TMVA::Factory Class Reference

#include <Factory.h>

Inheritance diagram for TMVA::Factory:

TMVA::Configurable TMVA::Configurable TObject TObject TObject TObject List of all members.

Public Types

typedef std::vector< IMethod * > MVector
typedef std::vector< IMethod * > MVector

Public Member Functions

 Factory (TString theJobName, TFile *theTargetFile, TString theOption="")
virtual ~Factory ()
virtual const char * GetName () const
void AddSignalTrainingEvent (const std::vector< Double_t > &event, Double_t weight=1.0)
void AddBackgroundTrainingEvent (const std::vector< Double_t > &event, Double_t weight=1.0)
void AddSignalTestEvent (const std::vector< Double_t > &event, Double_t weight=1.0)
void AddBackgroundTestEvent (const std::vector< Double_t > &event, Double_t weight=1.0)
void AddTrainingEvent (const TString &className, const std::vector< Double_t > &event, Double_t weight)
void AddTestEvent (const TString &className, const std::vector< Double_t > &event, Double_t weight)
void AddEvent (const TString &className, Types::ETreeType tt, const std::vector< Double_t > &event, Double_t weight)
Bool_t UserAssignEvents (UInt_t clIndex)
TTreeCreateEventAssignTrees (const TString &name)
DataSetInfoAddDataSet (DataSetInfo &)
DataSetInfoAddDataSet (const TString &)
void SetInputTrees (const TString &signalFileName, const TString &backgroundFileName, Double_t signalWeight=1.0, Double_t backgroundWeight=1.0)
void SetInputTrees (TTree *inputTree, const TCut &SigCut, const TCut &BgCut)
void SetInputTrees (TTree *signal, TTree *background, Double_t signalWeight=1.0, Double_t backgroundWeight=1.0)
void AddSignalTree (TTree *signal, Double_t weight=1.0, Types::ETreeType treetype=Types::kMaxTreeType)
void AddSignalTree (TString datFileS, Double_t weight=1.0, Types::ETreeType treetype=Types::kMaxTreeType)
void AddSignalTree (TTree *signal, Double_t weight, const TString &treetype)
void SetSignalTree (TTree *signal, Double_t weight=1.0)
void AddBackgroundTree (TTree *background, Double_t weight=1.0, Types::ETreeType treetype=Types::kMaxTreeType)
void AddBackgroundTree (TString datFileB, Double_t weight=1.0, Types::ETreeType treetype=Types::kMaxTreeType)
void AddBackgroundTree (TTree *background, Double_t weight, const TString &treetype)
void SetBackgroundTree (TTree *background, Double_t weight=1.0)
void SetSignalWeightExpression (const TString &variable)
void SetBackgroundWeightExpression (const TString &variable)
void AddRegressionTree (TTree *tree, Double_t weight=1.0, Types::ETreeType treetype=Types::kMaxTreeType)
void SetTree (TTree *tree, const TString &className, Double_t weight)
void AddTree (TTree *tree, const TString &className, Double_t weight=1.0, const TCut &cut="", Types::ETreeType tt=Types::kMaxTreeType)
void AddTree (TTree *tree, const TString &className, Double_t weight, const TCut &cut, const TString &treeType)
void SetInputVariables (std::vector< TString > *theVariables)
void AddVariable (const TString &expression, const TString &title, const TString &unit, char type='F', Double_t min=0, Double_t max=0)
void AddVariable (const TString &expression, char type='F', Double_t min=0, Double_t max=0)
void AddTarget (const TString &expression, const TString &title="", const TString &unit="", Double_t min=0, Double_t max=0)
void AddRegressionTarget (const TString &expression, const TString &title="", const TString &unit="", Double_t min=0, Double_t max=0)
void AddSpectator (const TString &expression, const TString &title="", const TString &unit="", Double_t min=0, Double_t max=0)
void SetWeightExpression (const TString &variable, const TString &className="")
void SetCut (const TString &cut, const TString &className="")
void SetCut (const TCut &cut, const TString &className="")
void AddCut (const TString &cut, const TString &className="")
void AddCut (const TCut &cut, const TString &className="")
void PrepareTrainingAndTestTree (const TCut &cut, const TString &splitOpt)
void PrepareTrainingAndTestTree (TCut sigcut, TCut bkgcut, const TString &splitOpt)
void PrepareTrainingAndTestTree (const TCut &cut, Int_t Ntrain, Int_t Ntest=-1)
void PrepareTrainingAndTestTree (const TCut &cut, Int_t NsigTrain, Int_t NbkgTrain, Int_t NsigTest, Int_t NbkgTest, const TString &otherOpt="SplitMode=Random:!V")
MethodBaseBookMethod (TString theMethodName, TString methodTitle, TString theOption="")
MethodBaseBookMethod (Types::EMVA theMethod, TString methodTitle, TString theOption="")
MethodBaseBookMethod (TMVA::Types::EMVA, TString, TString, TMVA::Types::EMVA, TString)
void OptimizeAllMethods (TString fomType="ROCIntegral", TString fitType="FitGA")
void OptimizeAllMethodsForClassification (TString fomType="ROCIntegral", TString fitType="FitGA")
void OptimizeAllMethodsForRegression (TString fomType="ROCIntegral", TString fitType="FitGA")
void TrainAllMethods ()
void TrainAllMethodsForClassification (void)
void TrainAllMethodsForRegression (void)
void TestAllMethods ()
void EvaluateAllMethods (void)
void EvaluateAllVariables (TString options="")
void DeleteAllMethods (void)
IMethodGetMethod (const TString &title) const
Bool_t Verbose (void) const
void SetVerbose (Bool_t v=kTRUE)
virtual void MakeClass (const TString &methodTitle="") const
void PrintHelpMessage (const TString &methodTitle="") const
 Factory (TString theJobName, TFile *theTargetFile, TString theOption="")
virtual ~Factory ()
virtual const char * GetName () const
void AddSignalTrainingEvent (const std::vector< Double_t > &event, Double_t weight=1.0)
void AddBackgroundTrainingEvent (const std::vector< Double_t > &event, Double_t weight=1.0)
void AddSignalTestEvent (const std::vector< Double_t > &event, Double_t weight=1.0)
void AddBackgroundTestEvent (const std::vector< Double_t > &event, Double_t weight=1.0)
void AddTrainingEvent (const TString &className, const std::vector< Double_t > &event, Double_t weight)
void AddTestEvent (const TString &className, const std::vector< Double_t > &event, Double_t weight)
void AddEvent (const TString &className, Types::ETreeType tt, const std::vector< Double_t > &event, Double_t weight)
Bool_t UserAssignEvents (UInt_t clIndex)
TTreeCreateEventAssignTrees (const TString &name)
DataSetInfoAddDataSet (DataSetInfo &)
DataSetInfoAddDataSet (const TString &)
void SetInputTrees (const TString &signalFileName, const TString &backgroundFileName, Double_t signalWeight=1.0, Double_t backgroundWeight=1.0)
void SetInputTrees (TTree *inputTree, const TCut &SigCut, const TCut &BgCut)
void SetInputTrees (TTree *signal, TTree *background, Double_t signalWeight=1.0, Double_t backgroundWeight=1.0)
void AddSignalTree (TTree *signal, Double_t weight=1.0, Types::ETreeType treetype=Types::kMaxTreeType)
void AddSignalTree (TString datFileS, Double_t weight=1.0, Types::ETreeType treetype=Types::kMaxTreeType)
void AddSignalTree (TTree *signal, Double_t weight, const TString &treetype)
void SetSignalTree (TTree *signal, Double_t weight=1.0)
void AddBackgroundTree (TTree *background, Double_t weight=1.0, Types::ETreeType treetype=Types::kMaxTreeType)
void AddBackgroundTree (TString datFileB, Double_t weight=1.0, Types::ETreeType treetype=Types::kMaxTreeType)
void AddBackgroundTree (TTree *background, Double_t weight, const TString &treetype)
void SetBackgroundTree (TTree *background, Double_t weight=1.0)
void SetSignalWeightExpression (const TString &variable)
void SetBackgroundWeightExpression (const TString &variable)
void AddRegressionTree (TTree *tree, Double_t weight=1.0, Types::ETreeType treetype=Types::kMaxTreeType)
void SetTree (TTree *tree, const TString &className, Double_t weight)
void AddTree (TTree *tree, const TString &className, Double_t weight=1.0, const TCut &cut="", Types::ETreeType tt=Types::kMaxTreeType)
void AddTree (TTree *tree, const TString &className, Double_t weight, const TCut &cut, const TString &treeType)
void SetInputVariables (std::vector< TString > *theVariables)
void AddVariable (const TString &expression, const TString &title, const TString &unit, char type='F', Double_t min=0, Double_t max=0)
void AddVariable (const TString &expression, char type='F', Double_t min=0, Double_t max=0)
void AddTarget (const TString &expression, const TString &title="", const TString &unit="", Double_t min=0, Double_t max=0)
void AddRegressionTarget (const TString &expression, const TString &title="", const TString &unit="", Double_t min=0, Double_t max=0)
void AddSpectator (const TString &expression, const TString &title="", const TString &unit="", Double_t min=0, Double_t max=0)
void SetWeightExpression (const TString &variable, const TString &className="")
void SetCut (const TString &cut, const TString &className="")
void SetCut (const TCut &cut, const TString &className="")
void AddCut (const TString &cut, const TString &className="")
void AddCut (const TCut &cut, const TString &className="")
void PrepareTrainingAndTestTree (const TCut &cut, const TString &splitOpt)
void PrepareTrainingAndTestTree (TCut sigcut, TCut bkgcut, const TString &splitOpt)
void PrepareTrainingAndTestTree (const TCut &cut, Int_t Ntrain, Int_t Ntest=-1)
void PrepareTrainingAndTestTree (const TCut &cut, Int_t NsigTrain, Int_t NbkgTrain, Int_t NsigTest, Int_t NbkgTest, const TString &otherOpt="SplitMode=Random:!V")
MethodBaseBookMethod (TString theMethodName, TString methodTitle, TString theOption="")
MethodBaseBookMethod (Types::EMVA theMethod, TString methodTitle, TString theOption="")
MethodBaseBookMethod (TMVA::Types::EMVA, TString, TString, TMVA::Types::EMVA, TString)
void OptimizeAllMethods (TString fomType="ROCIntegral", TString fitType="FitGA")
void OptimizeAllMethodsForClassification (TString fomType="ROCIntegral", TString fitType="FitGA")
void OptimizeAllMethodsForRegression (TString fomType="ROCIntegral", TString fitType="FitGA")
void TrainAllMethods ()
void TrainAllMethodsForClassification (void)
void TrainAllMethodsForRegression (void)
void TestAllMethods ()
void EvaluateAllMethods (void)
void EvaluateAllVariables (TString options="")
void DeleteAllMethods (void)
IMethodGetMethod (const TString &title) const
Bool_t Verbose (void) const
void SetVerbose (Bool_t v=kTRUE)
virtual void MakeClass (const TString &methodTitle="") const
void PrintHelpMessage (const TString &methodTitle="") const

