ParError - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuitResult
ParsWidgetShown() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
ParValues - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuitResult
pathCombo - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4HelpWindow
pathSelected(const QString&) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4HelpWindow
pc_evt_buf - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_evt_channel
pc_io_buf - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_evt_channel
pcFile - Variable in class RawAPI.srawCliActionComm
pcTape - Variable in class RawAPI.srawCliActionComm
piBuffer - Variable in class RawAPI.srawCliActionComm
Pic(Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
Pick(Int_t,Int_t,TObject*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
Pick(Int_t,Int_t,TObjLink*&) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
Picture1 - Variable in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackProc
PictureIndex - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture.Indexes
piDataMover - Variable in class RawAPI.srawCliActionComm
piFileList - Variable in class RawAPI.srawCliActionComm
piObjBuf - Variable in class RawAPI.srawCliActionComm
pixelMetric(PixelMetric,const QWidget*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.MetalStyle
PlotLocal() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserSlots
PlotLocal() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserSlots
PlotSelected() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredListSlots
pNext - Variable in class RawAPI.srawTapeFileList
Point() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
Return number of current point, starting from 0.
PointDown - Variable in class Go4QtBaseWidgets._enum_wood_cpp_778
PointFitFunction(Int_t,Double_t,Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
PointLeft - Variable in class Go4QtBaseWidgets._enum_wood_cpp_778
PointRight - Variable in class Go4QtBaseWidgets._enum_wood_cpp_778
PointUp - Variable in class Go4QtBaseWidgets._enum_wood_cpp_778
PointWeight(Int_t,Int_t,Double_t,Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitAmplEstimation
polish(QApplication*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.MetalStyle
polish(QApplication*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.NorwegianWoodStyle
polish(QWidget*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.MetalStyle
polish(QWidget*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.NorwegianWoodStyle
Poly(Int_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
Returns polygon condition object i from object array.
Pop() - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4InterruptHandler
popup() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootDialog
popup(TObject*,double,double,QMouseEvent*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQCanvasMenu
Perform the corresponding selected TObject popup
in the position defined
by x, y coordinates (in user coordinate system).
PopupMenuType() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.QFitItem
PostLoop() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Method executed once after the main analysis event loop.
PostRun(void*) - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisMainRunnable
PostRun(void*) - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Runnable
Function which is called once after the Run()
method on threadstop
PreLoop() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Method executed once before the main analysis event loop.
PrepareHeader(TH1*,const char*,s_his_head*) - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4MbsHist
extract header information from histogram to mbs header structur
PrepareSlotsForWriting() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlotList
PreRun(void*) - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisMainRunnable
PreRun(void*) - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Runnable
Function which is called once before the Run()
method on threadstart
print() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4HelpWindow
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Printout the analysis (step-) setup.
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Default printout for root object lists
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
Implement standard root print.
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicListStatus
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntryStatus
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntryStatus
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitAmplEstimation
Print information on standard output.
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitAssignment
Print information about object on standard output.
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Print info about object on standard output.
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Display information about data object on standard output.
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataGraph
Print information on stndard output.
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataHistogram
Print information to standard output.
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataProfile
Print information on standard output.
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataRidge
Print information to standard output.
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDependency
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitLinearTrans
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMatrixTrans
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuit
Print information on standard output.
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuitResult
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Print information about model object on standard output.
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFormula
Print information on standard output.
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFromData
Print information on standard output.
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFunction
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGauss1
Print information to standard output.
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGauss2
Prints information to standard output.
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGaussN
Print information on standard output.
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelPolynom
Print information on standard output.
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitNamed
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
Print TGo4FitParameter object to standard output.
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Default print method.
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
Print information on standard output.
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
Print information on standard output.
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Print containment of fitter.
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Print information about fitter to standar output.
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterConfig
Print information on standard output.
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterOutput
Print information on standard output.
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditStatus
Implement Print with our TGo4Log mechanism
options may be C for condition, S for stats and M for marker
or a combination of these. default is all.
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Parameter
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
Print(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Status
PrintAmpls() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Print value of all amplitude parameters.
PrintBar() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
Prints counters and bar.
PrintBar() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Prints counters and bar.
PrintBuffer(Text_t*,Int_t&,const Text_t*,...) - Static method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Status
Print text with variable expression into buffer.
PrintCondition(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
Calls Print for all conditions in the array.
PrintCondition(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Prints counters and boolean members.
PrintCondition(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CounterCond
PrintCondition(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCond
Printout values.
PrintCondition(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCond
PrintConditions() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisWindow
PrintConditions(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Print all condition counters to the terminal.
PrintConditions(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Print all condition counters to the terminal.
PrintConnyButton - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisWindow
PrintDynamicList() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Print entries of current dynamic list.
PrintDynamicList() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Print entries of current dynamic list.
PrintEvent() - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
Method called by the event owner (analysis step) to clear the
event element.
PrintEvent() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEvent
PrintEvent() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSubEvent
PrintEvent() - Method in class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleEvent
PrintEvent() - Method in class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleSubEvent
PrintEvent() - Method in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYRawEvent
PrintEvent() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisWindow
PrintEventButton - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisWindow
PrintEventSample() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoStatus
make event printout into textbuffer
PrintFolder(TFolder*,Option_t*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Printout all objects in folder fold on the terminal.
PrintFolder(TFolder*,Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectNames
Print names of the objects in given nameslist folder into buffer.
PrintHistoButton - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisWindow
PrintHistograms() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisWindow
PrintHistograms(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Printout of all histogram statistic counters on the terminal.
PrintHistograms(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Printout of all histogram statistic counters on the terminal.
PrintIndent(Text_t*,Int_t&) - Static method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Status
Insert indentation blanks into text buffer.
PrintLines() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Print amplitude, position and width for each model components
PrintMarker(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
If option is "go4log", print to TGo4Log::Message.
PrintParameter(Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessorParameter
basic method to printout status information
on stdout; to be overridden by specific subclass
PrintParameter(Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventSourceParameter
basic method to printout status information
on stdout; to be overridden by specific subclass
PrintParameter(Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventStoreParameter
basic method to printout status information
on stdout; to be overridden by specific subclass
PrintParameter(Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4BackStoreParameter
basic method to printout status information
on stdout; to be overridden by specific subclass
PrintParameter(Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStoreParameter
basic method to printout status information
on stdout; to be overridden by specific subclass
PrintParameter(Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFileParameter
basic method to printout status information
on stdout; to be overridden by specific subclass
PrintParameter(Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4RevServParameter
PrintParameter(Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeStoreParameter
basic method to printout status information
on stdout; to be overridden by specific subclass
PrintParameter(Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4UserSourceParameter
PrintParameter(Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4UserStoreParameter
basic method to printout status information
on stdout; to be overridden by specific subclass
PrintParameter(Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXControl
PrintParameter(Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXParam
PrintParameter(Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXCalibPar
PrintParameter(Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshParameter
PrintParameter(Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4FitterEnvelope
PrintParameter(Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Parameter
basic method to printout information
on stdout; to be overridden by specific
PrintPars() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Print only value and error of all parameters in list.
PrintPic(int) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
PrintResults() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Print result values to standard output.
PrintStatus(Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisClientStatus
basic method to printout status information
on stdout; to be overridden by specific subclass
PrintStatus(Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectNames
basic method to printout status information
on stdout; to be overridden by specific subclass
PrintStatus(Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
basic method to printout status information
on stdout; to be overridden by specific subclass
PrintStatus(Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepStatus
basic method to printout status information
on stdout; to be overridden by specific subclass
PrintStatus(Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4CanvasStatus
basic method to printout status information
on stdout; to be overridden by specific subclass
PrintStatus(Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4ConditionStatus
basic method to printout status information
on stdout; to be overridden by specific subclass
PrintStatus(Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4EventProcStatus
basic method to printout status information
on stdout; to be overridden by specific subclass
PrintStatus(Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4EventSourceStatus
basic method to printout status information
on stdout; to be overridden by specific subclass
PrintStatus(Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4EventStatus
basic method to printout status information
on stdout; to be overridden by specific subclass
PrintStatus(Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4EventStoreStatus
basic method to printout status information
on stdout; to be overridden by specific subclass
PrintStatus(Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
basic method to printout status information
on stdout; to be overridden by specific subclass
PrintStatus(Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4ParameterStatus
basic method to printout status information
on stdout; to be overridden by specific subclass
PrintStatus(Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4PictureStatus
basic method to printout status information
on stdout; to be overridden by specific subclass
PrintStatus(Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4BranchStatus
PrintStatus(Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4MemberStatus
PrintStatus(Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4ObjectStatus
basic method to printout status information
on stdout; to be overridden by specific
PrintStatus(Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Status
basic method to printout status information
on stdout; to be overridden by specific
PrintStatus(Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ClientStatus
basic method to printout status information
on stdout; to be overridden by specific
PrintStatus(Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerStatus
basic method to printout status information
on stdout; to be overridden by specific
PrintStatus(Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskStatus
basic method to printout status information
on stdout; to be overridden by specific
PrintStatus(Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleClientStatus
basic method to printout status information
on stdout; to be overridden by specific
PrintToLog() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoSlots
proc - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisWindow
Process() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
This method is meant to be called from a go4 cintserver macro
in an explicit event loop.
Process() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
The main analysis action which is invoked by the external
go4 analysis.
Process() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
Process the dynamic entry.
Process() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicList
Iterates all entries of the list and processes the objects, depending on coordinate values and analysis condition.
Process() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntry
Process the dynamic entry.
Process() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntry
Process the dynamic entry.
ProcessAnalysisSteps() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Uses the chain of analysis steps to process the first input
event into an output event which then is accessible at
the output event member.
ProcessAnalysisSteps() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
Uses the chain of analysis steps to process the first input
event into an output event which then is accessible at
the output event member.
ProcessDynamicList() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Loop over the dynamic list and process the actions
linked to the entries.
ProcessObjects(TObjArray*,Bool_t,Bool_t,TObjArray*,TObjArray*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
ProcessScriptExecution() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
ProcessTree(Int_t) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntry
Process the last "times" events in the tree.
ProduceAnalysisSetupScript(ofstream&,TGo4AnalysisConfiguration*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
ProduceScales(const Int_t*,const Double_t*,const Double_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
Converts scale values.
PropertyIndex - class Go4GUI.PropertyIndex
ui.h extension file, included from the uic-generated form implementation.

ProtectFolder(TFolder*,const Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Change protection properties of all objects in this folder as specified.
ProtectObject(TObject*,const Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Change protection properties of object name as specified.
ProtectObjects(const Text_t*,const Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Change protection properties of object name as specified.
ProtectObjects(const Text_t*,const Option_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Change protection properties of object name as specified.
ProvideLastDrawObjects(TObjArray&) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Copy pointer on drawn object after last command to specified TObjArray.
ps_bufhe - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_evt_channel
ps_tag - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_evt_channel
ps_taghe - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_evt_channel
ps_ve10_1 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_evt_channel
PutStats(Stat_t*) - Method in class TH1
PutToFolder(TObject*,TFolder*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Method used by both LoadFolder variants to assign object ob into destination
folder by object type.


QComandsHistory - class Go4GUI.QComandsHistory
QComandsHistory(QWidget*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.QComandsHistory
QFitItem - class Go4FitGUI.QFitItem
QFitItem(TGo4FitPanelSlots*,QFitItem*,TObject*,int,int,int,int,int) - Constructor for class Go4FitGUI.QFitItem
QFitItem(TGo4FitPanelSlots*,QListView*,TObject*,int,int,int,int,int) - Constructor for class Go4FitGUI.QFitItem
QRootApplication - class qtroot.interface.QRootApplication
QRootApplication(int,char**,int) - Constructor for class qtroot.interface.QRootApplication
QTFrame - class qtroot.interface.QTFrame
Main Qt&Root Application Frame Window:

Can be used internaly by ROOT itself if the user wants
a customize Qt-based Canvas implementation as defaults
qtroot - package qtroot
qtroot - Class Diagram in qtroot
qtroot.interface - package qtroot.interface
QUERY - Variable in class RawAPI.ACTION
QUERY_ARCHIVE - Variable in class RawAPI.ACTION
QUERY_POOL - Variable in class RawAPI.ACTION
QUERY_REMOVE - Variable in class RawAPI.ACTION
QUERY_REMOVE_MGR - Variable in class RawAPI.ACTION
QUERY_RETRIEVE - Variable in class RawAPI.ACTION
QUERY_STAGE - Variable in class RawAPI.ACTION
QUERY_UNSTAGE - Variable in class RawAPI.ACTION
querySubControlMetrics(ComplexControl,const QWidget*,SubControl,const QStyleOption&) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.NorwegianWoodStyle
Quit() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ClientTask
Quit the client; method to be called from
command object, may be overridden in user
Quit() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
Quit method used by quit command; may be overridden
in special application
Quit() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
Quit the client; method to be called from
command object, may be overridden in user
Quit() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskOwner
Quit this instance and the owned task;
method to be called from
command object, may be overridden in user
quit() - Method in class qtroot.interface.QRootApplication


r_binsize - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_his_head
r_binsize - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_spe
r_binsize_2 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_his_head
r_binsize_2 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_spe
r_factor - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_his_head
r_factor - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_spe
r_factor_2 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_his_head
r_factor_2 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_spe
r_limits_low - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_his_head
r_limits_low - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_spe
r_limits_low_2 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_his_head
r_limits_low_2 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_spe
r_limits_up - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_his_head
r_limits_up - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_spe
r_limits_up_2 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_his_head
r_limits_up_2 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_spe
r_offset - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_his_head
r_offset - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_spe
r_offset_2 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_his_head
r_offset_2 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_spe
r_x - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_head
r_x1 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_head
r_x2 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_head
r_xmax - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_pol
r_xmax - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_win
r_xmin - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_pol
r_xmin - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_win
r_y - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_head
r_y1 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_head
r_y2 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_head
r_ymax - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_pol
r_ymax - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_win
r_ymin - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_pol
r_ymin - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_win
ra_f - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_pol
ra_o - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_pol
ra_x - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_pol
ra_x1 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_pol
ra_x2 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_pol
ra_y - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_pol
ra_y1 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_pol
ra_y2 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_pol
rand_event(long) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsRandom
RatioValue() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitAssignment
RawAPI - package RawAPI
RawAPI - Class Diagram in RawAPI
ReachEnd() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
Checks, if iterator already reach end of data object.
READ_FROM_CACHE - Variable in class RawAPI.ACTION
Read(const char*) - Method in class TBuffer
ReadArray(Bool_t*&) - Method in class TBuffer
ReadArray(Char_t*&) - Method in class TBuffer
ReadArray(Double_t*&) - Method in class TBuffer
ReadArray(Float_t*&) - Method in class TBuffer
ReadArray(Int_t*&) - Method in class TBuffer
ReadArray(Long_t*&) - Method in class TBuffer
ReadArray(Short_t*&) - Method in class TBuffer
ReadArray(UChar_t*&) - Method in class TBuffer
ReadArray(UInt_t*&) - Method in class TBuffer
ReadArray(ULong_t*&) - Method in class TBuffer
ReadArray(UShort_t*&) - Method in class TBuffer
readBookmarks() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4HelpWindow
ReadBuf(void*,Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
ReadClass(const TClass*,UInt_t*) - Method in class TBuffer
ReadCurrentPoint() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataGraphIter
ReadCurrentPoint() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataHistogramIter
ReadCurrentPoint() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
Perform specific actions to read all values from data object.
ReadCurrentPoint() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataProfileIter
ReadCurrentPoint() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataRidgeIter
ReadDatabase() - Method in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXCalibPar
ReadFastArray(Bool_t*,Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
ReadFastArray(Char_t*,Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
ReadFastArray(Double_t*,Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
ReadFastArray(Float_t*,Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
ReadFastArray(Int_t*,Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
ReadFastArray(Long_t*,Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
ReadFastArray(Short_t*,Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
ReadFastArray(UChar_t*,Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
ReadFastArray(UInt_t*,Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
ReadFastArray(ULong_t*,Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
ReadFastArray(UShort_t*,Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
readFromStderr() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisWindow
readHistory() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4HelpWindow
ReadHistorySize() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisWindow
ReadObject(const TClass*) - Method in class TBuffer
ReadObjectAny(const TClass*) - Method in class TBuffer
ReadStaticArray(Bool_t*) - Method in class TBuffer
ReadStaticArray(Char_t*) - Method in class TBuffer
ReadStaticArray(Double_t*) - Method in class TBuffer
ReadStaticArray(Float_t*) - Method in class TBuffer
ReadStaticArray(Int_t*) - Method in class TBuffer
ReadStaticArray(Long_t*) - Method in class TBuffer
ReadStaticArray(Short_t*) - Method in class TBuffer
ReadStaticArray(UChar_t*) - Method in class TBuffer
ReadStaticArray(UInt_t*) - Method in class TBuffer
ReadStaticArray(ULong_t*) - Method in class TBuffer
ReadStaticArray(UShort_t*) - Method in class TBuffer
ReadString(char*,Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
ReadVersion(UInt_t*,UInt_t*) - Method in class TBuffer
Realloc(TBuffer*,Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Queue.TGo4BufferQueue
Reallocate buffer of TBuffer to newsize.
ReAllocate(Int_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSubEvent
Allocate the data field with newsize.
ReAllocate(Int_t) - Method in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYRawEvent
Expand data field if necessary
ReallocBuffer(TBuffer*,Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Socket.TGo4Socket
Reallocate the fixed input buffer if necessary
Rebin(Int_t,const char*) - Method in class TH1
RebinAxis(Axis_t,Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
Rebuild(Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
RebuildAll(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Update all data objects and model components acording to current parameters values.
RebuildShape(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Recalculates shape of object.
RecalculateGaussWidth() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
ReceiveBuffer() - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4ObjClient
Receive root buffer containing requested object
ReceiveBuffer() - Method in class Go4Socket.TGo4Socket
Receive raw buffer and fill the internal TBuffer of this socket instance
with it.
ReceiveObject() - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4ObjClient
Receive root object streamed from server
RecList - Variable in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4SubmittedCommandsEntry
ReCreate() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Thread
Stops old Runnable;
Creates new TThread of same Runnable and name;
cancels old Thread
ReCreate(const char*) - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadHandler
ReCreate (Cancel and Create) all Threads in the thread list.
ReCreateAll() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadHandler
Recreate all Threads in the thread list.
Recv(const char*) - Method in class Go4Socket.TGo4Socket
RecvRaw(const char*) - Method in class Go4Socket.TGo4Socket
RedirectIO() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4CommandRunnable
for error in socket: redirect cout/cerr to dummy buffer to
avoid trouble if client is running in dying QProcess
ReDirectObject(const char*,TGo4SlotsBaseClass*,bool,TQRootCanvas*,TPad*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
This can be used to redirect any object send from the analysis to the GUI,

if this method is called more than once with the same object name but different

receivers or canvases, then new entries will be generated in the registry and the

remote object will be delivered to the different receivers or canvases.
RedrawAllLabels(TVirtualPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
In case of histogram redraw, restore all
markers and region labels for pad
RefHelpSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
Refresh(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4RemoteBrowserSlots
RefreshLibs() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4LoadedLibrariesSlots
RefreshListOfPads() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelStatus
Test: reassign ids for all objects in refarray of pads
RefuseCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisCommand
Optional action if command is not allowed (warning message e.g.)
RefuseCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
Optional action if command is not allowed (warning message e.g.)
RefuseCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerCommand
Optional action if command is not allowed (warning message e.g.)
Register(const char*,TGo4CommandReceiver*) - Static method in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4CommandInvoker
RegisterDependentClass(TGo4SlotsBaseClass*,const char*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
RegisterSlotClass(TGo4SlotsBaseClass*,TGo4Status*,QWidget*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
RegisterWindowEditSlots(TGo4WindowEditSlots*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
ReleaseAllPointers() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Release all memory, allocated for buffers.
RememberPars() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Restore parameters values, which were stored by MemorizePars() routine;
RememberValue() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
Restore value, which was previosly memorized.
RememberViewpanelSize(TGo4PreviewPanel*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
RemoteInfoSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
RemoteListContent - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4RemoteBrowserStatus
RemoteListStatus(TFolder*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4RemoteBrowserStatus
RemoteSelectionChanged(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4RemoteBrowserSlots
RemoteTreeDraw(const char*,const char*,const char*,const char*,const char*,const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4TreeViewerSlots
REMOVE - Variable in class RawAPI.ACTION
REMOVE_MGR - Variable in class RawAPI.ACTION
RemoveAllClients() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
Remove all connected client task from this server
RemoveAllDrawObjects(bool) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
RemoveAllPars() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Clear all buffers, allocated during initialization.
RemoveAmpl() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Remove amplitude parameter from parameters list.
RemoveAnalysisCondition(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Removes analysis condition from list by name.
RemoveAnalysisCondition(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Removes analysis condition from list by name.
RemoveAnalysisCondition(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessor
UnRegister condition from go4 framework and delete it.
RemoveCanvas(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Removes TCanvas by name.
RemoveCanvas(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Removes TCanvas by name.
RemoveCanvas(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessor
UnRegister canvas from go4 framework and delete it.
RemoveCanvasEntries(TQRootCanvas*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4SubmittedCommandsEntry
RemoveClient(const char*,Bool_t,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
Remove the client task specified by name from this server.
RemoveClientSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
RemoveCommand(const char*) - Method in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4CommandProtoList
removes command from list
RemoveCurrentClient() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
removes the currently active client from server (disconnect)
RemoveData(const char*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Remove data object from fitter.
RemoveDynamicEntry(const Text_t*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Remove entry of that name from dynamic list of listname.
RemoveDynamicEntry(const Text_t*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Remove entry of that name from dynamic list of listname.
RemoveDynamicList(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Remove reference to dynamic list of name from go4 folder structure.
RemoveDynamicList(TGo4DynamicList*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Remove reference to dynamic list from go4 folder structure.
RemoveEventProcessor(TGo4EventProcessor*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Remove reference to event processor from go4 folder structure.
RemoveEventProcessor(TGo4EventProcessor*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Remove reference to event processor from go4 folder structure.
RemoveEventSource(TGo4EventSource*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Remove reference to event source from go4 folder structure.
RemoveEventSource(TGo4EventSource*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Remove reference to event source from go4 folder structure.
RemoveEventStore(TGo4EventStore*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Remove reference to event store from go4 folder structure.
RemoveEventStore(TGo4EventStore*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Remove reference to event store from go4 folder structure.
RemoveEventStructure(TGo4EventElement*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Remove reference to event structure from go4 folder structure.
RemoveEventStructure(TGo4EventElement*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Remove reference to event structure from go4 folder structure.
RemoveFromDir(TFolder*,TDirectory*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Remove all objects in folder fold from directory dir, recursively.
RemoveFromFileListStatus(TNamed*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserStatus
RemoveFromSubmittedList(const char*,TGo4SlotsBaseClass*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
this will remove the all entries of submitted commands of the Object "Name" having "p" as reciver
from the registry
RemoveFromSubmittedList(const char*,TQRootCanvas*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
this will remove the all entries of submitted commands of the Object "Name" having "c" as reciver
from the registry
RemoveFromSubmittedList(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
this will remove the all entries of submitted commands of the Object "Name" from the registry
RemoveFromSubmittedList(TGo4SubmittedCommandsEntry*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
RemoveHistogram(const Text_t*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Removes histogram from histogram dir by name.
RemoveHistogram(const Text_t*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Removes histogram from histogram dir by name.
RemoveHistogram(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessor
UnRegister histogram from go4 framework and delete it.
RemoveModel(const char*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Remove model component from fitter.
RemoveMonitoredObject(TObject*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredListStatus
RemoveObject(const Text_t*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Removes object from user object folder by name.
RemoveObject(const Text_t*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Removes object from user object folder by name.
RemoveObjectFromAnalysis(QListViewItem*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4RemoteBrowserSlots
RemoveObjectFromFolder(const Text_t*,TFolder*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Remove object specified by full name ("subfolder/subssubfolder/name") from folder fold.
RemoveObjectfromLocalList(TObject*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserStatus
RemovePad(TPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelStatus
Remove pad and corresponding options from list
RemovePanelFromSlotsStatusList(TGo4PreviewPanel*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
RemovePar(const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Remove parameter from list with given name.
RemovePar(TGo4FitParameter*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Remove parameter from list.
RemoveParameter(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Removes parameter by name.
RemoveParameter(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Removes parameter by name.
RemoveParameter(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessor
UnRegister parameter from go4 framework and delete it.
RemoveParByIndex(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
RemovePicture(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Removes picture by name.
RemovePicture(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Removes picture by name.
RemovePicture(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessor
UnRegister picture from go4 framework and delete it.
RemovePrimitives(TObject*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
RemovePrimitivesFor(TObject*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitSlotStatus
RemoveRangeCondition(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Removes specified range condition.
RemoveRangeCut(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Delete range cut with specified index.
RemoveRecvEntry(TGo4RecieverInfo*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4SubmittedCommandsEntry
RemoveRedirectEntry(const char*,TGo4SlotsBaseClass*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
this will remove the all redirections to the receiver "p"
RemoveRedirectEntry(const char*,TQRootCanvas*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
this will remove the all redirections to the receiver "c"
RemoveRedirectEntry(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
this will remove the all redirections of the Object "Name" from the registry
RemoveResult(TGo4FitMinuitResult*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuit
Remove result from results list and delete it.
RemoveSlotEntries(TGo4SlotsBaseClass*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4SubmittedCommandsEntry
RemoveSubPads(TPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelStatus
Remove all subpads of pad from padarray; remove corresponding padoptions, too
RemoveTaskHandler(const char*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskManager
removes task handler from array by name
RemoveThread(const char*) - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadHandler
Remove thread by name
from Thread List
RemoveTree(TTree*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Remove reference to a tree in the go4 folder structure.
RemoveTree(TTree*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Remove reference to a tree in the go4 folder structure.
RemoveViewPanel(TGo4PreviewPanel*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
framework calls this method when view was deleted.
RemoveWidgetFromListStack() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
RePaintLabel(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4LabelPainter
refresh painting of label with current attributes
ReplaceAction(TGo4FitterAction*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Shift action in action list upward (dir=-1) or downward (dir=+1).
RequestNamesList(const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4ObjClient
Get nameslist object from client.
basename, password,host and portnumber may be specified at any time new
if left out (default), the previously stored values are used
RequestObject(const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4ObjClient
Get object by name from client.
basename, password, host and portnumber may be specified at any time new
if left out (default), the previously stored values are used
RequestTerminate() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisWindow
ReserveArrays(Int_t,Int_t,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
Reserve buffers for indexes, scales and width values.
Reset() - Method in class TBuffer
Reset() - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4Ratemeter
Update counter and rate values.
Reset() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
Resets this entry to an initial status.
Reset() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicList
Resets this entry to an initial status.
Reset() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntry
Resets this entry to an initial status.
Reset() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntry
Resets this entry to an initial status.
Reset() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4BackStore
Dynamic list might reset backstore after processing
Reset() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
Reset() - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
Reset(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
Initialize iterator and positioning pointer on first point.
Reset(Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
ResetAllPoinetrs() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Clears (sets to 0) all pointers, used for buffer allocations.
ResetBackStores() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Clear previous events of backstore tree.
ResetBackStores() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Reset all registered backstore instances.Called by dynamic list processing.
ResetCounts() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
Calls ResetCounts for all conditions (multi edit mode) or for currently selected (single edit mode)
ResetCounts() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Clear counters
ResetCurrentDynList() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Reset the current dynamic list.
ResetEnterPressed() - Method in class Go4GUI.QComandsHistory
ResetErrorStop() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Reset the stopped-after-error state of this
analysis step object.
ResetFillColors(TVirtualPad*,Color_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
For canvas saving: reset all fill colors of pad to existing root color
ResetIterator() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicList
Resets internal list iterator.
ResetIterator() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEvent
Set the internal iterator of the subevent array to the beginning of
the array.
ResetIterator() - Method in class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleEvent
Set the internal iterator of the subevent array to the beginning of
the array.
ResetLabel() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Will reset label position to defaults
ResetLabel() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
Will reset label position to defaults
ResetLabel() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCondView
Will reset label position to defaults
ResetLabel() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCondView
Will reset label position to defaults
ResetMap() - Method in class TBuffer
ResetNames() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntryStatus
ResetNames() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntryStatus
ResetNames() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus
ResetPadOptionsList() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelStatus
ResetParameterList() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
Reset iterator of TGo4Parameter subclass list
ResetPickCounter() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
ResetRemoteObj(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserSlots
ResetRemoteObj(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredListSlots
ResetRemoteObj(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4RemoteBrowserSlots
ResetStepIterator() - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
Resize(Option_t*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
resizeEvent(QResizeEvent*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4QRootCanvas
resizeEvent(QResizeEvent*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
ResizeOpaque(Int_t) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
ResortIndexes(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGaussN
Checks duplicates in axis numbers, associated to different gaussian dimensions.
leaveaixs (if specified) sets dimension number, which will be unchanged.
RestartAnalysisSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
RestartMain() - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
Restart the main thread; method to be called from
command, should be overridden in user implementation
RestartMain() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Slave
Restart the main thread; method to be called from
command, should be overridden in user
RestartMain() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
Restart the main thread; method to be called from
command, should be overridden in user
RestoreHistogramRanges(TH1*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCond
Restore original ranges of current histo.
RestoreInfo() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4LogInfoSlots
ResultValue() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditStatus
Return values for currently set condition:
Resume() - Method in class Go4ProfileTimer.TGo4ProfileTimer
RETR_CLIENT - Variable in class RawAPI.RETR_DEVICE
RETRIEVE - Variable in class RawAPI.ACTION
RETRIEVE_STAGE - Variable in class RawAPI.ACTION
ro - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGauss2
Temporary variable for EvalN() function.
RootBranchName - Variable in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QBranchItem
RootLeafName - Variable in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QLeafItem
RootMem - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserSlots
ROOTPeakFinder(TGo4Fitter*,TGo4FitData*,Int_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
rtimer - Variable in class qtroot.interface.QRootApplication
Run(void*) - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisMainRunnable
Run(void*) - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisWatchRunnable
Run(void*) - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HisConnectorRunnable
Run(void*) - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4ObjConnectorRunnable
Run(void*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4CommandRunnable
Run(void*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ConnectorRunnable
Run(void*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4DataRunnable
Run(void*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4LocalCommandRunnable
Run(void*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4StatusRunnable
Run(void*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerRunnable
Run(void*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ControllerRunnable
Run(void*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4LoggingRunnable
Run(void*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4MainRunnable
Run(void*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4WatchRunnable
Run(void*) - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Runnable
The working function which runs in the
Run(void*) - Method in class Go4ThreadManagerExample.TGo4TestRunnable
The working function which runs in the
RunDependenciesList(TObjArray&,Double_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Execute dependency equations.
RunImplicitLoop(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Processes the UserEventFunc in an implicit loop for "times" times.


