Rgl Namespace Reference


class  PlotTranslation
class  TGuardBase
class  TOneArgGuard
class  TTwoArgsGuard


namespace  Fgt
namespace  Mc
namespace  Pad
namespace  ROOT


typedef std::pair< Int_t,
typedef std::pair< Double_t,
typedef std::map< Int_t, RGB_t > ColorLookupTable_t
typedef ColorLookupTable_t::const_iterator CLTCI_t
typedef std::map< RGB_t, Int_tObjectLookupTable_t
typedef ObjectLookupTable_t::const_iterator OLTCI_t
typedef std::pair< Int_t,
typedef std::pair< Double_t,


void DrawMesh (const std::vector< Float_t > &vs, const std::vector< Float_t > &ns, const std::vector< UInt_t > &ts)
void DrawMesh (const std::vector< Double_t > &vs, const std::vector< Double_t > &ns, const std::vector< UInt_t > &ts)
void DrawMesh (const std::vector< Float_t > &vs, const std::vector< UInt_t > &fTS)
void DrawMesh (const std::vector< Double_t > &vs, const std::vector< UInt_t > &fTS)
void DrawMesh (const std::vector< Float_t > &vs, const std::vector< Float_t > &ns, const std::vector< UInt_t > &ts, const TGLBoxCut &box)
void DrawMesh (const std::vector< Double_t > &vs, const std::vector< Double_t > &ns, const std::vector< UInt_t > &ts, const TGLBoxCut &box)
void DrawMesh (const std::vector< Float_t > &vs, const std::vector< UInt_t > &ts, const TGLBoxCut &box)
void DrawMesh (const std::vector< Double_t > &vs, const std::vector< UInt_t > &ts, const TGLBoxCut &box)
void DrawMapleMesh (const std::vector< Double_t > &vs, const std::vector< Double_t > &ns, const std::vector< UInt_t > &ts)
void DrawMapleMesh (const std::vector< Double_t > &vs, const std::vector< Double_t > &ns, const std::vector< UInt_t > &ts, const TGLBoxCut &box)
void DrawPalette (const TGLPlotCamera *camera, const TGLLevelPalette &palette)
void DrawPaletteAxis (const TGLPlotCamera *camera, const Range_t &minMax, Bool_t logZ)
void ObjectIDToColor (Int_t objectID, Bool_t highColor)
Int_t ColorToObjectID (const UChar_t *color, Bool_t highColor)
void DrawQuadOutline (const TGLVertex3 &v1, const TGLVertex3 &v2, const TGLVertex3 &v3, const TGLVertex3 &v4)
void DrawQuadFilled (const TGLVertex3 &v0, const TGLVertex3 &v1, const TGLVertex3 &v2, const TGLVertex3 &v3, const TGLVector3 &normal)
void DrawQuadFilled (const Double_t *v0, const Double_t *v1, const Double_t *v2, const Double_t *v3, const Double_t *normal)
void DrawSmoothFace (const TGLVertex3 &v1, const TGLVertex3 &v2, const TGLVertex3 &v3, const TGLVector3 &norm1, const TGLVector3 &norm2, const TGLVector3 &norm3)
void DrawBoxFront (Double_t xMin, Double_t xMax, Double_t yMin, Double_t yMax, Double_t zMin, Double_t zMax, Int_t fp)
void DrawBoxFrontTextured (Double_t xMin, Double_t xMax, Double_t yMin, Double_t yMax, Double_t zMin, Double_t zMax, Double_t tMin, Double_t tMax, Int_t front)
void DrawTrapezoidTextured (const Double_t ver[][2], Double_t zMin, Double_t zMax, Double_t tMin, Double_t tMax)
void DrawTrapezoidTextured (const Double_t ver[][3], Double_t texMin, Double_t texMax)
void DrawTrapezoidTextured2 (const Double_t ver[][2], Double_t zMin, Double_t zMax, Double_t tMin, Double_t tMax)
void DrawCylinder (TGLQuadric *quadric, Double_t xMin, Double_t xMax, Double_t yMin, Double_t yMax, Double_t zMin, Double_t zMax)
void DrawSphere (TGLQuadric *quadric, Double_t xMin, Double_t xMax, Double_t yMin, Double_t yMax, Double_t zMin, Double_t zMax)
void DrawError (Double_t xMin, Double_t xMax, Double_t yMin, Double_t yMax, Double_t zMin, Double_t zMax)
void DrawTrapezoid (const Double_t ver[][2], Double_t zMin, Double_t zMax, Bool_t color=kTRUE)
void DrawTrapezoid (const Double_t ver[][3])
void DrawAxes (Int_t frontPoint, const Int_t *viewport, const TGLVertex3 *box2D, const TGLPlotCoordinates *plotCoord, TAxis *xAxis, TAxis *yAxis, TAxis *zAxis)
void SetZLevels (TAxis *zAxis, Double_t zMin, Double_t zMax, Double_t zScale, std::vector< Double_t > &zLevels)
void DrawFaceTextured (const TGLVertex3 &v1, const TGLVertex3 &v2, const TGLVertex3 &v3, Double_t t1, Double_t t2, Double_t t3, const TGLVector3 &norm1, const TGLVector3 &norm2, const TGLVector3 &norm3)
void DrawFaceTextured (const TGLVertex3 &v1, const TGLVertex3 &v2, const TGLVertex3 &v3, Double_t t1, Double_t t2, Double_t t3, Double_t z, const TGLVector3 &planeNormal)
void GetColor (Float_t v, Float_t vmin, Float_t vmax, Int_t type, Float_t *rgba)
template<class Func, class Arg>
TOneArgGuard< Func, Arg > make_guard (Func f, Arg a)
template<class Func, class Arg1, class Arg2>
TTwoArgsGuard< Func, Arg1,
Arg2 > 
make_guard (Func f, Arg1 a1, Arg2 a2)
template<class V>
void DrawMesh (GLenum type, const std::vector< V > &vs, const std::vector< V > &ns, const std::vector< UInt_t > &fTS)
template<class V>
void DrawMesh (GLenum type, const std::vector< V > &vs, const std::vector< UInt_t > &fTS)
template<class V, class GLN, class GLV>
void DrawMesh (GLN normal3, GLV vertex3, const std::vector< V > &vs, const std::vector< V > &ns, const std::vector< UInt_t > &fTS, const TGLBoxCut &box)
template<class V, class GLV>
void DrawMesh (GLV vertex3, const std::vector< V > &vs, const std::vector< UInt_t > &fTS, const TGLBoxCut &box)
void NormalToColor (Double_t *rfColor, const Double_t *n)
Bool_t operator< (const RGB_t &lhs, const RGB_t &rhs)
void CylindricalNormal (const Double_t *v, Double_t *normal)
void CylindricalNormalInv (const Double_t *v, Double_t *normal)
void SphericalNormal (const Double_t *v, Double_t *normal)
void SphericalNormalInv (const Double_t *v, Double_t *normal)
void Draw2DAxis (TAxis *axis, Double_t xMin, Double_t yMin, Double_t xMax, Double_t yMax, Double_t min, Double_t max, Bool_t log, Bool_t z=kFALSE)