Static Public Member Functions

static TDirectoryRootBaseDir ()
static TDirectoryRootBaseDir ()

Private Types

enum  DataAssignType
 jobname, used as extension in weight file names More...
enum  DataAssignType
 jobname, used as extension in weight file names More...

Private Member Functions

void Greetings ()
void WriteDataInformation ()
DataInputHandlerDataInput ()
DataSetInfoDefaultDataSetInfo ()
void SetInputTreesFromEventAssignTrees ()
void Greetings ()
void WriteDataInformation ()
DataInputHandlerDataInput ()
DataSetInfoDefaultDataSetInfo ()
void SetInputTreesFromEventAssignTrees ()

Private Attributes

 ROOT output file.
std::vector< TMVA::VariableTransformBase * > fDefaultTrfs
TString fOptions
 list of transformations on default DataSet
TString fTransformations
 option string given by construction (presently only "V")
Bool_t fVerbose
 List of transformations to test.
MVector fMethods
 verbose mode
TString fJobName
 all MVA methods
DataAssignType fDataAssignType
std::vector< TTree * > fTrainAssignTree
 flags for data assigning
std::vector< TTree * > fTestAssignTree
 for each class: tmp tree if user wants to assign the events directly
Int_t fATreeType
 for each class: tmp tree if user wants to assign the events directly
Float_t fATreeWeight
Types::EAnalysisType fAnalysisType
 ROOT output file.
std::vector< TMVA::VariableTransformBase * > fDefaultTrfs
std::vector< TTree * > fTrainAssignTree
 flags for data assigning
std::vector< TTree * > fTestAssignTree
 for each class: tmp tree if user wants to assign the events directly

Static Private Attributes

static TFilefgTargetFile
static TFilefgTargetFile

Detailed Description

Definition at line 74 of file Factory.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::vector<IMethod*> TMVA::Factory::MVector

Definition at line 77 of file Factory.h.

typedef std::vector<IMethod*> TMVA::Factory::MVector

Definition at line 77 of file Factory.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum TMVA::Factory::DataAssignType [private]

jobname, used as extension in weight file names

Definition at line 261 of file Factory.h.

enum TMVA::Factory::DataAssignType [private]

jobname, used as extension in weight file names

Definition at line 261 of file Factory.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TMVA::Factory::Factory ( TString  theJobName,
TFile theTargetFile,
TString  theOption = "" 

TMVA::Factory::~Factory (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 172 of file Factory.cxx.

References DeleteAllMethods(), TMVA::Config::DestroyInstance(), TMVA::Tools::DestroyInstance(), fDataInputHandler, fDataSetManager, and fDefaultTrfs.

TMVA::Factory::Factory ( TString  theJobName,
TFile theTargetFile,
TString  theOption = "" 

virtual TMVA::Factory::~Factory (  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

virtual const char* TMVA::Factory::GetName (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from TMVA::Configurable.

