RooStats::ProfileLikelihoodCalculator Class Reference

#include <ProfileLikelihoodCalculator.h>

Inheritance diagram for RooStats::ProfileLikelihoodCalculator:

RooStats::CombinedCalculator RooStats::CombinedCalculator RooStats::HypoTestCalculator RooStats::IntervalCalculator RooStats::HypoTestCalculator RooStats::IntervalCalculator RooStats::HypoTestCalculator RooStats::IntervalCalculator RooStats::HypoTestCalculator RooStats::IntervalCalculator List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ProfileLikelihoodCalculator ()
 ProfileLikelihoodCalculator (RooAbsData &data, RooAbsPdf &pdf, const RooArgSet &paramsOfInterest, Double_t size=0.05, const RooArgSet *nullParams=0)
 ProfileLikelihoodCalculator (RooAbsData &data, ModelConfig &model, Double_t size=0.05)
virtual ~ProfileLikelihoodCalculator ()
virtual LikelihoodIntervalGetInterval () const
virtual HypoTestResultGetHypoTest () const
 ProfileLikelihoodCalculator ()
 ProfileLikelihoodCalculator (RooAbsData &data, RooAbsPdf &pdf, const RooArgSet &paramsOfInterest, Double_t size=0.05, const RooArgSet *nullParams=0)
 ProfileLikelihoodCalculator (RooAbsData &data, ModelConfig &model, Double_t size=0.05)
virtual ~ProfileLikelihoodCalculator ()
virtual LikelihoodIntervalGetInterval () const
virtual HypoTestResultGetHypoTest () const

Protected Member Functions

void DoReset () const
void DoGlobalFit () const
 ClassDef (ProfileLikelihoodCalculator, 1) mutable RooFitResult *fFitResult
void DoReset () const
void DoGlobalFit () const
 ClassDef (ProfileLikelihoodCalculator, 1) mutable RooFitResult *fFitResult

Detailed Description

Definition at line 24 of file ProfileLikelihoodCalculator.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ProfileLikelihoodCalculator::ProfileLikelihoodCalculator (  ) 

Definition at line 74 of file ProfileLikelihoodCalculator.cxx.

ProfileLikelihoodCalculator::ProfileLikelihoodCalculator ( RooAbsData data,
RooAbsPdf pdf,
const RooArgSet paramsOfInterest,
Double_t  size = 0.05,
const RooArgSet nullParams = 0 

constructor from data, from a full model pdf describing both parameter of interest and nuisance parameters and from the set specifying the parameter of interest (POI). There is no need to specify the nuisance parameters since they are all other parameters of the model. When using the calculator for performing an hypothesis test one needs to provide also a snapshot (a copy) defining the null parameters and their value. There is no need to pass the alternate parameters. These will be obtained by the value maximazing the likelihood function

Definition at line 80 of file ProfileLikelihoodCalculator.cxx.

ProfileLikelihoodCalculator::ProfileLikelihoodCalculator ( RooAbsData data,
ModelConfig model,
Double_t  size = 0.05 

constructor from data and a model configuration If the ModelConfig defines a prior pdf for any of the parameters those will be included as constrained terms in the likelihood function

Definition at line 89 of file ProfileLikelihoodCalculator.cxx.

References model.

ProfileLikelihoodCalculator::~ProfileLikelihoodCalculator (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 100 of file ProfileLikelihoodCalculator.cxx.

RooStats::ProfileLikelihoodCalculator::ProfileLikelihoodCalculator (  ) 

RooStats::ProfileLikelihoodCalculator::ProfileLikelihoodCalculator ( RooAbsData data,
RooAbsPdf pdf,
const RooArgSet paramsOfInterest,
Double_t  size = 0.05,
const RooArgSet nullParams = 0 

constructor from data, from a full model pdf describing both parameter of interest and nuisance parameters and from the set specifying the parameter of interest (POI). There is no need to specify the nuisance parameters since they are all other parameters of the model. When using the calculator for performing an hypothesis test one needs to provide also a snapshot (a copy) defining the null parameters and their value. There is no need to pass the alternate parameters. These will be obtained by the value maximazing the likelihood function

RooStats::ProfileLikelihoodCalculator::ProfileLikelihoodCalculator ( RooAbsData data,
ModelConfig model,
Double_t  size = 0.05 

constructor from data and a model configuration If the ModelConfig defines a prior pdf for any of the parameters those will be included as constrained terms in the likelihood function

virtual RooStats::ProfileLikelihoodCalculator::~ProfileLikelihoodCalculator (  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

LikelihoodInterval * ProfileLikelihoodCalculator::GetInterval (  )  const [virtual]

Return a likelihood interval. A global fit to the likelihood is performed and the interval is constructed using the the profile likelihood ratio function of the POI

Implements RooStats::CombinedCalculator.

