
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // @(#)root/matrix:$Id: TMatrixTBase.cxx 36734 2010-11-18 08:26:03Z brun $
00002 // Authors: Fons Rademakers, Eddy Offermann   Nov 2003
00004 /*************************************************************************
00005  * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
00006  * All rights reserved.                                                  *
00007  *                                                                       *
00008  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
00009  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *
00010  *************************************************************************/
00012 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00013 //                                                                      //
00014 // Linear Algebra Package                                               //
00015 // ----------------------                                               //
00016 //                                                                      //
00017 // The present package implements all the basic algorithms dealing      //
00018 // with vectors, matrices, matrix columns, rows, diagonals, etc.        //
00019 // In addition eigen-Vector analysis and several matrix decomposition   //
00020 // have been added (LU,QRH,Cholesky,Bunch-Kaufman and SVD) .            //
00021 // The decompositions are used in matrix inversion, equation solving.   //
00022 //                                                                      //
00023 // For a dense matrix, elements are arranged in memory in a ROW-wise    //
00024 // fashion . For (n x m) matrices where n*m <=kSizeMax (=25 currently)  //
00025 // storage space is available on the stack, thus avoiding expensive     //
00026 // allocation/deallocation of heap space . However, this introduces of  //
00027 // course kSizeMax overhead for each matrix object . If this is an      //
00028 // issue recompile with a new appropriate value (>=0) for kSizeMax      //
00029 //                                                                      //
00030 // Sparse matrices are also stored in row-wise fashion but additional   //
00031 // row/column information is stored, see TMatrixTSparse source for      //
00032 // additional details .                                                 //
00033 //                                                                      //
00034 // Another way to assign and store matrix data is through Use           //
00035 // see for instance stressLinear.cxx file .                             //
00036 //                                                                      //
00037 // Unless otherwise specified, matrix and vector indices always start   //
00038 // with 0, spanning up to the specified limit-1. However, there are     //
00039 // constructors to which one can specify aribtrary lower and upper      //
00040 // bounds, e.g. TMatrixD m(1,10,1,5) defines a matrix that ranges       //
00041 // from 1..10, 1..5 (a(1,1)..a(10,5)).                                  //
00042 //                                                                      //
00043 // The present package provides all facilities to completely AVOID      //
00044 // returning matrices. Use "TMatrixD A(TMatrixD::kTransposed,B);"       //
00045 // and other fancy constructors as much as possible. If one really needs//
00046 // to return a matrix, return a TMatrixTLazy object instead. The        //
00047 // conversion is completely transparent to the end user, e.g.           //
00048 // "TMatrixT m = THaarMatrixT(5);" and _is_ efficient.                  //
00049 //                                                                      //
00050 // Since TMatrixT et al. are fully integrated in ROOT, they of course   //
00051 // can be stored in a ROOT database.                                    //
00052 //                                                                      //
00053 // For usage examples see $ROOTSYS/test/stressLinear.cxx                //
00054 //                                                                      //
00055 // Acknowledgements                                                     //
00056 // ----------------                                                     //
00057 // 1. Oleg E. Kiselyov                                                  //
00058 //  First implementations were based on the his code . We have diverged //
00059 //  quite a bit since then but the ideas/code for lazy matrix and       //
00060 //  "nested function" are 100% his .                                    //
00061 //  You can see him and his code in action at      //
00062 // 2. Chris R. Birchenhall,                                             //
00063 //  We adapted his idea of the implementation for the decomposition     //
00064 //  classes instead of our messy installation of matrix inversion       //
00065 //  His installation of matrix condition number, using an iterative     //
00066 //  scheme using the Hage algorithm is worth looking at !               //
00067 //  Chris has a nice writeup ( on his matrix classes at       //
00068 //                                  //
00069 // 3. Mark Fischler and Steven Haywood of CLHEP                         //
00070 //  They did the slave labor of spelling out all sub-determinants       //
00071 //   for Cramer inversion  of (4x4),(5x5) and (6x6) matrices            //
00072 //  The stack storage for small matrices was also taken from them       //
00073 // 4. Roldan Pozo of TNT (                    //
00074 //  He converted the EISPACK routines for the eigen-vector analysis to  //
00075 //  C++ . We started with his implementation                            //
00076 // 5. Siegmund Brandt ( //
00077 //  We adapted his (very-well) documented SVD routines                  //
00078 //                                                                      //
00079 // How to efficiently use this package                                  //
00080 // -----------------------------------                                  //
00081 //                                                                      //
00082 // 1. Never return complex objects (matrices or vectors)                //
00083 //    Danger: For example, when the following snippet:                  //
00084 //        TMatrixD foo(int n)                                           //
00085 //        {                                                             //
00086 //           TMatrixD foom(n,n); fill_in(foom); return foom;            //
00087 //        }                                                             //
00088 //        TMatrixD m = foo(5);                                          //
00089 //    runs, it constructs matrix foo:foom, copies it onto stack as a    //
00090 //    return value and destroys foo:foom. Return value (a matrix)       //
00091 //    from foo() is then copied over to m (via a copy constructor),     //
00092 //    and the return value is destroyed. So, the matrix constructor is  //
00093 //    called 3 times and the destructor 2 times. For big matrices,      //
00094 //    the cost of multiple constructing/copying/destroying of objects   //
00095 //    may be very large. *Some* optimized compilers can cut down on 1   //
00096 //    copying/destroying, but still it leaves at least two calls to     //
00097 //    the constructor. Note, TMatrixDLazy (see below) can construct     //
00098 //    TMatrixD m "inplace", with only a _single_ call to the            //
00099 //    constructor.                                                      //
00100 //                                                                      //
00101 // 2. Use "two-address instructions"                                    //
00102 //        "void TMatrixD::operator += (const TMatrixD &B);"             //
00103 //    as much as possible.                                              //
00104 //    That is, to add two matrices, it's much more efficient to write   //
00105 //        A += B;                                                       //
00106 //    than                                                              //
00107 //        TMatrixD C = A + B;                                           //
00108 //    (if both operand should be preserved,                             //