const Double_t gH2PolyScaleXY
const Float_t gRedEmission []
const Float_t gGreenEmission []
const Float_t gBlueEmission []
const Float_t gOrangeEmission []
const Float_t gWhiteEmission []
const Float_t gGrayEmission []
const Float_t gNullEmission []
const Double_t lr = 0.85
const Double_t rr = 0.9
const Double_t gH2PolyScaleXY = 1.2
const Float_t gRedEmission [] = {1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f}
const Float_t gGreenEmission [] = {0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f}
const Float_t gBlueEmission [] = {0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 1.f}
const Float_t gOrangeEmission [] = {1.f, 0.4f, 0.f, 1.f}
const Float_t gWhiteEmission [] = {1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f}
const Float_t gGrayEmission [] = {0.3f,0.3f, 0.3f,1.f}
const Float_t gNullEmission [] = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f}
RGB_t gColorTriplets []
ColorLookupTable_t gObjectIDToColor
ObjectLookupTable_t gColorToObjectID
const Int_t gBoxFrontQuads [][4] = {{0, 1, 2, 3}, {4, 0, 3, 5}, {4, 5, 6, 7}, {7, 6, 2, 1}}
const Double_t gBoxFrontNormals [][3] = {{-1., 0., 0.}, {0., -1., 0.}, {1., 0., 0.}, {0., 1., 0.}}
const Int_t gBoxFrontPlanes [][2] = {{0, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 0}}
const Int_t gFramePoints [][2] = {{3, 1}, {0, 2}, {1, 3}, {2, 0}}
const Int_t gAxisType [][2] = {{1, 0}, {0, 1}, {1, 0}, {0, 1}}
const Double_t gH2PolyScaleXY
const Float_t gRedEmission []
const Float_t gGreenEmission []
const Float_t gBlueEmission []
const Float_t gOrangeEmission []
const Float_t gWhiteEmission []
const Float_t gGrayEmission []
const Float_t gNullEmission []

Typedef Documentation

typedef std::pair<Int_t, Int_t> Rgl::BinRange_t

Definition at line 1190 of file TGLUtil.h.

typedef std::pair<Int_t, Int_t> Rgl::BinRange_t

Definition at line 1190 of file TGLUtil.h.

typedef ColorLookupTable_t::const_iterator Rgl::CLTCI_t [static]

Definition at line 2567 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

typedef std::map<Int_t, RGB_t> Rgl::ColorLookupTable_t [static]

Definition at line 2566 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

typedef std::map<RGB_t, Int_t> Rgl::ObjectLookupTable_t [static]

Definition at line 2571 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

typedef ObjectLookupTable_t::const_iterator Rgl::OLTCI_t [static]

Definition at line 2572 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

typedef std::pair<Double_t, Double_t> Rgl::Range_t

Definition at line 1191 of file TGLUtil.h.

typedef std::pair<Double_t, Double_t> Rgl::Range_t

Definition at line 1191 of file TGLUtil.h.