Definition at line 145 of file ProfileLikelihoodCalculator.cxx.

References RooArgSet::addClone(), RooFit::CloneData(), RooFit::Constrain(), RooAbsCollection::createIterator(), RooAbsPdf::createNLL(), RooAbsReal::createProfile(), data, DoGlobalFit(), RooAbsCollection::find(), RooStats::CombinedCalculator::fPOI, RooStats::CombinedCalculator::fSize, RooStats::CombinedCalculator::GetData(), RooAbsArg::getParameters(), RooStats::CombinedCalculator::GetPdf(), RooAbsCollection::getSize(), i, kTRUE, name, TIter::Next(), p, par, profile, RooStats::RemoveConstantParameters(), and RooStats::LikelihoodInterval::SetConfidenceLevel().

Referenced by FourBinInstructional(), IntervalExamples(), MultivariateGaussianTest(), RooStats::UpperLimitMCSModule::processBetweenGenAndFit(), rs101_limitexample(), rs401d_FeldmanCousins(), and StandardProfileLikelihoodDemo().

HypoTestResult * ProfileLikelihoodCalculator::GetHypoTest (  )  const [virtual]

Return the hypothesis test result obtained from the likelihood ratio of the maximum likelihood value with the null parameters fixed to their values, with respect keeping all parameters floating (global maximum likelihood value).

Implements RooStats::CombinedCalculator.

Definition at line 215 of file ProfileLikelihoodCalculator.cxx.

References RooAbsCollection::addClone(), RooFit::CloneData(), RooFit::Constrain(), RooAbsCollection::createIterator(), RooAbsPdf::createNLL(), data, DoGlobalFit(), RooAbsCollection::find(), fit2(), RooAbsPdf::fitTo(), RooStats::CombinedCalculator::fNullParams, RooStats::CombinedCalculator::GetData(), RooAbsArg::getParameters(), RooStats::CombinedCalculator::GetPdf(), RooAbsCollection::getSize(), RooAbsReal::getVal(), RooFit::Hesse(), i, RooAbsArg::isConstant(), kFALSE, kTRUE, max, RooFit::Minos(), name, TIter::Next(), RooFit::PrintLevel(), RooStats::RemoveConstantParameters(), RooFit::Save(), RooStats::SignificanceToPValue(), sqrt(), and RooFit::Strategy().

Referenced by DoHypothesisTest().

void ProfileLikelihoodCalculator::DoReset (  )  const [protected]

Definition at line 108 of file ProfileLikelihoodCalculator.cxx.

Referenced by DoGlobalFit().

void ProfileLikelihoodCalculator::DoGlobalFit (  )  const [protected]

Definition at line 115 of file ProfileLikelihoodCalculator.cxx.

References RooFit::Constrain(), data, DoReset(), RooAbsPdf::fitTo(), RooStats::CombinedCalculator::GetData(), RooAbsArg::getParameters(), RooStats::CombinedCalculator::GetPdf(), RooFit::Hesse(), kTRUE, RooFit::Minimization, oocoutI, RooFitResult::Print(), RooFit::PrintLevel(), RooStats::RemoveConstantParameters(), RooFit::Save(), and RooFit::Strategy().

Referenced by GetHypoTest(), and GetInterval().

RooStats::ProfileLikelihoodCalculator::ClassDef ( ProfileLikelihoodCalculator  ,
) [protected]

virtual LikelihoodInterval* RooStats::ProfileLikelihoodCalculator::GetInterval (  )  const [virtual]

Return a likelihood interval. A global fit to the likelihood is performed and the interval is constructed using the the profile likelihood ratio function of the POI

Implements RooStats::CombinedCalculator.

virtual HypoTestResult* RooStats::ProfileLikelihoodCalculator::GetHypoTest (  )  const [virtual]

Return the hypothesis test result obtained from the likelihood ratio of the maximum likelihood value with the null parameters fixed to their values, with respect keeping all parameters floating (global maximum likelihood value).

Implements RooStats::CombinedCalculator.

void RooStats::ProfileLikelihoodCalculator::DoReset (  )  const [protected]

void RooStats::ProfileLikelihoodCalculator::DoGlobalFit (  )  const [protected]

RooStats::ProfileLikelihoodCalculator::ClassDef ( ProfileLikelihoodCalculator  ,
) [protected]

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