Definition at line 85 of file Factory.h.

Referenced by EvaluateAllMethods(), and WriteDataInformation().

void TMVA::Factory::AddSignalTrainingEvent ( const std::vector< Double_t > &  event,
Double_t  weight = 1.0 

Definition at line 269 of file Factory.cxx.

References AddEvent(), and TMVA::Types::kTraining.

Referenced by UnitTesting::utFactory::addEventsToFactoryByHand().

void TMVA::Factory::AddBackgroundTrainingEvent ( const std::vector< Double_t > &  event,
Double_t  weight = 1.0 

Definition at line 283 of file Factory.cxx.

References AddEvent(), and TMVA::Types::kTraining.

Referenced by UnitTesting::utFactory::addEventsToFactoryByHand().

void TMVA::Factory::AddSignalTestEvent ( const std::vector< Double_t > &  event,
Double_t  weight = 1.0 

Definition at line 276 of file Factory.cxx.

References AddEvent(), and TMVA::Types::kTesting.

Referenced by UnitTesting::utFactory::addEventsToFactoryByHand().

void TMVA::Factory::AddBackgroundTestEvent ( const std::vector< Double_t > &  event,
Double_t  weight = 1.0 

Definition at line 290 of file Factory.cxx.

References AddEvent(), and TMVA::Types::kTesting.

Referenced by UnitTesting::utFactory::addEventsToFactoryByHand().

void TMVA::Factory::AddTrainingEvent ( const TString className,
const std::vector< Double_t > &  event,
Double_t  weight 

Definition at line 297 of file Factory.cxx.

References AddEvent(), and TMVA::Types::kTraining.

void TMVA::Factory::AddTestEvent ( const TString className,
const std::vector< Double_t > &  event,
Double_t  weight 

Definition at line 304 of file Factory.cxx.

References AddEvent(), and TMVA::Types::kTesting.

void TMVA::Factory::AddEvent ( const TString className,
Types::ETreeType  tt,
const std::vector< Double_t > &  event,
Double_t  weight 

Definition at line 311 of file Factory.cxx.

References TMVA::DataSetInfo::AddClass(), CreateEventAssignTrees(), TString::Data(), DefaultDataSetInfo(), fAnalysisType, fATreeEvent, fATreeType, fATreeWeight, Form(), fTestAssignTree, fTrainAssignTree, TMVA::ClassInfo::GetNumber(), TMVA::Types::kMulticlass, TMVA::Types::kNoAnalysisType, and TMVA::Types::kTraining.

Referenced by AddBackgroundTestEvent(), AddBackgroundTrainingEvent(), AddSignalTestEvent(), AddSignalTrainingEvent(), AddTestEvent(), and AddTrainingEvent().

Bool_t TMVA::Factory::UserAssignEvents ( UInt_t  clIndex  ) 

Definition at line 345 of file Factory.cxx.

References fTrainAssignTree.

Referenced by SetInputTreesFromEventAssignTrees().

TTree * TMVA::Factory::CreateEventAssignTrees ( const TString name  ) 

Definition at line 238 of file Factory.cxx.

References TTree::Branch(), DefaultDataSetInfo(), fATreeEvent, fATreeType, fATreeWeight, TMVA::DataSetInfo::GetSpectatorInfos(), TMVA::DataSetInfo::GetTargetInfos(), TMVA::DataSetInfo::GetVariableInfos(), name, and spec.

Referenced by AddEvent().

TMVA::DataSetInfo & TMVA::Factory::AddDataSet ( DataSetInfo  ) 

Definition at line 214 of file Factory.cxx.

References TMVA::DataSetManager::AddDataSetInfo(), and fDataSetManager.

Referenced by DefaultDataSetInfo().

TMVA::DataSetInfo & TMVA::Factory::AddDataSet ( const TString  ) 

Definition at line 221 of file Factory.cxx.

References TMVA::DataSetManager::AddDataSetInfo(), fDataSetManager, and TMVA::DataSetManager::GetDataSetInfo().

void TMVA::Factory::SetInputTrees ( const TString signalFileName,
const TString backgroundFileName,
Double_t  signalWeight = 1.0,
Double_t  backgroundWeight = 1.0 

Definition at line 488 of file Factory.cxx.

References TMVA::DataInputHandler::AddTree(), and DataInput().

void TMVA::Factory::SetInputTrees ( TTree inputTree,
const TCut SigCut,
const TCut BgCut 

Definition at line 496 of file Factory.cxx.

References AddTree(), and TMVA::Types::kMaxTreeType.

void TMVA::Factory::SetInputTrees ( TTree signal,
TTree background,
Double_t  signalWeight = 1.0,
Double_t  backgroundWeight = 1.0 

Definition at line 479 of file Factory.cxx.

References AddTree(), background, and TMVA::Types::kMaxTreeType.

void TMVA::Factory::AddSignalTree ( TTree signal,
Double_t  weight = 1.0,
Types::ETreeType  treetype = Types::kMaxTreeType 

Definition at line 403 of file Factory.cxx.

References AddTree().

Referenced by Boost(), Boost2(), main(), UnitTesting::utFactory::operateSingleFactory(), UnitTesting::MethodUnitTestWithComplexData::run(), UnitTesting::MethodUnitTestWithROCLimits::run(), TMVAClassification(), TMVAClassificationCategory(), and TMVA::Training().

void TMVA::Factory::AddSignalTree ( TString  datFileS,
Double_t  weight = 1.0,
Types::ETreeType  treetype = Types::kMaxTreeType 

Definition at line 410 of file Factory.cxx.

References AddTree(), Endl, TMVA::kINFO, TMVA::Configurable::Log(), and TTree::ReadFile().

void TMVA::Factory::AddSignalTree ( TTree signal,
Double_t  weight,
const TString treetype 

Definition at line 426 of file Factory.cxx.

References AddTree().

void TMVA::Factory::SetSignalTree ( TTree signal,
Double_t  weight = 1.0 

Definition at line 460 of file Factory.cxx.

References AddTree().

void TMVA::Factory::AddBackgroundTree ( TTree background,
Double_t  weight = 1.0,
Types::ETreeType  treetype = Types::kMaxTreeType 

Definition at line 432 of file Factory.cxx.

References AddTree().

Referenced by Boost(), Boost2(), main(), UnitTesting::utFactory::operateSingleFactory(), UnitTesting::MethodUnitTestWithComplexData::run(), UnitTesting::MethodUnitTestWithROCLimits::run(), TMVAClassification(), TMVAClassificationCategory(), and TMVA::Training().

void TMVA::Factory::AddBackgroundTree ( TString  datFileB,
Double_t  weight = 1.0,
Types::ETreeType  treetype = Types::kMaxTreeType 

Definition at line 438 of file Factory.cxx.

