Pythonize.cxx File Reference

#include "PyROOT.h"
#include "PyStrings.h"
#include "Pythonize.h"
#include "ObjectProxy.h"
#include "MethodProxy.h"
#include "RootWrapper.h"
#include "Utility.h"
#include "PyCallable.h"
#include "PyBufferFactory.h"
#include "FunctionHolder.h"
#include "Converters.h"
#include "MemoryRegulator.h"
#include "Adapters.h"
#include "TClass.h"
#include "TMethod.h"
#include "TCollection.h"
#include "TDirectory.h"
#include "TSeqCollection.h"
#include "TClonesArray.h"
#include "TObject.h"
#include "TFunction.h"
#include "TError.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TBranch.h"
#include "TLeaf.h"
#include "Api.h"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <utility>

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  PyROOT


class  PyROOT::TTreeMemberFunction
class  PyROOT::TTreeBranch
class  PyROOT::TTreeSetBranchAddress
class  PyROOT::TChainSetBranchAddress




Bool_t HasAttrDirect (PyObject *pyclass, PyObject *pyname, Bool_t mustBePyROOT=kFALSE)
Bool_t IsTemplatedSTLClass (const std::string &name, const std::string &klass)
PyObjectCallPyObjMethod (PyObject *obj, const char *meth)
PyObjectCallPyObjMethod (PyObject *obj, const char *meth, PyObject *arg1)
PyObjectCallPyObjMethod (PyObject *obj, const char *meth, PyObject *arg1, PyObject *arg2)
PyObjectCallPyObjMethod (PyObject *obj, const char *meth, PyObject *arg1, int arg2)
PyObjectPyStyleIndex (PyObject *self, PyObject *index)
PyObjectCallSelfIndex (ObjectProxy *self, PyObject *idx, const char *meth)
PyObjectBoolNot (PyObject *value)
PyObjectDeRefGetAttr (PyObject *self, PyObject *name)
PyObjectFollowGetAttr (PyObject *self, PyObject *name)
PyObjectTObjectContains (PyObject *self, PyObject *obj)
PyObjectTObjectCompare (PyObject *self, PyObject *obj)
PyObjectTObjectIsEqual (PyObject *self, PyObject *obj)
PyObjectTObjectIsNotEqual (PyObject *self, PyObject *obj)
PyObjectGenObjectIsEqual (PyObject *self, PyObject *obj)
PyObjectGenObjectIsNotEqual (PyObject *self, PyObject *obj)
PyObjectTClassStaticCast (ObjectProxy *self, PyObject *args)
PyObjectTClassDynamicCast (ObjectProxy *self, PyObject *args)
PyObjectTCollectionExtend (PyObject *self, PyObject *obj)
PyObjectTCollectionRemove (PyObject *self, PyObject *obj)
PyObjectTCollectionAdd (PyObject *self, PyObject *other)
PyObjectTCollectionMul (ObjectProxy *self, PyObject *pymul)
PyObjectTCollectionIMul (PyObject *self, PyObject *pymul)
PyObjectTCollectionCount (PyObject *self, PyObject *obj)
PyObjectTCollectionIter (ObjectProxy *self)
PyObjectTSeqCollectionGetItem (ObjectProxy *self, PySliceObject *index)
PyObjectTSeqCollectionSetItem (ObjectProxy *self, PyObject *args)
PyObjectTSeqCollectionDelItem (ObjectProxy *self, PySliceObject *index)
PyObjectTSeqCollectionInsert (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
PyObjectTSeqCollectionPop (ObjectProxy *self, PyObject *args)
PyObjectTSeqCollectionReverse (PyObject *self)
PyObjectTSeqCollectionSort (PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kw)
PyObjectTSeqCollectionIndex (PyObject *self, PyObject *obj)
PyObjectTClonesArraySetItem (ObjectProxy *self, PyObject *args)
PyObjectVectorGetItem (ObjectProxy *self, PySliceObject *index)
PyObjectMapContains (PyObject *self, PyObject *obj)
PyObjectStlSequenceIter (PyObject *self)
PyObjectCheckedGetItem (PyObject *self, PyObject *obj)
PyObjectPairUnpack (PyObject *self, PyObject *pyindex)
PyObjectTObjStringLength (PyObject *self)
PyObjectTIterIter (PyObject *self)
PyObjectTIterNext (PyObject *self)
PyObjectStlIterNext (PyObject *self)
PyObjectStlIterIsEqual (PyObject *self, PyObject *other)
PyObjectStlIterIsNotEqual (PyObject *self, PyObject *other)
PyObjectTDirectoryGetObject (ObjectProxy *self, PyObject *args)
PyObjectTDirectoryWriteObject (ObjectProxy *self, PyObject *args)
PyObjectPyROOT::TTreeGetAttr (ObjectProxy *self, PyObject *pyname)
PyObjectTHNIMul (PyObject *self, PyObject *scale)
int TFNPyCallback (G__value *res, G__CONST char *, struct G__param *libp, int hash)
int TMinuitPyCallback (G__value *res, G__CONST char *, struct G__param *libp, int hash)
PyObjectTFunctionCall (ObjectProxy *self, PyObject *args)
void FitterPyCallback (int &npar, double *gin, double &f, double *u, int flag)
PyObjectReturnThree (ObjectProxy *, PyObject *)
PyObjectReturnTwo (ObjectProxy *, PyObject *)
Bool_t PyROOT::Pythonize (PyObject *pyclass, const std::string &name)