00109 //        TMatrixD C = A; C += B;                                       //
00110 //    is still better).                                                 //
00111 //                                                                      //
00112 // 3. Use glorified constructors when returning of an object seems      //
00113 //    inevitable:                                                       //
00114 //        "TMatrixD A(TMatrixD::kTransposed,B);"                        //
00115 //        "TMatrixD C(A,TMatrixD::kTransposeMult,B);"                   //
00116 //                                                                      //
00117 //    like in the following snippet (from $ROOTSYS/test/vmatrix.cxx)    //
00118 //    that verifies that for an orthogonal matrix T, T'T = TT' = E.     //
00119 //                                                                      //
00120 //    TMatrixD haar = THaarMatrixD(5);                                  //
00121 //    TMatrixD unit(TMatrixD::kUnit,haar);                              //
00122 //    TMatrixD haar_t(TMatrixD::kTransposed,haar);                      //
00123 //    TMatrixD hth(haar,TMatrixD::kTransposeMult,haar);                 //
00124 //    TMatrixD hht(haar,TMatrixD::kMult,haar_t);                        //
00125 //    TMatrixD hht1 = haar; hht1 *= haar_t;                             //
00126 //    VerifyMatrixIdentity(unit,hth);                                   //
00127 //    VerifyMatrixIdentity(unit,hht);                                   //
00128 //    VerifyMatrixIdentity(unit,hht1);                                  //
00129 //                                                                      //
00130 // 4. Accessing row/col/diagonal of a matrix without much fuss          //
00131 //    (and without moving a lot of stuff around):                       //
00132 //                                                                      //
00133 //        TMatrixD m(n,n); TVectorD v(n); TMatrixDDiag(m) += 4;         //
00134 //        v = TMatrixDRow(m,0);                                         //
00135 //        TMatrixDColumn m1(m,1); m1(2) = 3; // the same as m(2,1)=3;   //
00136 //    Note, constructing of, say, TMatrixDDiag does *not* involve any   //
00137 //    copying of any elements of the source matrix.                     //
00138 //                                                                      //
00139 // 5. It's possible (and encouraged) to use "nested" functions          //
00140 //    For example, creating of a Hilbert matrix can be done as follows: //
00141 //                                                                      //
00142 //    void foo(const TMatrixD &m)                                       //
00143 //    {                                                                 //
00144 //       TMatrixD m1(TMatrixD::kZero,m);                                //
00145 //       struct MakeHilbert : public TElementPosActionD {               //
00146 //          void Operation(Double_t &element)                           //
00147 //             { element = 1./(fI+fJ-1); }                              //
00148 //       };                                                             //
00149 //       m1.Apply(MakeHilbert());                                       //
00150 //    }                                                                 //
00151 //                                                                      //
00152 //    of course, using a special method THilbertMatrixD() is            //
00153 //    still more optimal, but not by a whole lot. And that's right,     //
00154 //    class MakeHilbert is declared *within* a function and local to    //
00155 //    that function. It means one can define another MakeHilbert class  //
00156 //    (within another function or outside of any function, that is, in  //
00157 //    the global scope), and it still will be OK. Note, this currently  //
00158 //    is not yet supported by the interpreter CINT.                     //
00159 //                                                                      //
00160 //    Another example is applying of a simple function to each matrix   //
00161 //    element:                                                          //
00162 //                                                                      //
00163 //    void foo(TMatrixD &m,TMatrixD &m1)                                //
00164 //    {                                                                 //
00165 //       typedef  double (*dfunc_t)(double);                            //
00166 //       class ApplyFunction : public TElementActionD {                 //
00167 //          dfunc_t fFunc;                                              //
00168 //          void Operation(Double_t &element)                           //
00169 //               { element=fFunc(element); }                            //
00170 //        public:                                                       //
00171 //          ApplyFunction(dfunc_t func):fFunc(func) {}                  //
00172 //       };                                                             //
00173 //       ApplyFunction x(TMath::Sin);                                   //
00174 //       m.Apply(x);                                                    //
00175 //    }                                                                 //
00176 //                                                                      //
00177 //    Validation code $ROOTSYS/test/vmatrix.cxx and vvector.cxx contain //
00178 //    a few more examples of that kind.                                 //
00179 //                                                                      //
00180 // 6. Lazy matrices: instead of returning an object return a "recipe"   //
00181 //    how to make it. The full matrix would be rolled out only when     //
00182 //    and where it's needed:                                            //
00183 //       TMatrixD haar = THaarMatrixD(5);                               //
00184 //    THaarMatrixD() is a *class*, not a simple function. However       //
00185 //    similar this looks to a returning of an object (see note #1       //
00186 //    above), it's dramatically different. THaarMatrixD() constructs a  //
00187 //    TMatrixDLazy, an object of just a few bytes long. A special       //
00188 //    "TMatrixD(const TMatrixDLazy &recipe)" constructor follows the    //
00189 //    recipe and makes the matrix haar() right in place. No matrix      //
00190 //    element is moved whatsoever!                                      //
00191 //                                                                      //
00192 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00194 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00195 //                                                                      //
00196 // TMatrixTBase                                                         //
00197 //                                                                      //
00198 // Template of base class in the linear algebra package                 //
00199 //                                                                      //
00200 //  matrix properties are stored here, however the data storage is part //
00201 //  of the derived classes                                              //
00202 //                                                                      //
00203 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00205 #include "TMatrixTBase.h"
00206 #include "TVectorT.h"
00207 #include "TROOT.h"
00208 #include "TClass.h"
00209 #include "TMath.h"
00210 #include <limits.h>
00212 Int_t gMatrixCheck = 1;
00214 #ifndef R__ALPHA
00215 templateClassImp(TMatrixTBase)
00216 #endif
00218 //______________________________________________________________________________
00219 template<class Element>
00220 void TMatrixTBase<Element>::DoubleLexSort(Int_t n,Int_t *first,Int_t *second,Element *data)
00221 {
00222 // Lexical sort on array data using indices first and second
00224    const int incs[] = {1,5,19,41,109,209,505,929,2161,3905,8929,16001,INT_MAX};
00226    Int_t kinc = 0;
00227    while (incs[kinc] <= n/2)
00228       kinc++;
00229    kinc -= 1;
00231    // incs[kinc] is the greatest value in the sequence that is also <= n/2.
00232    // If n == {0,1}, kinc == -1 and so no sort will take place.
