TGraphPainter Class Reference

#include <TGraphPainter.h>

Inheritance diagram for TGraphPainter:

TVirtualGraphPainter TVirtualGraphPainter TObject TObject TObject TObject List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 TGraphPainter ()
virtual ~TGraphPainter ()
void ComputeLogs (Int_t npoints, Int_t opt)
virtual Int_t DistancetoPrimitiveHelper (TGraph *theGraph, Int_t px, Int_t py)
virtual void DrawPanelHelper (TGraph *theGraph)
virtual void ExecuteEventHelper (TGraph *theGraph, Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
virtual char * GetObjectInfoHelper (TGraph *theGraph, Int_t px, Int_t py) const
void PaintHelper (TGraph *theGraph, Option_t *option)
virtual void PaintGraph (TGraph *theGraph, Int_t npoints, const Double_t *x, const Double_t *y, Option_t *chopt)
virtual void PaintGrapHist (TGraph *theGraph, Int_t npoints, const Double_t *x, const Double_t *y, Option_t *chopt)
void PaintGraphAsymmErrors (TGraph *theGraph, Option_t *option)
void PaintGraphBentErrors (TGraph *theGraph, Option_t *option)
void PaintGraphErrors (TGraph *theGraph, Option_t *option)
void PaintGraphPolar (TGraph *theGraph, Option_t *option)
void PaintGraphQQ (TGraph *theGraph, Option_t *option)
void PaintGraphSimple (TGraph *theGraph, Option_t *option)
void PaintPolyLineHatches (TGraph *theGraph, Int_t n, const Double_t *x, const Double_t *y)
void PaintStats (TGraph *theGraph, TF1 *fit)
void Smooth (TGraph *theGraph, Int_t npoints, Double_t *x, Double_t *y, Int_t drawtype)
 TGraphPainter ()
virtual ~TGraphPainter ()
void ComputeLogs (Int_t npoints, Int_t opt)
virtual Int_t DistancetoPrimitiveHelper (TGraph *theGraph, Int_t px, Int_t py)
virtual void DrawPanelHelper (TGraph *theGraph)
virtual void ExecuteEventHelper (TGraph *theGraph, Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
virtual char * GetObjectInfoHelper (TGraph *theGraph, Int_t px, Int_t py) const
void PaintHelper (TGraph *theGraph, Option_t *option)
virtual void PaintGraph (TGraph *theGraph, Int_t npoints, const Double_t *x, const Double_t *y, Option_t *chopt)
virtual void PaintGrapHist (TGraph *theGraph, Int_t npoints, const Double_t *x, const Double_t *y, Option_t *chopt)
void PaintGraphAsymmErrors (TGraph *theGraph, Option_t *option)
void PaintGraphBentErrors (TGraph *theGraph, Option_t *option)
void PaintGraphErrors (TGraph *theGraph, Option_t *option)
void PaintGraphPolar (TGraph *theGraph, Option_t *option)
void PaintGraphQQ (TGraph *theGraph, Option_t *option)
void PaintGraphSimple (TGraph *theGraph, Option_t *option)
void PaintPolyLineHatches (TGraph *theGraph, Int_t n, const Double_t *x, const Double_t *y)
void PaintStats (TGraph *theGraph, TF1 *fit)
void Smooth (TGraph *theGraph, Int_t npoints, Double_t *x, Double_t *y, Int_t drawtype)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 31 of file TGraphPainter.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TGraphPainter::TGraphPainter (  ) 

Definition at line 504 of file TGraphPainter.cxx.

TGraphPainter::~TGraphPainter (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 513 of file TGraphPainter.cxx.

TGraphPainter::TGraphPainter (  ) 

virtual TGraphPainter::~TGraphPainter (  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

void TGraphPainter::ComputeLogs ( Int_t  npoints,
Int_t  opt 

Definition at line 522 of file TGraphPainter.cxx.

References gPad, gxwork, gxworkl, gywork, gyworkl, i, and TMath::Log10().

Referenced by PaintGraph(), and PaintGrapHist().

