gif_lib.h File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  GifColorType
struct  ColorMapObject
struct  GifImageDesc
struct  GifFileType
struct  ExtensionBlock
struct  SavedImage


#define GIF_LIB_VERSION   " Version 4.0, "
#define GIF_ERROR   0
#define GIF_OK   1
#define TRUE   1
#define FALSE   0
#define NULL   0
#define GIF_STAMP   "GIFVER"
#define GIF_STAMP_LEN   sizeof(GIF_STAMP) - 1
#define GIF_VERSION_POS   3
#define GIF87_STAMP   "GIF87a"
#define GIF89_STAMP   "GIF89a"
#define GIF_FILE_BUFFER_SIZE   16384
#define GIF_MESSAGE(Msg)   fprintf(stderr, "\n%s: %s\n", PROGRAM_NAME, Msg)
#define GIF_EXIT(Msg)   { GIF_MESSAGE(Msg); exit(-3); }
#define VoidPtr   void *
#define COMMENT_EXT_FUNC_CODE   0xfe
#define E_GIF_ERR_NO_COLOR_MAP   5
#define E_GIF_ERR_DATA_TOO_BIG   6
#define E_GIF_ERR_DISK_IS_FULL   8
#define D_GIF_ERR_OPEN_FAILED   101
#define D_GIF_ERR_READ_FAILED   102
#define D_GIF_ERR_NOT_GIF_FILE   103
#define D_GIF_ERR_NO_SCRN_DSCR   104
#define D_GIF_ERR_NO_IMAG_DSCR   105
#define D_GIF_ERR_NO_COLOR_MAP   106
#define D_GIF_ERR_WRONG_RECORD   107
#define D_GIF_ERR_DATA_TOO_BIG   108
#define D_GIF_ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEM   109
#define D_GIF_ERR_CLOSE_FAILED   110
#define D_GIF_ERR_NOT_READABLE   111
#define D_GIF_ERR_IMAGE_DEFECT   112
#define D_GIF_ERR_EOF_TOO_SOON   113
#define GIF_FONT_WIDTH   8
#define GIF_FONT_HEIGHT   8


typedef int GifBooleanType
typedef unsigned char GifPixelType
typedef unsigned char * GifRowType
typedef unsigned char GifByteType
typedef int(*) InputFunc (GifFileType *, GifByteType *, int)
typedef int(*) OutputFunc (GifFileType *, const GifByteType *, int)


