asimage.c File Reference

#include "config.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "afterbase.h"
#include "asvisual.h"
#include "scanline.h"
#include "blender.h"
#include "asimage.h"
#include "ascmap.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define USE_64BIT_FPU


ASVisual_set_default_asvisual (ASVisual *new_v)
ASVisualget_default_asvisual ()
static CARD8 * get_compression_buffer (size_t size)
static void release_compression_buffer (CARD8 *ptr)
void asimage_init (ASImage *im, Bool free_resources)
void flush_asimage_cache (ASImage *im)
static void alloc_asimage_channels (ASImage *im)
void asimage_start (ASImage *im, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int compression)
Bool asimage_replace (ASImage *im, ASImage *from)
static ASImagecheck_created_asimage (ASImage *im, unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
ASImagecreate_asimage (unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int compression)
void destroy_asimage (ASImage **im)
void print_asimage_func (ASHashableValue value)
void print_asimage_registry ()
void purge_asimage_registry ()
static void asimage_destroy (ASHashableValue value, void *data)
ASImageManagercreate_image_manager (struct ASImageManager *reusable_memory, double gamma,...)
void destroy_image_manager (struct ASImageManager *imman, Bool reusable)
Bool store_asimage (ASImageManager *imageman, ASImage *im, const char *name)
ASImagequery_asimage (ASImageManager *imageman, const char *name)
ASImagefetch_asimage (ASImageManager *imageman, const char *name)
ASImagedup_asimage (ASImage *im)
int release_asimage (ASImage *im)
void forget_asimage (ASImage *im)
void relocate_asimage (ASImageManager *to_imageman, ASImage *im)
void forget_asimage_name (ASImageManager *imman, const char *name)
int safe_asimage_destroy (ASImage *im)
int release_asimage_by_name (ASImageManager *imageman, char *name)
void print_asimage_manager (ASImageManager *imageman)
void destroy_asgradient (ASGradient **pgrad)
ASGradientflip_gradient (ASGradient *orig, int flip)
void init_image_layers (register ASImageLayer *l, int count)
ASImageLayercreate_image_layers (int count)
void destroy_image_layers (register ASImageLayer *l, int count, Bool reusable)
size_t asimage_add_line_mono (ASImage *im, ColorPart color, CARD8 value, unsigned int y)
size_t asimage_add_line (ASImage *im, ColorPart color, register CARD32 *data, unsigned int y)
size_t asimage_add_line_bgra (ASImage *im, register CARD32 *data, unsigned int y)
unsigned int asimage_print_line (ASImage *im, ColorPart color, unsigned int y, unsigned long verbosity)
void print_asimage (ASImage *im, int flags, char *func, int line)
void print_component (register CARD32 *data, int nonsense, int len)
int asimage_decode_line (ASImage *im, ColorPart color, CARD32 *to_buf, unsigned int y, unsigned int skip, unsigned int out_width)
void move_asimage_channel (ASImage *dst, int channel_dst, ASImage *src, int channel_src)
void copy_asimage_channel (ASImage *dst, int channel_dst, ASImage *src, int channel_src)
void copy_asimage_lines (ASImage *dst, unsigned int offset_dst, ASImage *src, unsigned int offset_src, unsigned int nlines, ASFlagType filter)
Bool asimage_compare_line (ASImage *im, ColorPart color, CARD32 *to_buf, CARD32 *tmp, unsigned int y, Bool verbose)
ASFlagType get_asimage_chanmask (ASImage *im)
int check_asimage_alpha (ASVisual *asv, ASImage *im)
Bool set_asimage_vector (ASImage *im, register double *vector)
ASVectorPalettevectorize_asimage (ASImage *im, unsigned int max_colors, unsigned int dither, int opaque_threshold)
ASImageclone_asimage (ASImage *src, ASFlagType filter)
XRectangle * get_asimage_channel_rects (ASImage *src, int channel, unsigned int threshold, unsigned int *rects_count_ret)
void raw2scanline (register CARD8 *row, ASScanline *buf, CARD8 *gamma_table, unsigned int width, Bool grayscale, Bool do_alpha)


static ASVisual __as_dummy_asvisual = {0}
static ASVisual__as_default_asvisual = &__as_dummy_asvisual
static CARD8 * __as_compression_buffer = NULL
static size_t __as_compression_buffer_len = 0
Bool asimage_use_mmx = True

Define Documentation


Definition at line 20 of file asimage.c.

Referenced by apply_asdraw_context().

