RooFactoryWSTool Class Reference

#include <RooFactoryWSTool.h>

Inheritance diagram for RooFactoryWSTool:

TNamed RooPrintable TNamed RooPrintable TObject TObject TObject TObject List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 RooFactoryWSTool (RooWorkspace &ws)
virtual ~RooFactoryWSTool ()
RooRealVarcreateVariable (const char *name, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax)
RooCategorycreateCategory (const char *name, const char *stateNameList=0)
RooAbsArgcreateArg (const char *className, const char *objName, const char *varList)
std::vector< std::stringctorArgs (const char *className)
RooAddPdfadd (const char *objName, const char *specList, Bool_t recursiveCoefs=kFALSE)
RooRealSumPdfamplAdd (const char *objName, const char *specList)
RooProdPdfprod (const char *objName, const char *pdfList)
RooSimultaneoussimul (const char *objName, const char *indexCat, const char *pdfMap)
RooAdditionaddfunc (const char *objName, const char *specList)
RooProductprodfunc (const char *objName, const char *pdfList)
RooWorkspacews ()
RooAbsArgprocess (const char *expr)
std::string processExpression (const char *expr)
std::vector< std::stringsplitFunctionArgs (const char *funcExpr)
RooAbsArgasARG (const char *)
RooAbsPdfasPDF (const char *)
RooAbsRealasFUNC (const char *)
RooRealVarasVAR (const char *)
RooAbsRealLValueasVARLV (const char *)
RooResolutionModelasRMODEL (const char *)
RooCategoryasCAT (const char *)
RooAbsCategoryLValueasCATLV (const char *)
RooAbsCategoryasCATFUNC (const char *)
RooArgSet asSET (const char *)
RooArgList asLIST (const char *)
RooAbsDataasDATA (const char *)
RooDataHistasDHIST (const char *)
RooDataSetasDSET (const char *)
TObjectasOBJ (const char *)
const char * asSTRING (const char *)
Int_t asINT (const char *)
Double_t asDOUBLE (const char *)
void logError ()
 RooFactoryWSTool (RooWorkspace &ws)
virtual ~RooFactoryWSTool ()
RooRealVarcreateVariable (const char *name, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax)
RooCategorycreateCategory (const char *name, const char *stateNameList=0)
RooAbsArgcreateArg (const char *className, const char *objName, const char *varList)
std::vector< std::stringctorArgs (const char *className)
RooAddPdfadd (const char *objName, const char *specList, Bool_t recursiveCoefs=kFALSE)
RooRealSumPdfamplAdd (const char *objName, const char *specList)
RooProdPdfprod (const char *objName, const char *pdfList)
RooSimultaneoussimul (const char *objName, const char *indexCat, const char *pdfMap)
RooAdditionaddfunc (const char *objName, const char *specList)
RooProductprodfunc (const char *objName, const char *pdfList)
RooWorkspacews ()
RooAbsArgprocess (const char *expr)
std::string processExpression (const char *expr)
std::vector< std::stringsplitFunctionArgs (const char *funcExpr)
RooAbsArgasARG (const char *)
RooAbsPdfasPDF (const char *)
RooAbsRealasFUNC (const char *)
RooRealVarasVAR (const char *)
RooAbsRealLValueasVARLV (const char *)
RooResolutionModelasRMODEL (const char *)
RooCategoryasCAT (const char *)
RooAbsCategoryLValueasCATLV (const char *)
RooAbsCategoryasCATFUNC (const char *)
RooArgSet asSET (const char *)
RooArgList asLIST (const char *)
RooAbsDataasDATA (const char *)
RooDataHistasDHIST (const char *)
RooDataSetasDSET (const char *)
TObjectasOBJ (const char *)
const char * asSTRING (const char *)
Int_t asINT (const char *)
Double_t asDOUBLE (const char *)
void logError ()

