RooAbsArg Class Reference

#include <RooAbsArg.h>

Inheritance diagram for RooAbsArg:

TNamed RooPrintable TNamed RooPrintable TObject TObject TObject TObject RooAbsCategory RooAbsCategory RooAbsReal RooAbsReal RooAbsString RooAbsString RooAbsCategoryLValue RooAbsCategoryLValue RooBinningCategory RooBinningCategory RooGenCategory RooGenCategory RooMappedCategory RooMappedCategory RooMultiCategory RooMultiCategory RooThresholdCategory RooThresholdCategory RooAbsCategoryLValue RooAbsCategoryLValue RooBinningCategory RooBinningCategory RooGenCategory RooGenCategory RooMappedCategory RooMappedCategory RooMultiCategory RooMultiCategory RooThresholdCategory RooThresholdCategory PiecewiseInterpolation PiecewiseInterpolation RooAbsCachedReal RooAbsCachedReal RooAbsHiddenReal RooAbsHiddenReal RooAbsPdf RooAbsPdf RooAbsRealLValue RooAbsRealLValue RooAbsTestStatistic RooAbsTestStatistic RooAddition RooAddition RooCFunction1Binding< VO, VI > RooCFunction1Binding< VO, VI > RooCFunction2Binding< VO, VI1, VI2 > RooCFunction2Binding< VO, VI1, VI2 > RooCFunction3Binding< VO, VI1, VI2, VI3 > RooCFunction3Binding< VO, VI1, VI2, VI3 > RooCFunction4Binding< VO, VI1, VI2, VI3, VI4 > RooCFunction4Binding< VO, VI1, VI2, VI3, VI4 > RooChangeTracker RooChangeTracker RooConstraintSum RooConstraintSum RooConstVar RooConstVar RooConvCoefVar RooConvCoefVar RooDerivative RooDerivative RooFormulaVar RooFormulaVar RooFracRemainder RooFracRemainder RooFunctor1DBinding RooFunctor1DBinding RooFunctorBinding RooFunctorBinding RooGenProdProj RooGenProdProj RooHistFunc RooHistFunc RooLegendre RooLegendre RooMoment RooMoment RooMultiBinomial RooMultiBinomial RooNumConvolution RooNumConvolution RooPolyVar RooPolyVar RooProduct RooProduct RooProfileLL RooProfileLL RooPullVar RooPullVar RooRangeBoolean RooRangeBoolean RooRealIntegral RooRealIntegral RooRealMPFE RooRealMPFE RooRecursiveFraction RooRecursiveFraction RooStats::Heaviside RooStats::Heaviside RooStats::HistFactory::LinInterpVar RooStats::HistFactory::LinInterpVar RooStepFunction RooStepFunction RooTFnBinding RooTFnBinding PiecewiseInterpolation PiecewiseInterpolation RooAbsCachedReal RooAbsCachedReal RooAbsHiddenReal RooAbsHiddenReal RooAbsPdf RooAbsPdf RooAbsRealLValue RooAbsRealLValue RooAbsTestStatistic RooAbsTestStatistic RooAddition RooAddition RooCFunction1Binding< VO, VI > RooCFunction1Binding< VO, VI > RooCFunction2Binding< VO, VI1, VI2 > RooCFunction2Binding< VO, VI1, VI2 > RooCFunction3Binding< VO, VI1, VI2, VI3 > RooCFunction3Binding< VO, VI1, VI2, VI3 > RooCFunction4Binding< VO, VI1, VI2, VI3, VI4 > RooCFunction4Binding< VO, VI1, VI2, VI3, VI4 > RooChangeTracker RooChangeTracker RooConstraintSum RooConstraintSum RooConstVar RooConstVar RooConvCoefVar RooConvCoefVar RooDerivative RooDerivative RooFormulaVar RooFormulaVar RooFracRemainder RooFracRemainder RooFunctor1DBinding RooFunctor1DBinding RooFunctorBinding RooFunctorBinding RooGenProdProj RooGenProdProj RooHistFunc RooHistFunc RooLegendre RooLegendre RooMoment RooMoment RooMultiBinomial RooMultiBinomial RooNumConvolution RooNumConvolution RooPolyVar RooPolyVar RooProduct RooProduct RooProfileLL RooProfileLL RooPullVar RooPullVar RooRangeBoolean RooRangeBoolean RooRealIntegral RooRealIntegral RooRealMPFE RooRealMPFE RooRecursiveFraction RooRecursiveFraction RooStats::Heaviside RooStats::Heaviside RooStats::HistFactory::LinInterpVar RooStats::HistFactory::LinInterpVar RooStepFunction RooStepFunction RooTFnBinding RooTFnBinding RooStringVar RooStringVar RooStringVar RooStringVar List of all members.

Public Types

enum  ConstOpCode
enum  OperMode
enum  ConstOpCode
enum  OperMode

Public Member Functions

 RooAbsArg ()
virtual ~RooAbsArg ()
 RooAbsArg (const char *name, const char *title)
 RooAbsArg (const RooAbsArg &other, const char *name=0)
virtual TObjectclone (const char *newname) const =0
virtual TObjectClone (const char *newname=0) const
virtual RooAbsArgcloneTree (const char *newname=0) const
virtual Bool_t isDerived () const
Bool_t isCloneOf (const RooAbsArg &other) const
Bool_t dependsOnValue (const RooAbsCollection &serverList, const RooAbsArg *ignoreArg=0) const
Bool_t dependsOnValue (const RooAbsArg &server, const RooAbsArg *ignoreArg=0) const
Bool_t dependsOn (const RooAbsCollection &serverList, const RooAbsArg *ignoreArg=0, Bool_t valueOnly=kFALSE) const
Bool_t dependsOn (const RooAbsArg &server, const RooAbsArg *ignoreArg=0, Bool_t valueOnly=kFALSE) const
Bool_t overlaps (const RooAbsArg &testArg, Bool_t valueOnly=kFALSE) const
Bool_t hasClients () const
TIteratorclientIterator () const
TIteratorvalueClientIterator () const
TIteratorshapeClientIterator () const
TIteratorserverIterator () const
RooAbsArgfindServer (const char *name) const
RooAbsArgfindServer (const RooAbsArg &arg) const
RooAbsArgfindServer (Int_t index) const
Bool_t isValueServer (const RooAbsArg &arg) const
Bool_t isValueServer (const char *name) const
Bool_t isShapeServer (const RooAbsArg &arg) const
Bool_t isShapeServer (const char *name) const
void leafNodeServerList (RooAbsCollection *list, const RooAbsArg *arg=0, Bool_t recurseNonDerived=kFALSE) const
void branchNodeServerList (RooAbsCollection *list, const RooAbsArg *arg=0, Bool_t recurseNonDerived=kFALSE) const
void treeNodeServerList (RooAbsCollection *list, const RooAbsArg *arg=0, Bool_t doBranch=kTRUE, Bool_t doLeaf=kTRUE, Bool_t valueOnly=kFALSE, Bool_t recurseNonDerived=kFALSE) const
virtual Bool_t isFundamental () const
virtual RooAbsArgcreateFundamental (const char *newname=0) const=0
virtual Bool_t isLValue () const
void addParameters (RooArgSet &params, const RooArgSet *nset=0, Bool_t stripDisconnected=kTRUE) const
RooArgSetgetVariables (Bool_t stripDisconnected=kTRUE) const
RooArgSetgetParameters (const RooAbsData *data, Bool_t stripDisconnected=kTRUE) const
RooArgSetgetParameters (const RooAbsData &data, Bool_t stripDisconnected=kTRUE) const
RooArgSetgetParameters (const RooArgSet &set, Bool_t stripDisconnected=kTRUE) const
virtual RooArgSetgetParameters (const RooArgSet *depList, Bool_t stripDisconnected=kTRUE) const
RooArgSetgetObservables (const RooArgSet &set, Bool_t valueOnly=kTRUE) const
RooArgSetgetObservables (const RooAbsData *data) const
RooArgSetgetObservables (const RooAbsData &data) const
virtual RooArgSetgetObservables (const RooArgSet *depList, Bool_t valueOnly=kTRUE) const
Bool_t observableOverlaps (const RooAbsData *dset, const RooAbsArg &testArg) const
Bool_t observableOverlaps (const RooArgSet *depList, const RooAbsArg &testArg) const
virtual Bool_t checkObservables (const RooArgSet *nset) const
Bool_t recursiveCheckObservables (const RooArgSet *nset) const
RooArgSetgetComponents () const
RooArgSetgetDependents (const RooArgSet &set) const
RooArgSetgetDependents (const RooAbsData *set) const
RooArgSetgetDependents (const RooArgSet *depList) const
Bool_t dependentOverlaps (const RooAbsData *dset, const RooAbsArg &testArg) const
Bool_t dependentOverlaps (const RooArgSet *depList, const RooAbsArg &testArg) const
Bool_t checkDependents (const RooArgSet *nset) const
Bool_t recursiveCheckDependents (const RooArgSet *nset) const
void attachDataSet (const RooAbsData &set)
void attachDataStore (const RooAbsDataStore &set)
virtual Bool_t readFromStream (istream &is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t verbose=kFALSE)=0
virtual void writeToStream (ostream &os, Bool_t compact) const=0
virtual void Print (Option_t *options=0) const
virtual void printName (ostream &os) const
virtual void printTitle (ostream &os) const
virtual void printClassName (ostream &os) const
virtual void printAddress (ostream &os) const
virtual void printArgs (ostream &os) const
virtual void printMetaArgs (ostream &) const
virtual void printMultiline (ostream &os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verbose=kFALSE, TString indent="") const
virtual void printTree (ostream &os, TString indent="") const
virtual Int_t defaultPrintContents (Option_t *opt) const
void setAttribute (const Text_t *name, Bool_t value=kTRUE)
Bool_t getAttribute (const Text_t *name) const
const std::set< std::string > & attributes () const
void setStringAttribute (const Text_t *key, const Text_t *value)
const Text_tgetStringAttribute (const Text_t *key) const
const std::map< std::string,
std::string > & 
stringAttributes () const
void setTransientAttribute (const Text_t *name, Bool_t value=kTRUE)
Bool_t getTransientAttribute (const Text_t *name) const
const std::set< std::string > & transientAttributes () const
Bool_t isConstant () const
RooLinkedList getCloningAncestors () const
Int_t Compare (const TObject *other) const
virtual Bool_t IsSortable () const
void printDirty (Bool_t depth=kTRUE) const
virtual Bool_t operator== (const RooAbsArg &other)=0
virtual Bool_t inRange (const char *) const
virtual Bool_t hasRange (const char *) const
virtual void optimizeCacheMode (const RooArgSet &observables)
virtual void optimizeCacheMode (const RooArgSet &observables, RooArgSet &optNodes, RooLinkedList &processedNodes)
Bool_t findConstantNodes (const RooArgSet &observables, RooArgSet &cacheList)
Bool_t findConstantNodes (const RooArgSet &observables, RooArgSet &cacheList, RooLinkedList &processedNodes)
virtual void constOptimizeTestStatistic (ConstOpCode opcode)
void graphVizTree (const char *fileName, const char *delimiter="\n", bool useTitle=false, bool useLatex=false)
void graphVizTree (ostream &os, const char *delimiter="\n", bool useTitle=false, bool useLatex=false)
void printComponentTree (const char *indent="", const char *namePat=0, Int_t nLevel=999)
void printCompactTree (const char *indent="", const char *fileName=0, const char *namePat=0, RooAbsArg *client=0)
void printCompactTree (ostream &os, const char *indent="", const char *namePat=0, RooAbsArg *client=0)
virtual void printCompactTreeHook (ostream &os, const char *ind="")
Bool_t isShapeDirty () const
Bool_t isValueDirty () const
void registerCache (RooAbsCache &cache)
void unRegisterCache (RooAbsCache &cache)
Int_t numCaches () const
RooAbsCachegetCache (Int_t index) const
OperMode operMode () const
void setOperMode (OperMode mode, Bool_t recurseADirty=kTRUE)
Bool_t addOwnedComponents (const RooArgSet &comps)
const RooArgSetownedComponents () const
void setProhibitServerRedirect (Bool_t flag)
void setValueDirty () const
void setShapeDirty () const
void clearValueDirty () const
void clearShapeDirty () const
const char * aggregateCacheUniqueSuffix () const
virtual const char * cacheUniqueSuffix () const
Bool_t redirectServers (const RooAbsCollection &newServerList, Bool_t mustReplaceAll=kFALSE, Bool_t nameChange=kFALSE, Bool_t isRecursionStep=kFALSE)
 Iterator over _clientListValue.
Bool_t recursiveRedirectServers (const RooAbsCollection &newServerList, Bool_t mustReplaceAll=kFALSE, Bool_t nameChange=kFALSE, Bool_t recurseInNewSet=kTRUE)
virtual Bool_t redirectServersHook (const RooAbsCollection &, Bool_t, Bool_t, Bool_t)
virtual void serverNameChangeHook (const RooAbsArg *, const RooAbsArg *)
void addServer (RooAbsArg &server, Bool_t valueProp=kTRUE, Bool_t shapeProp=kFALSE)
void addServerList (RooAbsCollection &serverList, Bool_t valueProp=kTRUE, Bool_t shapeProp=kFALSE)
void replaceServer (RooAbsArg &oldServer, RooAbsArg &newServer, Bool_t valueProp, Bool_t shapeProp)
void changeServer (RooAbsArg &server, Bool_t valueProp, Bool_t shapeProp)
void removeServer (RooAbsArg &server, Bool_t force=kFALSE)
RooAbsArgfindNewServer (const RooAbsCollection &newSet, Bool_t nameChange) const
RooExpensiveObjectCacheexpensiveObjectCache () const
void setExpensiveObjectCache (RooExpensiveObjectCache &cache)
virtual Bool_t importWorkspaceHook (RooWorkspace &)
 RooAbsArg ()
virtual ~RooAbsArg ()
 RooAbsArg (const char *name, const char *title)
 RooAbsArg (const RooAbsArg &other, const char *name=0)
virtual TObjectclone (const char *newname) const =0
virtual TObjectClone (const char *newname=0) const
virtual RooAbsArgcloneTree (const char *newname=0) const
virtual Bool_t isDerived () const
Bool_t isCloneOf (const RooAbsArg &other) const
Bool_t dependsOnValue (const RooAbsCollection &serverList, const RooAbsArg *ignoreArg=0) const
Bool_t dependsOnValue (const RooAbsArg &server, const RooAbsArg *ignoreArg=0) const
Bool_t dependsOn (const RooAbsCollection &serverList, const RooAbsArg *ignoreArg=0, Bool_t valueOnly=kFALSE) const
Bool_t dependsOn (const RooAbsArg &server, const RooAbsArg *ignoreArg=0, Bool_t valueOnly=kFALSE) const
Bool_t overlaps (const RooAbsArg &testArg, Bool_t valueOnly=kFALSE) const
Bool_t hasClients () const
TIteratorclientIterator () const
TIteratorvalueClientIterator () const
TIteratorshapeClientIterator () const
TIteratorserverIterator () const
RooAbsArgfindServer (const char *name) const
RooAbsArgfindServer (const RooAbsArg &arg) const
RooAbsArgfindServer (Int_t index) const
Bool_t isValueServer (const RooAbsArg &arg) const
Bool_t isValueServer (const char *name) const
Bool_t isShapeServer (const RooAbsArg &arg) const
Bool_t isShapeServer (const char *name) const
void leafNodeServerList (RooAbsCollection *list, const RooAbsArg *arg=0, Bool_t recurseNonDerived=kFALSE) const
void branchNodeServerList (RooAbsCollection *list, const RooAbsArg *arg=0, Bool_t recurseNonDerived=kFALSE) const
void treeNodeServerList (RooAbsCollection *list, const RooAbsArg *arg=0, Bool_t doBranch=kTRUE, Bool_t doLeaf=kTRUE, Bool_t valueOnly=kFALSE, Bool_t recurseNonDerived=kFALSE) const
virtual Bool_t isFundamental () const
virtual RooAbsArgcreateFundamental (const char *newname=0) const=0
virtual Bool_t isLValue () const
void addParameters (RooArgSet &params, const RooArgSet *nset=0, Bool_t stripDisconnected=kTRUE) const
RooArgSetgetVariables (Bool_t stripDisconnected=kTRUE) const
RooArgSetgetParameters (const RooAbsData *data, Bool_t stripDisconnected=kTRUE) const
RooArgSetgetParameters (const RooAbsData &data, Bool_t stripDisconnected=kTRUE) const
RooArgSetgetParameters (const RooArgSet &set, Bool_t stripDisconnected=kTRUE) const
virtual RooArgSetgetParameters (const RooArgSet *depList, Bool_t stripDisconnected=kTRUE) const
RooArgSetgetObservables (const RooArgSet &set, Bool_t valueOnly=kTRUE) const
RooArgSetgetObservables (const RooAbsData *data) const
RooArgSetgetObservables (const RooAbsData &data) const
virtual RooArgSetgetObservables (const RooArgSet *depList, Bool_t valueOnly=kTRUE) const
Bool_t observableOverlaps (const RooAbsData *dset, const RooAbsArg &testArg) const
Bool_t observableOverlaps (const RooArgSet *depList, const RooAbsArg &testArg) const
virtual Bool_t checkObservables (const RooArgSet *nset) const
Bool_t recursiveCheckObservables (const RooArgSet *nset) const
RooArgSetgetComponents () const
RooArgSetgetDependents (const RooArgSet &set) const
RooArgSetgetDependents (const RooAbsData *set) const
RooArgSetgetDependents (const RooArgSet *depList) const
Bool_t dependentOverlaps (const RooAbsData *dset, const RooAbsArg &testArg) const
Bool_t dependentOverlaps (const RooArgSet *depList, const RooAbsArg &testArg) const
Bool_t checkDependents (const RooArgSet *nset) const
Bool_t recursiveCheckDependents (const RooArgSet *nset) const
void attachDataSet (const RooAbsData &set)
void attachDataStore (const RooAbsDataStore &set)
virtual Bool_t readFromStream (istream &is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t verbose=kFALSE)=0
virtual void writeToStream (ostream &os, Bool_t compact) const=0
virtual void Print (Option_t *options=0) const
virtual void printName (ostream &os) const
virtual void printTitle (ostream &os) const
virtual void printClassName (ostream &os) const
virtual void printAddress (ostream &os) const
virtual void printArgs (ostream &os) const
virtual void printMetaArgs (ostream &) const
virtual void printMultiline (ostream &os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verbose=kFALSE, TString indent="") const
virtual void printTree (ostream &os, TString indent="") const
virtual Int_t defaultPrintContents (Option_t *opt) const
void setAttribute (const Text_t *name, Bool_t value=kTRUE)
Bool_t getAttribute (const Text_t *name) const
const std::set< std::string > & attributes () const
void setStringAttribute (const Text_t *key, const Text_t *value)
const Text_tgetStringAttribute (const Text_t *key) const
const std::map< std::string,
std::string > & 
stringAttributes () const
void setTransientAttribute (const Text_t *name, Bool_t value=kTRUE)
Bool_t getTransientAttribute (const Text_t *name) const
const std::set< std::string > & transientAttributes () const
Bool_t isConstant () const
RooLinkedList getCloningAncestors () const
Int_t Compare (const TObject *other) const
virtual Bool_t IsSortable () const
void printDirty (Bool_t depth=kTRUE) const
virtual Bool_t operator== (const RooAbsArg &other)=0
virtual Bool_t inRange (const char *) const
virtual Bool_t hasRange (const char *) const
virtual void optimizeCacheMode (const RooArgSet &observables)
virtual void optimizeCacheMode (const RooArgSet &observables, RooArgSet &optNodes, RooLinkedList &processedNodes)
Bool_t findConstantNodes (const RooArgSet &observables, RooArgSet &cacheList)
Bool_t findConstantNodes (const RooArgSet &observables, RooArgSet &cacheList, RooLinkedList &processedNodes)
virtual void constOptimizeTestStatistic (ConstOpCode opcode)
void graphVizTree (const char *fileName, const char *delimiter="\n", bool useTitle=false, bool useLatex=false)
void graphVizTree (ostream &os, const char *delimiter="\n", bool useTitle=false, bool useLatex=false)
void printComponentTree (const char *indent="", const char *namePat=0, Int_t nLevel=999)
void printCompactTree (const char *indent="", const char *fileName=0, const char *namePat=0, RooAbsArg *client=0)
void printCompactTree (ostream &os, const char *indent="", const char *namePat=0, RooAbsArg *client=0)
virtual void printCompactTreeHook (ostream &os, const char *ind="")
Bool_t isShapeDirty () const
Bool_t isValueDirty () const
void registerCache (RooAbsCache &cache)
void unRegisterCache (RooAbsCache &cache)
Int_t numCaches () const
RooAbsCachegetCache (Int_t index) const
OperMode operMode () const
void setOperMode (OperMode mode, Bool_t recurseADirty=kTRUE)
Bool_t addOwnedComponents (const RooArgSet &comps)
const RooArgSetownedComponents () const
void setProhibitServerRedirect (Bool_t flag)
void setValueDirty () const
void setShapeDirty () const
void clearValueDirty () const
void clearShapeDirty () const
const char * aggregateCacheUniqueSuffix () const
virtual const char * cacheUniqueSuffix () const
Bool_t redirectServers (const RooAbsCollection &newServerList, Bool_t mustReplaceAll=kFALSE, Bool_t nameChange=kFALSE, Bool_t isRecursionStep=kFALSE)
 Iterator over _clientListValue.
Bool_t recursiveRedirectServers (const RooAbsCollection &newServerList, Bool_t mustReplaceAll=kFALSE, Bool_t nameChange=kFALSE, Bool_t recurseInNewSet=kTRUE)
virtual Bool_t redirectServersHook (const RooAbsCollection &, Bool_t, Bool_t, Bool_t)
virtual void serverNameChangeHook (const RooAbsArg *, const RooAbsArg *)
void addServer (RooAbsArg &server, Bool_t valueProp=kTRUE, Bool_t shapeProp=kFALSE)
void addServerList (RooAbsCollection &serverList, Bool_t valueProp=kTRUE, Bool_t shapeProp=kFALSE)
void replaceServer (RooAbsArg &oldServer, RooAbsArg &newServer, Bool_t valueProp, Bool_t shapeProp)
void changeServer (RooAbsArg &server, Bool_t valueProp, Bool_t shapeProp)
void removeServer (RooAbsArg &server, Bool_t force=kFALSE)
RooAbsArgfindNewServer (const RooAbsCollection &newSet, Bool_t nameChange) const
RooExpensiveObjectCacheexpensiveObjectCache () const
void setExpensiveObjectCache (RooExpensiveObjectCache &cache)
virtual Bool_t importWorkspaceHook (RooWorkspace &)