Function Documentation

Int_t Rgl::ColorToObjectID ( const UChar_t color,
Bool_t  highColor 

Definition at line 2603 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

References gColorToObjectID, and gObjectIDToColor.

Referenced by G__G__GL_146_0_2(), G__setup_memfuncRgl(), and TGLPlotPainter::PlotSelected().

void Rgl::CylindricalNormal ( const Double_t v,
Double_t normal 

Definition at line 2872 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

References n, and TMath::Sqrt().

Referenced by DrawTrapezoid(), DrawTrapezoidTextured(), and DrawTrapezoidTextured2().

void Rgl::CylindricalNormalInv ( const Double_t v,
Double_t normal 

Definition at line 2886 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

References n, and TMath::Sqrt().

Referenced by DrawTrapezoid(), DrawTrapezoidTextured(), and DrawTrapezoidTextured2().

void Rgl::Draw2DAxis ( TAxis axis,
Double_t  xMin,
Double_t  yMin,
Double_t  xMax,
Double_t  yMax,
Double_t  min,
Double_t  max,
Bool_t  log,
Bool_t  z = kFALSE 

Definition at line 3249 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

References TMath::Abs(), axis, TGaxis::ImportAxisAttributes(), option, TGaxis::PaintAxis(), TMath::Power(), TGaxis::SetLabelOffset(), TAttLine::SetLineWidth(), TGaxis::SetOption(), and TGaxis::SetTimeFormat().

Referenced by DrawAxes().

void Rgl::DrawAxes ( Int_t  frontPoint,
const Int_t viewport,
const TGLVertex3 box2D,
const TGLPlotCoordinates plotCoord,
TAxis xAxis,
TAxis yAxis,
TAxis zAxis 

Definition at line 3301 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

References axis, box(), Draw2DAxis(), fp, gAxisType, gFramePoints, gPad, kTRUE, points, and Y.

Referenced by G__G__GL_146_0_12(), G__setup_memfuncRgl(), and TGLPlotPainter::Paint().

void Rgl::DrawBoxFront ( Double_t  xMin,
Double_t  xMax,
Double_t  yMin,
Double_t  yMax,
Double_t  zMin,
Double_t  zMax,
Int_t  fp 

Definition at line 2683 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

References gBoxFrontNormals, gBoxFrontPlanes, gBoxFrontQuads, GL_POLYGON, glBegin(), glEnd(), glNormal3d(), glNormal3dv(), glVertex3d(), glVertex3dv(), and ROOT::Math::swap().

Referenced by TGLBoxCut::DrawBox(), TGLLegoPainter::DrawLegoCartesian(), TGLBoxPainter::DrawPlot(), TGLTH3CompositionPainter::DrawPlot(), G__G__GL_146_0_7(), and G__setup_memfuncRgl().

void Rgl::DrawBoxFrontTextured ( Double_t  xMin,
Double_t  xMax,
Double_t  yMin,
Double_t  yMax,
Double_t  zMin,
Double_t  zMax,
Double_t  tMin,
Double_t  tMax,
Int_t  front 

Definition at line 2732 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

References gBoxFrontNormals, gBoxFrontPlanes, gBoxFrontQuads, GL_POLYGON, glBegin(), glEnd(), glNormal3d(), glNormal3dv(), glTexCoord1d(), glVertex3d(), glVertex3dv(), and ROOT::Math::swap().

Referenced by TGLLegoPainter::DrawLegoCartesian(), G__G__GL_146_0_8(), and G__setup_memfuncRgl().

void Rgl::DrawCylinder ( TGLQuadric quadric,
Double_t  xMin,
Double_t  xMax,
Double_t  yMin,
Double_t  yMax,
Double_t  zMin,
Double_t  zMax 

Definition at line 2797 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

References TGLQuadric::Get(), glPopMatrix(), glPushMatrix(), glRotated(), glTranslated(), TMath::Min(), and ROOT::Math::swap().

Referenced by TGLLegoPainter::DrawLegoCartesian(), G__G__GL_146_0_9(), and G__setup_memfuncRgl().

void Rgl::DrawError ( Double_t  xMin,
Double_t  xMax,
Double_t  yMin,
Double_t  yMax,
Double_t  zMin,
Double_t  zMax 

Definition at line 2850 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

References GL_LINES, glBegin(), glEnd(), and glVertex3d().