Static Public Member Functions

static RooAbsArgas_ARG (UInt_t idx)
static RooAbsPdfas_PDF (UInt_t idx)
static RooAbsRealas_FUNC (UInt_t idx)
static RooRealVaras_VAR (UInt_t idx)
static RooAbsRealLValueas_VARLV (UInt_t idx)
static RooResolutionModelas_RMODEL (UInt_t idx)
static RooCategoryas_CAT (UInt_t idx)
static RooAbsCategoryLValueas_CATLV (UInt_t idx)
static RooAbsCategoryas_CATFUNC (UInt_t idx)
static RooArgSet as_SET (UInt_t idx)
static RooArgList as_LIST (UInt_t idx)
static RooAbsDataas_DATA (UInt_t idx)
static RooDataHistas_DHIST (UInt_t idx)
static RooDataSetas_DSET (UInt_t idx)
static TObjectas_OBJ (UInt_t idx)
static const char * as_STRING (UInt_t idx)
static Int_t as_INT (UInt_t idx)
static Double_t as_DOUBLE (UInt_t idx)
static Int_t as_INT (UInt_t idx, Int_t defVal)
static Double_t as_DOUBLE (UInt_t idx, Double_t defVal)
static void registerSpecial (const char *typeName, RooFactoryWSTool::IFace *iface)
static RooAbsArgas_ARG (UInt_t idx)
static RooAbsPdfas_PDF (UInt_t idx)
static RooAbsRealas_FUNC (UInt_t idx)
static RooRealVaras_VAR (UInt_t idx)
static RooAbsRealLValueas_VARLV (UInt_t idx)
static RooResolutionModelas_RMODEL (UInt_t idx)
static RooCategoryas_CAT (UInt_t idx)
static RooAbsCategoryLValueas_CATLV (UInt_t idx)
static RooAbsCategoryas_CATFUNC (UInt_t idx)
static RooArgSet as_SET (UInt_t idx)
static RooArgList as_LIST (UInt_t idx)
static RooAbsDataas_DATA (UInt_t idx)
static RooDataHistas_DHIST (UInt_t idx)
static RooDataSetas_DSET (UInt_t idx)
static TObjectas_OBJ (UInt_t idx)
static const char * as_STRING (UInt_t idx)
static Int_t as_INT (UInt_t idx)
static Double_t as_DOUBLE (UInt_t idx)
static Int_t as_INT (UInt_t idx, Int_t defVal)
static Double_t as_DOUBLE (UInt_t idx, Double_t defVal)
static void registerSpecial (const char *typeName, RooFactoryWSTool::IFace *iface)

Protected Member Functions

Bool_t checkSyntax (const char *arg)
std::string varTag (std::string &func, std::vector< std::string > &args)
std::string processCompositeExpression (const char *arg)
std::string processSingleExpression (const char *arg)
std::string processListExpression (const char *arg)
std::string processAliasExpression (const char *arg)
std::string processCreateVar (std::string &func, std::vector< std::string > &args)
std::string processCreateArg (std::string &func, std::vector< std::string > &args)
std::string processMetaArg (std::string &func, std::vector< std::string > &args)
TClassresolveClassName (const char *className)
void clearError ()
 Associated workspace.
Int_t errorCount ()
 RooFactoryWSTool (const RooFactoryWSTool &)
Bool_t checkSyntax (const char *arg)
std::string varTag (std::string &func, std::vector< std::string > &args)
std::string processCompositeExpression (const char *arg)
std::string processSingleExpression (const char *arg)
std::string processListExpression (const char *arg)
std::string processAliasExpression (const char *arg)
std::string processCreateVar (std::string &func, std::vector< std::string > &args)
std::string processCreateArg (std::string &func, std::vector< std::string > &args)
std::string processMetaArg (std::string &func, std::vector< std::string > &args)
TClassresolveClassName (const char *className)
void clearError ()
 Associated workspace.
Int_t errorCount ()
 RooFactoryWSTool (const RooFactoryWSTool &)

Static Protected Member Functions

static void checkIndex (UInt_t index)
static std::map< std::string,
IFace * > & 
hooks ()
static void checkIndex (UInt_t index)
static std::map< std::string,
IFace * > & 
hooks ()

Protected Attributes

std::stack< std::string_autoNamePrefix
std::map< std::string, std::string_typeAliases
std::vector< std::string_args
Int_t _errorCount
std::stack< std::string_autoNamePrefix
std::map< std::string, std::string_typeAliases
std::vector< std::string_args

Static Protected Attributes

static RooFactoryWSTool_of
static std::map< std::string,
IFace * > * 
static RooFactoryWSTool_of
static std::map< std::string,
IFace * > * 


class  IFace
class  SpecialsIFace

Detailed Description

Definition at line 47 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

RooFactoryWSTool::RooFactoryWSTool ( RooWorkspace ws  ) 

Definition at line 142 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

RooFactoryWSTool::~RooFactoryWSTool (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 150 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

RooFactoryWSTool::RooFactoryWSTool ( const RooFactoryWSTool  )  [protected]

RooFactoryWSTool::RooFactoryWSTool ( RooWorkspace ws  ) 

virtual RooFactoryWSTool::~RooFactoryWSTool (  )  [virtual]

RooFactoryWSTool::RooFactoryWSTool ( const RooFactoryWSTool  )  [protected]

Member Function Documentation

RooRealVar * RooFactoryWSTool::createVariable ( const char *  name,
Double_t  xmin,
Double_t  xmax 

Definition at line 159 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References _ws, coutE, RooWorkspace::import(), logError(), RooFit::ObjectHandling, RooFit::Silence(), and RooWorkspace::var().

RooCategory * RooFactoryWSTool::createCategory ( const char *  name,
const char *  stateNameList = 0 

Definition at line 182 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References _ws, RooWorkspace::cat(), RooCategory::defineType(), Form(), RooWorkspace::import(), logError(), ROOT::Math::detail::sep, RooAbsArg::setStringAttribute(), RooFit::Silence(), strlcpy(), and strtok_r.