PyObjectgFitterPyCallback = 0

Define Documentation

func   ) 


PyObject* name##StringRepr( PyObject* self )                               \
   {                                                                          \
      PyObject* data = CallPyObjMethod( self, #func );                        \
      PyObject* repr = PyROOT_PyUnicode_FromFormat( "\'%s\'", PyROOT_PyUnicode_AsString( data ) ); \
      Py_DECREF( data );                                                      \
      return repr;                                                            \
   }                                                                          \
   PyObject* name##StringIsEqual( PyObject* self, PyObject* obj )             \
   {                                                                          \
      PyObject* data = CallPyObjMethod( self, #func );                        \
      PyObject* result = PyObject_RichCompare( data, obj, Py_EQ );            \
      Py_DECREF( data );                                                      \
      if ( ! result )                                                         \
         return 0;                                                            \
      return result;                                                          \
   }                                                                          \
   PyObject* name##StringIsNotEqual( PyObject* self, PyObject* obj )          \
   {                                                                          \
      PyObject* data = CallPyObjMethod( self, #func );                        \
      PyObject* result = PyObject_RichCompare( data, obj, Py_NE );            \
      Py_DECREF( data );                                                      \
      if ( ! result )                                                         \
         return 0;                                                            \
      return result;                                                          \

Definition at line 883 of file Pythonize.cxx.

func   ) 


PyObject* name##StringCompare( PyObject* self, PyObject* obj )             \
   {                                                                          \
      PyObject* data = CallPyObjMethod( self, #func );                        \
      int result = PyObject_Compare( data, obj );                             \
      Py_DECREF( data );                                                      \
      if ( PyErr_Occurred() )                                                 \
         return 0;                                                            \
      return PyInt_FromLong( result );                                        \
   }                                                                          \

Definition at line 914 of file Pythonize.cxx.

Function Documentation

PyObject* @39::BoolNot ( PyObject value  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 155 of file Pythonize.cxx.

Referenced by TObjectIsNotEqual().

PyObject* @39::CallPyObjMethod ( PyObject obj,
const char *  meth,
PyObject arg1,
int  arg2 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 105 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References result().

PyObject* @39::CallPyObjMethod ( PyObject obj,
const char *  meth,
PyObject arg1,
PyObject arg2 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 94 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References result().

PyObject* @39::CallPyObjMethod ( PyObject obj,
const char *  meth,
PyObject arg1 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 84 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References result().

PyObject* @39::CallPyObjMethod ( PyObject obj,
const char *  meth 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 75 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References result().