Referenced by TGLLegoPainter::DrawLegoCartesian(), G__G__GL_146_0_11(), and G__setup_memfuncRgl().

void Rgl::DrawFaceTextured ( const TGLVertex3 v1,
const TGLVertex3 v2,
const TGLVertex3 v3,
Double_t  t1,
Double_t  t2,
Double_t  t3,
Double_t  z,
const TGLVector3 planeNormal 

Definition at line 3400 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

References TGLVertex3::CArr(), GL_POLYGON, glBegin(), glEnd(), glNormal3dv(), glTexCoord1d(), glVertex3d(), and v1.

void Rgl::DrawFaceTextured ( const TGLVertex3 v1,
const TGLVertex3 v2,
const TGLVertex3 v3,
Double_t  t1,
Double_t  t2,
Double_t  t3,
const TGLVector3 norm1,
const TGLVector3 norm2,
const TGLVector3 norm3 

Definition at line 3380 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

References TGLVertex3::CArr(), GL_POLYGON, glBegin(), glEnd(), glNormal3dv(), glTexCoord1d(), glVertex3dv(), and v1.

Referenced by TGLSurfacePainter::DrawContoursProjection(), TGLSurfacePainter::DrawPlot(), G__G__GL_146_0_14(), G__G__GL_146_0_15(), and G__setup_memfuncRgl().

void Rgl::DrawMapleMesh ( const std::vector< Double_t > &  vs,
const std::vector< Double_t > &  ns,
const std::vector< UInt_t > &  ts,
const TGLBoxCut box 

Definition at line 208 of file TGLIsoMesh.cxx.

References box(), GL_TRIANGLES, glBegin(), glColor4dv(), glEnd(), glVertex3dv(), i, n, NormalToColor(), and t.

void Rgl::DrawMapleMesh ( const std::vector< Double_t > &  vs,
const std::vector< Double_t > &  ns,
const std::vector< UInt_t > &  ts 

Definition at line 177 of file TGLIsoMesh.cxx.

References GL_TRIANGLES, glBegin(), glColor4dv(), glEnd(), glVertex3dv(), i, n, NormalToColor(), and t.

Referenced by TGLTF3Painter::DrawMaplePlot(), G__G__GL_146_0_27(), G__G__GL_146_0_28(), and G__setup_memfuncRgl().

template<class V, class GLV>
void Rgl::DrawMesh ( GLV  vertex3,
const std::vector< V > &  vs,
const std::vector< UInt_t > &  fTS,
const TGLBoxCut box 

Definition at line 126 of file TGLIsoMesh.cxx.

References box(), GL_TRIANGLES, glBegin(), glEnd(), i, and t.

template<class V, class GLN, class GLV>
void Rgl::DrawMesh ( GLN  normal3,
GLV  vertex3,
const std::vector< V > &  vs,
const std::vector< V > &  ns,
const std::vector< UInt_t > &  fTS,
const TGLBoxCut box 

Definition at line 78 of file TGLIsoMesh.cxx.

References box(), GL_TRIANGLES, glBegin(), glEnd(), i, and t.

template<class V>
void Rgl::DrawMesh ( GLenum  type,
const std::vector< V > &  vs,
const std::vector< UInt_t > &  fTS 

Definition at line 53 of file TGLIsoMesh.cxx.

References GL_TRIANGLES, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, GL_VERTEX_ARRAY, glDisableClientState(), glDrawElements(), glEnableClientState(), and glVertexPointer().

template<class V>
void Rgl::DrawMesh ( GLenum  type,
const std::vector< V > &  vs,
const std::vector< V > &  ns,
const std::vector< UInt_t > &  fTS 

Definition at line 22 of file TGLIsoMesh.cxx.

References GL_NORMAL_ARRAY, GL_TRIANGLES, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, GL_VERTEX_ARRAY, glDisableClientState(), glDrawElements(), glEnableClientState(), glNormalPointer(), and glVertexPointer().

void Rgl::DrawMesh ( const std::vector< Double_t > &  vs,
const std::vector< UInt_t > &  ts,
const TGLBoxCut box 

Definition at line 158 of file TGLIsoMesh.cxx.

References box(), DrawMesh(), and glVertex3dv().

void Rgl::DrawMesh ( const std::vector< Float_t > &  vs,
const std::vector< UInt_t > &  ts,
const TGLBoxCut box 

Definition at line 151 of file TGLIsoMesh.cxx.

References box(), DrawMesh(), and glVertex3fv().

void Rgl::DrawMesh ( const std::vector< Double_t > &  vs,
const std::vector< Double_t > &  ns,
const std::vector< UInt_t > &  ts,
const TGLBoxCut box 

Definition at line 117 of file TGLIsoMesh.cxx.