enum  GifRecordType
enum  GifScreenDumpType


GifFileTypeEGifOpenFileName (const char *GifFileName, int GifTestExistance)
GifFileTypeEGifOpenFileHandle (int GifFileHandle)
GifFileTypeEgifOpen (void *userPtr, OutputFunc writeFunc)
int EGifSpew (GifFileType *GifFile)
void EGifSetGifVersion (const char *Version)
int EGifPutScreenDesc (GifFileType *GifFile, int GifWidth, int GifHeight, int GifColorRes, int GifBackGround, const ColorMapObject *GifColorMap)
int EGifPutImageDesc (GifFileType *GifFile, int GifLeft, int GifTop, int Width, int GifHeight, int GifInterlace, const ColorMapObject *GifColorMap)
int EGifPutLine (GifFileType *GifFile, GifPixelType *GifLine, int GifLineLen)
int EGifPutPixel (GifFileType *GifFile, GifPixelType GifPixel)
int EGifPutComment (GifFileType *GifFile, const char *GifComment)
int EGifPutExtensionFirst (GifFileType *GifFile, int GifExtCode, int GifExtLen, const VoidPtr GifExtension)
int EGifPutExtensionNext (GifFileType *GifFile, int GifExtCode, int GifExtLen, const VoidPtr GifExtension)
int EGifPutExtensionLast (GifFileType *GifFile, int GifExtCode, int GifExtLen, const VoidPtr GifExtension)
int EGifPutExtension (GifFileType *GifFile, int GifExtCode, int GifExtLen, const VoidPtr GifExtension)
int EGifPutCode (GifFileType *GifFile, int GifCodeSize, const GifByteType *GifCodeBlock)
int EGifPutCodeNext (GifFileType *GifFile, const GifByteType *GifCodeBlock)
int EGifCloseFile (GifFileType *GifFile)
GifFileTypeDGifOpenFileName (const char *GifFileName)
GifFileTypeDGifOpenFileHandle (int GifFileHandle)
GifFileTypeDGifOpen (void *userPtr, InputFunc readFunc)
int DGifSlurp (GifFileType *GifFile)
int DGifGetScreenDesc (GifFileType *GifFile)
int DGifGetRecordType (GifFileType *GifFile, GifRecordType *GifType)
int DGifGetImageDesc (GifFileType *GifFile)
int DGifGetLine (GifFileType *GifFile, GifPixelType *GifLine, int GifLineLen)
int DGifGetPixel (GifFileType *GifFile, GifPixelType GifPixel)
int DGifGetComment (GifFileType *GifFile, char *GifComment)
int DGifGetExtension (GifFileType *GifFile, int *GifExtCode, GifByteType **GifExtension)
int DGifGetExtensionNext (GifFileType *GifFile, GifByteType **GifExtension)
int DGifGetCode (GifFileType *GifFile, int *GifCodeSize, GifByteType **GifCodeBlock)
int DGifGetCodeNext (GifFileType *GifFile, GifByteType **GifCodeBlock)
int DGifGetLZCodes (GifFileType *GifFile, int *GifCode)
int DGifCloseFile (GifFileType *GifFile)
int QuantizeBuffer (unsigned int Width, unsigned int Height, int *ColorMapSize, GifByteType *RedInput, GifByteType *GreenInput, GifByteType *BlueInput, GifByteType *OutputBuffer, GifColorType *OutputColorMap)
void GifQprintf (char *Format,...)
void PrintGifError (void)
int GifLastError (void)
int DumpScreen2Gif (const char *FileName, int ReqGraphDriver, int ReqGraphMode1, int ReqGraphMode2, int ReqGraphMode3)
ColorMapObjectMakeMapObject (int ColorCount, const GifColorType *ColorMap)
void FreeMapObject (ColorMapObject *Object)
ColorMapObjectUnionColorMap (const ColorMapObject *ColorIn1, const ColorMapObject *ColorIn2, GifPixelType ColorTransIn2[])
int BitSize (int n)
void ApplyTranslation (SavedImage *Image, GifPixelType Translation[])
void MakeExtension (SavedImage *New, int Function)
int AddExtensionBlock (SavedImage *New, int Len, char ExtData[])
void FreeExtension (SavedImage *Image)
SavedImageMakeSavedImage (GifFileType *GifFile, const SavedImage *CopyFrom)
void FreeSavedImages (GifFileType *GifFile)
void DrawText (SavedImage *Image, const int x, const int y, const char *legend, const int color)
void DrawBox (SavedImage *Image, const int x, const int y, const int w, const int d, const int color)
void DrawRectangle (SavedImage *Image, const int x, const int y, const int w, const int d, const int color)
void DrawBoxedText (SavedImage *Image, const int x, const int y, const char *legend, const int border, const int bg, const int fg)


int GifQuietPrint
unsigned char AsciiTable [][GIF_FONT_WIDTH]

Define Documentation


Definition at line 116 of file gif_lib.h.

Referenced by ASImage2gif(), and gif2ASImage().

#define COMMENT_EXT_FUNC_CODE   0xfe

Definition at line 113 of file gif_lib.h.

#define D_GIF_ERR_CLOSE_FAILED   110

Definition at line 194 of file gif_lib.h.

Referenced by DGifCloseFile(), and PrintGifError().

#define D_GIF_ERR_DATA_TOO_BIG   108

Definition at line 192 of file gif_lib.h.

Referenced by DGifGetLine(), and PrintGifError().

#define D_GIF_ERR_EOF_TOO_SOON   113

Definition at line 197 of file gif_lib.h.

Referenced by DGifDecompressLine(), and PrintGifError().

#define D_GIF_ERR_IMAGE_DEFECT   112

Definition at line 196 of file gif_lib.h.

Referenced by DGifDecompressLine(), and PrintGifError().

#define D_GIF_ERR_NO_COLOR_MAP   106

Definition at line 190 of file gif_lib.h.

Referenced by PrintGifError().

#define D_GIF_ERR_NO_IMAG_DSCR   105

Definition at line 189 of file gif_lib.h.

Referenced by PrintGifError().

#define D_GIF_ERR_NO_SCRN_DSCR   104

Definition at line 188 of file gif_lib.h.

Referenced by PrintGifError().