00234    for( ; kinc >= 0; kinc--) {
00235       const Int_t inc = incs[kinc];
00237       for (Int_t k = inc; k < n; k++) {
00238          const Element tmp = data[k];
00239          const Int_t fi = first [k];
00240          const Int_t se = second[k];
00241          Int_t j;
00242          for (j = k; j >= inc; j -= inc) {
00243             if ( fi < first[j-inc] || (fi == first[j-inc] && se < second[j-inc]) ) {
00244                data  [j] = data  [j-inc];
00245                first [j] = first [j-inc];
00246                second[j] = second[j-inc];
00247             } else
00248                break;
00249          }
00250          data  [j] = tmp;
00251          first [j] = fi;
00252          second[j] = se;
00253       }
00254    }
00255 }
00257 //______________________________________________________________________________
00258 template<class Element>
00259 void TMatrixTBase<Element>::IndexedLexSort(Int_t n,Int_t *first,Int_t swapFirst,
00260                                            Int_t *second,Int_t swapSecond,Int_t *index)
00261 {
00262 // Lexical sort on array data using indices first and second
00264    const int incs[] = {1,5,19,41,109,209,505,929,2161,3905,8929,16001,INT_MAX};
00266    Int_t kinc = 0;
00267    while (incs[kinc] <= n/2)
00268       kinc++;
00269    kinc -= 1;
00271    // incs[kinc] is the greatest value in the sequence that is also less
00272    // than n/2.
00274    for( ; kinc >= 0; kinc--) {
00275       const Int_t inc = incs[kinc];
00277       if ( !swapFirst && !swapSecond ) {
00278          for (Int_t k = inc; k < n; k++) {
00279             // loop over all subarrays defined by the current increment
00280             const Int_t ktemp = index[k];
00281             const Int_t fi = first [ktemp];
00282             const Int_t se = second[ktemp];
00283             // Insert element k into the sorted subarray
00284             Int_t j;
00285             for (j = k; j >= inc; j -= inc) {
00286                // Loop over the elements in the current subarray
00287                if (fi < first[index[j-inc]] || (fi == first[index[j-inc]] && se < second[index[j-inc]])) {
00288                   // Swap elements j and j - inc, implicitly use the fact
00289                   // that ktemp hold element j to avoid having to assign to
00290                   // element j-inc
00291                     index[j] = index[j-inc];
00292                } else {
00293                   // There are no more elements in this sorted subarray which
00294                   // are less than element j
00295                   break;
00296                }
00297             } // End loop over the elements in the current subarray
00298             // Move index[j] out of temporary storage
00299             index[j] = ktemp;
00300             // The element has been inserted into the subarray.
00301          } // End loop over all subarrays defined by the current increment
00302       } else if ( swapSecond && !swapFirst ) {
00303          for (Int_t k = inc; k < n; k++) {
00304             const Int_t ktemp = index[k];
00305             const Int_t fi = first [ktemp];
00306             const Int_t se = second[k];
00307             Int_t j;
00308             for (j = k; j >= inc; j -= inc) {
00309                if (fi < first[index[j-inc]] || (fi == first[index[j-inc]] && se < second[j-inc])) {
00310                   index [j] = index[j-inc];
00311                   second[j] = second[j-inc];
00312                } else {
00313                   break;
00314                }
00315             }
00316             index[j]  = ktemp;
00317             second[j] = se;
00318          }
00319       } else if (swapFirst  && !swapSecond) {
00320          for (Int_t k = inc; k < n; k++ ) {
00321             const Int_t ktemp = index[k];
00322             const Int_t fi = first[k];
00323             const Int_t se = second[ktemp];
00324             Int_t j;
00325             for (j = k; j >= inc; j -= inc) {
00326                if ( fi < first[j-inc] || (fi == first[j-inc] && se < second[ index[j-inc]])) {
00327                   index[j] = index[j-inc];
00328                   first[j] = first[j-inc];
00329                } else {
00330                   break;
00331                }
00332             }
00333             index[j] = ktemp;
00334             first[j] = fi;
00335          }
00336       } else { // Swap both
00337          for (Int_t k = inc; k < n; k++ ) {
00338             const Int_t ktemp = index[k];
00339             const Int_t fi = first [k];
00340             const Int_t se = second[k];
00341             Int_t j;
00342             for (j = k; j >= inc; j -= inc) {
00343                if ( fi < first[j-inc] || (fi == first[j-inc] && se < second[j-inc])) {
00344                   index [j] = index [j-inc];
00345                   first [j] = first [j-inc];
00346                   second[j] = second[j-inc];
00347                } else {
00348                   break;
00349                }
00350             }
00351             index[j]  = ktemp;
00352             first[j]  = fi;
00353             second[j] = se;
00354          }
00355       }
00356    }
00357 }
00359 //______________________________________________________________________________
00360 template<class Element>
00361 TMatrixTBase<Element> &TMatrixTBase<Element>::SetMatrixArray(const Element *data,Option_t *option)
00362 {
00363   // Copy array data to matrix . It is assumed that array is of size >= fNelems
00364   // (=)))) fNrows*fNcols
00365   // option indicates how the data is stored in the array:
00366   // option =
00367   //          'F'   : column major (Fortran) m[i][j] = array[i+j*fNrows]
00368   //          else  : row major    (C)       m[i][j] = array[i*fNcols+j] (default)
00370    R__ASSERT(IsValid());
00372    TString opt = option;
00373    opt.ToUpper();
00375    Element *elem = GetMatrixArray();
00376    if (opt.Contains("F")) {
00377       for (Int_t irow = 0; irow < fNrows; irow++) {
00378          const Int_t off1 = irow*fNcols;
00379          Int_t off2 = 0;
00380          for (Int_t icol = 0; icol < fNcols; icol++) {
00381             elem[off1+icol] = data[off2+irow];
00382             off2 += fNrows;
00383          }
00384       }
00385    }
00386    else
00387       memcpy(elem,data,fNelems*sizeof(Element));
00389    return *this;
00390 }
00392 //______________________________________________________________________________
00393 template<class Element>
00394 Bool_t TMatrixTBase<Element>::IsSymmetric() const
00395 {
00396 // Check whether matrix is symmetric