Static Public Member Functions

static void verboseDirty (Bool_t flag)
static void copyList (TList &dest, const TList &source)
static void setDirtyInhibit (Bool_t flag)
static void setACleanADirty (Bool_t flag)
static UInt_t crc32 (const char *data)
static void verboseDirty (Bool_t flag)
static void copyList (TList &dest, const TList &source)
static void setDirtyInhibit (Bool_t flag)
static void setACleanADirty (Bool_t flag)
static UInt_t crc32 (const char *data)

Protected Member Functions

void graphVizAddConnections (std::set< std::pair< RooAbsArg *, RooAbsArg * > > &)
virtual void operModeHook ()
virtual void optimizeDirtyHook (const RooArgSet *)
virtual Bool_t isValid () const
virtual void getParametersHook (const RooArgSet *, RooArgSet *, Bool_t) const
virtual void getObservablesHook (const RooArgSet *, RooArgSet *) const
void registerProxy (RooArgProxy &proxy)
void registerProxy (RooSetProxy &proxy)
void registerProxy (RooListProxy &proxy)
void unRegisterProxy (RooArgProxy &proxy)
void unRegisterProxy (RooSetProxy &proxy)
void unRegisterProxy (RooListProxy &proxy)
RooAbsProxygetProxy (Int_t index) const
void setProxyNormSet (const RooArgSet *nset)
Int_t numProxies () const
void printAttribList (ostream &os) const
 Transient boolean attributes (not copied in ctor).
virtual void syncCache (const RooArgSet *nset=0)=0
virtual void copyCache (const RooAbsArg *source, Bool_t valueOnly=kFALSE)=0
virtual void attachToTree (TTree &t, Int_t bufSize=32000)=0
virtual void setTreeBranchStatus (TTree &t, Bool_t active)=0
virtual void fillTreeBranch (TTree &t)=0
TString cleanBranchName () const
void setValueDirty (const RooAbsArg *source) const
void setShapeDirty (const RooAbsArg *source) const
void graphVizAddConnections (std::set< std::pair< RooAbsArg *, RooAbsArg * > > &)
virtual void operModeHook ()
virtual void optimizeDirtyHook (const RooArgSet *)
virtual Bool_t isValid () const
virtual void getParametersHook (const RooArgSet *, RooArgSet *, Bool_t) const
virtual void getObservablesHook (const RooArgSet *, RooArgSet *) const
void registerProxy (RooArgProxy &proxy)
void registerProxy (RooSetProxy &proxy)
void registerProxy (RooListProxy &proxy)
void unRegisterProxy (RooArgProxy &proxy)
void unRegisterProxy (RooSetProxy &proxy)
void unRegisterProxy (RooListProxy &proxy)
RooAbsProxygetProxy (Int_t index) const
void setProxyNormSet (const RooArgSet *nset)
Int_t numProxies () const
void printAttribList (ostream &os) const
 Transient boolean attributes (not copied in ctor).
virtual void syncCache (const RooArgSet *nset=0)=0
virtual void copyCache (const RooAbsArg *source, Bool_t valueOnly=kFALSE)=0
virtual void attachToTree (TTree &t, Int_t bufSize=32000)=0
virtual void setTreeBranchStatus (TTree &t, Bool_t active)=0
virtual void fillTreeBranch (TTree &t)=0
TString cleanBranchName () const
void setValueDirty (const RooAbsArg *source) const
void setShapeDirty (const RooAbsArg *source) const

Static Protected Member Functions

static Bool_t flipAClean ()
 Delete watch flag.
static Bool_t inhibitDirty ()
static Bool_t flipAClean ()
 Delete watch flag.
static Bool_t inhibitDirty ()

Protected Attributes

RooRefCountList _serverList
RooRefCountList _clientList
RooRefCountList _clientListShape
RooRefCountList _clientListValue
TList _proxyList
std::deque< RooAbsCache * > _cacheList
 Iterator over _clientListShape.
std::set< std::string_boolAttrib
std::map< std::string, std::string_stringAttrib
std::set< std::string_boolAttribTransient
Bool_t _deleteWatch
Bool_t _valueDirty
Bool_t _shapeDirty
OperMode _operMode
Bool_t _prohibitServerRedirect
 Set of owned component.
 Prohibit server redirects -- Debugging tool.
std::deque< RooAbsCache * > _cacheList
 Iterator over _clientListShape.
std::set< std::string_boolAttrib
std::map< std::string, std::string_stringAttrib
std::set< std::string_boolAttribTransient
 Prohibit server redirects -- Debugging tool.

Static Protected Attributes

static Bool_t _verboseDirty
static Bool_t _inhibitDirty
static Bool_t _flipAClean


class RooProdPdf
class RooAddPdf
class RooAddPdfOrig
class RooMinuit
class RooExtendPdf
class RooRealIntegral
class RooAbsReal
class RooProjectedPdf
class RooArgSet
class RooAbsCollection
class RooCustomizer
class RooWorkspace
class RooAddModel
class RooArgProxy
class RooSetProxy
class RooListProxy
class RooObjectFactory
class RooCompositeDataStore
class RooTreeDataStore
class RooTreeData
class RooDataSet
class RooRealMPFE
class RooHistPdf
ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, const RooAbsArg &arg)
istream & operator>> (istream &is, RooAbsArg &arg)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, const RooAbsArg &arg)
istream & operator>> (istream &is, RooAbsArg &arg)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 44 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum RooAbsArg::ConstOpCode

Definition at line 271 of file RooAbsArg.h.

enum RooAbsArg::OperMode

Definition at line 321 of file RooAbsArg.h.

enum RooAbsArg::ConstOpCode

Definition at line 271 of file RooAbsArg.h.

enum RooAbsArg::OperMode

Definition at line 321 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

RooAbsArg::RooAbsArg (  ) 

Definition at line 78 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _clientListShape, _clientListValue, _clientShapeIter, _clientValueIter, RooTrace::create(), and RooLinkedList::MakeIterator().

RooAbsArg::~RooAbsArg (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 158 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _clientList, _clientShapeIter, _clientValueIter, _ownedComponents, _serverList, _verboseDirty, TString::Append(), TObject::ClassName(), cxcoutD, TString::Data(), RooTrace::destroy(), TNamed::fName, Form(), TNamed::GetName(), kFALSE, kTRUE, RooLinkedList::MakeIterator(), TIterator::Next(), removeServer(), setAttribute(), and RooFit::Tracing.

RooAbsArg::RooAbsArg ( const char *  name,
const char *  title 

Definition at line 95 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _clientListShape, _clientListValue, _clientShapeIter, _clientValueIter, RooTrace::create(), and RooLinkedList::MakeIterator().

RooAbsArg::RooAbsArg ( const RooAbsArg other,
const char *  name = 0 

Definition at line 116 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _clientListShape, _clientListValue, _clientShapeIter, _clientValueIter, _serverList, addServer(), RooTrace::create(), RooLinkedList::FindObject(), kFALSE, kTRUE, RooLinkedList::MakeIterator(), TIterator::Next(), TNamed::SetName(), setShapeDirty(), and setValueDirty().