#define D_GIF_ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEM   109

Definition at line 193 of file gif_lib.h.

Referenced by DGifGetImageDesc(), DGifOpen(), and PrintGifError().

#define D_GIF_ERR_NOT_GIF_FILE   103

Definition at line 187 of file gif_lib.h.

Referenced by DGifOpen(), and PrintGifError().

#define D_GIF_ERR_NOT_READABLE   111

Definition at line 195 of file gif_lib.h.

Referenced by DGifCloseFile(), DGifGetCode(), DGifGetExtension(), DGifGetImageDesc(), DGifGetLine(), DGifGetRecordType(), DGifGetScreenDesc(), and PrintGifError().

#define D_GIF_ERR_OPEN_FAILED   101

Definition at line 185 of file gif_lib.h.

Referenced by PrintGifError().

#define D_GIF_ERR_READ_FAILED   102

Definition at line 186 of file gif_lib.h.

Referenced by DGifBufferedInput(), DGifGetCodeNext(), DGifGetExtension(), DGifGetExtensionNext(), DGifGetImageDesc(), DGifGetRecordType(), DGifGetScreenDesc(), DGifGetWord(), DGifOpen(), and PrintGifError().

#define D_GIF_ERR_WRONG_RECORD   107

Definition at line 191 of file gif_lib.h.

Referenced by DGifGetRecordType(), and PrintGifError().


Definition at line 158 of file gif_lib.h.

Referenced by EGifCloseFile(), and PrintGifError().

#define E_GIF_ERR_DATA_TOO_BIG   6

Definition at line 155 of file gif_lib.h.

Referenced by EGifPutLine(), and PrintGifError().

#define E_GIF_ERR_DISK_IS_FULL   8

Definition at line 157 of file gif_lib.h.

Referenced by EGifCompressLine(), EGifSetupCompress(), and PrintGifError().


Definition at line 153 of file gif_lib.h.

Referenced by EGifPutImageDesc(), and PrintGifError().


Definition at line 152 of file gif_lib.h.

Referenced by EGifPutScreenDesc(), and PrintGifError().

#define E_GIF_ERR_NO_COLOR_MAP   5

Definition at line 154 of file gif_lib.h.

Referenced by EGifPutImageDesc(), EGifSetupCompress(), and PrintGifError().


Definition at line 156 of file gif_lib.h.

Referenced by EGifOpen(), EGifOpenFileHandle(), EGifPutImageDesc(), EGifPutScreenDesc(), and PrintGifError().


Definition at line 159 of file gif_lib.h.

Referenced by EGifCloseFile(), EGifPutExtension(), EGifPutExtensionFirst(), EGifPutExtensionLast(), EGifPutExtensionNext(), EGifPutImageDesc(), EGifPutLine(), EGifPutScreenDesc(), and PrintGifError().


Definition at line 150 of file gif_lib.h.

Referenced by PrintGifError().


Definition at line 151 of file gif_lib.h.

Referenced by EGifBufferedOutput(), EGifPutImageDesc(), EGifPutScreenDesc(), and PrintGifError().

#define FALSE   0

Definition at line 26 of file gif_lib.h.

#define GIF87_STAMP   "GIF87a"

Definition at line 36 of file gif_lib.h.

#define GIF89_STAMP   "GIF89a"

Definition at line 37 of file gif_lib.h.

#define GIF_ERROR   0

Definition at line 21 of file gif_lib.h.

Referenced by AddExtensionBlock(), ASImage2gif(), DGifBufferedInput(), DGifCloseFile(), DGifDecompressLine(), DGifGetCode(), DGifGetCodeNext(), DGifGetExtension(), DGifGetExtensionNext(), DGifGetImageDesc(), DGifGetLine(), DGifGetRecordType(), DGifGetScreenDesc(), DGifGetWord(), DGifOpen(), EGifBufferedOutput(), EGifCloseFile(), EGifCompressLine(), EGifCompressOutput(), EGifPutComment(), EGifPutExtension(), EGifPutExtensionFirst(), EGifPutExtensionLast(), EGifPutExtensionNext(), EGifPutImageDesc(), EGifPutLine(), EGifPutScreenDesc(), EGifPutWord(), EGifSetupCompress(), get_gif_saved_images(), gif2ASImage(), GIFquantize(), and SubdivColorMap().