References box(), DrawMesh(), glNormal3dv(), and glVertex3dv().

void Rgl::DrawMesh ( const std::vector< Float_t > &  vs,
const std::vector< Float_t > &  ns,
const std::vector< UInt_t > &  ts,
const TGLBoxCut box 

Definition at line 109 of file TGLIsoMesh.cxx.

References box(), DrawMesh(), glNormal3fv(), and glVertex3fv().

void Rgl::DrawMesh ( const std::vector< Double_t > &  vs,
const std::vector< UInt_t > &  fTS 

Definition at line 70 of file TGLIsoMesh.cxx.

References DrawMesh(), and GL_DOUBLE.

void Rgl::DrawMesh ( const std::vector< Float_t > &  vs,
const std::vector< UInt_t > &  fTS 

Definition at line 63 of file TGLIsoMesh.cxx.

References DrawMesh(), and GL_FLOAT.

void Rgl::DrawMesh ( const std::vector< Double_t > &  vs,
const std::vector< Double_t > &  ns,
const std::vector< UInt_t > &  ts 

Definition at line 44 of file TGLIsoMesh.cxx.

References DrawMesh(), and GL_DOUBLE.

void Rgl::DrawMesh ( const std::vector< Float_t > &  vs,
const std::vector< Float_t > &  ns,
const std::vector< UInt_t > &  ts 

Definition at line 36 of file TGLIsoMesh.cxx.

References GL_FLOAT.

Referenced by TGLTF3Painter::DrawDefaultPlot(), TGLTF3Painter::DrawMaplePlot(), TGLIsoPainter::DrawMesh(), DrawMesh(), TGL5DPainter::DrawMesh(), TGLTF3Painter::DrawToSelectionBuffer(), G__G__GL_146_0_19(), G__G__GL_146_0_20(), G__G__GL_146_0_21(), G__G__GL_146_0_22(), G__G__GL_146_0_23(), G__G__GL_146_0_24(), G__G__GL_146_0_25(), G__G__GL_146_0_26(), and G__setup_memfuncRgl().

void Rgl::DrawPalette ( const TGLPlotCamera camera,
const TGLLevelPalette palette 

Definition at line 2030 of file TGLPlotPainter.cxx.

References camera, depth, GL_BLEND, GL_DEPTH_TEST, GL_LIGHTING, GL_LINE_LOOP, GL_LINE_SMOOTH, GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT, GL_MODELVIEW, GL_NICEST, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GL_POLYGON, GL_PROJECTION, GL_SRC_ALPHA, glBegin(), glBlendFunc(), glColor4d(), glColor4ub(), glEnd(), glHint(), glLoadIdentity(), glMatrixMode(), glOrtho(), glVertex2d(), h, i, lr, palette, and rr.

Referenced by TGLBoxPainter::DrawPalette(), TGLSurfacePainter::DrawPalette(), TGLLegoPainter::DrawPalette(), G__G__GL_146_0_17(), and G__setup_memfuncRgl().

void Rgl::DrawPaletteAxis ( const TGLPlotCamera camera,
const Range_t &  minMax,
Bool_t  logZ 

Definition at line 2078 of file TGLPlotPainter.cxx.

References camera, gPad, kFALSE, TGaxis::Paint(), TMath::Power(), rr, and x.

Referenced by TGLBoxPainter::DrawPaletteAxis(), TGLSurfacePainter::DrawPaletteAxis(), TGLLegoPainter::DrawPaletteAxis(), G__G__GL_146_0_18(), and G__setup_memfuncRgl().

void Rgl::DrawQuadFilled ( const Double_t v0,
const Double_t v1,
const Double_t v2,
const Double_t v3,
const Double_t normal 

Definition at line 2650 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

References GL_QUADS, glBegin(), glEnd(), glNormal3dv(), and glVertex3dv().

Referenced by TGLPlotBox::DrawBackPlane(), and TGLPlotBox::DrawBox().

void Rgl::DrawQuadFilled ( const TGLVertex3 v0,
const TGLVertex3 v1,
const TGLVertex3 v2,
const TGLVertex3 v3,
const TGLVector3 normal 

Definition at line 2636 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

References TGLVertex3::CArr(), GL_POLYGON, glBegin(), glEnd(), glNormal3dv(), glVertex3dv(), and v1.

Referenced by TGLH2PolyPainter::DrawExtrusion(), TGLPlotPainter::DrawSections(), G__G__GL_146_0_4(), G__G__GL_146_0_5(), and G__setup_memfuncRgl().

void Rgl::DrawQuadOutline ( const TGLVertex3 v1,
const TGLVertex3 v2,
const TGLVertex3 v3,
const TGLVertex3 v4 

Definition at line 2623 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

References TGLVertex3::CArr(), GL_LINE_LOOP, glBegin(), glEnd(), glVertex3dv(), and v1.