RooAbsArg::RooAbsArg (  ) 

virtual RooAbsArg::~RooAbsArg (  )  [virtual]

RooAbsArg::RooAbsArg ( const char *  name,
const char *  title 

RooAbsArg::RooAbsArg ( const RooAbsArg other,
const char *  name = 0 

Member Function Documentation

virtual TObject* RooAbsArg::clone ( const char *  newname  )  const [pure virtual]

Referenced by RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf(), Clone(), RooFactoryWSTool::SpecialsIFace::create(), and RooSimWSTool::executeBuild().

virtual TObject* RooAbsArg::Clone ( const char *  newname = 0  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from TNamed.

Definition at line 53 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References clone(), and TNamed::GetName().

Referenced by RooAbsCollection::addClone(), RooAbsCollection::addServerClonesToList(), RooMCStudy::calcPulls(), RooFitResult::createHessePdf(), RooDataSet::createHistogram(), RooAbsReal::createHistogram(), RooCustomizer::doBuild(), RooStats::MarkovChain::GetNLLVar(), RooStats::MCMCInterval::GetPosteriorKeysPdf(), RooStats::MCMCInterval::GetPosteriorKeysProduct(), RooStats::MarkovChain::GetWeightVar(), RooMinimizer::lastMinuitFit(), RooFitResult::lastMinuitFit(), RooAbsReal::plotAsymOn(), RooProdPdf::rearrangeProduct(), RooArgProxy::RooArgProxy(), RooCmdConfig::RooCmdConfig(), RooMultiVarGaussian::RooMultiVarGaussian(), RooRealIntegral::RooRealIntegral(), RooResolutionModel::RooResolutionModel(), and RooAbsCollection::snapshot().

RooAbsArg * RooAbsArg::cloneTree ( const char *  newname = 0  )  const [virtual]

Definition at line 2159 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References addOwnedComponents(), RooAbsCollection::find(), TNamed::GetName(), kTRUE, RooAbsCollection::releaseOwnership(), RooAbsCollection::remove(), RooArgSet, and TNamed::SetName().

Referenced by RooTreeDataStore::addColumn(), RooFFTConvPdf::FFTCacheElem::FFTCacheElem(), RooAbsReal::getPropagatedError(), RooAbsReal::plotOnWithErrorBand(), rf506_msgservice(), and RooTreeDataStore::RooTreeDataStore().

virtual Bool_t RooAbsArg::isDerived (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 59 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _proxyList, _serverList, TCollection::GetSize(), RooLinkedList::GetSize(), kFALSE, and kTRUE.

Referenced by RooSimGenContext::attach(), RooCustomizer::doBuild(), findConstantNodes(), RooSimultaneous::genContext(), RooSimGenContext::initGenerator(), isShapeDirty(), isValueDirty(), optimizeCacheMode(), RooSimultaneous::plotOn(), RooAbsOptTestStatistic::RooAbsOptTestStatistic(), RooRealIntegral::RooRealIntegral(), RooSimGenContext::RooSimGenContext(), RooAbsData::split(), and treeNodeServerList().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::isCloneOf ( const RooAbsArg other  )  const

Definition at line 232 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References Form(), and getAttribute().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::dependsOnValue ( const RooAbsCollection serverList,
const RooAbsArg ignoreArg = 0 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 64 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References dependsOn(), and kTRUE.

Referenced by RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf(), findConstantNodes(), RooProdPdf::getConstraints(), getObservables(), RooProdPdf::getParametersHook(), RooLinearVar::isJacobianOK(), RooAbsReal::makeProjectionSet(), optimizeCacheMode(), overlaps(), RooRealIntegral::RooRealIntegral(), and RooSimWSTool::validateConfig().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::dependsOnValue ( const RooAbsArg server,
const RooAbsArg ignoreArg = 0 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 68 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References dependsOn(), and kTRUE.

Bool_t RooAbsArg::dependsOn ( const RooAbsCollection serverList,
const RooAbsArg ignoreArg = 0,
Bool_t  valueOnly = kFALSE 
) const

Definition at line 713 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References RooAbsCollection::createIterator(), kFALSE, kTRUE, TIterator::Next(), and result().

Referenced by addParameters(), RooSimultaneous::addPdf(), RooRealSumPdf::checkObservables(), RooAbsAnaConvPdf::coefVars(), RooDataSet::createHistogram(), dependsOn(), dependsOnValue(), RooCustomizer::doBuild(), RooAbsData::fillHistogram(), RooProduct::forceAnalyticalInt(), RooAddPdf::getAnalyticalIntegralWN(), RooAbsAnaConvPdf::getAnalyticalIntegralWN(), getObservables(), RooProduct::groupProductTerms(), RooProdPdf::isDirectGenSafe(), RooAbsPdf::isDirectGenSafe(), RooGenProdProj::makeIntegral(), observableOverlaps(), overlaps(), RooAbsReal::plotAsymOn(), RooAbsPdf::plotOnCompSelect(), RooProdPdf::rearrangeProduct(), RooGenContext::RooGenContext(), RooRealIntegral::RooRealIntegral(), RooAbsCollection::safeDeleteList(), RooAbsData::split(), RooAbsPdf::syncNormalization(), and RooAbsData::table().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::dependsOn ( const RooAbsArg server,
const RooAbsArg ignoreArg = 0,
Bool_t  valueOnly = kFALSE 
) const

Definition at line 732 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References dependsOn(), findServer(), TNamed::GetName(), isValueServer(), kFALSE, kTRUE, TIterator::Next(), and serverIterator().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::overlaps ( const RooAbsArg testArg,
Bool_t  valueOnly = kFALSE 
) const

Definition at line 773 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References dependsOn(), dependsOnValue(), list, and treeNodeServerList().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::hasClients (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 75 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _clientList, RooLinkedList::GetSize(), kFALSE, and kTRUE.

Referenced by RooWorkspace::Print().

TIterator* RooAbsArg::clientIterator (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 76 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _clientList, and RooLinkedList::MakeIterator().

TIterator* RooAbsArg::valueClientIterator (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 80 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _clientListValue, and RooLinkedList::MakeIterator().

Referenced by RooAbsData::allClientsCached(), RooRealIntegral::servesExclusively(), and setOperMode().

TIterator* RooAbsArg::shapeClientIterator (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 84 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _clientListShape, and RooLinkedList::MakeIterator().

TIterator* RooAbsArg::serverIterator (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 88 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _serverList, and RooLinkedList::MakeIterator().

Referenced by RooAbsSelfCachedReal::actualObservables(), RooAbsSelfCachedPdf::actualObservables(), RooAbsSelfCachedPdf::actualParameters(), RooAbsSelfCachedReal::actualParameters(), addParameters(), RooAbsCollection::addServerClonesToList(), RooRealIntegral::autoSelectDirtyMode(), RooResolutionModel::basisConvVar(), RooResolutionModel::changeBasis(), constOptimizeTestStatistic(), dependsOn(), findConstantNodes(), RooSimultaneous::genContext(), RooAbsPdf::isDirectGenSafe(), optimizeCacheMode(), RooRealIntegral::parameters(), RooSimultaneous::plotOn(), printCompactTree(), printComponentTree(), recursiveRedirectServers(), RooGenContext::RooGenContext(), RooGenProdProj::RooGenProdProj(), RooRealIntegral::RooRealIntegral(), RooResolutionModel::RooResolutionModel(), RooSimGenContext::RooSimGenContext(), and treeNodeServerList().

RooAbsArg* RooAbsArg::findServer ( const char *  name  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 93 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _serverList, and RooLinkedList::FindObject().

Referenced by RooResolutionModel::convolution(), RooAddModel::convolution(), dependsOn(), and RooAbsPdf::isDirectGenSafe().

RooAbsArg* RooAbsArg::findServer ( const RooAbsArg arg  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 97 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _serverList, and RooLinkedList::FindObject().

RooAbsArg* RooAbsArg::findServer ( Int_t  index  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 101 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _serverList, and RooLinkedList::At().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::isValueServer ( const RooAbsArg arg  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 105 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _clientListValue, RooLinkedList::FindObject(), kFALSE, and kTRUE.

Referenced by addParameters(), RooRealIntegral::autoSelectDirtyMode(), dependsOn(), RooRealIntegral::parameters(), printCompactTree(), RooSetProxy::replace(), RooListProxy::replace(), and RooRealIntegral::RooRealIntegral().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::isValueServer ( const char *  name  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 109 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _clientListValue, RooLinkedList::FindObject(), kFALSE, and kTRUE.

Bool_t RooAbsArg::isShapeServer ( const RooAbsArg arg  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 113 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _clientListShape, RooLinkedList::FindObject(), kFALSE, and kTRUE.

Referenced by printCompactTree(), RooSetProxy::replace(), RooListProxy::replace(), and RooRealIntegral::RooRealIntegral().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::isShapeServer ( const char *  name  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 117 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _clientListShape, RooLinkedList::FindObject(), kFALSE, and kTRUE.

void RooAbsArg::leafNodeServerList ( RooAbsCollection list,
const RooAbsArg arg = 0,
Bool_t  recurseNonDerived = kFALSE 
) const

Definition at line 462 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References kFALSE, kTRUE, list, and treeNodeServerList().

Referenced by RooRealIntegral::autoSelectDirtyMode(), RooAbsReal::createPlotProjection(), RooCustomizer::initialize(), RooResolutionModel::normLeafServerList(), RooAbsData::optimizeReadingWithCaching(), RooAbsOptTestStatistic::RooAbsOptTestStatistic(), and RooRealIntegral::RooRealIntegral().

void RooAbsArg::branchNodeServerList ( RooAbsCollection list,
const RooAbsArg arg = 0,
Bool_t  recurseNonDerived = kFALSE 
) const

Definition at line 473 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References kFALSE, kTRUE, list, and treeNodeServerList().

Referenced by aggregateCacheUniqueSuffix(), attachDataSet(), attachDataStore(), getComponents(), getObservables(), RooWorkspace::import(), RooCustomizer::initialize(), RooTreeDataStore::loadValues(), RooAbsPdf::plotOn(), RooAbsPdf::plotOnCompSelect(), printDirty(), RooAbsOptTestStatistic::RooAbsOptTestStatistic(), RooRealIntegral::RooRealIntegral(), and RooAbsPdf::setTraceCounter().

void RooAbsArg::treeNodeServerList ( RooAbsCollection list,
const RooAbsArg arg = 0,
Bool_t  doBranch = kTRUE,
Bool_t  doLeaf = kTRUE,
Bool_t  valueOnly = kFALSE,
Bool_t  recurseNonDerived = kFALSE 
) const

Definition at line 483 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _clientListValue, RooLinkedList::FindObject(), isDerived(), isFundamental(), kFALSE, kTRUE, list, TIterator::Next(), and serverIterator().

Referenced by branchNodeServerList(), RooAbsReal::createPlotProjection(), getObservables(), graphVizTree(), leafNodeServerList(), overlaps(), and recursiveCheckObservables().

virtual Bool_t RooAbsArg::isFundamental (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 128 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References kFALSE.

Referenced by RooTreeDataStore::addColumn(), RooTreeDataStore::addColumns(), addParameters(), RooArgProxy::changePointer(), RooAbsReal::createPlotProjection(), RooSimWSTool::executeBuild(), RooWorkspace::fundArg(), graphVizTree(), RooWorkspace::import(), RooSimultaneous::initialize(), RooAbsCachedPdf::PdfCacheElem::PdfCacheElem(), printComponentTree(), RooAbsData::RooAbsData(), RooAbsNumGenerator::RooAbsNumGenerator(), RooArgProxy::RooArgProxy(), RooGenContext::RooGenContext(), RooHistPdf::RooHistPdf(), and treeNodeServerList().

virtual RooAbsArg* RooAbsArg::createFundamental ( const char *  newname = 0  )  const [pure virtual]

Referenced by RooTreeDataStore::addColumn(), and RooTreeDataStore::addColumns().

virtual Bool_t RooAbsArg::isLValue (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 141 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References kFALSE.

Referenced by getObservables(), and RooRealIntegral::RooRealIntegral().

void RooAbsArg::addParameters ( RooArgSet params,
const RooArgSet nset = 0,
Bool_t  stripDisconnected = kTRUE 
) const

Definition at line 534 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References RooArgSet::add(), addParameters(), RooAbsCollection::createIterator(), dependsOn(), getParametersHook(), isFundamental(), isValueServer(), kTRUE, TIterator::Next(), params, and serverIterator().

Referenced by addParameters(), and getParameters().

RooArgSet * RooAbsArg::getVariables ( Bool_t  stripDisconnected = kTRUE  )  const

Definition at line 1944 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References getParameters(), and RooArgSet.

Referenced by RooFFTConvPdf::actualParameters(), RooStats::SPlot::AddSWeight(), RooBDecay::coefVars(), RooAbsReal::createHistogram(), RooStats::LikelihoodInterval::CreateMinimizer(), RooStats::LikelihoodIntervalPlot::Draw(), RooStats::ProfileLikelihoodTestStat::Evaluate(), RooStats::SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat::Evaluate(), RooJeffreysPrior::evaluate(), RooSimWSTool::executeBuild(), RooStats::LikelihoodInterval::FindLimits(), FitUsingRooFit(), RooStats::ToyMCSamplerOld::GenerateToyData(), RooStats::LikelihoodInterval::GetContourPoints(), RooWorkspace::import(), RooSimultaneous::initialize(), RooStats::LikelihoodInterval::IsInInterval(), RooAbsCachedPdf::PdfCacheElem::PdfCacheElem(), RooStats::RatioOfProfiledLikelihoodsTestStat::ProfiledLikelihood(), RooStats::SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat::SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat(), RooAbsData::split(), RooAbsPdf::syncNormalization(), and WrapperRooPdf::WrapperRooPdf().

RooArgSet * RooAbsArg::getParameters ( const RooAbsData data,
Bool_t  stripDisconnected = kTRUE 
) const

Definition at line 521 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References RooAbsData::get().

Referenced by RooNumRunningInt::actualParameters(), RooCachedPdf::actualParameters(), RooCachedReal::actualParameters(), RooIntegralMorph::actualParameters(), RooStats::SPlot::AddSWeight(), RooAddition::analyticalIntegral(), RooProduct::analyticalIntegral(), RooAddModel::analyticalIntegralWN(), RooProdPdf::analyticalIntegralWN(), RooProjectedPdf::analyticalIntegralWN(), RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf(), RooFFTConvPdf::calcParams(), RooAbsAnaConvPdf::coefVars(), RooAbsPdf::createNLL(), RooStats::ProfileLikelihoodCalculator::DoGlobalFit(), RooStats::ProfileLikelihoodTestStat::Evaluate(), RooFFTConvPdf::FFTCacheElem::FFTCacheElem(), findConstantNodes(), FitUsingRooFit(), RooStats::ToyMCSamplerOld::GenerateToyData(), RooProdPdf::getConstraints(), RooStats::ProfileLikelihoodCalculator::GetHypoTest(), RooStats::ProfileLikelihoodCalculator::GetInterval(), RooStats::MCMCCalculator::GetInterval(), getParameters(), RooAddPdf::getProjCache(), RooAddModel::getProjCache(), RooAbsReal::getPropagatedError(), getVariables(), RooGenFitStudy::initialize(), RooRealMPFE::initVars(), RooAbsPdf::paramOn(), RooProjectedPdf::redirectServersHook(), RooAbsOptTestStatistic::RooAbsOptTestStatistic(), RooAbsTestStatistic::RooAbsTestStatistic(), RooMCStudy::RooMCStudy(), RooMinimizerFcn::RooMinimizerFcn(), RooMinuit::RooMinuit(), RooProfileLL::RooProfileLL(), RooProjectedPdf::RooProjectedPdf(), RooGenCategory::updateIndexList(), and WrapperRooPdf::WrapperRooPdf().

