v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Class TGo4HistogramEntry

class TGo4HistogramEntry
derived from TGo4DynamicEntry

Entry for the dynamic list, specialized for histogram like objects.

J. Adamczewski
Since: 1/2001

Field Summary
 const static const UInt_tfguMAXHISDIMENSION
          maximum dimension for histogram variable array
 private Bool_t* [3]fxHisDataBool
          Array of pointers to the data that is filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram.
 private Char_t* [3]fxHisDataChar
          Array of pointers to the data that is filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram.
 private Double_t* [3]fxHisDataDouble
          Array of pointers to the data that is filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram.
 private Float_t* [3]fxHisDataFloat
          Array of pointers to the data that is filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram.
 private Int_t* [3]fxHisDataInt
          Array of pointers to the data that is filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram.
 private Long_t* [3]fxHisDataLong
          Array of pointers to the data that is filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram.
 private Short_t* [3]fxHisDataShort
          Array of pointers to the data that is filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram.
 private UChar_t* [3]fxHisDataUChar
          Array of pointers to the data that is filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram.
 private UInt_t* [3]fxHisDataUInt
          Array of pointers to the data that is filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram.
 private ULong_t* [3]fxHisDataULong
          Array of pointers to the data that is filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram.
 private UShort_t* [3]fxHisDataUShort
          Array of pointers to the data that is filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram.
 private TGo4EventElement* [3]fxHisEvent
          Array of pointers to the events containing the data to be filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram.
 private TString[3]fxHisEventName
          Array of names of the events which contain
the data members to be filled into the x,y,z,.. coordinates.
 private TH1*fxHistogram
          The (histogram) object kept by this entry.
 private TStringfxHistogramName
          Title of the analysis object, for example a histogram.
 private TString[3]fxHisVarName
          Array of names of the x,y,z,.. coordinate data members.

Fields inherited from interface Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
fbPointerInitDone, fbProcessEntry, fgcNOCONDITION, fgcNODATA, fgcNOEVENT, fguMAXCONDIMENSION

Fields inherited from class TNamed
fName, fTitle

Constructor Summary
TGo4HistogramEntry(const Text_t* name)

Destructor Summary
 virtual synchronized ~TGo4HistogramEntry()

Method Summary
 virtual voidCleanupEvent(TGo4EventElement* ev)
          If event ev matches one internal event, the
reference to event will be reset to 0.
 virtual voidCleanupHistogram(TH1* his)
          If histogram his matches the internal histogram, the
reference to internal histogram will be reset to 0.
          Create a status object containing information such as the object names.
 virtual voidInitPointers()
          Initialize the pointers to external objects.
          Process the dynamic entry.
 virtual voidReset()
          Resets this entry to an initial status.
 voidSetHisEventName(UInt_t ix, const Text_t* name)
          Set Name of the event object that contains the data to be filled
in histogram, for axis number ix. ix is 0 for x-axis,
1 for y-axis, etc.
 voidSetHistogramName(const Text_t* name)
          Set name of the external histogram to be filled.
 voidSetHisVarName(UInt_t ix, const Text_t* name)
          Set Name of the data member that is to be filled
in histogram for axis number ix. ix is 0 for x-axis,
1 for y-axis, etc.
 virtual voidSetStatus(TGo4DynamicEntryStatus* state)
          Set this dynamic entry to the values of status object state.
 private voidUpdateStatus(TGo4DynamicEntryStatus* state)
          Create a status object containing information such as the object names.