s_bufhe - class MbsAPI.s_bufhe
s_bufhe_1 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_evt_channel
s_clnt_filter - class MbsAPI.s_clnt_filter
s_clntbuf - class MbsAPI.s_clntbuf
s_comm_message - class MbsAPI.s_comm_message
s_comm_portserv - class MbsAPI.s_comm_portserv
s_compress - class MbsAPI.s_compress
s_daqst - class MbsAPI.s_daqst
S_dsmObjName - class RawAPI.S_dsmObjName
s_errstat - class MbsAPI.s_errstat
s_errstat_1 - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_head
s_evhe - class MbsAPI.s_evhe
s_evt_channel - class MbsAPI.s_evt_channel
s_filhe - class MbsAPI.s_filhe
s_filter - class MbsAPI.s_filter
s_flt_descr - class MbsAPI.s_flt_descr
s_head - class MbsAPI.s_head
s_his_comm - class MbsAPI.s_his_comm
s_his_head - class MbsAPI.s_his_head
s_opc1 - class MbsAPI.s_opc1
s_pat1 - class MbsAPI.s_pat1
s_pat2 - class MbsAPI.s_pat2
s_pat3 - class MbsAPI.s_pat3
s_pol - class MbsAPI.s_pol
s_set_ml - class MbsAPI.s_set_ml
s_setup - class MbsAPI.s_setup
s_spe - class MbsAPI.s_spe
s_strings - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_filhe
s_tag - class MbsAPI.s_tag
s_taghe - class MbsAPI.s_taghe
s_tcpcomm - class MbsAPI.s_tcpcomm
s_ve10_1 - class MbsAPI.s_ve10_1
s_ves10_1 - class MbsAPI.s_ves10_1
s_win - class MbsAPI.s_win
SaveAnalysisWindow() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
SaveConfFile(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationSlots
SaveConfiguration() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationSlots
SaveFileSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
SaveFolder(TFolder*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Save this folder as a new subdirectory (TDirectory) of the current directory
i.e. the currently open file.
SaveLabelStyle() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
This will save draw flags into static default setup
SaveLabelStyle() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
This will save draw flags into static default setup
SaveLabelStyle() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCondView
This will save draw flags into static default setup
SaveLabelStyle() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCondView
This will save draw flags into static default setup
SaveLogSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
SaveMacro() - Method in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXControl
SaveMarkerSetup(const Text_t*,const Text_t*,TVirtualPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
Save status of current viewpanel markers to root file filename.
optionally, name of setup statusname may be defined
SaveObject(TObject*,const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserSlots
Save object ob to a root file.
SaveObjects(TFile*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Save folder structure to given file.
saveOptions() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
SavePrimitive(ofstream&,Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
SaveSource(const char*,Option_t*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
SaveStatus(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Save current analysis settings into file of given name.
SaveToFile(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4LogInfoSlots
SaveWithReferences() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
Scale(Double_t) - Method in class TH1
ScaleOptionsSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
Scales() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
Return scale values for current data points.
ScalesSize() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
Return size (number) of scale values for each data point.
ScanCutG(TVirtualPad*,TGo4PolyCond*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
Scan pad for a newly created CutG and put it into
a polygon condition toupdate.
ScanGo4Folder(TFolder*,const char*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4MbsHist
Scan go4 folders containing histograms and subfolders of histograms
header information is exctracted to buffer. filter may be applied
ScanMarkers(TVirtualPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
Scan all Markers in pad and add new ones to lists.
ScanPictureForObjRef(TGo4Picture*,bool) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QPicItem
sComm - Variable in class RawAPI.srawCliActionComm
sCommAPI - Variable in class RawAPI.srawAPIFile
sCommServ - Variable in class RawAPI.srawAPIFile
scrollToTop() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisWindow
sDataMoverAttr - Variable in class RawAPI.srawDataMover
selectedURL - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4HelpWindow
SelectedWidgetID() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
Send(const char*) - Method in class Go4Socket.TGo4Socket
Send(TObject*) - Method in class Go4Socket.TGo4Socket
SendAnalysisClientStatus() - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
Send a complete status object of the analysis client via
the status queue.
SendAnalysisObject(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
Fetch object of name from analysis instance and put
it into the data queue of the client.
SendAnalysisStatus() - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
Send a complete status object of the analysis via
the status queue.
SendApplyCommand() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntrySlots
Send command to analysis that applies our settings on
the dynamic entry under editing
SendApplyCommand() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditSlots
Send command to analysis that applies our settings on
the dynamic entry under editing
SendBuffer(TBuffer*) - Method in class Go4Socket.TGo4Socket
Send raw buffer of external TBuffer object.
SendCommand(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4ObjClient
Send (command) string to server.
SendConditionEditCommand() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ConditionInfoSlots
Send command to analysis to get back
the condition in the editor.
SendConditionInfoCommand() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ConditionInfoSlots
Send command to analysis to get back
the status of the conditin under edit
SendConditionPrintCommand() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ConditionInfoSlots
Send command to analysis to printout condition
list in the analysis terminal
SendData(TNamed*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleApplication
put named data object into the current data queue;
will be sent to the gui server
SendDynListPrintCommand() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntrySlots
Send command to analysis to printout dynamic list
status in the analysis terminal
SendGetCurrentEventCommand() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoSlots
SendHistogramClearCommand() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntrySlots
Send command to analysis to clear the target histogram
SendHistogramInfoCommand() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4HistogramInfoSlots
Send command to analysis to get back
the status of the histogram under edit
SendHistogramPrintCommand() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntrySlots
Send command to analysis to printout histogram
list in the analysis terminal
SendHistogramPrintCommand() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4HistogramInfoSlots
Send command to analysis to printout histogram
list in the analysis terminal
SendHistogramRequestCommand() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4HistogramInfoSlots
Send command to analysis to get back
the current histogram for drawing
SendMessageToGUI(Int_t,Bool_t,const char*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Send message string in a status object to the gui.
SendNamesList() - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
Send the list of object names (folder structure) as status object to the gui.
SendNewConditionCommand(const Text_t*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntrySlots
Send command to create new condition name of classname
SendObject(TObject*,const char*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Slave
Send object via data channel to the server.
SendObject(TObject*,const char*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
Send object via data channel to the master.
SendObject(TObject*) - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
Send object to the current object client.
SendObjectToGUI(TNamed*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
User May send any named object via data channel to the gui.
SendObjectToGUI(TNamed*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessor
Send any object as copy to gui.
SendRefreshCommand() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntrySlots
Send command to refresh our copy of the entry status
by getting the dynamic entry from analysis again
SendRefreshCommand() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditSlots
Send command to refresh our copy of the entry status
by getting the dynamic entry from analysis again
SendRefreshCommand(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
SendResetBackStoreCommand() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntrySlots
Send command to analysis to reset all backstore trees
SendSetDynListIntervalCommand(Int_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntrySlots
Send new dynlist inteval value to analysis.
SendSetPrintEventCommand() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoSlots
SendStatus(TGo4Status*,const char*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
Send status object via status channel to the master.
SendStatus(TGo4Status*,const char*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Slave
Send status object via status channel to the server.
SendStatus(TGo4Status*,const char*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
Send status object via status channel to the master.
SendStatusBuffer() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
Send internal status buffer to the master(s).
SendStatusBuffer() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Slave
Send internal status buffer to the server.
SendStatusBuffer() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
Send internal status buffer to the master(s).
SendStatusMessage(Int_t,Bool_t,const char*,...) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Slave
Send message string in a status object to the gui.
SendStatusMessage(Int_t,Bool_t,const char*,...) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
Send message string in a status object to the gui.
SendStopBuffers(const char*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
Send message buffers with stop values into queues and
via socket connections.
SendToLocalList() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredListSlots
SendUpdateCommand(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
SergeyLinevPeakFinder(TGo4Fitter*,TGo4FitData*,Int_t,Double_t,Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
Perform simple peak finder algorithm.
ServeClient() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskManager
used by connector runnable to wait for a client connect/disonnect request
ServeObjectClient() - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
Used by object connector runnable to serve client request
ServerLogin(TGo4Socket*,Go4CommandMode_t) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Negotiate login to requested server channel with account type
ServerRequest(const char*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
request to server at host to connect or disconnect us, returns negotiation channel
set_trace_level(int) - Static method in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
dummy for compatibility
Set(const char*,const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterOutput
Set command name and options (if required).
Set(Int_t,Short_t,Short_t,Short_t,Char_t,Char_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSubEvent
Set(Int_t,Short_t,Short_t,Short_t,Short_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEvent
Set0MaxAmplFactor(Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
Set0MaxWidth(Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
Set0MinWidth(Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
Set1LineWidth(Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
Set2ChannelSum(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
Set2NoiseFactor(Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
Set2NoiseMinimum(Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
SetAborting(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
sets the internal aborting state of this taskhandler instance;
will be checked before an exception tries to cancel this taskhandler
SetActiveFile(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserStatus
SetActiveFile(TFile*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserStatus
SetActivePad(void*,int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
SetActiveTree(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserStatus
SetActiveTree(TTree*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserStatus
SetAdminAccount(const char*,const char*) - Static method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Specify login name and password for administrator account.
SetAdministratorPassword(const char*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Specify password for administrator account.
SetAmplError(Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Set error of amplitude parameter.
SetAmplIndex(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Set index of amplitude parameter.
SetAmplValue(Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Set value of amplitude parameter.
SetAnalysisClient(TGo4AnalysisClient*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Register analysis client if running in gui mode.
SetAnalysisCondition(const Text_t*,TGo4Condition*,Bool_t,TFolder*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Set existing analysis condition of name to the values
of external condition object con.
SetAnalysisCondition(const Text_t*,TGo4Condition*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Set existing analysis condition of name to the values
of external condition object con.
SetAnalysisConfigMode(int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
SetAnalysisReady(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
SetAnalysisTerminalMode(int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
SetAnaSettingsReady(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
SetAnaylsisStatus(TGo4AnalysisStatus*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationStatus
SetApplicationRun(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4AppControlTimer
Switches between blocking and non blocking mode of the timer.
SetArgs(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYEventSource
SetAsActiveFile(bool) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QFileItem
SetAsDefaultValues(int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4CreateNewHistogramSlots
SetAutoFileName(const char*) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComAutosave
SetAutoFileName(const char*) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
SetAutoSave(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
enable/disable functionality of AutoSave method
SetAutoSave(Int_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStore
Set the tree autosave byte interval.
SetAutoSave(Int_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MainTree
Set the tree autosave byte interval.
SetAutoSaveCompression(Int_t) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComAutosave
SetAutoSaveCompression(Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
SetAutoSaveFile(const Text_t*,Bool_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Set file for autosave action.
SetAutoSaveFileChange(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Set analysis in mode where autosave file switches for each new input file
SetAutoSaveInterval(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Set time interval (in s) for autosave action.
SetAutoSaveInterval(Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
SetAutoSaveInterval(int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationSlots
SetAutoSaveOn(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
SetAutoSaveOn(bool) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationSlots
SetAutoSaveOverwrite(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComAutosave
SetAutoSaveOverwrite(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
SetAutoSaveOverwrite(bool) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationSlots
SetAutoSavePath(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationStatus
SetAutosaveSize(Int_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStoreParameter
SetAutoScale(bool) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
SetAxis(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitLinearTrans
SetAxisColor(Color_t,Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
SetAxisForIndex(Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGaussN
Change axis number for specified index (dimension) of gaussian.
SetAxisNumbers(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGaussN
Sets number of axises (dimensions), where gaussian will be build.
SetAxisRange(Axis_t,Axis_t,Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
SetAxisTrans(Int_t,TGo4FitAxisTrans*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Sets transformation object for given slot.
SetAxisTransNeeded(Int_t,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Specified, when iNeeded = kTRUE, that trsnaformation object should always be provided to data.
SetBackgroundGroupIndex() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Set group index to background (index=0).
SetBarOffset(Float_t) - Method in class TH1
SetBarWidth(Float_t) - Method in class TH1
SetBase(const char*) - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4ObjClient
SetBaseName(const char*) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComStartHistoServ
set the database name.
SetBatch(Bool_t) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
SetBinContent(Int_t,Int_t,Int_t,Stat_t) - Method in class TH1
SetBinContent(Int_t,Int_t,Stat_t) - Method in class TH1
SetBinContent(Int_t,Stat_t) - Method in class TH1
SetBinError(Int_t,Int_t,Int_t,Stat_t) - Method in class TH1
SetBinError(Int_t,Int_t,Stat_t) - Method in class TH1
SetBinError(Int_t,Stat_t) - Method in class TH1
SetBins(Int_t,Axis_t,Axis_t,Int_t,Axis_t,Axis_t,Int_t,Axis_t,Axis_t) - Method in class TH1
SetBins(Int_t,Axis_t,Axis_t,Int_t,Axis_t,Axis_t) - Method in class TH1
SetBins(Int_t,Axis_t,Axis_t) - Method in class TH1
SetBinsLength(Int_t) - Method in class TH1
SetBlocked() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
Blocks parameter value.
SetBuffer(Int_t,Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
SetBuffer(void*,UInt_t,Bool_t) - Method in class TBuffer
SetBufferDisplacement() - Method in class TBuffer
SetBufferDisplacement(Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
SetBufferOffset(Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
SetBufsize(Int_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4BackStoreParameter
SetBufsize(Int_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStoreParameter
SetByteCount(UInt_t,Bool_t) - Method in class TBuffer
SetCalibration(TGo4EventCalibration*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessor
Sets reference to external raw event which is used by
the concrete processor to unpack the interesting
SetCanvas(const Text_t*,TGo4CanvasStatus*,TFolder*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Set existing picture of name to the values
of external CanvasStatus object.
SetCanvas(const Text_t*,TGo4CanvasStatus*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Set existing picture of name to the values
of external CanvasStatus object.
SetCanvas(TCanvas*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredObject
SetCanvas(TCanvas*) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4CanvasWrapper
setCanvas(TQRootCanvas*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.QTFrame
SetCanvasSize(UInt_t,UInt_t) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQCanvasImp
Set the Canvas size
SetCanvasSize(UInt_t,UInt_t) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
SetCanvasStatus(TCanvas*) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetCanvas
extract status from external canvas can
SetCanvasStatus(TGo4CanvasStatus*) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetCanvas
SetCaption(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4LabelPainter
SetCast(const Text_t*,Long_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
Set the correct downcasted pointer of data at address.
SetCDataX(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus
SetCDataY(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus
SetCellContent(Int_t,Int_t,Stat_t) - Method in class TH1
SetCellError(Int_t,Int_t,Stat_t) - Method in class TH1
SetCentralMode(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditStatus
SetCentralWindow(QWidget*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
SetCEvX(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus
SetCEvY(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus
SetChanged(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
SetCintMode(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
SetClearModels(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
SetClient(const char*) - Method in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComRemoveClient
Specify the name of the client to be removed
SetClientDir(const char*) - Method in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComLaunchClient
Specify the name of the client directory
SetClientExecutable(const char*) - Method in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComLaunchClient
Specify name of executable program on client side
SetClientHost(const char*) - Method in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComLaunchClient
Specify the hostname of the client process
SetClientMode(Int_t) - Method in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComLaunchClient
Specify client mode (meaning defined by taskhandler user, i.e. analysisclient in go4)
SetClientName(const char*) - Method in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComLaunchClient
Specify the name of the client to be launched
SetClientNode(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
SetClientPassword(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
SetClientProgram(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
SetClientRole(Int_t) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
SetClientShell(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
SetCMaxDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
SetCMaxDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
SetCMaxDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCondView
SetCMaxDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCondView
SetCMaxDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
SetCoef(Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitLinearTrans
SetCoefB(Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitLinearTrans
SetCoefByPoints(Double_t,Double_t,Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitLinearTrans
SetCoefByRange(Int_t,Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitLinearTrans
SetCoefK(Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitLinearTrans
SetColor(Color_t,Width_t) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIDraw
SetCommand(const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterOutput
Sets command name.
SetComposite(TGo4CompositeEvent*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QFileItem
SetCompression(Int_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStore
Set the file compression level.
SetCompression(Int_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStoreParameter
SetCompression(Int_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeStore
Set the file compression level.
SetCompressionLevel(int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationSlots
SetCondition(TGo4Condition*) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetCondition
SetCondition(TGo4Condition*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4ConditionPainter
Not inline, because we overwrite this for polygon condition.
SetCondition(TGo4Condition*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCondPainter
SetCondition(TGo4Condition*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntryStatus
SetCondition(TGo4Condition*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
SetCondition(TGo4Condition*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditStatus
Replace edited condition by new one
SetCondition(TGo4PolyCond*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCondView
SetCondition(TGo4WinCond*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCondView
SetConditionClass(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ConditionInfoSlots
SetConditionClass(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntrySlots
SetConditionEnabled(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus
SetConditionName(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
Set name of the external condition to be referenced.
SetConditionName(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntryStatus
SetConditionName(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus
SetConditionYEnabled(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus
SetConEventName(UInt_t,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
Set Name of the eventstructure object that is to be
tested by the condition for axis number ix. ix is 0 for x-axis,
1 for y-axis, etc.
SetConEventName(UInt_t,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntryStatus
SetConEventNames(TString*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntryStatus
SetConfigFileName(const char*) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
SetConfigPath(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationStatus
SetConnect(TGo4Socket*,const char*,UInt_t,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
SetConnect(TGo4Socket*,const char*,UInt_t) - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
SetContDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
SetContent(const Stat_t*) - Method in class TH1
SetContour(Int_t,const Double_t*) - Method in class TH1
SetContourLevel(Int_t,Double_t) - Method in class TH1
SetControl(Char_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSubEvent
SetControllerPassword(const char*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Specify password for controller account.
SetConVarName(UInt_t,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
Set Name of the data value (eventclass member) that is to be
tested by condition for axis number ix. ix is 0 for x-axis,
1 for y-axis, etc.
SetConVarName(UInt_t,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntryStatus
SetConVarNames(TString*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntryStatus
SetCount(Int_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEvent
SetCounts(Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Set counters
SetCreateHisDefaults(TGo4CreateHisDefaults*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4CreateNewHistogramStatus
SetCreateNewMarker(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
SetCreateStatus(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventSource
Status value of event source init (file/server open).
SetCrosshair(bool) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
SetCtrlAccount(const char*,const char*) - Static method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Specify login name and password for controller account.
SetCurrentDir(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4ExportManager
SetCurrentDynList(TGo4DynamicList*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Set the given dynamic list as current. i.e. this list is
used for processing in the analysis.
SetCurrentIndex(Int_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
SetCurrentIndex(Int_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
set index for array type subclasses
SetCurrentIndex(Int_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MainTree
SetCurrentIndex(Int_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditStatus
SetCurrentPad(Int_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
Set pad from the list of workings pads with index as actual working pad.
SetCurrentTask(const char*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
sets current client task (i.e. taskhandler) by name
SetCursor(ECursor) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
setCustomFlag(bool) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootGuiFactory
setCustomized() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQApplication
SetCut(const char*) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComAddTreeHistogram
Set TCut to be applied on this tree histogram.
SetCut(TCutG*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCondView
Set this view to values of cut source
SetData(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetPrintEvent
SetData(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoStatus
SetData(TGo4FitData*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataRidge
Sets pointer on TGo4FitData object and ownership flag.
SetDataAsModel(TGo4FitData*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFromData
Sets pointer on TGo4FitData object with ownership flag.
SetDataCopyMode(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSource
SetDataName(const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
setDebug(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
setDebugOn() - Method in class qtroot.interface.QRootApplication
SetDefaultBufferSize(Int_t) - Static method in class TH1
SetDefaults(TNamed*,TClass*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
Set basic fields of slot.
SetDescription(const char*) - Method in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
SetDimension(Int_t) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCreateHistogram
SetDimension(Int_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
SetDirectory(TDirectory*) - Method in class TH1
SetDisConnect(TGo4Socket*) - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
SetDisConnect(TGo4Socket*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
SetDisplay(TGo4Display*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
SetDisplayAnalysisConfig(TGo4SlotsBaseClass*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
SetDisplayStatusMonitor(TGo4SlotsBaseClass*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
SetDivision(Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
SetDlen(Int_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEvent
SetDlen(Int_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSubEvent
SetDoubleBuffer(Int_t) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
SetDrawCanvas(TCanvas*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
SetDrawHeader(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
SetDrawOption(Option_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
SetDrawPad(TPad*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
SetDrawPad(TVirtualPad*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
SetDrawPad(TVirtualPad*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
SetDrawPanel(TGo4PreviewPanel*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
SetDummy(Short_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEvent
SetDynamicEntryStatus(const Text_t*,TGo4DynamicEntryStatus*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Set dynamic entry of name "name" to the values specified by external
dynamic entry status "state".
SetDynamicEntryStatus(const Text_t*,TGo4DynamicEntryStatus*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Set dynamic entry of name "name" to the values specified by external
dynamic entry status "state".
SetDynListInterval(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
SetDynListInterval(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
SetDynListInterval(Int_t) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntryStatus
SetEditable(bool) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootWindow
make this frame to current root master frame.
SetEnterPressed(int) - Method in class Go4GUI.QComandsHistory
SetEntries(Stat_t) - Method in class TH1
SetEntryEnabled(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus
SetEntryName(const char*) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4DynamicListCommand
Set the dynamic entry name
SetEntryName(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus
Setter methods for entry name etc
SetEntryStatus(const Text_t*,TGo4DynamicEntryStatus*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicList
Set dynamic entry of name to the given entry status.
SetEntryStatus(TGo4DynamicEntryStatus*) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetDynamicEntry
Set the dynamic entry status.
SetEntryType(TGo4EditDynEntryStatus::EDynEntryTypes) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus
SetEpsilon(Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
Return epsilon value of parameter.
SetEpsilonUse(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
Set status, if epsilon value was specified or not.
SetErrMess(const char*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventSource
To be used for modification of the message
by the event source implementation.
SetError(const Stat_t*) - Method in class TH1
SetError(Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
Set value of parameter error.
setErrorHandler() - Method in class qtroot.interface.QRootApplication
SetErrorStopEnabled(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Enables or disables the stop-on-error mode.
SetErrorStopEnabled(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepStatus
Enables or disables the stop-on-error mode.
SetErrorStopped(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepStatus
Enables or disables the stop-on-error mode.
SetEvent(TGo4EventElement*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoStatus
store eventsample directly
SetEvent(TTree*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoStatus
store eventsample in tree here
SetEventInterval(UInt_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFileParameter
Defines event interval
SetEventInterval(UInt_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSource
SetEventName(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoStatus
SetEventNum(Int_t) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetPrintEvent
SetEventNum(Int_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoStatus
SetEventProcessor(TGo4EventProcessorParameter*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Sets the event processor parameter which is used on intitialization
of this step.
SetEventSource(TGo4EventSource*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
Setter for the event source that is currently used by the Fill method.
SetEventSource(TGo4EventSourceParameter*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Sets the event source parameter which is used on intitialization
of this step.
SetEventStatus(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventSource
Status of the last event.
SetEventStore(TGo4EventStoreParameter*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Sets the event storee parameter which is used on intitialization
of this step.
SetExcludeLessThen(Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Sets limit to exclude bins, which not less then this limit.
SetExpression(const char*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4UserSourceParameter
SetExpression(const char*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4UserStoreParameter
SetExpression(const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDependency
SetExpression(const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFormula
Sets formula expression.
SetFileKey(TKey*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
SetFileName(const char*) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComLoadAnalysisStatus
Set the object name under command.
SetFileName(const char*) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSaveAnalysisStatus
Set the object name under command.
SetFileObj(TObject*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
SetFillAtt(Color_t,Style_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
SetFillAtt(TAttFill*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
SetFilter(Go4Export_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4ExportManager
SetFirstStep(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Sets analysis step name as first one to be processed in
the chain of steps.
SetFirstStep(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
Sets analysis step name as first one to be processed in
the chain of steps.
SetFirstStepIndex(Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
SetFitFunctionType(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Set fitted function type for minimization.
SetFitPointerAddress(Long_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
When opening fit editor, keep member address of edited fitter pointer
SetFitter(TGo4Fitter*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIOptions
SetFitter(TGo4Fitter*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
SetFitter(TGo4Fitter*) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4FitterEnvelope
Set new fitter into envelope.
SetFixed(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
Set status of parameter fixed or not.
SetFlags(Bool_t,Bool_t,Bool_t,Bool_t,Bool_t,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Sets values of external boolean flags to internal variables.
SetFlags(Bool_t,Bool_t,Bool_t,Bool_t,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskStatus
SetFlags(Bool_t,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntryStatus
SetFlags(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerStatus
SetFlags(const char*) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetProtections
SetFolderName(const char*) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectCommand
setFonts() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
SetForPosition(TGo4FitModel*,TGo4FitGUIArrow*,Double_t) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIArrow
SetForRange(TGo4FitComponent*,Int_t,Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIArrow
setForwardAvailable(bool) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4HelpWindow
SetForWidth(TGo4FitModel*,TGo4FitGUIArrow*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIArrow
SetFunctionName(const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFunction
Sets function name in library.
SetGlobalReadParam(Int_t) - Static method in class TBuffer
SetGlobalWriteParam(Int_t) - Static method in class TBuffer
SetGraph(const char*,TGraph*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Set graph to existing TGo4FitDataGraph object
SetGraph(TGraph*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataGraph
Set TGraph object.
SetGroupIndex(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Set group index of model.
SetGUI(QWidget*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4RegisteredSlotsList
SetGUI(TGo4AdvancedUserWidget*) - Method in class Go4UserGUI.TGo4AdvancedUserWidgetSlots
SetGUI(TGo4AnalysisConfiguration*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationSlots
SetGUI(TGo4AnalysisStatusMonitor*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisStatusMonitorSlots
SetGUI(TGo4Browser*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserSlots
SetGUI(TGo4ConditionInfo*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ConditionInfoSlots
SetGUI(TGo4CreateNewHistogram*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4CreateNewHistogramSlots
SetGUI(TGo4DiskFileBrowser*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserSlots
SetGUI(TGo4EditDynEntry*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntrySlots
SetGUI(TGo4EventInfo*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoSlots
SetGUI(TGo4FitPanel*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
SetGUI(TGo4HistogramInfo*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4HistogramInfoSlots
SetGUI(TGo4LoadedLibraries*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4LoadedLibrariesSlots
SetGUI(TGo4LogInfo*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4LogInfoSlots
SetGUI(TGo4MonitoredList*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredListSlots
SetGUI(TGo4ParaEdit*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditSlots
SetGUI(TGo4PreviewPanel*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
SetGUI(TGo4RemoteBrowser*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4RemoteBrowserSlots
SetGUI(TGo4ScriptWidget*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
SetGUI(TGo4StartClient*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientSlots
SetGUI(TGo4TreeViewer*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4TreeViewerSlots
SetGUI(TGo4WindowEdit*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
SetH1(const char*,TH1*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Set histogram to existing TGo4FitDataHistogram object
SetHeight(Double_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4LabelPainter
SetHex(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetPrintEvent
SetHex(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoStatus
SetHideMode(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
SetHighLightColor(Color_t) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
SetHisCoordStyle(int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
SetHisDatX(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus
SetHisDatY(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus
SetHisDatZ(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus
SetHisDefaults(int,int,int,int,long,long,long,long,long,long) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4CreateHisDefaults
setHisDrawStyle(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
SetHisDrawStyle(int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
SetHisErrorStyle(int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
SetHisEventName(UInt_t,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntry
Set Name of the event object that contains the data to be filled
in histogram, for axis number ix. ix is 0 for x-axis,
1 for y-axis, etc.
SetHisEventName(UInt_t,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntryStatus
SetHisEventNames(TString*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntryStatus
SetHisEvX(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus
SetHisEvY(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus
SetHisEvZ(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus
SetHisStats(bool) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
SetHistCoordStyle(Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
SetHistDrawStyle(Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
SetHistErrorStyle(Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
SetHisTitle(bool) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
SetHistogram() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
Set currently active histogram
SetHistogram(const char*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Define the name of the associated histogram.
SetHistogram(const char*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QConItem
SetHistogram(TH1*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataHistogram
Set histogram to object.
SetHistogram(TH1*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
SetHistogram(TH1*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntryStatus
SetHistogramFullRange(Int_t,Int_t,Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
SetHistogramLink(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Define if this condition has association with an analysis histogram
SetHistogramLink(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
Link name of current histogram to this condition
SetHistogramName(const char*) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComAddTreeHistogram
Set histogram (dynamic entry) name.
SetHistogramName(const char*) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCreateHistogram
SetHistogramName(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntryStatus
SetHistogramName(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntry
Set name of the external histogram to be filled.
SetHistogramName(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntryStatus
SetHistogramName(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntryStatus
SetHistogramName(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus
SetHistogramRanges(TH1*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCond
Remember ranges of current histo and set range to active window.
SetHistogramTitle(const char*) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCreateHistogram
SetHistoLink(bool) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QConItem
SetHistoStatus(TH1*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleClientStatus
Set histogram status
SetHisVarName(UInt_t,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntry
Set Name of the data member that is to be filled
in histogram for axis number ix. ix is 0 for x-axis,
1 for y-axis, etc.
SetHisVarName(UInt_t,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntryStatus
SetHisVarNames(TString*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntryStatus
SetHisXStyle(int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
SetHisYEnabled(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus
SetHisYStyle(int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
SetHisZEnabled(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus
SetHisZStyle(int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
SetHomeSettingsFile(const QString&) - Static method in class Go4GUI.TGo4QSettings
SetHost(const char*) - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4ObjClient
SetIgnoreLevel(Int_t) - Static method in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
Define threshold for output
SetInitValue(Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDependency
SetInputEvent(TGo4EventElement*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Sets reference to external input event.
SetInputEvent(TGo4EventElement*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessor
Sets reference to external raw event which is used by
the concrete processor to unpack the interesting
SetIntDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
SetIntDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
SetIntDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCondView
SetIntDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCondView
SetIntDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
SetIntegrationsProperty(Int_t,Int_t,Double_t,Bool_t,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Set integration properties.
SetInvertMode(Int_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
Change the result mode of working condition
SetInvoker(TGo4CommandInvoker*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
sets pointer to client invoker which may be used
by server to check the valid command clients
SetItem(QFitItem*,TGo4FitPanelSlots*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIArrow
SetItemObject(TObject*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
SetItemText(QFitItem*,bool) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
SetKeepScale(bool) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
SetLabelColor(Color_t,Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
SetLabelDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
SetLabelDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
SetLabelDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
SetLabelDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCondView
SetLabelDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCondView
SetLabelDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
SetLabelFont(Style_t,Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
SetLabelOffset(Float_t,Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
SetLabelSize(Float_t,Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
SetLast(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Can be used in Test to store the result.
SetLastStep(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Sets analysis step name as last one to be processed in
the chain of steps.
SetLastStep(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
Sets analysis step name as last one to be processed in
the chain of steps.
SetLastStepIndex(Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
SetLegend(TLegend*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
SetLegendDraw(bool) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
SetLibraryName(const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFunction
Sets libraray name.
SetLimits(Double_t,Double_t,Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
Change the limits of the currently edited condition
SetLimitsDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
SetLimitsDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
SetLimitsDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCondView
SetLimitsDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCondView
SetLimitsDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
SetLine(const char*) - Method in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComExecLine
set the object name under command.
SetLineAtt(Color_t,Style_t,Width_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
SetLineAtt(TAttLine*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
SetLineDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
SetLinesDivision(Int_t,const Int_t*) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
SetLinesDivision(Int_t,Int_t,Int_t,Int_t,Int_t,Int_t,Int_t,Int_t,Int_t,Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
SetListName(const char*) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4DynamicListCommand
Set the dynamic list name
SetListName(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus
SetLocalSort(bool) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserStatus
SetLogin(Go4CommandMode_t) - Method in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComConnectSlave
SetLogInfo(TGo4SlotsBaseClass*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
SetLoginMode(Int_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientStatus
SetLogScale(Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
SetLong(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetPrintEvent
SetLong(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoStatus
SetMainCaption(int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
Set caption to proper master mode
SetMainWindow(QWidget*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
SetManager(TGo4ThreadManager*) - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4AppControlTimer
Sets reference to new thread manager
SetMarker(TGo4Marker*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4MarkerPainter
SetMarkerAtt(Color_t,Size_t,Style_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
SetMarkerAtt(TAttMarker*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
SetMarkerSetup(TGo4MarkerSetup*,TVirtualPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
Arrange markers of current viewpanel from external setup.
currently, all markers are put into destination pad pad.
SetMarkersHistogram() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
Update histogram reference for all markers
SetMaster(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
SetMaster(TGo4Master*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
SetMasterMode(Int_t) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
Change appereance of gui according to role
SetMasterMode(int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
Set look of mainwindow according to mode
(observer=1, controller=2, admin=3)
SetMaxEntries(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Queue.TGo4Queue
SetMaximum(Double_t) - Method in class TH1
SetMaxNumAxis(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelPolynom
Sets number of dimensions (maximum axis numbers) in polynom.
SetMemoryBrowser(TGo4SlotsBaseClass*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
SetMemoryUsage(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Set value of memory usage.
SetMinimum(Double_t) - Method in class TH1
SetMode(Go4CommandMode_t) - Method in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
SetMonitorDone(bool) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
SetMonitoredObject(TObject*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredObject
SetMonObjItem(TGo4QItem*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredObject
SetMouseMode(Go4MouseMode_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
SetMouseMode(Go4MouseMode_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
SetMultiEdit(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
SetMultiEdit(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditStatus
SetName(const char*) - Method in class TH1
SetName(const char*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
SetName(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCondView
SetName(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCondView
SetNames(const char*,const char*,const char*,const char*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerStatus
SetNames(const char*,const char*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleClientStatus
Set names of the work runnables of example
SetNames(const char*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ClientStatus
SetNameTitle(const char*,const char*) - Method in class TH1
SetNdivisions(Int_t,Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
SetNeeded(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
Set requirement flag for object.
SetNeedsMinmaxResize(bool) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4QRootCanvas
SetNeedsResize(bool) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
SetNeedToRebuild() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Sets flag, that shape bins should be refilled next time, when RebuildShape() routine will be called.
SetNegotiationPort(UInt_t) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Set port for the negotiation channel (client mode).
SetNewInputFile(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Set flag that input file has changed
SetNewReciever(TGo4SlotsBaseClass*,Bool_t,TQRootCanvas*,TPad*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4SubmittedCommandsEntry
SetNewTCutG(Bool_t,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
Assign newly created cutg on working pad to current polygon condition.
SetNoOfPads(Int_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelStatus
SetNormFactor(Double_t) - Method in class TH1
SetNumAxis(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMatrixTrans
SetNumAxis(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGauss1
Sets number of selected axis.
SetNumAxis1(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGauss2
Sets number of first selected axis.
SetNumAxis2(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGauss2
Sets number of second selected axis.
SetNumberOfExprPar(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFormula
Sets number of parameters, which can be used in expression.
SetNumberOfFuncPar(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFunction
Sets number of parameters, which can be used by function.
SetNumberOfTransSlots(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Sets number of slots for scale transformation objects.
SetNumIterations(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitAmplEstimation
Sets number of iterations.
SetObject(const char*,TObject*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlotList
Set object to first suitable slot, which have PlaceName name or owner of which
has PlaceName full name with defined ownership flag.
SetObject(TObject*,Bool_t,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
Sets object to slot.
SetObject(TObject*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlotList
Set object to first suitable slot with defined ownership flag.
SetObject(TObject*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.QFitItem
SetObjectClassName(const char*) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCreateObject
set the target object name under command.
SetObjectName(const char*) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectCommand
set the object name under command.
SetObjectsOwnership(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
SetObjOption(Short_t,Short_t,TObject*) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
SetObservAccount(const char*,const char*) - Static method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Specify login name and password for observer account.
SetObserverPassword(const char*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Specify password for observer account.