#define USE_64BIT_FPU

Definition at line 34 of file asimage.c.

Function Documentation

ASVisual* _set_default_asvisual ( ASVisual new_v  ) 

Definition at line 74 of file asimage.c.

References __as_default_asvisual, and __as_dummy_asvisual.

Referenced by create_asvisual_for_id(), and destroy_asvisual().

static void alloc_asimage_channels ( ASImage im  )  [static]

Definition at line 172 of file asimage.c.

References ASImage::alpha, ASImage::blue, ASImage::channels, ASImage::green, ASImage::height, IC_ALPHA, IC_BLUE, IC_GREEN, IC_RED, LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT, NULL, ASImage::red, safecalloc, show_error, and ASImage::width.

Referenced by asimage_start().

size_t asimage_add_line ( ASImage im,
ColorPart  color,
register CARD32 *  data,
unsigned int  y 

Definition at line 816 of file asimage.c.

References AS_ASSERT, ASStorage_32Bit, ASStorage_RLEDiffCompress, ASImage::channels, forget_data(), ASImage::height, IC_NUM_CHANNELS, NULL, store_data(), and ASImage::width.

Referenced by bitmap2asimage(), DIB2ASImage(), encode_image_scanline_asim(), encode_image_scanline_xim(), picture_ximage2asimage(), ppm2ASImage(), read_bmp_image(), and read_xcf_hierarchy().

size_t asimage_add_line_bgra ( ASImage im,
register CARD32 *  data,
unsigned int  y 

Definition at line 829 of file asimage.c.

References AS_ASSERT, ASStorage_16BitShift, ASStorage_24BitShift, ASStorage_32Bit, ASStorage_8BitShift, ASStorage_Masked, ASStorage_RLEDiffCompress, ASImage::channels, forget_data(), ASImage::height, IC_ALPHA, IC_BLUE, IC_GREEN, IC_RED, NULL, store_data(), and ASImage::width.

Referenced by picture_ximage2asimage().

size_t asimage_add_line_mono ( ASImage im,
ColorPart  color,
CARD8  value,
unsigned int  y 

Definition at line 802 of file asimage.c.

References AS_ASSERT, ASImage::channels, forget_data(), ASImage::height, IC_NUM_CHANNELS, NULL, store_data(), and ASImage::width.

Referenced by encode_image_scanline_asim().

Bool asimage_compare_line ( ASImage im,
ColorPart  color,
CARD32 *  to_buf,
CARD32 *  tmp,
unsigned int  y,
Bool  verbose 

Definition at line 996 of file asimage.c.

References asimage_decode_line(), False, i, show_error, True, and ASImage::width.

Referenced by picture_ximage2asimage().

int asimage_decode_line ( ASImage im,
ColorPart  color,
CARD32 *  to_buf,
unsigned int  y,
unsigned int  skip,
unsigned int  out_width 

Definition at line 892 of file asimage.c.

References ASImage::channels, fetch_data32(), fprintf(), i, LOCAL_DEBUG_CALLER_OUT, LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT, NULL, and ASImage::width.

Referenced by asimage2alpha_ximage(), asimage2ximage_ext(), asimage_compare_line(), check_asimage_alpha(), and subimage2ximage().

static void asimage_destroy ( ASHashableValue  value,
void *  data 
) [static]

Definition at line 387 of file asimage.c.

References AS_ASSERT_NOTVAL, destroy_asimage(), free(), ASImage::imageman, ASImage::magic, MAGIC_ASIMAGE, ASImage::name, and NULL.

Referenced by create_image_manager().

void asimage_init ( ASImage im,
Bool  free_resources 

Definition at line 123 of file asimage.c.

References ASImage::alt, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::argb32, ARGB32_DEFAULT_BACK_COLOR, ASImage::back_color, forget_data(), free(), ASImage::height, i, ASImage::magic, MAGIC_ASIMAGE, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::mask_ximage, ASImage::name, NULL, ASImage::red, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::vector, and ASImage::ASImageAlternative::ximage.

Referenced by asimage_replace(), asimage_start(), and destroy_asimage().

unsigned int asimage_print_line ( ASImage im,
ColorPart  color,
unsigned int  y,
unsigned long  verbosity 

Definition at line 859 of file asimage.c.

References AS_ASSERT, ASImage::channels, ASImage::height, IC_NUM_CHANNELS, NULL, and print_storage_slot().

Referenced by copy_asimage_lines(), get_asimage_channel_rects(), and print_asimage().

