v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Uses of Class

Packages that use TQRootCanvas

Uses of TQRootCanvas in Go4GUI

Subclasses of TQRootCanvas in Go4GUI
class TGo4QRootCanvas

Methods in Go4GUI with parameters of type TQRootCanvas
voidTGo4BrowserSlots.AddObject(TNamed* , TQRootCanvas* , TPad* pad)
virtual voidTGo4PreviewPanelSlots.AddObject(TNamed* , TQRootCanvas* c, TPad* p)

Uses of TQRootCanvas in Go4GUIBase

Methods in Go4GUIBase with parameters of type TQRootCanvas
virtual voidTGo4SlotsBaseClass.AddObject(TNamed* , TQRootCanvas* c, TPad* p)

Uses of TQRootCanvas in Go4GUIRegistry

Fields in Go4GUIRegistry declared as TQRootCanvas
private TQRootCanvas*TGo4RecieverInfo.fxCanvas

Constructors in Go4GUIRegistry with parameters of type TQRootCanvas
TGo4RecieverInfo.TGo4RecieverInfo(TGo4SlotsBaseClass* p, TQRootCanvas* c, TPad* pad, Bool_t Monitor, Bool_t SubmitsCommand)

Methods in Go4GUIRegistry that return TQRootCanvas
const TQRootCanvas*TGo4RecieverInfo.GetCanvas()

Methods in Go4GUIRegistry with parameters of type TQRootCanvas
voidTGo4GUIRegistry.ReDirectObject(const char * ObjectName, TGo4SlotsBaseClass* p, bool Monitor, TQRootCanvas* c, TPad* pad)
          This can be used to redirect any object send from the analysis to the GUI,

if this method is called more than once with the same object name but different

receivers or canvases, then new entries will be generated in the registry and the

remote object will be delivered to the different receivers or canvases.
voidTGo4GUIRegistry.RemoveFromSubmittedList(const char * Name, TQRootCanvas* c)
          this will remove the all entries of submitted commands of the Object "Name" having "c" as reciver
from the registry
voidTGo4GUIRegistry.RemoveRedirectEntry(const char * Name, TQRootCanvas* c)
          this will remove the all redirections to the receiver "c"
voidTGo4GUIRegistry.SubmitCommand(TGo4Command* com, const char * ObjectName, TGo4SlotsBaseClass* p, Bool_t Monitor, TQRootCanvas* c, TPad* pad)
          send given command to the current client task

TGo4Command* com: The Command to be Submitted

const char * ObjectName=0 : Name of this Command

TGo4SlotsBaseClass *p=0: Slots Class which will recieve the result of this command

bool Monitor=kFALSE : flag t indicate if this command should be send once or continously

TQRootCanvas *c=0 : The canvas which will be used to draw the results of this command (if any)

TPad *pad=0 : The Pad which will be used to draw the results of this command (if any)
voidTGo4SubmittedCommandsEntry.RemoveCanvasEntries(TQRootCanvas* c)
voidTGo4SubmittedCommandsEntry.SetNewReciever(TGo4SlotsBaseClass* Rec, Bool_t Monitor, TQRootCanvas* fxQRootCanvas, TPad* pad, Bool_t SubittsCommand)

Uses of TQRootCanvas in qtroot.interface

Fields in qtroot.interface declared as TQRootCanvas
private TQRootCanvas*QTFrame.aCanvas
protected TQRootCanvas*TQCanvasImp.fQCanvas

Methods in qtroot.interface with parameters of type TQRootCanvas
private voidQTFrame.setCanvas(TQRootCanvas* a)

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