RooArgSet* RooAbsArg::getParameters ( const RooAbsData data,
Bool_t  stripDisconnected = kTRUE 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 156 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References data, and getParameters().

RooArgSet* RooAbsArg::getParameters ( const RooArgSet set,
Bool_t  stripDisconnected = kTRUE 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 160 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References getParameters().

RooArgSet * RooAbsArg::getParameters ( const RooArgSet depList,
Bool_t  stripDisconnected = kTRUE 
) const [virtual]

Definition at line 574 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References addParameters(), RooArgSet, and RooArgList::sort().

RooArgSet* RooAbsArg::getObservables ( const RooArgSet set,
Bool_t  valueOnly = kTRUE 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 165 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Referenced by RooCachedPdf::actualObservables(), RooCachedReal::actualObservables(), RooFFTConvPdf::actualObservables(), RooAbsReal::asTF(), RooAbsPdf::createNLL(), RooAbsReal::createPlotProjection(), RooMCStudy::doFit(), RooRealSumPdf::expectedEvents(), RooProdPdf::factorizeProduct(), RooAbsReal::fillDataHist(), RooAbsReal::findInnerMostIntegration(), RooAbsReal::functor(), RooAbsAnaConvPdf::genContext(), RooNumConvPdf::genContext(), RooAddPdf::getAnalyticalIntegralWN(), RooRealSumPdf::getAnalyticalIntegralWN(), RooAbsAnaConvPdf::getAnalyticalIntegralWN(), getDependents(), RooAbsPdf::getNormObj(), getObservables(), RooAddPdf::getProjCache(), RooAddModel::getProjCache(), RooProjectedPdf::getProjection(), RooAbsReal::getPropagatedError(), RooStats::PdfProposal::GetProposalDensity(), RooAbsReal::makeProjectionSet(), observableOverlaps(), RooAbsData::optimizeReadingWithCaching(), RooAbsReal::plotAsymOn(), RooAbsReal::plotOn(), RooSimultaneous::plotOn(), RooAbsReal::plotOnWithErrorBand(), RooAbsOptTestStatistic::RooAbsOptTestStatistic(), RooConvGenContext::RooConvGenContext(), RooGenContext::RooGenContext(), RooMCStudy::RooMCStudy(), RooProdGenContext::RooProdGenContext(), RooProfileLL::RooProfileLL(), RooRealIntegral::RooRealIntegral(), RooAddPdf::selectNormalization(), RooAddModel::selectNormalization(), RooAbsPdf::syncNormalization(), and WrapperRooPdf::WrapperRooPdf().

RooArgSet * RooAbsArg::getObservables ( const RooAbsData data  )  const

Definition at line 595 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References RooAbsData::get(), and getObservables().

RooArgSet* RooAbsArg::getObservables ( const RooAbsData data  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 170 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References data, and getObservables().

RooArgSet * RooAbsArg::getObservables ( const RooArgSet depList,
Bool_t  valueOnly = kTRUE 
) const [virtual]

Definition at line 610 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References RooArgSet::add(), branchNodeServerList(), RooAbsCollection::createIterator(), dependsOn(), dependsOnValue(), getObservablesHook(), isLValue(), kFALSE, kTRUE, TIterator::Next(), RooArgSet, and treeNodeServerList().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::observableOverlaps ( const RooAbsData dset,
const RooAbsArg testArg 
) const

Definition at line 786 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References RooAbsData::get().

Referenced by RooAddModel::checkObservables(), RooAddPdf::checkObservables(), and dependentOverlaps().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::observableOverlaps ( const RooArgSet depList,
const RooAbsArg testArg 
) const

Definition at line 796 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References dependsOn(), and getObservables().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::checkObservables ( const RooArgSet nset  )  const [virtual]

Definition at line 676 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References kFALSE.

Referenced by checkDependents(), RooAbsReal::fillDataHist(), RooAbsReal::fillHistogram(), RooAbsReal::plotOn(), and recursiveCheckObservables().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::recursiveCheckObservables ( const RooArgSet nset  )  const

Definition at line 687 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References checkObservables(), coutE, RooAbsCollection::createIterator(), getAttribute(), TNamed::GetName(), kFALSE, kTRUE, RooFit::LinkStateMgmt, TIterator::Next(), Print(), and treeNodeServerList().

Referenced by recursiveCheckDependents().

RooArgSet * RooAbsArg::getComponents (  )  const

Definition at line 659 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References branchNodeServerList(), TNamed::GetName(), name, and RooArgSet.

Referenced by RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf(), RooAbsPdf::fitTo(), RooAbsReal::fixAddCoefNormalization(), RooAbsReal::fixAddCoefRange(), RooAbsPdf::getAllConstraints(), and RooProdPdf::rearrangeProduct().

RooArgSet* RooAbsArg::getDependents ( const RooArgSet set  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 182 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References getObservables().

RooArgSet* RooAbsArg::getDependents ( const RooAbsData set  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 183 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References getObservables().

RooArgSet* RooAbsArg::getDependents ( const RooArgSet depList  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 184 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References getObservables().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::dependentOverlaps ( const RooAbsData dset,
const RooAbsArg testArg 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 185 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References observableOverlaps().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::dependentOverlaps ( const RooArgSet depList,
const RooAbsArg testArg 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 186 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References observableOverlaps().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::checkDependents ( const RooArgSet nset  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 187 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References checkObservables().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::recursiveCheckDependents ( const RooArgSet nset  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 188 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References recursiveCheckObservables().

void RooAbsArg::attachDataSet ( const RooAbsData set  ) 

Definition at line 1436 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References branchNodeServerList(), RooAbsCollection::createIterator(), data, kFALSE, kTRUE, TIterator::Next(), and redirectServers().

Referenced by RooDataHist::add(), RooStats::SPlot::AddSWeight(), RooFFTConvPdf::FFTCacheElem::FFTCacheElem(), RooDataHist::reduceEng(), RooAbsData::RooAbsData(), RooAbsOptTestStatistic::RooAbsOptTestStatistic(), RooAbsOptTestStatistic::setData(), and RooAbsData::split().

void RooAbsArg::attachDataStore ( const RooAbsDataStore set  ) 

Definition at line 1456 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References branchNodeServerList(), RooAbsCollection::createIterator(), RooAbsDataStore::get(), kFALSE, kTRUE, TIterator::Next(), and redirectServers().

Referenced by RooTreeDataStore::RooTreeDataStore().

virtual Bool_t RooAbsArg::readFromStream ( istream &  is,
Bool_t  compact,
Bool_t  verbose = kFALSE 
) [pure virtual]

Referenced by operator>>(), RooArgSet::readFromStream(), and RooArgList::readFromStream().

virtual void RooAbsArg::writeToStream ( ostream &  os,
Bool_t  compact 
) const [pure virtual]

Referenced by operator<<(), RooArgSet::writeToStream(), and RooArgList::writeToStream().

virtual void RooAbsArg::Print ( Option_t options = 0  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from TNamed.

Definition at line 198 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References defaultPrintContents(), RooPrintable::defaultPrintStream(), RooPrintable::defaultPrintStyle(), and RooPrintable::printStream().

Referenced by RooAddModel::convolution(), FitUsingRooFit(), RooStats::HLFactory::GetTotDataSet(), RooWorkspace::Print(), printComponentTree(), RooParamBinning::printMultiline(), recursiveCheckObservables(), rf101_basics(), rf105_funcbinding(), rf201_composite(), rf207_comptools(), rf404_categories(), rf406_cattocatfuncs(), rf504_simwstool(), rf506_msgservice(), rf601_intminuit(), rf901_numintconfig(), RooConvIntegrandBinding::RooConvIntegrandBinding(), RooRealIntegral::RooRealIntegral(), rs_numberCountingCombination_expected(), rs_numberCountingCombination_observed(), RooAbsPdf::traceEvalHook(), and RooAbsPdf::traceEvalPdf().

void RooAbsArg::printName ( ostream &  os  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from RooPrintable.

Definition at line 1260 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References TNamed::GetName().

void RooAbsArg::printTitle ( ostream &  os  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from RooPrintable.

Definition at line 1270 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References TNamed::GetTitle().

void RooAbsArg::printClassName ( ostream &  os  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from RooPrintable.

Definition at line 1279 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

void RooAbsArg::printAddress ( ostream &  os  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from RooPrintable.

Definition at line 1286 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

void RooAbsArg::printArgs ( ostream &  os  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from RooPrintable.

Definition at line 1295 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References getProxy(), i, numProxies(), p, and printMetaArgs().

virtual void RooAbsArg::printMetaArgs ( ostream &   )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 208 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Referenced by printArgs().

void RooAbsArg::printMultiline ( ostream &  os,
Int_t  contents,
Bool_t  verbose = kFALSE,
TString  indent = "" 
) const [virtual]

Reimplemented from RooPrintable.

Definition at line 1326 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _clientList, _clientListShape, _clientListValue, _operMode, _serverList, AClean, ADirty, TString::Append(), Auto, xmlio::Class, TString::Data(), RooLinkedList::FindObject(), getProxy(), i, isShapeDirty(), isValueDirty(), RooPrintable::kClassName, RooPrintable::kName, RooPrintable::kSingleLine, RooPrintable::kStandard, RooPrintable::kTitle, RooLinkedList::MakeIterator(), RooAbsProxy::name(), TIterator::Next(), numProxies(), printAttribList(), and RooPrintable::printStream().

Referenced by RooAbsCategory::printMultiline(), and RooAbsReal::printMultiline().

void RooAbsArg::printTree ( ostream &  os,
TString  indent = "" 
) const [virtual]

Reimplemented from RooPrintable.

Definition at line 1397 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References printCompactTree().

Int_t RooAbsArg::defaultPrintContents ( Option_t opt  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from RooPrintable.

Definition at line 1317 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References RooPrintable::kArgs, RooPrintable::kClassName, RooPrintable::kName, and RooPrintable::kValue.

Referenced by Print().

void RooAbsArg::setAttribute ( const Text_t name,
Bool_t  value = kTRUE 

Definition at line 242 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _boolAttrib.

Referenced by RooAbsCollection::addServerClonesToList(), RooAbsReal::attachToTree(), RooAbsCategory::attachToTree(), RooAbsReal::createFundamental(), RooAbsAnaConvPdf::declareBasis(), RooCmdConfig::defineString(), RooCustomizer::doBuild(), RooWorkspace::import(), RooAbsCollection::operator=(), RooDataSet::read(), RooArgSet::readFromStream(), RooConstVar::RooConstVar(), RooRealProxy::setArg(), RooCategoryProxy::setArg(), RooAbsCollection::setAttribAll(), RooAbsCategoryLValue::setConstant(), RooAbsRealLValue::setConstant(), RooRealConstant::value(), and ~RooAbsArg().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::getAttribute ( const Text_t name  )  const

Definition at line 263 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _boolAttrib.

Referenced by RooRealVar::attachToTree(), RooRealIntegral::autoSelectDirtyMode(), RooRealVar::fillTreeBranch(), RooWorkspace::import(), isCloneOf(), isConstant(), RooCmdConfig::process(), RooArgSet::readFromStream(), RooArgList::readFromStream(), RooProdPdf::rearrangeProduct(), recursiveCheckObservables(), and RooAbsCollection::selectByAttrib().

const std::set<std::string>& RooAbsArg::attributes (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 217 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _boolAttrib.

void RooAbsArg::setStringAttribute ( const Text_t key,
const Text_t value 

Definition at line 272 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _stringAttrib.

Referenced by RooFactoryWSTool::add(), RooFactoryWSTool::addfunc(), RooFactoryWSTool::amplAdd(), RooFactoryWSTool::createArg(), RooFactoryWSTool::createCategory(), RooProdPdf::getPartIntList(), RooProdPdf::processProductTerm(), RooFactoryWSTool::prod(), RooAbsOptTestStatistic::RooAbsOptTestStatistic(), and RooFactoryWSTool::simul().

const Text_t * RooAbsArg::getStringAttribute ( const Text_t key  )  const

Definition at line 286 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _stringAttrib.

Referenced by cleanBranchName(), RooWorkspace::import(), RooAbsPdf::plotOn(), RooProdPdf::rearrangeProduct(), and RooAbsOptTestStatistic::RooAbsOptTestStatistic().

const std::map<std::string,std::string>& RooAbsArg::stringAttributes (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 224 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _stringAttrib.

void RooAbsArg::setTransientAttribute ( const Text_t name,
Bool_t  value = kTRUE 

Definition at line 301 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _boolAttribTransient.

Bool_t RooAbsArg::getTransientAttribute ( const Text_t name  )  const

Definition at line 322 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _boolAttribTransient.

const std::set<std::string>& RooAbsArg::transientAttributes (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 232 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _boolAttribTransient.

Bool_t RooAbsArg::isConstant (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 237 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References getAttribute().

Referenced by RooMinuit::applyCovarianceMatrix(), RooMinimizerFcn::ApplyCovarianceMatrix(), RooRealMPFE::calculate(), ClassImp(), RooProfileLL::evaluate(), RooRealVar::format(), RooArgusBG::getAnalyticalIntegral(), RooStats::ProfileLikelihoodCalculator::GetHypoTest(), RooStats::ProfileInspector::GetListOfProfilePlots(), RooAbsCollection::operator=(), RooAbsPdf::paramOn(), RooRealVar::printExtras(), RooStats::RandomizeCollection(), RooStats::RemoveConstantParameters(), and RooRealVar::writeToStream().

RooLinkedList RooAbsArg::getCloningAncestors (  )  const

Definition at line 1953 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _boolAttrib, RooLinkedList::Add(), buf, ptr, strlcpy(), and strtol().

Int_t RooAbsArg::Compare ( const TObject other  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from TNamed.

Definition at line 1476 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References TNamed::GetName(), and TObject::GetName().

virtual Bool_t RooAbsArg::IsSortable (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from TNamed.

Definition at line 245 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References kTRUE.

void RooAbsArg::verboseDirty ( Bool_t  flag  )  [static]

Definition at line 225 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _verboseDirty.

Referenced by G__G__RooFitCore1_131_0_81(), and G__setup_memfuncRooAbsArg().

void RooAbsArg::copyList ( TList dest,
const TList source 
) [static]

Definition at line 1244 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References TList::Add(), TList::Clear(), and TIterator::Next().

Referenced by G__G__RooFitCore1_131_0_82(), and G__setup_memfuncRooAbsArg().

void RooAbsArg::printDirty ( Bool_t  depth = kTRUE  )  const

Definition at line 1487 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _operMode, AClean, ADirty, Auto, branchNodeServerList(), RooAbsCollection::createIterator(), TNamed::GetName(), isValueDirty(), kFALSE, TIterator::Next(), and printDirty().