RooAbsArg * RooFactoryWSTool::createArg ( const char *  className,
const char *  objName,
const char *  varList 

Definition at line 224 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References _args, _of, _ws, RooWorkspace::arg(), as_ARG(), as_CAT(), as_CATFUNC(), as_CATLV(), as_DATA(), as_DHIST(), as_DOUBLE(), as_DSET(), as_FUNC(), as_INT(), as_LIST(), as_OBJ(), as_PDF(), as_RMODEL(), as_SET(), as_STRING(), as_VAR(), as_VARLV(), xmlio::Class, coutE, cxcoutD, Form(), gROOT, i, RooWorkspace::import(), kFALSE, logError(), RooFit::ObjectHandling, p, TROOT::ProcessLineFast(), resolveClassName(), RooAbsArg::setStringAttribute(), RooFit::Silence(), and strlcpy().

Referenced by RooFactoryWSTool::SpecialsIFace::create(), and prodfunc().

vector< string > RooFactoryWSTool::ctorArgs ( const char *  className  ) 

Definition at line 435 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

RooAddPdf * RooFactoryWSTool::add ( const char *  objName,
const char *  specList,
Bool_t  recursiveCoefs = kFALSE 

Definition at line 444 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References _ws, RooAbsCollection::add(), asFUNC(), asPDF(), buf, coutE, Form(), RooWorkspace::import(), logError(), RooFit::ObjectHandling, RooWorkspace::pdf(), RooAbsArg::setStringAttribute(), RooFit::Silence(), strlcpy(), and strtok_r.

Referenced by RooFactoryWSTool::SpecialsIFace::create().

RooRealSumPdf * RooFactoryWSTool::amplAdd ( const char *  objName,
const char *  specList 

Definition at line 486 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References _ws, RooAbsCollection::add(), asFUNC(), buf, coutE, Form(), RooWorkspace::import(), logError(), RooFit::ObjectHandling, RooWorkspace::pdf(), RooAbsArg::setStringAttribute(), RooFit::Silence(), strlcpy(), and strtok_r.

Referenced by RooFactoryWSTool::SpecialsIFace::create().

RooProdPdf * RooFactoryWSTool::prod ( const char *  objName,
const char *  pdfList 

Definition at line 528 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References _of, _ws, RooLinkedList::Add(), asSET(), buf, TNamed::Clone(), RooFit::Conditional(), coutE, RooLinkedList::Delete(), Form(), RooWorkspace::import(), kTRUE, logError(), RooFit::ObjectHandling, RooWorkspace::pdf(), ROOT::Math::detail::sep, RooAbsArg::setStringAttribute(), RooFit::Silence(), strlcpy(), and strtok_r.

Referenced by RooFactoryWSTool::SpecialsIFace::create().

RooSimultaneous * RooFactoryWSTool::simul ( const char *  objName,
const char *  indexCat,
const char *  pdfMap 

Definition at line 588 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References _ws, asCATLV(), asPDF(), buf, coutE, Form(), RooWorkspace::import(), logError(), RooFit::ObjectHandling, RooWorkspace::pdf(), RooAbsArg::setStringAttribute(), RooFit::Silence(), strlcpy(), and strtok_r.

Referenced by RooFactoryWSTool::SpecialsIFace::create().

RooAddition * RooFactoryWSTool::addfunc ( const char *  objName,
const char *  specList 

Definition at line 636 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References _ws, RooAbsCollection::add(), asFUNC(), buf, coutE, Form(), RooAbsCollection::getSize(), RooWorkspace::import(), logError(), RooFit::ObjectHandling, RooWorkspace::pdf(), RooAbsArg::setStringAttribute(), RooFit::Silence(), strlcpy(), and strtok_r.

Referenced by RooFactoryWSTool::SpecialsIFace::create().

RooProduct * RooFactoryWSTool::prodfunc ( const char *  objName,
const char *  pdfList 

Definition at line 691 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References createArg(), and Form().

Referenced by RooFactoryWSTool::SpecialsIFace::create().

RooWorkspace& RooFactoryWSTool::ws (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 75 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _ws.

Referenced by asARG(), asCAT(), asCATFUNC(), asCATLV(), asDATA(), asDHIST(), asDSET(), asFUNC(), asLIST(), asOBJ(), asPDF(), asRMODEL(), asSET(), asVAR(), asVARLV(), RooSimWSTool::SimWSIFace::create(), RooCustomizer::CustIFace::create(), RooClassFactory::ClassFacIFace::create(), RooFactoryWSTool::SpecialsIFace::create(), process(), and processSingleExpression().

