
beamcalc is a set of tools to derive or estimate a number of beam-related parameters at (some) heavy-ion storage rings. The tools are accessible through a mobile-friedly simple web interface.

Even though I've written beamcalc largely for my own use, I was made aware, that operators running the facility or users planning for or analyzing data from experiments are finding some use for beamcalc, too. If you have feature requests or related suggestions for the future development of beamcalc, feel free to contact me and explain your ideas.

Physics and Model

Wherever reasonable, constants are used to their significant digits, fundamental constants are taken from New-SI 2019 or CODATA 2018, or any later version thereof.

I give my best to provide exact calculations as far as that is possible. But please keep in mind, that each physics model has its limits of credibility and contains a fair amount of simplifications of reality. In particular, quantities of ensembles of particles, such as e.g. cooling times, lifetime, Bethe-Bloch... should rather be considered as estimates which strongly depend on how well one understands the initial conditions. It is left to the users disposition to judge the results accordingly and to apply at least some common sense proof. beamcalc was recently also discussed in our paper.

Moreover, please note, that this code, the underlying theoretical models, and physical constants may change any time and without prior announcement.

Third party libraries and data


I would like to thank Esther Menz for contributing to beamcalc. The lifetime calculations have been partly inspired by Manfred Grieser (MPI-K Heidelberg).