Referenced by printDirty().

void RooAbsArg::setDirtyInhibit ( Bool_t  flag  )  [static]

Definition at line 208 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _inhibitDirty.

Referenced by WrapperRooPdf::DoEvalPar(), G__G__RooFitCore1_131_0_84(), and G__setup_memfuncRooAbsArg().

void RooAbsArg::setACleanADirty ( Bool_t  flag  )  [static]

Definition at line 217 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _flipAClean.

Referenced by RooRealIntegral::evaluate(), G__G__RooFitCore1_131_0_85(), and G__setup_memfuncRooAbsArg().

virtual Bool_t RooAbsArg::operator== ( const RooAbsArg other  )  [pure virtual]

virtual Bool_t RooAbsArg::inRange ( const char *   )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 261 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References kTRUE.

Referenced by RooAbsCollection::allInRange(), RooDataHist::cacheValidEntries(), RooAbsData::fillHistogram(), RooSuperCategory::inRange(), RooTreeDataStore::loadValues(), and RooDataHist::reduceEng().

virtual Bool_t RooAbsArg::hasRange ( const char *   )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 265 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References kFALSE.

Referenced by RooSuperCategory::hasRange(), and RooCategoryProxy::hasRange().

void RooAbsArg::optimizeCacheMode ( const RooArgSet observables  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1516 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References coutI, TNamed::GetName(), and RooFit::Optimization.

Referenced by optimizeCacheMode(), RooAbsCacheElement::optimizeCacheMode(), and RooAbsOptTestStatistic::optimizeCaching().

void RooAbsArg::optimizeCacheMode ( const RooArgSet observables,
RooArgSet optNodes,
RooLinkedList processedNodes 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 1535 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References AClean, RooArgSet::add(), RooLinkedList::Add(), ADirty, cxcoutI, dependsOnValue(), RooLinkedList::FindObject(), getCache(), TNamed::GetName(), i, RooFit::Integration, isDerived(), kTRUE, TIterator::Next(), numCaches(), operMode(), optimizeCacheMode(), RooAbsCache::optimizeCacheMode(), serverIterator(), and setOperMode().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::findConstantNodes ( const RooArgSet observables,
RooArgSet cacheList 

Definition at line 1586 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References coutI, TNamed::GetName(), and RooFit::Optimization.

Referenced by findConstantNodes(), RooAbsCacheElement::findConstantNodes(), and RooAbsOptTestStatistic::optimizeConstantTerms().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::findConstantNodes ( const RooArgSet observables,
RooArgSet cacheList,
RooLinkedList processedNodes 

Definition at line 1604 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References RooArgSet::add(), RooLinkedList::Add(), RooAbsCollection::createIterator(), cxcoutD, dependsOnValue(), RooAbsCollection::find(), findConstantNodes(), RooAbsCache::findConstantNodes(), RooLinkedList::FindObject(), getCache(), TNamed::GetName(), getParameters(), i, isDerived(), kFALSE, kTRUE, TIterator::Next(), numCaches(), RooFit::Optimization, and serverIterator().

void RooAbsArg::constOptimizeTestStatistic ( ConstOpCode  opcode  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1671 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References constOptimizeTestStatistic(), TIterator::Next(), and serverIterator().

Referenced by constOptimizeTestStatistic(), RooAbsPdf::createNLL(), RooMinimizer::optimizeConst(), RooMinuit::optimizeConst(), RooMinimizerFcn::Synchronize(), and RooMinuit::synchronize().

void RooAbsArg::graphVizTree ( const char *  fileName,
const char *  delimiter = "\n",
bool  useTitle = false,
bool  useLatex = false 

Definition at line 1977 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References coutE, and RooFit::InputArguments.

void RooAbsArg::graphVizTree ( ostream &  os,
const char *  delimiter = "\n",
bool  useTitle = false,
bool  useLatex = false 

Definition at line 1994 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References coutE, RooAbsCollection::createIterator(), TNamed::GetName(), TNamed::GetTitle(), graphVizAddConnections(), RooFit::InputArguments, isFundamental(), TIterator::Next(), and treeNodeServerList().

void RooAbsArg::printComponentTree ( const char *  indent = "",
const char *  namePat = 0,
Int_t  nLevel = 999 

Definition at line 1778 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References TString::Data(), TNamed::GetName(), TObject::InheritsFrom(), RooResolutionModel::isConvolved(), isFundamental(), TIterator::Next(), Print(), printComponentTree(), and serverIterator().

Referenced by RooWorkspace::Print(), and printComponentTree().

void RooAbsArg::printCompactTree ( const char *  indent = "",
const char *  fileName = 0,
const char *  namePat = 0,
RooAbsArg client = 0 

Definition at line 1715 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

Referenced by printCompactTree(), RooAbsOptTestStatistic::printCompactTreeHook(), RooNumConvolution::printCompactTreeHook(), and printTree().

void RooAbsArg::printCompactTree ( ostream &  os,
const char *  indent = "",
const char *  namePat = 0,
RooAbsArg client = 0 

Definition at line 1732 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _serverList, AClean, ADirty, Auto, getCache(), TNamed::GetName(), RooLinkedList::GetSize(), i, isShapeServer(), isValueServer(), TIterator::Next(), numCaches(), operMode(), printCompactTree(), printCompactTreeHook(), RooAbsCache::printCompactTreeHook(), RooPrintable::printValue(), and serverIterator().

void RooAbsArg::printCompactTreeHook ( ostream &  os,
const char *  ind = "" 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 1895 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

Referenced by printCompactTree().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::isShapeDirty (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 300 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _shapeDirty, isDerived(), and kFALSE.

Referenced by RooMultiCategory::evaluate(), RooSuperCategory::evaluate(), RooGenCategory::evaluate(), RooAbsCategory::getIndex(), RooAbsCategory::getLabel(), RooAbsReal::getVal(), and printMultiline().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::isValueDirty (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 304 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _operMode, _valueDirty, AClean, ADirty, Auto, flipAClean(), inhibitDirty(), isDerived(), kFALSE, and kTRUE.

Referenced by RooAbsCategory::getIndex(), RooAbsCategory::getLabel(), RooAbsPdf::getVal(), RooAbsString::getVal(), RooRealMPFE::getVal(), RooAbsReal::getVal(), RooResolutionModel::getVal(), RooChangeTracker::hasChanged(), printDirty(), and printMultiline().

void RooAbsArg::registerCache ( RooAbsCache cache  ) 

Definition at line 1904 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _cacheList.

Referenced by RooAbsCache::RooAbsCache().

void RooAbsArg::unRegisterCache ( RooAbsCache cache  ) 

Definition at line 1918 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _cacheList.

Referenced by RooAbsCache::~RooAbsCache().

Int_t RooAbsArg::numCaches (  )  const

Definition at line 1926 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _cacheList.

Referenced by findConstantNodes(), optimizeCacheMode(), printCompactTree(), redirectServers(), and setOperMode().

RooAbsCache * RooAbsArg::getCache ( Int_t  index  )  const

Definition at line 1935 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _cacheList.

Referenced by findConstantNodes(), optimizeCacheMode(), printCompactTree(), redirectServers(), and setOperMode().

OperMode RooAbsArg::operMode (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 322 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _operMode, AClean, ADirty, and flipAClean().

Referenced by addServer(), RooRealIntegral::autoSelectDirtyMode(), RooAbsAnaConvPdf::declareBasis(), RooAddPdf::getProjCache(), RooAddModel::getProjCache(), RooAbsPdf::getVal(), RooObjCacheManager::operModeHook(), optimizeCacheMode(), printCompactTree(), and RooAbsOptTestStatistic::RooAbsOptTestStatistic().

void RooAbsArg::setOperMode ( OperMode  mode,
Bool_t  recurseADirty = kTRUE 

Definition at line 1687 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _operMode, ADirty, getCache(), i, TIterator::Next(), numCaches(), RooAbsCache::operModeHook(), operModeHook(), setOperMode(), and valueClientIterator().

Referenced by addServer(), RooRealIntegral::autoSelectDirtyMode(), RooAbsAnaConvPdf::declareBasis(), RooFFTConvPdf::FFTCacheElem::FFTCacheElem(), RooAddPdf::getProjCache(), RooAddModel::getProjCache(), RooTreeDataStore::loadValues(), RooGenProdProj::makeIntegral(), RooGenProdProj::operModeHook(), optimizeCacheMode(), RooAbsOptTestStatistic::optimizeConstantTerms(), RooAbsOptTestStatistic::RooAbsOptTestStatistic(), RooGenProdProj::RooGenProdProj(), and setOperMode().

UInt_t RooAbsArg::crc32 ( const char *  data  )  [static]

Definition at line 1845 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References i, init(), RooFit::InputArguments, j, kFALSE, kTRUE, len, oocoutE, and result().

Referenced by cleanBranchName(), RooWorkspace::CodeRepo::compileClasses(), G__G__RooFitCore1_131_0_108(), and G__setup_memfuncRooAbsArg().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::addOwnedComponents ( const RooArgSet comps  ) 

Definition at line 2146 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _ownedComponents, RooArgSet::addOwned(), and RooArgSet.

Referenced by RooCustomizer::build(), cloneTree(), RooFitResult::createHessePdf(), RooAbsReal::createIntObj(), RooAbsPdf::createNLL(), RooFFTConvPdf::FFTCacheElem::FFTCacheElem(), RooMomentMorph::getCache(), RooProdPdf::getPartIntList(), RooSimultaneous::initialize(), RooAddPdf::RooAddPdf(), RooMoment::RooMoment(), and RooProdPdf::specializeRatio().

const RooArgSet* RooAbsArg::ownedComponents (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 328 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _ownedComponents.

Referenced by RooFFTConvPdf::FFTCacheElem::containedArgs().

void RooAbsArg::setProhibitServerRedirect ( Bool_t  flag  )  [inline]

Definition at line 330 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _prohibitServerRedirect.

void RooAbsArg::graphVizAddConnections ( std::set< std::pair< RooAbsArg *, RooAbsArg * > > &   )  [protected]

Referenced by graphVizTree().

virtual void RooAbsArg::operModeHook (  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

Definition at line 342 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Referenced by setOperMode().

virtual void RooAbsArg::optimizeDirtyHook ( const RooArgSet  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

Definition at line 344 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Bool_t RooAbsArg::isValid (  )  const [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 1235 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References kTRUE.

Referenced by RooTreeDataStore::loadValues().

virtual void RooAbsArg::getParametersHook ( const RooArgSet ,
RooArgSet ,
) const [inline, protected, virtual]

Definition at line 348 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Referenced by addParameters().

virtual void RooAbsArg::getObservablesHook ( const RooArgSet ,
) const [inline, protected, virtual]

Definition at line 349 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Referenced by getObservables().

void RooAbsArg::setValueDirty (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 353 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Referenced by RooNLLVar::applyWeightSquared(), RooTreeDataStore::cacheArgs(), RooAbsCategory::copyCache(), RooAbsString::copyCache(), RooAbsReal::copyCache(), RooAbsCachedReal::FuncCacheElem::FuncCacheElem(), RooTreeDataStore::get(), RooAbsCachedPdf::getCache(), RooAbsCachedReal::getCache(), RooAbsCategoryLValue::operator=(), RooAbsCachedPdf::PdfCacheElem::PdfCacheElem(), redirectServers(), RooAbsArg(), RooAbsCategory::RooAbsCategory(), RooAbsCategoryLValue::RooAbsCategoryLValue(), RooAbsReal::RooAbsReal(), RooAbsString::RooAbsString(), RooCategory::RooCategory(), RooAbsRealLValue::setConstant(), RooAbsOptTestStatistic::setData(), RooGenericPdf::setFormula(), RooCategory::setIndex(), RooCategory::setLabel(), setShapeDirty(), RooRealVar::setVal(), RooRealVar::setValFast(), setValueDirty(), RooMultiCategory::updateIndexList(), and RooSuperCategory::updateIndexList().

void RooAbsArg::setShapeDirty (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 354 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Referenced by RooAbsCategory::clearTypes(), RooAbsCategory::defineTypeUnchecked(), redirectServers(), RooAbsArg(), RooAbsCategory::RooAbsCategory(), RooAbsCategoryLValue::RooAbsCategoryLValue(), RooAbsReal::RooAbsReal(), RooAbsString::RooAbsString(), RooCategory::RooCategory(), RooAbsRealLValue::setConstant(), RooRealVar::setMax(), RooErrorVar::setMax(), RooErrorVar::setMin(), RooRealVar::setMin(), RooRealVar::setRange(), RooErrorVar::setRange(), and setShapeDirty().

void RooAbsArg::clearValueDirty (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 355 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _valueDirty, and kFALSE.

Referenced by RooRealMPFE::calculate(), RooTreeDataStore::get(), RooAbsCategory::getIndex(), RooAbsCategory::getLabel(), RooAbsPdf::getVal(), RooAbsString::getVal(), RooAbsReal::getVal(), RooResolutionModel::getVal(), and RooChangeTracker::hasChanged().

void RooAbsArg::clearShapeDirty (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 358 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _shapeDirty, and kFALSE.

Referenced by RooAbsCategory::getIndex(), RooAbsCategory::getLabel(), RooAbsPdf::getVal(), RooAbsReal::getVal(), and RooResolutionModel::getVal().

const char * RooAbsArg::aggregateCacheUniqueSuffix (  )  const

Definition at line 2213 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References branchNodeServerList(), cacheUniqueSuffix(), RooAbsCollection::createIterator(), Form(), TIterator::Next(), and suffix.

Referenced by RooCachedReal::payloadUniqueSuffix(), RooCachedPdf::payloadUniqueSuffix(), and RooNumRunningInt::payloadUniqueSuffix().

virtual const char* RooAbsArg::cacheUniqueSuffix (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 363 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Referenced by aggregateCacheUniqueSuffix().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::redirectServers ( const RooAbsCollection newServerList,
Bool_t  mustReplaceAll = kFALSE,
Bool_t  nameChange = kFALSE,
Bool_t  isRecursionStep = kFALSE 

Iterator over _clientListValue.

Definition at line 894 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _clientListShape, _clientListValue, _serverList, _verboseDirty, TList::Add(), RooAbsProxy::changePointer(), RooAbsCollection::clone(), coutE, cxcoutD, findNewServer(), THashList::FindObject(), RooLinkedList::FindObject(), RooLinkedList::First(), getCache(), TNamed::GetName(), getProxy(), RooAbsCollection::getSize(), i, kFALSE, kTRUE, RooFit::LinkStateMgmt, TList::MakeIterator(), RooLinkedList::MakeIterator(), TIterator::Next(), numCaches(), numProxies(), RooAbsCache::redirectServersHook(), redirectServersHook(), RooAbsCollection::remove(), replaceServer(), setShapeDirty(), and setValueDirty().

