TMatrixTUtils.h File Reference

#include "TMatrixTBase.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  TElementActionT< Element >
class  TElementPosActionT< Element >
class  TMatrixTRow_const< Element >
class  TMatrixTRow< Element >
class  TMatrixTColumn_const< Element >
class  TMatrixTColumn< Element >
class  TMatrixTDiag_const< Element >
class  TMatrixTDiag< Element >
class  TMatrixTFlat_const< Element >
class  TMatrixTFlat< Element >
class  TMatrixTSub_const< Element >
class  TMatrixTSub< Element >
class  TMatrixTSparseRow_const< Element >
class  TMatrixTSparseRow< Element >
class  TMatrixTSparseDiag_const< Element >
class  TMatrixTSparseDiag< Element >


Double_t Drand (Double_t &ix)

Function Documentation

Double_t Drand ( Double_t ix  ) 

Definition at line 1831 of file TMatrixTUtils.cxx.

Referenced by TMatrixTSym< Element >::Randomize(), TVectorT< Element >::Randomize(), TMatrixTBase< Element >::Randomize(), TMatrixTSparse< Element >::Randomize(), TMatrixTSym< Element >::RandomizePD(), TMatrixTSparse< Element >::RandomizePD(), and TQpDataBase::RandomlyChooseBoundedVariables().

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