#include "RConfigure.h"
#include "RConfig.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "snprintf.h"
#include <sys/statfs.h>
#include "rpdp.h"
#include "rsadef.h"
#include "rsalib.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Namespaces | |
namespace | ROOT |
Functions | |
static int | setresgid (gid_t r, gid_t e, gid_t) |
static int | setresuid (uid_t r, uid_t e, uid_t) |
static int | ROOT::rpd_rand () |
static int | ROOT::reads (int fd, char *buf, int len) |
static int | ROOT::rpdstrncasecmp (const char *str1, const char *str2, int n) |
static int | ROOT::rpdstrcasecmp (const char *str1, const char *str2) |
static volatile void * | ROOT::rpdmemset (volatile void *dst, int c, int len) |
void | ROOT::RpdSetSysLogFlag (int syslog) |
void | ROOT::RpdSetMethInitFlag (int methinit) |
const char * | ROOT::RpdGetKeyRoot () |
int | ROOT::RpdGetClientProtocol () |
int | ROOT::RpdGetAuthProtocol () |
int | ROOT::RpdGetOffSet () |
int | ROOT::RpdGetAuthMethod (int kind) |
int | ROOT::RpdDeleteKeyFile (int ofs) |
int | ROOT::RpdUpdateAuthTab (int opt, const char *line, char **token, int ilck=0) |
int | ROOT::RpdCleanupAuthTab (const char *crypttoken) |
int | ROOT::RpdCleanupAuthTab (const char *Host, int RemId, int OffSet) |
int | ROOT::RpdCheckAuthTab (int Sec, const char *User, const char *Host, int RemId, int *OffSet) |
int | ROOT::RpdCheckOffSet (int Sec, const char *User, const char *Host, int RemId, int *OffSet, char **tkn, int *shmid, char **glbsuser) |
int | ROOT::RpdRenameKeyFile (int oofs, int nofs) |
bool | ROOT::RpdCheckToken (char *tknin, char *tknref) |
int | ROOT::RpdReUseAuth (const char *sstr, int kind) |
int | ROOT::RpdCheckAuthAllow (int Sec, const char *Host) |
int | ROOT::RpdCheckHost (const char *Host, const char *host) |
char * | ROOT::RpdGetIP (const char *host) |
void | ROOT::RpdSendAuthList () |
int | ROOT::RpdSshAuth (const char *sstr) |
int | ROOT::RpdKrb5Auth (const char *sstr) |
int | ROOT::RpdSRPUser (const char *user) |
int | ROOT::RpdCheckHostsEquiv (const char *host, const char *ruser, const char *user, int &errout) |
int | ROOT::RpdCheckSpecialPass (const char *passwd) |
int | ROOT::RpdPass (const char *pass, int errheq=0) |
int | ROOT::RpdGlobusInit () |
int | ROOT::RpdGlobusAuth (const char *sstr) |
int | ROOT::RpdRfioAuth (const char *sstr) |
void | ROOT::RpdAuthCleanup (const char *sstr, int opt) |
void | ROOT::RpdInitAuth () |
void | ROOT::RpdDefaultAuthAllow () |
int | ROOT::RpdCheckDaemon (const char *daemon) |
int | ROOT::RpdCheckSshd (int opt) |
int | ROOT::RpdUser (const char *sstr) |
int | ROOT::RpdGuessClientProt (const char *buf, EMessageTypes kind) |
char * | ROOT::RpdGetRandString (int Opt, int Len) |
int | ROOT::RpdGetRSAKeys (const char *PubKey, int Opt) |
int | ROOT::RpdSavePubKey (const char *PubKey, int OffSet, char *User) |
int | ROOT::RpdSecureSend (char *Str) |
int | ROOT::RpdSecureRecv (char **Str) |
int | ROOT::RpdGenRSAKeys (int) |
int | ROOT::RpdRecvClientRSAKey () |
void | ROOT::RpdInitRand () |
int | ROOT::RpdAuthenticate () |
void | ROOT::RpdFreeKeys () |
int | ROOT::RpdProtocol (int) |
int | ROOT::RpdLogin (int, int) |
int | ROOT::RpdInitSession (int, std::string &, int &, int &, int &, std::string &) |
int | ROOT::RpdInitSession (int, std::string &, int &, int &, std::string &) |
int | ROOT::RpdInitSession (int, std::string &, int &) |
int | ROOT::RpdNoAuth (int) |
int | ROOT::RpdSetUid (int uid) |
void | ROOT::RpdInit (EService serv, int pid, int sproto, unsigned int opts, int rumsk, int sshp, const char *tmpd, const char *asrpp, int login=0) |
int | ROOT::SPrintf (char *buf, size_t size, const char *va_(fmt),...) |
char * | ROOT::ItoA (int i) |
void | ROOT::RpdSetErrorHandler (ErrorHandler_t Err, ErrorHandler_t Sys, ErrorHandler_t Fatal) |
int | ROOT::RpdRetrieveSpecialPass (const char *usr, const char *fpw, char *pwd, int lmx) |
Variables | |
static ERootdErrors | gUsrPwdErr [4][4] |
int | gDebug |
ErrorHandler_t | ROOT::gErrSys = 0 |
ErrorHandler_t | ROOT::gErrFatal = 0 |
ErrorHandler_t | ROOT::gErr = 0 |
bool | ROOT::gSysLog = 0 |
