matrixOperations.C File Reference

#include "TGraphErrors.h"
#include "TMultiGraph.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TLegend.h"
#include "TPaveText.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TProfile.h"
#include "TStyle.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TFrame.h"
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

Go to the source code of this file.


void matrixOperations_do (std::string type="", bool clhep=false, bool drawSingleGraph=false)
void matrixOperations (std::string type="", bool clhep=false, bool drawSingleGraph=false)
void DrawData (char *title, TGraphErrors *h1, TGraphErrors *h2, TGraphErrors *h3=0, TGraphErrors *h4=0, TGraphErrors *h5=0, TGraphErrors *h6=0)
void GetData (std::string s, double *x, double *y, double *ey)


int fillCol = 20
std::string systemName
bool drawSingleGraph = true
int topX = 10
int topY = 50
const Int_t N = 10

Function Documentation

void DrawData ( char *  title,
TGraphErrors h1,
TGraphErrors h2,
TGraphErrors h3 = 0,
TGraphErrors h4 = 0,
TGraphErrors h5 = 0,
TGraphErrors h6 = 0 

Definition at line 36 of file matrixOperations.C.

References TMultiGraph::Add(), TLegend::AddEntry(), TPaveText::AddText(), TPaveText::Draw(), TMultiGraph::Draw(), TLegend::Draw(), fillCol, TMultiGraph::GetXaxis(), TGraph::GetXaxis(), TGraph::GetYaxis(), TMultiGraph::GetYaxis(), gPad, gStyle, h1, h2, TPave::SetBorderSize(), TAttFill::SetFillColor(), TAxis::SetLimits(), TAttLine::SetLineColor(), TAttLine::SetLineWidth(), TAttMarker::SetMarkerColor(), TAttMarker::SetMarkerStyle(), TAxis::SetMoreLogLabels(), TAxis::SetNoExponent(), TStyle::SetOptStat(), TNamed::SetTitle(), TGraph::SetTitle(), TAttAxis::SetTitleOffset(), TAttAxis::SetTitleSize(), and systemName.

Referenced by matrixOperations_do().

void GetData ( std::string  s,
double x,
double y,
double ey 

Definition at line 141 of file matrixOperations.C.

References h1, i, N, and systemName.

Referenced by Rgl::Mc::TMeshBuilder< DataSource, ValueType >::BuildCol(), Rgl::Mc::TMeshBuilder< DataSource, ValueType >::BuildFirstCube(), Rgl::Mc::TMeshBuilder< DataSource, ValueType >::BuildRow(), Rgl::Mc::TMeshBuilder< DataSource, ValueType >::BuildSlice(), G__G__Eve2_478_0_14(), G__G__TMVA1_673_0_9(), and matrixOperations_do().

void matrixOperations ( std::string  type = "",
bool  clhep = false,
bool  drawSingleGraph = false 

Definition at line 27 of file matrixOperations.C.

References drawSingleGraph, matrixOperations_do(), and type.

void matrixOperations_do ( std::string  type = "",
bool  clhep = false,
bool  drawSingleGraph = false 

Definition at line 162 of file matrixOperations.C.

References c1, TCanvas::cd(), TPad::Divide(), DrawData(), fillCol, GetData(), TPad::GetFrame(), TPad::Modified(), N, TWbox::SetBorderSize(), TAttFill::SetFillColor(), TAttPad::SetRightMargin(), sqrt(), systemName, topX, topY, TCanvas::Update(), and x.

Referenced by matrixOperations().

Variable Documentation

bool drawSingleGraph = true

Definition at line 17 of file matrixOperations.C.

Referenced by matrixOperations().

int fillCol = 20

Definition at line 15 of file matrixOperations.C.

Referenced by DrawData(), and matrixOperations_do().

const Int_t N = 10

Definition at line 22 of file matrixOperations.C.

std::string systemName

Definition at line 16 of file matrixOperations.C.

Referenced by DrawData(), GetData(), and matrixOperations_do().

int topX = 10

Definition at line 19 of file matrixOperations.C.

Referenced by matrixOperations_do().

int topY = 50

Definition at line 20 of file matrixOperations.C.

Referenced by matrixOperations_do().

Generated on Tue Jul 5 16:07:44 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1