#define GIF_EXIT ( Msg   )     { GIF_MESSAGE(Msg); exit(-3); }

Definition at line 47 of file gif_lib.h.

#define GIF_FILE_BUFFER_SIZE   16384

Definition at line 39 of file gif_lib.h.

Referenced by EGifOpenFileHandle().

#define GIF_FONT_HEIGHT   8

Definition at line 289 of file gif_lib.h.

#define GIF_FONT_WIDTH   8

Definition at line 288 of file gif_lib.h.

#define GIF_LIB_VERSION   " Version 4.0, "

Definition at line 19 of file gif_lib.h.

#define GIF_MESSAGE ( Msg   )     fprintf(stderr, "\n%s: %s\n", PROGRAM_NAME, Msg)

Definition at line 46 of file gif_lib.h.

#define GIF_OK   1

Definition at line 22 of file gif_lib.h.

Referenced by AddExtensionBlock(), ASImage2gif(), DGifBufferedInput(), DGifCloseFile(), DGifGetCodeNext(), DGifGetExtensionNext(), DGifGetLine(), DGifGetRecordType(), DGifGetScreenDesc(), DGifGetWord(), DGifSetupDecompress(), EGifBufferedOutput(), EGifCloseFile(), EGifCompressLine(), EGifCompressOutput(), EGifPutComment(), EGifPutExtension(), EGifPutExtensionFirst(), EGifPutExtensionLast(), EGifPutExtensionNext(), EGifPutImageDesc(), EGifPutScreenDesc(), EGifPutWord(), EGifSetupCompress(), get_gif_image_desc(), get_gif_saved_images(), gif2ASImage(), GIFquantize(), SubdivColorMap(), and write_gif_saved_images().

#define GIF_STAMP   "GIFVER"

Definition at line 33 of file gif_lib.h.

Referenced by DGifOpen().

#define GIF_STAMP_LEN   sizeof(GIF_STAMP) - 1

Definition at line 34 of file gif_lib.h.

Referenced by DGifOpen().

#define GIF_VERSION_POS   3

Definition at line 35 of file gif_lib.h.

Referenced by DGifOpen(), and EGifSetGifVersion().


Definition at line 114 of file gif_lib.h.

Referenced by ASImage2gif(), and gif2ASImage().

#define NULL   0

Definition at line 30 of file gif_lib.h.


Definition at line 115 of file gif_lib.h.

#define TRUE   1

Definition at line 25 of file gif_lib.h.

#define VoidPtr   void *

Definition at line 52 of file gif_lib.h.

Referenced by DGifOpen(), EGifOpen(), and EGifOpenFileHandle().

Typedef Documentation

typedef int GifBooleanType

Definition at line 41 of file gif_lib.h.

typedef unsigned char GifByteType

Definition at line 44 of file gif_lib.h.

typedef unsigned char GifPixelType

Definition at line 42 of file gif_lib.h.

typedef unsigned char* GifRowType

Definition at line 43 of file gif_lib.h.

typedef int(*) InputFunc(GifFileType *, GifByteType *, int)

Definition at line 103 of file gif_lib.h.

typedef int(*) OutputFunc(GifFileType *, const GifByteType *, int)

Definition at line 108 of file gif_lib.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum GifRecordType

Definition at line 85 of file gif_lib.h.

enum GifScreenDumpType

Definition at line 97 of file gif_lib.h.

Function Documentation

int AddExtensionBlock ( SavedImage New,
int  Len,
char  ExtData[] 

Definition at line 219 of file gifalloc.c.

References ExtensionBlock::ByteCount, ExtensionBlock::Bytes, SavedImage::ExtensionBlockCount, SavedImage::ExtensionBlocks, ExtensionBlock::Function, SavedImage::Function, GIF_ERROR, GIF_OK, malloc(), NULL, and realloc().

Referenced by get_gif_saved_images().

void ApplyTranslation ( SavedImage Image,
GifPixelType  Translation[] 

Definition at line 195 of file gifalloc.c.

References GifImageDesc::Height, SavedImage::ImageDesc, SavedImage::RasterBits, and GifImageDesc::Width.

int BitSize ( int  n  ) 

Definition at line 28 of file gifalloc.c.

References i.

Referenced by MakeMapObject(), and UnionColorMap().

int DGifCloseFile ( GifFileType GifFile  ) 

Definition at line 380 of file dgif_lib.c.

