v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Class TGo4TreeHistogramEntry

class TGo4TreeHistogramEntry
derived from TGo4DynamicEntry

Dynamic list entry which links a histogram to a certain tree.
Method Process performs a single event TTree::Draw on this
tree and directs the output to the histogram. String Parameters
Varexp and Selection of Draw() are stored in the entry and are
used for each Draw. This dynamic list entry does _not_ use
the Go4 Conditions and event index scheme!

J. Adamczewski
Since: 1/2001

Field Summary
 private Bool_tfbNewHistogram
          True before Process is called the first time.
 const static const Text_t[]fgcENTRYSUF
          suffix for entryname to differ from histogram name
 private Int_tfiLastEvent
          index of last tree entry of the previous Process() call
 private TStringfxDrawexp
          The complete TTree:Draw() expression, i.e. varexp>>+histogram
 private TStringfxHistogramName
          The target histogram name to be filled
 private TCutfxSelection
          The selection string needed by TTree:Draw()
 private TTree*fxTree
          Tree which is used to fill this histogram.
 private TStringfxTreeName
          The Treename to find the tree
 private TStringfxVarexp
          The varexp string needed by TTree:Draw()

Fields inherited from interface Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
fbPointerInitDone, fbProcessEntry, fgcNOCONDITION, fgcNODATA, fgcNOEVENT, fguMAXCONDIMENSION

Fields inherited from class TNamed
fName, fTitle

Constructor Summary
          default ctor for streamer.
TGo4TreeHistogramEntry(const Text_t* histogramname, TTree* tree, const Text_t* varexp, const TCut& cut)
TGo4TreeHistogramEntry(const Text_t* histogramname, const Text_t* treename, const Text_t* varexp, const TCut& cut)

Destructor Summary
 virtual synchronized ~TGo4TreeHistogramEntry()

Method Summary
          Create a status object containing information such as the object names.
          Process the dynamic entry.
 Int_tProcessTree(Int_t times)
          Process the last "times" events in the tree.
 virtual voidReset()
          Resets this entry to an initial status.
 virtual voidSetStatus(TGo4DynamicEntryStatus* state)
          Set this dynamic entry to the values of status object state.
 private voidUpdateStatus(TGo4DynamicEntryStatus* state)
          method needed by method
CreateStatus of any status subclasses to
set the values of the clienttask specific
part of the status object.

Methods inherited from interface Go4DynamicList.TGo4DynamicEntry
CleanupCondition, CleanupEvent, CleanupHistogram, EnableProcessing, FindDataMember, InitPointers, Membersize, SetConditionName, SetConEventName, SetConVarName, TestCondition

Methods inherited from class TNamed
operator=, Clear, Clone, Compare, Copy, FillBuffer, GetName, GetTitle, Hash, IsSortable, SetName, SetNameTitle, SetTitle, ls, Print, Sizeof, Class, Class_Name, Class_Version, Dictionary, IsA, ShowMembers, Streamer, StreamerNVirtual, DeclFileName, ImplFileLine, ImplFileName, DeclFileLine

Field Detail


private Bool_t fbNewHistogram
True before Process is called the first time. Then the histogram
created by the TTree::Draw is added to the histogram folder once.


public const static const Text_t[] fgcENTRYSUF
suffix for entryname to differ from histogram name


private Int_t fiLastEvent
index of last tree entry of the previous Process() call


private TString fxDrawexp
The complete TTree:Draw() expression, i.e. varexp>>+histogram


private TString fxHistogramName
The target histogram name to be filled


private TCut fxSelection
The selection string needed by TTree:Draw()


private TTree* fxTree
Tree which is used to fill this histogram.


private TString fxTreeName
The Treename to find the tree


private TString fxVarexp
The varexp string needed by TTree:Draw()
Constructor Detail


public TGo4TreeHistogramEntry()
default ctor for streamer.


public TGo4TreeHistogramEntry(const Text_t* histogramname, TTree* tree, const Text_t* varexp, const TCut& cut)


public TGo4TreeHistogramEntry(const Text_t* histogramname, const Text_t* treename, const Text_t* varexp, const TCut& cut)
Method Detail


public virtual synchronized ~TGo4TreeHistogramEntry()
Method Detail


public TGo4DynamicEntryStatus* CreateStatus()
Create a status object containing information such as the object names.
Can be sent to the Display to show the existing objects and their relations.
Memento mechanism is _not_ provided here, since we would not change
the object names afterwards.


public Int_t Process()
Process the dynamic entry.


public Int_t ProcessTree(Int_t times)
Process the last "times" events in the tree.


public virtual void Reset()
Resets this entry to an initial status.


public virtual void SetStatus(TGo4DynamicEntryStatus* state)
Set this dynamic entry to the values of status object state.


private void UpdateStatus(TGo4DynamicEntryStatus* state)
method needed by method
CreateStatus of any status subclasses to
set the values of the clienttask specific
part of the status object.

Association Links

to Class TCut

The selection string needed by TTree:Draw()

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