SetOption(Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
SetOption(Short_t,Short_t,Long_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
SetOptionD(Short_t,Short_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
SetOptionF(Short_t,Short_t,Float_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
SetOptions(const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterOutput
Sets command options.
SetOutFile(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4ExportManager
SetOutFileComment(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4ExportManager
setOutput(QTextEdit*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
SetOutputEvent(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetCurrentEvent
SetOutputEvent(TGo4EventElement*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Sets the current output event (detector) structure.
SetOutputEvent(TGo4EventElement*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
SetOutputEvent(TGo4EventElement*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4EventServerFactory
For usersubclass: set pointer to user output event.
SetOverwriteMode(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStoreParameter
SetOverWriteMode(bool) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserSlots
SetOwned(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
Explicity sets ownership flag.
SetOwnedByEditor(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
SetOwner(TGo4TaskOwner*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
Set owner object and switch automatically in master or slave
mode, depending on owner type
SetOwner(TNamed*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitNamed
Sets owner of object.
SetOwner(TObjArray*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIArrow
SetOwner(TObject*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Label
SetOwner(TObject*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4LabelConnector
SetPad(Int_t,TVirtualPad*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Set pad, which will be used for output of TGo4FitterOutput object.
SetPad(TPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredObject
SetPad(TVirtualPad*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterOutput
Sets pad, hwich can be used for command output.
SetPadCrosshair(TPad*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelStatus
SetPadDrawOption(TPad*,const char*,bool) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelStatus
SetPadDrawOption(TPad*,const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelStatus
SetPadDrawOption(TPad*,Int_t,Int_t,Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelStatus
SetPadFitOptions(TGo4FitGUIOptions*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
SetPadHistogram(TVirtualPad*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Set first histogram found in pad as working histogram.
SetPadHistogram(TVirtualPad*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
Set first histogram found in pad as working histogram.
SetPadHistogramStats(TPad*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelStatus
SetPadHistogramTitle(TPad*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelStatus
SetPadLegend(TPad*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelStatus
SetPadOptions(void*,int,const char*,int,int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
SetPadRange(void*,int,Double_t,Double_t,Double_t,Double_t,Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
SetPainted(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
SetPainted(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
SetPainter(TGo4ConditionPainter*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
Replace default painter of this condition by external one.
if different views of this condition shall exist for different TPads,
the painter (i.e. view) can be exchanged before pad is updated.
SetPainter(TGo4ConditionPainter*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Replace default painter of this condition by external one.
if different views of this condition shall exist for different TPads,
the painter (i.e. view) can be exchanged before pad is updated.
SetPainter(TGo4ConditionPainter*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCond
Replace default painter of this condition by external one.
if different views of this condition shall exist for different TPads,
the painter (i.e. view) can be exchanged before pad is updated.
SetPainter(TGo4ConditionPainter*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCond
Replace default painter of this condition by external one.
if different views of this condition shall exist for different TPads,
the painter (i.e. view) can be exchanged before pad is updated.
SetParaClass(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
New mode only: create parameter of this class
SetParaMemVal(Int_t,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
Set member value at index i to the string expression val.
SetParaMemVisible(Int_t,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
update the visibility state depending on gui actions
SetParameter(const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDependency
SetParameter(const Text_t*,TGo4Parameter*,TFolder*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Set existing parameter of name to the values
of external parameter object par.
SetParameter(const Text_t*,TGo4Parameter*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Set existing parameter of name to the values
of external parameter object par.
SetParameter(TGo4Parameter*) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetParameter
SetParaName(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
New mode only: specify name of the new parameter
SetParDepend(const char*,const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterConfig
Set dependency expression for parameter.
SetParent(TGo4EventElement*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
Setter for the parent event structure reference.
SetParent(TObject*) - Method in class TBuffer
SetParEpsilon(const char*,Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Set epsilon value for parameter with given name.
SetParEpsilon(const char*,Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterConfig
Sets epsilon for parameter ParName.
SetParError(const char*,Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Set error value for parameter with given name.
SetParFixed(const char*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Set for parameter with given name, is it fixed or not.
SetParFixed(const char*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterConfig
Sets, that parameter with ParName should be fixed or not.
SetParInit(const char*,const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterConfig
Set initial value for parameter, calculated from expression.
SetParInit(const char*,Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterConfig
Set initial value for parameter.
SetParms(const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4ObjClient
Set server parameters if necessary
SetParName(Int_t,const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Set new name for parameter object with provided index.
SetParRange(const char*,Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Set range limits for parameter with given name.
SetParRange(const char*,Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterConfig
Sets valid range for parameter ParName.
SetParsListChange() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Should be used, when number of parameters are changed.
SetParsNames(const char*,const char*,const char*,const char*,const char*,const char*,const char*,const char*,const char*,const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Set names of first 10 parameters.
SetParsOwner(TGo4FitNamed*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
SetParsValues(Double_t,Double_t,Double_t,Double_t,Double_t,Double_t,Double_t,Double_t,Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Set values for first 10 parameters.
SetParsValues(Double_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Set value for all parameters from array.
SetParValue(const char*,Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Set value of parameter with given name.
SetPasswd(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientStatus
SetPasswd(const char*) - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4ObjClient
SetPasswd(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComStartHistoServ
set the object name under command.
SetPassword(const char*) - Method in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComConnectSlave
SetPeakFinderType(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
SetPickAgain(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
SetPickArray(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
SetPickCounter(UInt_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
SetPicture(const Text_t*,TGo4Picture*,TFolder*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Set existing picture of name to the values
of external picture object pic.
SetPicture(const Text_t*,TGo4Picture*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Set existing picture of name to the values
of external picture object pic.
SetPicture(TGo4Picture*) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetPicture
SetPID() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Thread
SetPolygonsHistogram() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
Update histogram reference for all polygon regions
SetPolynomOrder(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
SetPort(Int_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4RevServ
SetPort(Int_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4RevServParameter
SetPort(Int_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4UserSourceParameter
SetPort(Int_t) - Method in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYEventSource
SetPort(Int_t) - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4ObjClient
SetPorts(UInt_t,Int_t,Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerStatus
SetPosition(Int_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Sets position of model component, if possible.
SetPosition(Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
SetPosParIndex(Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFormula
SetPosParIndex(Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFunction
SetPreViewPanel(QWidget*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredObject
SetPreviousStep(TGo4AnalysisStep*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Sets reference to previous analysis step.
SetPrintEvent(Int_t,Int_t,Int_t,Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEvent
Set the "printout event" mode for the current mbs source.
SetPrintEvent(Int_t,Int_t,Int_t,Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSource
Set mbs source into printout (verbose) mode for the next num
SetPrintoutOnly(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetCurrentEvent
SetProcessEnabled(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Enables or disables the event processing.
SetProcessEnabled(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepStatus
Enables or disables the event processing.
SetProcessorPar(TGo4EventProcessorParameter*) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetProcessor
Set the event source parameter
SetProcessorPar(TGo4EventProcessorParameter*) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepStatus
Sets the event processor parameter
which is used on intitialization of this step.
SetProcessStatus(Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepStatus
Sets status value of processor, user defined.
SetProcid(Short_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSubEvent
SetProfile(TProfile*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataProfile
Set pointer on TProfile object.
SetProtection(Go4CommandMode_t) - Method in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
SetRange(Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
Set range minimum and maximum values.
SetRange(Int_t,Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Includes axis range in consideration.
SetRangeCondition(Int_t,Int_t,Int_t,Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Change specified range condition.
SetRangeCutExcluding(Int_t,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Set type of range cut (excluding or including)
SetRangeMax(Int_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Set maximum axis value, taken into consideration.
SetRangeMin(Int_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Set minimum axis value, taken into consideration.
SetRangeUse(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
Change status, is range was specified or not.
SetRangeX(Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
SetRangeY(Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
SetRates(Double_t,Double_t,UInt_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisClientStatus
SetReadMode() - Method in class TBuffer
SetReadParam(Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
SetRealInput() - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshProviderProc
This method will check if input event is correct and
might reset the input event pointer for the subsequent steps
SetReceiver(TGo4CommandReceiver*) - Method in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
SetReceiverName(const char*) - Method in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
SetRegionsHistogram() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
Update histogram reference for all window regions
SetRemoteMode(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoStatus
SetResultMode(Int_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
Change the result mode of working condition
SetRetained(Bool_t) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
SetRole(Go4CommandMode_t) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
SetRootBranchName(const QString&) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QBranchItem
SetRootFile(TFile*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
SetRootLeafName(const QString&) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QLeafItem
SetRootTree(TTree*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QBranchItem
SetRootTree(TTree*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QLeafItem
SetRunning(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Switch slave process into running state.
SetSaveFlag(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
Set save flag for saving of object in slot, when slot stored to streamer:
0 - object will be saved if it owned,
1 - object always will be saved
2 - object never will be saved.
SetSaveFlagForObjects(Int_t,const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlotList
Set save flag for object(s), assigned to fitter.
SetSaveSettings(Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
SetSelected(TObject*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
SetSelectedAxis(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataRidge
Sets number of axis, which selected as "ridge altitude".
SetSelectedIndex(Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
SetSelectedPad(TPad*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
SetSelection(const TCut&) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntryStatus
SetSelfID() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Thread
SetServerPort(UInt_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientStatus
SetSettingsPath() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4QSettings
Sets the path of this instance according to static settings.
SetShowEventStatus(bool) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4QRootCanvas
SetSigmaSource(Int_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Sets source of sigma for data.
SetSigmaValue(Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Set constant sigma value.
SetSignalAction(Int_t,Bool_t) - Static method in class Go4Socket.TGo4SocketSignalHandler
SetSlave(const char*,const char*,const char*) - Method in class Go4Display.TGo4Display
Remember properties of slave process; this is usefull for killing the slave from the master.
SetSlave(const char*,const char*,const char*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Master
Remember properties of slave process; this is usefull for killing the slave from the master.
SetSlave(const char*) - Method in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComDisconnectSlave
Specify the name of the client to be removed
SetSlave(TGo4Slave*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
SetSlaveDir(const char*) - Method in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComConnectSlave
Specify the name of the client directory
SetSlaveDir(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientStatus
SetSlaveExec(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientStatus
SetSlaveExecutable(const char*) - Method in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComConnectSlave
Specify name of executable program on client side
SetSlaveHost(const char*) - Method in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComConnectSlave
Specify the hostname of the client process
SetSlaveMode(Int_t) - Method in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComConnectSlave
Specify client mode (meaning defined by taskhandler user, i.e. analysisclient in go4)
SetSlaveMode(Int_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientStatus
SetSlaveName(const char*) - Method in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComConnectSlave
Specify the name of the client to be launched
SetSlaveName(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientStatus
SetSlaveNode(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientStatus
SetSlavePort(UInt_t) - Method in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComConnectSlave
SetSlaveShell(Int_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientStatus
SetSlot(TGo4WindowEditSlots*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditStatus
SetSlotClass(TGo4SlotsBaseClass*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4DependentStatusList
SetSlots(TGo4PreviewPanelSlots*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelStatus
SetSourceEnabled(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Enables or disables the event source.
SetSourceEnabled(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepStatus
Enables or disables the event source.
SetSourceNone() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitSlotStatus
SetSourceOwned(const char*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitSlotStatus
SetSourcePad(TGo4PreviewPanel*,TPad*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitSlotStatus
SetSourcePar(TGo4EventSourceParameter*) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetSource
Set the event source parameter
SetSourcePar(TGo4EventSourceParameter*) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepStatus
Sets the event source parameter which is used on intitialization
of this step.
SetSourcePath(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationStatus
SetSourceReference(const char*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitSlotStatus
SetSplitlevel(Int_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4BackStoreParameter
SetSplitlevel(Int_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStoreParameter
SetStartDir(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4ExportManager
SetStartEvent(UInt_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFileParameter
Define the Start index for the NextEvent
SetStartEvent(UInt_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSource
Define the Start index for the NextEvent
SetStartServer(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComConnectSlave
SetStartServer(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientStatus
SetStats(Bool_t) - Method in class TH1
SetStatus(TGo4AnalysisStatus*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Set all analysis parameters to that of given
status object.
SetStatus(TGo4AnalysisStatus*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
Set step specific part of analysis status object to steplist
SetStatus(TGo4AnalysisStepStatus*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Set all analysis step parameters to that of given status object.
SetStatus(TGo4DynamicEntryStatus*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
Set this dynamic entry to the values of status object state.
SetStatus(TGo4DynamicEntryStatus*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicList
Set this dynamic entry to the values of status object state.
SetStatus(TGo4DynamicEntryStatus*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntry
Set this dynamic entry to the values of status object state.
SetStatus(TGo4DynamicEntryStatus*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntry
Set this dynamic entry to the values of status object state.
SetStatus(TGo4Status*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QConItem
SetStatus(TGo4Status*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
Sets Go4 status object, which is correspond to this item
SetStatusClass(TGo4Status*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4DependentStatusList
SetStatusMessage(const char*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Set Status message of last Process() call.
SetStatusObject(TGo4AnalysisStatus*) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetAnalysisStatus
SetStatusText(const char*,Int_t) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQCanvasImp
set a status text (not implemented yet)
SetStepChecking(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Enable or disable check of subsequent analysis step
for io consistency.
SetStepChecking(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
SetStepChecking(Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
SetStepName(const char*) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepCommand
Set the analysis step name
SetStepStorage(const Text_t*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Enables analysis step of name to write its output event into
its event store.
SetStepStorage(const Text_t*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
Enables analysis step of name to write its output event into
its event store.
SetStopEvent(UInt_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFileParameter
Define the index of Stop event
SetStopEvent(UInt_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSource
SetStoreEnabled(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Enables or disables the event store.
SetStoreEnabled(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepStatus
Enables or disables the event store.
SetStorePar(TGo4EventStoreParameter*) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetStore
Set the event source parameter
SetStorePar(TGo4EventStoreParameter*) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepStatus
Sets the event store parameter which is used on intitialization
of this step.
SetStorePath(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationStatus
SetStrOption(Short_t,Short_t,const char*) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
SetStyle(TStyle*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
SetSubcrate(Char_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSubEvent
SetSubId(Int_t) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetPrintEvent
SetSubId(Int_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoStatus
SetSubtype(Short_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEvent
SetSubtype(Short_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSubEvent
SetTagName(const char*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFileParameter
Name of the Tagfile
SetTargetName(const char*) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCopyObject
Set the target object name under command.
SetTask(TGo4Task*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskOwner
SetTaskHandlerStatus(TGo4TaskHandlerStatus*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskStatus
SetTaskName(const char*) - Method in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
setTCanvas(TCanvas*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootDialog
SetThread(TGo4Thread*) - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Runnable
SetTickLength(Float_t,Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
SetTimeout(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventSourceParameter
SetTimeout(Int_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSource
SetTimer(TGo4AppControlTimer*) - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadManager
user can exchange the standard control timer
by an own derived one by this method
SettingMenu - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
SetTitle(const char*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
SetTitleOffset(Float_t,Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
SetTitleSize(Float_t,Option_t*) - Method in class TH1
SetToBin(Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
Set marker to position according to work histogram axis.
SetToCurrentDir(bool) - Static method in class Go4GUI.TGo4QSettings
SetToLimits(Double_t,Double_t,Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCondView
SetTracePriority(int) - Static method in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
dummy for compatibility
SetTreeCut(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus
SetTreeExpression(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus
SetTreeMode(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetCurrentEvent
SetTreeMode(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoStatus
SetTreeName(const char*) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComAddTreeHistogram
Set tree name.
SetTreeName(const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus
SetTreeName(const TString&) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntryStatus
SetTreeName(TTree*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntryStatus
SetTrigger(Short_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEvent
SetType(Short_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEvent
SetType(Short_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSubEvent
SetUpdateEpsilon(Double_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Configure graphical update tolerance for this condition individually.
by default, update tolerance is set to static value fgdUPDATEEPSILON
SetUpdateSlotList() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlotList
Update internal list of slots (if exists).
SetupForFirst(Double_t,Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
SetupForSecond(Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
SetupForThird(Double_t,Double_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
SetupPolynomialBackground(Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
SetUseBinScale(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
If kTRUE, binary numbers will be used as scale values.
SetUseBuffers(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Sets usage of additional buffers.
SetUsePolynom(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
SetUserFitFunction(TUserFitFunction) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Set user-defined fitted function.
SetUserFunction(const char*,const char*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFunction
Set library file name and function name.
SetUserFunction(TUserFunction) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFunction
Set address to user function.
SetUserPath(const QString&) - Static method in class Go4GUI.TGo4QSettings
SetUxRange(double,double) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
SetUyRange(double,double) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
SetUzRange(double,double) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
SetValid(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
Switches the valid state of this event.
SetValue(char*,Stat_t) - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4MbsHist
set value to adress in histogram buffer.
SetValue(const Text_t*,const Text_t*,Long_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
Set value from string expression to a certain memory address.
expression will be converted according the memtype, and then
copied to the location at address.
SetValue(Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
Set parameter value.
SetValues() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
SetValues() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Set values needed, i.e. limits for windows or cuts for polygons
SetValues() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CounterCond
SetValues(Double_t,Double_t,Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
Calls SetValues for all conditions (multi edit mode) or for currently selected (single edit mode).
SetValues(Double_t,Double_t,Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
SetValues(Double_t,Double_t,Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCond
Set limits and internal dimension to 2
SetValues(Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
Calls SetValues for all conditions (multi edit mode) or for currently selected (single edit mode).
SetValues(Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
SetValues(Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCond
Set limits and internal dimension to 1
SetValues(Double_t*,Double_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
SetValues(Double_t*,Double_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCond
Delete old cut and create a new cut with X,Y values.
SetValues(TCutG*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
Calls SetValues for all conditions (multi edit mode) or for currently selected (single edit mode).
SetValues(TCutG*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
SetValues(TCutG*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCond
Delete old cut and create new one by cloning newcut.
SetVarexp(const char*) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComAddTreeHistogram
Set dynamic entry index name.
SetVarexp(const TString&) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntryStatus
SetViewPanel(TGo4PreviewPanel*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
framework calls this method whenever view focus changes
SetViewPanelMode(void*,int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
SetViewPanelPosition(void*,int,int,int,int,int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
SetVisible(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
we overwrite single condition visibility setter
SetVisible(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Set/Unset visibility.
SetVisible(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
SetVisible(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
Change visibility on canvas for currently edited con
SetWaitForClient(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComRemoveClient
SetWaitForSlave(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComDisconnectSlave
SetWaiting(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Thread
setWarningOn() - Method in class qtroot.interface.QRootApplication
SetWidth(Double_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4LabelPainter
SetWidth(Int_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Sets width of model component, if possible.
SetWidthParIndex(Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFormula
SetWidthParIndex(Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFunction
SetWindowPosition(Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQCanvasImp
Move the dialog box window to a specified position in the local
SetWindowPosition(Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
SetWindowSize(UInt_t,UInt_t) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQCanvasImp
Set the Windows size to width=w heigth=h
SetWindowSize(UInt_t,UInt_t) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
SetWindowTitle(const char*) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQCanvasImp
Set the window title
SetWizDataName(const char*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIOptions
SetWizModelName(const char*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIOptions
SetWorkHistogram(TH1*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Set reference to work histogram for statistics functions.
SetWorkingPad() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
Set currently active pad as working pad for window display
SetWorkIsStopped(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
SetWorkPadCondition(TGo4Condition*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
Stor condition con into options of current working pad
SetWriteMode() - Method in class TBuffer
SetWriteParam(Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
SetX0(Double_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4LabelPainter
SetXbinDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
SetXbins(Int_t) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCreateHistogram
SetXDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
SetXmax(Axis_t) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCreateHistogram
SetXMaxDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
SetXMaxDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
SetXMaxDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCondView
SetXMaxDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCondView
SetXMaxDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
SetXMeanDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
SetXMeanDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
SetXMeanDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCondView
SetXMeanDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCondView
SetXMeanDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
SetXmin(Axis_t) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCreateHistogram
SetXRMSDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
SetXRMSDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
SetXRMSDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCondView
SetXRMSDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCondView
SetXRMSDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
SetXTitle(const char*) - Method in class TH1
SetY0(Double_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4LabelPainter
SetYbinDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
SetYbins(Int_t) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCreateHistogram
SetYDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
SetYmax(Axis_t) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCreateHistogram
SetYMaxDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
SetYMaxDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
SetYMaxDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCondView
SetYMaxDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCondView
SetYMaxDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
SetYMeanDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
SetYMeanDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
SetYMeanDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCondView
SetYMeanDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCondView
SetYMeanDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
SetYmin(Axis_t) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCreateHistogram
SetYRMSDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
SetYRMSDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
SetYRMSDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCondView
SetYRMSDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCondView
SetYRMSDraw(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
SetYTitle(const char*) - Method in class TH1
SetZbins(Int_t) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCreateHistogram
SetZmax(Axis_t) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCreateHistogram
SetZmin(Axis_t) - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCreateHistogram
SetZTitle(const char*) - Method in class TH1
ShiftToNextPoint() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataGraphIter
ShiftToNextPoint() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataHistogramIter
ShiftToNextPoint() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
Move pointer to following data point.
ShiftToNextPoint() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataProfileIter
ShiftToNextPoint() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataRidgeIter
Show() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQCanvasImp
Do a Show of the dialog box
Show() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
ShowAnylsisOutput(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
ShowCommands() - Method in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4CommandProtoList
Display all commands in list by name and description
ShowEvent(const Text_t*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Printout event content of single current event to analysis terminal
(using ROOT TTree::Show method).
ShowItem(QFitItem*,bool) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
ShowItemAsGraph(QFitItem*,bool) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
ShowItemAsText(QFitItem*,bool) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
ShowMembers(TMemberInspector&,char*) - Method in class TBuffer
ShowMembers(TMemberInspector&,char*) - Method in class TH1
ShowMenuBar(Bool_t) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQCanvasImp
Show the menu bar
ShowPrimitives() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
ShowProperties(QListViewItem*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserSlots
ShowSelectedProperties() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserSlots
ShowStatusBar(Bool_t) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQCanvasImp
Show status bar
Shutdown() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
Fast Quit() without waiting for proper disconnection.
ShutdownSlaveSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
sig1 - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGauss2
Temporary variable for EvalN() function.
sig2 - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGauss2
Temporary variable for EvalN() function.
signals - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4QRootCanvas
signals - Variable in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4WorkSpace
signals - Variable in class qtroot.interface.TQCanvasMenu
signals - Variable in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
SimpleWidgetSelected() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
Size(Float_t,Float_t) - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
Sleep(UInt_t) - Static method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Thread
wrapper for gSystem->Sleep with consecutive
TThread::CancelPoint - necessary for proper pthread
Slot() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitSlotStatus
SlotClass() - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4DependentStatusList
SlotClassList - Variable in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
slots - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisWindow
slots - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4HelpWindow
slots - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
slots - Variable in class qtroot.interface.QRootApplication
slots - Variable in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
slots - Variable in class qtroot.interface.TQRootDialog
slots - Variable in class qtroot.interface.TQRootWindow
Smooth(Int_t) - Method in class TH1
SmoothArray(Int_t,Double_t*,Int_t) - Static method in class TH1
SmoothMedian(Int_t,Double_t*) - Static method in class TH1
sock - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_tcpcomm
sock_name - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_tcpcomm
sock_rw - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_tcpcomm
socket - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_tcpcomm
Source() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitSlotStatus
SourcePad() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitSlotStatus
SourcePanel() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitSlotStatus
sPoolStatusData - Variable in class RawAPI.srawPoolStatus
sQueryAPI - Variable in class RawAPI.srawAPIFile
srawAPIFile - class RawAPI.srawAPIFile
srawArchList - class RawAPI.srawArchList
srawCliActionComm - class RawAPI.srawCliActionComm
srawComm - class RawAPI.srawComm
srawDataMover - class RawAPI.srawDataMover
srawDataMoverAttr - class RawAPI.srawDataMoverAttr
srawFileSystem - class RawAPI.srawFileSystem
srawObjAttr - class RawAPI.srawObjAttr
srawPoolStatus - class RawAPI.srawPoolStatus
srawPoolStatusData - class RawAPI.srawPoolStatusData
srawPoolStatusDMData - class RawAPI.srawPoolStatusDMData
srawQueryResult - class RawAPI.srawQueryResult
srawRequest - class RawAPI.srawRequest
srawRetrList - class RawAPI.srawRetrList
srawStatus - class RawAPI.srawStatus
srawTapeFileList - class RawAPI.srawTapeFileList
srawWorkSpace - class RawAPI.srawWorkSpace
STA_BEGIN_TRANS - Variable in class RawAPI.STATUS
STA_END_OF_FILE - Variable in class RawAPI.STATUS
STA_END_OF_SESSION - Variable in class RawAPI.STATUS
STA_ERROR - Variable in class RawAPI.STATUS
STA_ERROR_EOF - Variable in class RawAPI.STATUS
STA_FILE_STAGED - Variable in class RawAPI.STATUS
STA_INFO - Variable in class RawAPI.STATUS
STA_NEXT_BUFFER - Variable in class RawAPI.STATUS
STA_NOT_PURGED - Variable in class RawAPI.STATUS
STA_PURGED - Variable in class RawAPI.STATUS
STA_SEEK_BUFFER - Variable in class RawAPI.STATUS
STAGE - Variable in class RawAPI.ACTION
STAGE_FROM_CACHE - Variable in class RawAPI.ACTION
StandardDeviation() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
Return standard deviation of bin content (Value) for current point.
Start() - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
Start() - Method in class Go4ProfileTimer.TGo4ProfileTimer
Start() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Slave
General start method of slave application to be called from remote
command; should be re-implemented by application
Start() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
General start method of client application to be called from remote
command; should be re-implemented by application
Start() - Method in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleClient
Start() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Thread
starts runnable method Run within thread loop
by setting running flag and signaling condition
Start(const char*) - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadHandler
Starts work function of the Go4 Thread of name 'name'.
StartAll() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadHandler
Start work function of all Threads in the thread list.
StartAnalysis() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
StartAnalysisShell(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisWindow
StartAnalysisSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
StartAnalysisWin(bool) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
StartAnalysisWindow(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
StartClient(const char*,const char*,const char*,const char*,UInt_t,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientSlots
StartConnectorThread() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
starts the thread that listens to the connector port
for a client negotiation request; used after launching an
rsh client from server
StartDynEditor() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
StartGUIScriptSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
StartMonitor(Int_t,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
StartMonitoring() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredListSlots
StartObjectServer(const Text_t*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Start the object (histogram) server.
StartObjectServer(const Text_t*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
Start the object (histogram) server.
StartParaEdit() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
StartReset() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataGraphIter
StartReset() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataHistogramIter
StartReset() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
Reset pointer and other specific values to the beggining of data.
StartReset() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataProfileIter
StartReset() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataRidgeIter
StartScriptExecution() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
StartSlaveWindow(const char*) - Method in class Go4Display.TGo4Display
This method may start a gui window that contains the output of the slave task.
StartSlaveWindow(const char*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Master
This method may start a gui window that contains the output of the slave task.
StartTracing() - Static method in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
For backward compatibility
StartTransportThreads() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Start all transport threads of this taskhandler (command,
data, status).
startUserGUI(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
StartViewPanel(int,int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
StartViewPanel(int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
StartWorkThreads() - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
start the working threads of the slave implementation;
StartWorkThreads() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
start the working threads of the task implementation;
this method is used after the current connection has changed,
to continue reading/writing
the queues.
StartWorkThreads() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskOwner
Start the working threads of the task owner implementation;
this method is used after the current connection has changed, to continue reading/writing
the queues.
StartWorkThreads() - Method in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleServer
StatusChanged(TGo4Status*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationSlots
StatusChanged(TGo4Status*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisStatusMonitorSlots
StatusChanged(TGo4Status*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ConditionInfoSlots
StatusChanged(TGo4Status*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntrySlots
StatusChanged(TGo4Status*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoSlots
StatusChanged(TGo4Status*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4HistogramInfoSlots
StatusChanged(TGo4Status*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4LogInfoSlots
StatusChanged(TGo4Status*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredListSlots
StatusChanged(TGo4Status*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditSlots
StatusChanged(TGo4Status*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
StatusChanged(TGo4Status*) - Method in class Go4GUIBase.TGo4SlotsBaseClass
StatusChanged(TGo4Status*) - Method in class Go4UserGUI.TGo4AdvancedUserWidgetSlots
StatusClass() - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4DependentStatusList
StatusMessage(const QString&) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
StepBackStore(const char*,const char*,int,int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
StepFileSource(const char*,const char*,int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
StepFileStore(const char*,const char*,bool,int,int,int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
StepMbsEventServerSource(const char*,const char*,int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
StepMbsFileSource(const char*,const char*,int,const char*,int,int,int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
StepMbsRevServSource(const char*,const char*,int,int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
StepMbsStreamSource(const char*,const char*,int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
StepMbsTransportSource(const char*,const char*,int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
StepRandomSource(const char*,const char*,int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
StepUserSource(const char*,const char*,int,int,const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
Stop() - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
Stop() - Method in class Go4ProfileTimer.TGo4ProfileTimer
Stop() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Slave
General stop method of slave application to be called from remote
command; should be re-implemented by application
Stop() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
General stop method of client application to be called from remote
command; should be re-implemented by application
Stop() - Method in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleClient
Stop() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Thread
resets running flag for runnable
Stop(const char*) - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadHandler
Stops work function of the Go4 Thread of name 'name'.
StopAll() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadHandler
Start work function of all Threads in the thread list.
StopAnalysis() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
StopAnalysisSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
StopConnectorThread() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
stops the thread that listens to the connector port
for a client negotiation request;
used before launching an rsh client from server.
StopGUIScriptSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
StopMonitor() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
StopMonitoring() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
StopMonitoring() - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
Stop monitoring list and clear remote browser.
StopObjectServer() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Stop the object (histogram) server.
StopObjectServer() - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
Stop the object (histogram) server.
StopTracing() - Static method in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
For backward compatibility
StopTransportThreads(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Stop all transport threads of this taskhandler (command,
data, status).
StopWaiting() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Called by interrupt routine for normal exit from WaitForStart() function
StopWorkThreads() - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
stop the working threads of the slave implementation;
StopWorkThreads() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
stop the working threads of the task implementation;
this method is used before the current connection is changed to prevent reading/writing
and waiting for the wrong queues.
StopWorkThreads() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskOwner
stop the working threads of the task owne implementation;
this method is used before the current connection is changed to prevent reading/writing
and waiting for the wrong queues.
StopWorkThreads() - Method in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleServer
Store(const Text_t*,TFolder*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
Write folder into eventstore of the step specified by name.
Store(const Text_t*,TGo4Condition*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
Write condition con into eventstore of the step specified by name.
Store(const Text_t*,TGo4Fitter*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
Write fitter fit into eventstore of the step specified by name.
Store(const Text_t*,TGo4Parameter*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
Write object obj into eventstore of the step specified by name.
Store(TFolder*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Saves a folder correllated with the current event into the storage.
Store(TFolder*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventStore
Saves a folder correllated with the current event into the storage.
Store(TFolder*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4BackStore
Saves a folder correllated with the current event into the storage.
Store(TFolder*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStore
Saves a complete objects folder correllated with the current event into the storage.
Store(TGo4Condition*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Saves a condition correllated with the current event into the storage.
Store(TGo4Condition*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventStore
Saves a condition correllated with the current event into the storage.
Store(TGo4Condition*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4BackStore
Saves a condition correllated with the current event into the storage.
Store(TGo4Condition*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStore
Saves a condition correllated with the current event into the storage.
Store(TGo4EventElement*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventStore
Stores eventelement event into the storage implementation.
Store(TGo4EventElement*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4BackStore
Stores eventelement event into the storage implementation.
Store(TGo4EventElement*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStore
Stores eventelement event into the storage implementation.
Store(TGo4EventElement*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeStore
Stores eventelement event into the storage implementation.
Store(TGo4Fitter*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Saves a fitter correllated with the current event into the storage.
Store(TGo4Fitter*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventStore
Saves a fitter correllated with the current event into the storage.
Store(TGo4Fitter*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4BackStore
Saves a fitter correllated with the current event into the storage.
Store(TGo4Fitter*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStore
Saves a fitter correllated with the current event into the storage.
Store(TGo4Parameter*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Saves a parameter correllated with the current event into the storage.
Store(TGo4Parameter*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventStore
Saves a parameter (e.g. calibration object) correllated with the current event into the storage.
Store(TGo4Parameter*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4BackStore
Saves a calibration object correllated with the current event into the storage.
Store(TGo4Parameter*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStore
Saves a calibration object correllated with the current event into the storage.
Store(TGo4Parameter*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeStore
Saves a calibration object correllated with the current event into the storage.
StoreCalibration() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Store the current calibration object of the
event processor into the event store instance.
StoreCondition(const Text_t*,TGo4Condition*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Write condition con into eventstore of the step specified by name.
StoreFitter(const Text_t*,TGo4Fitter*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Write fitter fit into eventstore of the step specified by name.
StoreFolder(const Text_t*,const Text_t*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Write registered folder of foldername to the step store of stepname.
StoreFolder(const Text_t*,TFolder*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Write folder into eventstore of the step specified by name.
StoreParameter(const Text_t*,TGo4Parameter*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Write object obj into eventstore of the step specified by name.
STREAM - Variable in class RawAPI.FILETYPE
Streamer(TBuffer&) - Method in class TBuffer
Streamer(TBuffer&) - Method in class TH1
StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer&) - Method in class TBuffer
StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer&) - Method in class TH1
StreamObject(void*,const char*) - Method in class TBuffer
StreamObject(void*,const type_info&) - Method in class TBuffer
StreamObject(void*,TClass*) - Method in class TBuffer
string - Variable in class MbsAPI.cv_string
string_l - Variable in class MbsAPI.cv_string
StyleSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
SubmitAnalysisConfig() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
SubmitCommand(const char*,TGo4SlotsBaseClass*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
SubmitCommand(const char*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
send command specified by name to the current client task
SubmitCommand(const char*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Master
send command specified by name to the current slave task
SubmitCommand(const char*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
send command specified by name to the current client task
SubmitCommand(TGo4Command*,const char*,TGo4SlotsBaseClass*,Bool_t,TQRootCanvas*,TPad*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
send given command to the current client task