References _GifError, GifImageDesc::ColorMap, D_GIF_ERR_CLOSE_FAILED, D_GIF_ERR_NOT_READABLE, fclose(), GifFilePrivateType::File, File, free(), FreeMapObject(), FreeSavedImages(), GIF_ERROR, GIF_OK, if(), GifFileType::Image, IS_READABLE, NULL, GifFileType::Private, GifFileType::SavedImages, and GifFileType::SColorMap.

Referenced by ASImage2gif(), and gif2ASImage().

int DGifGetCode ( GifFileType GifFile,
int *  GifCodeSize,
GifByteType **  GifCodeBlock 

Definition at line 455 of file dgif_lib.c.

References _GifError, GifFilePrivateType::BitsPerPixel, D_GIF_ERR_NOT_READABLE, DGifGetCodeNext(), GIF_ERROR, if(), IS_READABLE, and GifFileType::Private.

int DGifGetCodeNext ( GifFileType GifFile,
GifByteType **  GifCodeBlock 

Definition at line 475 of file dgif_lib.c.

References _GifError, GifFilePrivateType::Buf, D_GIF_ERR_READ_FAILED, fseek, GIF_ERROR, GIF_OK, if(), NULL, GifFilePrivateType::PixelCount, GifFileType::Private, READ, SEEK_END, and GifFileType::UserData.

Referenced by DGifGetCode(), and DGifGetLine().

int DGifGetComment ( GifFileType GifFile,
char *  GifComment 

int DGifGetExtension ( GifFileType GifFile,
int *  GifExtCode,
GifByteType **  GifExtension 

Definition at line 328 of file dgif_lib.c.

References _GifError, D_GIF_ERR_NOT_READABLE, D_GIF_ERR_READ_FAILED, DGifGetExtensionNext(), GIF_ERROR, if(), IS_READABLE, GifFileType::Private, and READ.

Referenced by get_gif_saved_images().

int DGifGetExtensionNext ( GifFileType GifFile,
GifByteType **  GifExtension 

Definition at line 354 of file dgif_lib.c.

References _GifError, GifFilePrivateType::Buf, D_GIF_ERR_READ_FAILED, GIF_ERROR, GIF_OK, if(), NULL, GifFileType::Private, and READ.

Referenced by DGifGetExtension(), and get_gif_saved_images().

int DGifGetImageDesc ( GifFileType GifFile  ) 

Definition at line 206 of file dgif_lib.c.

References _GifError, ColorMapObject::ColorCount, GifImageDesc::ColorMap, D_GIF_ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEM, D_GIF_ERR_NOT_READABLE, D_GIF_ERR_READ_FAILED, DGifGetWord(), FreeMapObject(), GIF_ERROR, GifImageDesc::Height, i, if(), GifFileType::Image, GifFileType::ImageCount, GifImageDesc::Interlace, IS_READABLE, GifImageDesc::Left, MakeMapObject(), NULL, GifFileType::Private, READ, realloc(), GifFileType::SavedImages, GifImageDesc::Top, GifImageDesc::Width, and x80.

Referenced by get_gif_image_desc().

int DGifGetLine ( GifFileType GifFile,
GifPixelType GifLine,
int  GifLineLen 

Definition at line 284 of file dgif_lib.c.

References _GifError, D_GIF_ERR_DATA_TOO_BIG, D_GIF_ERR_NOT_READABLE, DGifDecompressLine(), DGifGetCodeNext(), GIF_ERROR, GIF_OK, if(), GifFileType::Image, IS_READABLE, NULL, GifFilePrivateType::PixelCount, GifFileType::Private, and GifImageDesc::Width.

Referenced by get_gif_saved_images().

int DGifGetLZCodes ( GifFileType GifFile,
int *  GifCode 

int DGifGetPixel ( GifFileType GifFile,
GifPixelType  GifPixel 

int DGifGetRecordType ( GifFileType GifFile,
GifRecordType GifType 

Definition at line 167 of file dgif_lib.c.


Referenced by get_gif_saved_images().

int DGifGetScreenDesc ( GifFileType GifFile  ) 

Definition at line 121 of file dgif_lib.c.

References _GifError, ColorMapObject::ColorCount, D_GIF_ERR_NOT_READABLE, D_GIF_ERR_READ_FAILED, DGifGetWord(), GIF_ERROR, GIF_OK, i, if(), IS_READABLE, MakeMapObject(), NULL, GifFileType::Private, READ, GifFileType::SBackGroundColor, GifFileType::SColorMap, GifFileType::SColorResolution, GifFileType::SHeight, GifFileType::SWidth, and x80.