References AddTree(), Endl, TMVA::kINFO, TMVA::Configurable::Log(), and TTree::ReadFile().

void TMVA::Factory::AddBackgroundTree ( TTree background,
Double_t  weight,
const TString treetype 

Definition at line 454 of file Factory.cxx.

References AddTree().

void TMVA::Factory::SetBackgroundTree ( TTree background,
Double_t  weight = 1.0 

Definition at line 466 of file Factory.cxx.

References AddTree().

void TMVA::Factory::SetSignalWeightExpression ( const TString variable  ) 

Definition at line 557 of file Factory.cxx.

References DefaultDataSetInfo(), and TMVA::DataSetInfo::SetWeightExpression().

Referenced by UnitTesting::MethodUnitTestWithComplexData::run(), and SetWeightExpression().

void TMVA::Factory::SetBackgroundWeightExpression ( const TString variable  ) 

Definition at line 563 of file Factory.cxx.

References DefaultDataSetInfo(), and TMVA::DataSetInfo::SetWeightExpression().

Referenced by main(), UnitTesting::MethodUnitTestWithComplexData::run(), UnitTesting::MethodUnitTestWithROCLimits::run(), SetWeightExpression(), and TMVAClassification().

void TMVA::Factory::AddRegressionTree ( TTree tree,
Double_t  weight = 1.0,
Types::ETreeType  treetype = Types::kMaxTreeType 
) [inline]

Definition at line 129 of file Factory.h.

References AddTree().

Referenced by main(), UnitTesting::RegressionUnitTestWithDeviation::run(), and TMVARegression().

void TMVA::Factory::SetTree ( TTree tree,
const TString className,
Double_t  weight 

Definition at line 472 of file Factory.cxx.

References AddTree(), and TMVA::Types::kMaxTreeType.

void TMVA::Factory::AddTree ( TTree tree,
const TString className,
Double_t  weight = 1.0,
const TCut cut = "",
Types::ETreeType  tt = Types::kMaxTreeType 

Definition at line 385 of file Factory.cxx.

References TMVA::DataSetInfo::AddClass(), TMVA::DataInputHandler::AddTree(), DataInput(), DefaultDataSetInfo(), Endl, fAnalysisType, TTree::GetEntries(), TNamed::GetName(), TMVA::kFATAL, TMVA::kINFO, TMVA::Types::kMulticlass, TMVA::Types::kNoAnalysisType, and TMVA::Configurable::Log().

Referenced by AddBackgroundTree(), AddRegressionTree(), AddSignalTree(), AddTree(), main(), SetBackgroundTree(), SetInputTrees(), SetInputTreesFromEventAssignTrees(), SetSignalTree(), SetTree(), and TMVAMulticlass().

void TMVA::Factory::AddTree ( TTree tree,
const TString className,
Double_t  weight,
const TCut cut,
const TString treeType 

Definition at line 368 of file Factory.cxx.

References AddTree(), TString::Contains(), Endl, TMVA::kFATAL, TMVA::Types::kMaxTreeType, TMVA::Types::kTesting, TMVA::Types::kTraining, TMVA::Configurable::Log(), and TString::ToLower().

void TMVA::Factory::SetInputVariables ( std::vector< TString > *  theVariables  ) 

Definition at line 549 of file Factory.cxx.

References AddVariable().

void TMVA::Factory::AddVariable ( const TString expression,
const TString title,
const TString unit,
char  type = 'F',
Double_t  min = 0,
Double_t  max = 0 

Definition at line 506 of file Factory.cxx.

References TMVA::DataSetInfo::AddVariable(), DefaultDataSetInfo(), title, and unit.

Referenced by UnitTesting::utFactory::addEventsToFactoryByHand(), Boost(), Boost2(), main(), UnitTesting::utFactory::operateSingleFactory(), UnitTesting::MethodUnitTestWithComplexData::run(), UnitTesting::RegressionUnitTestWithDeviation::run(), UnitTesting::MethodUnitTestWithROCLimits::run(), SetInputVariables(), TMVAClassification(), TMVAClassificationCategory(), TMVAMulticlass(), TMVARegression(), and TMVA::Training().

void TMVA::Factory::AddVariable ( const TString expression,
char  type = 'F',
Double_t  min = 0,
Double_t  max = 0 

Definition at line 514 of file Factory.cxx.

References TMVA::DataSetInfo::AddVariable(), and DefaultDataSetInfo().

void TMVA::Factory::AddTarget ( const TString expression,
const TString title = "",
const TString unit = "",
Double_t  min = 0,
Double_t  max = 0 

Definition at line 522 of file Factory.cxx.

References TMVA::DataSetInfo::AddTarget(), DefaultDataSetInfo(), fAnalysisType, TMVA::Types::kNoAnalysisType, TMVA::Types::kRegression, title, and unit.

Referenced by AddRegressionTarget(), main(), UnitTesting::RegressionUnitTestWithDeviation::run(), and TMVARegression().

void TMVA::Factory::AddRegressionTarget ( const TString expression,
const TString title = "",
const TString unit = "",
Double_t  min = 0,
Double_t  max = 0 
) [inline]

Definition at line 151 of file Factory.h.

References AddTarget(), max, min, title, and unit.

void TMVA::Factory::AddSpectator ( const TString expression,
const TString title = "",
const TString unit = "",
Double_t  min = 0,
Double_t  max = 0 

Definition at line 534 of file Factory.cxx.

References TMVA::DataSetInfo::AddSpectator(), DefaultDataSetInfo(), title, and unit.

Referenced by main(), UnitTesting::utFactory::operateSingleFactory(), UnitTesting::MethodUnitTestWithComplexData::run(), TMVAClassification(), TMVAClassificationCategory(), and TMVARegression().

void TMVA::Factory::SetWeightExpression ( const TString variable,
const TString className = "" 

Definition at line 569 of file Factory.cxx.

References DefaultDataSetInfo(), SetBackgroundWeightExpression(), SetSignalWeightExpression(), and TMVA::DataSetInfo::SetWeightExpression().

Referenced by main(), UnitTesting::RegressionUnitTestWithDeviation::run(), SetInputTreesFromEventAssignTrees(), and TMVARegression().

void TMVA::Factory::SetCut ( const TString cut,
const TString className = "" 

Definition at line 580 of file Factory.cxx.

void TMVA::Factory::SetCut ( const TCut cut,
const TString className = "" 

Definition at line 585 of file Factory.cxx.

References DefaultDataSetInfo(), and TMVA::DataSetInfo::SetCut().

void TMVA::Factory::AddCut ( const TString cut,
const TString className = "" 

Definition at line 591 of file Factory.cxx.

Referenced by PrepareTrainingAndTestTree().

void TMVA::Factory::AddCut ( const TCut cut,
const TString className = "" 

Definition at line 597 of file Factory.cxx.

References TMVA::DataSetInfo::AddCut(), and DefaultDataSetInfo().

void TMVA::Factory::PrepareTrainingAndTestTree ( const TCut cut,
const TString splitOpt 

Definition at line 630 of file Factory.cxx.