00398   R__ASSERT(IsValid());
00400    if ((fNrows != fNcols) || (fRowLwb != fColLwb))
00401       return kFALSE;
00403    const Element * const elem = GetMatrixArray();
00404    for (Int_t irow = 0; irow < fNrows; irow++) {
00405       const Int_t rowOff = irow*fNcols;
00406       Int_t colOff = 0;
00407       for (Int_t icol = 0; icol < irow; icol++) {
00408          if (elem[rowOff+icol] != elem[colOff+irow])
00409            return kFALSE;
00410          colOff += fNrows;
00411       }
00412    }
00413    return kTRUE;
00414 }
00416 //______________________________________________________________________________
00417 template<class Element>
00418 void TMatrixTBase<Element>::GetMatrix2Array(Element *data,Option_t *option) const
00419 {
00420 // Copy matrix data to array . It is assumed that array is of size >= fNelems
00421 // (=)))) fNrows*fNcols
00422 // option indicates how the data is stored in the array:
00423 // option =
00424 //          'F'   : column major (Fortran) array[i+j*fNrows] = m[i][j]
00425 //          else  : row major    (C)       array[i*fNcols+j] = m[i][j] (default)
00427    R__ASSERT(IsValid());
00429    TString opt = option;
00430    opt.ToUpper();
00432    const Element * const elem = GetMatrixArray();
00433    if (opt.Contains("F")) {
00434       for (Int_t irow = 0; irow < fNrows; irow++) {
00435          const Int_t off1 = irow*fNcols;
00436          Int_t off2 = 0;
00437          for (Int_t icol = 0; icol < fNcols; icol++)
00438             data[off2+irow] = elem[off1+icol];
00439          off2 += fNrows;
00440       }
00441    }
00442    else
00443       memcpy(data,elem,fNelems*sizeof(Element));
00444 }
00446 //______________________________________________________________________________
00447 template<class Element>
00448 TMatrixTBase<Element> &TMatrixTBase<Element>::InsertRow(Int_t rown,Int_t coln,const Element *v,Int_t n)
00449 {
00450 // Copy n elements from array v to row rown starting at column coln
00452    const Int_t arown = rown-fRowLwb;
00453    const Int_t acoln = coln-fColLwb;
00454    const Int_t nr = (n > 0) ? n : fNcols;
00456    if (gMatrixCheck) {
00457       if (arown >= fNrows || arown < 0) {
00458          Error("InsertRow","row %d out of matrix range",rown);
00459          return *this;
00460       }
00462       if (acoln >= fNcols || acoln < 0) {
00463          Error("InsertRow","column %d out of matrix range",coln);
00464          return *this;
00465       }
00467       if (acoln+nr > fNcols || nr < 0) {
00468          Error("InsertRow","row length %d out of range",nr);
00469          return *this;
00470       }
00471    }
00473    const Int_t off = arown*fNcols+acoln;
00474    Element * const elem = GetMatrixArray()+off;
00475    memcpy(elem,v,nr*sizeof(Element));
00477    return *this;
00478 }
00480 //______________________________________________________________________________
00481 template<class Element>
00482 void TMatrixTBase<Element>::ExtractRow(Int_t rown,Int_t coln,Element *v,Int_t n) const
00483 {
00484 // Store in array v, n matrix elements of row rown starting at column coln
00486    const Int_t arown = rown-fRowLwb;
00487    const Int_t acoln = coln-fColLwb;
00488    const Int_t nr = (n > 0) ? n : fNcols;
00490    if (gMatrixCheck) {
00491       if (arown >= fNrows || arown < 0) {
00492          Error("ExtractRow","row %d out of matrix range",rown);
00493          return;
00494       }
00496       if (acoln >= fNcols || acoln < 0) {
00497          Error("ExtractRow","column %d out of matrix range",coln);
00498          return;
00499       }
00501       if (acoln+n >= fNcols || nr < 0) {
00502          Error("ExtractRow","row length %d out of range",nr);
00503          return;
00504       }
00505    }
00507    const Int_t off = arown*fNcols+acoln;
00508    const Element * const elem = GetMatrixArray()+off;
00509    memcpy(v,elem,nr*sizeof(Element));
00510 }
00512 //______________________________________________________________________________
00513 template<class Element>
00514 TMatrixTBase<Element> &TMatrixTBase<Element>::Shift(Int_t row_shift,Int_t col_shift)
00515 {
00516 // Shift the row index by adding row_shift and the column index by adding
00517 // col_shift, respectively. So [rowLwb..rowUpb][colLwb..colUpb] becomes
00518 // [rowLwb+row_shift..rowUpb+row_shift][colLwb+col_shift..colUpb+col_shift]
00520    fRowLwb += row_shift;
00521    fColLwb += col_shift;
00523    return *this;
00524 }
00526 //______________________________________________________________________________
00527 template<class Element>
00528 TMatrixTBase<Element> &TMatrixTBase<Element>::Zero()
00529 {
00530 // Set matrix elements to zero
00532    R__ASSERT(IsValid());
00533    memset(this->GetMatrixArray(),0,fNelems*sizeof(Element));
00535    return *this;
00536 }
00538 //______________________________________________________________________________
00539 template<class Element>
00540 TMatrixTBase<Element> &TMatrixTBase<Element>::Abs()
00541 {
00542 // Take an absolute value of a matrix, i.e. apply Abs() to each element.
00544    R__ASSERT(IsValid());
00546          Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray();
00547    const Element * const fp = ep+fNelems;
00548    while (ep < fp) {
00549       *ep = TMath::Abs(*ep);
00550       ep++;
00551    }
00553    return *this;
00554 }
00556 //______________________________________________________________________________
00557 template<class Element>
00558 TMatrixTBase<Element> &TMatrixTBase<Element>::Sqr()
00559 {
00560 // Square each element of the matrix.
00562    R__ASSERT(IsValid());
00564          Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray();
00565    const Element * const fp = ep+fNelems;
00566    while (ep < fp) {
00567       *ep = (*ep) * (*ep);
00568       ep++;
00569    }
00571    return *this;
00572 }
00574 //______________________________________________________________________________
00575 template<class Element>
00576 TMatrixTBase<Element> &TMatrixTBase<Element>::Sqrt()
00577 {
00578 // Take square root of all elements.
00580    R__ASSERT(IsValid());
00582          Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray();
00583    const Element * const fp = ep+fNelems;
00584    while (ep < fp) {
00585       *ep = TMath::Sqrt(*ep);
00586       ep++;
00587    }
00589    return *this;
00590 }
00592 //______________________________________________________________________________
00593 template<class Element>
00594 TMatrixTBase<Element> &TMatrixTBase<Element>::UnitMatrix()
00595 {
00596 // Make a unit matrix (matrix need not be a square one).