Bool asimage_replace ( ASImage im,
ASImage from 

Definition at line 209 of file asimage.c.

References ASIM_NAME_IS_FILENAME, ASIM_NO_COMPRESSION, asimage_init(), False, ASImage::flags, ASImage::imageman, ASImage::magic, MAGIC_ASIMAGE, ASImage::name, name, NULL, ASImage::ref_count, set_flags, and True.

Referenced by reload_asimage_manager().

void asimage_start ( ASImage im,
unsigned int  width,
unsigned int  height,
unsigned int  compression 

Definition at line 193 of file asimage.c.

References alloc_asimage_channels(), ASIM_NO_COMPRESSION, asimage_init(), set_flags, and True.

Referenced by create_asimage().

int check_asimage_alpha ( ASVisual asv,
ASImage im 

Definition at line 1032 of file asimage.c.

References ARGB32_ALPHA8, asimage_decode_line(), ASImage::back_color, ASVisual::BGR_mode, buf, get_default_asvisual(), ASImage::height, i, IC_ALPHA, NULL, prepare_scanline(), SCL_DO_ALPHA, and ASImage::width.

static ASImage* check_created_asimage ( ASImage im,
unsigned int  width,
unsigned int  height 
) [static]

Definition at line 238 of file asimage.c.

References add_hash_item, AS_HASHABLE, ASIM_NO_COMPRESSION, create_ashash, ASImage::flags, free(), get_flags, ASImage::height, NULL, pointer_hash_value, show_error, show_progress, and ASImage::width.

Referenced by create_asimage().

ASImage* clone_asimage ( ASImage src,
ASFlagType  filter 

Definition at line 1172 of file asimage.c.

References AS_ASSERT, ASIM_DATA_NOT_USEFUL, create_asimage(), dup_data(), get_flags, i, IC_NUM_CHANNELS, NULL, set_flags, SHOW_TIME, START_TIME, and x01.

Referenced by TASImage::Clone(), commit_xml_image_built(), file2ASImage_extra(), TASImage::FromPad(), handle_asxml_tag_background(), TASImage::operator=(), pad_asimage(), and TASImage::TASImage().

void copy_asimage_channel ( ASImage dst,
int  channel_dst,
ASImage src,
int  channel_src 

Definition at line 938 of file asimage.c.

References AS_ASSERT, dup_data(), forget_data(), i, IC_NUM_CHANNELS, LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT, MIN, and NULL.

void copy_asimage_lines ( ASImage dst,
unsigned int  offset_dst,
ASImage src,
unsigned int  offset_src,
unsigned int  nlines,
ASFlagType  filter 

Definition at line 957 of file asimage.c.

References AS_ASSERT, asimage_print_line(), dup_data(), forget_data(), get_flags, height, i, IC_ALPHA, IC_NUM_CHANNELS, LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT, NULL, VRB_EVERYTHING, VRB_LINE_SUMMARY, and x01.

Referenced by pad_asimage().

ASImage* create_asimage ( unsigned int  width,
unsigned int  height,
unsigned int  compression 

Definition at line 261 of file asimage.c.

References asimage_start(), check_created_asimage(), and safecalloc.

Referenced by TASImage::Bevel(), bitmap2asimage(), TASImage::Blur(), clone_asimage(), convert_argb2ASImage(), create_destination_image(), create_xpm_image(), TASImage::Crop(), DIB2ASImage(), draw_text_internal(), TASImage::DrawBox(), TASImage::DrawRectangle(), TASImage::DrawText(), TASImage::FillRectangle(), gif2ASImage(), TASImage::Gray(), handle_asxml_tag_text(), TASImage::HSV(), jpeg2ASImage(), TASImage::Pad(), picture_ximage2asimage(), pixmap2ximage(), png2ASImage_int(), ppm2ASImage(), read_bmp_image(), read_xcf_hierarchy(), subimage2ximage(), TASImage::TASImage(), tga2ASImage(), tiff2ASImage(), and TASImage::Vectorize().

ASImageLayer* create_image_layers ( int  count  ) 

Definition at line 759 of file asimage.c.

References init_image_layers(), l, NULL, and safecalloc.

ASImageManager* create_image_manager ( struct ASImageManager reusable_memory,
double  gamma,

Definition at line 405 of file asimage.c.

References asimage_destroy(), create_ashash, ASImageManager::gamma, i, ASImageManager::image_hash, MAX_SEARCH_PATHS, mystrdup, NULL, safecalloc, ASImageManager::search_path, string_compare, and string_hash_value.