Int_t TGraphPainter::DistancetoPrimitiveHelper ( TGraph theGraph,
Int_t  px,
Int_t  py 
) [virtual]

Implements TVirtualGraphPainter.

Definition at line 555 of file TGraphPainter.cxx.

References TMath::Abs(), xmlio::Class, TString::Contains(), d, ROOT::Math::gv_detail::dist(), RootCsg::distance(), TH1::DistancetoPrimitive(), TObject::GetDrawOption(), TGraph::GetHistogram(), TGraph::GetListOfFunctions(), TGraph::GetN(), TGraph::GetX(), TGraph::GetY(), gPad, i, TObject::InheritsFrom(), TMath::IsInside(), l, and TString::ToLower().

void TGraphPainter::DrawPanelHelper ( TGraph theGraph  )  [virtual]

Implements TVirtualGraphPainter.

Definition at line 642 of file TGraphPainter.cxx.

References TObject::Error(), Form(), TVirtualPadEditor::GetPadEditor(), gPad, gROOT, TROOT::ProcessLine(), and TVirtualPadEditor::Show().

void TGraphPainter::ExecuteEventHelper ( TGraph theGraph,
Int_t  event,
Int_t  px,
Int_t  py 
) [virtual]

Implements TVirtualGraphPainter.

Definition at line 660 of file TGraphPainter.cxx.

References TMath::Abs(), xmlio::Class, d, TGraph::GetHistogram(), TGraph::GetN(), TGraph::GetX(), TGraph::GetY(), gPad, gROOT, gVirtualX, i, TObject::InheritsFrom(), TGraph::IsEditable(), TROOT::IsEscaped(), kButton1Down, kButton1Motion, kButton1Up, kFALSE, kHand, kMaxPixel, kMouseMotion, kMove, kTRUE, TMath::Max(), TMath::Min(), TROOT::SetEscape(), x, xmax, xmin, y, ymax, and ymin.

char * TGraphPainter::GetObjectInfoHelper ( TGraph theGraph,
Int_t  px,
Int_t  py 
) const [virtual]

Implements TVirtualGraphPainter.

Definition at line 890 of file TGraphPainter.cxx.

void TGraphPainter::PaintHelper ( TGraph theGraph,
Option_t option 
) [virtual]

Implements TVirtualGraphPainter.

Definition at line 897 of file TGraphPainter.cxx.

References xmlio::Class, TObject::InheritsFrom(), TGraph::kClipFrame, PaintGraphAsymmErrors(), PaintGraphBentErrors(), PaintGraphErrors(), PaintGraphPolar(), PaintGraphQQ(), PaintGraphSimple(), TObject::SetBit(), and TObject::TestBit().

void TGraphPainter::PaintGraph ( TGraph theGraph,
Int_t  npoints,
const Double_t x,
const Double_t y,
Option_t chopt 
) [virtual]

Implements TVirtualGraphPainter.

Definition at line 925 of file TGraphPainter.cxx.

References TMath::Abs(), xmlio::Class, ComputeLogs(), TGraph::ComputeRange(), TString::Contains(), TObject::Error(), TList::First(), Form(), TStyle::GetBarWidth(), TStyle::GetDrawBorder(), TGraph::GetHistogram(), TGraph::GetListOfFunctions(), TGraph::GetMaximum(), TH1::GetMaximumStored(), TGraph::GetMinimum(), TH1::GetMinimumStored(), TGraph::GetN(), TObject::GetName(), TObject::GetTitle(), TAxis::GetXmax(), TAxis::GetXmin(), TH1::GetYaxis(), gPad, gStyle, gxwork, gxworkl, gywork, gyworkl, h, i, TGraph::kClipFrame, TH1::kNoStats, TMath::Max(), nloop, TH1::Paint(), PaintPolyLineHatches(), PaintStats(), TString::ReplaceAll(), TObject::SetBit(), TH1::SetDirectory(), TGraph::SetHistogram(), TAxis::SetLimits(), TAttMarker::SetMarkerStyle(), TH1::SetMaximum(), TH1::SetMinimum(), Smooth(), TObject::TestBit(), TString::ToUpper(), and x1.