00598    R__ASSERT(IsValid());
00600    Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray();
00601    memset(ep,0,fNelems*sizeof(Element));
00602    for (Int_t i = fRowLwb; i <= fRowLwb+fNrows-1; i++)
00603       for (Int_t j = fColLwb; j <= fColLwb+fNcols-1; j++)
00604          *ep++ = (i==j ? 1.0 : 0.0);
00606    return *this;
00607 }
00609 //______________________________________________________________________________
00610 template<class Element>
00611 TMatrixTBase<Element> &TMatrixTBase<Element>::NormByDiag(const TVectorT<Element> &v,Option_t *option)
00612 {
00613 // option:
00614 // "D"   :  b(i,j) = a(i,j)/sqrt(abs*(v(i)*v(j)))  (default)
00615 // else  :  b(i,j) = a(i,j)*sqrt(abs*(v(i)*v(j)))  (default)
00617    R__ASSERT(IsValid());
00618    R__ASSERT(v.IsValid());
00620    if (gMatrixCheck) {
00621       const Int_t nMax = TMath::Max(fNrows,fNcols);
00622       if (v.GetNoElements() < nMax) {
00623          Error("NormByDiag","vector shorter than matrix diagonal");
00624          return *this;
00625       }
00626    }
00628    TString opt(option);
00629    opt.ToUpper();
00630    const Int_t divide = (opt.Contains("D")) ? 1 : 0;
00632    const Element *pV = v.GetMatrixArray();
00633          Element *mp = this->GetMatrixArray();
00635    if (divide) {
00636       for (Int_t irow = 0; irow < fNrows; irow++) {
00637          if (pV[irow] != 0.0) {
00638             for (Int_t icol = 0; icol < fNcols; icol++) {
00639                if (pV[icol] != 0.0) {
00640                   const Element val = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(pV[irow]*pV[icol]));
00641                   *mp++ /= val;
00642                } else {
00643                   Error("NormbyDiag","vector element %d is zero",icol);
00644                   mp++;
00645                }
00646             }
00647          } else {
00648             Error("NormbyDiag","vector element %d is zero",irow);
00649             mp += fNcols;
00650          }
00651       }
00652    } else {
00653       for (Int_t irow = 0; irow < fNrows; irow++) {
00654          for (Int_t icol = 0; icol < fNcols; icol++) {
00655             const Element val = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(pV[irow]*pV[icol]));
00656             *mp++ *= val;
00657          }
00658       }
00659    }
00661    return *this;
00662 }
00664 //______________________________________________________________________________
00665 template<class Element>
00666 Element TMatrixTBase<Element>::RowNorm() const
00667 {
00668 // Row matrix norm, MAX{ SUM{ |M(i,j)|, over j}, over i}.
00669 // The norm is induced by the infinity vector norm.
00671    R__ASSERT(IsValid());
00673    const Element *       ep = GetMatrixArray();
00674    const Element * const fp = ep+fNelems;
00675          Element norm = 0;
00677    // Scan the matrix row-after-row
00678    while (ep < fp) {
00679       Element sum = 0;
00680       // Scan a row to compute the sum
00681       for (Int_t j = 0; j < fNcols; j++)
00682          sum += TMath::Abs(*ep++);
00683       norm = TMath::Max(norm,sum);
00684    }
00686    R__ASSERT(ep == fp);
00688    return norm;
00689 }
00691 //______________________________________________________________________________
00692 template<class Element>
00693 Element TMatrixTBase<Element>::ColNorm() const
00694 {
00695 // Column matrix norm, MAX{ SUM{ |M(i,j)|, over i}, over j}.
00696 // The norm is induced by the 1 vector norm.
00698    R__ASSERT(IsValid());
00700    const Element *       ep = GetMatrixArray();
00701    const Element * const fp = ep+fNcols;
00702          Element norm = 0;
00704    // Scan the matrix col-after-col
00705    while (ep < fp) {
00706       Element sum = 0;
00707       // Scan a col to compute the sum
00708       for (Int_t i = 0; i < fNrows; i++,ep += fNcols)
00709          sum += TMath::Abs(*ep);
00710       ep -= fNelems-1;         // Point ep to the beginning of the next col
00711       norm = TMath::Max(norm,sum);
00712    }
00714    R__ASSERT(ep == fp);
00716    return norm;
00717 }
00719 //______________________________________________________________________________
00720 template<class Element>
00721 Element TMatrixTBase<Element>::E2Norm() const
00722 {
00723 // Square of the Euclidian norm, SUM{ m(i,j)^2 }.
00725    R__ASSERT(IsValid());
00727    const Element *       ep = GetMatrixArray();
00728    const Element * const fp = ep+fNelems;
00729          Element sum = 0;
00731    for ( ; ep < fp; ep++)
00732       sum += (*ep) * (*ep);
00734    return sum;
00735 }
00737 //______________________________________________________________________________
00738 template<class Element>
00739 Int_t TMatrixTBase<Element>::NonZeros() const
00740 {
00741 // Compute the number of elements != 0.0
00743    R__ASSERT(IsValid());
00745    Int_t nr_nonzeros = 0;
00746    const Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray();
00747    const Element * const fp = ep+fNelems;
00748    while (ep < fp)
00749       if (*ep++ != 0.0) nr_nonzeros++;
00751    return nr_nonzeros;
00752 }
00754 //______________________________________________________________________________
00755 template<class Element>
00756 Element TMatrixTBase<Element>::Sum() const
00757 {
00758 // Compute sum of elements
00760    R__ASSERT(IsValid());
00762    Element sum = 0.0;
00763    const Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray();
00764    const Element * const fp = ep+fNelems;
00765    while (ep < fp)
00766       sum += *ep++;
00768    return sum;
00769 }
00771 //______________________________________________________________________________
00772 template<class Element>
00773 Element TMatrixTBase<Element>::Min() const
00774 {
00775 // return minimum matrix element value
00777    R__ASSERT(IsValid());
00779    const Element * const ep = this->GetMatrixArray();
00780    const Int_t index = TMath::LocMin(fNelems,ep);
00781    return ep[index];
00782 }
00784 //______________________________________________________________________________
00785 template<class Element>
00786 Element TMatrixTBase<Element>::Max() const
00787 {
00788 // return maximum vector element value
00790    R__ASSERT(IsValid());
00792    const Element * const ep = this->GetMatrixArray();
00793    const Int_t index = TMath::LocMax(fNelems,ep);
00794    return ep[index];
00795 }
00797 //______________________________________________________________________________
00798 template<class Element>
00799 void TMatrixTBase<Element>::Draw(Option_t *option)
00800 {
00801 // Draw this matrix
00802 // The histogram is named "TMatrixT" by default and no title
00804    gROOT->ProcessLine(Form("THistPainter::PaintSpecialObjects((TObject*)0x%lx,\"%s\");",
00805                            (ULong_t)this, option));
00806 }
00808 //______________________________________________________________________________
00809 template<class Element>
00810 void TMatrixTBase<Element>::Print(Option_t *option) const
00811 {
00812    // Print the matrix as a table of elements.