References AddCut(), DefaultDataSetInfo(), TMVA::DataSetInfo::PrintClasses(), SetInputTreesFromEventAssignTrees(), and TMVA::DataSetInfo::SetSplitOptions().

Referenced by UnitTesting::utFactory::addEventsToFactoryByHand(), Boost(), Boost2(), main(), UnitTesting::utFactory::operateSingleFactory(), UnitTesting::MethodUnitTestWithComplexData::run(), UnitTesting::RegressionUnitTestWithDeviation::run(), UnitTesting::MethodUnitTestWithROCLimits::run(), TMVAClassification(), TMVAClassificationCategory(), TMVAMulticlass(), TMVARegression(), and TMVA::Training().

void TMVA::Factory::PrepareTrainingAndTestTree ( TCut  sigcut,
TCut  bkgcut,
const TString splitOpt 

Definition at line 645 of file Factory.cxx.

References AddCut(), DefaultDataSetInfo(), Endl, TMVA::kINFO, TMVA::Configurable::Log(), SetInputTreesFromEventAssignTrees(), and TMVA::DataSetInfo::SetSplitOptions().

void TMVA::Factory::PrepareTrainingAndTestTree ( const TCut cut,
Int_t  Ntrain,
Int_t  Ntest = -1 

Definition at line 617 of file Factory.cxx.

References AddCut(), DefaultDataSetInfo(), Form(), SetInputTreesFromEventAssignTrees(), and TMVA::DataSetInfo::SetSplitOptions().

void TMVA::Factory::PrepareTrainingAndTestTree ( const TCut cut,
Int_t  NsigTrain,
Int_t  NbkgTrain,
Int_t  NsigTest,
Int_t  NbkgTest,
const TString otherOpt = "SplitMode=Random:!V" 

Definition at line 603 of file Factory.cxx.

References AddCut(), TString::Data(), DefaultDataSetInfo(), Form(), SetInputTreesFromEventAssignTrees(), and TMVA::DataSetInfo::SetSplitOptions().

TMVA::MethodBase * TMVA::Factory::BookMethod ( TString  theMethodName,
TString  methodTitle,
TString  theOption = "" 

Definition at line 660 of file Factory.cxx.

References TMVA::Tools::Color(), TMVA::ClassifierFactory::Create(), TMVA::Configurable::DeclareOptionRef(), DefaultDataSetInfo(), Endl, fAnalysisType, TMVA::MethodBoost::fDataSetManager, fDataSetManager, fJobName, fMethods, GetMethod(), TMVA::DataSetInfo::GetNClasses(), TMVA::DataSetInfo::GetNTargets(), TMVA::gTools(), TMVA::ClassifierFactory::Instance(), TMVA::Types::kCategory, TMVA::Types::kClassification, TMVA::kFATAL, TMVA::kINFO, TMVA::Types::kMulticlass, TMVA::Types::kNoAnalysisType, TMVA::Types::kRegression, TMVA::kWARNING, TMVA::Configurable::Log(), method, NULL, TMVA::Configurable::ParseOptions(), and TMVA::MethodBoost::SetBoostedMethodName().

Referenced by UnitTesting::utFactory::addEventsToFactoryByHand(), BookMethod(), Boost(), Boost2(), EvaluateAllVariables(), main(), UnitTesting::utFactory::operateSingleFactory(), UnitTesting::MethodUnitTestWithComplexData::run(), UnitTesting::RegressionUnitTestWithDeviation::run(), UnitTesting::MethodUnitTestWithROCLimits::run(), TMVAClassification(), TMVAClassificationCategory(), TMVAMulticlass(), TMVARegression(), and TMVA::Training().

TMVA::MethodBase * TMVA::Factory::BookMethod ( Types::EMVA  theMethod,
TString  methodTitle,
TString  theOption = "" 

Definition at line 763 of file Factory.cxx.

References BookMethod(), TMVAGlob::GetMethodName(), and TMVA::Types::Instance().

MethodBase* TMVA::Factory::BookMethod ( TMVA::Types::EMVA  ,
TString  ,
TString  ,
TMVA::Types::EMVA  ,
) [inline]

Definition at line 181 of file Factory.h.

void TMVA::Factory::OptimizeAllMethods ( TString  fomType = "ROCIntegral",
TString  fitType = "FitGA" 

Definition at line 932 of file Factory.cxx.

References Endl, fAnalysisType, fMethods, TMVA::kFATAL, TMVA::kINFO, TMVA::Types::kMulticlass, TMVA::Types::kRegression, TMVA::kWARNING, TMVA::Configurable::Log(), and MinNoTrainingEvents.

Referenced by OptimizeAllMethodsForClassification(), and OptimizeAllMethodsForRegression().

void TMVA::Factory::OptimizeAllMethodsForClassification ( TString  fomType = "ROCIntegral",
TString  fitType = "FitGA" 
) [inline]

Definition at line 189 of file Factory.h.

References OptimizeAllMethods().

void TMVA::Factory::OptimizeAllMethodsForRegression ( TString  fomType = "ROCIntegral",
TString  fitType = "FitGA" 
) [inline]

Definition at line 190 of file Factory.h.

References OptimizeAllMethods().

void TMVA::Factory::TrainAllMethods (  ) 

Definition at line 969 of file Factory.cxx.

References TDirectory::cd(), TMVA::ClassifierFactory::Create(), DefaultDataSetInfo(), Endl, fAnalysisType, fDataInputHandler, fDataSetManager, fMethods, TMVA::DataInputHandler::GetEntries(), TMVAGlob::GetMethodName(), i, TMVA::Types::Instance(), TMVA::ClassifierFactory::Instance(), TMVA::Types::kCategory, TMVA::Types::kClassification, TMVA::kFATAL, TMVA::kINFO, TMVA::Types::kMulticlass, TMVA::Types::kRegression, TMVA::kWARNING, TMVA::Configurable::Log(), m, MinNoTrainingEvents, READXML, RECREATE_METHODS, TString::ReplaceAll(), RootBaseDir(), and WriteDataInformation().

Referenced by UnitTesting::utFactory::addEventsToFactoryByHand(), Boost(), Boost2(), main(), UnitTesting::utFactory::operateSingleFactory(), UnitTesting::MethodUnitTestWithComplexData::run(), UnitTesting::RegressionUnitTestWithDeviation::run(), UnitTesting::MethodUnitTestWithROCLimits::run(), TMVAClassification(), TMVAClassificationCategory(), TMVAMulticlass(), TMVARegression(), TrainAllMethodsForClassification(), TrainAllMethodsForRegression(), and TMVA::Training().

void TMVA::Factory::TrainAllMethodsForClassification ( void   )  [inline]

Definition at line 194 of file Factory.h.

References TrainAllMethods().

void TMVA::Factory::TrainAllMethodsForRegression ( void   )  [inline]

Definition at line 195 of file Factory.h.

References TrainAllMethods().

void TMVA::Factory::TestAllMethods (  ) 

Definition at line 1090 of file Factory.cxx.

