v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Class Diagram Go4ThreadManager

Dependency Links

to Class Diagram Go4Exceptions


to Class Diagram <default>

Class Summary
TGo4AppControlTimerTimer with main purpose to block the root
TApplication loop during thread execution.
TGo4CancelExceptionCancel thread associated with runnable or with threadname.
TGo4CreateExceptionCreate a thread associated with the runnable.
TGo4RemoveExceptionException with default handler which removes TGo4Thread
of given name from the threadhandlerlist of given
TGo4Runnable (usually the exception throwing runnable)
and deletes it; if no threadname is specified,
the respective thread of the runnable is removed
TGo4ReplaceExceptionException with the effect of removing old TGo4Thread from
TGo4ThreadHandler and creating and starting new
TGo4Thread with new runnable fxNewRunnable.
TGo4RestartExceptionException which cancels and recreates a thread associated with runnable,
or associated with a given name.
TGo4RunnableBase class for all go4 runnables.
TGo4StartExceptionstart thread associated with runnable.
TGo4TerminateExceptionException which terminates the threadmanager and the application.
TGo4ThreadClass that encapsulates a root TThread which calls a user runnable Method
(TGo4Runnable::Run()) in a loop.
TGo4ThreadExceptionException base class for all exceptions acting on a thread.
TGo4ThreadHandlerThread Handler holds array of
Go4Thread Objects; each
Go4Thread handles one TThread and Mutex, Condition...
knows threadmanager instance
that owns the handler (that owns the
task connector which owns the thread handler,
this threadmanager instance pointer is
given to each thread and runnable on
creation, thus each thread can
acces its manager methods by
threadmanager pointer
TGo4ThreadManagerbase class for classes that
shall be accessed from a thread /runnable

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