00813    // By default the format "%11.4g" is used to print one element.
00814    // One can specify an alternative format with eg
00815    //  option ="f=  %6.2f  "
00817    if (!IsValid()) {
00818       Error("Print","Matrix is invalid");
00819       return;
00820    }
00822    //build format
00823    const char *format = "%11.4g ";
00824    if (option) {
00825       const char *f = strstr(option,"f=");
00826       if (f) format = f+2;
00827    }
00828    char topbar[100];
00829    snprintf(topbar,100,format,123.456789);
00830    Int_t nch = strlen(topbar)+1;
00831    if (nch > 18) nch = 18;
00832    char ftopbar[20];
00833    for (Int_t i = 0; i < nch; i++) ftopbar[i] = ' ';
00834    Int_t nk = 1 + Int_t(TMath::Log10(fNcols));
00835    snprintf(ftopbar+nch/2,20-nch/2,"%s%dd","%",nk);
00836    Int_t nch2 = strlen(ftopbar);
00837    for (Int_t i = nch2; i < nch; i++) ftopbar[i] = ' ';
00838    ftopbar[nch] = '|';
00839    ftopbar[nch+1] = 0;
00841    printf("\n%dx%d matrix is as follows",fNrows,fNcols);
00843    Int_t cols_per_sheet = 5;
00844    if (nch <= 8) cols_per_sheet =10;
00845    const Int_t ncols  = fNcols;
00846    const Int_t nrows  = fNrows;
00847    const Int_t collwb = fColLwb;
00848    const Int_t rowlwb = fRowLwb;
00849    nk = 5+nch*TMath::Min(cols_per_sheet,fNcols);
00850    for (Int_t i = 0; i < nk; i++) topbar[i] = '-';
00851    topbar[nk] = 0;
00852    for (Int_t sheet_counter = 1; sheet_counter <= ncols; sheet_counter += cols_per_sheet) {
00853       printf("\n\n     |");
00854       for (Int_t j = sheet_counter; j < sheet_counter+cols_per_sheet && j <= ncols; j++)
00855          printf(ftopbar,j+collwb-1);
00856       printf("\n%s\n",topbar);
00857       if (fNelems <= 0) continue;
00858       for (Int_t i = 1; i <= nrows; i++) {
00859          printf("%4d |",i+rowlwb-1);
00860          for (Int_t j = sheet_counter; j < sheet_counter+cols_per_sheet && j <= ncols; j++)
00861             printf(format,(*this)(i+rowlwb-1,j+collwb-1));
00862             printf("\n");
00863       }
00864    }
00865    printf("\n");
00866 }
00868 //______________________________________________________________________________
00869 template<class Element>
00870 Bool_t TMatrixTBase<Element>::operator==(Element val) const
00871 {
00872 // Are all matrix elements equal to val?
00874    R__ASSERT(IsValid());
00876    if (val == 0. && fNelems == 0)
00877       return kTRUE;
00879    const Element *       ep = GetMatrixArray();
00880    const Element * const fp = ep+fNelems;
00881    for (; ep < fp; ep++)
00882       if (!(*ep == val))
00883          return kFALSE;
00885    return kTRUE;
00886 }
00888 //______________________________________________________________________________
00889 template<class Element>
00890 Bool_t TMatrixTBase<Element>::operator!=(Element val) const
00891 {
00892 // Are all matrix elements not equal to val?
00894    R__ASSERT(IsValid());
00896    if (val == 0. && fNelems == 0)
00897       return kFALSE;
00899    const Element *       ep = GetMatrixArray();
00900    const Element * const fp = ep+fNelems;
00901    for (; ep < fp; ep++)
00902       if (!(*ep != val))
00903          return kFALSE;
00905    return kTRUE;
00906 }
00908 //______________________________________________________________________________
00909 template<class Element>
00910 Bool_t TMatrixTBase<Element>::operator<(Element val) const
00911 {
00912 // Are all matrix elements < val?
00914    R__ASSERT(IsValid());
00916    const Element *       ep = GetMatrixArray();
00917    const Element * const fp = ep+fNelems;
00918    for (; ep < fp; ep++)
00919       if (!(*ep < val))
00920          return kFALSE;
00922    return kTRUE;
00923 }
00925 //______________________________________________________________________________
00926 template<class Element>
00927 Bool_t TMatrixTBase<Element>::operator<=(Element val) const
00928 {
00929 // Are all matrix elements <= val?
00931    R__ASSERT(IsValid());
00933    const Element *       ep = GetMatrixArray();
00934    const Element * const fp = ep+fNelems;
00935    for (; ep < fp; ep++)
00936       if (!(*ep <= val))
00937          return kFALSE;
00939    return kTRUE;
00940 }
00942 //______________________________________________________________________________
00943 template<class Element>
00944 Bool_t TMatrixTBase<Element>::operator>(Element val) const
00945 {
00946 // Are all matrix elements > val?
00948    R__ASSERT(IsValid());
00950    const Element *       ep = GetMatrixArray();
00951    const Element * const fp = ep+fNelems;
00952    for (; ep < fp; ep++)
00953       if (!(*ep > val))
00954          return kFALSE;
00956    return kTRUE;
00957 }
00959 //______________________________________________________________________________
00960 template<class Element>
00961 Bool_t TMatrixTBase<Element>::operator>=(Element val) const
00962 {
00963 // Are all matrix elements >= val?
00965    R__ASSERT(IsValid());
00967    const Element *       ep = GetMatrixArray();
00968    const Element * const fp = ep+fNelems;
00969    for (; ep < fp; ep++)
00970       if (!(*ep >= val))
00971          return kFALSE;
00973    return kTRUE;
00974 }
00976 //______________________________________________________________________________
00977 template<class Element>
00978 TMatrixTBase<Element> &TMatrixTBase<Element>::Apply(const TElementActionT<Element> &action)
00979 {
00980 // Apply action to each matrix element
00982    R__ASSERT(IsValid());
00984    Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray();
00985    const Element * const ep_last = ep+fNelems;
00986    while (ep < ep_last)
00987       action.Operation(*ep++);
00989    return *this;
00990 }
00992 //______________________________________________________________________________
00993 template<class Element>
00994 TMatrixTBase<Element> &TMatrixTBase<Element>::Apply(const TElementPosActionT<Element> &action)
00995 {
00996 // Apply action to each element of the matrix. To action the location
00997 // of the current element is passed.
