g-RISING workshop (January 2005):
Minutes from the g-RISING workshop (January 2005)
g-RISING workshop (July 2005):
Frank Becker:"Status and design of holding structure"
Nami Saito:"Plastic scintillators for the g-RISING experiments"
Pieter Doornenbal:" Estimated secondary beam intensities in g-RISING experiments"
Radomira Lozeva, Dimiter Balabanski:"GLOBAL charge state calculations"
Take Saito, Nik Kurz:" RISING stopped beam trigger"
Dimiter Balabanski:"How does primary target thickness influence orientation experiments"
Piotr Bednarczyk, Adam Maj:"Remarks on the background gamma radiation in the RISING fast beam campaign"
Minutes from the g-RISING workshop (July 2005)