Methods inherited from interface Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
CleanupCondition, EnableProcessing, FindDataMember, Membersize, SetConditionName, SetConEventName, SetConVarName, TestCondition

Methods inherited from class TNamed
operator=, Clear, Clone, Compare, Copy, FillBuffer, GetName, GetTitle, Hash, IsSortable, SetName, SetNameTitle, SetTitle, ls, Print, Sizeof, Class, Class_Name, Class_Version, Dictionary, IsA, ShowMembers, Streamer, StreamerNVirtual, DeclFileName, ImplFileLine, ImplFileName, DeclFileLine

Field Detail


public const static const UInt_t fguMAXHISDIMENSION
maximum dimension for histogram variable array


private Bool_t* [3] fxHisDataBool
Array of pointers to the data that is filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram. Used if data is Bool_t


private Char_t* [3] fxHisDataChar
Array of pointers to the data that is filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram. Used if data is Char_t


private Double_t* [3] fxHisDataDouble
Array of pointers to the data that is filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram. Used if data is Double_t


private Float_t* [3] fxHisDataFloat
Array of pointers to the data that is filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram. Used if data is Float_t


private Int_t* [3] fxHisDataInt
Array of pointers to the data that is filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram. Used if data is Int_t


private Long_t* [3] fxHisDataLong
Array of pointers to the data that is filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram. Used if data is Long_t


private Short_t* [3] fxHisDataShort
Array of pointers to the data that is filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram. Used if data is Short_t


private UChar_t* [3] fxHisDataUChar
Array of pointers to the data that is filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram. Used if data is UChar_t


private UInt_t* [3] fxHisDataUInt
Array of pointers to the data that is filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram. Used if data is UInt_t


private ULong_t* [3] fxHisDataULong
Array of pointers to the data that is filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram. Used if data is ULong_t


private UShort_t* [3] fxHisDataUShort
Array of pointers to the data that is filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram. Used if data is UShort_t


private TGo4EventElement* [3] fxHisEvent
Array of pointers to the events containing the data to be filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram.


private TString[3] fxHisEventName
Array of names of the events which contain
the data members to be filled into the x,y,z,.. coordinates.


private TH1* fxHistogram
The (histogram) object kept by this entry.


private TString fxHistogramName
Title of the analysis object, for example a histogram.


private TString[3] fxHisVarName
Array of names of the x,y,z,.. coordinate data members.
Constructor Detail


public TGo4HistogramEntry(const Text_t* name)


public TGo4HistogramEntry()
Method Detail


public virtual synchronized ~TGo4HistogramEntry()
Method Detail


public virtual void CleanupEvent(TGo4EventElement* ev)
If event ev matches one internal event, the
reference to event will be reset to 0.
This is used when external event is deleted
to avoid dead pointers. May be overloaded if subclasses
also keep pointers to event structures.


public virtual void CleanupHistogram(TH1* his)
If histogram his matches the internal histogram, the
reference to internal histogram will be reset to 0.
This is used when external histogram is deleted
to avoid dead pointers.


public TGo4DynamicEntryStatus* CreateStatus()
Create a status object containing information such as the object names.
Can be sent to the Display to show the existing objects and their relations.
Memento mechanism is _not_ provided here, since we would not change
the object names afterwards.


public virtual void InitPointers()
Initialize the pointers to external objects. The external objects
(e.g. condition, histogram, data) will be searched by name
in the Go4 folders.


public Int_t Process()
Process the dynamic entry.


public virtual void Reset()
Resets this entry to an initial status.


public void SetHisEventName(UInt_t ix, const Text_t* name)
Set Name of the event object that contains the data to be filled
in histogram, for axis number ix. ix is 0 for x-axis,
1 for y-axis, etc.


public void SetHistogramName(const Text_t* name)
Set name of the external histogram to be filled.


public void SetHisVarName(UInt_t ix, const Text_t* name)
Set Name of the data member that is to be filled
in histogram for axis number ix. ix is 0 for x-axis,
1 for y-axis, etc.


public virtual void SetStatus(TGo4DynamicEntryStatus* state)
Set this dynamic entry to the values of status object state.


private void UpdateStatus(TGo4DynamicEntryStatus* state)
Create a status object containing information such as the object names.
Can be sent to the Display to show the existing objects and their relations.
Memento mechanism is _not_ provided here, since we would not change
the object names afterwards.

Association Links

to Class TH1

The (histogram) object kept by this entry.

to Class TGo4EventElement

Array of pointers to the events containing the data to be filled
into x,y,z,.. axis of histogram.

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