00999    R__ASSERT(IsValid());
01001    Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray();
01002    for (action.fI = fRowLwb; action.fI < fRowLwb+fNrows; action.fI++)
01003       for (action.fJ = fColLwb; action.fJ < fColLwb+fNcols; action.fJ++)
01004          action.Operation(*ep++);
01006    R__ASSERT(ep == this->GetMatrixArray()+fNelems);
01008    return *this;
01009 }
01011 //______________________________________________________________________________
01012 template<class Element>
01013 TMatrixTBase<Element> &TMatrixTBase<Element>::Randomize(Element alpha,Element beta,Double_t &seed)
01014 {
01015 // Randomize matrix element values
01017    R__ASSERT(IsValid());
01019    const Element scale = beta-alpha;
01020    const Element shift = alpha/scale;
01022          Element *       ep = GetMatrixArray();
01023    const Element * const fp = ep+fNelems;
01024    while (ep < fp)
01025       *ep++ = scale*(Drand(seed)+shift);
01027    return *this;
01028 }
01030 //______________________________________________________________________________
01031 template<class Element>
01032 Bool_t operator==(const TMatrixTBase<Element> &m1,const TMatrixTBase<Element> &m2)
01033 {
01034 // Check to see if two matrices are identical.
01036    if (!AreCompatible(m1,m2)) return kFALSE;
01037    return (memcmp(m1.GetMatrixArray(),m2.GetMatrixArray(),
01038                    m1.GetNoElements()*sizeof(Element)) == 0);
01039 }
01041 //______________________________________________________________________________
01042 template<class Element>
01043 Element E2Norm(const TMatrixTBase<Element> &m1,const TMatrixTBase<Element> &m2)
01044 {
01045 // Square of the Euclidian norm of the difference between two matrices.
01047    if (gMatrixCheck && !AreCompatible(m1,m2)) {
01048       ::Error("E2Norm","matrices not compatible");
01049       return -1.0;
01050    }
01052    const Element *        mp1 = m1.GetMatrixArray();
01053    const Element *        mp2 = m2.GetMatrixArray();
01054    const Element * const fmp1 = mp1+m1.GetNoElements();
01056    Element sum = 0.0;
01057    for (; mp1 < fmp1; mp1++, mp2++)
01058       sum += (*mp1 - *mp2)*(*mp1 - *mp2);
01060    return sum;
01061 }
01063 //______________________________________________________________________________
01064 template<class Element1,class Element2>
01065 Bool_t AreCompatible(const TMatrixTBase<Element1> &m1,const TMatrixTBase<Element2> &m2,Int_t verbose)
01066 {
01067 // Check that matrice sm1 and m2 areboth valid and have identical shapes .
01068    if (!m1.IsValid()) {
01069       if (verbose)
01070          ::Error("AreCompatible", "matrix 1 not valid");
01071       return kFALSE;
01072    }
01073    if (!m2.IsValid()) {
01074       if (verbose)
01075          ::Error("AreCompatible", "matrix 2 not valid");
01076       return kFALSE;
01077    }
01079    if (m1.GetNrows()  != m2.GetNrows()  || m1.GetNcols()  != m2.GetNcols() ||
01080        m1.GetRowLwb() != m2.GetRowLwb() || m1.GetColLwb() != m2.GetColLwb()) {
01081       if (verbose)
01082          ::Error("AreCompatible", "matrices 1 and 2 not compatible");
01083       return kFALSE;
01084    }
01086    return kTRUE;
01087 }
01089 //______________________________________________________________________________
01090 template<class Element>
01091 void Compare(const TMatrixTBase<Element> &m1,const TMatrixTBase<Element> &m2)
01092 {
01093 // Compare two matrices and print out the result of the comparison.
01095    if (!AreCompatible(m1,m2)) {
01096       Error("Compare(const TMatrixTBase<Element> &,const TMatrixTBase<Element> &)","matrices are incompatible");
01097       return;
01098    }
01100    printf("\n\nComparison of two TMatrices:\n");
01102    Element norm1  = 0;      // Norm of the Matrices
01103    Element norm2  = 0;
01104    Element ndiff  = 0;      // Norm of the difference
01105    Int_t   imax   = 0;      // For the elements that differ most
01106    Int_t   jmax   = 0;
01107    Element difmax = -1;
01109    for (Int_t i = m1.GetRowLwb(); i <= m1.GetRowUpb(); i++) {
01110       for (Int_t j = m1.GetColLwb(); j < m1.GetColUpb(); j++) {
01111          const Element mv1 = m1(i,j);
01112          const Element mv2 = m2(i,j);
01113          const Element diff = TMath::Abs(mv1-mv2);
01115          if (diff > difmax) {
01116             difmax = diff;
01117             imax = i;
01118             jmax = j;
01119          }
01120          norm1 += TMath::Abs(mv1);
01121          norm2 += TMath::Abs(mv2);
01122          ndiff += TMath::Abs(diff);
01123       }
01124    }
01126    printf("\nMaximal discrepancy    \t\t%g", difmax);
01127    printf("\n   occured at the point\t\t(%d,%d)",imax,jmax);
01128    const Element mv1 = m1(imax,jmax);
01129    const Element mv2 = m2(imax,jmax);
01130    printf("\n Matrix 1 element is    \t\t%g", mv1);
01131    printf("\n Matrix 2 element is    \t\t%g", mv2);
01132    printf("\n Absolute error v2[i]-v1[i]\t\t%g", mv2-mv1);
01133    printf("\n Relative error\t\t\t\t%g\n",
01134           (mv2-mv1)/TMath::Max(TMath::Abs(mv2+mv1)/2,(Element)1e-7));
01136    printf("\n||Matrix 1||   \t\t\t%g", norm1);
01137    printf("\n||Matrix 2||   \t\t\t%g", norm2);
01138    printf("\n||Matrix1-Matrix2||\t\t\t\t%g", ndiff);
01139    printf("\n||Matrix1-Matrix2||/sqrt(||Matrix1|| ||Matrix2||)\t%g\n\n",
01140           ndiff/TMath::Max(TMath::Sqrt(norm1*norm2),1e-7));
01141 }
01143 //______________________________________________________________________________
01144 template<class Element>
01145 Bool_t VerifyMatrixValue(const TMatrixTBase<Element> &m,Element val,Int_t verbose,Element maxDevAllow)
01146 {
01147 // Validate that all elements of matrix have value val within maxDevAllow.