Referenced by create_generic_imageman().

void destroy_asgradient ( ASGradient **  pgrad  ) 

Definition at line 660 of file asimage.c.

References free(), and NULL.

void destroy_asimage ( ASImage **  im  ) 

Definition at line 269 of file asimage.c.

References AS_ASSERT_NOTVAL, AS_HASHABLE, asimage_init(), False, free(), NULL, print_asimage_func(), remove_hash_item, show_error, show_progress, True, and ASImage::width.

Referenced by adjust_asimage_hsv(), asimage_destroy(), TASImage::Bevel(), blur_asimage_gauss(), ClassImp(), color2alpha_asimage(), convert_argb2ASImage(), copyshade_drawable_area(), TASImage::CreateThumbnail(), TASImage::Crop(), cut_pixmap(), destroy_image_layers(), direntry2ASImageListEntry(), TASImage::DrawText(), file2pixmap(), fill_with_darkened_background(), fill_with_pixmapped_background(), flip_asimage(), free_xcf_hierarchy(), get_thumbnail_asimage(), TASImage::Gradient(), TASImage::Image2Drawable(), make_gradient(), mirror_asimage(), pad_asimage(), TASImage::Paint(), TASPaletteEditor::PaintPalette::Paint(), pixelize_asimage(), release_asimage(), reload_asimage_manager(), safe_asimage_destroy(), scale_asimage(), scale_asimage2(), scale_pixmap(), slice_asimage2(), subimage2ximage(), tga2ASImage(), tiff2ASImage(), and tile_asimage().

void destroy_image_layers ( register ASImageLayer l,
int  count,
Bool  reusable 

Definition at line 772 of file asimage.c.

References destroy_asimage(), free(), i, and release_asimage().

void destroy_image_manager ( struct ASImageManager imman,
Bool  reusable 

Definition at line 435 of file asimage.c.

References destroy_ashash, free(), i, ASImageManager::image_hash, MAX_SEARCH_PATHS, and ASImageManager::search_path.

Referenced by compose_asimage_xml_from_doc().

ASImage* dup_asimage ( ASImage im  ) 

Definition at line 514 of file asimage.c.

References AS_ASSERT, AS_ASSERT_NOTVAL, ASImage::imageman, ASImage::magic, MAGIC_ASIMAGE, NULL, ASImage::ref_count, show_debug, and show_error.

Referenced by commit_xml_image_built(), and get_thumbnail_asimage().

ASImage* fetch_asimage ( ASImageManager imageman,
const char *  name 

Definition at line 502 of file asimage.c.

References query_asimage(), and ASImage::ref_count.

Referenced by build_image_from_xml(), get_asimage(), get_thumbnail_asimage(), handle_asxml_tag_recall(), and handle_asxml_tag_text().

ASGradient* flip_gradient ( ASGradient orig,
int  flip 

Definition at line 682 of file asimage.c.

References ASGradient::color, False, FLIP_MASK, FLIP_UPSIDEDOWN, FLIP_VERTICAL, get_flags, GRADIENT_BottomLeft2TopRight, GRADIENT_Left2Right, GRADIENT_Top2Bottom, GRADIENT_TopLeft2BottomRight, i, k, ASGradient::npoints, NULL, ASGradient::offset, safecalloc, safemalloc, True, type, and ASGradient::type.

void flush_asimage_cache ( ASImage im  ) 

Definition at line 155 of file asimage.c.

References ASImage::alt, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::mask_ximage, NULL, and ASImage::ASImageAlternative::ximage.

void forget_asimage ( ASImage im  ) 

Definition at line 557 of file asimage.c.

References AS_ASSERT, False, ASImageManager::image_hash, ASImage::imageman, ASImage::magic, MAGIC_ASIMAGE, ASImage::name, NULL, ASImage::ref_count, and remove_hash_item.

Referenced by compose_asimage_xml_from_doc(), and file2ASImage_extra().

void forget_asimage_name ( ASImageManager imman,
const char *  name 

Definition at line 600 of file asimage.c.

References AS_ASSERT, AS_HASHABLE, False, ASImageManager::image_hash, NULL, and remove_hash_item.

ASFlagType get_asimage_chanmask ( ASImage im  ) 

Definition at line 1011 of file asimage.c.

References AS_ASSERT, ASImage::channels, ASImage::height, height, IC_NUM_CHANNELS, mask, set_flags, x01, and y.

Referenced by ASImage2gif(), ASImage2png_int(), ASImage2tiff(), file2pixmap(), and flip_asimage().