Referenced by DGifOpen().

GifFileType* DGifOpen ( void *  userPtr,
InputFunc  readFunc 

Definition at line 60 of file dgif_lib.c.

References _GifError, D_GIF_ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEM, D_GIF_ERR_NOT_GIF_FILE, D_GIF_ERR_READ_FAILED, DGifGetScreenDesc(), GifFilePrivateType::File, FILE_STATE_READ, GifFilePrivateType::FileHandle, GifFilePrivateType::FileState, free(), GIF_ERROR, GIF_STAMP, GIF_STAMP_LEN, GIF_VERSION_POS, malloc(), NULL, GifFileType::Private, GifFilePrivateType::Read, READ, GifFileType::UserData, and VoidPtr.

Referenced by open_gif_read().

GifFileType* DGifOpenFileHandle ( int  GifFileHandle  ) 

GifFileType* DGifOpenFileName ( const char *  GifFileName  ) 

int DGifSlurp ( GifFileType GifFile  ) 

void DrawBox ( SavedImage Image,
const int  x,
const int  y,
const int  w,
const int  d,
const int  color 

Referenced by G__G__Base1_327_0_10(), G__G__Base1_339_0_35(), G__G__Base1_342_0_9(), G__G__GL_233_0_2(), and G__G__GL_239_0_7().

void DrawBoxedText ( SavedImage Image,
const int  x,
const int  y,
const char *  legend,
const int  border,
const int  bg,
const int  fg 

void DrawRectangle ( SavedImage Image,
const int  x,
const int  y,
const int  w,
const int  d,
const int  color 

Referenced by G__G__Base1_327_0_165(), and G__G__Graf_186_0_37().

void DrawText ( SavedImage Image,
const int  x,
const int  y,
const char *  legend,
const int  color 

Referenced by G__G__Base1_324_0_5(), G__G__Base1_327_0_16(), G__G__Base1_339_0_43(), G__G__Graf_150_0_6(), G__G__Graf_186_0_43(), and G__G__Graf_186_0_44().

int DumpScreen2Gif ( const char *  FileName,
int  ReqGraphDriver,
int  ReqGraphMode1,
int  ReqGraphMode2,
int  ReqGraphMode3 

int EGifCloseFile ( GifFileType GifFile  ) 

Definition at line 536 of file egif_lib.c.

References _GifError, GifImageDesc::ColorMap, E_GIF_ERR_CLOSE_FAILED, E_GIF_ERR_NOT_WRITEABLE, fclose(), GifFilePrivateType::File, File, free(), FreeMapObject(), GIF_ERROR, GIF_OK, GifFilePrivateType::HashTable, if(), GifFileType::Image, IS_WRITEABLE, NULL, GifFileType::Private, GifFileType::SColorMap, and WRITE.

Referenced by ASImage2gif().

GifFileType* EgifOpen ( void *  userPtr,
OutputFunc  writeFunc 

GifFileType* EGifOpenFileHandle ( int  GifFileHandle  ) 

Definition at line 74 of file egif_lib.c.

References _GifError, _InitHashTable(), E_GIF_ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEM, GifFilePrivateType::File, FILE_STATE_WRITE, GifFilePrivateType::FileHandle, GifFilePrivateType::FileState, free(), GIF_FILE_BUFFER_SIZE, GifFilePrivateType::HashTable, malloc(), NULL, O_BINARY, GifFileType::Private, GifFileType::UserData, VoidPtr, and GifFilePrivateType::Write.

Referenced by ASImage2gif().

GifFileType* EGifOpenFileName ( const char *  GifFileName,
int  GifTestExistance 

int EGifPutCode ( GifFileType GifFile,
int  GifCodeSize,
const GifByteType GifCodeBlock 

int EGifPutCodeNext ( GifFileType GifFile,
const GifByteType GifCodeBlock 

int EGifPutComment ( GifFileType GifFile,
const char *  GifComment 

Definition at line 381 of file egif_lib.c.