RooAbsArg * RooFactoryWSTool::process ( const char *  expr  ) 

Definition at line 701 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References RooWorkspace::arg(), buf, RooWorkspace::cancelTransaction(), checkSyntax(), clearError(), RooWorkspace::commitTransaction(), coutE, error, errorCount(), logError(), RooFit::ObjectHandling, out, processExpression(), RooWorkspace::startTransaction(), and ws().

Referenced by RooWorkspace::factory().

std::string RooFactoryWSTool::processExpression ( const char *  expr  ) 

Definition at line 857 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References processAliasExpression(), processCompositeExpression(), and processListExpression().

Referenced by RooFactoryWSTool::SpecialsIFace::create(), process(), and processMetaArg().

vector< string > RooFactoryWSTool::splitFunctionArgs ( const char *  funcExpr  ) 

Definition at line 1392 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References kFALSE, p, strlcpy(), and strtok_r.

Referenced by RooSimWSTool::SimWSIFace::create(), and processAliasExpression().

static RooAbsArg& RooFactoryWSTool::as_ARG ( UInt_t  idx  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 88 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asARG(), and checkIndex().

Referenced by createArg(), G__G__RooFitCore3_531_0_16(), and G__setup_memfuncRooFactoryWSTool().

static RooAbsPdf& RooFactoryWSTool::as_PDF ( UInt_t  idx  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 90 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asPDF(), and checkIndex().

Referenced by createArg(), G__G__RooFitCore3_531_0_17(), and G__setup_memfuncRooFactoryWSTool().

static RooAbsReal& RooFactoryWSTool::as_FUNC ( UInt_t  idx  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 91 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asFUNC(), and checkIndex().

Referenced by createArg(), G__G__RooFitCore3_531_0_18(), and G__setup_memfuncRooFactoryWSTool().

static RooRealVar& RooFactoryWSTool::as_VAR ( UInt_t  idx  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 92 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asVAR(), and checkIndex().

Referenced by createArg(), G__G__RooFitCore3_531_0_19(), and G__setup_memfuncRooFactoryWSTool().

static RooAbsRealLValue& RooFactoryWSTool::as_VARLV ( UInt_t  idx  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 93 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asVARLV(), and checkIndex().

Referenced by createArg(), G__G__RooFitCore3_531_0_20(), and G__setup_memfuncRooFactoryWSTool().

static RooResolutionModel& RooFactoryWSTool::as_RMODEL ( UInt_t  idx  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 94 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asRMODEL(), and checkIndex().

Referenced by createArg(), G__G__RooFitCore3_531_0_21(), and G__setup_memfuncRooFactoryWSTool().

static RooCategory& RooFactoryWSTool::as_CAT ( UInt_t  idx  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 96 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asCAT(), and checkIndex().

Referenced by createArg(), G__G__RooFitCore3_531_0_22(), and G__setup_memfuncRooFactoryWSTool().

static RooAbsCategoryLValue& RooFactoryWSTool::as_CATLV ( UInt_t  idx  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 97 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asCATLV(), and checkIndex().

Referenced by createArg(), G__G__RooFitCore3_531_0_23(), and G__setup_memfuncRooFactoryWSTool().

static RooAbsCategory& RooFactoryWSTool::as_CATFUNC ( UInt_t  idx  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 98 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asCATFUNC(), and checkIndex().

Referenced by createArg(), G__G__RooFitCore3_531_0_24(), and G__setup_memfuncRooFactoryWSTool().

static RooArgSet RooFactoryWSTool::as_SET ( UInt_t  idx  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 100 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asSET(), and checkIndex().

Referenced by createArg(), G__G__RooFitCore3_531_0_25(), and G__setup_memfuncRooFactoryWSTool().

static RooArgList RooFactoryWSTool::as_LIST ( UInt_t  idx  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 101 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asLIST(), and checkIndex().

Referenced by createArg(), G__G__RooFitCore3_531_0_26(), and G__setup_memfuncRooFactoryWSTool().

static RooAbsData& RooFactoryWSTool::as_DATA ( UInt_t  idx  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 103 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asDATA(), and checkIndex().

Referenced by createArg(), G__G__RooFitCore3_531_0_27(), and G__setup_memfuncRooFactoryWSTool().

static RooDataHist& RooFactoryWSTool::as_DHIST ( UInt_t  idx  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 104 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asDHIST(), and checkIndex().

Referenced by createArg(), G__G__RooFitCore3_531_0_28(), and G__setup_memfuncRooFactoryWSTool().

static RooDataSet& RooFactoryWSTool::as_DSET ( UInt_t  idx  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 105 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asDSET(), and checkIndex().

Referenced by createArg(), G__G__RooFitCore3_531_0_29(), and G__setup_memfuncRooFactoryWSTool().

static TObject& RooFactoryWSTool::as_OBJ ( UInt_t  idx  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 107 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asOBJ(), and checkIndex().