Referenced by TGLPlotBox::DrawBackPlane(), TGLSurfacePainter::DrawPlot(), G__G__GL_146_0_3(), and G__setup_memfuncRgl().

void Rgl::DrawSmoothFace ( const TGLVertex3 v1,
const TGLVertex3 v2,
const TGLVertex3 v3,
const TGLVector3 norm1,
const TGLVector3 norm2,
const TGLVector3 norm3 

Definition at line 2664 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

References TGLVertex3::CArr(), GL_POLYGON, glBegin(), glEnd(), glNormal3dv(), glVertex3dv(), and v1.

Referenced by TGLSurfacePainter::DrawPlot(), G__G__GL_146_0_6(), and G__setup_memfuncRgl().

void Rgl::DrawSphere ( TGLQuadric quadric,
Double_t  xMin,
Double_t  xMax,
Double_t  yMin,
Double_t  yMax,
Double_t  zMin,
Double_t  zMax 

Definition at line 2827 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

References TGLQuadric::Get(), glPopMatrix(), glPushMatrix(), glTranslated(), and TMath::Min().

Referenced by TGLBoxPainter::DrawPlot(), TGLTH3CompositionPainter::DrawPlot(), G__G__GL_146_0_10(), G__G__GL_591_0_16(), and G__setup_memfuncRgl().

void Rgl::DrawTrapezoid ( const Double_t  ver[][3]  ) 

Definition at line 3138 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

References GL_POLYGON, glBegin(), glEnd(), glNormal3dv(), glVertex3dv(), TMath::Normal2Plane(), SphericalNormal(), and SphericalNormalInv().

void Rgl::DrawTrapezoid ( const Double_t  ver[][2],
Double_t  zMin,
Double_t  zMax,
Bool_t  color = kTRUE 

Definition at line 2900 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

References CylindricalNormal(), CylindricalNormalInv(), GL_POLYGON, glBegin(), glEnd(), glNormal3d(), glNormal3dv(), glVertex3d(), glVertex3dv(), TMath::Normal2Plane(), and ROOT::Math::swap().

Referenced by TGLLegoPainter::DrawLegoCylindrical(), TGLLegoPainter::DrawLegoPolar(), and TGLLegoPainter::DrawLegoSpherical().

void Rgl::DrawTrapezoidTextured ( const Double_t  ver[][3],
Double_t  texMin,
Double_t  texMax 

Definition at line 3195 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

References GL_POLYGON, glBegin(), glEnd(), glNormal3dv(), glTexCoord1d(), glVertex3dv(), TMath::Normal2Plane(), SphericalNormal(), SphericalNormalInv(), and ROOT::Math::swap().

void Rgl::DrawTrapezoidTextured ( const Double_t  ver[][2],
Double_t  zMin,
Double_t  zMax,
Double_t  tMin,
Double_t  tMax 

Definition at line 2967 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

References CylindricalNormal(), CylindricalNormalInv(), GL_POLYGON, glBegin(), glEnd(), glNormal3d(), glNormal3dv(), glTexCoord1d(), glVertex3d(), glVertex3dv(), TMath::Normal2Plane(), and ROOT::Math::swap().

Referenced by TGLLegoPainter::DrawLegoPolar(), and TGLLegoPainter::DrawLegoSpherical().

void Rgl::DrawTrapezoidTextured2 ( const Double_t  ver[][2],
Double_t  zMin,
Double_t  zMax,
Double_t  tMin,
Double_t  tMax 

Definition at line 3044 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

References CylindricalNormal(), CylindricalNormalInv(), GL_POLYGON, glBegin(), glEnd(), glNormal3d(), glNormal3dv(), glTexCoord1d(), glVertex3dv(), TMath::Normal2Plane(), and ROOT::Math::swap().

Referenced by TGLLegoPainter::DrawLegoCylindrical().

void Rgl::GetColor ( Float_t  v,
Float_t  vmin,
Float_t  vmax,
Int_t  type,
Float_t rgba 

Definition at line 3417 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

References c1, and ratio.

Referenced by G__G__Base2_288_0_27(), G__G__Geom1_228_0_30(), G__G__GL_146_0_16(), G__G__GPad_174_0_15(), G__G__Gui2_309_0_39(), G__G__Gui3_296_0_7(), G__G__Gui3_299_0_9(), G__G__Gviz3d_230_0_3(), G__G__Gviz3d_467_0_9(), G__G__Gviz3d_468_0_19(), G__setup_memfuncRgl(), and TGLParametricPlot::InitColors().

template<class Func, class Arg1, class Arg2>
TTwoArgsGuard< Func, Arg1, Arg2 > Rgl::make_guard ( Func  f,
Arg1  a1,
Arg2  a2 

Definition at line 1318 of file TGLUtil.h.

template<class Func, class Arg>
TOneArgGuard< Func, Arg > Rgl::make_guard ( Func  f,
Arg  a 

Definition at line 1312 of file TGLUtil.h.

void Rgl::NormalToColor ( Double_t rfColor,
const Double_t n 

Definition at line 165 of file TGLIsoMesh.cxx.