Referenced by attachDataSet(), attachDataStore(), RooTreeDataStore::cacheArgs(), RooDataSet::createHistogram(), RooCustomizer::doBuild(), RooWorkspace::import(), recursiveRedirectServers(), RooResolutionModel::redirectServersHook(), and RooAbsCollection::snapshot().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::recursiveRedirectServers ( const RooAbsCollection newServerList,
Bool_t  mustReplaceAll = kFALSE,
Bool_t  nameChange = kFALSE,
Bool_t  recurseInNewSet = kTRUE 

Definition at line 1032 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References RooLinkedList::Add(), cxcoutD, RooLinkedList::FindObject(), TNamed::GetName(), kFALSE, kTRUE, RooFit::LinkStateMgmt, TIterator::Next(), recursiveRedirectServers(), redirectServers(), RooLinkedList::Remove(), and serverIterator().

Referenced by RooTreeDataStore::addColumn(), RooTreeDataStore::addColumns(), RooSimGenContext::attach(), RooGenContext::attach(), RooAddGenContext::attach(), RooAbsNumGenerator::attachParameters(), RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf(), RooAbsReal::createPlotProjection(), RooFFTConvPdf::FFTCacheElem::FFTCacheElem(), RooAbsReal::fillDataHist(), RooAbsData::fillHistogram(), RooAbsReal::fillHistogram(), RooEffGenContext::initGenerator(), RooSimGenContext::initGenerator(), RooAddGenContext::initGenerator(), RooAbsTestStatistic::initMPMode(), RooAbsTestStatistic::initSimMode(), RooTreeDataStore::loadValues(), recursiveRedirectServers(), RooAbsTestStatistic::redirectServersHook(), RooAbsOptTestStatistic::redirectServersHook(), RooAbsNumGenerator::RooAbsNumGenerator(), RooAbsOptTestStatistic::RooAbsOptTestStatistic(), RooAddGenContext::RooAddGenContext(), and RooAbsData::table().

virtual Bool_t RooAbsArg::redirectServersHook ( const RooAbsCollection ,
Bool_t  ,
Bool_t  ,
) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 385 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References kFALSE.

Referenced by redirectServers().

virtual void RooAbsArg::serverNameChangeHook ( const RooAbsArg ,
const RooAbsArg  
) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 386 of file RooAbsArg.h.

void RooAbsArg::addServer ( RooAbsArg server,
Bool_t  valueProp = kTRUE,
Bool_t  shapeProp = kFALSE 

Definition at line 334 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _clientList, _clientListShape, _clientListValue, _prohibitServerRedirect, _serverList, RooRefCountList::Add(), ADirty, cxcoutD, cxcoutF, TNamed::GetName(), RooFit::LinkStateMgmt, operMode(), and setOperMode().

Referenced by RooSetProxy::add(), RooListProxy::add(), RooSetProxy::addClone(), RooListProxy::addOwned(), RooSetProxy::addOwned(), addServerList(), RooTruthModel::changeBasis(), RooResolutionModel::changeBasis(), RooArgProxy::changePointer(), RooGenCategory::initialize(), registerProxy(), RooSetProxy::replace(), RooListProxy::replace(), replaceServer(), RooAbsArg(), RooRealIntegral::RooRealIntegral(), and RooResolutionModel::RooResolutionModel().

void RooAbsArg::addServerList ( RooAbsCollection serverList,
Bool_t  valueProp = kTRUE,
Bool_t  shapeProp = kFALSE 

Definition at line 366 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References addServer(), RooAbsCollection::createIterator(), and TIterator::Next().

Referenced by RooAbsCachedReal::FuncCacheElem::FuncCacheElem(), and RooAbsCachedPdf::PdfCacheElem::PdfCacheElem().

void RooAbsArg::replaceServer ( RooAbsArg oldServer,
RooAbsArg newServer,
Bool_t  valueProp,
Bool_t  shapeProp 

Definition at line 416 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _serverList, addServer(), kTRUE, RooRefCountList::refCount(), and removeServer().

Referenced by redirectServers().

void RooAbsArg::changeServer ( RooAbsArg server,
Bool_t  valueProp,
Bool_t  shapeProp 

Definition at line 429 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _clientList, _clientListShape, _clientListValue, _serverList, RooRefCountList::Add(), coutE, RooLinkedList::FindObject(), TNamed::GetName(), RooFit::LinkStateMgmt, RooRefCountList::refCount(), and RooRefCountList::RemoveAll().

void RooAbsArg::removeServer ( RooAbsArg server,
Bool_t  force = kFALSE 

Definition at line 382 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _clientList, _clientListShape, _clientListValue, _prohibitServerRedirect, _serverList, _verboseDirty, cxcoutD, cxcoutF, TNamed::GetName(), RooFit::LinkStateMgmt, RooRefCountList::Remove(), and RooRefCountList::RemoveAll().

Referenced by RooTruthModel::changeBasis(), RooResolutionModel::changeBasis(), RooSetProxy::remove(), RooListProxy::remove(), RooSetProxy::removeAll(), RooListProxy::removeAll(), RooSetProxy::replace(), RooListProxy::replace(), replaceServer(), RooGenCategory::RooGenCategory(), RooGenProdProj::RooGenProdProj(), ~RooAbsArg(), and RooGenCategory::~RooGenCategory().

RooAbsArg * RooAbsArg::findNewServer ( const RooAbsCollection newSet,
Bool_t  nameChange 
) const

Definition at line 990 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References TString::Append(), coutF, RooAbsCollection::find(), RooAbsCollection::first(), TNamed::GetName(), RooAbsCollection::getSize(), kTRUE, RooFit::LinkStateMgmt, RooAbsCollection::Print(), and RooAbsCollection::selectByAttrib().

Referenced by RooFormula::changeDependents(), RooListProxy::changePointer(), RooArgProxy::changePointer(), RooSetProxy::changePointer(), and redirectServers().

RooExpensiveObjectCache & RooAbsArg::expensiveObjectCache (  )  const

Definition at line 2193 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _eocache, and RooExpensiveObjectCache::instance().

Referenced by RooRealIntegral::evaluate(), RooAbsCachedPdf::getCache(), RooAbsCachedReal::getCache(), RooWorkspace::import(), RooCachedReal::RooCachedReal(), and RooRealIntegral::RooRealIntegral().

void RooAbsArg::setExpensiveObjectCache ( RooExpensiveObjectCache cache  )  [inline]

Definition at line 396 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _eocache.

Referenced by RooWorkspace::import(), RooCachedReal::RooCachedReal(), RooMoment::RooMoment(), and RooRealIntegral::RooRealIntegral().

virtual Bool_t RooAbsArg::importWorkspaceHook ( RooWorkspace  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 398 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Referenced by RooWorkspace::import().

void RooAbsArg::registerProxy ( RooArgProxy proxy  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1081 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _proxyList, RooArgProxy::absArg(), TList::Add(), addServer(), coutE, TList::FindObject(), TNamed::GetName(), RooArgProxy::isShapeServer(), RooArgProxy::isValueServer(), and RooFit::LinkStateMgmt.

Referenced by RooArgProxy::RooArgProxy(), RooListProxy::RooListProxy(), and RooSetProxy::RooSetProxy().

void RooAbsArg::registerProxy ( RooSetProxy proxy  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1123 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _proxyList, TList::Add(), coutE, TList::FindObject(), RooAbsCollection::GetName(), TNamed::GetName(), and RooFit::LinkStateMgmt.

void RooAbsArg::registerProxy ( RooListProxy proxy  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1155 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _proxyList, TList::Add(), coutE, TList::FindObject(), RooAbsCollection::GetName(), TNamed::GetName(), and RooFit::LinkStateMgmt.

void RooAbsArg::unRegisterProxy ( RooArgProxy proxy  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1112 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _proxyList, and TList::Remove().

Referenced by RooArgProxy::~RooArgProxy(), RooListProxy::~RooListProxy(), and RooSetProxy::~RooSetProxy().

void RooAbsArg::unRegisterProxy ( RooSetProxy proxy  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1144 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _proxyList, and TList::Remove().

void RooAbsArg::unRegisterProxy ( RooListProxy proxy  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1176 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _proxyList, and TList::Remove().

RooAbsProxy * RooAbsArg::getProxy ( Int_t  index  )  const [protected]

Definition at line 1187 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _proxyList, and TList::At().

Referenced by RooAbsReal::logEvalError(), RooCFunction4PdfBinding< VO, VI1, VI2, VI3, VI4 >::printArgs(), RooCFunction1Binding< VO, VI >::printArgs(), RooFunctorPdfBinding::printArgs(), RooCFunction2PdfBinding< VO, VI1, VI2 >::printArgs(), RooTFnPdfBinding::printArgs(), RooFunctor1DBinding::printArgs(), RooCFunction3Binding< VO, VI1, VI2, VI3 >::printArgs(), RooCFunction1PdfBinding< VO, VI >::printArgs(), RooFunctor1DPdfBinding::printArgs(), RooCFunction4Binding< VO, VI1, VI2, VI3, VI4 >::printArgs(), RooCFunction3PdfBinding< VO, VI1, VI2, VI3 >::printArgs(), RooCFunction2Binding< VO, VI1, VI2 >::printArgs(), printArgs(), RooFunctorBinding::printArgs(), RooTFnBinding::printArgs(), printMultiline(), redirectServers(), and setProxyNormSet().

void RooAbsArg::setProxyNormSet ( const RooArgSet nset  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1210 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References RooAbsProxy::changeNormSet(), getProxy(), i, and numProxies().

Referenced by RooArgProxy::changeDataSet(), and RooAbsPdf::syncNormalization().

Int_t RooAbsArg::numProxies (  )  const [protected]

Definition at line 1200 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _proxyList, and TCollection::GetSize().

Referenced by RooAbsReal::logEvalError(), RooCFunction4PdfBinding< VO, VI1, VI2, VI3, VI4 >::printArgs(), RooCFunction1Binding< VO, VI >::printArgs(), RooFunctorPdfBinding::printArgs(), RooCFunction2PdfBinding< VO, VI1, VI2 >::printArgs(), RooTFnPdfBinding::printArgs(), RooFunctor1DBinding::printArgs(), RooCFunction3Binding< VO, VI1, VI2, VI3 >::printArgs(), RooCFunction1PdfBinding< VO, VI >::printArgs(), RooFunctor1DPdfBinding::printArgs(), RooCFunction4Binding< VO, VI1, VI2, VI3, VI4 >::printArgs(), RooCFunction3PdfBinding< VO, VI1, VI2, VI3 >::printArgs(), RooCFunction2Binding< VO, VI1, VI2 >::printArgs(), printArgs(), RooFunctorBinding::printArgs(), RooTFnBinding::printArgs(), printMultiline(), redirectServers(), and setProxyNormSet().

void RooAbsArg::printAttribList ( ostream &  os  )  const [protected]

Transient boolean attributes (not copied in ctor).

Definition at line 1421 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _boolAttrib, kFALSE, and kTRUE.

Referenced by printMultiline().

virtual void RooAbsArg::syncCache ( const RooArgSet nset = 0  )  [protected, pure virtual]

Referenced by RooTreeDataStore::addColumn(), RooTreeDataStore::addColumns(), RooHistPdf::analyticalIntegral(), RooAbsCollection::assignFast(), RooAbsCollection::assignValueOnly(), RooTreeDataStore::cacheArgs(), RooHistPdf::evaluate(), and RooAbsCollection::operator=().

virtual void RooAbsArg::copyCache ( const RooAbsArg source,
Bool_t  valueOnly = kFALSE 
) [protected, pure virtual]

Referenced by RooTreeDataStore::addColumn(), RooTreeDataStore::addColumns(), RooHistPdf::analyticalIntegral(), RooAbsCollection::assignFast(), RooAbsCollection::assignValueOnly(), RooRealMPFE::calculate(), RooHistPdf::evaluate(), RooTreeDataStore::loadValues(), and RooAbsCollection::operator=().

void RooAbsArg::attachToTree ( TTree t,
Int_t  bufSize = 32000 
) [protected, pure virtual]

Definition at line 1223 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References RooFit::Contents, coutE, and TNamed::GetName().

Referenced by RooTreeDataStore::attachCache(), RooTreeDataStore::cacheArgs(), RooTreeDataStore::initialize(), RooTreeDataStore::loadValues(), and RooDataSet::RooDataSet().

virtual void RooAbsArg::setTreeBranchStatus ( TTree t,
Bool_t  active 
) [protected, pure virtual]

Referenced by RooTreeDataStore::setArgStatus().

virtual void RooAbsArg::fillTreeBranch ( TTree t  )  [protected, pure virtual]

Referenced by RooTreeDataStore::addColumn(), RooTreeDataStore::addColumns(), and RooTreeDataStore::cacheArgs().

TString RooAbsArg::cleanBranchName (  )  const [protected]

Definition at line 1808 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References buf, crc32(), TString::Data(), TNamed::GetName(), getStringAttribute(), TString::Length(), TString::ReplaceAll(), snprintf, and strlcpy().

Referenced by RooAbsReal::attachToTree(), RooAbsCategory::attachToTree(), RooTreeDataStore::changeObservableName(), RooAbsReal::fillTreeBranch(), RooRealVar::fillTreeBranch(), and RooAbsReal::setTreeBranchStatus().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::flipAClean (  )  [static, protected]

Delete watch flag.

Definition at line 2205 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _flipAClean.

Referenced by isValueDirty(), and operMode().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::inhibitDirty (  )  [static, protected]

Definition at line 2136 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _inhibitDirty.

Referenced by isValueDirty().

void RooAbsArg::setValueDirty ( const RooAbsArg source  )  const [protected]

Definition at line 810 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _clientListValue, _clientValueIter, _inhibitDirty, _operMode, _valueDirty, _verboseDirty, Auto, coutE, cxcoutD, TNamed::GetName(), RooLinkedList::GetSize(), kTRUE, RooFit::LinkStateMgmt, TIterator::Next(), TIterator::Reset(), and setValueDirty().

void RooAbsArg::setShapeDirty ( const RooAbsArg source  )  const [protected]

Definition at line 854 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

References _clientListShape, _clientShapeIter, _shapeDirty, _verboseDirty, coutE, cxcoutD, TNamed::GetName(), RooLinkedList::GetSize(), kTRUE, RooFit::LinkStateMgmt, TIterator::Next(), TIterator::Reset(), setShapeDirty(), and setValueDirty().

virtual TObject* RooAbsArg::clone ( const char *  newname  )  const [pure virtual]

virtual TObject* RooAbsArg::Clone ( const char *  newname = 0  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from TNamed.

Definition at line 53 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References clone(), and TNamed::GetName().

virtual RooAbsArg* RooAbsArg::cloneTree ( const char *  newname = 0  )  const [virtual]

virtual Bool_t RooAbsArg::isDerived (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 59 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _proxyList, _serverList, TCollection::GetSize(), RooLinkedList::GetSize(), kFALSE, and kTRUE.

Bool_t RooAbsArg::isCloneOf ( const RooAbsArg other  )  const

Bool_t RooAbsArg::dependsOnValue ( const RooAbsCollection serverList,
const RooAbsArg ignoreArg = 0 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 64 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References dependsOn(), and kTRUE.