Referenced by createArg(), G__G__RooFitCore3_531_0_30(), and G__setup_memfuncRooFactoryWSTool().

static const char* RooFactoryWSTool::as_STRING ( UInt_t  idx  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 109 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asSTRING(), and checkIndex().

Referenced by createArg(), G__G__RooFitCore3_531_0_31(), and G__setup_memfuncRooFactoryWSTool().

static Int_t RooFactoryWSTool::as_INT ( UInt_t  idx  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 110 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asINT(), and checkIndex().

Referenced by createArg(), G__G__RooFitCore3_531_0_32(), G__G__RooFitCore3_531_0_34(), and G__setup_memfuncRooFactoryWSTool().

static Double_t RooFactoryWSTool::as_DOUBLE ( UInt_t  idx  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 111 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asDOUBLE(), and checkIndex().

Referenced by createArg(), G__G__RooFitCore3_531_0_33(), G__G__RooFitCore3_531_0_35(), and G__setup_memfuncRooFactoryWSTool().

static Int_t RooFactoryWSTool::as_INT ( UInt_t  idx,
Int_t  defVal 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 112 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asINT(), and checkIndex().

static Double_t RooFactoryWSTool::as_DOUBLE ( UInt_t  idx,
Double_t  defVal 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 113 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asDOUBLE(), and checkIndex().

RooAbsArg & RooFactoryWSTool::asARG ( const char *   ) 

Definition at line 1510 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References RooWorkspace::arg(), Form(), RooFit::RooConst(), and ws().

Referenced by as_ARG(), RooClassFactory::ClassFacIFace::create(), and RooFactoryWSTool::SpecialsIFace::create().

RooAbsPdf & RooFactoryWSTool::asPDF ( const char *   ) 

Definition at line 1591 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References Form(), RooWorkspace::pdf(), and ws().

Referenced by add(), as_PDF(), RooFactoryWSTool::SpecialsIFace::create(), and simul().

RooAbsReal & RooFactoryWSTool::asFUNC ( const char *   ) 

Definition at line 1530 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References RooWorkspace::arg(), Form(), RooFit::RooConst(), and ws().

Referenced by add(), addfunc(), amplAdd(), as_FUNC(), and RooFactoryWSTool::SpecialsIFace::create().

RooRealVar & RooFactoryWSTool::asVAR ( const char *   ) 

Definition at line 1576 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References Form(), RooWorkspace::var(), and ws().

Referenced by as_VAR(), and RooFactoryWSTool::SpecialsIFace::create().

RooAbsRealLValue & RooFactoryWSTool::asVARLV ( const char *   ) 

Definition at line 1553 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References RooWorkspace::arg(), Form(), and ws().

Referenced by as_VARLV().

RooResolutionModel & RooFactoryWSTool::asRMODEL ( const char *   ) 

Definition at line 1606 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References RooWorkspace::arg(), Form(), and ws().

Referenced by as_RMODEL().

RooCategory & RooFactoryWSTool::asCAT ( const char *   ) 

Definition at line 1662 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References RooWorkspace::cat(), Form(), and ws().

Referenced by as_CAT().

RooAbsCategoryLValue & RooFactoryWSTool::asCATLV ( const char *   ) 

Definition at line 1643 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References RooWorkspace::arg(), Form(), and ws().

Referenced by as_CATLV(), and simul().

RooAbsCategory & RooFactoryWSTool::asCATFUNC ( const char *   ) 

Definition at line 1625 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References RooWorkspace::arg(), Form(), and ws().

Referenced by as_CATFUNC().

RooArgSet RooFactoryWSTool::asSET ( const char *   ) 

Definition at line 1678 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References RooWorkspace::arg(), Form(), RooFit::RooConst(), s, RooWorkspace::set(), strlcpy(), strtok_r, and ws().

Referenced by as_SET(), RooFactoryWSTool::SpecialsIFace::create(), and prod().

RooArgList RooFactoryWSTool::asLIST ( const char *   ) 

Definition at line 1720 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References RooWorkspace::arg(), Form(), l, RooFit::RooConst(), strlcpy(), strtok_r, and ws().

Referenced by as_LIST(), and RooClassFactory::ClassFacIFace::create().

RooAbsData & RooFactoryWSTool::asDATA ( const char *   ) 

Definition at line 1752 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References data, RooWorkspace::data(), Form(), and ws().

Referenced by as_DATA(), and RooFactoryWSTool::SpecialsIFace::create().

RooDataHist & RooFactoryWSTool::asDHIST ( const char *   ) 

Definition at line 1766 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References data, RooWorkspace::data(), Form(), hist, and ws().

Referenced by as_DHIST(), and RooFactoryWSTool::SpecialsIFace::create().

RooDataSet & RooFactoryWSTool::asDSET ( const char *   ) 

Definition at line 1783 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References data, RooWorkspace::data(), Form(), and ws().