01149    R__ASSERT(m.IsValid());
01151    if (m == 0)
01152       return kTRUE;
01154    Int_t   imax      = 0;
01155    Int_t   jmax      = 0;
01156    Element maxDevObs = 0;
01158    if (TMath::Abs(maxDevAllow) <= 0.0)
01159       maxDevAllow = std::numeric_limits<Element>::epsilon();
01161    for (Int_t i = m.GetRowLwb(); i <= m.GetRowUpb(); i++) {
01162       for (Int_t j = m.GetColLwb(); j <= m.GetColUpb(); j++) {
01163          const Element dev = TMath::Abs(m(i,j)-val);
01164          if (dev > maxDevObs) {
01165             imax    = i;
01166             jmax    = j;
01167             maxDevObs = dev;
01168          }
01169       }
01170    }
01172    if (maxDevObs == 0)
01173       return kTRUE;
01175    if (verbose) {
01176       printf("Largest dev for (%d,%d); dev = |%g - %g| = %g\n",imax,jmax,m(imax,jmax),val,maxDevObs);
01177       if(maxDevObs > maxDevAllow)
01178          Error("VerifyElementValue","Deviation > %g\n",maxDevAllow);
01179    }
01181    if(maxDevObs > maxDevAllow)
01182       return kFALSE;
01183    return kTRUE;
01184 }
01186 //______________________________________________________________________________
01187 template<class Element>
01188 Bool_t VerifyMatrixIdentity(const TMatrixTBase<Element> &m1,const TMatrixTBase<Element> &m2,Int_t verbose,
01189                             Element maxDevAllow)
01190 {
01191 // Verify that elements of the two matrices are equal within MaxDevAllow .
01193    if (!AreCompatible(m1,m2,verbose))
01194       return kFALSE;
01196    if (m1 == 0 && m2 == 0)
01197       return kTRUE;
01199    Int_t   imax      = 0;
01200    Int_t   jmax      = 0;
01201    Element maxDevObs = 0;
01203    if (TMath::Abs(maxDevAllow) <= 0.0)
01204       maxDevAllow = std::numeric_limits<Element>::epsilon();
01206    for (Int_t i = m1.GetRowLwb(); i <= m1.GetRowUpb(); i++) {
01207       for (Int_t j = m1.GetColLwb(); j <= m1.GetColUpb(); j++) {
01208          const Element dev = TMath::Abs(m1(i,j)-m2(i,j));
01209          if (dev > maxDevObs) {
01210             imax = i;
01211             jmax = j;
01212             maxDevObs = dev;
01213          }
01214       }
01215    }
01217    if (maxDevObs == 0)
01218       return kTRUE;
01220    if (verbose) {
01221       printf("Largest dev for (%d,%d); dev = |%g - %g| = %g\n",
01222               imax,jmax,m1(imax,jmax),m2(imax,jmax),maxDevObs);
01223       if (maxDevObs > maxDevAllow)
01224          Error("VerifyMatrixValue","Deviation > %g\n",maxDevAllow);
01225    }
01227    if (maxDevObs > maxDevAllow)
01228       return kFALSE;
01229    return kTRUE;
01230 }
01232 //______________________________________________________________________________
01233 template<class Element>
01234 void TMatrixTBase<Element>::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
01235 {
01236 // Stream an object of class TMatrixTBase<Element>.
01238    if (R__b.IsReading()) {
01239       UInt_t R__s, R__c;
01240       Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c);
01241       if (R__v > 1) {
01242          R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TMatrixTBase<Element>::Class(),this,R__v,R__s,R__c);
01243       } else {
01244          Error("TMatrixTBase<Element>::Streamer","Unknown version number: %d",R__v);
01245          R__ASSERT(0);
01246       }
01247       if (R__v < 4) MakeValid();
01248    } else {
01249       R__b.WriteClassBuffer(TMatrixTBase<Element>::Class(),this);
01250    }
01251 }
01253 template class TMatrixTBase<Float_t>;
01255 template Bool_t   operator==          <Float_t>(const TMatrixFBase &m1,const TMatrixFBase &m2);
01256 template Float_t  E2Norm              <Float_t>(const TMatrixFBase &m1,const TMatrixFBase &m2);
01257 template Bool_t   AreCompatible<Float_t,Float_t>
01258                                                (const TMatrixFBase &m1,const TMatrixFBase &m2,Int_t verbose);
01259 template Bool_t   AreCompatible<Float_t,Double_t>
01260                                                (const TMatrixFBase &m1,const TMatrixDBase &m2,Int_t verbose);
01261 template void     Compare             <Float_t>(const TMatrixFBase &m1,const TMatrixFBase &m2);
01262 template Bool_t   VerifyMatrixValue   <Float_t>(const TMatrixFBase &m,Float_t val,Int_t verbose,Float_t maxDevAllow);
01263 template Bool_t   VerifyMatrixValue   <Float_t>(const TMatrixFBase &m,Float_t val);
01264 template Bool_t   VerifyMatrixIdentity<Float_t>(const TMatrixFBase &m1,const TMatrixFBase &m2,
01265                                                 Int_t verbose,Float_t maxDevAllowN);
01266 template Bool_t   VerifyMatrixIdentity<Float_t>(const TMatrixFBase &m1,const TMatrixFBase &m2);
01268 template class TMatrixTBase<Double_t>;
01270 template Bool_t   operator==          <Double_t>(const TMatrixDBase &m1,const TMatrixDBase &m2);
01271 template Double_t E2Norm              <Double_t>(const TMatrixDBase &m1,const TMatrixDBase &m2);
01272 template Bool_t   AreCompatible<Double_t,Double_t>
01273                                                (const TMatrixDBase &m1,const TMatrixDBase &m2,Int_t verbose);
01274 template Bool_t   AreCompatible<Double_t,Float_t>
01275                                                (const TMatrixDBase &m1,const TMatrixFBase &m2,Int_t verbose);
01276 template void     Compare             <Double_t>(const TMatrixDBase &m1,const TMatrixDBase &m2);
01277 template Bool_t   VerifyMatrixValue   <Double_t>(const TMatrixDBase &m,Double_t val,Int_t verbose,Double_t maxDevAllow);
01278 template Bool_t   VerifyMatrixValue   <Double_t>(const TMatrixDBase &m,Double_t val);
01279 template Bool_t   VerifyMatrixIdentity<Double_t>(const TMatrixDBase &m1,const TMatrixDBase &m2,
01280                                                  Int_t verbose,Double_t maxDevAllow);
01281 template Bool_t   VerifyMatrixIdentity<Double_t>(const TMatrixDBase &m1,const TMatrixDBase &m2);

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