TGo4Command* com: The Command to be Submitted

const char * ObjectName=0 : Name of this Command

TGo4SlotsBaseClass *p=0: Slots Class which will recieve the result of this command

bool Monitor=kFALSE : flag t indicate if this command should be send once or continously

TQRootCanvas *c=0 : The canvas which will be used to draw the results of this command (if any)

TPad *pad=0 : The Pad which will be used to draw the results of this command (if any)
SubmitCommand(TGo4Command*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Master
send given command to the current slave task.
SubmitCommand(TGo4Command*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
send given command to the current client task.
SubmitConfiguration() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationSlots
SubmitEmergencyCommand(Go4EmergencyCommand_t) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Master
send emergency quit command to the current slave task
SubmitEmergencyCommand(Go4EmergencyCommand_t) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
send emergency quit command to the current client task
SubmitEmergencyCommand(Int_t) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
SubmitEmergencyData(Go4EmergencyCommand_t,const char*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
Send emergency command via data channel.
SubmitLocalCommand(TGo4Command*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
send given command to the current client task.
SubmitStartAnalysisSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
SubmittedCommandsList - Variable in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
subRect(SubRect,const QWidget*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.NorwegianWoodStyle
Subtract(timeval&,timeval&,timeval&) - Method in class Go4ProfileTimer.TGo4ProfileTimer
Sumw2() - Method in class TH1
sunkenDark - Variable in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.NorwegianWoodStyle
sunkenLight - Variable in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.NorwegianWoodStyle
SuperImpose(int,const char**,void*,int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
SuperImpose(void*,int,const char*,const char*,const char*,const char*,const char*,const char*,const char*,const char*,const char*,const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
SuperImposeLocal() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserSlots
SuperImposeLocal() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserSlots
SwitchSuperImpose(void*,int,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
SynchronizeWithMemory() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserSlots
synchronizeWithTree(TTree*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4CompositeEvent