Referenced by as_DSET(), and RooFactoryWSTool::SpecialsIFace::create().

TObject & RooFactoryWSTool::asOBJ ( const char *   ) 

Definition at line 1801 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References Form(), RooWorkspace::obj(), and ws().

Referenced by as_OBJ().

const char * RooFactoryWSTool::asSTRING ( const char *   ) 

Definition at line 1813 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References p.

Referenced by as_STRING().

Int_t RooFactoryWSTool::asINT ( const char *   ) 

Definition at line 1843 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

Referenced by as_INT(), and RooFactoryWSTool::SpecialsIFace::create().

Double_t RooFactoryWSTool::asDOUBLE ( const char *   ) 

Definition at line 1852 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

Referenced by as_DOUBLE().

void RooFactoryWSTool::registerSpecial ( const char *  typeName,
RooFactoryWSTool::IFace iface 
) [static]

Definition at line 1861 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References hooks().

Referenced by G__G__RooFitCore3_531_0_54(), G__setup_memfuncRooFactoryWSTool(), and init().

void RooFactoryWSTool::logError (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 154 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _errorCount.

Referenced by add(), addfunc(), amplAdd(), RooFactoryWSTool::SpecialsIFace::create(), createArg(), createCategory(), createVariable(), process(), processAliasExpression(), processSingleExpression(), prod(), resolveClassName(), and simul().

Bool_t RooFactoryWSTool::checkSyntax ( const char *  arg  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1465 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References coutE, kFALSE, kTRUE, RooFit::ObjectHandling, and ptr.

Referenced by process().

std::string RooFactoryWSTool::varTag ( std::string func,
std::vector< std::string > &  args 
) [protected]

void RooFactoryWSTool::checkIndex ( UInt_t  index  )  [static, protected]

Definition at line 1500 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References _args, _of, and Form().

Referenced by as_ARG(), as_CAT(), as_CATFUNC(), as_CATLV(), as_DATA(), as_DHIST(), as_DOUBLE(), as_DSET(), as_FUNC(), as_INT(), as_LIST(), as_OBJ(), as_PDF(), as_RMODEL(), as_SET(), as_STRING(), as_VAR(), and as_VARLV().

std::string RooFactoryWSTool::processCompositeExpression ( const char *  arg  )  [protected]

Definition at line 885 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References buf, kFALSE, p, processSingleExpression(), and strlcpy().

Referenced by processExpression().

std::string RooFactoryWSTool::processSingleExpression ( const char *  arg  )  [protected]

Definition at line 949 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References _autoNamePrefix, buf, coutE, Form(), func(), kFALSE, logError(), RooFit::ObjectHandling, p, prefix, processCreateArg(), processCreateVar(), processMetaArg(), strlcpy(), strtok_r, and ws().

Referenced by processCompositeExpression(), and processListExpression().

string RooFactoryWSTool::processListExpression ( const char *  arg  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1098 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References _autoNamePrefix, buf, Form(), i, level, p, processSingleExpression(), and strlcpy().

Referenced by processExpression().

string RooFactoryWSTool::processAliasExpression ( const char *  arg  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1171 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References _typeAliases, coutE, logError(), RooFit::ObjectHandling, and splitFunctionArgs().

Referenced by processExpression().

std::string RooFactoryWSTool::processCreateVar ( std::string func,
std::vector< std::string > &  args 
) [protected]

Referenced by processSingleExpression().

std::string RooFactoryWSTool::processCreateArg ( std::string func,
std::vector< std::string > &  args 
) [protected]

Referenced by processSingleExpression().

std::string RooFactoryWSTool::processMetaArg ( std::string func,
std::vector< std::string > &  args 
) [protected]

Definition at line 1369 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References processExpression(), and strlcat().

Referenced by processSingleExpression().

TClass * RooFactoryWSTool::resolveClassName ( const char *  className  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1191 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References _typeAliases, coutE, Form(), TClass::GetClass(), kTRUE, logError(), and RooFit::ObjectHandling.

Referenced by createArg().

std::map< std::string, RooFactoryWSTool::IFace * > & RooFactoryWSTool::hooks (  )  [static, protected]

Definition at line 1870 of file RooFactoryWSTool.cxx.

References _hooks.

Referenced by registerSpecial().

void RooFactoryWSTool::clearError (  )  [inline, protected]

Associated workspace.

Definition at line 189 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _errorCount.

Referenced by process().

Int_t RooFactoryWSTool::errorCount (  )  [inline, protected]

Definition at line 190 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _errorCount.

Referenced by process().

