v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Uses of Class

Packages that use TGo4FitPanelSlots

Uses of TGo4FitPanelSlots in Go4FitGUI

Fields in Go4FitGUI declared as TGo4FitPanelSlots
protected TGo4FitPanelSlots*QFitItem.fxSlots
private TGo4FitPanelSlots*TGo4FitGUIArrow.fxSlots

Constructors in Go4FitGUI with parameters of type TGo4FitPanelSlots
QFitItem.QFitItem(TGo4FitPanelSlots* iSlots, QFitItem* parent, TObject* iObj, int iObjectType, int iWidgetType, int iPopupMenuType, int iGraphType, int iTag)
QFitItem.QFitItem(TGo4FitPanelSlots* iSlots, QListView* parent, TObject* iObj, int iObjectType, int iWidgetType, int iPopupMenuType, int iGraphType, int iTag)

Methods in Go4FitGUI with parameters of type TGo4FitPanelSlots
voidTGo4FitGUIArrow.SetItem(QFitItem* item, TGo4FitPanelSlots* iSlots)

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