Bool_t RooAbsArg::dependsOnValue ( const RooAbsArg server,
const RooAbsArg ignoreArg = 0 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 68 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References dependsOn(), and kTRUE.

Bool_t RooAbsArg::dependsOn ( const RooAbsCollection serverList,
const RooAbsArg ignoreArg = 0,
Bool_t  valueOnly = kFALSE 
) const

Bool_t RooAbsArg::dependsOn ( const RooAbsArg server,
const RooAbsArg ignoreArg = 0,
Bool_t  valueOnly = kFALSE 
) const

Bool_t RooAbsArg::overlaps ( const RooAbsArg testArg,
Bool_t  valueOnly = kFALSE 
) const

Bool_t RooAbsArg::hasClients (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 75 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _clientList, RooLinkedList::GetSize(), kFALSE, and kTRUE.

TIterator* RooAbsArg::clientIterator (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 76 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _clientList, and RooLinkedList::MakeIterator().

TIterator* RooAbsArg::valueClientIterator (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 80 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _clientListValue, and RooLinkedList::MakeIterator().

TIterator* RooAbsArg::shapeClientIterator (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 84 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _clientListShape, and RooLinkedList::MakeIterator().

TIterator* RooAbsArg::serverIterator (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 88 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _serverList, and RooLinkedList::MakeIterator().

RooAbsArg* RooAbsArg::findServer ( const char *  name  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 93 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _serverList, and RooLinkedList::FindObject().

RooAbsArg* RooAbsArg::findServer ( const RooAbsArg arg  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 97 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _serverList, and RooLinkedList::FindObject().

RooAbsArg* RooAbsArg::findServer ( Int_t  index  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 101 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _serverList, and RooLinkedList::At().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::isValueServer ( const RooAbsArg arg  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 105 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _clientListValue, RooLinkedList::FindObject(), kFALSE, and kTRUE.

Bool_t RooAbsArg::isValueServer ( const char *  name  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 109 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _clientListValue, RooLinkedList::FindObject(), kFALSE, and kTRUE.

Bool_t RooAbsArg::isShapeServer ( const RooAbsArg arg  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 113 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _clientListShape, RooLinkedList::FindObject(), kFALSE, and kTRUE.

Bool_t RooAbsArg::isShapeServer ( const char *  name  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 117 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _clientListShape, RooLinkedList::FindObject(), kFALSE, and kTRUE.

void RooAbsArg::leafNodeServerList ( RooAbsCollection list,
const RooAbsArg arg = 0,
Bool_t  recurseNonDerived = kFALSE 
) const

void RooAbsArg::branchNodeServerList ( RooAbsCollection list,
const RooAbsArg arg = 0,
Bool_t  recurseNonDerived = kFALSE 
) const

void RooAbsArg::treeNodeServerList ( RooAbsCollection list,
const RooAbsArg arg = 0,
Bool_t  doBranch = kTRUE,
Bool_t  doLeaf = kTRUE,
Bool_t  valueOnly = kFALSE,
Bool_t  recurseNonDerived = kFALSE 
) const

virtual Bool_t RooAbsArg::isFundamental (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 128 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References kFALSE.

virtual RooAbsArg* RooAbsArg::createFundamental ( const char *  newname = 0  )  const [pure virtual]

virtual Bool_t RooAbsArg::isLValue (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 141 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References kFALSE.

void RooAbsArg::addParameters ( RooArgSet params,
const RooArgSet nset = 0,
Bool_t  stripDisconnected = kTRUE 
) const

RooArgSet* RooAbsArg::getVariables ( Bool_t  stripDisconnected = kTRUE  )  const

RooArgSet* RooAbsArg::getParameters ( const RooAbsData data,
Bool_t  stripDisconnected = kTRUE 
) const

RooArgSet* RooAbsArg::getParameters ( const RooAbsData data,
Bool_t  stripDisconnected = kTRUE 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 156 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References data, and getParameters().

RooArgSet* RooAbsArg::getParameters ( const RooArgSet set,
Bool_t  stripDisconnected = kTRUE 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 160 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References getParameters().

virtual RooArgSet* RooAbsArg::getParameters ( const RooArgSet depList,
Bool_t  stripDisconnected = kTRUE 
) const [virtual]

RooArgSet* RooAbsArg::getObservables ( const RooArgSet set,
Bool_t  valueOnly = kTRUE 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 165 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References getObservables().

RooArgSet* RooAbsArg::getObservables ( const RooAbsData data  )  const

RooArgSet* RooAbsArg::getObservables ( const RooAbsData data  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 170 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References data, and getObservables().

virtual RooArgSet* RooAbsArg::getObservables ( const RooArgSet depList,
Bool_t  valueOnly = kTRUE 
) const [virtual]

Bool_t RooAbsArg::observableOverlaps ( const RooAbsData dset,
const RooAbsArg testArg 
) const

Bool_t RooAbsArg::observableOverlaps ( const RooArgSet depList,
const RooAbsArg testArg 
) const

virtual Bool_t RooAbsArg::checkObservables ( const RooArgSet nset  )  const [virtual]

Bool_t RooAbsArg::recursiveCheckObservables ( const RooArgSet nset  )  const

RooArgSet* RooAbsArg::getComponents (  )  const

RooArgSet* RooAbsArg::getDependents ( const RooArgSet set  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 182 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References getObservables().

RooArgSet* RooAbsArg::getDependents ( const RooAbsData set  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 183 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References getObservables().

RooArgSet* RooAbsArg::getDependents ( const RooArgSet depList  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 184 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References getObservables().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::dependentOverlaps ( const RooAbsData dset,
const RooAbsArg testArg 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 185 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References observableOverlaps().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::dependentOverlaps ( const RooArgSet depList,
const RooAbsArg testArg 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 186 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References observableOverlaps().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::checkDependents ( const RooArgSet nset  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 187 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References checkObservables().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::recursiveCheckDependents ( const RooArgSet nset  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 188 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References recursiveCheckObservables().

void RooAbsArg::attachDataSet ( const RooAbsData set  ) 

void RooAbsArg::attachDataStore ( const RooAbsDataStore set  ) 

virtual Bool_t RooAbsArg::readFromStream ( istream &  is,
Bool_t  compact,
Bool_t  verbose = kFALSE 
) [pure virtual]

virtual void RooAbsArg::writeToStream ( ostream &  os,
Bool_t  compact 
) const [pure virtual]

virtual void RooAbsArg::Print ( Option_t options = 0  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from TNamed.

Definition at line 198 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References defaultPrintContents(), RooPrintable::defaultPrintStream(), RooPrintable::defaultPrintStyle(), and RooPrintable::printStream().

virtual void RooAbsArg::printName ( ostream &  os  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from RooPrintable.

virtual void RooAbsArg::printTitle ( ostream &  os  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from RooPrintable.

virtual void RooAbsArg::printClassName ( ostream &  os  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from RooPrintable.

virtual void RooAbsArg::printAddress ( ostream &  os  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from RooPrintable.

virtual void RooAbsArg::printArgs ( ostream &  os  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from RooPrintable.

virtual void RooAbsArg::printMetaArgs ( ostream &   )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 208 of file RooAbsArg.h.

virtual void RooAbsArg::printMultiline ( ostream &  os,
Int_t  contents,
Bool_t  verbose = kFALSE,
TString  indent = "" 
) const [virtual]

Reimplemented from RooPrintable.

virtual void RooAbsArg::printTree ( ostream &  os,
TString  indent = "" 
) const [virtual]

Reimplemented from RooPrintable.

virtual Int_t RooAbsArg::defaultPrintContents ( Option_t opt  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from RooPrintable.

void RooAbsArg::setAttribute ( const Text_t name,
Bool_t  value = kTRUE 

Bool_t RooAbsArg::getAttribute ( const Text_t name  )  const

const std::set<std::string>& RooAbsArg::attributes (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 217 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _boolAttrib.

void RooAbsArg::setStringAttribute ( const Text_t key,
const Text_t value 

const Text_t* RooAbsArg::getStringAttribute ( const Text_t key  )  const

const std::map<std::string,std::string>& RooAbsArg::stringAttributes (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 224 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _stringAttrib.

void RooAbsArg::setTransientAttribute ( const Text_t name,
Bool_t  value = kTRUE 

Bool_t RooAbsArg::getTransientAttribute ( const Text_t name  )  const

const std::set<std::string>& RooAbsArg::transientAttributes (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 232 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _boolAttribTransient.

Bool_t RooAbsArg::isConstant (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 237 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References getAttribute().

RooLinkedList RooAbsArg::getCloningAncestors (  )  const

Int_t RooAbsArg::Compare ( const TObject other  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from TNamed.

virtual Bool_t RooAbsArg::IsSortable (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from TNamed.

Definition at line 245 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References kTRUE.

static void RooAbsArg::verboseDirty ( Bool_t  flag  )  [static]

static void RooAbsArg::copyList ( TList dest,
const TList source 
) [static]

void RooAbsArg::printDirty ( Bool_t  depth = kTRUE  )  const

static void RooAbsArg::setDirtyInhibit ( Bool_t  flag  )  [static]

static void RooAbsArg::setACleanADirty ( Bool_t  flag  )  [static]

virtual Bool_t RooAbsArg::operator== ( const RooAbsArg other  )  [pure virtual]

virtual Bool_t RooAbsArg::inRange ( const char *   )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 261 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References kTRUE.

virtual Bool_t RooAbsArg::hasRange ( const char *   )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 265 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References kFALSE.

virtual void RooAbsArg::optimizeCacheMode ( const RooArgSet observables  )  [virtual]

virtual void RooAbsArg::optimizeCacheMode ( const RooArgSet observables,
RooArgSet optNodes,
RooLinkedList processedNodes 
) [virtual]

Bool_t RooAbsArg::findConstantNodes ( const RooArgSet observables,
RooArgSet cacheList 

Bool_t RooAbsArg::findConstantNodes ( const RooArgSet observables,
RooArgSet cacheList,
RooLinkedList processedNodes 

virtual void RooAbsArg::constOptimizeTestStatistic ( ConstOpCode  opcode  )  [virtual]

void RooAbsArg::graphVizTree ( const char *  fileName,
const char *  delimiter = "\n",
bool  useTitle = false,
bool  useLatex = false 

void RooAbsArg::graphVizTree ( ostream &  os,
const char *  delimiter = "\n",
bool  useTitle = false,
bool  useLatex = false 

void RooAbsArg::printComponentTree ( const char *  indent = "",
const char *  namePat = 0,
Int_t  nLevel = 999 

void RooAbsArg::printCompactTree ( const char *  indent = "",
const char *  fileName = 0,
const char *  namePat = 0,
RooAbsArg client = 0 

void RooAbsArg::printCompactTree ( ostream &  os,
const char *  indent = "",
const char *  namePat = 0,
RooAbsArg client = 0 

virtual void RooAbsArg::printCompactTreeHook ( ostream &  os,
const char *  ind = "" 
) [virtual]

Bool_t RooAbsArg::isShapeDirty (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 300 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _shapeDirty, isDerived(), and kFALSE.

Bool_t RooAbsArg::isValueDirty (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 304 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _operMode, _valueDirty, AClean, ADirty, Auto, flipAClean(), inhibitDirty(), isDerived(), kFALSE, and kTRUE.

void RooAbsArg::registerCache ( RooAbsCache cache  ) 

void RooAbsArg::unRegisterCache ( RooAbsCache cache  ) 

Int_t RooAbsArg::numCaches (  )  const

RooAbsCache* RooAbsArg::getCache ( Int_t  index  )  const

OperMode RooAbsArg::operMode (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 322 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _operMode, AClean, ADirty, and flipAClean().

void RooAbsArg::setOperMode ( OperMode  mode,
Bool_t  recurseADirty = kTRUE 

static UInt_t RooAbsArg::crc32 ( const char *  data  )  [static]

Bool_t RooAbsArg::addOwnedComponents ( const RooArgSet comps  ) 

const RooArgSet* RooAbsArg::ownedComponents (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 328 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _ownedComponents.

void RooAbsArg::setProhibitServerRedirect ( Bool_t  flag  )  [inline]

Definition at line 330 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _prohibitServerRedirect.

void RooAbsArg::graphVizAddConnections ( std::set< std::pair< RooAbsArg *, RooAbsArg * > > &   )  [protected]

virtual void RooAbsArg::operModeHook (  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

Definition at line 342 of file RooAbsArg.h.

virtual void RooAbsArg::optimizeDirtyHook ( const RooArgSet  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

Definition at line 344 of file RooAbsArg.h.

virtual Bool_t RooAbsArg::isValid (  )  const [protected, virtual]

virtual void RooAbsArg::getParametersHook ( const RooArgSet ,
RooArgSet ,
) const [inline, protected, virtual]

Definition at line 348 of file RooAbsArg.h.

virtual void RooAbsArg::getObservablesHook ( const RooArgSet ,
) const [inline, protected, virtual]

Definition at line 349 of file RooAbsArg.h.

void RooAbsArg::setValueDirty (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 353 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References setValueDirty().

void RooAbsArg::setShapeDirty (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 354 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References setShapeDirty().

void RooAbsArg::clearValueDirty (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 355 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _valueDirty, and kFALSE.

void RooAbsArg::clearShapeDirty (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 358 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _shapeDirty, and kFALSE.

const char* RooAbsArg::aggregateCacheUniqueSuffix (  )  const

virtual const char* RooAbsArg::cacheUniqueSuffix (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 363 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Bool_t RooAbsArg::redirectServers ( const RooAbsCollection newServerList,
Bool_t  mustReplaceAll = kFALSE,
Bool_t  nameChange = kFALSE,
Bool_t  isRecursionStep = kFALSE 

Iterator over _clientListValue.

Bool_t RooAbsArg::recursiveRedirectServers ( const RooAbsCollection newServerList,
Bool_t  mustReplaceAll = kFALSE,
Bool_t  nameChange = kFALSE,
Bool_t  recurseInNewSet = kTRUE 

virtual Bool_t RooAbsArg::redirectServersHook ( const RooAbsCollection ,
Bool_t  ,
Bool_t  ,
) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 385 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References kFALSE.

virtual void RooAbsArg::serverNameChangeHook ( const RooAbsArg ,
const RooAbsArg  
) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 386 of file RooAbsArg.h.

void RooAbsArg::addServer ( RooAbsArg server,
Bool_t  valueProp = kTRUE,
Bool_t  shapeProp = kFALSE 

void RooAbsArg::addServerList ( RooAbsCollection serverList,
Bool_t  valueProp = kTRUE,
Bool_t  shapeProp = kFALSE 

void RooAbsArg::replaceServer ( RooAbsArg oldServer,
RooAbsArg newServer,
Bool_t  valueProp,
Bool_t  shapeProp 

void RooAbsArg::changeServer ( RooAbsArg server,
Bool_t  valueProp,
Bool_t  shapeProp 

void RooAbsArg::removeServer ( RooAbsArg server,
Bool_t  force = kFALSE 

RooAbsArg* RooAbsArg::findNewServer ( const RooAbsCollection newSet,
Bool_t  nameChange 
) const

RooExpensiveObjectCache& RooAbsArg::expensiveObjectCache (  )  const

void RooAbsArg::setExpensiveObjectCache ( RooExpensiveObjectCache cache  )  [inline]

Definition at line 396 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References _eocache.

virtual Bool_t RooAbsArg::importWorkspaceHook ( RooWorkspace  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 398 of file RooAbsArg.h.

