pq2actions.cxx File Reference

#include <errno.h>
#include "pq2actions.h"
#include "pq2wrappers.h"
#include "redirguard.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TFileCollection.h"
#include "TFileInfo.h"
#include "THashList.h"
#include "TH1D.h"
#include "TParameter.h"
#include "TRegexp.h"
#include "TString.h"
#include "TSystem.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define SDELTWO(x, y)   { SafeDelete(x); SafeDelete(y); }
#define SDELTRE(x, y, z)   { SafeDelete(x); SafeDelete(y); SafeDelete(z); }
#define SDELETE(x, y, z, w, t)   { SafeDelete(x); SafeDelete(y); SafeDelete(z); SafeDelete(w); SafeDelete(t); }


int do_anadist_ds (TFileCollection *fc, const char *newsrvs=0, const char *ignsrvs=0, const char *excsrvs=0, int met=0, const char *fnout=0, TList *distinfo=0, const char *outfile=0, const char *infile=0)
void do_anadist_getkey (const char *p, TString &key)
void do_anadist_getkey (TUrl *u, TString &key)
void do_cache (bool clear, const char *ds)
void do_ls (const char *ds, const char *opt)
void do_ls_files_server (const char *ds, const char *server)
void printDataSet (TFileCollection *fc, Int_t popt)
void do_info_server (const char *server)
Int_t pq2register (const char *dsname, const char *files, const char *opt)
void do_put (const char *files, const char *opt)
void do_rm (const char *dsname)
int do_verify (const char *dsname, const char *opt, const char *redir)
void do_anadist (const char *ds, const char *servers, const char *ignsrvs, const char *excsrvs, const char *metrics, const char *fnout, const char *plot, const char *outfile, const char *infile)
int do_anadist_plot (TH1D *h1d, const char *)


TString flog
TString ferr
TString fres
Int_t gverbose
static const char * glabMet [] = { "#files", "size" }
THashList gProtoPortMap

Define Documentation

#define SDELETE ( x,
t   )     { SafeDelete(x); SafeDelete(y); SafeDelete(z); SafeDelete(w); SafeDelete(t); }

Definition at line 55 of file pq2actions.cxx.

Referenced by do_anadist_ds().

#define SDELTRE ( x,
z   )     { SafeDelete(x); SafeDelete(y); SafeDelete(z); }

Definition at line 54 of file pq2actions.cxx.

Referenced by do_anadist_ds().

#define SDELTWO ( x,
y   )     { SafeDelete(x); SafeDelete(y); }

Definition at line 53 of file pq2actions.cxx.

Referenced by do_anadist_ds().

Function Documentation

void do_anadist ( const char *  ds,
const char *  servers,
const char *  ignsrvs,
const char *  excsrvs,
const char *  metrics,
const char *  fnout,
const char *  plot,
const char *  outfile,
const char *  infile 

Definition at line 526 of file pq2actions.cxx.

References TMap::Add(), TFileCollection::Add(), TString::BeginsWith(), d, TString::Data(), do_anadist_ds(), TString::EndsWith(), fc, fclose(), ferr, TH1::Fill(), TH1::FindBin(), flog, fopen, TString::Format(), fprintf(), GetDataSets(), TCollection::GetName(), TNamed::GetName(), TParameter< AParamType >::GetName(), TCollection::GetSize(), TParameter< AParamType >::GetVal(), TMap::GetValue(), TH1::GetXaxis(), glabMet, gSystem, gverbose, i, k, kFALSE, TObject::kOverwrite, kTRUE, TString::Last(), TFile::Open(), TCollection::Print(), Printf(), TMap::Remove(), TString::Remove(), TSystem::Rename(), TString::ReplaceAll(), SafeDelete, TAxis::SetBinLabel(), TCollection::SetName(), TSystem::TempDirectory(), TObject::Write(), and x.

int do_anadist_ds ( TFileCollection fc,
const char *  newsrvs = 0,
const char *  ignsrvs = 0,
const char *  excsrvs = 0,
int  met = 0,
const char *  fnout = 0,
TList distinfo = 0,
const char *  outfile = 0,
const char *  infile = 0 

Definition at line 688 of file pq2actions.cxx.

References TFileCollection::Add(), TList::Add(), TString::BeginsWith(), TDirectoryFile::cd(), TFile::Close(), do_anadist_getkey(), excluded, fclose(), fi, TList::FindObject(), TObject::FindObject(), THashList::FindObject(), fopen, fprintf(), TDirectoryFile::Get(), TFileInfo::GetCurrentUrl(), TFileCollection::GetList(), TCollection::GetName(), TNamed::GetName(), TFileCollection::GetNFiles(), TCollection::GetSize(), TFileInfo::GetSize(), TNamed::GetTitle(), TFileCollection::GetTotalSize(), TUrl::GetUrl(), TParameter< AParamType >::GetVal(), glabMet, gverbose, TString::IsNull(), k, kFALSE, TObject::kOverwrite, TObject::kSingleKey, kTRUE, Long64_t, TFile::Open(), TCollection::Print(), Printf(), TString::Remove(), THashList::Remove(), TIter::Reset(), SafeDelete, SDELETE, SDELTRE, SDELTWO, TCollection::SetName(), TCollection::SetOwner(), TNamed::SetTitle(), TParameter< AParamType >::SetVal(), TString::Tokenize(), u, TFileCollection::Update(), TObject::Write(), and TCollection::Write().