Referenced by PaintGraphAsymmErrors(), PaintGraphBentErrors(), PaintGraphErrors(), PaintGraphPolar(), and PaintGraphSimple().

void TGraphPainter::PaintGrapHist ( TGraph theGraph,
Int_t  npoints,
const Double_t x,
const Double_t y,
Option_t chopt 
) [virtual]

Implements TVirtualGraphPainter.

Definition at line 1316 of file TGraphPainter.cxx.

References TMath::Abs(), axis, ComputeLogs(), TString::Contains(), TObject::Error(), TStyle::GetAxisColor(), TStyle::GetBarOffset(), TStyle::GetBarWidth(), TStyle::GetDrawBorder(), TStyle::GetLabelColor(), TStyle::GetLabelFont(), TStyle::GetLabelOffset(), TStyle::GetLabelSize(), TAttLine::GetLineWidth(), TStyle::GetNdivisions(), TStyle::GetTickLength(), gPad, gStyle, gxwork, gxworkl, gywork, gyworkl, i, j, TGraph::kClipFrame, kTRUE, TMath::Log10(), TMath::Max(), TMath::Min(), nbins, TMath::Power(), TStyle::SetDrawBorder(), TAttMarker::SetMarkerStyle(), Smooth(), strlcat(), TObject::TestBit(), and TString::ToUpper().

Referenced by PaintGraphSimple().

void TGraphPainter::PaintGraphAsymmErrors ( TGraph theGraph,
Option_t option 

Definition at line 2231 of file TGraphPainter.cxx.

References arrow(), axis, box(), cx, TObject::Error(), TStyle::GetEndErrorSize(), TGraph::GetEXhigh(), TGraph::GetEXlow(), TGraph::GetEYhigh(), TGraph::GetEYlow(), TGraph::GetN(), TGraph::GetX(), TGraph::GetY(), gPad, gStyle, i, TGraph::kClipFrame, kFALSE, kTRUE, PaintGraph(), PaintGraphSimple(), x, and y.

Referenced by PaintHelper().

void TGraphPainter::PaintGraphBentErrors ( TGraph theGraph,
Option_t option 

Definition at line 2455 of file TGraphPainter.cxx.

References arrow(), axis, box(), cx, TObject::Error(), TStyle::GetEndErrorSize(), TGraph::GetEXhigh(), TGraph::GetEXhighd(), TGraph::GetEXlow(), TGraph::GetEXlowd(), TGraph::GetEYhigh(), TGraph::GetEYhighd(), TGraph::GetEYlow(), TGraph::GetEYlowd(), TGraph::GetN(), TGraph::GetX(), TGraph::GetY(), gPad, gStyle, i, TGraph::kClipFrame, kFALSE, kTRUE, PaintGraph(), PaintGraphSimple(), x, and y.

Referenced by PaintHelper().

void TGraphPainter::PaintGraphErrors ( TGraph theGraph,
Option_t option 

Definition at line 2688 of file TGraphPainter.cxx.

References arrow(), axis, box(), cx, TObject::Error(), TStyle::GetEndErrorSize(), TGraph::GetEX(), TGraph::GetEY(), TGraph::GetN(), TGraph::GetX(), TGraph::GetY(), gPad, gStyle, i, TGraph::kClipFrame, kFALSE, kTRUE, PaintGraph(), PaintGraphSimple(), x, and y.

Referenced by PaintHelper().

void TGraphPainter::PaintGraphPolar ( TGraph theGraph,
Option_t option 

Definition at line 2912 of file TGraphPainter.cxx.

