v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Class TGo4ComExecLine

class TGo4ComExecLine
derived from TGo4TaskHandlerCommand

Command executes string as CINT macro

Field Summary
 private TStringfxLine
          Contains text of macro.

Fields inherited from class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
fbIsEnabled, fbIsExclusive, fbIsLocal, fbIsSynchron, fgcMODEDESCRIPTION, fiCommandID, fiMode, fiProtection, fiVersion, fxReceiverBase

Fields inherited from class TNamed
fName, fTitle

Constructor Summary
TGo4ComExecLine(const char * macro)

Destructor Summary
 virtual synchronized ~TGo4ComExecLine()

Method Summary
 const const char *GetLine()
          access to the passwd.
 voidSetLine(const char * name)
          set the object name under command.

Methods inherited from class Go4CommandsTaskHandler.TGo4TaskHandlerCommand
operator=, RefuseCom

Methods inherited from class Go4CommandsBase.TGo4Command
GetCommandID, GetMode, GetModeDescription, GetProtection, GetReceiverName, GetTaskName, Help, IsEnabled, IsExclusive, IsLocal, IsSynchron, Log, SetDescription, SetMode, SetProtection, SetReceiver, SetReceiverName, SetTaskName, UnExeCom, What

Methods inherited from class TNamed
operator=, Clear, Clone, Compare, Copy, FillBuffer, GetName, GetTitle, Hash, IsSortable, SetName, SetNameTitle, SetTitle, ls, Print, Sizeof, Class, Class_Name, Class_Version, Dictionary, IsA, ShowMembers, Streamer, StreamerNVirtual, DeclFileName, ImplFileLine, ImplFileName, DeclFileLine

Field Detail


private TString fxLine
Contains text of macro.
Constructor Detail


public TGo4ComExecLine()


public TGo4ComExecLine(const char * macro)
Method Detail


public virtual synchronized ~TGo4ComExecLine()
Method Detail


public Int_t ExeCom()


public const const char * GetLine()
access to the passwd.


public void SetLine(const char * name)
set the object name under command.

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
