Go to the previous, next chapter.
If you installed the relevant subsets the man pages will have been
added to your system during the system installation. If you have not done
this, for example to save disk space, or if you require additional
documentation the CD library may be accessed from dxsoft via nfs.
Since the documentation library now require two CDs the DECW_BOOK environment
variable must be set to point to the two mount points. Each user who wishes
to access the online documentation must perform one of the steps below,
as appropriate, to reflect the individual environment.
- If you are using the C shell you should add the following line to either
your .login or .cshrc:
setenv DECW_BOOK "/usr/lib/dxbook-disc1/decw_book /usr/lib/dxbook-disc2/decw_book"
- If you are using the Bourne shell or System V shell you should add the
following lines to your .profile:
export DECW_BOOK="/usr/lib/dxbook-disc1/decw_book /usr/lib/dxbook-disc2/decw_book"
If you wish to mount the documentation for a short period, just to quickly
consult a manual, then you may mount it manually as shown below:
- Login as root or become superuser.
- The document library currently comes on two disks, create a mount
point for each disk.
#mkdir /usr/lib/dxbook-disc1
#mkdir /usr/lib/dxbook-disc2
- NFS mount both file system as shown below:
#mount -r -t nfs -o soft dxsoft:/doc/ultrix/disc1 /usr/lib/dxbook-disc1
#mount -r -t nfs -o soft dxsoft:/doc/ultrix/disc2 /usr/lib/dxbook-disc2
- Then either use the Session Manager/Applications Menu to start the
bookreader or use the following command:
#/usr/bin/dxbook &
- When you have finished please dismount the library as follows:
#umount /usr/lib/dxbook
If you intend to leave the online documentation mounted for an extended period
you are requested to use the automounter. This saves network traffic as the
file system is only mounted when it is in use. The following describes how
you may do this:
- Edit or create the file /etc/auto.master:
# Auto-mount master map
# mount-point mapname mount-options
/- /etc/auto.direct
- Edit or create the file /etc/auto.direct:
# local mount point mount-options remote file system
/usr/lib/dxbook-disc1 -retry=50,ro,soft dxsoft:/doc/ultrix/disc1
/usr/lib/dxbook-disc2 -retry=50,ro,soft dxsoft:/doc/ultrix/disc2
- Then start the automounter as follows:
#/usr/etc/automount -f /etc/auto.master
- If you wish to mount the bookreader at boot time append the following to
the file /etc/rc.local:
# %AUTOMOUNTstart% - start up NFS automount daemon
echo -n 'NFS automount daemon: ' >/dev/console
[ -f /usr/etc/automount ] && {
/usr/etc/automount -f /etc/auto.master; echo 'done' >/dev/console
# %AUTOMOUNTend% - start up NFS automount daemon
At this point you will be able to access the documentation for the ULTRIX
operating system and any layered products for which you already have a
product authorization key (PAK) registered in your LMF database. If you
require access to further documents you will have to register the
bookbrowser PAK. To do this copy the bookbrowser shell script from dxsoft
using ftp:
#ftp dxsoft
#Name (dxsoft.xxxxx): anonymous
#Use your machine name as the password
#cd doc/cddoc
#get bookbrowser
Become superuser and run this script to install the bookbrowser PAK on your
machine. You will first need to allow execution of this script as shown:
#chmod u+x bookbrowser
If you have one of the large monitors the spacing in the books may be irregular
making them difficult to
read. This is caused by an incorrect default setting for the monitor
If you have this problem you will need to set the -dvi option to the
server startup line in the /etc/ttys file. An example is given below:
:0 "/usr/bin/login -P /usr/bin/Xprompter -C /usr/bin/dxsession -e"
none on secure window="/usr/bin/Xws bc -dpi0 75"
Go to the previous, next chapter.