References a, TMath::Abs(), TPaveText::AddText(), b, c, xmlio::Class, TString::Contains(), TMath::Cos(), dr, TPaveText::Draw(), TGraphPolargram::Draw(), TGraphErrors::GetEX(), TGraphErrors::GetEY(), TGraph::GetN(), TGraphPolar::GetOptionAxis(), TStyle::GetOptTitle(), TGraphPolar::GetPolargram(), TGraphPolargram::GetRMax(), TGraphPolargram::GetRMin(), TNamed::GetTitle(), TStyle::GetTitleAlign(), TStyle::GetTitleBorderSize(), TStyle::GetTitleFillColor(), TStyle::GetTitleFont(), TStyle::GetTitleFontSize(), TStyle::GetTitleH(), TStyle::GetTitleStyle(), TStyle::GetTitleTextColor(), TStyle::GetTitleW(), TStyle::GetTitleX(), TStyle::GetTitleY(), TGraphPolargram::GetTMax(), TGraphPolargram::GetTMin(), TGraph::GetX(), TGraphPolar::GetXpol(), TGraph::GetY(), TGraphPolar::GetYpol(), gPad, gStyle, i, TGraphPolargram::IsDegree(), TGraphPolargram::IsGrad(), TGraphPolargram::IsRadian(), j, TObject::kCanDelete, TString::kExact, kFALSE, TGraphPolargram::kLabelOrtho, TH1::kNoTitle, kTRUE, l, TMath::Max(), TMath::Min(), norm(), TPaveText::Paint(), TGraphPolargram::PaintCircle(), PaintGraph(), TMath::Pi(), TString::ReplaceAll(), TObject::ResetBit(), TObject::SetBit(), TPave::SetBorderSize(), TAttFill::SetFillColor(), TAttFill::SetFillStyle(), TPave::SetName(), TGraphPolar::SetOptionAxis(), TGraphPolar::SetPolargram(), TAttText::SetTextColor(), TAttText::SetTextFont(), TAttText::SetTextSize(), TNamed::SetTitle(), TMath::Sin(), sqrt(), TObject::TestBit(), title, TString::ToUpper(), x1, and x2.

Referenced by PaintHelper().

void TGraphPainter::PaintGraphQQ ( TGraph theGraph,
Option_t option 

Definition at line 3206 of file TGraphPainter.cxx.

References TObject::Error(), TGraphQQ::GetF(), TGraph::GetX(), TGraph::GetXaxis(), TGraphQQ::GetXq1(), TGraphQQ::GetXq2(), TGraph::GetYaxis(), TGraphQQ::GetYq1(), TGraphQQ::GetYq2(), gPad, TMath::Max(), TMath::Min(), PaintGraphSimple(), TLine::PaintLine(), TAttLine::SetLineStyle(), TNamed::SetTitle(), xmax, xmin, ymax, and ymin.

Referenced by PaintHelper().

void TGraphPainter::PaintGraphSimple ( TGraph theGraph,
Option_t option 

Definition at line 3267 of file TGraphPainter.cxx.

References TVirtualPad::cd(), xmlio::Class, TList::FirstLink(), TGraph::GetListOfFunctions(), TGraph::GetN(), TObjLink::GetObject(), TObjOptLink::GetOption(), TGraph::GetX(), TGraph::GetY(), gPad, TF1::kNotDraw, TObjLink::Next(), PaintGraph(), and PaintGrapHist().

Referenced by PaintGraphAsymmErrors(), PaintGraphBentErrors(), PaintGraphErrors(), PaintGraphQQ(), and PaintHelper().

void TGraphPainter::PaintPolyLineHatches ( TGraph theGraph,
Int_t  n,
const Double_t x,
const Double_t y 

Definition at line 3302 of file TGraphPainter.cxx.

References a, TMath::ATan(), c1, TMath::Cos(), RootCsg::cross(), TAttLine::GetLineWidth(), gPad, i, j, kFALSE, kTRUE, TMath::Max(), TMath::Min(), nf, TMath::PiOver2(), TMath::Sin(), w, x1, x2, and x3.

Referenced by PaintGraph(), and Smooth().

void TGraphPainter::PaintStats ( TGraph theGraph,
TF1 fit 
) [virtual]

Implements TVirtualGraphPainter.

Definition at line 3511 of file TGraphPainter.cxx.