References buf, COMMENT_EXT_FUNC_CODE, EGifPutExtension(), EGifPutExtensionFirst(), EGifPutExtensionLast(), EGifPutExtensionNext(), GIF_ERROR, GIF_OK, length, and NULL.

int EGifPutExtension ( GifFileType GifFile,
int  GifExtCode,
int  GifExtLen,
const VoidPtr  GifExtension 

Definition at line 506 of file egif_lib.c.

References _GifError, E_GIF_ERR_NOT_WRITEABLE, GIF_ERROR, GIF_OK, if(), IS_WRITEABLE, GifFileType::Private, and WRITE.

Referenced by ASImage2gif(), EGifPutComment(), and write_gif_saved_images().

int EGifPutExtensionFirst ( GifFileType GifFile,
int  GifExtCode,
int  GifExtLen,
const VoidPtr  GifExtension 

Definition at line 426 of file egif_lib.c.

References _GifError, E_GIF_ERR_NOT_WRITEABLE, GifFilePrivateType::File, fwrite, GIF_ERROR, GIF_OK, if(), IS_WRITEABLE, and GifFileType::Private.

Referenced by ASImage2gif(), and EGifPutComment().

int EGifPutExtensionLast ( GifFileType GifFile,
int  GifExtCode,
int  GifExtLen,
const VoidPtr  GifExtension 

Definition at line 477 of file egif_lib.c.

References _GifError, E_GIF_ERR_NOT_WRITEABLE, GifFilePrivateType::File, fwrite, GIF_ERROR, GIF_OK, if(), IS_WRITEABLE, and GifFileType::Private.

Referenced by ASImage2gif(), and EGifPutComment().

int EGifPutExtensionNext ( GifFileType GifFile,
int  GifExtCode,
int  GifExtLen,
const VoidPtr  GifExtension 

Definition at line 455 of file egif_lib.c.

References _GifError, E_GIF_ERR_NOT_WRITEABLE, GifFilePrivateType::File, fwrite, GIF_ERROR, GIF_OK, if(), IS_WRITEABLE, and GifFileType::Private.

Referenced by EGifPutComment().

int EGifPutImageDesc ( GifFileType GifFile,
int  GifLeft,
int  GifTop,
int  Width,
int  GifHeight,
int  GifInterlace,
const ColorMapObject GifColorMap 

Definition at line 263 of file egif_lib.c.

References _GifError, ColorMapObject::BitsPerPixel, GifColorType::Blue, ColorMapObject::ColorCount, GifImageDesc::ColorMap, ColorMapObject::Colors, E_GIF_ERR_HAS_IMAG_DSCR, E_GIF_ERR_NO_COLOR_MAP, E_GIF_ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEM, E_GIF_ERR_NOT_WRITEABLE, E_GIF_ERR_WRITE_FAILED, EGifPutWord(), EGifSetupCompress(), FILE_STATE_IMAGE, GifFilePrivateType::FileState, GIF_ERROR, GIF_OK, GifColorType::Green, GifImageDesc::Height, i, if(), GifFileType::Image, GifImageDesc::Interlace, IS_WRITEABLE, GifImageDesc::Left, long, MakeMapObject(), NULL, GifFilePrivateType::PixelCount, GifFileType::Private, GifColorType::Red, GifImageDesc::Top, GifImageDesc::Width, and WRITE.

Referenced by ASImage2gif(), and write_gif_saved_images().

int EGifPutLine ( GifFileType GifFile,
GifPixelType GifLine,
int  GifLineLen 

Definition at line 350 of file egif_lib.c.

References _GifError, GifFilePrivateType::BitsPerPixel, CodeMask, E_GIF_ERR_DATA_TOO_BIG, E_GIF_ERR_NOT_WRITEABLE, EGifCompressLine(), GIF_ERROR, i, if(), GifFileType::Image, IS_WRITEABLE, GifFilePrivateType::PixelCount, GifFileType::Private, and GifImageDesc::Width.

Referenced by ASImage2gif(), and write_gif_saved_images().

int EGifPutPixel ( GifFileType GifFile,
GifPixelType  GifPixel 

int EGifPutScreenDesc ( GifFileType GifFile,
int  GifWidth,
int  GifHeight,
int  GifColorRes,
int  GifBackGround,
const ColorMapObject GifColorMap 

Definition at line 181 of file egif_lib.c.

