v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Package Go4TaskHandler

Class Diagram Summary

Class Summary
TGo4ClientTaskThis class controls a client application running in a task which is controlled
by another server task via transport channels which are held by a task handler object.
TGo4CommandRunnableRunnable responsible for command exchange between transport (socket) and buffer (queue)
In receiver mode, commands are received from transport, checked if sync or not, the
command receiver of system (client) commands is set to the clienttask, sync commands are executed
directly, async commands are passed to the queue
in not receiver mode, runnables waits for the queue and sends all commands from the queue
over the transport
TGo4ConnectorRunnableRunnable to handle connection request from a new client which connects
to a listening Transport channel (socket) on a fixed port number (e.g. 5000).
TGo4DataRunnableRunnable responsible for data object exchange between transport (socket) and buffer (queue)
In receiver mode, data objects are received from transport and passed to the queue
in non receiver mode, runnables waits for the queue and sends all data objects from the queue
over the transport
TGo4LocalCommandRunnableRunnable which executes all local commands on the server side to
prevent gui from blocking.
TGo4SlaveBaseclass for all slave process entities.
TGo4StatusRunnableRunnable responsible for status object exchange between transport (socket) and buffer (queue)
In receiver mode, status objects are received from transport and passed to the queue
in non receiver mode, runnables waits for the queue and sends all status objects from the queue
over the transport
TGo4TaskConnectorTimertimer aggregated to the servertask which is responsible to
open and handle the negotiation requests of the clients
TGo4TaskHandlerThis class is responsible for the interconnection of two tasks:
provided are three communication channels (data, command, status),
one thread runnable is acting on each transport channel (e.g. socket);
one queue (buffer) is assigned to each channel
depending on client or server mode of the task handler, the threads get objects
from transporl and put them into the queue, or vice versa.
TGo4TaskHandlerRunnableThis is the abstract interface for all runnables associated
with the taskhandler class
TGo4TaskOwnerBaseclass for all instances that can own a TGo4Task.

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