References x, and y.

Referenced by DrawMapleMesh().

void Rgl::ObjectIDToColor ( Int_t  objectID,
Bool_t  highColor 

Definition at line 2577 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

References Error, gColorToObjectID, gColorTriplets, glColor3ub(), gObjectIDToColor, i, and id.

Referenced by TGLBoxCut::DrawBox(), TGLPlotBox::DrawBox(), TGLH2PolyPainter::DrawCap(), TGLH2PolyPainter::DrawExtrusion(), TGLLegoPainter::DrawLegoCartesian(), TGLLegoPainter::DrawLegoCylindrical(), TGLLegoPainter::DrawLegoPolar(), TGLLegoPainter::DrawLegoSpherical(), TGLIsoPainter::DrawMesh(), TGL5DPainter::DrawMesh(), TGLSurfacePainter::DrawPlot(), TGLParametricPlot::DrawPlot(), TGLBoxPainter::DrawPlot(), TGLPlotPainter::DrawSections(), TGLTF3Painter::DrawToSelectionBuffer(), G__G__GL_146_0_1(), and G__setup_memfuncRgl().

Bool_t Rgl::@2371::operator< ( const RGB_t &  lhs,
const RGB_t &  rhs 
) [static]

Definition at line 2550 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

References kFALSE, and kTRUE.

void Rgl::SetZLevels ( TAxis zAxis,
Double_t  zMin,
Double_t  zMax,
Double_t  zScale,
std::vector< Double_t > &  zLevels 

Definition at line 3366 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

References TAttAxis::GetNdivisions(), i, and THLimitsFinder::Optimize().

Referenced by G__G__GL_146_0_13(), G__setup_memfuncRgl(), TGLSurfacePainter::InitGeometryCartesian(), and TGLLegoPainter::InitGeometryCartesian().

void Rgl::SphericalNormal ( const Double_t v,
Double_t normal 

Definition at line 3108 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

References n, and TMath::Sqrt().

Referenced by DrawTrapezoid(), and DrawTrapezoidTextured().

void Rgl::SphericalNormalInv ( const Double_t v,
Double_t normal 

Definition at line 3123 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

References n, and TMath::Sqrt().

Referenced by DrawTrapezoid(), and DrawTrapezoidTextured().

Variable Documentation

const Int_t Rgl::gAxisType[][2] = {{1, 0}, {0, 1}, {1, 0}, {0, 1}}

Definition at line 3298 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

Referenced by DrawAxes().

const Float_t Rgl::gBlueEmission[]

Definition at line 2531 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

const Float_t Rgl::gBlueEmission[] = {0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 1.f}

Definition at line 2531 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

const Float_t Rgl::gBlueEmission[]

Definition at line 2531 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

Referenced by TGLPlotPainter::DrawSections(), and G__setup_memvarRgl().

const Double_t Rgl::gBoxFrontNormals[][3] = {{-1., 0., 0.}, {0., -1., 0.}, {1., 0., 0.}, {0., 1., 0.}}

Definition at line 2679 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

Referenced by DrawBoxFront(), and DrawBoxFrontTextured().

const Int_t Rgl::gBoxFrontPlanes[][2] = {{0, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 0}}

Definition at line 2680 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

Referenced by DrawBoxFront(), and DrawBoxFrontTextured().

const Int_t Rgl::gBoxFrontQuads[][4] = {{0, 1, 2, 3}, {4, 0, 3, 5}, {4, 5, 6, 7}, {7, 6, 2, 1}}

Definition at line 2678 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

Referenced by DrawBoxFront(), and DrawBoxFrontTextured().

ObjectLookupTable_t Rgl::gColorToObjectID [static]

Definition at line 2574 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

Referenced by ColorToObjectID(), and ObjectIDToColor().

