v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Uses of Class

Packages that use TGo4MbsSource

Uses of TGo4MbsSource in Go4EventServer

Subclasses of TGo4MbsSource in Go4EventServer
class TGo4MbsEventServer
          Implements the gsi mbs event server into the
go4 classes.
class TGo4MbsFile
          Implements the gsi mbs stream server into the
go4 classes.
class TGo4MbsRandom
          Implements a random generator as source for mbs events.
class TGo4MbsStream
          Implements the gsi mbs stream server into the
go4 classes.
class TGo4MbsTransport
          Implements the gsi mbs stream server into the
go4 classes.
class TGo4RevServ
          Implements the gsi root remote event server into the
go4 classes.

Fields in Go4EventServer declared as TGo4MbsSource
private TGo4MbsSource*TGo4MbsEvent.fxMbsSource
          points to mbssource if exists

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