XRectangle* get_asimage_channel_rects ( ASImage src,
int  channel,
unsigned int  threshold,
unsigned int *  rects_count_ret 

Definition at line 1203 of file asimage.c.

References ARGB32_CHAN8, AS_ASSERT, asimage_print_line(), fprintf(), height, i, IC_NUM_CHANNELS, k, l, NULL, realloc(), safemalloc, start, START_TIME, threshold_stored_data(), VRB_LINE_CONTENT, and y.

static CARD8* get_compression_buffer ( size_t  size  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 97 of file asimage.c.

References __as_compression_buffer, __as_compression_buffer_len, and realloc().

ASVisual* get_default_asvisual (  ) 

Definition at line 87 of file asimage.c.

References __as_default_asvisual, and __as_dummy_asvisual.

Referenced by asim_asxml_var_init(), asim_get_drawable_size(), asim_parse_argb_color(), ASImage2bmp(), center_pixmap(), CenterPixmap(), check_asimage_alpha(), CopyAndShadeArea(), copyshade_drawable_area(), cut_pixmap(), CutPixmap(), CutWinPixmap(), destroy_asvisual(), fill_with_darkened_background(), FillPixmapWithTile(), GetRootDimensions(), GetRootPixmap(), GetWinPosition(), grow_pixmap(), GrowPixmap(), ScalePixmap(), ShadePixmap(), ShadeTiledPixmap(), start_image_decoding(), start_image_output(), and ValidatePixmap().

void init_image_layers ( register ASImageLayer l,
int  count 

Definition at line 748 of file asimage.c.

References alphablend_scanlines().

Referenced by TASImage::Bevel(), create_image_layers(), TASImage::CreateThumbnail(), TASImage::DrawText(), fill_with_pixmapped_background(), TASImage::Gradient(), handle_asxml_tag_bevel(), handle_asxml_tag_text(), and TASImage::Merge().

void move_asimage_channel ( ASImage dst,
int  channel_dst,
ASImage src,
int  channel_src 

Definition at line 918 of file asimage.c.

References AS_ASSERT, forget_data(), i, IC_NUM_CHANNELS, MIN, and NULL.

Referenced by TASImage::DrawText(), and handle_asxml_tag_text().

void print_asimage ( ASImage im,
int  flags,
char *  func,
int  line 

Definition at line 869 of file asimage.c.

References asimage_print_line(), fprintf(), ASImage::height, IC_ALPHA, IC_BLUE, IC_GREEN, IC_RED, k, and ASImage::width.

Referenced by colormap_asimage().

void print_asimage_func ( ASHashableValue  value  ) 

Definition at line 293 of file asimage.c.

References ASImage::alt, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::argb32, ASImage::back_color, ASImage::blue, ASImage::flags, fprintf(), ASImage::green, ASImage::height, ASImage::imageman, k, ASImage::magic, MAGIC_ASIMAGE, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::mask_ximage, ASImage::name, NULL, query_storage_slot(), ASImage::red, ASImage::ref_count, ASStorageSlot::size, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::vector, ASImage::width, and ASImage::ASImageAlternative::ximage.

Referenced by destroy_asimage(), and print_asimage_registry().

void print_asimage_manager ( ASImageManager imageman  ) 

Definition at line 650 of file asimage.c.

References ASImageManager::image_hash.

void print_asimage_registry (  ) 

Definition at line 369 of file asimage.c.

References print_asimage_func().

void print_component ( register CARD32 *  data,
int  nonsense,
int  len 

Definition at line 448 of file transform.c.

References fprintf().

Referenced by xpm_file2ASImage().

void purge_asimage_registry (  ) 

Definition at line 377 of file asimage.c.

References destroy_ashash.

ASImage* query_asimage ( ASImageManager imageman,
const char *  name 
) [inline]

Definition at line 485 of file asimage.c.

References AS_ASSERT, AS_HASHABLE, ASH_Success, get_hash_item, ASImageManager::image_hash, ASImage::magic, MAGIC_ASIMAGE, NULL, and ASHashData::vptr.

Referenced by fetch_asimage(), and get_thumbnail_asimage().

void raw2scanline ( register CARD8 *  row,
ASScanline buf,
CARD8 *  gamma_table,
unsigned int  width,
Bool  grayscale,
Bool  do_alpha 

Definition at line 1451 of file asimage.c.

References buf, and x.