Tag() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.QFitItem
TakeFitter() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIOptions
TakeObject() - Method in class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ObjEnvelope
TBuffer - class TBuffer
TBuffer._enum_TBuffer_h_49 - class TBuffer._enum_TBuffer_h_49
TBuffer._enum_TBuffer_h_73 - class TBuffer._enum_TBuffer_h_73
TBuffer._enum_TBuffer_h_74 - class TBuffer._enum_TBuffer_h_74
TBuffer.EMode - class TBuffer.EMode
TBuffer() - Constructor for class TBuffer
TBuffer(const TBuffer&) - Constructor for class TBuffer
TBuffer(TBuffer::EMode,Int_t,void*,Bool_t) - Constructor for class TBuffer
TBuffer(TBuffer::EMode,Int_t) - Constructor for class TBuffer
TBuffer(TBuffer::EMode) - Constructor for class TBuffer
terminalOutputText() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisWindow
Terminate() - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
Overwrites the Threadmanager Terminate to shutdown the objectserver properly
Terminate() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisWindow
Terminate(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Slave
Terminate(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
Terminate(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadManager
deletes the Manager instance via Control timer.
TerminateFast() - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
Overwrites the Threadmanager TerminateFast to shutdown the objectserver properly
TerminateFast() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Slave
TerminateFast() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
Overwrites the Threadmanager TerminateFast to shutdown the objectserver properly
TerminateFast() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadManager
Alternative termination in case of error
Test() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
Noop, return true.
Test() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Test if condition is true.
Test(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Test(Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CounterCond
Test(Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
Test currently selected condition(single edit mode).
Test(Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Test(Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCond
Test if X,Y are inside.
Test(Double_t,Double_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCond
Test v1 versus first limits and v2 versus second limits
Includes lower, excludes upper.
Test(Double_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
Test currently selected condition(single edit mode).
Test(Double_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Test(Double_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCond
Test v1 versus first limits: includes lower, excludes upper.
TestAction() - Method in class Go4ThreadManagerExample.TGo4TestThreadManager
general testfunction which can be called from any
thread runnable
TestBufferUpdateConditions() - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
Test if status buffer shall be updated now
TestCondition() - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
Test if condition for this entry is true.
TestObject(TFolder*,const Text_t*&,const Text_t*,const TClass*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
Test, if object exists in provided folder.
TestRatemeter() - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
Test if ratemeter has been updated.
TestUpdate() - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4Ratemeter
Test if update has been called since last test..
textChanged() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4HelpWindow
TGo4AdvancedUserWidgetSlots - class Go4UserGUI.TGo4AdvancedUserWidgetSlots
TGo4AdvancedUserWidgetSlots(const char*,const char*,TGo4AdvancedUserWidget*) - Constructor for class Go4UserGUI.TGo4AdvancedUserWidgetSlots
TGo4AdvancedUserWidgetStatus - class Go4UserGUI.TGo4AdvancedUserWidgetStatus
TGo4AdvancedUserWidgetStatus(Text_t*,Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4UserGUI.TGo4AdvancedUserWidgetStatus
TGo4Analysis - class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
The mother of all go4 analyses.
TGo4Analysis() - Constructor for class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Protected constructor for singleton instance.
TGo4AnalysisClient - Class in Class Diagram Go4Analysis
TGo4AnalysisClient - class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
TGo4AnalysisClient() - Constructor for class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
TGo4AnalysisClient(const char*,TGo4Analysis*,const char*,UInt_t,Bool_t,const char*,const char*,Bool_t,Bool_t,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
TGo4AnalysisClient(int,char**,TGo4Analysis*,Bool_t,const char*,const char*,Bool_t,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
TGo4AnalysisClientStatus - class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisClientStatus
TGo4AnalysisClientStatus() - Constructor for class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisClientStatus
TGo4AnalysisClientStatus(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisClientStatus
TGo4AnalysisCommand - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisCommand
TGo4AnalysisCommand() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisCommand
TGo4AnalysisCommand(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisCommand
TGo4AnalysisCommand(const TGo4AnalysisCommand&) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisCommand
TGo4AnalysisCommandList - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisCommandList
list containing prototypes of all analysis command objects.
TGo4AnalysisCommandList() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisCommandList
TGo4AnalysisConfigurationSlots - class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationSlots
Slot Class for the Analysis Configuration
TGo4AnalysisConfigurationSlots(const char*,const char*,TGo4AnalysisConfiguration*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationSlots
TGo4AnalysisConfigurationStatus - class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationStatus
TGo4AnalysisConfigurationStatus(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationStatus
TGo4AnalysisMainRunnable - Class in Class Diagram Go4Analysis
Main Runnable of the go4 analysis.
TGo4AnalysisMainRunnable - class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisMainRunnable
Main Runnable of the go4 analysis.
TGo4AnalysisMainRunnable() - Constructor for class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisMainRunnable
TGo4AnalysisMainRunnable(const char*,TGo4AnalysisClient*) - Constructor for class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisMainRunnable
TGo4AnalysisObjectCommand - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectCommand
Intermediate class for all commands accessing an analysis object by name.
TGo4AnalysisObjectCommand() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectCommand
TGo4AnalysisObjectCommand(const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectCommand
TGo4AnalysisObjectManager - class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
This object is responsible for the
organisation of analysis objects.
TGo4AnalysisObjectManager() - Constructor for class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
TGo4AnalysisObjectManager(const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectManager
TGo4AnalysisObjectNames - class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectNames
Contains the name (key) list of all objects in the analysis scope.
TGo4AnalysisObjectNames() - Constructor for class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectNames
default ctor for streamer.
TGo4AnalysisObjectNames(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisObjectNames
private ctor can only invoked by Go4Analysis class, which is friend.
TGo4AnalysisStatus - Class in Class Diagram Go4CommandsAnalysis
Status of the analysis instance.
TGo4AnalysisStatus - class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
Status of the analysis instance.
TGo4AnalysisStatus() - Constructor for class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
default ctor for streamer.
TGo4AnalysisStatus(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStatus
TGo4AnalysisStatusMonitorSlots - class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisStatusMonitorSlots
TGo4AnalysisStatusMonitorSlots(const char*,const char*,TGo4AnalysisStatusMonitor*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisStatusMonitorSlots
TGo4AnalysisStatusMonitorStatus - class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisStatusMonitorStatus
TGo4AnalysisStatusMonitorStatus(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisStatusMonitorStatus
TGo4AnalysisStep - class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Contains a single step of the analysis.
TGo4AnalysisStep() - Constructor for class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
default ctor for streamer.
TGo4AnalysisStep(const char*,TGo4EventFactory*,TGo4EventSourceParameter*,TGo4EventStoreParameter*,TGo4EventProcessorParameter*) - Constructor for class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStep
Normal ctor.
TGo4AnalysisStepCommand - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepCommand
TGo4AnalysisStepCommand() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepCommand
TGo4AnalysisStepCommand(const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepCommand
TGo4AnalysisStepException - class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepException
TGo4AnalysisStepException() - Constructor for class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepException
TGo4AnalysisStepException(const TGo4AnalysisStepException&) - Constructor for class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepException
TGo4AnalysisStepException(TGo4AnalysisStep*) - Constructor for class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepException
TGo4AnalysisStepManager - class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
This object is responsible for the
organisation of analysis steps.
TGo4AnalysisStepManager() - Constructor for class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
TGo4AnalysisStepManager(const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
TGo4AnalysisStepStatus - class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepStatus
Status object of one analysis step.
TGo4AnalysisStepStatus() - Constructor for class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepStatus
default ctor for streamer.
TGo4AnalysisStepStatus(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4AnalysisStepStatus
TGo4AnalysisWatchRunnable - Class in Class Diagram Go4Analysis
runnable performing control watcher functions of analysis client task:
status of analysis is send to status queue
TGo4AnalysisWatchRunnable - class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisWatchRunnable
runnable performing control watcher functions of analysis client task:
status of analysis is send to status queue
TGo4AnalysisWatchRunnable() - Constructor for class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisWatchRunnable
TGo4AnalysisWatchRunnable(const char*,TGo4AnalysisClient*) - Constructor for class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisWatchRunnable
TGo4AnalysisWindow - class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisWindow
TGo4AnalysisWindowLayout - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisWindow
TGo4AppControlTimer - class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4AppControlTimer
Timer with main purpose to block the root
TApplication loop during thread execution.
TGo4AppControlTimer() - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4AppControlTimer
TGo4AppControlTimer(const TGo4AppControlTimer&) - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4AppControlTimer
TGo4AppControlTimer(TGo4ThreadManager*,Long_t,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4AppControlTimer
TGo4ArrowEntry - class Go4GUI.TGo4ArrowEntry
structure for bookkeeping of arrow labels
TGo4ArrowEntry() - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4ArrowEntry
TGo4ArrowEntry(TArrow*,TVirtualPad*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4ArrowEntry
TGo4ASImage - class Go4GUI.TGo4ASImage
TGo4ASImage() - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4ASImage
TGo4BackStore - class Go4EventServer.TGo4BackStore
Event store to keep the last n events in a TTree which is _not_ saved to a file.
TGo4BackStore() - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4BackStore
TGo4BackStore(TGo4BackStoreParameter*) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4BackStore
TGo4BackStoreParameter - class Go4EventServer.TGo4BackStoreParameter
TGo4BackStoreParameter() - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4BackStoreParameter
TGo4BackStoreParameter(const char*,Int_t,Int_t) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4BackStoreParameter
TGo4BranchStatus - class Go4StatusBase.TGo4BranchStatus
TGo4BranchStatus() - Constructor for class Go4StatusBase.TGo4BranchStatus
TGo4BranchStatus(TBranch*) - Constructor for class Go4StatusBase.TGo4BranchStatus
Create status information from given TBranch object.
TGo4BrowserSlots - Class in Sequence Diagram gui2.6
TGo4BrowserSlots - class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserSlots
TGo4BrowserSlots(const char*,const char*,TGo4Browser*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserSlots
TGo4BrowserStatus - Class in Sequence Diagram gui2.6
This Object holds the Go4Browser status, so that the last (The actual) status can be restored at any time when the GUI is re-opened.
TGo4BrowserStatus - class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserStatus
This Object holds the Go4Browser status, so that the last (The actual) status can be restored at any time when the GUI is re-opened.
TGo4BrowserStatus(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserStatus
TGo4BufferQueue - class Go4Queue.TGo4BufferQueue
Class containing a pointer queue for TBuffers.
TGo4BufferQueue() - Constructor for class Go4Queue.TGo4BufferQueue
TGo4BufferQueue(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4Queue.TGo4BufferQueue
TGo4CancelException - class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4CancelException
Cancel thread associated with runnable or with threadname.
TGo4CancelException() - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4CancelException
TGo4CancelException(const TGo4CancelException&) - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4CancelException
TGo4CancelException(TGo4Runnable*,const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4CancelException
TGo4CanvasStatus - class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4CanvasStatus
Status object for TCanvas.
TGo4CanvasStatus() - Constructor for class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4CanvasStatus
TGo4CanvasStatus(TCanvas*,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4CanvasStatus
Setup canvas status from exisiting canvas.
TGo4CanvasWrapper - class Go4StatusBase.TGo4CanvasWrapper
TGo4CanvasWrapper() - Constructor for class Go4StatusBase.TGo4CanvasWrapper
TGo4CanvasWrapper(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4StatusBase.TGo4CanvasWrapper
TGo4CanvasWrapper(TCanvas*) - Constructor for class Go4StatusBase.TGo4CanvasWrapper
TGo4CintLockTimer - class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4CintLockTimer
This timer is used to protect the Go4 threads against
the CINT main application when go4 is running as cint
TGo4CintLockTimer(Long_t,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4CintLockTimer
TGo4ClientStatus - Class in Class Diagram Go4AnalysisClient
TGo4ClientStatus - class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ClientStatus
TGo4ClientStatus() - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ClientStatus
TGo4ClientStatus(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ClientStatus
TGo4ClientTask - Class in Class Diagram Go4AnalysisClient
This class controls a client application running in a task which is controlled
by another server task via transport channels which are held by a task handler object.
TGo4ClientTask - class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ClientTask
This class controls a client application running in a task which is controlled
by another server task via transport channels which are held by a task handler object.
TGo4ClientTask(const char*,const char*,UInt_t,Bool_t,Bool_t,Bool_t,Bool_t,Bool_t,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ClientTask
TGo4ClonesElement - class Go4Event.TGo4ClonesElement
TGo4ClonesElement() - Constructor for class Go4Event.TGo4ClonesElement
TGo4ClonesElement(const char*,Int_t,const char*,const char*,Short_t) - Constructor for class Go4Event.TGo4ClonesElement
TGo4ComAction1 - class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ComAction1
example command calling action routine 1 of example application
TGo4ComAction1() - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ComAction1
TGo4ComAction2 - class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ComAction2
example command calling action routine 2 of example application
TGo4ComAction2() - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ComAction2
TGo4ComAddTreeHistogram - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComAddTreeHistogram
Adds a tree-histogram entry into dynamic list.
TGo4ComAddTreeHistogram() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComAddTreeHistogram
TGo4ComAddTreeHistogram(const char*,const char*,const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComAddTreeHistogram
TGo4ComAutosave - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComAutosave
Write objects into autosave file now.
TGo4ComAutosave() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComAutosave
TGo4ComClearObject - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComClearObject
Calls Clear() method of client object, if object of this name exists.
TGo4ComClearObject() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComClearObject
TGo4ComClearObject(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComClearObject
TGo4ComCloseAnalysis - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCloseAnalysis
Executes the CloseAnalysis Method of TGo4Analysis framework.
TGo4ComCloseAnalysis() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCloseAnalysis
TGo4ComConnectSlave - class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComConnectSlave
master command: initiate connection to slave.
TGo4ComConnectSlave() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComConnectSlave
TGo4ComCopyObject - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCopyObject
Copies client object of oldname into a new object of new name.
TGo4ComCopyObject() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCopyObject
TGo4ComCopyObject(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCopyObject
TGo4ComCreateCondition - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCreateCondition
Creates new condition and adds it to dynamic condition list.
TGo4ComCreateCondition() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCreateCondition
TGo4ComCreateCondition(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCreateCondition
TGo4ComCreateHistogram - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCreateHistogram
Creates new histogram in Go4 folder.
TGo4ComCreateHistogram() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCreateHistogram
TGo4ComCreateHistogram(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCreateHistogram
TGo4ComCreateObject - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCreateObject
Creates new object of class name on client side.Object will be kept in
directory which matches to its base type, e.g in condition directory if it
inherits from condition, in data index dir if inherits from TGo4EventDataIndex, etc.
TGo4ComCreateObject() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCreateObject
TGo4ComCreateObject(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComCreateObject
TGo4ComDeleteObject - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComDeleteObject
Deletes the object by name at the client.
TGo4ComDeleteObject() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComDeleteObject
TGo4ComDeleteObject(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComDeleteObject
TGo4ComDisconnectSlave - class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComDisconnectSlave
master command: current slave
is removed (disconnected) from server
TGo4ComDisconnectSlave() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComDisconnectSlave
TGo4ComExecLine - class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComExecLine
Command executes string as CINT macro
TGo4ComExecLine() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComExecLine
TGo4ComExecLine(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComExecLine
TGo4ComFlush - class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComFlush
command to flush the queues in case of a jam;
default ctor flushes all queues, ctor with parameter data, command or
status queues only
TGo4ComFlush() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComFlush
TGo4ComGetAnalysisStatus - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetAnalysisStatus
Requests for the current analysis status.
TGo4ComGetAnalysisStatus() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetAnalysisStatus
TGo4ComGetCanvas - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetCanvas
Requests a TCanvasfrom the client.
TGo4ComGetCanvas() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetCanvas
TGo4ComGetCanvas(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetCanvas
TGo4ComGetCondition - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetCondition
Requests the status (settings) of an existing condition from the client.
TGo4ComGetCondition() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetCondition
TGo4ComGetCondition(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetCondition
TGo4ComGetCurrentEvent - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetCurrentEvent
Requests the current event as a sample from the
TGo4ComGetCurrentEvent() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetCurrentEvent
TGo4ComGetCurrentEvent(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetCurrentEvent
TGo4ComGetDynamicEntryStatus - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetDynamicEntryStatus
Requests for status of dynamic entry of name in list of
TGo4ComGetDynamicEntryStatus() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetDynamicEntryStatus
TGo4ComGetDynamicEntryStatus(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetDynamicEntryStatus
TGo4ComGetEnvelope - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetEnvelope
Requests the object by name from the client.
TGo4ComGetEnvelope() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetEnvelope
TGo4ComGetEnvelope(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetEnvelope
TGo4ComGetNamesList - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetNamesList
Requests for the current folder list of analysis
TGo4ComGetNamesList() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetNamesList
TGo4ComGetObject - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetObject
Requests the object by name from the client.
TGo4ComGetObject() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetObject
TGo4ComGetObject(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetObject
TGo4ComGetObjectStatus - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetObjectStatus
Requests the object status by name from the client.
TGo4ComGetObjectStatus() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetObjectStatus
TGo4ComGetObjectStatus(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetObjectStatus
TGo4ComGetParameter - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetParameter
Requests a parameter object from the client.
TGo4ComGetParameter() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetParameter
TGo4ComGetParameter(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetParameter
TGo4ComGetPicture - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetPicture
Requests a picture object from the client.
TGo4ComGetPicture() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetPicture
TGo4ComGetPicture(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetPicture
TGo4ComGetStatus - class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComGetStatus
Command to request basic status information on the client task;
the reqest may be carried out by the command runnable that submits a system status
object into the status queue; otherwise a concrete client runnable may submit
any special status object into the queue on this command
TGo4ComGetStatus() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComGetStatus
TGo4ComGetTreeStructure - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetTreeStructure
Requests the branchelement structure of a tree from the analysis.
TGo4ComGetTreeStructure() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetTreeStructure
TGo4ComGetTreeStructure(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComGetTreeStructure
TGo4ComInitAnalysis - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComInitAnalysis
Executes the InitEventClasses Method of TGo4Analysis framework.
TGo4ComInitAnalysis() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComInitAnalysis
TGo4ComLaunchClient - class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComLaunchClient
server command: current client is removed (disconnected) from server
TGo4ComLaunchClient() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComLaunchClient
TGo4ComLoadAnalysisStatus - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComLoadAnalysisStatus
Loads analysis settings from file specified by name.
TGo4ComLoadAnalysisStatus() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComLoadAnalysisStatus
TGo4ComLoadAnalysisStatus(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComLoadAnalysisStatus
TGo4Command - class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
This is the Go4 Abstract Command Class; part of the Base command pattern
TGo4Command() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
TGo4Command(const char*,const char*,Int_t) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
TGo4CommandInvoker - class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4CommandInvoker
Class that knows Command Object; When Client gets the Command it is passed to the Invoker who
sets the CommandClient as receiver and calls its Execute method.
TGo4CommandInvoker() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4CommandInvoker
TGo4CommandProtoList - class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4CommandProtoList
TGo4CommandProtoList() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4CommandProtoList
TGo4CommandProtoList(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4CommandProtoList
TGo4CommandReceiver - class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4CommandReceiver
TGo4CommandReceiver() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4CommandReceiver
TGo4CommandRunnable - class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4CommandRunnable
Runnable responsible for command exchange between transport (socket) and buffer (queue)
In receiver mode, commands are received from transport, checked if sync or not, the
command receiver of system (client) commands is set to the clienttask, sync commands are executed
directly, async commands are passed to the queue
in not receiver mode, runnables waits for the queue and sends all commands from the queue
over the transport
TGo4CommandRunnable() - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4CommandRunnable
TGo4CommandRunnable(const char*,TGo4ThreadManager*,TGo4TaskHandler*,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4CommandRunnable
TGo4ComMasterQuit - class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComMasterQuit
Master Command to quit (terminate) the master application.
TGo4ComMasterQuit() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComMasterQuit
TGo4CompositeEvent - class Go4Event.TGo4CompositeEvent
Base type for object composition
TGo4CompositeEvent() - Constructor for class Go4Event.TGo4CompositeEvent
TGo4CompositeEvent(const char*,const char*,Short_t) - Constructor for class Go4Event.TGo4CompositeEvent
TGo4ComPrintConditions - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComPrintConditions
Printout all condition counters as bar diagram on the local analysis terminal.
TGo4ComPrintConditions() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComPrintConditions
TGo4ComPrintDynList - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComPrintDynList
Printout of dynamic list status on the local analysis terminal.
TGo4ComPrintDynList() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComPrintDynList
TGo4ComPrintHistograms - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComPrintHistograms
Printout all histogram statisticx on the local analysis terminal.
TGo4ComPrintHistograms() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComPrintHistograms
TGo4ComQuit - class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComQuit
Command to quit (terminate) the client,
after successful quit, the client may be removed from taskmanager on the
server side
TGo4ComQuit() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComQuit
TGo4ComRelaunch - class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComRelaunch
Command to relaunch the working thread of a client, in case of a latchup
TGo4ComRelaunch() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComRelaunch
TGo4ComRemoveClient - class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComRemoveClient
server command: current client is removed (disconnected) from server
TGo4ComRemoveClient() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComRemoveClient
TGo4ComRemoveDynamicEntry - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComRemoveDynamicEntry
Removes an entry from a dynamic list.
TGo4ComRemoveDynamicEntry() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComRemoveDynamicEntry
TGo4ComRemoveDynamicEntry(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComRemoveDynamicEntry
TGo4ComSaveAnalysisStatus - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSaveAnalysisStatus
Save current analysis settings to a file specified by name.
TGo4ComSaveAnalysisStatus() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSaveAnalysisStatus
TGo4ComSaveAnalysisStatus(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSaveAnalysisStatus
TGo4ComServerQuit - class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComServerQuit
Server Command to quit (terminate) the server and the application
all clients are removed before
TGo4ComServerQuit() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComServerQuit
TGo4ComSetAnalysisStatus - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetAnalysisStatus
Set the analysis framework to the status encapsulated in
this command.
TGo4ComSetAnalysisStatus() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetAnalysisStatus
TGo4ComSetAnalysisStatus(TGo4AnalysisStatus*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetAnalysisStatus
TGo4ComSetCanvas - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetCanvas
Send the canvas status to define a canvas for the client.
TGo4ComSetCanvas() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetCanvas
TGo4ComSetCanvas(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetCanvas
TGo4ComSetCondition - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetCondition
Send the status to be set for an existing condition to the client.
TGo4ComSetCondition() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetCondition
TGo4ComSetCondition(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetCondition
TGo4ComSetDynamicEntry - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetDynamicEntry
Sets dynamic entry in list of listname to the values
of the encapsulated dynamic entry status object.
TGo4ComSetDynamicEntry() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetDynamicEntry
TGo4ComSetDynamicEntry(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetDynamicEntry
TGo4ComSetFirstStep - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetFirstStep
Set the target step as first step in analysis chain.
TGo4ComSetFirstStep() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetFirstStep
TGo4ComSetFirstStep(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetFirstStep
TGo4ComSetLastStep - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetLastStep
Set the target step as last step in analysis chain.
TGo4ComSetLastStep() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetLastStep
TGo4ComSetLastStep(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetLastStep
TGo4ComSetParameter - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetParameter
Send the parameter to be set for an existing parameter to the client.
TGo4ComSetParameter() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetParameter
TGo4ComSetParameter(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetParameter
TGo4ComSetPicture - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetPicture
Send the picture to be set for an existing picture to the client.
TGo4ComSetPicture() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetPicture
TGo4ComSetPicture(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetPicture
TGo4ComSetPrintEvent - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetPrintEvent
Sets explicit printout for the next n events to come
Event is searched by object name in the EventObjects folder.
TGo4ComSetPrintEvent() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetPrintEvent
TGo4ComSetPrintEvent(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetPrintEvent
TGo4ComSetProcessor - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetProcessor
Switches the event processor of the target analysis step.
TGo4ComSetProcessor() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetProcessor
TGo4ComSetProcessor(const char*,TGo4EventProcessorParameter*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetProcessor
TGo4ComSetProtections - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetProtections
Change protections against clearing (reset) or deletion, etc.
for target objects
TGo4ComSetProtections() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetProtections
TGo4ComSetProtections(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetProtections
TGo4ComSetSource - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetSource
Switches the event source of the target analysis step.
TGo4ComSetSource() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetSource
TGo4ComSetSource(const char*,TGo4EventSourceParameter*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetSource
TGo4ComSetStore - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetStore
Switches the event store of the target analysis step.
TGo4ComSetStore() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetStore
TGo4ComSetStore(const char*,TGo4EventStoreParameter*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComSetStore
TGo4ComStart - class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComStart
Command calling the virtual method Start() of Client Task class;
this method is overridden by user client, thus any start action of the application
may be invoked by this (e.g. start of analysis main event loop)
TGo4ComStart() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComStart
TGo4ComStartHistoServ - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComStartHistoServ
Executes the InitEventClasses Method of TGo4Analysis framework.
TGo4ComStartHistoServ() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComStartHistoServ
TGo4ComStop - class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComStop
Command calling the virtual method Stop() of Client Task class;
this method is overridden by user client, thus any stop action of the application
may be invoked by this (e.g. stop of analysis main event loop)
TGo4ComStop() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4ComStop
TGo4ComStopHistoServ - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComStopHistoServ
Executes the InitEventClasses Method of TGo4Analysis framework.
TGo4ComStopHistoServ() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ComStopHistoServ
TGo4CondArray - class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
TGo4CondArray() - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
TGo4CondArray(const char*,Int_t,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
Constructor. type can be "TGO4WinCond" or "TGO4PolyCond"
TGo4CondArray(const Text_t*,Int_t,Int_t) - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
Constructor. contype can be kWINDOW or kPOLYGON
TGo4CondArrayPainter - class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArrayPainter
TGo4CondArrayPainter() - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArrayPainter
TGo4CondArrayPainter(const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArrayPainter
TGo4Condition - Class in Class Diagram Go4Analysis
TGo4Condition - class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
TGo4Condition() - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
TGo4Condition(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
TGo4Condition(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
TGo4ConditionInfoSlots - class Go4GUI.TGo4ConditionInfoSlots
TGo4ConditionInfoSlots(const char*,const char*,TGo4ConditionInfo*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4ConditionInfoSlots
TGo4ConditionInfoStatus - class Go4GUI.TGo4ConditionInfoStatus
TGo4ConditionInfoStatus(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4ConditionInfoStatus
TGo4ConditionPainter - class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4ConditionPainter
TGo4ConditionPainter() - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4ConditionPainter
TGo4ConditionPainter(const Text_t*,const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4ConditionPainter
TGo4ConditionPainter(const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4ConditionPainter
TGo4ConditionStatus - class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4ConditionStatus
Status object for an analysis conditon.
TGo4ConditionStatus() - Constructor for class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4ConditionStatus
TGo4ConditionStatus(TGo4Condition*) - Constructor for class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4ConditionStatus
TGo4ConnectorRunnable - class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ConnectorRunnable
Runnable to handle connection request from a new client which connects
to a listening Transport channel (socket) on a fixed port number (e.g. 5000).
TGo4ConnectorRunnable() - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ConnectorRunnable
TGo4ConnectorRunnable(const char*,TGo4ServerTask*) - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ConnectorRunnable
TGo4ControlException - class Go4Exceptions.TGo4ControlException
Exception Class responsible for runtime control actions:
Exception mechanism is used as command pattern here;
concrete exceptions act on single threads or the thread
TGo4ControlException() - Constructor for class Go4Exceptions.TGo4ControlException
TGo4ControlException(const TGo4ControlException&) - Constructor for class Go4Exceptions.TGo4ControlException
TGo4ControllerRunnable - class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ControllerRunnable
runnable performing the main action of example client task:
getting commands out of command queue, sending objects into data queue
TGo4ControllerRunnable() - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ControllerRunnable
TGo4ControllerRunnable(const char*,TGo4ExampleServer*) - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ControllerRunnable
TGo4CounterCond - class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CounterCond
TGo4CounterCond() - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CounterCond
TGo4CounterCond(const Text_t*,const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CounterCond
TGo4CounterCond(const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CounterCond
TGo4CreateException - class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4CreateException
Create a thread associated with the runnable.
TGo4CreateException() - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4CreateException
TGo4CreateException(const TGo4CreateException&) - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4CreateException
TGo4CreateException(TGo4Runnable*,const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4CreateException
TGo4CreateHisDefaults - class Go4GUI.TGo4CreateHisDefaults
TGo4CreateHisDefaults(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4CreateHisDefaults
TGo4CreateNewHistogramSlots - class Go4GUI.TGo4CreateNewHistogramSlots
TGo4CreateNewHistogramSlots(const char*,const char*,TGo4CreateNewHistogram*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4CreateNewHistogramSlots
TGo4CreateNewHistogramStatus - class Go4GUI.TGo4CreateNewHistogramStatus
TGo4CreateNewHistogramStatus(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4CreateNewHistogramStatus
TGo4DataRunnable - class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4DataRunnable
Runnable responsible for data object exchange between transport (socket) and buffer (queue)
In receiver mode, data objects are received from transport and passed to the queue
in non receiver mode, runnables waits for the queue and sends all data objects from the queue
over the transport
TGo4DataRunnable() - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4DataRunnable
TGo4DataRunnable(const char*,TGo4ThreadManager*,TGo4TaskHandler*,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4DataRunnable
TGo4DependentStatusList - class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4DependentStatusList
Holds a pointer to a slot object and the name of the status object which he needs, if the status objects exist it will has his pointer too.
TGo4DependentStatusList(const char*,TGo4SlotsBaseClass*,TGo4Status*) - Constructor for class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4DependentStatusList
TGo4DiskFileBrowserSlots - class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserSlots
TGo4DiskFileBrowserSlots(const char*,const char*,TGo4DiskFileBrowser*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserSlots
TGo4DiskFileBrowserStatus - class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserStatus
This Object holds the Go4DiskFileBrowser status, so that the last (The actual) status can be restored at any time when the GUI is re-opened.
TGo4DiskFileBrowserStatus(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4DiskFileBrowserStatus
TGo4Display - Class in Sequence Diagram gui2.6
TGo4Display - class Go4Display.TGo4Display
TGo4Display(UInt_t,const char*,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4Display.TGo4Display
TGo4DisplayDrawerTimer - class Go4Display.TGo4DisplayDrawerTimer
timer which belongs to the Display, used instead of a thread to
avoid conflicts with the Qt GUI internal slots.
TGo4DisplayDrawerTimer() - Constructor for class Go4Display.TGo4DisplayDrawerTimer
TGo4DisplayDrawerTimer(TGo4Display*,Long_t) - Constructor for class Go4Display.TGo4DisplayDrawerTimer
TGo4DisplayLoggerTimer - class Go4Display.TGo4DisplayLoggerTimer
timer which belongs to the Display, used instead of a thread to
avoid conflicts with the Qt GUI internal slots.
TGo4DisplayLoggerTimer() - Constructor for class Go4Display.TGo4DisplayLoggerTimer
TGo4DisplayLoggerTimer(TGo4Display*,Long_t) - Constructor for class Go4Display.TGo4DisplayLoggerTimer
TGo4DockBrowserTabs - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserSlots
TGo4DockBrowserTabs - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4RemoteBrowserSlots
TGo4DynamicEntry - class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
ABC for all entries that can be kept in a dynamic list.
TGo4DynamicEntry() - Constructor for class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
default ctor for streamer.
TGo4DynamicEntry(const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
TGo4DynamicEntryStatus - class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntryStatus
TGo4DynamicEntryStatus() - Constructor for class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntryStatus
default ctor for streamer
TGo4DynamicEntryStatus(const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntryStatus
TGo4DynamicList - Class in Class Diagram Go4Analysis
Aggregate which is responsible for the dynamically created analysis objects like histograms.
TGo4DynamicList - class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicList
Aggregate which is responsible for the dynamically created analysis objects like histograms.
TGo4DynamicList() - Constructor for class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicList
default ctor for streamer.
TGo4DynamicList(const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicList
TGo4DynamicListCommand - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4DynamicListCommand
Baseclass for all commands effecting an dynamic list entry.
TGo4DynamicListCommand() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4DynamicListCommand
TGo4DynamicListCommand(const char*,const char*,const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4DynamicListCommand
TGo4DynamicListException - class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicListException
TGo4DynamicListException() - Constructor for class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicListException
TGo4DynamicListException(const TGo4DynamicListException&) - Constructor for class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicListException
TGo4DynamicListException(TGo4DynamicEntry*,const char*,...) - Constructor for class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicListException
TGo4DynamicListStatus - Class in Class Diagram Go4Analysis
Status of a dynamic list.
TGo4DynamicListStatus - class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicListStatus
Status of a dynamic list.
TGo4DynamicListStatus() - Constructor for class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicListStatus
TGo4DynamicListStatus(const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicListStatus
Private ctor can be invoked by dynamic list which is friend.
TGo4EditDynEntrySlots - class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntrySlots
TGo4EditDynEntrySlots(const char*,const char*,TGo4EditDynEntry*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntrySlots
TGo4EditDynEntryStatus - class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus
TGo4EditDynEntryStatus.EDynEntryTypes - class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus.EDynEntryTypes
Definition of different modes for the dynamic entries
TGo4EditDynEntryStatus(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus
TGo4EventCalibration - Class in Class Diagram Go4Analysis
Data object for calibration of the input event.
TGo4EventCalibration - class Go4Event.TGo4EventCalibration
Data object for calibration of the input event.
TGo4EventCalibration() - Constructor for class Go4Event.TGo4EventCalibration
TGo4EventCalibration(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4Event.TGo4EventCalibration
TGo4EventDataIndex - class Go4Event.TGo4EventDataIndex
Abstract interface to access the data values inside the user event by
any indexing mechanism.
TGo4EventDataIndex() - Constructor for class Go4Event.TGo4EventDataIndex
TGo4EventDataIndex(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4Event.TGo4EventDataIndex
TGo4EventElement - Class in Class Diagram Go4Analysis
The abstract base class for the data elements of which the
unpacked events (or detector structure data, resp) are composed.
TGo4EventElement - class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
The abstract base class for the data elements of which the
unpacked events (or detector structure data, resp) are composed.
TGo4EventElement() - Constructor for class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
TGo4EventElement(const char*,const char*,Short_t) - Constructor for class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
TGo4EventElement(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4Event.TGo4EventElement
TGo4EventEndException - class Go4Event.TGo4EventEndException
Exception to throw on event source timeout.
TGo4EventEndException() - Constructor for class Go4Event.TGo4EventEndException
TGo4EventEndException(const TGo4EventEndException&) - Constructor for class Go4Event.TGo4EventEndException
TGo4EventEndException(TGo4EventSource*) - Constructor for class Go4Event.TGo4EventEndException
TGo4EventErrorException - class Go4Event.TGo4EventErrorException
Exception to be thrown on error of event source.
TGo4EventErrorException() - Constructor for class Go4Event.TGo4EventErrorException
TGo4EventErrorException(const TGo4EventErrorException&) - Constructor for class Go4Event.TGo4EventErrorException
TGo4EventErrorException(TGo4EventSource*,Int_t) - Constructor for class Go4Event.TGo4EventErrorException
TGo4EventFactory - Class in Class Diagram Go4Analysis
Abstract factory for the event related classes.
TGo4EventFactory - class Go4Event.TGo4EventFactory
Abstract factory for the event related classes.
TGo4EventFactory() - Constructor for class Go4Event.TGo4EventFactory
TGo4EventFactory(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4Event.TGo4EventFactory
TGo4EventHeader10 - class Go4EventServer.TGo4EventHeader10
Standard GSI (goosy, mbs) event header implementation.
TGo4EventHeader10() - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4EventHeader10
TGo4EventInfoSlots - class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoSlots
TGo4EventInfoSlots(const char*,const char*,TGo4EventInfo*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoSlots
TGo4EventInfoStatus - class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoStatus
TGo4EventInfoStatus() - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoStatus
TGo4EventInfoStatus(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4EventInfoStatus
TGo4EventProcessor - Class in Class Diagram Go4Analysis
Abstract Factory used by the top level user event to unpack
the raw event into subevents or detector information.
TGo4EventProcessor - class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessor
Abstract Factory used by the top level user event to unpack
the raw event into subevents or detector information.
TGo4EventProcessor() - Constructor for class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessor
Default ctor for root streamer.
TGo4EventProcessor(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessor
TGo4EventProcessorParameter - class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessorParameter
Basic type for all classes containing information
to parametrize the event processor.
TGo4EventProcessorParameter() - Constructor for class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessorParameter
TGo4EventProcessorParameter(const char*,Int_t) - Constructor for class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessorParameter
TGo4EventProcStatus - class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4EventProcStatus
Status object for an eventprocessor class.
TGo4EventProcStatus() - Constructor for class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4EventProcStatus
TGo4EventProcStatus(TGo4EventProcessor*) - Constructor for class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4EventProcStatus
TGo4EventServerFactory - class Go4EventServer.TGo4EventServerFactory
Event factory providing all go4 event service classes.
TGo4EventServerFactory() - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4EventServerFactory
TGo4EventServerFactory(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4EventServerFactory
TGo4EventSource - Class in Class Diagram Go4Analysis
The abstract interface class for the raw event source.
TGo4EventSource - class Go4Event.TGo4EventSource
The abstract interface class for the raw event source.
TGo4EventSource() - Constructor for class Go4Event.TGo4EventSource
TGo4EventSource(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4Event.TGo4EventSource
TGo4EventSourceException - class Go4Event.TGo4EventSourceException
TGo4EventSourceException() - Constructor for class Go4Event.TGo4EventSourceException
TGo4EventSourceException(const TGo4EventSourceException&) - Constructor for class Go4Event.TGo4EventSourceException
TGo4EventSourceException(TGo4EventSource*) - Constructor for class Go4Event.TGo4EventSourceException
TGo4EventSourceParameter - class Go4Event.TGo4EventSourceParameter
Basic type for all classes containing information
to parametrize the event source.
TGo4EventSourceParameter() - Constructor for class Go4Event.TGo4EventSourceParameter
TGo4EventSourceParameter(const char*,Int_t) - Constructor for class Go4Event.TGo4EventSourceParameter
TGo4EventSourceStatus - class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4EventSourceStatus
Status object for an eventsource class.
TGo4EventSourceStatus() - Constructor for class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4EventSourceStatus
TGo4EventSourceStatus(TGo4EventSource*) - Constructor for class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4EventSourceStatus
TGo4EventStatus - class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4EventStatus
Status object for an eventclass.
TGo4EventStatus() - Constructor for class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4EventStatus
TGo4EventStatus(TGo4EventElement*) - Constructor for class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4EventStatus
TGo4EventStore - Class in Class Diagram Go4Analysis
The abstract interface class for the raw event store.
TGo4EventStore - class Go4Event.TGo4EventStore
The abstract interface class for the raw event store.
TGo4EventStore() - Constructor for class Go4Event.TGo4EventStore
TGo4EventStore(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4Event.TGo4EventStore
TGo4EventStoreParameter - class Go4Event.TGo4EventStoreParameter
Basic type for all classes containing information
to parametrize the event store.
TGo4EventStoreParameter() - Constructor for class Go4Event.TGo4EventStoreParameter
TGo4EventStoreParameter(const char*,Int_t) - Constructor for class Go4Event.TGo4EventStoreParameter
TGo4EventStoreStatus - class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4EventStoreStatus
Status object for an eventstore class.
TGo4EventStoreStatus() - Constructor for class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4EventStoreStatus
TGo4EventStoreStatus(TGo4EventStore*) - Constructor for class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4EventStoreStatus
TGo4EventTimeoutException - class Go4Event.TGo4EventTimeoutException
Exception to throw on event source timeout.
TGo4EventTimeoutException() - Constructor for class Go4Event.TGo4EventTimeoutException
TGo4EventTimeoutException(const TGo4EventTimeoutException&) - Constructor for class Go4Event.TGo4EventTimeoutException
TGo4EventTimeoutException(TGo4EventSource*) - Constructor for class Go4Event.TGo4EventTimeoutException
TGo4ExampleApplication - class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleApplication
Example application class; this class may also run as standalone application
without the threaded client-server mechanism (e.g. as later analysis class)
TGo4ExampleApplication(TGo4BufferQueue*) - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleApplication
TGo4ExampleClient - class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleClient
Example class for a client application;
this may be the analysis client later on which keeps the
analysis class itself as aggregate and provides threads to work on analysis
TGo4ExampleClient() - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleClient
TGo4ExampleClient(const char*,const char*,UInt_t,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleClient
TGo4ExampleClientStatus - class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleClientStatus
TGo4ExampleClientStatus() - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleClientStatus
TGo4ExampleClientStatus(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleClientStatus
TGo4ExampleCommand - class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleCommand
TGo4ExampleCommand() - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleCommand
TGo4ExampleCommand(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleCommand
TGo4ExampleCommand(const TGo4ExampleCommand&) - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleCommand
TGo4ExampleCommandList - class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleCommandList
TGo4ExampleCommandList() - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleCommandList
TGo4ExampleController - class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleController
example class for a user control interface (might be a kind of GUI later on);
methods of this class are used to request commands from the user and to
display results which are sent by the client
TGo4ExampleController() - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleController
TGo4ExampleServer - class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleServer
example class for a server task that fits to the example application
TGo4ExampleServer() - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleServer
TGo4ExampleServer(const char*,UInt_t,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleServer
TGo4Exception - class Go4Exceptions.TGo4Exception
TGo4Exception() - Constructor for class Go4Exceptions.TGo4Exception
TGo4Exception(const TGo4Exception&) - Constructor for class Go4Exceptions.TGo4Exception
TGo4ExportManager - class Go4Analysis.TGo4ExportManager
This class manages all export and import conversions of
objects to/from different file formats like ascii, radware, etc.
TGo4ExportManager() - Constructor for class Go4Analysis.TGo4ExportManager
TGo4ExportManager(const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4Analysis.TGo4ExportManager
TGo4FileSource - class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileSource
Raw event source which reads entries from a root TTree in a TFile.
TGo4FileSource() - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileSource
TGo4FileSource(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileSource
TGo4FileSource(TGo4FileSourceParameter*) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileSource
TGo4FileSourceParameter - class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileSourceParameter
TGo4FileSourceParameter() - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileSourceParameter
TGo4FileSourceParameter(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileSourceParameter
TGo4FileStore - class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStore
Event store which fills entries to an own root TTree in a TFile.
TGo4FileStore() - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStore
TGo4FileStore(const char*,Int_t,Int_t,Bool_t,Int_t,Int_t) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStore
TGo4FileStore(TGo4FileStoreParameter*) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStore
TGo4FileStoreParameter - class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStoreParameter
TGo4FileStoreParameter() - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStoreParameter
TGo4FileStoreParameter(const char*,Int_t,Int_t,Int_t,Int_t) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStoreParameter
TGo4FitAmplEstimation - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitAmplEstimation
Amplitude estimation action
In additional to general minimization routine very useful amplitude estimation algorithm can be used.
TGo4FitAmplEstimation() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitAmplEstimation
Default constructor.
TGo4FitAmplEstimation(const char*,Int_t) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitAmplEstimation
Creates TGo4FitAmplEstimation action with given name.
TGo4FitAssignment - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitAssignment
Internal class, used for assignment of model component to data
TGo4FitAssignment() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitAssignment
Default constructor.
TGo4FitAssignment(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitAssignment
Create TGo4FitAssignment object, which assign model to DataName.
TGo4FitAxisTrans - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitAxisTrans
Base class for axis transformation objects
TGo4FitAxisTrans() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitAxisTrans
TGo4FitAxisTrans(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitAxisTrans
TGo4FitComponent - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Basic absrtact class, combining common properties of data and model.
TGo4FitComponent() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Default constructor.
TGo4FitComponent(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
Creates TGo4FitComponent object.
TGo4FitData - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Basic abtract class for representing data, which should be fitted.
TGo4FitData._enum_TGo4FitData_h_35 - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData._enum_TGo4FitData_h_35
TGo4FitData() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Default constructor.
TGo4FitData(const char*,const char*,Int_t,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
Creates TGo4FitData object with given name and title.
TGo4FitDataGraph - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataGraph
Data object, which provides access to TGraph and TGraphErrors ROOT objects.