std::string | ROOT::gServName [3] = { "sockd", "rootd", "proofd" } |
static const int | ROOT::gAUTH_CLR_MSK = 0x1 |
static const int | ROOT::gAUTH_SRP_MSK = 0x2 |
static const int | ROOT::gAUTH_KRB_MSK = 0x4 |
static const int | ROOT::gAUTH_GLB_MSK = 0x8 |
static const int | ROOT::gAUTH_SSH_MSK = 0x10 |
static const int | ROOT::gMAXTABSIZE = 50000000 |
static const std::string | ROOT::gAuthMeth [kMAXSEC] |
static const std::string | ROOT::gAuthTab = "/rpdauthtab" |
static const std::string | ROOT::gDaemonRc = ".rootdaemonrc" |
static const std::string | ROOT::gRootdPass = ".rootdpass" |
static const std::string | ROOT::gSRootdPass = "/.srootdpass" |
static const std::string | ROOT::gKeyRoot = "/rpk." |
static std::string | ROOT::gTmpDir = "/tmp" |
static int | ROOT::gAuthProtocol = -1 |
static char | ROOT::gBufOld [kMAXRECVBUF] = {0} |
static bool | ROOT::gCheckHostsEquiv = 1 |
static int | ROOT::gClientOld = 0 |
static int | ROOT::gClientProtocol = -1 |
static int | ROOT::gCryptRequired = -1 |
static std::string | ROOT::gCryptToken |
static int | ROOT::gAllowMeth [kMAXSEC] |
static std::string | ROOT::gAltSRPPass |
static int | ROOT::gAnon = 0 |
static int | ROOT::gExistingAuth = 0 |
static int | ROOT::gAuthListSent = 0 |
static int | ROOT::gHaveMeth [kMAXSEC] |
static EMessageTypes | ROOT::gKindOld |
static int | ROOT::gMethInit = 0 |
static int | ROOT::gNumAllow = -1 |
static int | ROOT::gNumLeft = -1 |
static int | ROOT::gOffSet = -1 |
static std::string | ROOT::gOpenHost = "????" |
static int | ROOT::gParentId = -1 |
static char | ROOT::gPasswd [kMAXUSERLEN] = { 0 } |
static char | ROOT::gPubKey [kMAXPATHLEN] = { 0 } |
static int | ROOT::gPubKeyLen = 0 |
static int | ROOT::gRandInit = 0 |
static int | ROOT::gRemPid = -1 |
static bool | ROOT::gRequireAuth = 1 |
static int | ROOT::gReUseAllow = 0x1F |
static int | ROOT::gReUseRequired = -1 |
static int | ROOT::gDoLogin = 0 |
static std::string | ROOT::gRpdAuthTab = std::string(gTmpDir).append(gAuthTab) |
static std::string | ROOT::gRpdKeyRoot = std::string(gTmpDir).append(gKeyRoot) |
static rsa_NUMBER | ROOT::gRSA_d |
static rsa_NUMBER | ROOT::gRSA_n |
static int | ROOT::gRSAInit = 0 |
static int | ROOT::gRSAKey = 0 |
static rsa_KEY | ROOT::gRSAPriKey |
static rsa_KEY_export | ROOT::gRSAPubExport [2] = {{0,0},{0,0}} |
static rsa_KEY | ROOT::gRSAPubKey |
static int | ROOT::gSaltRequired = -1 |
static int | ROOT::gSec = -1 |
static int | ROOT::gServerProtocol = -1 |
static EService | ROOT::gService = kROOTD |
static int | ROOT::gSshdPort = 22 |
static int | ROOT::gTriedMeth [kMAXSEC] |
static char | ROOT::gUser [64] = { 0 } |
static char * | ROOT::gUserAllow [kMAXSEC] = { 0 } |
static unsigned int | ROOT::gUserAlwLen [kMAXSEC] = { 0 } |
static unsigned int | ROOT::gUserIgnLen [kMAXSEC] = { 0 } |
static char * | ROOT::gUserIgnore [kMAXSEC] = { 0 } |
static int setresgid | ( | gid_t | r, | |
gid_t | e, | |||
gid_t | ||||
) | [static] |
Definition at line 213 of file rpdutils.cxx.
Referenced by XrdSysPriv::ChangePerm(), XrdSysPriv::ChangeTo(), main(), XrdSysPriv::Restore(), ROOT::RpdAuthCleanup(), ROOT::RpdLogin(), ROOT::RpdRetrieveSpecialPass(), and ROOT::RpdSetUid().
static int setresuid | ( | uid_t | r, | |
uid_t | e, | |||
uid_t | ||||
) | [static] |
Definition at line 220 of file rpdutils.cxx.
Referenced by XrdSysPriv::ChangePerm(), XrdSysPriv::ChangeTo(), main(), XrdSysPriv::Restore(), ROOT::RpdAuthCleanup(), ROOT::RpdCheckOffSet(), ROOT::RpdKrb5Auth(), ROOT::RpdLogin(), ROOT::RpdRetrieveSpecialPass(), and ROOT::RpdSetUid().
ERootdErrors gUsrPwdErr[4][4] [static] |
Initial value:
{ {kErrNoPasswd, kErrNoPassHEquNoFiles, kErrNoPassHEquBadFiles, kErrNoPassHEquFailed}, {kErrBadPasswd, kErrBadPassHEquNoFiles, kErrBadPassHEquBadFiles, kErrBadPassHEquFailed}, {kErrBadRtag, kErrBadRtagHEquNoFiles, kErrBadRtagHEquBadFiles, kErrBadRtagHEquFailed}, {kErrBadPwdFile, kErrBadPwdFileHEquNoFiles, kErrBadPwdFileHEquBadFiles, kErrBadPwdFileHEquFailed}}
Definition at line 183 of file rpdutils.cxx.
Referenced by ROOT::RpdPass(), and ROOT::RpdUser().