Referenced by bitmap2asimage(), jpeg2ASImage(), png2ASImage_int(), and ppm2ASImage().

int release_asimage ( ASImage im  )  [inline]

Definition at line 536 of file asimage.c.

References AS_ASSERT, ASH_Success, destroy_asimage(), ASImageManager::image_hash, ASImage::imageman, ASImage::magic, MAGIC_ASIMAGE, ASImage::name, NULL, ASImage::ref_count, remove_hash_item, and True.

Referenced by build_image_from_xml(), destroy_image_layers(), file2ASImage_extra(), handle_asxml_tag_text(), and release_asimage_by_name().

int release_asimage_by_name ( ASImageManager imageman,
char *  name 

Definition at line 633 of file asimage.c.

References AS_ASSERT, AS_HASHABLE, ASH_Success, get_hash_item, ASImageManager::image_hash, NULL, release_asimage(), and ASHashData::vptr.

Referenced by handle_asxml_tag_release().

static void release_compression_buffer ( CARD8 *  ptr  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 104 of file asimage.c.

void relocate_asimage ( ASImageManager to_imageman,
ASImage im 

Definition at line 573 of file asimage.c.

References add_hash_item, AS_ASSERT, AS_HASHABLE, ASH_Success, False, ASImageManager::image_hash, ASImage::imageman, ASImage::magic, MAGIC_ASIMAGE, ASImage::name, NULL, ASImage::ref_count, and remove_hash_item.

int safe_asimage_destroy ( ASImage im  )  [inline]

Definition at line 609 of file asimage.c.

References AS_ASSERT, destroy_asimage(), ASImageManager::image_hash, ASImage::imageman, ASImage::magic, MAGIC_ASIMAGE, ASImage::name, NULL, ASImage::ref_count, remove_hash_item, and True.

Referenced by build_image_from_xml(), commit_xml_image_built(), compose_asimage_xml_from_doc(), handle_asxml_tag_img(), handle_asxml_tag_text(), and unref_asimage_list_entry().

Bool set_asimage_vector ( ASImage im,
register double vector 

Definition at line 1085 of file asimage.c.

References ASImage::alt, False, ASImage::height, i, NULL, safemalloc, True, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::vector, and ASImage::width.

Referenced by create_asimage_from_vector().

Bool store_asimage ( ASImageManager imageman,
ASImage im,
const char *  name 

Definition at line 453 of file asimage.c.

References add_hash_item, AS_ASSERT, AS_ASSERT_NOTVAL, AS_HASHABLE, ASH_Success, False, free(), ASImageManager::image_hash, ASImage::imageman, ASImage::magic, MAGIC_ASIMAGE, mystrdup, ASImage::name, NULL, and ASImage::ref_count.

Referenced by commit_xml_image_built(), get_asimage(), and get_thumbnail_asimage().

ASVectorPalette* vectorize_asimage ( ASImage im,
unsigned int  max_colors,
unsigned int  dither,
int  opaque_threshold 

Definition at line 1104 of file asimage.c.

References ASImage::alt, b, ASColormapEntry::blue, ASVectorPalette::channels, colormap_asimage(), ASColormap::count, destroy_colormap(), ASColormap::entries, free(), g, ASColormapEntry::green, ASImage::height, i, IC_ALPHA, IC_BLUE, IC_GREEN, IC_RED, INDEX_SHIFT_BLUE, INDEX_SHIFT_GREEN, INDEX_SHIFT_RED, j, MAKE_INDEXED_COLOR24, ASVectorPalette::npoints, NULL, ASVectorPalette::points, QUANT_ERR_BITS, ASColormapEntry::red, safecalloc, safemalloc, True, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::vector, ASImage::width, x, and y.

Variable Documentation

CARD8* __as_compression_buffer = NULL [static]

Definition at line 94 of file asimage.c.

Referenced by get_compression_buffer().

size_t __as_compression_buffer_len = 0 [static]

Definition at line 95 of file asimage.c.

Referenced by get_compression_buffer().

ASVisual* __as_default_asvisual = &__as_dummy_asvisual [static]

Definition at line 71 of file asimage.c.

Referenced by _set_default_asvisual(), and get_default_asvisual().

ASVisual __as_dummy_asvisual = {0} [static]

Definition at line 70 of file asimage.c.

Referenced by _set_default_asvisual(), and get_default_asvisual().

Bool asimage_use_mmx = True

Definition at line 116 of file asimage.c.

Referenced by add_component(), and divide_component().

Generated on Tue Jul 5 15:57:44 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1