References Endl, fMethods, TMVA::kINFO, TMVA::Types::kMulticlass, TMVA::Types::kRegression, TMVA::Types::kTesting, and TMVA::Configurable::Log().

Referenced by UnitTesting::utFactory::addEventsToFactoryByHand(), Boost(), Boost2(), main(), UnitTesting::utFactory::operateSingleFactory(), UnitTesting::MethodUnitTestWithComplexData::run(), UnitTesting::RegressionUnitTestWithDeviation::run(), UnitTesting::MethodUnitTestWithROCLimits::run(), TMVAClassification(), TMVAClassificationCategory(), TMVAMulticlass(), TMVARegression(), and TMVA::Training().

void TMVA::Factory::EvaluateAllMethods ( void   ) 

Definition at line 1183 of file Factory.cxx.

References TPrincipal::AddRow(), TDirectory::cd(), DefaultDataSetInfo(), Endl, fMethods, Form(), TMVA::Tools::FormattedOutput(), TMVA::Tools::GetCorrelationMatrix(), TPrincipal::GetCovarianceMatrix(), TMVA::DataSetInfo::GetDataSet(), TMVA::DataSet::GetEvent(), GetName(), TMVA::DataSetInfo::GetNClasses(), TMVA::DataSet::GetNEvents(), TMVA::DataSet::GetNEvtBkgdTest(), TMVA::DataSet::GetNEvtSigTest(), TMVA::DataSetInfo::GetNVariables(), TMVA::DataSet::GetTree(), TMVA::gTools(), i, TMath::IsNaN(), k, TMVA::Types::kCuts, kFALSE, TMVA::Tools::kHtmlLink, TMVA::kINFO, TMVA::Types::kMaxAnalysisType, TObject::kOverwrite, TMVA::Types::kTesting, TMVA::Types::kTraining, kTRUE, TMVA::kWARNING, TMVA::Configurable::Log(), m, TPrincipal::MakePrincipals(), retval, RootBaseDir(), ROOT::Math::detail::sep, TMVA::DataSet::SetCurrentType(), TMVA::Tools::TMVACitation(), TMVA::Tools::UsefulSortAscending(), TMVA::Tools::UsefulSortDescending(), and TTree::Write().

Referenced by UnitTesting::utFactory::addEventsToFactoryByHand(), Boost(), Boost2(), main(), UnitTesting::utFactory::operateSingleFactory(), UnitTesting::MethodUnitTestWithComplexData::run(), UnitTesting::RegressionUnitTestWithDeviation::run(), UnitTesting::MethodUnitTestWithROCLimits::run(), TMVAClassification(), TMVAClassificationCategory(), TMVAMulticlass(), TMVARegression(), and TMVA::Training().

void TMVA::Factory::EvaluateAllVariables ( TString  options = ""  ) 

Definition at line 1170 of file Factory.cxx.

References BookMethod(), TString::Contains(), DefaultDataSetInfo(), Endl, TMVA::VariableInfo::GetLabel(), TMVA::DataSetInfo::GetNVariables(), TMVA::DataSetInfo::GetVariableInfo(), i, TMVA::kINFO, TMVA::Configurable::Log(), and s.

void TMVA::Factory::DeleteAllMethods ( void   ) 

Definition at line 195 of file Factory.cxx.

References Endl, fMethods, TMVA::kDEBUG, and TMVA::Configurable::Log().

Referenced by ~Factory().

TMVA::IMethod * TMVA::Factory::GetMethod ( const TString title  )  const

Definition at line 773 of file Factory.cxx.

References fMethods.

Referenced by UnitTesting::utFactory::addEventsToFactoryByHand(), BookMethod(), MakeClass(), UnitTesting::utFactory::operateSingleFactory(), PrintHelpMessage(), UnitTesting::MethodUnitTestWithComplexData::run(), UnitTesting::RegressionUnitTestWithDeviation::run(), and UnitTesting::MethodUnitTestWithROCLimits::run().

Bool_t TMVA::Factory::Verbose ( void   )  const [inline]

Definition at line 210 of file Factory.h.

References fVerbose.

void TMVA::Factory::SetVerbose ( Bool_t  v = kTRUE  ) 

Definition at line 207 of file Factory.cxx.

References fVerbose.

void TMVA::Factory::MakeClass ( const TString methodTitle = ""  )  const [virtual]

Definition at line 1116 of file Factory.cxx.

References Endl, fMethods, GetMethod(), TMVA::kINFO, TMVA::kWARNING, TMVA::Configurable::Log(), and method.

void TMVA::Factory::PrintHelpMessage ( const TString methodTitle = ""  )  const

Definition at line 1143 of file Factory.cxx.

References Endl, fMethods, GetMethod(), TMVA::kINFO, TMVA::kWARNING, TMVA::Configurable::Log(), and method.

static TDirectory* TMVA::Factory::RootBaseDir (  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 225 of file Factory.h.

References fgTargetFile.

Referenced by EvaluateAllMethods(), G__G__TMVA1_364_0_64(), G__setup_memfuncTMVAcLcLFactory(), TMVA::RuleFit::MakeVisHists(), TMVA::MethodBase::MethodBaseDir(), TrainAllMethods(), and WriteDataInformation().

void TMVA::Factory::Greetings (  )  [private]

Definition at line 161 of file Factory.cxx.

References Endl, TMVA::gTools(), TMVA::Configurable::Log(), TMVA::Tools::ROOTVersionMessage(), TMVA::Tools::TMVAVersionMessage(), and TMVA::Tools::TMVAWelcomeMessage().

void TMVA::Factory::WriteDataInformation (  )  [private]

Definition at line 787 of file Factory.cxx.

References TMVA::TransformationHandler::AddTransformation(), TList::At(), TDirectory::cd(), TMVA::DataSetInfo::CorrelationMatrix(), TMVA::DataSetInfo::CreateCorrelationMatrixHist(), DefaultDataSetInfo(), Endl, fAnalysisType, fTransformations, TMVA::DataSetInfo::GetClassInfo(), TMVA::DataSetInfo::GetDataSet(), TCollection::GetEntries(), TMVA::DataSet::GetEventCollection(), GetName(), TMVA::DataSetInfo::GetNClasses(), TMVA::ClassInfo::GetNumber(), TMVA::gTools(), h, TMVA::kFATAL, TMVA::kINFO, TMVA::Types::kMulticlass, TString::Length(), TMVA::Configurable::Log(), m, NULL, TMVA::Tools::ParseFormatLine(), TMVA::TransformationHandler::PrintVariableRanking(), TString::ReplaceAll(), RootBaseDir(), and TMVA::Tools::SplitString().

Referenced by TrainAllMethods().

DataInputHandler& TMVA::Factory::DataInput (  )  [inline, private]

Definition at line 234 of file Factory.h.

References fDataInputHandler.

Referenced by AddTree(), and SetInputTrees().