RooRealVar* RooFactoryWSTool::createVariable ( const char *  name,
Double_t  xmin,
Double_t  xmax 

RooCategory* RooFactoryWSTool::createCategory ( const char *  name,
const char *  stateNameList = 0 

RooAbsArg* RooFactoryWSTool::createArg ( const char *  className,
const char *  objName,
const char *  varList 

std::vector<std::string> RooFactoryWSTool::ctorArgs ( const char *  className  ) 

RooAddPdf* RooFactoryWSTool::add ( const char *  objName,
const char *  specList,
Bool_t  recursiveCoefs = kFALSE 

RooRealSumPdf* RooFactoryWSTool::amplAdd ( const char *  objName,
const char *  specList 

RooProdPdf* RooFactoryWSTool::prod ( const char *  objName,
const char *  pdfList 

RooSimultaneous* RooFactoryWSTool::simul ( const char *  objName,
const char *  indexCat,
const char *  pdfMap 

RooAddition* RooFactoryWSTool::addfunc ( const char *  objName,
const char *  specList 

RooProduct* RooFactoryWSTool::prodfunc ( const char *  objName,
const char *  pdfList 

RooWorkspace& RooFactoryWSTool::ws (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 75 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _ws.

RooAbsArg* RooFactoryWSTool::process ( const char *  expr  ) 

std::string RooFactoryWSTool::processExpression ( const char *  expr  ) 

std::vector<std::string> RooFactoryWSTool::splitFunctionArgs ( const char *  funcExpr  ) 

static RooAbsArg& RooFactoryWSTool::as_ARG ( UInt_t  idx  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 88 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asARG(), and checkIndex().

static RooAbsPdf& RooFactoryWSTool::as_PDF ( UInt_t  idx  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 90 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asPDF(), and checkIndex().

static RooAbsReal& RooFactoryWSTool::as_FUNC ( UInt_t  idx  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 91 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asFUNC(), and checkIndex().

static RooRealVar& RooFactoryWSTool::as_VAR ( UInt_t  idx  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 92 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asVAR(), and checkIndex().

static RooAbsRealLValue& RooFactoryWSTool::as_VARLV ( UInt_t  idx  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 93 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asVARLV(), and checkIndex().

static RooResolutionModel& RooFactoryWSTool::as_RMODEL ( UInt_t  idx  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 94 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asRMODEL(), and checkIndex().

static RooCategory& RooFactoryWSTool::as_CAT ( UInt_t  idx  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 96 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asCAT(), and checkIndex().

static RooAbsCategoryLValue& RooFactoryWSTool::as_CATLV ( UInt_t  idx  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 97 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asCATLV(), and checkIndex().

static RooAbsCategory& RooFactoryWSTool::as_CATFUNC ( UInt_t  idx  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 98 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asCATFUNC(), and checkIndex().

static RooArgSet RooFactoryWSTool::as_SET ( UInt_t  idx  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 100 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asSET(), and checkIndex().

static RooArgList RooFactoryWSTool::as_LIST ( UInt_t  idx  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 101 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asLIST(), and checkIndex().

static RooAbsData& RooFactoryWSTool::as_DATA ( UInt_t  idx  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 103 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asDATA(), and checkIndex().

static RooDataHist& RooFactoryWSTool::as_DHIST ( UInt_t  idx  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 104 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asDHIST(), and checkIndex().

static RooDataSet& RooFactoryWSTool::as_DSET ( UInt_t  idx  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 105 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asDSET(), and checkIndex().

static TObject& RooFactoryWSTool::as_OBJ ( UInt_t  idx  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 107 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asOBJ(), and checkIndex().

static const char* RooFactoryWSTool::as_STRING ( UInt_t  idx  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 109 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asSTRING(), and checkIndex().

static Int_t RooFactoryWSTool::as_INT ( UInt_t  idx  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 110 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asINT(), and checkIndex().

static Double_t RooFactoryWSTool::as_DOUBLE ( UInt_t  idx  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 111 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asDOUBLE(), and checkIndex().

static Int_t RooFactoryWSTool::as_INT ( UInt_t  idx,
Int_t  defVal 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 112 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asINT(), and checkIndex().

static Double_t RooFactoryWSTool::as_DOUBLE ( UInt_t  idx,
Double_t  defVal 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 113 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _args, _of, asDOUBLE(), and checkIndex().

RooAbsArg& RooFactoryWSTool::asARG ( const char *   ) 

RooAbsPdf& RooFactoryWSTool::asPDF ( const char *   ) 

RooAbsReal& RooFactoryWSTool::asFUNC ( const char *   ) 

RooRealVar& RooFactoryWSTool::asVAR ( const char *   ) 

RooAbsRealLValue& RooFactoryWSTool::asVARLV ( const char *   ) 

RooResolutionModel& RooFactoryWSTool::asRMODEL ( const char *   ) 

RooCategory& RooFactoryWSTool::asCAT ( const char *   ) 

RooAbsCategoryLValue& RooFactoryWSTool::asCATLV ( const char *   ) 

RooAbsCategory& RooFactoryWSTool::asCATFUNC ( const char *   ) 

RooArgSet RooFactoryWSTool::asSET ( const char *   ) 