Referenced by CallSelfIndex(), CheckedGetItem(), DeRefGetAttr(), FollowGetAttr(), GenObjectIsEqual(), GenObjectIsNotEqual(), MapContains(), StlIterNext(), StlSequenceIter(), TCollectionAdd(), TCollectionExtend(), TCollectionIMul(), TCollectionMul(), TCollectionRemove(), THNIMul(), TIterNext(), TObjectCompare(), TObjectContains(), TObjectIsEqual(), TObjectIsNotEqual(), TObjStringLength(), TSeqCollectionIndex(), TSeqCollectionInsert(), TSeqCollectionReverse(), TSeqCollectionSetItem(), TSeqCollectionSort(), and VectorGetItem().

PyObject* @39::CallSelfIndex ( ObjectProxy self,
PyObject idx,
const char *  meth 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 139 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References CallPyObjMethod(), PyStyleIndex(), and result().

Referenced by TSeqCollectionDelItem(), TSeqCollectionGetItem(), TSeqCollectionPop(), and VectorGetItem().

PyObject* @39::CheckedGetItem ( PyObject self,
PyObject obj 
) [static]

Definition at line 833 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References CallPyObjMethod(), kFALSE, kTRUE, PyInt_AsSsize_t, and size.

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::DeRefGetAttr ( PyObject self,
PyObject name 
) [static]

Definition at line 169 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References CallPyObjMethod(), Py_TYPE, PyROOT_PyUnicode_AsString, PyROOT_PyUnicode_Check, and result().

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

void @39::FitterPyCallback ( int &  npar,
double gin,
double f,
double u,
int  flag 
) [static]

Definition at line 1717 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References result().

PyObject* @39::FollowGetAttr ( PyObject self,
PyObject name 
) [static]

Definition at line 197 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References CallPyObjMethod(), PyROOT_PyUnicode_Check, and result().

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::GenObjectIsEqual ( PyObject self,
PyObject obj 
) [static]

Definition at line 251 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References CallPyObjMethod(), PyROOT::ObjectProxy_Type, and result().

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::GenObjectIsNotEqual ( PyObject self,
PyObject obj 
) [static]

Definition at line 267 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References CallPyObjMethod(), PyROOT::ObjectProxy_Type, and result().

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

Bool_t @39::HasAttrDirect ( PyObject pyclass,
PyObject pyname,
Bool_t  mustBePyROOT = kFALSE 
) [static]

Definition at line 51 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References kFALSE, kTRUE, and PyROOT::MethodProxy_Check().

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

Bool_t @39::IsTemplatedSTLClass ( const std::string name,
const std::string klass 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 65 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References int.

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::MapContains ( PyObject self,
PyObject obj 
) [static]

Definition at line 793 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References CallPyObjMethod(), PyROOT::ObjectProxy_Check(), and result().

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::PairUnpack ( PyObject self,
PyObject pyindex 
) [static]

Definition at line 855 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References PyROOT::PyStrings::gFirst, PyROOT::PyStrings::gSecond, and PyROOT::ObjectProxy_Check().

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::PyStyleIndex ( PyObject self,
PyObject index 
) [static]

Definition at line 116 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References PyInt_AsSsize_t, and size.

Referenced by CallSelfIndex(), TClonesArraySetItem(), and TSeqCollectionSetItem().

PyObject* @39::ReturnThree ( ObjectProxy ,
) [static]

Definition at line 1811 of file Pythonize.cxx.

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::ReturnTwo ( ObjectProxy ,
) [static]

Definition at line 1815 of file Pythonize.cxx.

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::StlIterIsEqual ( PyObject self,
PyObject other 
) [static]

Definition at line 1001 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References RooFit::ClassName().

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::StlIterIsNotEqual ( PyObject self,
PyObject other 
) [static]

Definition at line 1011 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References RooFit::ClassName().

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::StlIterNext ( PyObject self  )  [static]

Definition at line 969 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References CallPyObjMethod(), dummy, PyROOT::PyStrings::gEnd, and l.

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::StlSequenceIter ( PyObject self  )  [static]

Definition at line 820 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References CallPyObjMethod(), and PyROOT::PyStrings::gEnd.

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::TClassDynamicCast ( ObjectProxy self,
PyObject args 
) [static]

Definition at line 338 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References PyROOT::BindRootObjectNoCast(), xmlio::Class, TClass::DynamicCast(), PyROOT::ObjectProxy::GetObject(), PyROOT::PyStrings::gTClassDynCast, PyROOT::ObjectProxy::ObjectIsA(), PyROOT::ObjectProxy_Type, ptr, and result().

