v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Package Go4CommandsAnalysis

Class Diagram Summary

Class Summary
TGo4AnalysisCommandListlist containing prototypes of all analysis command objects.
TGo4AnalysisObjectCommandIntermediate class for all commands accessing an analysis object by name.
TGo4ComAddTreeHistogramAdds a tree-histogram entry into dynamic list.
TGo4ComAutosaveWrite objects into autosave file now.
TGo4ComClearObjectCalls Clear() method of client object, if object of this name exists.
TGo4ComCloseAnalysisExecutes the CloseAnalysis Method of TGo4Analysis framework.
TGo4ComCopyObjectCopies client object of oldname into a new object of new name.
TGo4ComCreateConditionCreates new condition and adds it to dynamic condition list.
TGo4ComCreateHistogramCreates new histogram in Go4 folder.
TGo4ComCreateObjectCreates new object of class name on client side.Object will be kept in
directory which matches to its base type, e.g in condition directory if it
inherits from condition, in data index dir if inherits from TGo4EventDataIndex, etc.
TGo4ComDeleteObjectDeletes the object by name at the client.
TGo4ComGetAnalysisStatusRequests for the current analysis status.
TGo4ComGetCanvasRequests a TCanvasfrom the client.
TGo4ComGetConditionRequests the status (settings) of an existing condition from the client.
TGo4ComGetCurrentEventRequests the current event as a sample from the
TGo4ComGetDynamicEntryStatusRequests for status of dynamic entry of name in list of
TGo4ComGetEnvelopeRequests the object by name from the client.
TGo4ComGetNamesListRequests for the current folder list of analysis
TGo4ComGetObjectRequests the object by name from the client.
TGo4ComGetObjectStatusRequests the object status by name from the client.
TGo4ComGetParameterRequests a parameter object from the client.
TGo4ComGetPictureRequests a picture object from the client.
TGo4ComGetTreeStructureRequests the branchelement structure of a tree from the analysis.
TGo4ComInitAnalysisExecutes the InitEventClasses Method of TGo4Analysis framework.
TGo4ComLoadAnalysisStatusLoads analysis settings from file specified by name.
TGo4ComPrintConditionsPrintout all condition counters as bar diagram on the local analysis terminal.
TGo4ComPrintDynListPrintout of dynamic list status on the local analysis terminal.
TGo4ComPrintHistogramsPrintout all histogram statisticx on the local analysis terminal.
TGo4ComRemoveDynamicEntryRemoves an entry from a dynamic list.
TGo4ComSaveAnalysisStatusSave current analysis settings to a file specified by name.
TGo4ComSetAnalysisStatusSet the analysis framework to the status encapsulated in
this command.
TGo4ComSetCanvasSend the canvas status to define a canvas for the client.
TGo4ComSetConditionSend the status to be set for an existing condition to the client.
TGo4ComSetDynamicEntrySets dynamic entry in list of listname to the values
of the encapsulated dynamic entry status object.
TGo4ComSetFirstStepSet the target step as first step in analysis chain.
TGo4ComSetLastStepSet the target step as last step in analysis chain.
TGo4ComSetParameterSend the parameter to be set for an existing parameter to the client.
TGo4ComSetPictureSend the picture to be set for an existing picture to the client.
TGo4ComSetPrintEventSets explicit printout for the next n events to come
Event is searched by object name in the EventObjects folder.
TGo4ComSetProcessorSwitches the event processor of the target analysis step.
TGo4ComSetProtectionsChange protections against clearing (reset) or deletion, etc.
for target objects
TGo4ComSetSourceSwitches the event source of the target analysis step.
TGo4ComSetStoreSwitches the event store of the target analysis step.
TGo4ComStartHistoServExecutes the InitEventClasses Method of TGo4Analysis framework.
TGo4ComStopHistoServExecutes the InitEventClasses Method of TGo4Analysis framework.
TGo4DynamicListCommandBaseclass for all commands effecting an dynamic list entry.

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
