v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Class TGo4Display

class TGo4Display
derived from TGo4Master

Field Summary
 const static const Long_tfglDRAWTIMERPERIOD
          Period im ms of drawing timer
 const static const Long_tfglLOGTIMERPERIOD
          Period im ms of logging timer
 private TGo4DisplayDrawerTimer*fxDrawTimer
          Timer for drawing job
 private TGo4DisplayLoggerTimer*fxLogTimer
          Timer for status logging job
 private TGo4GUIRegistry*fxTGo4GUIRegistry

Constructor Summary
TGo4Display(UInt_t negotport, const char * hostname, Bool_t isserver)

Destructor Summary
 virtual synchronized ~TGo4Display()

Method Summary
 virtual TGo4TaskHandlerCommandList*CreateCommandList()
          Factory method for command list; overrides base class implementation
 virtual Bool_tDisconnectSlave(const char * name, Bool_t waitforslave)
          Add functionality to reset gui appereance here:
 voidDisplayData(TObject* )
 voidDisplayLog(TGo4Status* Status)
 virtual voidSetSlave(const char * node, const char * shell, const char * command)
          Remember properties of slave process; this is usefull for killing the slave from the master.
 virtual voidStartSlaveWindow(const char * command)
          This method may start a gui window that contains the output of the slave task.

Methods inherited from class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4Master
ConnectSlave, GetSlaveExec, GetSlaveNode, GetSlaveShell, LaunchSlaveServer, SubmitCommand, SubmitCommand, SubmitEmergencyCommand

Methods inherited from class Go4TaskHandler.TGo4TaskOwner
GetName, GetTask, IsConnected, IsServer, Quit, SetTask, StartWorkThreads, StopWorkThreads

Field Detail


public const static const Long_t fglDRAWTIMERPERIOD
Period im ms of drawing timer


public const static const Long_t fglLOGTIMERPERIOD
Period im ms of logging timer


private TGo4DisplayDrawerTimer* fxDrawTimer
Timer for drawing job


private TGo4DisplayLoggerTimer* fxLogTimer
Timer for status logging job


private TGo4GUIRegistry* fxTGo4GUIRegistry
Constructor Detail


public TGo4Display(UInt_t negotport, const char * hostname, Bool_t isserver)
Method Detail


public virtual synchronized ~TGo4Display()
Method Detail


public virtual TGo4TaskHandlerCommandList* CreateCommandList()
Factory method for command list; overrides base class implementation


public virtual Bool_t DisconnectSlave(const char * name, Bool_t waitforslave)
Add functionality to reset gui appereance here:


public void DisplayData(TObject* )


public void DisplayLog(TGo4Status* Status)


public virtual void SetSlave(const char * node, const char * shell, const char * command)
Remember properties of slave process; this is usefull for killing the slave from the master.


public virtual void StartSlaveWindow(const char * command)
This method may start a gui window that contains the output of the slave task. Reimplemented in TGo4Display to redirect the analysis output into q

Associates Links

to Object Analysis

Label TaskHandler

Association Links

to Class TGo4GUIRegistry

to Class TGo4DisplayDrawerTimer

Timer for drawing job

to Class TGo4DisplayLoggerTimer

Timer for status logging job

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
