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Absolute efficiency measurements


Figure 4.1: Absolute efficiency of Super Clover detector measured in add-back mode (full circle) and by summing the values of the four individual Ge-crystals (open circle) at a distance of 9cm and 25cm to the source.

In the present section we discuss the results of the absolute efficiency measurements with the Super Clover detector. The tex2html_wrap_inline687 -ray sources tex2html_wrap_inline703 , tex2html_wrap_inline669 , tex2html_wrap_inline707 and tex2html_wrap_inline709 were placed central to the detector face at distances of 9 cm and 25 cm from the front of the crystal. For tex2html_wrap_inline669 , tex2html_wrap_inline707 and tex2html_wrap_inline709 the present activities were 133 kBq, 149 kBq and 287 kBq, respectively. The original activities were given with an accuracy of tex2html_wrap_inline717 by the manufacturers. The total count rate for each Germanium crystal was 5000 counts per second at a distance of 9 cm and 1000 counts per second at a distance of 25 cm. Each measurement was made after 3000 to 10000 counts had been incremented into the peak channel of the tex2html_wrap_inline687 -ray of interest. The results of the absolute efficiency measurements are shown in figure4.1.

At a distance of 9 cm the count rate is approximately a factor of 4.3 larger than at a distance of 25 cm which is only half of the ratio tex2html_wrap_inline721 . The reason for this deviation is the inaccurate determined solid angle and the outer border of the crystals which can be illuminated by the tex2html_wrap_inline687 -rays at a distance of 9 cm but the Germanium material is not thick enough to detect the full energy of the tex2html_wrap_inline687 -ray.

The area of the front face of the Super Clover detector is 112  tex2html_wrap_inline727 (area = 135  tex2html_wrap_inline727 at 2.7 cm backwards of the front face). If one approximates the detector surface by a cycle, the corresponding radius is r=6.1 cm. The correct formula for the solid angle at a distance R to the tex2html_wrap_inline687 -ray source is given by



where tex2html_wrap_inline735 is the opening angle of the detector.

In the framework of our approximation the ratio of the count rates should be 6.0 measured at R=9 cm and R=25 cm. In order to get complete agreement with the measured value of 4.3, the opening angle of the Super Clover detector has to be reduced by approximately tex2html_wrap_inline737 when the tex2html_wrap_inline687 -ray source is only 9 cm away.

The total tex2html_wrap_inline687 -ray efficiency of the Super Clover detector depends not only on the individual efficiency of the 4 individual Germanium detectors but also on the capability to operate the detector in the add-back mode. In this mode the energies deposited in several detectors because of Compton scattering can be added up and the full energy of a tex2html_wrap_inline687 -ray can be determined in many cases. The results of the absolute efficiency measurements are shown in figure4.1 for the add-back mode and for the summed efficiency of the four individual crystals. The importance of the add-back technique is obvious. For very low tex2html_wrap_inline687 -ray energies ( tex2html_wrap_inline747 ) the photo effect in one Germanium detector is the most likely process for the interaction between the incident tex2html_wrap_inline687 -ray and the Super Clover detector. The number of multiple events increases very fast with increasing tex2html_wrap_inline687 -energy.

The add-back factor is defined as the total number of photo events (single and multiple fold photo events) divided by the number of single photo events for a given energy. It increases very fast from 1.0 for low energies ( tex2html_wrap_inline753 250 keV) to 1.5 for 1500 keV. An add-back factor of 1.0 means that no multiple events occur, whereas a factor of 1.5 means that one-third of all events are multiple events. The experimental results at both distances are displayed in figure4.2.

Figure 4.2: Add-back factor (see text) as a function of the tex2html_wrap_inline687 -ray energy for different sources measured at 9 cm (open circle) and 25 cm (full circle).

The tex2html_wrap_inline687 -ray spectra measured with the Super Clover detector at a distance of 25 cm to a tex2html_wrap_inline669 , tex2html_wrap_inline707 and tex2html_wrap_inline703 -source are shown in figure4.3, figure4.4 and figure4.5, respectively. The peak displacement of the add-back contribution (vertically hetched area) is due to a cross-talk between the different Ge-crystals.

Figure 4.3: Contributions to the total tex2html_wrap_inline687 -ray spectrum measured for a tex2html_wrap_inline669 source at 25 cm with the Super Clover detector: photopeak detection by the 4 inner contacts ( tex2html_wrap_inline769 hetched area) and add-back contribution (vertically hetched area).

Figure 4.4: Contributions to the total tex2html_wrap_inline687 -ray spectrum measured for a tex2html_wrap_inline707 source at 25 cm with the Super Clover detector: photopeak detection by the 4 inner contacts ( tex2html_wrap_inline769 hetched area) and add-back contribution (vertically hetched area).

Figure 4.5: Contributions to the total tex2html_wrap_inline687 -ray spectrum measured for a tex2html_wrap_inline703 source at 25 cm with the Super Clover detector: photopeak detection by the 4 inner contacts ( tex2html_wrap_inline769 hetched area) and add-back contribution (vertically hetched area).

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Hans-Juergen Wollersheim
Mon Aug 21 16:22:43 CED 2000