TGo4FitDataGraph() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataGraph
Default constructor.
TGo4FitDataGraph(const char*,TGraph*,Bool_t,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataGraph
Create TGo4FitDataGraph object with given name.
TGo4FitDataGraphIter - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataGraphIter
TGo4FitDataGraphIter() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataGraphIter
TGo4FitDataGraphIter(TGo4FitDataGraph*) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataGraphIter
TGo4FitDataHistogram - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataHistogram
Data objects, which provides access to generic TH1 ROOT histogram.

TGo4FitDataHistogram() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataHistogram
Default constructor.
TGo4FitDataHistogram(const char*,TH1*,Bool_t,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataHistogram
Creates TGo4FitDataHistogram object with provided name.
TGo4FitDataHistogramIter - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataHistogramIter
TGo4FitDataHistogramIter() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataHistogramIter
TGo4FitDataHistogramIter(TGo4FitDataHistogram*) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataHistogramIter
TGo4FitDataIter - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
Iterator calss for data object.
TGo4FitDataIter() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
Default constructor.
TGo4FitDataProfile - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataProfile
Data object, which provides access to TProfile ROOT class.

TGo4FitDataProfile() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataProfile
Default constructor.
TGo4FitDataProfile(const char*,TProfile*,Bool_t,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataProfile
Create TGo4FitDataProfile object with given name.
TGo4FitDataProfileIter - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataProfileIter
TGo4FitDataProfileIter() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataProfileIter
TGo4FitDataProfileIter(TGo4FitDataProfile*) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataProfileIter
TGo4FitDataRidge - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataRidge
Special object to approxiamte ridges on multi-dimensional histograms.

TGo4FitDataRidge() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataRidge
Default constructor.
TGo4FitDataRidge(const char*,TGo4FitData*,Int_t) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataRidge
Creates TGo4FitDataRidge object with given name.
TGo4FitDataRidgeIter - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataRidgeIter
TGo4FitDataRidgeIter() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataRidgeIter
TGo4FitDataRidgeIter(TGo4FitDataRidge*) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataRidgeIter
TGo4FitDependency - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDependency
Object, used to store dependency of one parameter from other, calculated via expression.
TGo4FitDependency() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDependency
TGo4FitDependency(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDependency
TGo4FitDependency(const char*,Double_t) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDependency
TGo4FitGUIArrow - class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIArrow
TGo4FitGUIArrow._enum_TGo4FitGUIArrow_h_31 - class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIArrow._enum_TGo4FitGUIArrow_h_31
TGo4FitGUIArrow() - Constructor for class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIArrow
TGo4FitGUIArrow(Double_t,Double_t,Double_t,Double_t,Float_t,Option_t*) - Constructor for class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIArrow
TGo4FitGUIArrow(Float_t,Option_t*) - Constructor for class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIArrow
TGo4FitGUIDraw - class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIDraw
TGo4FitGUIDraw() - Constructor for class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIDraw
TGo4FitGUIDraw(TObject*) - Constructor for class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIDraw
TGo4FitGUIOptions - class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIOptions
TGo4FitGUIOptions() - Constructor for class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIOptions
TGo4FitLinearTrans - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitLinearTrans
The linear transfromation of selected data axis.

TGo4FitLinearTrans() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitLinearTrans
TGo4FitLinearTrans(const char*,const char*,Int_t) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitLinearTrans
TGo4FitMatrixTrans - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMatrixTrans
Matrix transfromation of scale values.

TGo4FitMatrixTrans() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMatrixTrans
TGo4FitMatrixTrans(const char*,const char*,Int_t) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMatrixTrans
TGo4FitMinuit - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuit
Minuit minimization action
Now only TGo4FitMinuit class, provided general minimization routine, is available.
TGo4FitMinuit() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuit
Default constructor.
TGo4FitMinuit(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuit
Create TGo4FitMinuit object (action) with given name.
TGo4FitMinuitResult - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuitResult
Result values, taken from Minuit object.
TGo4FitMinuitResult() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuitResult
TGo4FitMinuitResult(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMinuitResult
TGo4FitModel - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Basic abstract class for represnting model components of fitted data.
TGo4FitModel() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Default constructor.
TGo4FitModel(const char*,const char*,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Creates TGo4FitModel object with given name.
TGo4FitModelFormula - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFormula
Model object, which uses ROOT TFormula class facility.

TGo4FitModelFormula() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFormula
Default constructor
TGo4FitModelFormula(const char*,const char*,Int_t,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFormula
Create TGo4FitModelFormula object with given names.
TGo4FitModelFromData - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFromData
Model object, which is uses TGo4FitData object to produce model bins.

TGo4FitModelFromData() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFromData
Default constructor.
TGo4FitModelFromData(const char*,TGo4FitData*,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFromData
Creates TGo4FitModelFromData object with given name.
TGo4FitModelFromData(const char*,TH1*,Bool_t,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFromData
Creates TGo4FitModelFromData object with given name, which uses external histogram as model component.
TGo4FitModelFunction - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFunction
Model objects, which uses external user function to calculate model values.

TGo4FitModelFunction() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFunction
Default constructor.
TGo4FitModelFunction(const char*,const char*,const char*,Int_t,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFunction
Creates TGo4FitModelFunction object with specified name.
TGo4FitModelFunction(const char*,TUserFunction,Int_t,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFunction
Creates TGo4FitModelFunction object with specified name.
TGo4FitModelGauss1 - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGauss1
One dimensional gaussian peak.

TGo4FitModelGauss1() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGauss1
Default constructor.
TGo4FitModelGauss1(const char*,Double_t,Double_t,Int_t) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGauss1
Creates TGo4FitModelGauss1 with given name.
TGo4FitModelGauss2 - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGauss2
Two dimensional gaussian peak.

TGo4FitModelGauss2() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGauss2
Default constructor.
TGo4FitModelGauss2(const char*,Double_t,Double_t,Double_t,Double_t,Double_t,Int_t,Int_t) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGauss2
Creates TGo4FitModelGauss2 with specified name.
TGo4FitModelGaussN - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGaussN
N-dimensional gaussian peak.

TGo4FitModelGaussN() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGaussN
Default constructor.
TGo4FitModelGaussN(const char*,Int_t) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGaussN
Creates TGo4FitModelGaussN model with given name.
TGo4FitModelPolynom - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelPolynom
Model objects, which reproduce component of polynomial function.

TGo4FitModelPolynom() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelPolynom
Default constructor.
TGo4FitModelPolynom(const char*,const TArrayD&) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelPolynom
Creates TGo4FitModelPolynom object with given name for n-dim case.
TGo4FitModelPolynom(const char*,Double_t,Double_t,Double_t) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelPolynom
Creates TGo4FitModelPolynom object with given name for 3-dim case.
TGo4FitModelPolynom(const char*,Double_t,Double_t) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelPolynom
Creates TGo4FitModelPolynom object with given name for 2-dim case.
TGo4FitModelPolynom(const char*,Double_t) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelPolynom
Creates TGo4FitModelPolynom object with given name for 1-dim case.
TGo4FitNamed - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitNamed
Extension of ROOT TNamed class.
TGo4FitNamed() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitNamed
Default constructor.
TGo4FitNamed(const char*,const char*,TNamed*) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitNamed
Creates TGo4FitNamed object and set name and title.
TGo4FitPanelSlots - class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62 - class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_h_62
TGo4FitPanelSlots(const char*,const char*,TGo4FitPanel*) - Constructor for class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
TGo4FitPanelStatus - class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
TGo4FitPanelStatus() - Constructor for class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
TGo4FitPanelStatus(Text_t*,Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
TGo4FitParameter - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
Model and data objects parameter.
TGo4FitParameter() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
Default constructor.
TGo4FitParameter(const char*,const char*,Double_t,Double_t,Double_t,Double_t) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
Create TGo4FitParameter object with given name, title, initial value, given range and epsilon.
TGo4FitParameter(const char*,const char*,Double_t,Double_t,Double_t) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
Create TGo4FitParameter object with given name, title, initial value and given range limits.
TGo4FitParameter(const char*,const char*,Double_t,Double_t) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
Create TGo4FitParameter object with given name, title, initial value and given epsilon.
TGo4FitParameter(const char*,const char*,Double_t) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParameter
Create TGo4FitParameter object with given name, title and initial value.
TGo4FitParsList - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
List of TGo4FitParameter objects.
TGo4FitParsList() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Default constructor.
TGo4FitParsList(Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Create TGo4FitParsList object and set flag of ownership of parameters object.
TGo4FitParsList(const char*,const char*,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
Create TGo4FitParsList object, set it's name and title, and ownership flag of parameters pbjects.
TGo4FitPeakFinder - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
Output action
To add some output to actions, TGo4FitterOutput action class should be used.
TGo4FitPeakFinder() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
Default constructor.
TGo4FitPeakFinder(const char*,const char*,Bool_t,Int_t) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitPeakFinder
Creates TGo4FitPeakFinder action with provided name and, ,
(optionally), DataName, clear models mode.
TGo4FitSlot - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
Object for managing pointers on specific objects.
TGo4FitSlot() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
Default constructor.
TGo4FitSlot(const char*,const char*,TNamed*,TClass*,Bool_t,TObject*,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
Creates TGo4FitSlot object.
TGo4FitSlot(TNamed*,TClass*) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
Creates TGo4FitSlot object.
TGo4FitSlotList - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlotList
TGo4FitSlotList() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlotList
TGo4FitSlotStatus - class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitSlotStatus
TGo4FitSlotStatus._enum_TGo4FitPanelStatus_h_31_2 - class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitSlotStatus._enum_TGo4FitPanelStatus_h_31_2
TGo4FitSlotStatus(TGo4FitSlot*) - Constructor for class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitSlotStatus
TGo4Fitter - class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Central class of Go4Fit package.
TGo4Fitter._enum_TGo4Fitter_h_43 - class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter._enum_TGo4Fitter_h_43
TGo4Fitter() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Default constructor.
TGo4Fitter(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Creates TGo4Fitter object and sets name and title.
TGo4Fitter(const char*,Int_t,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4Fitter
Creates TGo4Fitter object and set type of fit function.
TGo4FitterAbstract - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Abstract fitter class.
TGo4FitterAbstract() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Default constructor.
TGo4FitterAbstract(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAbstract
Create TGo4FitterAbstract object with given name and tiile.
TGo4FitterAction - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAction
Basic class for objects, which performs actions on fitter.
TGo4FitterAction() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAction
Default constructor.
TGo4FitterAction(const char*,const char*,TNamed*) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAction
Creates TGo4FitterAction object with given name and title.
TGo4FitterConfig - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterConfig
Fitter configuration action
By default all fitter parameters are used in optimization as independent from each other.
TGo4FitterConfig() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterConfig
Default constructor.
TGo4FitterConfig(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterConfig
Creates TGo4FiierConfig object with given name and Title.
TGo4FitterEnvelope - class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4FitterEnvelope
This class is a container for one fitter to
be send between gui and analysis and back.
TGo4FitterEnvelope() - Constructor for class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4FitterEnvelope
TGo4FitterEnvelope(const char*,TGo4Fitter*) - Constructor for class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4FitterEnvelope
TGo4FitterOutput - class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterOutput
Output action
To add some output to actions, TGo4FitterOutput action class should be used.
TGo4FitterOutput() - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterOutput
Default constructor.
TGo4FitterOutput(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterOutput
Creates TGo4FitterOutput action with provided command name and options (if required).
TGo4GraphicEntry - class Go4GUI.TGo4GraphicEntry
structure for bookkeeping of graphic primitive
TGo4GraphicEntry() - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4GraphicEntry
TGo4GraphicEntry(TObject*,TVirtualPad*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4GraphicEntry
TGo4GSIEventHeader - class Go4EventServer.TGo4GSIEventHeader
Standard GSI event/subevent header structure.
TGo4GSIEventHeader() - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4GSIEventHeader
TGo4GUIRegistry - Class in Sequence Diagram gui2.6
A static Singleton which acts as a registry for all GUIs in the Go4 Project.
TGo4GUIRegistry - class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
A static Singleton which acts as a registry for all GUIs in the Go4 Project.
TGo4GUIRegistry() - Constructor for class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
TGo4HelpWindow - class Go4GUI.TGo4HelpWindow
TGo4HisConnectorRunnable - class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HisConnectorRunnable
Runnable that waits for client connection request and starts new
TGo4HisConnectorRunnable() - Constructor for class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HisConnectorRunnable
TGo4HisConnectorRunnable(const char*,TGo4HistogramServer*) - Constructor for class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HisConnectorRunnable
TGo4HistogramEntry - class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntry
Entry for the dynamic list, specialized for histogram like objects.
TGo4HistogramEntry() - Constructor for class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntry
TGo4HistogramEntry(const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntry
TGo4HistogramEntryStatus - class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntryStatus
Status object which contains the names of the object and the corresponding
indices/conditions in the dynamic list entry.
TGo4HistogramEntryStatus() - Constructor for class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntryStatus
default ctor for streamer.
TGo4HistogramEntryStatus(const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntryStatus
private ctor may only be invoked by TGo4DynamicEntry, which is friend.
TGo4HistogramInfoSlots - class Go4GUI.TGo4HistogramInfoSlots
TGo4HistogramInfoSlots(const char*,const char*,TGo4HistogramInfo*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4HistogramInfoSlots
TGo4HistogramInfoStatus - class Go4GUI.TGo4HistogramInfoStatus
TGo4HistogramInfoStatus(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4HistogramInfoStatus
TGo4HistogramServer - class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
Handles a histogram server (mbs histogram protocol) for the
histograms registered in the analysis.
TGo4HistogramServer() - Constructor for class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
TGo4HistogramServer(TGo4AnalysisClient*,const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
TGo4HistogramStatus - class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
Runtime status of a histogram object.
TGo4HistogramStatus() - Constructor for class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
TGo4HistogramStatus(TH1*,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4HistogramStatus
Create status from given histogram object.
TGo4InterruptHandler - class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4InterruptHandler
TGo4InterruptHandler(TSignalHandler*) - Constructor for class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4InterruptHandler
TGo4Label - class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Label
Text label that knows its author.
TGo4Label() - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Label
TGo4Label(Double_t,Double_t,Double_t,Double_t,Option_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Label
TGo4LabelConnector - class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4LabelConnector
Conncetion line for labels that knows its author.
TGo4LabelConnector() - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4LabelConnector
TGo4LabelConnector(Double_t,Double_t,Double_t,Double_t) - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4LabelConnector
TGo4LabelPainter - class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4LabelPainter
Base class for painters providing a textlabel for
additional information.
TGo4LabelPainter() - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4LabelPainter
TGo4LabelPainter(const Text_t*,const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4LabelPainter
TGo4LabelPainter(const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4LabelPainter
TGo4LateXEntry - class Go4GUI.TGo4LateXEntry
structure for bookkeeping of latex labels
TGo4LateXEntry() - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4LateXEntry
TGo4LateXEntry(TLatex*,TVirtualPad*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4LateXEntry
TGo4LoadedLibrariesSlots - class Go4GUI.TGo4LoadedLibrariesSlots
TGo4LoadedLibrariesSlots(const char*,const char*,TGo4LoadedLibraries*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4LoadedLibrariesSlots
TGo4LocalCommandRunnable - class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4LocalCommandRunnable
Runnable which executes all local commands on the server side to
prevent gui from blocking.
TGo4LocalCommandRunnable() - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4LocalCommandRunnable
TGo4LocalCommandRunnable(const char*,TGo4Task*) - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4LocalCommandRunnable
TGo4LockGuard - class Go4LockGuard.TGo4LockGuard
TGo4LockGuard(TMutex*) - Constructor for class Go4LockGuard.TGo4LockGuard
TGo4Log - class Go4Log.TGo4Log
This class handles all logging messages inside Go4.
TGo4Log() - Constructor for class Go4Log.TGo4Log
TGo4LoggingRunnable - class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4LoggingRunnable
runnable performing control watcher functions of example client task:
status of application is send to status queue
TGo4LoggingRunnable() - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4LoggingRunnable
TGo4LoggingRunnable(const char*,TGo4ExampleServer*) - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4LoggingRunnable
TGo4LogicException - class Go4Exceptions.TGo4LogicException
TGo4LogicException() - Constructor for class Go4Exceptions.TGo4LogicException
TGo4LogicException(const TGo4LogicException&) - Constructor for class Go4Exceptions.TGo4LogicException
TGo4LogInfoObject - class Go4GUI.TGo4LogInfoObject
TGo4LogInfoObject(const char*,const char*,const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4LogInfoObject
TGo4LogInfoSlots - class Go4GUI.TGo4LogInfoSlots
TGo4LogInfoSlots(const char*,const char*,TGo4LogInfo*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4LogInfoSlots
TGo4LogInfoStatus - class Go4GUI.TGo4LogInfoStatus
TGo4LogInfoStatus(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4LogInfoStatus
TGo4MainRunnable - class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4MainRunnable
runnable performing the main action of example client task:
getting commands out of command queue, sending objects into data queue
TGo4MainRunnable() - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4MainRunnable
TGo4MainRunnable(const char*,TGo4ExampleClient*) - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4MainRunnable
TGo4MainTree - class Go4EventServer.TGo4MainTree
Singleton containing and managing the main tree
of the go4 analysis.
TGo4MainTree() - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4MainTree
TGo4MainWindow - Class in Sequence Diagram gui2.6
This is the Go4 Main Window
TGo4MainWindow - class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
This is the Go4 Main Window
TGo4Marker - class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
Extended graphical marker class for go4 condition editor and
TGo4Marker() - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
TGo4Marker(Double_t,Double_t,Int_t) - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
TGo4MarkerPainter - class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4MarkerPainter
TGo4MarkerPainter() - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4MarkerPainter
TGo4MarkerPainter(const Text_t*,const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4MarkerPainter
TGo4MarkerPainter(const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4MarkerPainter
TGo4MarkerSetup - class Go4GUI.TGo4MarkerSetup
TGo4MarkerSetup() - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4MarkerSetup
TGo4MarkerSetup(const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4MarkerSetup
TGo4Master - class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Master
TGo4Master() - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Master
TGo4Master(const char*,Bool_t,const char*,UInt_t) - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Master
TGo4MbsEvent - class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEvent
Wrapper for the standard gsi event structure as
deliverd from mbs.
TGo4MbsEvent() - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEvent
TGo4MbsEvent(UInt_t,Char_t*,Char_t*,Short_t*,UInt_t*) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEvent
Ctor expecting the number of subevents to initialize and
arrays which specify the subevent ids (subcrate, ctrl, procid) to
TGo4MbsEvent(UInt_t,Short_t*,UInt_t) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEvent
Ctor expecting the number of subevents to initialize and
an array which specifies the subevent ids (procids) to
TGo4MbsEventServer - class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEventServer
Implements the gsi mbs event server into the
go4 classes.
TGo4MbsEventServer() - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEventServer
TGo4MbsEventServer(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEventServer
TGo4MbsEventServer(TGo4MbsEventServerParameter*) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEventServer
TGo4MbsEventServerParameter - class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEventServerParameter
TGo4MbsEventServerParameter() - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEventServerParameter
TGo4MbsEventServerParameter(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsEventServerParameter
TGo4MbsFile - class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFile
Implements the gsi mbs stream server into the
go4 classes.
TGo4MbsFile() - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFile
TGo4MbsFile(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFile
TGo4MbsFile(TGo4MbsFileParameter*) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFile
TGo4MbsFileParameter - class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFileParameter
TGo4MbsFileParameter() - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFileParameter
TGo4MbsFileParameter(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFileParameter
TGo4MbsHist - class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4MbsHist
Object container for the mbs
histogram buffer structure.
TGo4MbsHist() - Constructor for class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4MbsHist
TGo4MbsHist(TFolder*,const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4MbsHist
Create queue object with header information from a folder of histograms.
headers of histograms will be put into fiBuffer, the s_his_head is empty.
TGo4MbsHist(TH1*) - Constructor for class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4MbsHist
Create queue object from a single histogram
in this case, histogram header will fill s_his_head,
and data is copied to fiBuffer
TGo4MbsRandom - class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsRandom
Implements a random generator as source for mbs events.
TGo4MbsRandom() - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsRandom
TGo4MbsRandom(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsRandom
TGo4MbsRandom(TGo4MbsRandomParameter*) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsRandom
TGo4MbsRandomParameter - class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsRandomParameter
TGo4MbsRandomParameter() - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsRandomParameter
TGo4MbsRandomParameter(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsRandomParameter
TGo4MbsSource - class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSource
TGo4MbsSource() - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSource
default for streamer
TGo4MbsSource(const char*,Int_t) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSource
TGo4MbsSourcePrintPar - class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSourcePrintPar
data structure to keep parameters for f_evt_type (SetPrintEvent)
TGo4MbsSourcePrintPar() - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSourcePrintPar
TGo4MbsStream - class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsStream
Implements the gsi mbs stream server into the
go4 classes.
TGo4MbsStream() - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsStream
TGo4MbsStream(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsStream
TGo4MbsStream(TGo4MbsStreamParameter*) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsStream
TGo4MbsStreamParameter - class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsStreamParameter
TGo4MbsStreamParameter() - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsStreamParameter
TGo4MbsStreamParameter(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsStreamParameter
TGo4MbsSubEvent - class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSubEvent
Subevent class for gsi mbs data.
TGo4MbsSubEvent() - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSubEvent
TGo4MbsSubEvent(Int_t) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsSubEvent
TGo4MbsTransport - class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsTransport
Implements the gsi mbs stream server into the
go4 classes.
TGo4MbsTransport() - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsTransport
TGo4MbsTransport(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsTransport
TGo4MbsTransport(TGo4MbsTransportParameter*) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsTransport
TGo4MbsTransportParameter - class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsTransportParameter
TGo4MbsTransportParameter() - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsTransportParameter
TGo4MbsTransportParameter(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsTransportParameter
TGo4MemberStatus - class Go4StatusBase.TGo4MemberStatus
TGo4MemberStatus() - Constructor for class Go4StatusBase.TGo4MemberStatus
TGo4MemberStatus(TDataMember*) - Constructor for class Go4StatusBase.TGo4MemberStatus
Create status information from given TDataMember object.
TGo4MonitoredListSlots - Class in Sequence Diagram gui2.6
TGo4MonitoredListSlots - class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredListSlots
TGo4MonitoredListSlots(const char*,const char*,TGo4MonitoredList*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredListSlots
TGo4MonitoredListStatus - Class in Sequence Diagram gui2.6
TGo4MonitoredListStatus - class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredListStatus
TGo4MonitoredListStatus(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredListStatus
TGo4MonitoredObject - Class in Sequence Diagram gui2.6
TGo4MonitoredObject - class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredObject
TGo4MonitoredObject(const char*,TObject*,QWidget*,TCanvas*,TPad*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4MonitoredObject
TGo4ObjClient - class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4ObjClient
Client for the go4 object server delivering root objects.
TGo4ObjClient() - Constructor for class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4ObjClient
TGo4ObjClient(const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*,Int_t) - Constructor for class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4ObjClient
TGo4ObjConnectorRunnable - class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4ObjConnectorRunnable
Runnable that serves an object request for object client
TGo4ObjConnectorRunnable() - Constructor for class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4ObjConnectorRunnable
TGo4ObjConnectorRunnable(const char*,TGo4HistogramServer*) - Constructor for class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4ObjConnectorRunnable
TGo4ObjConnectorTimer - class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4ObjConnectorTimer
timer aggregated to the histogram server which is responsible to
establish connections of the go4 object clients.
TGo4ObjConnectorTimer() - Constructor for class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4ObjConnectorTimer
TGo4ObjConnectorTimer(TGo4HistogramServer*,Long_t) - Constructor for class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4ObjConnectorTimer
TGo4ObjectQueue - class Go4Queue.TGo4ObjectQueue
Class containing a pointer queue for objects.
TGo4ObjectQueue() - Constructor for class Go4Queue.TGo4ObjectQueue
TGo4ObjectQueue(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4Queue.TGo4ObjectQueue
TGo4ObjectStatus - Class in Class Diagram Go4StatusAnalysis
One entry of the object names folder.
TGo4ObjectStatus - class Go4StatusBase.TGo4ObjectStatus
One entry of the object names folder.
TGo4ObjectStatus() - Constructor for class Go4StatusBase.TGo4ObjectStatus
default ctor for streamer.
TGo4ObjectStatus(TObject*,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4StatusBase.TGo4ObjectStatus
Create status information from given TObject.
TGo4ObjEnvelope - class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ObjEnvelope
TGo4ObjEnvelope() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ObjEnvelope
TGo4ObjEnvelope(TObject*,const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsAnalysis.TGo4ObjEnvelope
TGo4PadOptions - Class in Sequence Diagram gui2.6
TGo4PadOptions - class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
TGo4PadOptions(TPad*,const char*,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4PadOptions
TGo4Pair - class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Pair
TGo4Pair(const char*,TGo4CommandReceiver*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Pair
TGo4ParaEditSlots - class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditSlots
TGo4ParaEditSlots(const char*,const char*,TGo4ParaEdit*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditSlots
TGo4ParaEditStatus - class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
TGo4ParaEditStatus(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
TGo4Parameter - Class in Class Diagram Go4Analysis
Base class for all parameter aggregations, e.g. calibration data.
TGo4Parameter - class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Parameter
Base class for all parameter aggregations, e.g. calibration data.
TGo4Parameter() - Constructor for class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Parameter
TGo4Parameter(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Parameter
TGo4Parameter(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Parameter
TGo4ParameterStatus - class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4ParameterStatus
Status object for an analysis parameter.
TGo4ParameterStatus() - Constructor for class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4ParameterStatus
TGo4ParameterStatus(TGo4Parameter*) - Constructor for class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4ParameterStatus
TGo4Picture - Class in Class Diagram Go4Analysis
TGo4Picture - class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
TGo4Picture.Indexes - class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture.Indexes
TGo4Picture() - Constructor for class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
TGo4Picture(const char*,const char*,Int_t,Int_t) - Constructor for class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
TGo4Picture(TGo4Picture&) - Constructor for class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
TGo4PictureStatus - class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4PictureStatus
Status object for picture object.
TGo4PictureStatus() - Constructor for class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4PictureStatus
TGo4PictureStatus(TGo4Picture*) - Constructor for class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4PictureStatus
TGo4PolyCond - class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCond
TGo4PolyCond() - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCond
TGo4PolyCond(const Text_t*,const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCond
TGo4PolyCond(const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCond
TGo4PolyCondPainter - class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCondPainter
TGo4PolyCondPainter() - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCondPainter
TGo4PolyCondPainter(const Text_t*,const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCondPainter
TGo4PolyCondPainter(const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCondPainter
TGo4PolyCondView - class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCondView
TGo4PolyCondView() - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCondView
TGo4PolyCondView(TCutG*) - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCondView
TGo4PreviewPanelSlots - class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
TGo4PreviewPanelSlots(const char*,const char*,TGo4PreviewPanel*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
TGo4PreviewPanelStatus - Class in Sequence Diagram gui2.6
TGo4PreviewPanelStatus - class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelStatus
TGo4PreviewPanelStatus(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelStatus
TGo4ProfileTimer - class Go4ProfileTimer.TGo4ProfileTimer
TGo4ProfileTimer.TGo4ElapsedTime - class Go4ProfileTimer.TGo4ProfileTimer.TGo4ElapsedTime
TGo4ProfileTimer.TGo4ElapsedTime() - Constructor for class Go4ProfileTimer.TGo4ProfileTimer.TGo4ElapsedTime
TGo4ProfileTimer() - Constructor for class Go4ProfileTimer.TGo4ProfileTimer
TGo4QBranchItem - class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QBranchItem
TGo4QBranchItem(QListView*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QBranchItem
TGo4QBranchItem(QListViewItem*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QBranchItem
TGo4QCanvasItem - class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QCanvasItem
TGo4QCanvasItem(QListView*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QCanvasItem
TGo4QCanvasItem(QListViewItem*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QCanvasItem
TGo4QConItem - class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QConItem
TGo4QConItem(QListView*,const char*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QConItem
TGo4QConItem(QListViewItem*,const char*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QConItem
TGo4QDirItem - class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QDirItem
TGo4QDirItem(QListView*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QDirItem
TGo4QDirItem(QListViewItem*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QDirItem
TGo4QDockWindow - class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QDockWindow
TGo4QDragDrop - class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QDragDrop
TGo4QDragDrop(QListView*,const char*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QDragDrop
TGo4QDragDrop(QListViewItem*,const char*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QDragDrop
TGo4QDynEntryItem - class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QDynEntryItem
TGo4QDynEntryItem(QListView*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QDynEntryItem
TGo4QDynEntryItem(QListViewItem*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QDynEntryItem
TGo4QFileItem - class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QFileItem
TGo4QFileItem(QListView*,const QString&,QFileInfo,TFile*) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QFileItem
TGo4QFileItem(QListView*,const QString&,TFile*) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QFileItem
TGo4QFitterItem - class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QFitterItem
TGo4QFitterItem(QListView*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QFitterItem
TGo4QFitterItem(QListViewItem*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QFitterItem
TGo4QFolderItem - class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QFolderItem
TGo4QFolderItem(QListView*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QFolderItem
TGo4QFolderItem(QListViewItem*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QFolderItem
TGo4QGraphItem - class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QGraphItem
TGo4QGraphItem(QListView*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QGraphItem
TGo4QGraphItem(QListViewItem*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QGraphItem
TGo4QItem - Class in Sequence Diagram gui2.6
TGo4QItem - class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
TGo4QItem(QListView*,const char*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
TGo4QItem(QListViewItem*,const char*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
TGo4QLeafItem - class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QLeafItem
TGo4QLeafItem(QListView*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QLeafItem
TGo4QLeafItem(QListViewItem*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QLeafItem
TGo4QLineEdit - class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QLineEdit
TGo4QLineEdit(QWidget*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QLineEdit
TGo4QMultiGraphItem - class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QMultiGraphItem
TGo4QMultiGraphItem(QListView*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QMultiGraphItem
TGo4QMultiGraphItem(QListViewItem*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QMultiGraphItem
TGo4QParaItem - class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QParaItem
TGo4QParaItem(QListView*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QParaItem
TGo4QParaItem(QListViewItem*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QParaItem
TGo4QPicItem - class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QPicItem
TGo4QPicItem(QListView*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QPicItem
TGo4QPicItem(QListViewItem*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QPicItem
TGo4QPolyArrayItem - class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QPolyArrayItem
TGo4QPolyArrayItem(QListView*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QPolyArrayItem
TGo4QPolyArrayItem(QListViewItem*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QPolyArrayItem
TGo4QPolyItem - class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QPolyItem
TGo4QPolyItem(QListView*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QPolyItem
TGo4QPolyItem(QListViewItem*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QPolyItem
TGo4QProfileItem - class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QProfileItem
TGo4QProfileItem(QListView*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QProfileItem
TGo4QProfileItem(QListViewItem*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QProfileItem
TGo4QRootCanvas - Class in Sequence Diagram gui2.6
TGo4QRootCanvas - class Go4GUI.TGo4QRootCanvas
TGo4QSettings - class Go4GUI.TGo4QSettings
Extends the usual QSettings by a global setup for the
location of the settings file.
TGo4QSettings() - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4QSettings
TGo4QSettings(Format) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4QSettings
TGo4QTH1Item - class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QTH1Item
TGo4QTH1Item(QListView*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QTH1Item
TGo4QTH1Item(QListViewItem*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QTH1Item
TGo4QTH2Item - class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QTH2Item
TGo4QTH2Item(QListView*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QTH2Item
TGo4QTH2Item(QListViewItem*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QTH2Item
TGo4QTH3Item - class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QTH3Item
TGo4QTH3Item(QListView*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QTH3Item
TGo4QTH3Item(QListViewItem*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QTH3Item
TGo4QTHItem - class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QTHItem
TGo4QTHItem(QListView*,const char*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QTHItem
TGo4QTHItem(QListViewItem*,const char*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QTHItem
TGo4QTHStackItem - class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QTHStackItem
TGo4QTHStackItem(QListView*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QTHStackItem
TGo4QTHStackItem(QListViewItem*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QTHStackItem
TGo4QTreeItem - class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QTreeItem
TGo4QTreeItem(QListView*,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QTreeItem
TGo4QTreeItem(QListViewItem*,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QTreeItem
TGo4Queue - class Go4Queue.TGo4Queue
Base class for all threadsafe pointer queues.
TGo4Queue() - Constructor for class Go4Queue.TGo4Queue
TGo4Queue(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4Queue.TGo4Queue
TGo4QWinArrayItem - class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QWinArrayItem
TGo4QWinArrayItem(QListView*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QWinArrayItem
TGo4QWinArrayItem(QListViewItem*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QWinArrayItem
TGo4QWinConItem - class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QWinConItem
TGo4QWinConItem(QListView*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QWinConItem
TGo4QWinConItem(QListViewItem*,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&) - Constructor for class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QWinConItem
TGo4Ratemeter - class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4Ratemeter
Class containing event counter and ratemeter services.
TGo4Ratemeter() - Constructor for class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4Ratemeter
TGo4RecieverInfo - class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4RecieverInfo
Keep information about the reciever of the object (Slot, canvas, pad)
TGo4RecieverInfo(TGo4SlotsBaseClass*,TQRootCanvas*,TPad*,Bool_t,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4RecieverInfo
TGo4RegisteredSlotsList - class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4RegisteredSlotsList
Holds pointers for registerd slot object, status object and GUI
TGo4RegisteredSlotsList(const char*,TGo4SlotsBaseClass*,TGo4Status*,QWidget*) - Constructor for class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4RegisteredSlotsList
TGo4RemoteBrowserSlots - class Go4GUI.TGo4RemoteBrowserSlots
TGo4RemoteBrowserSlots(const char*,const char*,TGo4RemoteBrowser*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4RemoteBrowserSlots
TGo4RemoteBrowserStatus - class Go4GUI.TGo4RemoteBrowserStatus
This Object holds the Go4RemoteBrowser status, so that the last (The actual) status can be restored at any time when the GUI is re-opened.
TGo4RemoteBrowserStatus(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4RemoteBrowserStatus
TGo4RemoveException - class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4RemoveException
Exception with default handler which removes TGo4Thread
of given name from the threadhandlerlist of given
TGo4Runnable (usually the exception throwing runnable)
and deletes it; if no threadname is specified,
the respective thread of the runnable is removed
TGo4RemoveException() - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4RemoveException
TGo4RemoveException(const TGo4RemoveException&) - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4RemoveException
TGo4RemoveException(TGo4Runnable*,const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4RemoveException
TGo4ReplaceException - class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ReplaceException
Exception with the effect of removing old TGo4Thread from
TGo4ThreadHandler and creating and starting new
TGo4Thread with new runnable fxNewRunnable.
TGo4ReplaceException() - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ReplaceException
TGo4ReplaceException(const TGo4ReplaceException&) - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ReplaceException
TGo4ReplaceException(TGo4Runnable*,TGo4Runnable*,const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ReplaceException
TGo4RestartException - class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4RestartException
Exception which cancels and recreates a thread associated with runnable,
or associated with a given name.
TGo4RestartException() - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4RestartException
TGo4RestartException(const TGo4RestartException&) - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4RestartException
TGo4RestartException(TGo4Runnable*,const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4RestartException
Restart thread associated with runnable or with threadname.
TGo4RevServ - class Go4EventServer.TGo4RevServ
Implements the gsi root remote event server into the
go4 classes.
TGo4RevServ() - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4RevServ
TGo4RevServ(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4RevServ
TGo4RevServ(TGo4RevServParameter*) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4RevServ
TGo4RevServParameter - class Go4EventServer.TGo4RevServParameter
TGo4RevServParameter() - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4RevServParameter
TGo4RevServParameter(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4RevServParameter
TGo4Runnable - class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Runnable
Base class for all go4 runnables.
TGo4Runnable() - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Runnable
TGo4Runnable(const char*,TGo4ThreadManager*) - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Runnable
TGo4Runnable(const TGo4Runnable&) - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Runnable
TGo4RuntimeException - class Go4Exceptions.TGo4RuntimeException
TGo4RuntimeException() - Constructor for class Go4Exceptions.TGo4RuntimeException
TGo4RuntimeException(const TGo4RuntimeException&) - Constructor for class Go4Exceptions.TGo4RuntimeException
TGo4ScriptSlots - class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
TGo4ScriptSlots(const char*,const char*,TGo4ScriptWidget*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
TGo4ScriptStatus - class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptStatus
TGo4ScriptStatus(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptStatus
TGo4ServerTask - class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
TGo4ServerTask.ELaunchmodes - class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask.ELaunchmodes
TGo4ServerTask(const char*,UInt_t,Bool_t,Bool_t,Bool_t,Bool_t,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
TGo4SimpleEvent - class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleEvent
Simple Event structure containing a fixed size TClonesArray of subevents.
TGo4SimpleEvent() - Constructor for class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleEvent
TGo4SimpleEvent(Int_t) - Constructor for class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleEvent
TGo4SimpleEventProcessor - class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleEventProcessor
TGo4SimpleEventProcessor() - Constructor for class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleEventProcessor
TGo4SimpleSubEvent - class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleSubEvent
TGo4SimpleSubEvent() - Constructor for class Go4EventServerExample.TGo4SimpleSubEvent
TGo4Slave - class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Slave
Baseclass for all slave process entities.
TGo4Slave() - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Slave
TGo4Slave(const char*,Bool_t,const char*,UInt_t) - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Slave
TGo4SlotsBaseClass - class Go4GUIBase.TGo4SlotsBaseClass
TGo4SlotsBaseClass() - Constructor for class Go4GUIBase.TGo4SlotsBaseClass
TGo4SlotsBaseClass(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4GUIBase.TGo4SlotsBaseClass
TGo4Socket - class Go4Socket.TGo4Socket
TGo4Socket() - Constructor for class Go4Socket.TGo4Socket
TGo4Socket(Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4Socket.TGo4Socket
TGo4SocketSignalHandler - class Go4Socket.TGo4SocketSignalHandler
TGo4SocketSignalHandler() - Constructor for class Go4Socket.TGo4SocketSignalHandler
TGo4SocketSignalHandler(Int_t,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4Socket.TGo4SocketSignalHandler
TGo4StartClientSlots - class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientSlots
Slots for the StartClient Widget

