v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Uses of Class

Packages that use TGo4ThreadException

Uses of TGo4ThreadException in Go4ThreadManager

Subclasses of TGo4ThreadException in Go4ThreadManager
class TGo4CancelException
          Cancel thread associated with runnable or with threadname.
class TGo4CreateException
          Create a thread associated with the runnable.
class TGo4RemoveException
          Exception with default handler which removes TGo4Thread
of given name from the threadhandlerlist of given
TGo4Runnable (usually the exception throwing runnable)
and deletes it; if no threadname is specified,
the respective thread of the runnable is removed
class TGo4ReplaceException
          Exception with the effect of removing old TGo4Thread from
TGo4ThreadHandler and creating and starting new
TGo4Thread with new runnable fxNewRunnable.
class TGo4RestartException
          Exception which cancels and recreates a thread associated with runnable,
or associated with a given name.
class TGo4StartException
          start thread associated with runnable.

Constructors in Go4ThreadManager with parameters of type TGo4ThreadException
TGo4ThreadException.TGo4ThreadException(const TGo4ThreadException& right)

Methods in Go4ThreadManager that return TGo4ThreadException
synchronized TGo4ThreadException&TGo4ThreadException.operator=(const TGo4ThreadException& right)

Methods in Go4ThreadManager with parameters of type TGo4ThreadException
synchronized TGo4ThreadException&TGo4ThreadException.operator=(const TGo4ThreadException& right)

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