RGB_t Rgl::gColorTriplets[] [static]

Initial value:

 {{{255, 0, 0}},
                              {{0, 255, 0}},
                              {{0, 0, 255}},
                              {{255, 255, 0}},
                              {{255, 0, 255}},
                              {{0, 255, 255}},
                              {{255, 255, 255}}}

Definition at line 2542 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

Referenced by ObjectIDToColor().

const Int_t Rgl::gFramePoints[][2] = {{3, 1}, {0, 2}, {1, 3}, {2, 0}}

Definition at line 3296 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

Referenced by DrawAxes().

const Float_t Rgl::gGrayEmission[]

Definition at line 2534 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

const Float_t Rgl::gGrayEmission[] = {0.3f,0.3f, 0.3f,1.f}

Definition at line 2534 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

const Float_t Rgl::gGrayEmission[]

Definition at line 2534 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

Referenced by G__setup_memvarRgl().

const Float_t Rgl::gGreenEmission[]

Definition at line 2530 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

const Float_t Rgl::gGreenEmission[] = {0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f}

Definition at line 2530 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

const Float_t Rgl::gGreenEmission[]

Definition at line 2530 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

Referenced by TGLPlotBox::DrawBox(), and G__setup_memvarRgl().

const Double_t Rgl::gH2PolyScaleXY

Definition at line 2109 of file TGLPlotPainter.cxx.

const Double_t Rgl::gH2PolyScaleXY = 1.2

Definition at line 2109 of file TGLPlotPainter.cxx.

const Double_t Rgl::gH2PolyScaleXY

Definition at line 2109 of file TGLPlotPainter.cxx.

Referenced by G__setup_memvarRgl(), TGLH2PolyPainter::InitGeometry(), and TGLPlotCoordinates::SetRanges().

const Float_t Rgl::gNullEmission[]

Definition at line 2535 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

const Float_t Rgl::gNullEmission[] = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f}

Definition at line 2535 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

const Float_t Rgl::gNullEmission[]

Definition at line 2535 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

Referenced by TGLPlotBox::DrawBox(), TGLH2PolyPainter::DrawCap(), TGLH2PolyPainter::DrawExtrusion(), TGLLegoPainter::DrawLegoCartesian(), TGLLegoPainter::DrawLegoCylindrical(), TGLLegoPainter::DrawLegoPolar(), TGLLegoPainter::DrawLegoSpherical(), TGLBoxPainter::DrawPlot(), TGLPlotPainter::DrawSections(), and G__setup_memvarRgl().

ColorLookupTable_t Rgl::gObjectIDToColor [static]

Definition at line 2569 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

Referenced by ColorToObjectID(), and ObjectIDToColor().

const Float_t Rgl::gOrangeEmission[]

Definition at line 2532 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

const Float_t Rgl::gOrangeEmission[] = {1.f, 0.4f, 0.f, 1.f}

Definition at line 2532 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

const Float_t Rgl::gOrangeEmission[]

Definition at line 2532 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

Referenced by TGLH2PolyPainter::DrawCap(), TGLH2PolyPainter::DrawExtrusion(), TGLLegoPainter::DrawLegoCartesian(), TGLLegoPainter::DrawLegoCylindrical(), TGLLegoPainter::DrawLegoPolar(), TGLLegoPainter::DrawLegoSpherical(), TGLBoxPainter::DrawPlot(), and G__setup_memvarRgl().

const Float_t Rgl::gRedEmission[]

Definition at line 2529 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

const Float_t Rgl::gRedEmission[] = {1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f}

Definition at line 2529 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

const Float_t Rgl::gRedEmission[]

Definition at line 2529 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

Referenced by TGLPlotBox::DrawBox(), and G__setup_memvarRgl().

const Float_t Rgl::gWhiteEmission[]

Definition at line 2533 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

const Float_t Rgl::gWhiteEmission[] = {1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f}

Definition at line 2533 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

const Float_t Rgl::gWhiteEmission[]

Definition at line 2533 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

Referenced by G__setup_memvarRgl().

const Double_t Rgl::lr = 0.85 [static]

Definition at line 2024 of file TGLPlotPainter.cxx.

Referenced by DrawPalette(), TDecompSparse::InitPivot_sub1(), TMinuit::mncont(), ReaderThread_xrd_xtreme(), TColor::SetRGB(), testListIter(), testOstreamIter(), testTransform3D(), and XrdOucString::XrdOucString().

const Double_t Rgl::rr = 0.9 [static]

Definition at line 2025 of file TGLPlotPainter.cxx.

Referenced by TGeoEltu::ComputeNormal(), TGGroupFrame::DrawBorder(), TGButtonGroup::DrawBorder(), DrawPalette(), DrawPaletteAxis(), gdk_color_context_init_dither(), TColor::GetColor(), TF1::GetQuantiles(), TF1::GetRandom(), TASImage::Gray(), gsl_poly_complex_solve_quartic(), gtime(), TColor::HLS2RGB(), TRotation::TRotationRow::operator=(), TGX11::ReadGIF(), TGWin32::ReadGIF(), TColor::RGB2HLS(), RooCmdConfig::RooCmdConfig(), TGeoCombiTrans::SetRotation(), TH1::SmoothArray(), testOstreamIter(), testRotation(), and XpdSessionTagComp().

Generated on Tue Jul 5 16:56:48 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1