References TList::Add(), TPaveText::AddText(), xmlio::Class, TPaveText::Clear(), TF1::GetChisquare(), TPaveStats::GetFitFormat(), TStyle::GetFitFormat(), TGraph::GetListOfFunctions(), TF1::GetNDF(), TFormula::GetNpar(), TStyle::GetOptFit(), TPaveStats::GetOptFit(), TFormula::GetParameter(), TF1::GetParError(), TFormula::GetParName(), TStyle::GetStatBorderSize(), TStyle::GetStatColor(), TStyle::GetStatFont(), TStyle::GetStatFontSize(), TStyle::GetStatFormat(), TStyle::GetStatH(), TStyle::GetStatStyle(), TStyle::GetStatTextColor(), TStyle::GetStatW(), TStyle::GetStatX(), TStyle::GetStatY(), gStyle, TObject::kCanDelete, kFALSE, TObject::kMustCleanup, kTRUE, nlines, TMath::Prob(), TObject::SetBit(), TPave::SetBorderSize(), TAttFill::SetFillColor(), TAttFill::SetFillStyle(), TPaveStats::SetFitFormat(), TPave::SetName(), TPaveStats::SetOptFit(), TPaveStats::SetOptStat(), TPaveStats::SetParent(), TPaveStats::SetStatFormat(), TAttText::SetTextAlign(), TAttText::SetTextColor(), TAttText::SetTextFont(), TAttText::SetTextSize(), snprintf, and t.

Referenced by PaintGraph().

void TGraphPainter::Smooth ( TGraph theGraph,
Int_t  npoints,
Double_t x,
Double_t y,
Int_t  drawtype 

Definition at line 3605 of file TGraphPainter.cxx.

References a, TMath::Abs(), b, c, E, TObject::Error(), finished, TAttLine::GetLineWidth(), gPad, i, k, kFALSE, kTRUE, TMath::Max(), TMath::Min(), p1(), p2(), p3(), p4(), PaintPolyLineHatches(), s, TMath::Sqrt(), t, and TGraph::Zero().

Referenced by PaintGraph(), and PaintGrapHist().

void TGraphPainter::ComputeLogs ( Int_t  npoints,
Int_t  opt 

virtual Int_t TGraphPainter::DistancetoPrimitiveHelper ( TGraph theGraph,
Int_t  px,
Int_t  py 
) [virtual]

Implements TVirtualGraphPainter.

virtual void TGraphPainter::DrawPanelHelper ( TGraph theGraph  )  [virtual]

Implements TVirtualGraphPainter.

virtual void TGraphPainter::ExecuteEventHelper ( TGraph theGraph,
Int_t  event,
Int_t  px,
Int_t  py 
) [virtual]

Implements TVirtualGraphPainter.

virtual char* TGraphPainter::GetObjectInfoHelper ( TGraph theGraph,
Int_t  px,
Int_t  py 
) const [virtual]

Implements TVirtualGraphPainter.

void TGraphPainter::PaintHelper ( TGraph theGraph,
Option_t option 
) [virtual]

Implements TVirtualGraphPainter.

virtual void TGraphPainter::PaintGraph ( TGraph theGraph,
Int_t  npoints,
const Double_t x,
const Double_t y,
Option_t chopt 
) [virtual]

Implements TVirtualGraphPainter.

virtual void TGraphPainter::PaintGrapHist ( TGraph theGraph,
Int_t  npoints,
const Double_t x,
const Double_t y,
Option_t chopt 
) [virtual]

Implements TVirtualGraphPainter.

void TGraphPainter::PaintGraphAsymmErrors ( TGraph theGraph,
Option_t option 

void TGraphPainter::PaintGraphBentErrors ( TGraph theGraph,
Option_t option 

void TGraphPainter::PaintGraphErrors ( TGraph theGraph,
Option_t option 

void TGraphPainter::PaintGraphPolar ( TGraph theGraph,
Option_t option 

void TGraphPainter::PaintGraphQQ ( TGraph theGraph,
Option_t option 

void TGraphPainter::PaintGraphSimple ( TGraph theGraph,
Option_t option 

void TGraphPainter::PaintPolyLineHatches ( TGraph theGraph,
Int_t  n,
const Double_t x,
const Double_t y 

void TGraphPainter::PaintStats ( TGraph theGraph,
TF1 fit 
) [virtual]

Implements TVirtualGraphPainter.

void TGraphPainter::Smooth ( TGraph theGraph,
Int_t  npoints,
Double_t x,
Double_t y,
Int_t  drawtype 

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