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::TClassStaticCast ( ObjectProxy self,
PyObject args 
) [static]

Definition at line 280 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References PyROOT::BindRootObjectNoCast(), xmlio::Class, TClass::DynamicCast(), PyROOT::Utility::GetBuffer(), PyROOT::ObjectProxy::GetObject(), TClass::InheritsFrom(), kFALSE, PyROOT::ObjectProxy::ObjectIsA(), PyROOT::ObjectProxy_Check(), PyROOT::ObjectProxy_Type, and result().

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::TClonesArraySetItem ( ObjectProxy self,
PyObject args 
) [static]

Definition at line 713 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References xmlio::Class, TClonesArray::GetClass(), PyROOT::ObjectProxy::GetObject(), int, object, PyROOT::ObjectProxy::ObjectIsA(), PyROOT::ObjectProxy_Type, PyStyleIndex(), PyROOT::ObjectProxy::Release(), TClonesArray::RemoveAt(), and TClass::Size().

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::TCollectionAdd ( PyObject self,
PyObject other 
) [static]

Definition at line 409 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References CallPyObjMethod(), l, and result().

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::TCollectionCount ( PyObject self,
PyObject obj 
) [static]

Definition at line 464 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References i, and PyInt_FromSsize_t.

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::TCollectionExtend ( PyObject self,
PyObject obj 
) [static]

Definition at line 377 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References CallPyObjMethod(), i, and result().

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::TCollectionIMul ( PyObject self,
PyObject pymul 
) [static]

Definition at line 447 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References CallPyObjMethod(), i, and l.

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::TCollectionIter ( ObjectProxy self  )  [static]

Definition at line 485 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References PyROOT::BindRootObject(), xmlio::Class, TClass::DynamicCast(), PyROOT::ObjectProxy::GetObject(), and PyROOT::ObjectProxy::ObjectIsA().

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::TCollectionMul ( ObjectProxy self,
PyObject pymul 
) [static]

Definition at line 425 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References PyROOT::BindRootObject(), CallPyObjMethod(), PyROOT::ObjectProxy::GetObject(), i, TClass::New(), PyROOT::ObjectProxy::ObjectIsA(), and result().

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::TCollectionRemove ( PyObject self,
PyObject obj 
) [static]

Definition at line 391 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References CallPyObjMethod(), and result().

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::TDirectoryGetObject ( ObjectProxy self,
PyObject args 
) [static]

Definition at line 1022 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References xmlio::Class, dir(), TClass::DynamicCast(), PyROOT::ObjectProxy::GetObject(), name, PyROOT::ObjectProxy::ObjectIsA(), PyROOT::ObjectProxy_Type, ptr, PyROOT_PyUnicode_AsString, and PyROOT_PyUnicode_Type.

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::TDirectoryWriteObject ( ObjectProxy self,
PyObject args 
) [static]

Definition at line 1051 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References bufsize, xmlio::Class, dir(), TClass::DynamicCast(), PyROOT::ObjectProxy::GetObject(), name, PyROOT::ObjectProxy::ObjectIsA(), PyROOT::ObjectProxy_Type, option, PyROOT_PyUnicode_AsString, PyROOT_PyUnicode_Type, and result().

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

int @39::TFNPyCallback ( G__value res,
G__CONST char *  ,
struct G__param libp,
int  hash 
) [static]

Definition at line 1425 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References d, G__letdouble, G__value_get_tagnum, PyROOT::Utility::GetInstalledMethod(), libp, G__param::para, and result().

PyObject* @39::TFunctionCall ( ObjectProxy self,
PyObject args 
) [static]

Definition at line 1648 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References PyROOT::ObjectProxy::GetObject().

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::THNIMul ( PyObject self,
PyObject scale 
) [static]

Definition at line 1412 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References CallPyObjMethod(), and result().

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::TIterIter ( PyObject self  )  [static]

Definition at line 944 of file Pythonize.cxx.