TMVA::DataSetInfo & TMVA::Factory::DefaultDataSetInfo (  )  [private]

Definition at line 542 of file Factory.cxx.

References AddDataSet().

Referenced by AddCut(), AddEvent(), AddSpectator(), AddTarget(), AddTree(), AddVariable(), BookMethod(), CreateEventAssignTrees(), EvaluateAllMethods(), EvaluateAllVariables(), PrepareTrainingAndTestTree(), SetBackgroundWeightExpression(), SetCut(), SetInputTreesFromEventAssignTrees(), SetSignalWeightExpression(), SetWeightExpression(), TrainAllMethods(), and WriteDataInformation().

void TMVA::Factory::SetInputTreesFromEventAssignTrees (  )  [private]

Definition at line 352 of file Factory.cxx.

References AddTree(), DefaultDataSetInfo(), fTestAssignTree, fTrainAssignTree, TMVA::DataSetInfo::GetClassInfo(), TMVA::ClassInfo::GetName(), i, TMVA::Types::kTesting, TMVA::Types::kTraining, SetWeightExpression(), size, and UserAssignEvents().

Referenced by PrepareTrainingAndTestTree().

virtual const char* TMVA::Factory::GetName (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from TMVA::Configurable.

Definition at line 85 of file Factory.h.

void TMVA::Factory::AddSignalTrainingEvent ( const std::vector< Double_t > &  event,
Double_t  weight = 1.0 

void TMVA::Factory::AddBackgroundTrainingEvent ( const std::vector< Double_t > &  event,
Double_t  weight = 1.0 

void TMVA::Factory::AddSignalTestEvent ( const std::vector< Double_t > &  event,
Double_t  weight = 1.0 

void TMVA::Factory::AddBackgroundTestEvent ( const std::vector< Double_t > &  event,
Double_t  weight = 1.0 

void TMVA::Factory::AddTrainingEvent ( const TString className,
const std::vector< Double_t > &  event,
Double_t  weight 

void TMVA::Factory::AddTestEvent ( const TString className,
const std::vector< Double_t > &  event,
Double_t  weight 

void TMVA::Factory::AddEvent ( const TString className,
Types::ETreeType  tt,
const std::vector< Double_t > &  event,
Double_t  weight 

Bool_t TMVA::Factory::UserAssignEvents ( UInt_t  clIndex  ) 

TTree* TMVA::Factory::CreateEventAssignTrees ( const TString name  ) 

DataSetInfo& TMVA::Factory::AddDataSet ( DataSetInfo  ) 

DataSetInfo& TMVA::Factory::AddDataSet ( const TString  ) 

void TMVA::Factory::SetInputTrees ( const TString signalFileName,
const TString backgroundFileName,
Double_t  signalWeight = 1.0,
Double_t  backgroundWeight = 1.0 

void TMVA::Factory::SetInputTrees ( TTree inputTree,
const TCut SigCut,
const TCut BgCut 

void TMVA::Factory::SetInputTrees ( TTree signal,
TTree background,
Double_t  signalWeight = 1.0,
Double_t  backgroundWeight = 1.0 

void TMVA::Factory::AddSignalTree ( TTree signal,
Double_t  weight = 1.0,
Types::ETreeType  treetype = Types::kMaxTreeType 

void TMVA::Factory::AddSignalTree ( TString  datFileS,
Double_t  weight = 1.0,
Types::ETreeType  treetype = Types::kMaxTreeType 

void TMVA::Factory::AddSignalTree ( TTree signal,
Double_t  weight,
const TString treetype 

void TMVA::Factory::SetSignalTree ( TTree signal,
Double_t  weight = 1.0 

void TMVA::Factory::AddBackgroundTree ( TTree background,
Double_t  weight = 1.0,
Types::ETreeType  treetype = Types::kMaxTreeType 

void TMVA::Factory::AddBackgroundTree ( TString  datFileB,
Double_t  weight = 1.0,
Types::ETreeType  treetype = Types::kMaxTreeType 

void TMVA::Factory::AddBackgroundTree ( TTree background,
Double_t  weight,
const TString treetype 

void TMVA::Factory::SetBackgroundTree ( TTree background,
Double_t  weight = 1.0 

void TMVA::Factory::SetSignalWeightExpression ( const TString variable  ) 

void TMVA::Factory::SetBackgroundWeightExpression ( const TString variable  ) 

void TMVA::Factory::AddRegressionTree ( TTree tree,
Double_t  weight = 1.0,
Types::ETreeType  treetype = Types::kMaxTreeType 
) [inline]

Definition at line 129 of file Factory.h.

References AddTree().

void TMVA::Factory::SetTree ( TTree tree,
const TString className,
Double_t  weight 

void TMVA::Factory::AddTree ( TTree tree,
const TString className,
Double_t  weight = 1.0,
const TCut cut = "",
Types::ETreeType  tt = Types::kMaxTreeType 

void TMVA::Factory::AddTree ( TTree tree,
const TString className,
Double_t  weight,
const TCut cut,
const TString treeType 

void TMVA::Factory::SetInputVariables ( std::vector< TString > *  theVariables  ) 

void TMVA::Factory::AddVariable ( const TString expression,
const TString title,
const TString unit,
char  type = 'F',
Double_t  min = 0,
Double_t  max = 0 

void TMVA::Factory::AddVariable ( const TString expression,
char  type = 'F',
Double_t  min = 0,
Double_t  max = 0 

void TMVA::Factory::AddTarget ( const TString expression,
const TString title = "",
const TString unit = "",
Double_t  min = 0,
Double_t  max = 0 

void TMVA::Factory::AddRegressionTarget ( const TString expression,
const TString title = "",
const TString unit = "",
Double_t  min = 0,
Double_t  max = 0 
) [inline]

Definition at line 151 of file Factory.h.

References AddTarget(), max, min, title, and unit.

void TMVA::Factory::AddSpectator ( const TString expression,
const TString title = "",
const TString unit = "",
Double_t  min = 0,
Double_t  max = 0 

void TMVA::Factory::SetWeightExpression ( const TString variable,
const TString className = "" 

void TMVA::Factory::SetCut ( const TString cut,
const TString className = "" 

void TMVA::Factory::SetCut ( const TCut cut,
const TString className = "" 

void TMVA::Factory::AddCut ( const TString cut,
const TString className = "" 

void TMVA::Factory::AddCut ( const TCut cut,
const TString className = "" 

void TMVA::Factory::PrepareTrainingAndTestTree ( const TCut cut,
const TString splitOpt 

void TMVA::Factory::PrepareTrainingAndTestTree ( TCut  sigcut,
TCut  bkgcut,
const TString splitOpt 

void TMVA::Factory::PrepareTrainingAndTestTree ( const TCut cut,
Int_t  Ntrain,
Int_t  Ntest = -1 

void TMVA::Factory::PrepareTrainingAndTestTree ( const TCut cut,
Int_t  NsigTrain,
Int_t  NbkgTrain,
Int_t  NsigTest,
Int_t  NbkgTest,
const TString otherOpt = "SplitMode=Random:!V" 

MethodBase* TMVA::Factory::BookMethod ( TString  theMethodName,
TString  methodTitle,
TString  theOption = "" 

MethodBase* TMVA::Factory::BookMethod ( Types::EMVA  theMethod,
TString  methodTitle,
TString  theOption = "" 

MethodBase* TMVA::Factory::BookMethod ( TMVA::Types::EMVA  ,
TString  ,
TString  ,
TMVA::Types::EMVA  ,
) [inline]

Definition at line 181 of file Factory.h.

void TMVA::Factory::OptimizeAllMethods ( TString  fomType = "ROCIntegral",
TString  fitType = "FitGA" 

void TMVA::Factory::OptimizeAllMethodsForClassification ( TString  fomType = "ROCIntegral",
TString  fitType = "FitGA" 
) [inline]

Definition at line 189 of file Factory.h.