All actions in the StartClient GUI are taking place here in this class.
TGo4StartClientSlots(const char*,const char*,TGo4StartClient*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientSlots
TGo4StartClientStatus - class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientStatus
TGo4StartClientStatus(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4StartClientStatus
Slave Mode = 1 rsh
Slave Mode = 2 ssh
Shell =1 Qt
Shell =2 Xterm
TGo4StartException - class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4StartException
start thread associated with runnable.
TGo4StartException() - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4StartException
TGo4StartException(const TGo4StartException&) - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4StartException
TGo4StartException(TGo4Runnable*,const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4StartException
TGo4Status - Class in Class Diagram Go4StatusAnalysis
TGo4Status - class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Status
TGo4Status._enum_TGo4Status_h_61 - class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Status._enum_TGo4Status_h_61
Go4 status bits to be used in object manager to suppress
resetting or deleting histograms, etc
TGo4Status() - Constructor for class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Status
TGo4Status(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Status
TGo4Status(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Status
TGo4StatusRunnable - class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4StatusRunnable
Runnable responsible for status object exchange between transport (socket) and buffer (queue)
In receiver mode, status objects are received from transport and passed to the queue
in non receiver mode, runnables waits for the queue and sends all status objects from the queue
over the transport
TGo4StatusRunnable() - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4StatusRunnable
TGo4StatusRunnable(const char*,TGo4ThreadManager*,TGo4TaskHandler*,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4StatusRunnable
TGo4StepFactory - class Go4EventServer.TGo4StepFactory
TGo4StepFactory() - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4StepFactory
TGo4StepFactory(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4StepFactory
TGo4SubEventHeader10 - class Go4EventServer.TGo4SubEventHeader10
Standard GSI subevent header implementation.
TGo4SubEventHeader10() - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4SubEventHeader10
TGo4SubmittedCommandsEntry - class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4SubmittedCommandsEntry
TGo4SubmittedCommandsEntry(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4SubmittedCommandsEntry
TGo4Task - class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
TGo4Task(const char*,Bool_t,Bool_t,Bool_t,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
TGo4TaskConnectorTimer - class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskConnectorTimer
timer aggregated to the servertask which is responsible to
open and handle the negotiation requests of the clients
TGo4TaskConnectorTimer() - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskConnectorTimer
TGo4TaskConnectorTimer(TGo4ServerTask*,Long_t) - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskConnectorTimer
TGo4TaskHandler - class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
This class is responsible for the interconnection of two tasks:
provided are three communication channels (data, command, status),
one thread runnable is acting on each transport channel (e.g. socket);
one queue (buffer) is assigned to each channel
depending on client or server mode of the task handler, the threads get objects
from transporl and put them into the queue, or vice versa.
TGo4TaskHandler() - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
TGo4TaskHandler(const char*,TGo4ThreadManager*,Bool_t,Bool_t,UInt_t) - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
TGo4TaskHandlerAbortException - class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerAbortException
TGo4TaskHandlerAbortException() - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerAbortException
TGo4TaskHandlerAbortException(TGo4TaskHandler*) - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerAbortException
Exception to Disconnect client belonging to taskhandler from server task (servermode)
or shut down the client task (clientmode)
TGo4TaskHandlerAbortException(TGo4TaskHandlerRunnable*) - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerAbortException
ctor to call exception from within a taskhandler runnable;
will find out taskhandler from runnable
TGo4TaskHandlerCommand - class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerCommand
TGo4TaskHandlerCommand() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerCommand
TGo4TaskHandlerCommand(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerCommand
TGo4TaskHandlerCommand(const TGo4TaskHandlerCommand&) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerCommand
TGo4TaskHandlerCommandList - class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerCommandList
Class containing all command prototypes of the
TaskHandler system commands (and the basic test commands);
may be derived by application or user command list class which
can add own commands into the list using AddCommand Method
of TGo4CommandProtoList Base Class
TGo4TaskHandlerCommandList() - Constructor for class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerCommandList
TGo4TaskHandlerCommandList(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerCommandList
TGo4TaskHandlerException - class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerException
TGo4TaskHandlerException() - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerException
TGo4TaskHandlerException(TGo4TaskHandler*) - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerException
TGo4TaskHandlerException(TGo4TaskHandlerRunnable*) - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerException
TGo4TaskHandlerRunnable - class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerRunnable
This is the abstract interface for all runnables associated
with the taskhandler class
TGo4TaskHandlerRunnable() - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerRunnable
TGo4TaskHandlerRunnable(const char*,TGo4ThreadManager*,TGo4TaskHandler*,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerRunnable
TGo4TaskHandlerStatus - class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerStatus
TGo4TaskHandlerStatus() - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerStatus
TGo4TaskHandlerStatus(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerStatus
TGo4TaskManager - class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskManager
TGo4TaskManager() - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskManager
TGo4TaskManager(const char*,TGo4ServerTask*,UInt_t) - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskManager
TGo4TaskManager(const TGo4TaskManager&) - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskManager
TGo4TaskOwner - class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskOwner
Baseclass for all instances that can own a TGo4Task.
TGo4TaskOwner() - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskOwner
TGo4TaskOwner(Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskOwner
TGo4TaskStatus - class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskStatus
TGo4TaskStatus() - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskStatus
TGo4TaskStatus(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskStatus
TGo4TerminateException - class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4TerminateException
Exception which terminates the threadmanager and the application.
TGo4TerminateException() - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4TerminateException
TGo4TerminateException(const TGo4TerminateException&) - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4TerminateException
TGo4TerminateException(TGo4Runnable*) - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4TerminateException
TGo4TerminateException(TGo4ThreadManager*) - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4TerminateException
TGo4TestRunnable - class Go4ThreadManagerExample.TGo4TestRunnable
Example of a user defined runnable subclass.
TGo4TestRunnable() - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManagerExample.TGo4TestRunnable
TGo4TestRunnable(const TGo4TestRunnable&) - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManagerExample.TGo4TestRunnable
TGo4TestRunnable(Text_t*,TGo4ThreadManager*,Int_t) - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManagerExample.TGo4TestRunnable
TGo4TestThreadManager - class Go4ThreadManagerExample.TGo4TestThreadManager
Example of a user subclass of the threadmanager.
TGo4TestThreadManager() - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManagerExample.TGo4TestThreadManager
TGo4TestThreadManager(const TGo4TestThreadManager&) - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManagerExample.TGo4TestThreadManager
TGo4TestThreadManager(Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManagerExample.TGo4TestThreadManager
TGo4Thread - class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Thread
Class that encapsulates a root TThread which calls a user runnable Method
(TGo4Runnable::Run()) in a loop.
TGo4Thread() - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Thread
TGo4Thread(const char*,TGo4Runnable*,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Thread
TGo4Thread constructor parameters:
name: name of the thread
runnable: external user runnable to be executed from TThread.
internal: define if thread shall be owned by threadmanager,
or if it belongs to other aggregation
TGo4Thread(const TGo4Thread&) - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Thread
TGo4ThreadException - class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadException
Exception base class for all exceptions acting on a thread.
TGo4ThreadException() - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadException
TGo4ThreadException(const TGo4ThreadException&) - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadException
TGo4ThreadException(TGo4Runnable*,const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadException
TGo4ThreadHandler - class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadHandler
Thread Handler holds array of
Go4Thread Objects; each
Go4Thread handles one TThread and Mutex, Condition...
knows threadmanager instance
that owns the handler (that owns the
task connector which owns the thread handler,
this threadmanager instance pointer is
given to each thread and runnable on
creation, thus each thread can
acces its manager methods by
threadmanager pointer
TGo4ThreadHandler() - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadHandler
TGo4ThreadHandler(const char*,TGo4ThreadManager*) - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadHandler
TGo4ThreadHandler(const TGo4ThreadHandler&) - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadHandler
TGo4ThreadManager - Class in Class Diagram Go4TaskHandler
base class for classes that
shall be accessed from a thread /runnable
TGo4ThreadManager - class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadManager
base class for classes that
shall be accessed from a thread /runnable
TGo4ThreadManager() - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadManager
TGo4ThreadManager(const char*,Bool_t,Bool_t,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadManager
ctor parameters:
blockingmode=true: gApplication is blocked by timer
autostart=true: all thread runnables start their work on Initialization()
autocreate=true: all threads added to handler in threadmanager ctor are created on Launch()
TGo4ThreadManager(const TGo4ThreadManager&) - Constructor for class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadManager
TGo4TreeHistogramEntry - class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntry
Dynamic list entry which links a histogram to a certain tree.
TGo4TreeHistogramEntry() - Constructor for class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntry
default ctor for streamer.
TGo4TreeHistogramEntry(const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const Text_t*,const TCut&) - Constructor for class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntry
TGo4TreeHistogramEntry(const Text_t*,TTree*,const Text_t*,const TCut&) - Constructor for class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntry
TGo4TreeHistogramEntryStatus - class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntryStatus
Status object for a tree histogram entry of the
dynamic list.
TGo4TreeHistogramEntryStatus() - Constructor for class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntryStatus
default ctor for streamer.
TGo4TreeHistogramEntryStatus(const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntryStatus
private ctor may only be invoked by TGo4TreeHistogramEntry,
which is friend.
TGo4TreeSource - class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeSource
Raw event source which reads entries from a root TTree.
TGo4TreeSource() - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeSource
TGo4TreeSource(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeSource
TGo4TreeSource(TGo4TreeSourceParameter*) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeSource
TGo4TreeSourceParameter - class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeSourceParameter
TGo4TreeSourceParameter() - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeSourceParameter
TGo4TreeSourceParameter(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeSourceParameter
TGo4TreeStore - class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeStore
Storage instance using the central main go4 tree which
is accessible as singleton.
TGo4TreeStore() - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeStore
TGo4TreeStore(const char*,TGo4EventElement*,Int_t,Int_t,Text_t*,Int_t) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeStore
TGo4TreeStore(TGo4TreeStoreParameter*,TGo4EventElement*) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeStore
TGo4TreeStoreParameter - class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeStoreParameter
TGo4TreeStoreParameter() - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeStoreParameter
TGo4TreeStoreParameter(const char*,Int_t,Int_t,const char*,Int_t) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeStoreParameter
TGo4TreeStructure - class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4TreeStructure
Contains the branchelement structure of a certain TTree on the
analysis side.
TGo4TreeStructure() - Constructor for class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4TreeStructure
default ctor for streamer.
TGo4TreeStructure(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4TreeStructure
private ctor can only invoked by Go4Analysis class, which is friend.
TGo4TreeViewerSlots - class Go4GUI.TGo4TreeViewerSlots
TGo4TreeViewerSlots(const char*,const char*,TGo4TreeViewer*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4TreeViewerSlots
TGo4TreeViewerStatus - class Go4GUI.TGo4TreeViewerStatus
TGo4TreeViewerStatus(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4TreeViewerStatus
TGo4UserException - class Go4Analysis.TGo4UserException
Exception to be thrown by analysis user.
TGo4UserException() - Constructor for class Go4Analysis.TGo4UserException
TGo4UserException(const TGo4UserException&) - Constructor for class Go4Analysis.TGo4UserException
TGo4UserException(Int_t,const Text_t*,...) - Constructor for class Go4Analysis.TGo4UserException
TGo4UserSourceParameter - class Go4EventServer.TGo4UserSourceParameter
TGo4UserSourceParameter() - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4UserSourceParameter
TGo4UserSourceParameter(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4UserSourceParameter
TGo4UserStoreParameter - class Go4EventServer.TGo4UserStoreParameter
TGo4UserStoreParameter() - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4UserStoreParameter
TGo4UserStoreParameter(const char*) - Constructor for class Go4EventServer.TGo4UserStoreParameter
TGo4Version - class Go4Analysis.TGo4Version
TGo4Version() - Constructor for class Go4Analysis.TGo4Version
TGo4WatchRunnable - class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4WatchRunnable
runnable performing control watcher functions of example client task:
status of application is send to status queue
TGo4WatchRunnable() - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4WatchRunnable
TGo4WatchRunnable(const char*,TGo4ExampleClient*) - Constructor for class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4WatchRunnable
TGo4WinCond - class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCond
TGo4WinCond() - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCond
TGo4WinCond(const Text_t*,const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCond
TGo4WinCond(const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCond
TGo4WinCondPainter - class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCondPainter
TGo4WinCondPainter() - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCondPainter
TGo4WinCondPainter(const Text_t*,const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCondPainter
TGo4WinCondPainter(const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCondPainter
TGo4WinCondView - class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCondView
TGo4WinCondView() - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCondView
TGo4WinCondView(Double_t,Double_t,Double_t,Double_t) - Constructor for class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCondView
TGo4WindowEditSlots - class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
TGo4WindowEditSlots(const char*,const char*,TGo4WindowEdit*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
TGo4WindowEditStatus - class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditStatus
TGo4WindowEditStatus(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditStatus
TGo4WorkSpace - Class in Sequence Diagram gui2.6
TGo4WorkSpace - class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4WorkSpace
TH1 - class TH1
TH1._enum_TH1_h_105 - class TH1._enum_TH1_h_105
TH1() - Constructor for class TH1
TH1(const char*,const char*,Int_t,Axis_t,Axis_t) - Constructor for class TH1
TH1(const char*,const char*,Int_t,const Double_t*) - Constructor for class TH1
TH1(const char*,const char*,Int_t,const Float_t*) - Constructor for class TH1
ThreadCatch(TGo4Exception&) - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Runnable
catch for exceptions occuring in workfunc
ThreadCatch(TGo4Exception&) - Method in class Go4ThreadManagerExample.TGo4TestRunnable
catch for exceptions occuring in workfunc
Threadfunc(void*) - Static method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Thread
This function is passed to TThread
ctor and runs as pthread.
ThrowError(Int_t,Int_t,Text_t*,...) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventSource
Exception thrower.
TimerConnect() - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
This method is used by the object connectortimer Notify to
connect or disconnect a transportchannel (TSocket) on demand;
the connection process itself is handled by the connector runnable
TimerConnect() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
this method is used by the connectortimer Notify to
connect or disconnect a transportchannel (TSocket) on demand;
the connection process itself is handled by the connector runnable
which uses services of the TaskManager class
TMeshAnalysis - class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshAnalysis
TMeshAnalysis() - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshAnalysis
TMeshAnalysis(Text_t*,Int_t,Int_t,Text_t*,Text_t*,Bool_t,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshAnalysis
TMeshB12AnlProc - class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB12AnlProc
TMeshB12AnlProc() - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB12AnlProc
TMeshB12AnlProc(Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB12AnlProc
TMeshB12OutputEvent - class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB12OutputEvent
TMeshB12OutputEvent() - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB12OutputEvent
TMeshB12OutputEvent(Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB12OutputEvent
TMeshB1AnlProc - class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB1AnlProc
TMeshB1AnlProc() - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB1AnlProc
TMeshB1AnlProc(Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB1AnlProc
TMeshB1InputEvent - class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB1InputEvent
TMeshB1InputEvent() - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB1InputEvent
TMeshB1InputEvent(Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB1InputEvent
TMeshB1OutputEvent - class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB1OutputEvent
TMeshB1OutputEvent() - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB1OutputEvent
TMeshB1OutputEvent(Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB1OutputEvent
TMeshB2AnlProc - class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB2AnlProc
TMeshB2AnlProc() - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB2AnlProc
TMeshB2AnlProc(Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB2AnlProc
TMeshB2InputEvent - class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB2InputEvent
TMeshB2InputEvent() - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB2InputEvent
TMeshB2InputEvent(Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB2InputEvent
TMeshB2OutputEvent - class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB2OutputEvent
TMeshB2OutputEvent() - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB2OutputEvent
TMeshB2OutputEvent(Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB2OutputEvent
TMeshB3AnlProc - class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB3AnlProc
TMeshB3AnlProc() - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB3AnlProc
TMeshB3AnlProc(Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB3AnlProc
TMeshB3InputEvent - class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB3InputEvent
TMeshB3InputEvent() - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB3InputEvent
TMeshB3InputEvent(Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB3InputEvent
TMeshB3OutputEvent - class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB3OutputEvent
TMeshB3OutputEvent() - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB3OutputEvent
TMeshB3OutputEvent(Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshB3OutputEvent
TMeshDummyEvent - class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshDummyEvent
The only purpose for this class is to trigger the method of
the corresponding provider processor to get the correct event
pointer from framework.
TMeshDummyEvent() - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshDummyEvent
TMeshDummyEvent(Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshDummyEvent
TMeshFinalEvent - class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshFinalEvent
TMeshFinalEvent() - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshFinalEvent
TMeshFinalEvent(Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshFinalEvent
TMeshFinalProc - class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshFinalProc
TMeshFinalProc() - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshFinalProc
TMeshFinalProc(Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshFinalProc
TMeshParameter - class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshParameter
This parameter may be used for a global setup of the mesh
TMeshParameter() - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshParameter
TMeshParameter(Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshParameter
TMeshProviderProc - class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshProviderProc
TMeshProviderProc() - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshProviderProc
TMeshProviderProc(Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshProviderProc
TMeshRawEvent - class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshRawEvent
TMeshRawEvent() - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshRawEvent
TMeshRawEvent(Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshRawEvent
TMeshUnpackProc - class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshUnpackProc
TMeshUnpackProc() - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshUnpackProc
TMeshUnpackProc(Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshUnpackProc
TMinuitEx - class Go4Fit.TMinuitEx
TMinuitEx(Int_t,TGo4FitterAbstract*) - Constructor for class Go4Fit.TMinuitEx
TModelTemplate - class Go4FitExample.TModelTemplate
TModelTemplate(const char*,Int_t,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4FitExample.TModelTemplate
ToggleAutoExec() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
ToggleEventStatus() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
top - Class Diagram
TQApplication - class qtroot.interface.TQApplication