Referenced by do_anadist().

void do_anadist_getkey ( TUrl u,
TString key 

Definition at line 1092 of file pq2actions.cxx.

References TList::Add(), THashList::FindObject(), TString::Form(), TString::Format(), TUrl::GetPort(), TParameter< AParamType >::GetVal(), gProtoPortMap, and u.

void do_anadist_getkey ( const char *  p,
TString key 

Definition at line 1077 of file pq2actions.cxx.

References TString::Data(), TString::Format(), gverbose, Printf(), and u.

Referenced by do_anadist_ds().

int do_anadist_plot ( TH1D h1d,
const char *   

Definition at line 1114 of file pq2actions.cxx.

References TObject::kOverwrite, TFile::Open(), Printf(), SafeDelete, and TObject::Write().

void do_cache ( bool  clear,
const char *  ds 

Definition at line 58 of file pq2actions.cxx.

References TString::Data(), DataSetCache(), ferr, gSystem, and TSystem::Unlink().

void do_info_server ( const char *  server  ) 

Definition at line 202 of file pq2actions.cxx.

References TString::Data(), fc, ferr, flog, fres, GetDataSets(), TMap::GetValue(), gSystem, gverbose, k, printDataSet(), Printf(), and TSystem::Rename().

void do_ls ( const char *  ds,
const char *  opt 

Definition at line 69 of file pq2actions.cxx.

References TString::Data(), ferr, gSystem, ShowDataSets(), and TSystem::Unlink().

void do_ls_files_server ( const char *  ds,
const char *  server 

Definition at line 80 of file pq2actions.cxx.

References TString::Data(), fc, ferr, fi, flog, TString::Form(), Form(), GetDataSet(), TFileCollection::GetList(), TCollection::GetSize(), gSystem, gverbose, k, kFALSE, kTRUE, Long64_t, name, nf, num, Printf(), TSystem::Rename(), TString::Resize(), and unit.

void do_put ( const char *  files,
const char *  opt 

Definition at line 276 of file pq2actions.cxx.

References TSystem::BaseName(), TString::Contains(), TString::Data(), dir(), TSystem::DirName(), ferr, flog, FileStat_t::fMode, TString::Form(), TSystem::FreeDirectory(), TSystem::GetDirEntry(), TSystem::GetPathInfo(), gSystem, TString::Index(), kFALSE, kNPOS, kTRUE, TSystem::OpenDirectory(), pq2register(), Printf(), R_ISDIR(), TSystem::Rename(), and TString::ReplaceAll().

void do_rm ( const char *  dsname  ) 

Definition at line 389 of file pq2actions.cxx.

References TString::Contains(), TString::Data(), ferr, flog, GetDataSets(), TObjString::GetName(), gSystem, gverbose, TString::Index(), kNPOS, kTRUE, Printf(), RemoveDataSet(), and TSystem::Rename().

int do_verify ( const char *  dsname,
const char *  opt,
const char *  redir 

Definition at line 457 of file pq2actions.cxx.

References TString::Contains(), TString::Data(), ferr, flog, GetDataSets(), TObjString::GetName(), gSystem, Printf(), TSystem::Rename(), and VerifyDataSet().

Int_t pq2register ( const char *  dsname,
const char *  files,
const char *  opt 

Definition at line 235 of file pq2actions.cxx.

References TString::BeginsWith(), TString::Contains(), TString::Data(), ExistsDataSet(), fc, flog, TString::Format(), gverbose, TString::Index(), TString::Insert(), TString::IsNull(), kNPOS, TFileInfo::kStaged, o, RegisterDataSet(), TString::Remove(), TFileCollection::SetBitAll(), TFileCollection::SetDefaultTreeName(), TString::ToUpper(), and TFileCollection::Update().

Referenced by do_put().

void printDataSet ( TFileCollection fc,
Int_t  popt 

Definition at line 165 of file pq2actions.cxx.

References TFileCollection::ExportInfo(), fi, TFileCollection::GetList(), TObjString::GetName(), TNamed::GetName(), TNamed::GetTitle(), nf, Printf(), and u.

Referenced by do_info_server().

Variable Documentation

TString ferr

Definition at line 38 of file pq2main.cxx.

Referenced by do_anadist(), do_cache(), do_info_server(), do_ls(), do_ls_files_server(), do_put(), do_rm(), do_verify(), main(), and TAuthenticate::SshError().

TString flog

Definition at line 37 of file pq2main.cxx.

Referenced by ClassImp(), do_anadist(), do_info_server(), do_ls_files_server(), do_put(), do_rm(), do_verify(), getProof(), main(), mathGammaNormal(), pq2register(), RedirectOutput(), stressProof(), unuranMulti2D(), and unuranMultiDim().

TString fres

Definition at line 39 of file pq2main.cxx.

Referenced by do_info_server(), and main().

const char* glabMet[] = { "#files", "size" } [static]

Definition at line 43 of file pq2actions.cxx.

Referenced by do_anadist(), and do_anadist_ds().

THashList gProtoPortMap

Definition at line 44 of file pq2actions.cxx.

Referenced by do_anadist_getkey().

Int_t gverbose

Definition at line 40 of file pq2main.cxx.

Referenced by checkUrl(), do_anadist(), do_anadist_ds(), do_anadist_getkey(), do_info_server(), do_ls_files_server(), do_rm(), getProof(), main(), pq2register(), and stressProof().

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