References OptimizeAllMethods().

void TMVA::Factory::OptimizeAllMethodsForRegression ( TString  fomType = "ROCIntegral",
TString  fitType = "FitGA" 
) [inline]

Definition at line 190 of file Factory.h.

References OptimizeAllMethods().

void TMVA::Factory::TrainAllMethods (  ) 

void TMVA::Factory::TrainAllMethodsForClassification ( void   )  [inline]

Definition at line 194 of file Factory.h.

References TrainAllMethods().

void TMVA::Factory::TrainAllMethodsForRegression ( void   )  [inline]

Definition at line 195 of file Factory.h.

References TrainAllMethods().

void TMVA::Factory::TestAllMethods (  ) 

void TMVA::Factory::EvaluateAllMethods ( void   ) 

void TMVA::Factory::EvaluateAllVariables ( TString  options = ""  ) 

void TMVA::Factory::DeleteAllMethods ( void   ) 

IMethod* TMVA::Factory::GetMethod ( const TString title  )  const

Bool_t TMVA::Factory::Verbose ( void   )  const [inline]

Definition at line 210 of file Factory.h.

References fVerbose.

void TMVA::Factory::SetVerbose ( Bool_t  v = kTRUE  ) 

virtual void TMVA::Factory::MakeClass ( const TString methodTitle = ""  )  const [virtual]

void TMVA::Factory::PrintHelpMessage ( const TString methodTitle = ""  )  const

static TDirectory* TMVA::Factory::RootBaseDir (  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 225 of file Factory.h.

References fgTargetFile.

void TMVA::Factory::Greetings (  )  [private]

void TMVA::Factory::WriteDataInformation (  )  [private]

DataInputHandler& TMVA::Factory::DataInput (  )  [inline, private]

Definition at line 234 of file Factory.h.

References fDataInputHandler.

DataSetInfo& TMVA::Factory::DefaultDataSetInfo (  )  [private]

void TMVA::Factory::SetInputTreesFromEventAssignTrees (  )  [private]

Member Data Documentation

DataSetManager* TMVA::Factory::fDataSetManager [private]

Definition at line 244 of file Factory.h.

Referenced by AddDataSet(), BookMethod(), TrainAllMethods(), and ~Factory().

TFile * TMVA::Factory::fgTargetFile [static, private]

Definition at line 246 of file Factory.h.

Referenced by RootBaseDir().

DataInputHandler* TMVA::Factory::fDataInputHandler [private]

ROOT output file.

Definition at line 248 of file Factory.h.

Referenced by DataInput(), TrainAllMethods(), and ~Factory().

std::vector<TMVA::VariableTransformBase*> TMVA::Factory::fDefaultTrfs [private]

Definition at line 250 of file Factory.h.

Referenced by ~Factory().

TString TMVA::Factory::fOptions [private]

list of transformations on default DataSet

Reimplemented from TMVA::Configurable.

Definition at line 253 of file Factory.h.

TString TMVA::Factory::fTransformations [private]

option string given by construction (presently only "V")

Definition at line 254 of file Factory.h.

Referenced by WriteDataInformation().

Bool_t TMVA::Factory::fVerbose [private]

List of transformations to test.

Definition at line 255 of file Factory.h.

Referenced by SetVerbose(), and Verbose().

MVector TMVA::Factory::fMethods [private]

verbose mode

Definition at line 257 of file Factory.h.

Referenced by BookMethod(), DeleteAllMethods(), EvaluateAllMethods(), GetMethod(), MakeClass(), OptimizeAllMethods(), PrintHelpMessage(), TestAllMethods(), and TrainAllMethods().

TString TMVA::Factory::fJobName [private]

all MVA methods

Definition at line 258 of file Factory.h.

Referenced by BookMethod().

DataAssignType TMVA::Factory::fDataAssignType [private]

Definition at line 264 of file Factory.h.

std::vector<TTree*> TMVA::Factory::fTrainAssignTree [private]

flags for data assigning

Definition at line 265 of file Factory.h.

Referenced by AddEvent(), SetInputTreesFromEventAssignTrees(), and UserAssignEvents().

std::vector<TTree*> TMVA::Factory::fTestAssignTree [private]

for each class: tmp tree if user wants to assign the events directly

Definition at line 266 of file Factory.h.

Referenced by AddEvent(), and SetInputTreesFromEventAssignTrees().

Int_t TMVA::Factory::fATreeType [private]

for each class: tmp tree if user wants to assign the events directly

Definition at line 268 of file Factory.h.

Referenced by AddEvent(), and CreateEventAssignTrees().

Float_t TMVA::Factory::fATreeWeight [private]

Definition at line 269 of file Factory.h.

Referenced by AddEvent(), and CreateEventAssignTrees().

Float_t* TMVA::Factory::fATreeEvent [private]

Definition at line 270 of file Factory.h.

Referenced by AddEvent(), and CreateEventAssignTrees().

Types::EAnalysisType TMVA::Factory::fAnalysisType [private]

Definition at line 272 of file Factory.h.

Referenced by AddEvent(), AddTarget(), AddTree(), BookMethod(), OptimizeAllMethods(), TrainAllMethods(), and WriteDataInformation().

DataSetManager* TMVA::Factory::fDataSetManager [private]

Definition at line 244 of file Factory.h.

TFile* TMVA::Factory::fgTargetFile [static, private]

Definition at line 246 of file Factory.h.

DataInputHandler* TMVA::Factory::fDataInputHandler [private]

ROOT output file.

Definition at line 248 of file Factory.h.

std::vector<TMVA::VariableTransformBase*> TMVA::Factory::fDefaultTrfs [private]

Definition at line 250 of file Factory.h.

std::vector<TTree*> TMVA::Factory::fTrainAssignTree [private]

flags for data assigning

Definition at line 265 of file Factory.h.

std::vector<TTree*> TMVA::Factory::fTestAssignTree [private]

for each class: tmp tree if user wants to assign the events directly

Definition at line 266 of file Factory.h.

Float_t* TMVA::Factory::fATreeEvent [private]

Definition at line 270 of file Factory.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Jul 5 17:01:25 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1