References kFALSE.

void RooAbsArg::registerProxy ( RooArgProxy proxy  )  [protected]

void RooAbsArg::registerProxy ( RooSetProxy proxy  )  [protected]

void RooAbsArg::registerProxy ( RooListProxy proxy  )  [protected]

void RooAbsArg::unRegisterProxy ( RooArgProxy proxy  )  [protected]

void RooAbsArg::unRegisterProxy ( RooSetProxy proxy  )  [protected]

void RooAbsArg::unRegisterProxy ( RooListProxy proxy  )  [protected]

RooAbsProxy* RooAbsArg::getProxy ( Int_t  index  )  const [protected]

void RooAbsArg::setProxyNormSet ( const RooArgSet nset  )  [protected]

Int_t RooAbsArg::numProxies (  )  const [protected]

void RooAbsArg::printAttribList ( ostream &  os  )  const [protected]

Transient boolean attributes (not copied in ctor).

virtual void RooAbsArg::syncCache ( const RooArgSet nset = 0  )  [protected, pure virtual]

virtual void RooAbsArg::copyCache ( const RooAbsArg source,
Bool_t  valueOnly = kFALSE 
) [protected, pure virtual]

virtual void RooAbsArg::attachToTree ( TTree t,
Int_t  bufSize = 32000 
) [protected, pure virtual]

virtual void RooAbsArg::setTreeBranchStatus ( TTree t,
Bool_t  active 
) [protected, pure virtual]

virtual void RooAbsArg::fillTreeBranch ( TTree t  )  [protected, pure virtual]

TString RooAbsArg::cleanBranchName (  )  const [protected]

static Bool_t RooAbsArg::flipAClean (  )  [static, protected]

Delete watch flag.

static Bool_t RooAbsArg::inhibitDirty (  )  [static, protected]

void RooAbsArg::setValueDirty ( const RooAbsArg source  )  const [protected]

void RooAbsArg::setShapeDirty ( const RooAbsArg source  )  const [protected]

Friends And Related Function Documentation

RooProdPdf [friend]

Definition at line 151 of file RooAbsArg.h.

RooAddPdf [friend]

Definition at line 152 of file RooAbsArg.h.

RooAddPdfOrig [friend]

Definition at line 153 of file RooAbsArg.h.

RooMinuit [friend]

Definition at line 274 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Referenced by RooProfileLL::evaluate(), and rf605_profilell().

RooExtendPdf [friend]

Definition at line 336 of file RooAbsArg.h.

RooRealIntegral [friend]

Definition at line 337 of file RooAbsArg.h.

RooAbsReal [friend]

Definition at line 338 of file RooAbsArg.h.

RooProjectedPdf [friend]

Definition at line 339 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Referenced by RooAbsPdf::createProjection().

RooArgSet [friend]

Definition at line 368 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Referenced by RooAbsSelfCachedPdf::actualObservables(), RooNumRunningInt::actualParameters(), RooIntegralMorph::actualParameters(), addOwnedComponents(), RooAddition::analyticalIntegral(), RooProduct::analyticalIntegral(), RooAddModel::analyticalIntegralWN(), RooAddPdf::analyticalIntegralWN(), RooAbsPdf::analyticalIntegralWN(), RooProdPdf::analyticalIntegralWN(), RooProjectedPdf::analyticalIntegralWN(), RooProdPdf::calculate(), cloneTree(), RooAbsPdf::createNLL(), RooAbsReal::createPlotProjection(), RooAbsOptTestStatistic::data(), RooAddPdf::evaluate(), RooDerivative::evaluate(), RooRealIntegral::evaluate(), RooAddPdf::expectedEvents(), RooExtendPdf::expectedEvents(), RooRealSumPdf::expectedEvents(), RooProdPdf::factorizeProduct(), RooIntegralMorph::fillCacheObject(), fillWorkspace(), RooAbsCachedReal::FuncCacheElem::FuncCacheElem(), RooAbsPdf::getAllConstraints(), RooGExpModel::getAnalyticalIntegral(), RooGaussModel::getAnalyticalIntegral(), RooNDKeysPdf::getAnalyticalIntegral(), RooAddPdf::getAnalyticalIntegralWN(), RooAbsAnaConvPdf::getAnalyticalIntegralWN(), RooAbsCachedPdf::getCache(), RooMomentMorph::getCache(), RooAbsCachedReal::getCache(), getComponents(), RooProdPdf::getConstraints(), getObservables(), getParameters(), RooProdPdf::getPartIntList(), RooAddPdf::getProjCache(), RooAddModel::getProjCache(), RooProjectedPdf::getProjection(), getVariables(), RooProduct::groupProductTerms(), RooResolutionModel::identity(), RooAbsReal::iGenFunction(), RooBCPEffDecay::initGenerator(), RooBCPGenDecay::initGenerator(), RooNonCPEigenDecay::initGenerator(), RooBMixDecay::initGenerator(), RooSimultaneous::initialize(), RooProdPdf::initializeFromCmdArgList(), RooRealMPFE::initVars(), Roo2DKeysPdf::loadDataSet(), RooProdPdf::makeCondPdfRatioCorr(), makeFakeDataXY(), RooAbsReal::makeProjectionSet(), RooIntegralMorph::MorphCacheElem::MorphCacheElem(), RooAbsOptTestStatistic::optimizeCaching(), RooRealIntegral::parameters(), RooAbsCachedPdf::PdfCacheElem::PdfCacheElem(), RooAbsReal::plotAsymOn(), RooAbsReal::plotOn(), RooSimultaneous::plotOn(), RooProdPdf::processProductTerm(), RooProdPdf::rearrangeProduct(), RooAbsOptTestStatistic::requiredExtraObservables(), RooXYChi2Var::requiredExtraObservables(), rf108_plotbinning(), rf201_composite(), rf202_extendedmlfit(), rf204_extrangefit(), rf205_compplot(), rf206_treevistools(), rf207_comptools(), rf301_composition(), rf302_utilfuncs(), rf303_conditional(), rf304_uncorrprod(), rf305_condcorrprod(), rf307_fullpereventerrors(), rf308_normintegration2d(), rf309_ndimplot(), rf310_sliceplot(), rf311_rangeplot(), rf312_multirangefit(), rf313_paramranges(), rf315_projectpdf(), rf316_llratioplot(), rf401_importttreethx(), rf402_datahandling(), rf404_categories(), rf406_cattocatfuncs(), rf407_latextables(), rf501_simultaneouspdf(), rf502_wspacewrite(), rf504_simwstool(), rf505_asciicfg(), rf506_msgservice(), rf507_debugtools(), rf508_listsetmanip(), rf602_chi2fit(), rf603_multicpu(), rf604_constraints(), rf607_fitresult(), rf608_fitresultaspdf(), rf609_xychi2fit(), rf610_visualerror(), rf701_efficiencyfit(), rf702_efficiencyfit_2D(), rf704_amplitudefit(), rf705_linearmorph(), rf707_kernelestimation(), rf708_bphysics(), rf801_mcstudy(), rf803_mcstudy_addons2(), rf804_mcstudy_constr(), rf903_numintcache(), RooAbsAnaConvPdf::RooAbsAnaConvPdf(), RooAddition::RooAddition(), RooMoment::RooMoment(), RooNDKeysPdf::RooNDKeysPdf(), RooProdPdf::RooProdPdf(), RooRealIntegral::RooRealIntegral(), RooAddPdf::selectNormalization(), RooAddModel::selectNormalization(), RooAddPdf::updateCoefficients(), and RooGenCategory::updateIndexList().

RooAbsCollection [friend]

Definition at line 369 of file RooAbsArg.h.

RooCustomizer [friend]

Definition at line 370 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Referenced by RooAbsReal::plotAsymOn().

RooWorkspace [friend]

Definition at line 371 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Referenced by FourBinInstructional(), getWorkspace(), rf502_wspacewrite(), rf509_wsinteractive(), rf510_wsnamedsets(), rf511_wsfactory_basic(), rf512_wsfactory_oper(), and rf513_wsfactory_tools().

RooAddModel [friend]

Definition at line 398 of file RooAbsArg.h.

RooArgProxy [friend]

Definition at line 404 of file RooAbsArg.h.

RooSetProxy [friend]

Definition at line 405 of file RooAbsArg.h.

RooListProxy [friend]

Definition at line 406 of file RooAbsArg.h.

RooObjectFactory [friend]

Definition at line 407 of file RooAbsArg.h.

RooCompositeDataStore [friend]

Definition at line 426 of file RooAbsArg.h.

RooTreeDataStore [friend]

Definition at line 427 of file RooAbsArg.h.

RooTreeData [friend]

Definition at line 428 of file RooAbsArg.h.

RooDataSet [friend]

Definition at line 429 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Referenced by RooAbsPdf::generate(), makeFakeDataXY(), and rf401_importttreethx().

RooRealMPFE [friend]

Definition at line 430 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Referenced by RooAbsTestStatistic::initMPMode().

RooHistPdf [friend]

Definition at line 431 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Referenced by RooAbsCachedPdf::PdfCacheElem::PdfCacheElem().

ostream& operator<< ( ostream &  os,
const RooAbsArg arg 
) [friend]

istream& operator>> ( istream &  is,
RooAbsArg arg 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1413 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

ostream& operator<< ( ostream &  os,
const RooAbsArg arg 
) [friend]

istream& operator>> ( istream &  is,
RooAbsArg arg 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1413 of file RooAbsArg.cxx.

Member Data Documentation

RooRefCountList RooAbsArg::_serverList [protected]

Definition at line 372 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Referenced by addServer(), changeServer(), findServer(), isDerived(), printCompactTree(), printMultiline(), redirectServers(), removeServer(), replaceServer(), RooAbsArg(), serverIterator(), ~RooAbsArg(), and RooGenCategory::~RooGenCategory().

RooRefCountList RooAbsArg::_clientList [protected]

Definition at line 373 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Referenced by addServer(), changeServer(), clientIterator(), hasClients(), printMultiline(), removeServer(), RooRealIntegral::servesExclusively(), and ~RooAbsArg().

RooRefCountList RooAbsArg::_clientListShape [protected]

Definition at line 374 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Referenced by addServer(), changeServer(), isShapeServer(), printMultiline(), redirectServers(), removeServer(), RooAbsArg(), setShapeDirty(), and shapeClientIterator().

RooRefCountList RooAbsArg::_clientListValue [protected]

Definition at line 375 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Referenced by addServer(), changeServer(), isValueServer(), printMultiline(), redirectServers(), removeServer(), RooAbsArg(), setValueDirty(), treeNodeServerList(), and valueClientIterator().

TList RooAbsArg::_proxyList [protected]

Definition at line 376 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Referenced by getProxy(), isDerived(), numProxies(), registerProxy(), and unRegisterProxy().

std::deque<RooAbsCache*> RooAbsArg::_cacheList [protected]

Definition at line 377 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Referenced by getCache(), numCaches(), registerCache(), and unRegisterCache().

TIterator* RooAbsArg::_clientShapeIter [protected]

Definition at line 378 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Referenced by RooAbsArg(), setShapeDirty(), and ~RooAbsArg().

TIterator* RooAbsArg::_clientValueIter [protected]

Iterator over _clientListShape.

Definition at line 379 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Referenced by RooAbsArg(), setValueDirty(), and ~RooAbsArg().

std::set<std::string> RooAbsArg::_boolAttrib [protected]

Definition at line 419 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Referenced by attributes(), getAttribute(), getCloningAncestors(), printAttribList(), and setAttribute().

std::map<std::string,std::string> RooAbsArg::_stringAttrib [protected]

Definition at line 420 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Referenced by getStringAttribute(), setStringAttribute(), and stringAttributes().

std::set<std::string> RooAbsArg::_boolAttribTransient [protected]

Definition at line 421 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Referenced by getTransientAttribute(), setTransientAttribute(), and transientAttributes().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::_verboseDirty [static, protected]

Definition at line 444 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Referenced by RooResolutionModel::getVal(), redirectServers(), removeServer(), setShapeDirty(), setValueDirty(), verboseDirty(), and ~RooAbsArg().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::_inhibitDirty [static, protected]

Definition at line 445 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Referenced by inhibitDirty(), setDirtyInhibit(), and setValueDirty().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::_flipAClean [static, protected]

Definition at line 446 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Referenced by flipAClean(), and setACleanADirty().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::_deleteWatch [protected]

Definition at line 447 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Bool_t RooAbsArg::_valueDirty [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 455 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Referenced by clearValueDirty(), isValueDirty(), and setValueDirty().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::_shapeDirty [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 456 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Referenced by clearShapeDirty(), isShapeDirty(), and setShapeDirty().

OperMode RooAbsArg::_operMode [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 458 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Referenced by isValueDirty(), RooGenProdProj::makeIntegral(), operMode(), RooGenProdProj::operModeHook(), RooRealIntegral::operModeHook(), printDirty(), printMultiline(), RooGenProdProj::RooGenProdProj(), setOperMode(), setValueDirty(), and RooAbsReal::traceEval().

RooArgSet* RooAbsArg::_ownedComponents [protected]

Definition at line 461 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Referenced by addOwnedComponents(), ownedComponents(), and ~RooAbsArg().

Bool_t RooAbsArg::_prohibitServerRedirect [mutable, protected]

Set of owned component.

Definition at line 463 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Referenced by addServer(), removeServer(), and setProhibitServerRedirect().

RooExpensiveObjectCache* RooAbsArg::_eocache [mutable, protected]

Prohibit server redirects -- Debugging tool.

Definition at line 465 of file RooAbsArg.h.

Referenced by expensiveObjectCache(), and setExpensiveObjectCache().

std::deque<RooAbsCache*> RooAbsArg::_cacheList [protected]

Definition at line 377 of file RooAbsArg.h.

TIterator* RooAbsArg::_clientShapeIter [protected]

Definition at line 378 of file RooAbsArg.h.

TIterator* RooAbsArg::_clientValueIter [protected]

Iterator over _clientListShape.

Definition at line 379 of file RooAbsArg.h.

std::set<std::string> RooAbsArg::_boolAttrib [protected]

Definition at line 419 of file RooAbsArg.h.

std::map<std::string,std::string> RooAbsArg::_stringAttrib [protected]

Definition at line 420 of file RooAbsArg.h.

std::set<std::string> RooAbsArg::_boolAttribTransient [protected]

Definition at line 421 of file RooAbsArg.h.

RooArgSet* RooAbsArg::_ownedComponents [protected]

Definition at line 461 of file RooAbsArg.h.

RooExpensiveObjectCache* RooAbsArg::_eocache [mutable, protected]

Prohibit server redirects -- Debugging tool.

Definition at line 465 of file RooAbsArg.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Jul 5 16:32:17 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1