v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Uses of Class

Packages that use TGo4MarkerSetup

Uses of TGo4MarkerSetup in Go4GUI

Methods in Go4GUI that return TGo4MarkerSetup
private TGo4MarkerSetup*TGo4PreviewPanelSlots.CreateMarkerSetup(TVirtualPad* pad)
          Create status of current viewpanel markers.

Methods in Go4GUI with parameters of type TGo4MarkerSetup
private voidTGo4PreviewPanelSlots.SetMarkerSetup(TGo4MarkerSetup* state, TVirtualPad* pad)
          Arrange markers of current viewpanel from external setup.
currently, all markers are put into destination pad pad.

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