RooArgList RooFactoryWSTool::asLIST ( const char *   ) 

RooAbsData& RooFactoryWSTool::asDATA ( const char *   ) 

RooDataHist& RooFactoryWSTool::asDHIST ( const char *   ) 

RooDataSet& RooFactoryWSTool::asDSET ( const char *   ) 

TObject& RooFactoryWSTool::asOBJ ( const char *   ) 

const char* RooFactoryWSTool::asSTRING ( const char *   ) 

Int_t RooFactoryWSTool::asINT ( const char *   ) 

Double_t RooFactoryWSTool::asDOUBLE ( const char *   ) 

static void RooFactoryWSTool::registerSpecial ( const char *  typeName,
RooFactoryWSTool::IFace iface 
) [static]

void RooFactoryWSTool::logError (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 154 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _errorCount.

Bool_t RooFactoryWSTool::checkSyntax ( const char *  arg  )  [protected]

std::string RooFactoryWSTool::varTag ( std::string func,
std::vector< std::string > &  args 
) [protected]

static void RooFactoryWSTool::checkIndex ( UInt_t  index  )  [static, protected]

std::string RooFactoryWSTool::processCompositeExpression ( const char *  arg  )  [protected]

std::string RooFactoryWSTool::processSingleExpression ( const char *  arg  )  [protected]

std::string RooFactoryWSTool::processListExpression ( const char *  arg  )  [protected]

std::string RooFactoryWSTool::processAliasExpression ( const char *  arg  )  [protected]

std::string RooFactoryWSTool::processCreateVar ( std::string func,
std::vector< std::string > &  args 
) [protected]

std::string RooFactoryWSTool::processCreateArg ( std::string func,
std::vector< std::string > &  args 
) [protected]

std::string RooFactoryWSTool::processMetaArg ( std::string func,
std::vector< std::string > &  args 
) [protected]

TClass* RooFactoryWSTool::resolveClassName ( const char *  className  )  [protected]

static std::map<std::string,IFace*>& RooFactoryWSTool::hooks (  )  [static, protected]

void RooFactoryWSTool::clearError (  )  [inline, protected]

Associated workspace.

Definition at line 189 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _errorCount.

Int_t RooFactoryWSTool::errorCount (  )  [inline, protected]

Definition at line 190 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

References _errorCount.

Member Data Documentation

std::stack<std::string> RooFactoryWSTool::_autoNamePrefix [protected]

Definition at line 162 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

Referenced by processListExpression(), and processSingleExpression().

std::map<std::string,std::string> RooFactoryWSTool::_typeAliases [protected]

Definition at line 163 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

Referenced by processAliasExpression(), and resolveClassName().

RooFactoryWSTool * RooFactoryWSTool::_of [static, protected]

Definition at line 180 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

Referenced by as_ARG(), as_CAT(), as_CATFUNC(), as_CATLV(), as_DATA(), as_DHIST(), as_DOUBLE(), as_DSET(), as_FUNC(), as_INT(), as_LIST(), as_OBJ(), as_PDF(), as_RMODEL(), as_SET(), as_STRING(), as_VAR(), as_VARLV(), checkIndex(), createArg(), and prod().

std::vector<std::string> RooFactoryWSTool::_args [protected]

Definition at line 181 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

Referenced by as_ARG(), as_CAT(), as_CATFUNC(), as_CATLV(), as_DATA(), as_DHIST(), as_DOUBLE(), as_DSET(), as_FUNC(), as_INT(), as_LIST(), as_OBJ(), as_PDF(), as_RMODEL(), as_SET(), as_STRING(), as_VAR(), as_VARLV(), checkIndex(), and createArg().

map< string, RooFactoryWSTool::IFace * > * RooFactoryWSTool::_hooks [static, protected]

Definition at line 185 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

Referenced by hooks().

RooWorkspace* RooFactoryWSTool::_ws [protected]

Definition at line 187 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

Referenced by add(), addfunc(), amplAdd(), createArg(), createCategory(), createVariable(), prod(), simul(), and ws().

Int_t RooFactoryWSTool::_errorCount [protected]

Definition at line 192 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

Referenced by clearError(), errorCount(), and logError().

std::stack<std::string> RooFactoryWSTool::_autoNamePrefix [protected]

Definition at line 162 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

std::map<std::string,std::string> RooFactoryWSTool::_typeAliases [protected]

Definition at line 163 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

RooFactoryWSTool* RooFactoryWSTool::_of [static, protected]

Definition at line 180 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

std::vector<std::string> RooFactoryWSTool::_args [protected]

Definition at line 181 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

std::map<std::string,IFace*>* RooFactoryWSTool::_hooks [static, protected]

Definition at line 185 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

RooWorkspace* RooFactoryWSTool::_ws [protected]

Definition at line 187 of file RooFactoryWSTool.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Jul 5 16:33:35 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1