References _GifError, ColorMapObject::BitsPerPixel, GifColorType::Blue, ColorMapObject::ColorCount, ColorMapObject::Colors, E_GIF_ERR_HAS_SCRN_DSCR, E_GIF_ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEM, E_GIF_ERR_NOT_WRITEABLE, E_GIF_ERR_WRITE_FAILED, EGifPutWord(), FILE_STATE_SCREEN, GifFilePrivateType::FileState, GIF_ERROR, GIF_OK, GifVersionPrefix, GifVersionPrefixLen, GifColorType::Green, i, if(), IS_WRITEABLE, MakeMapObject(), NULL, GifFileType::Private, GifColorType::Red, GifFileType::SBackGroundColor, GifFileType::SColorMap, GifFileType::SColorResolution, GifFileType::SHeight, GifFileType::SWidth, and WRITE.

Referenced by ASImage2gif().

void EGifSetGifVersion ( const char *  Version  ) 

Definition at line 172 of file egif_lib.c.

References GIF_VERSION_POS, and GifVersionPrefix.

int EGifSpew ( GifFileType GifFile  ) 

void FreeExtension ( SavedImage Image  ) 

Definition at line 246 of file gifalloc.c.

References ExtensionBlock::Bytes, SavedImage::ExtensionBlockCount, SavedImage::ExtensionBlocks, free(), NULL, and void.

Referenced by free_gif_saved_image(), and FreeSavedImages().

void FreeMapObject ( ColorMapObject Object  ) 

Definition at line 73 of file gifalloc.c.

References free(), and Reflex::Dummy::Object().

Referenced by ASImage2gif(), DGifCloseFile(), DGifGetImageDesc(), EGifCloseFile(), free_gif_saved_image(), FreeSavedImages(), and UnionColorMap().

void FreeSavedImages ( GifFileType GifFile  ) 

Definition at line 329 of file gifalloc.c.

References GifImageDesc::ColorMap, SavedImage::ExtensionBlocks, free(), FreeExtension(), FreeMapObject(), GifFileType::ImageCount, SavedImage::ImageDesc, SavedImage::RasterBits, and GifFileType::SavedImages.

Referenced by DGifCloseFile().

int GifLastError ( void   ) 

Definition at line 47 of file gif_err.c.

References _GifError, and i.

void GifQprintf ( char *  Format,

void MakeExtension ( SavedImage New,
int  Function 

Definition at line 211 of file gifalloc.c.

References SavedImage::Function.

ColorMapObject* MakeMapObject ( int  ColorCount,
const GifColorType ColorMap 

Definition at line 44 of file gifalloc.c.

References BitSize(), calloc(), malloc(), NULL, and Reflex::Dummy::Object().

Referenced by ASImage2gif(), DGifGetImageDesc(), DGifGetScreenDesc(), EGifPutImageDesc(), EGifPutScreenDesc(), get_gif_image_desc(), MakeSavedImage(), and UnionColorMap().

SavedImage* MakeSavedImage ( GifFileType GifFile,
const SavedImage CopyFrom 

Definition at line 261 of file gifalloc.c.

References ColorMapObject::ColorCount, GifImageDesc::ColorMap, ColorMapObject::Colors, SavedImage::ExtensionBlockCount, SavedImage::ExtensionBlocks, GifImageDesc::Height, GifFileType::ImageCount, SavedImage::ImageDesc, MakeMapObject(), malloc(), NULL, SavedImage::RasterBits, realloc(), GifFileType::SavedImages, and GifImageDesc::Width.

void PrintGifError ( void   ) 

Definition at line 59 of file gif_err.c.


int QuantizeBuffer ( unsigned int  Width,
unsigned int  Height,
int *  ColorMapSize,
GifByteType RedInput,
GifByteType GreenInput,
GifByteType BlueInput,
GifByteType OutputBuffer,
GifColorType OutputColorMap 

ColorMapObject* UnionColorMap ( const ColorMapObject ColorIn1,
const ColorMapObject ColorIn2,
GifPixelType  ColorTransIn2[] 

Definition at line 103 of file gifalloc.c.

References BitSize(), ColorMapObject::BitsPerPixel, ColorMapObject::ColorCount, ColorMapObject::Colors, for(), FreeMapObject(), GifColorType::Green, if(), MakeMapObject(), MAX, NULL, realloc(), and GifColorType::Red.

Variable Documentation

unsigned char AsciiTable[][GIF_FONT_WIDTH]

int GifQuietPrint

Generated on Tue Jul 5 15:58:16 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1