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::TIterNext ( PyObject self  )  [static]

Definition at line 951 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References CallPyObjMethod().

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

int @39::TMinuitPyCallback ( G__value res,
G__CONST char *  ,
struct G__param libp,
int  hash 
) [static]

Definition at line 1466 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References G__Doubleref, G__setnull, G__value_get_tagnum, PyROOT::Utility::GetInstalledMethod(), libp, G__param::para, and result().

PyObject* @39::TObjectCompare ( PyObject self,
PyObject obj 
) [static]

Definition at line 224 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References CallPyObjMethod(), l, and PyROOT::ObjectProxy_Check().

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::TObjectContains ( PyObject self,
PyObject obj 
) [static]

Definition at line 212 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References CallPyObjMethod(), l, PyROOT::ObjectProxy_Check(), PyROOT_PyUnicode_Check, and result().

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::TObjectIsEqual ( PyObject self,
PyObject obj 
) [static]

Definition at line 233 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References CallPyObjMethod(), PyROOT::ObjectProxy_Check(), and PyROOT::ObjectProxy_Type.

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::TObjectIsNotEqual ( PyObject self,
PyObject obj 
) [static]

Definition at line 242 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References BoolNot(), CallPyObjMethod(), PyROOT::ObjectProxy_Check(), and PyROOT::ObjectProxy_Type.

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::TObjStringLength ( PyObject self  )  [static]

Definition at line 934 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References CallPyObjMethod(), data, PyInt_FromSsize_t, and size.

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::TSeqCollectionDelItem ( ObjectProxy self,
PySliceObject *  index 
) [static]

Definition at line 577 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References CallSelfIndex(), xmlio::Class, TClass::DynamicCast(), PyROOT::ObjectProxy::GetObject(), TCollection::GetSize(), i, PyROOT::ObjectProxy::ObjectIsA(), TSeqCollection::RemoveAt(), result(), and start.

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::TSeqCollectionGetItem ( ObjectProxy self,
PySliceObject *  index 
) [static]

Definition at line 501 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References TSeqCollection::Add(), TSeqCollection::At(), PyROOT::BindRootObject(), CallSelfIndex(), xmlio::Class, TClass::DynamicCast(), PyROOT::ObjectProxy::GetObject(), TCollection::GetSize(), i, TClass::New(), and start.

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::TSeqCollectionIndex ( PyObject self,
PyObject obj 
) [static]

Definition at line 697 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References CallPyObjMethod().

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::TSeqCollectionInsert ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]

Definition at line 608 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References CallPyObjMethod(), and size.

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::TSeqCollectionPop ( ObjectProxy self,
PyObject args 
) [static]

Definition at line 624 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References CallSelfIndex(), PyInt_FromSsize_t, and result().

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::TSeqCollectionReverse ( PyObject self  )  [static]

Definition at line 643 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References CallPyObjMethod(), i, result(), and retval.

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::TSeqCollectionSetItem ( ObjectProxy self,
PyObject args 
) [static]

Definition at line 527 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References TSeqCollection::AddAt(), CallPyObjMethod(), xmlio::Class, TClass::DynamicCast(), PyROOT::ObjectProxy::GetObject(), TCollection::GetSize(), i, PyROOT::ObjectProxy::ObjectIsA(), PyStyleIndex(), TSeqCollection::RemoveAt(), result(), and start.

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::TSeqCollectionSort ( PyObject self,
PyObject args,
PyObject kw 
) [static]

Definition at line 662 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References CallPyObjMethod(), l, and result().

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

PyObject* @39::VectorGetItem ( ObjectProxy self,
PySliceObject *  index 
) [static]

Definition at line 766 of file Pythonize.cxx.

References CallPyObjMethod(), CallSelfIndex(), PyROOT::PyStrings::gClass, PyROOT::ObjectProxy::GetObject(), i, NULL, PyInt_FromSsize_t, and start.

Referenced by PyROOT::Pythonize().

Variable Documentation

Int_t fNArgs

Definition at line 1529 of file Pythonize.cxx.

PyObject* gFitterPyCallback = 0 [static]

Definition at line 1715 of file Pythonize.cxx.

Generated on Tue Jul 5 15:56:00 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1