This class creates Root environement that will
interface with the Qt windowing system eventloop and eventhandlers.
TQApplication() - Constructor for class qtroot.interface.TQApplication
TQApplication(const char*,int*,char**,void*,int) - Constructor for class qtroot.interface.TQApplication
TQCanvasImp - class qtroot.interface.TQCanvasImp
ABC describing Qt GUI independent main window (with menubar, scrollbars
and a drawing area).
TQCanvasImp(TCanvas*,const char*,Int_t,Int_t,UInt_t,UInt_t) - Constructor for class qtroot.interface.TQCanvasImp
QCanvasImp ctor
TQCanvasImp(TCanvas*,const char*,UInt_t,UInt_t) - Constructor for class qtroot.interface.TQCanvasImp
TQCanvasImp ctor
TQCanvasImp(TCanvas*) - Constructor for class qtroot.interface.TQCanvasImp
QCanvasImp ctor
TQCanvasMenu - class qtroot.interface.TQCanvasMenu

This class provides an interface to Qt based context sensitive popup menus.
TQCanvasMenu(QWidget*,QWidget*,TCanvas*) - Constructor for class qtroot.interface.TQCanvasMenu
TQRootCanvas - class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
TQRootCanvas(QWidget*,QWidget*,const char*,TCanvas*) - Constructor for class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
TQRootDialog - class qtroot.interface.TQRootDialog

A TQRootDialog is used to prompt for the arguments of an object's
member function.
TQRootFrame - class qtroot.interface.TQRootFrame
Pseudo root mainframe to wrap root composite frames like TGedEditor
TQRootFrame(Window_t) - Constructor for class qtroot.interface.TQRootFrame
pretend a root frame for the externally created window of id wid
TQRootGuiFactory - class qtroot.interface.TQRootGuiFactory
As TRootGuiFactory from the ROOT library, this
class uses the services of the general ABC TGuiFactory
in order to get Qt Native GUI components instead of
the ROOT ones.
TQRootGuiFactory(const char*,const char*) - Constructor for class qtroot.interface.TQRootGuiFactory
TQRootGuiFactory ctor
TQRootWindow - class qtroot.interface.TQRootWindow
Transformation(Double_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitAxisTrans
Transformation(Double_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitLinearTrans
Transformation(Double_t*,Int_t) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitMatrixTrans
TransformScales(Double_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
Transform scales values, using transformation objects in data.
TreeDraw(const char*,const char*,const char*,const char*,const char*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4TreeViewerSlots
TrueCounts() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
Return number of true results of the Test method call.
TrueCounts() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Return number of true results of the Test method call.
TrueCounts() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditStatus
Return values for currently set condition:
TrueValue() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditStatus
Return values for currently set condition:
TXXXAnalysis - class Go4Example1Step.TXXXAnalysis
TXXXAnalysis - class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnalysis
TXXXAnalysis() - Constructor for class Go4Example1Step.TXXXAnalysis
TXXXAnalysis() - Constructor for class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnalysis
TXXXAnalysis(Text_t*,Int_t,Int_t,Text_t*,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4Example1Step.TXXXAnalysis
TXXXAnalysis(Text_t*,Int_t,Int_t,Text_t*,Text_t*,Bool_t,Bool_t) - Constructor for class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnalysis
TXXXAnlEvent - class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnlEvent
TXXXAnlEvent() - Constructor for class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnlEvent
TXXXAnlEvent(Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnlEvent
TXXXAnlFact - class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnlFact
TXXXAnlFact() - Constructor for class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnlFact
TXXXAnlFact(Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnlFact
TXXXAnlProc - class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnlProc
TXXXAnlProc() - Constructor for class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnlProc
TXXXAnlProc(Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnlProc
TXXXCalibPar - class Go4Example2Step.TXXXCalibPar
TXXXCalibPar() - Constructor for class Go4Example2Step.TXXXCalibPar
TXXXCalibPar(Text_t*,TH1*,TGraph*) - Constructor for class Go4Example2Step.TXXXCalibPar
TXXXControl - class Go4Example1Step.TXXXControl
TXXXControl() - Constructor for class Go4Example1Step.TXXXControl
TXXXControl(Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4Example1Step.TXXXControl
TXXXEvent - class Go4Example1Step.TXXXEvent
TXXXEvent() - Constructor for class Go4Example1Step.TXXXEvent
TXXXEvent(Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4Example1Step.TXXXEvent
TXXXParam - class Go4Example1Step.TXXXParam
TXXXParam() - Constructor for class Go4Example1Step.TXXXParam
TXXXParam(Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4Example1Step.TXXXParam
TXXXProc - class Go4Example1Step.TXXXProc
TXXXProc() - Constructor for class Go4Example1Step.TXXXProc
TXXXProc(Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4Example1Step.TXXXProc
TXXXUnpackEvent - class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackEvent
TXXXUnpackEvent() - Constructor for class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackEvent
TXXXUnpackEvent(Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackEvent
TXXXUnpackFact - class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackFact
TXXXUnpackFact() - Constructor for class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackFact
TXXXUnpackFact(Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackFact
TXXXUnpackProc - class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackProc
TXXXUnpackProc() - Constructor for class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackProc
TXXXUnpackProc(Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackProc
Type - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4CreateHisDefaults
TYYYAnalysis - class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYAnalysis
TYYYAnalysis() - Constructor for class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYAnalysis
TYYYAnalysis(Text_t*,Text_t*,Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYAnalysis
TYYYEventSource - class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYEventSource
TYYYEventSource() - Constructor for class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYEventSource
TYYYEventSource(const Text_t*,const Text_t*,Int_t) - Constructor for class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYEventSource
Create source specifying values directly
TYYYEventSource(TGo4UserSourceParameter*) - Constructor for class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYEventSource
Creat source from setup within usersource parameter object
TYYYRawEvent - class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYRawEvent
Example for user defined raw event class.
TYYYRawEvent() - Constructor for class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYRawEvent
TYYYRawEvent(const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYRawEvent
TYYYUnpackEvent - class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackEvent
TYYYUnpackEvent() - Constructor for class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackEvent
TYYYUnpackEvent(Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackEvent
TYYYUnpackFact - class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackFact
TYYYUnpackFact() - Constructor for class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackFact
TYYYUnpackFact(Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackFact
TYYYUnpackProc - class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackProc
TYYYUnpackProc() - Constructor for class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackProc
TYYYUnpackProc(const Text_t*) - Constructor for class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackProc


ui_idbase - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_head
uic_load_pixmap(const QString&) - Static method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
ul_attr - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_spe
ul_ofree - Variable in class MbsAPI.s_head
UnBlockApp(Int_t) - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4ThreadManager
Wakes up the control timer waiting for his condition;
parameter mode specifies whether timer will block
again at next turn (mode=0), timer will block when
all threads are up (mode=1), or timer will not block
again unless the next Block call, i.e. applicationrun flag is
reset (mode=2)
UndefIndex - Variable in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture.Indexes
UnDraw(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Erase view of this condition from the pad
UnDraw(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Marker
Erase view of this marker from the pad
UnExeCom() - Method in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
For undo functionality (not yet impl.)
UnexpectedCatch() - Method in class Go4ThreadManager.TGo4Runnable
catch for all unexcpected exceptions happening in
UnexpectedCatch() - Method in class Go4ThreadManagerExample.TGo4TestRunnable
catch for all unexcpected exceptions happening in
UnloadLibrary() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4LoadedLibrariesSlots
UnLockAutoSave() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
UnLock the autosave mutex.
Unpack(TMeshRawEvent*) - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshUnpackProc
UnpackBranch1(TMeshB1InputEvent*) - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshUnpackProc
UnpackBranch2(TMeshB2InputEvent*) - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshUnpackProc
UnpackBranch3(TMeshB3InputEvent*) - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshUnpackProc
UnPaintCondition(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArrayPainter
Erase condition view
UnPaintCondition(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4ConditionPainter
Display condition with plain root canvas and in go4 viewpanel
UnPaintCondition(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCondPainter
Erase condition view
UnPaintCondition(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCondPainter
Erase condition view
UnPaintConnector(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4MarkerPainter
UnPaintLabel(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4LabelPainter
Erase the label
UnPaintLabel(Option_t*) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4MarkerPainter
unPolish(QApplication*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.MetalStyle
unPolish(QApplication*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.NorwegianWoodStyle
unPolish(QWidget*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.MetalStyle
unPolish(QWidget*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.NorwegianWoodStyle
UnRegisterClass(TGo4SlotsBaseClass*,TGo4Status*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
UnRegisterDependentClass(TGo4SlotsBaseClass*,const char*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
UnregisterWindowEditSlots(TGo4WindowEditSlots*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
UNSTAGE - Variable in class RawAPI.ACTION
Update() - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MainTree
Update the tree entry information without processing any branch.
i.e. increment the entry counter with all branches disabled.
Update() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
Update(Int_t) - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4Ratemeter
Update counter and rate values.
UpdateActivePage() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
UpdateAllPads() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
UpdateCondition() - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCondView
Copy modified view values back to condition
UpdateDependents(TGo4Status*) - Method in class Go4GUIRegistry.TGo4GUIRegistry
UpdateDrawPad() - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
root TPad::Update of the current draw pad.
UpdateEntry(TGo4DynamicEntryStatus*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4EditDynEntryStatus
update internal entry status object from source which was sent from analysis.
UpdateExtendedPage() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
UpdateFrom(TGo4Condition*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
UpdateFrom(TGo4Condition*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
Copy values from cond to this.
UpdateFrom(TGo4Condition*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CounterCond
UpdateFrom(TGo4Condition*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4PolyCond
Copy values from cond to this.
UpdateFrom(TGo4Condition*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4WinCond
Copy values from cond to this.
UpdateFrom(TGo4Parameter*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventCalibration
update contents of paramter class with external object.
UpdateFrom(TGo4Parameter*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventProcessorParameter
update contents of paramter class with external object.
UpdateFrom(TGo4Parameter*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventSourceParameter
update contents of paramter class with external object.
UpdateFrom(TGo4Parameter*) - Method in class Go4Event.TGo4EventStoreParameter
update contents of paramter class with external object.
UpdateFrom(TGo4Parameter*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4BackStoreParameter
update contents of paramter class with external object.
UpdateFrom(TGo4Parameter*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStoreParameter
update contents of paramter class with external object.
UpdateFrom(TGo4Parameter*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MbsFileParameter
update contents of paramter class with external object.
UpdateFrom(TGo4Parameter*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4TreeStoreParameter
update contents of paramter class with external object.
UpdateFrom(TGo4Parameter*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4UserStoreParameter
update contents of paramter class with external object.
UpdateFrom(TGo4Parameter*) - Method in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXControl
UpdateFrom(TGo4Parameter*) - Method in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXParam
UpdateFrom(TGo4Parameter*) - Method in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXCalibPar
UpdateFrom(TGo4Parameter*) - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshParameter
UpdateFrom(TGo4Parameter*) - Method in class Go4StatusAnalysis.TGo4FitterEnvelope
UpdateFrom(TGo4Parameter*) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Parameter
update contents of paramter class with external object.
to be implemented in subclass
UpdateFrom(TGo4Picture*,TClass*) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
UpdateItem(QFitItem*,bool) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
UpdateItemsOfType(int,QFitItem*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
UpdateLastFitter(TGo4Fitter*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
If parameter contains fitter reference, we update the last
edited one
UpdateLocalList() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4BrowserSlots
UpdateMemberLists() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
Recreate the list of datamembers, types and values
UpdateNamesList() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Update the internal list of object names.
UpdateObjectReferenceFor(TGo4FitSlotStatus*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
UpdateObjectReferenceInSlots(bool,TObject*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
UpdateObjectsContentFrom(TGo4Picture*,TVirtualPad*) - Method in class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Picture
UpdateOnline(TObject*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QCanvasItem
UpdateOnline(TObject*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QGraphItem
UpdateOnline(TObject*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QItem
Update (Refresh contents) the current item object by object fxObj.
UpdateOnline(TObject*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QMultiGraphItem
UpdateOnline(TObject*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QPicItem
UpdateOnline(TObject*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QTHItem
UpdateOnline(TObject*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4QTHStackItem
UpdatePad() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitSlotStatus
UpdatePad(TPad*,TH1*,Bool_t,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
Synchronize padoptions of pad with setup of root histogram h1.
if updatemarkers is true, also do scan graph markers and assign
their work histogram.
UpdatePad(TPad*,THStack*,Bool_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelSlots
UpdateParameter(TGo4Parameter*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
UpdateRate(Int_t) - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
Update ratemeter.
UpdateRestPrimitives(TGo4FitGUIArrow*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
UpdateRestPrimitives(TObject*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitSlotStatus
UpdateSimplePage() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
UpdateSlotsStatusList() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
UpdateStatus(TGo4AnalysisStatus*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Create a copy of the analysis internal state.
UpdateStatus(TGo4AnalysisStatus*) - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4AnalysisStepManager
Update step specific part of analysis status object
UpdateStatus(TGo4ClientStatus*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandlerExample.TGo4ExampleClient
method needed by method
CreateStatus of any status subclasses to
set the values of the clienttask specific
part of the status object.
UpdateStatus(TGo4DynamicEntryStatus*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
Update the status object containing information such as the object names.
UpdateStatus(TGo4DynamicEntryStatus*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicList
Create a status object containing information such as the object names.
UpdateStatus(TGo4DynamicEntryStatus*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4HistogramEntry
Create a status object containing information such as the object names.
UpdateStatus(TGo4DynamicEntryStatus*) - Method in class Go4DynamicList.TGo4TreeHistogramEntry
method needed by method
CreateStatus of any status subclasses to
set the values of the clienttask specific
part of the status object.
UpdateStatus(TGo4TaskStatus*) - Method in class Go4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient
Method needed by method CreateStatus of any status subclasses to
set the values of the clienttask specific part of the status object.
UpdateStatus(TGo4TaskStatus*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ClientTask
method needed by method
CreateStatus of any status subclasses to
set the values of the clienttask specific
part of the status object.
UpdateStatus(TGo4TaskStatus*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Slave
method needed by method
CreateStatus of any status subclasses to
set the values of the clienttask specific
part of the status object.
UpdateStatus(TGo4TaskStatus*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
method needed by method
CreateStatus of any status subclasses to
set the values of the clienttask specific
part of the status object.
UpdateStatusBuffer() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Slave
Create status object and stream it into the
status send buffer.
UpdateStatusBuffer() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
Create status object and stream it into the
status send buffer.
UpdateSubPads(TPad*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4PreviewPanelStatus
Scan list of primitive of pad for subpads not yet registered.
updateTerminalOutput() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisWindow
UpdateTimer - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisWindow
UpdateWizardPage() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
UseAmplEstim() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIOptions
UseCurrentRange() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
UseCurrentStyle() - Method in class TH1
UseCurrentStyle() - Method in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
UserEventFunc() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
User defined function which processes the actual analysis.
UserEventFunc() - Method in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXAnalysis
UserEventFunc() - Method in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnalysis
UserEventFunc() - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshAnalysis
UserEventFunc() - Method in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYAnalysis
UserFunction(Double_t*,Double_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
Another place, where user specific code can be placed for model values calculation.
UserFunction(Double_t*,Double_t*) - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelFunction
UserFunction(Double_t*,Double_t*) - Method in class Go4FitExample.TModelTemplate
UserPanelSlot() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
UserPostLoop() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
User defined function called once after processing the main
event loop.
UserPostLoop() - Method in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXAnalysis
UserPostLoop() - Method in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnalysis
UserPostLoop() - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshAnalysis
UserPostLoop() - Method in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYAnalysis
UserPreLoop() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
User defined function called once before processing the main
event loop.
UserPreLoop() - Method in class Go4Example1Step.TXXXAnalysis
UserPreLoop() - Method in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnalysis
UserPreLoop() - Method in class Go4ExampleMesh.TMeshAnalysis
UserPreLoop() - Method in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYAnalysis
UseSamePanelForDraw() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
UsesUserPath() - Static method in class Go4GUI.TGo4QSettings


Value() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
Return bin content (Value) for current point.
ValueString(const Text_t*,Long_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ParaEditStatus
Deliver string representation of data member from offset
and full address (thispointer+memberoffset)
Vect_dx - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGaussN
Temporary variable for EvalN() function.
Vect_mu - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGaussN
Temporary variable for EvalN() function.
Vect_x - Variable in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModelGaussN
Temporary variable for EvalN() function.
ViewPanelActivated(TGo4PreviewPanel*) - Method in class Go4QtBaseWidgets.TGo4WorkSpace
ViewPanelPad(void*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
ViewPanelPadUpdate(TGo4PreviewPanel*,TPad*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
ViewPanelRemoved(TGo4PreviewPanel*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
ViewPanelSlot(int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow


Wait() - Method in class Go4Queue.TGo4Queue
Wait(double) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
WaitAnalysis(Int_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
WaitBuffer() - Method in class Go4Queue.TGo4BufferQueue
Wait for buffer object from queue.
WaitForClientRemoved() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskManager
WaitForClose() - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
WaitForClose() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
WaitForConnection() - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
WaitForConnection() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
WaitForOpen() - Method in class Go4HistogramServer.TGo4HistogramServer
WaitForOpen() - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4ServerTask
WaitForStart() - Method in class Go4Analysis.TGo4Analysis
Poll on the IsRunning state with sleep delay, returns number
of wait cycles.
WaitGetPort(TGo4Socket*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Get actual local port number of specified
Go4 socket.
WaitMonitor(const char*,double) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
WaitObject() - Method in class Go4Queue.TGo4ObjectQueue
Wait for object from queue.
WaitObject(const char*,double) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4ScriptSlots
WaitObjectFromBuffer() - Method in class Go4Queue.TGo4BufferQueue
Wait for buffer object from queue.
WaitThreadStop(const char*) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandler
Wait for the thread of name to be stopped.
Wake() - Method in class Go4Queue.TGo4Queue
WakeCommandQueue(Int_t) - Method in class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Task
Put dummy object into command queue
to wake up user threads which might
wait for a command.
Warn(const Text_t*,...) - Static method in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
User shortcut for message with prio 2
What() - Method in class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
What() - Method in class Go4Exceptions.TGo4Exception
returns string describing the kind of exception *
wid - Variable in class qtroot.interface.TQRootCanvas
WidgetType() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.QFitItem
Widths() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
Return scales widths values.
WillBeSaved() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlot
Win(Int_t) - Method in class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4CondArray
Returns window condition object i from object array.
WindowActivatedSlot(QWidget*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
windowsMenu - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
windowsMenuAboutToShow() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
windowsMenuActivated(int) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
Wiz_ClearPaint() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Wiz_CreateNewData(int) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Wiz_CreateNewModel(int) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Wiz_DataHasPad() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Wiz_GetModelInfo(TGo4FitModel*,QString*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Wiz_GetSlotSourceInfo(TGo4FitSlot*,QString*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Wiz_PaintData() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Wiz_PaintModel() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Wiz_PrepareDataTypeList(QPopupMenu*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Wiz_PrepareModelTypeList(QPopupMenu*) - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Wiz_RebuildDataList() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Wiz_RemoveData() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Wiz_TakeCurrentRange() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
Wiz_UseSelectedRange() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
WizPageIndex() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIOptions
WizShowAllModels() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitGUIOptions
WizWidgetSelected() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelStatus
WorkingPad(Int_t) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditSlots
Delivers working pad indexed in vector of registered pads.
WorkingWithOnlyPad() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
WorkingWithPanel() - Method in class Go4FitGUI.TGo4FitPanelSlots
WorkSpaceNewChild(TGo4PreviewPanel*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
WorkSpaceRemovedChild(TGo4PreviewPanel*) - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4MainWindow
Write(const char*,Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
Write(const char*,Int_t,Int_t) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4MainTree
Write tree content to file.
WriteArray(const Bool_t*,Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
WriteArray(const Char_t*,Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
WriteArray(const Double_t*,Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
WriteArray(const Float_t*,Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
WriteArray(const Int_t*,Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
WriteArray(const Long_t*,Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
WriteArray(const Short_t*,Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
WriteArray(const UChar_t*,Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
WriteArray(const UInt_t*,Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
WriteArray(const ULong_t*,Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
WriteArray(const UShort_t*,Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
WriteAutoSave() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4AnalysisConfigurationSlots
WriteBuf(const void*,Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
WriteClass(const TClass*) - Method in class TBuffer
WriteFastArray(const Bool_t*,Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
WriteFastArray(const Char_t*,Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
WriteFastArray(const Double_t*,Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
WriteFastArray(const Float_t*,Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
WriteFastArray(const Int_t*,Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
WriteFastArray(const Long_t*,Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
WriteFastArray(const Short_t*,Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
WriteFastArray(const UChar_t*,Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
WriteFastArray(const UInt_t*,Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
WriteFastArray(const ULong_t*,Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
WriteFastArray(const UShort_t*,Int_t) - Method in class TBuffer
WriteLogfile(const Text_t*,Bool_t) - Static method in class Go4Log.TGo4Log
Write text to current logfile if this is open.
WriteObject(const TObject*) - Method in class TBuffer
WriteObject(const void*,TClass*) - Method in class TBuffer
WriteObjectAny(const void*,TClass*) - Method in class TBuffer
WriteString(const char*) - Method in class TBuffer
WriteToStore(TNamed*) - Method in class Go4EventServer.TGo4FileStore
used by all Store methods to write with referencing event number in name
WriteVersion(const TClass*,Bool_t) - Method in class TBuffer
wt_amplest - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_153
wt_data - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_153
wt_depend - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_153
wt_fitter - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_153
wt_formula - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_153
wt_fromdata - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_153
wt_function - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_153
wt_gauss1 - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_153
wt_gauss2 - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_153
wt_gaussn - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_153
wt_lintrans - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_153
wt_matrtrans - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_153
wt_minuit - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_153
wt_minuitres - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_153
wt_model - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_153
wt_named - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_153
wt_none - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_153
wt_output - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_153
wt_par - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_153
wt_parcfg - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_153
wt_peakfinder - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_153
wt_polynom - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_153
wt_range - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_153
wt_rangecut - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_153
wt_slot - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_153
wt_table - Variable in class Go4FitGUI._enum_TGo4FitPanelSlots_cxx_153


x() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
Return current x coordinate if exists, otherwise 0
Xmax - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4CreateHisDefaults
Xmax() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditStatus
Return values for currently set condition:
Xmin - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4CreateHisDefaults
Xmin() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditStatus
Return values for currently set condition:
xWidths() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
Return production of all width parameters (1 if no widths)
XXXEventAnalysis(TXXXAnlEvent*) - Method in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXAnlProc
XXXUnpack(TXXXUnpackEvent*) - Method in class Go4Example2Step.TXXXUnpackProc


y() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
Return current y coordinate if exists, otherwise 0
Ymax - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4CreateHisDefaults
Ymax() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditStatus
Return values for currently set condition:
Ymin - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4CreateHisDefaults
Ymin() - Method in class Go4GUI.TGo4WindowEditStatus
Return values for currently set condition:
YYYUnpack(TYYYUnpackEvent*) - Method in class Go4ExampleUserSource.TYYYUnpackProc


z() - Method in class Go4Fit.TGo4FitDataIter
Return current z coordinate if exists, otherwise 0
Zmax - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4CreateHisDefaults
Zmin - Variable in class Go4GUI.TGo4CreateHisDefaults

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
